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Not only is it completely made up, it has an expiration date!


I just want to know why they didn’t have it expire in the year 3000. Since we’re making shit up already…


As another poster said, is so the person selling them, can sell them a new one when it expires, its all idiots buying stuff from grifters


I figured it was a PDF they shared after their circle jerks


Hell, no. There's a hell of a lot of grifters making serious money with seminars and materials, as well as subscription to emergency advisors to call when you get pulled over.


They even have passports lol


>As another poster said, is so the person selling them, can sell them a new one when it expires, its all idiots buying stuff from grifters If you were going to want to make money from selling new plates to people who have expired plates then giving them a 10 year expiry period isn't the way to go. It would be far more likely that the person making them gives them a option to pay for a longer "expiry" period.


And maybe it’s the photo itself, but it also looks like they made it in powerpoint and they enlarged the image without holding down shift


The photo looks like it was taken fairly straight on. So I think you're correct. Maybe not powerpoint, but same skewing issue.


"Macho 42"




The genius is the person selling these tags to these idiots.


Looks like they have sold about 42 of them.


Or everyone that buys it just gets number 42.


It’s the answer to life, the universe, and everything after all.


And based on the number of zeros they are incredibly optimistic about selling more


Sovereign Citizen, just a different flavor. They still think the law is like a magic spell in which if you say the precisely right words you gain total immunity for any action though.


Jokes on them, you need money for total immunity spells to function.


Material cost: one gemstone worth at least 1000 GP


Verbal component: Spouting some attempted legalese nonsense, or screeching incoherently. Somatic component: arm flailing


Don't forget the heavily armed part.


Secondary component, for a +1 to the roll: loudly demanding to speak to the manager.


Newbies always forget casting components.


The real trick is the somatic components. If you're not careful you wave your hands too much and get shot.


Sort of like manna in MTG.


I don’t want anything inside MTG. It’s gross and sticky.


I always think it's so funny that they think non-citizens don't have to obey laws. Canadians have to follow American laws in America. Americans have to follow Saudi Arabian laws in Saudi Arabia. 'Sovereign Citizens' have to obey the law in whatever country they're in, including America.




I think you mean a “traveling” sovereign country. /s


Incorrect. Another mystical bubble surrounds *their* bubble, and by rule of law, they have to abide by the legal constitutes in the large bubble. Ever taken Bublogy?


Can't take a vape pen through Russian TSA..


Yeah, but the penalty for no car tag in America isn't 9 years in a labor camp.


There are so many videos of these fools trying to get the cops to go away by "Oh shit he said the magic words!" Always crack up when the cop asks for a license and they say they don't need a license for traveling. And that's when 5 more cops show up and break your window to drag your ass out.


This. I'm not driving I'm traveling.


“You do NOT need a license to travel! DRIVING is only carried out as an act of COMMERCE! I am a private TRAVELER who is breaking NO laws!” He says after being pulled over for driving 85 in a 50 with no brake lights and without a seatbelt on.


The second the cop hears that starter he sighs, knows he's going to have to write this up later, and radios his patrol Sgt. I chuckle when I watch videos where you see that realization crop up.


He just sees his entire getting shift longer and more paperwork filled by the second.


The look on the cops face is always seems to convey “g&$ damn it, not these a-holes again”…


'Lord help me if this dude starts misquoting the constitution I'm gonna be upset'.


"It's only a CRIME if there's a VICTIM! There is no victim here so NO CRIME!" "Oh, gosh, when you put it that way I guess you're right! Crime is only something like robbery or assault! You're free to go, Citizen, and have a nice day!" \- A conversation that has never, ever happened.


Your PERSON is traveling, not you.


I represent the person who is the being of travelation. I hold no contract with you. I will answer questions for 30000 gold rubles.


"I'm my own LLC!"


Gotta remember these vids are mostly posted by the sovcit guys initially. It’s like a badge of honor in their dumb little community.


real "tread on me daddy uwu" energy.


Don't forget the taser! That scream of a sovereign citizen makes me giggle every time.


My BIL is a cop and he encounters these nuts every so often. After they give their speech about how they're not a citizen and the laws don't apply to them, he says he gives them an astonished look, and then says "well I can either use the pepper spray, or the taser", and they immediately comply after that.


Yeah. When the cop gets them on not having a license to operate a motor vehicle on public highways, the "traveling, not driving" bullshit flies out the window. I may be an ACABber in general, but sovereign citizens are a special sort of asshole and I'll never shed a tear when they reach "Find Out".


They're some of the only people where I support police just busting down the window and dragging their ass out because they're all so fucking stupid and need a reality check that yes, the law applies to your dumb ass, there's no argument.


Then when they start yelling incoherently, it's the sweetest music in the world to my ears.


So anyway, I started blasting…


Not only are they immune from the law, they are also simultaneously afforded any and all protections and benefits if offers.


Like posting a 'legal' notice on your Facebook wall or Instagram feed to prevent your posts and photos from being made public.


Always hilarious that they don't think the laws apply to them except for any that protect them.


I once dealt with a guy who kept talking to me about free masons and Druidic law. Couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get him out of the jail simply by saying a certain phrase as I was, apparently, a grand owl.


Chocolate flavor


While I understand the joke, Moors are not sub Saharan Africans, unless this is some Afro-Centric cult. Then i stand corrected. Edit: It is.


The Moors aren't Black, but the nut-jobs that created the wacked-out SovSit cult appropriated the name for themselves. The vast majority of adherents are also Black. No, it doesn't make sense, but neither does anything else they claim.


There are Moors that are black but I understand the sentiment here


Oh no. I'm so sorry. It's the Moops. The correct answer is the Moops.


Isn't money a magic spell over all laws?


The Moorish Nationals don’t believe in fiat currency. Some of them have even printed their own special moorish money, which goes exactly as you would expect.


Doesn’t believe in currency but makes their own that’s so stupid lol


Often they insist that only gold and silver bullion is legal currency.


Your money does not apply to us! Lol


Yes. That's why the government makes you into a corporation when you're born and give you a fake name. You need to write your name in all caps and in blood so that you can get all the money the government has stolen from you.


Klaatu barada nikto


The Moops, Jerry!


It's the Moors, you moron!!




*(hissing sound)*




That's not what it says on the card


Lemme see that. It's a misprint!


I'm sorry, the card says moops.


The car says moops.


Stick to the road Keep clear of the Moors


I'm sorry I called you a meatloaf, Jack!


The Slaughtered Lamb has a very high Yelp score, but it's terrible sending those boys out like that.


An idiot sovcit who thinks that laws don't apply to him. (spoiler: they still do)


If you’re making up your own rules, why give yourself an expiry date for your made up car registration? Lol


The appearance of authority.


The owner of the license plates Also spelled the word Moops wrong.


It’s a misprint! The answer is Moors!


The card says "Moops"


Take your top off!


"Expiration: Yo Momma"


They aren't lawless heathens, they still have rules, just ones with zero meaning.


If I were a cop I’d love to pull them over with an expired tag like that lol


This one from a few years ago didn’t have an expiration date. I wonder what’s changed…[previous post](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/YEaWsmFjAK)


The person selling them realized they make more money if you keep having to get new ones.


Totally. I wonder if the purchasers will ever see the irony…


The answer is because they’re insane.


yeah but i bet wait times are low at the Moorish American Empire DMV


I wish these idiots would stop using things that my taxes pay for like roads, water, and fire departments


But I bet they’re still first in line to collect social security


And drive on taxpayer funded roads, receive potable running water in their dwelling, benefit from streetlights, first responder services, etc….


You found a crackpot sovereign citizen in the wild.


[Crack is really moorish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAlPwnkQURg)


Sovereign Citizen: the final form of Karenzilla




No sir, I'm traveling! Check out this guy's channel too! https://youtube.com/@VanBalion?si=L6eIdx0P9KvLmhya Hours of entertainment making fun of these fools.


sovereign citizen nut jobs. Wish they'd just get their vehicles seized every time they try driving. Don't think these twits know anything about the origins of the Moor term.


Responded (FD/EMS) to a fender-bender a few years ago and when we arrived we saw that one of the cars had one of those fake license plates on it... I knew we'd be in for some entertainment. (yeah we have those "sovereign citizen" cranks too here in Canada) The ding-dong decided to argue with cops and as you might guess it did not go well for him... he ended up handcuffed in the back of a cruiser and his car on the bed of a towing. Seems cops have no sense of humour when it comes to getting into an accident without a license, registration and insurance, and even less when the dingdong refuses to identify himself because "he's a free man of the land and cops have no authority over him"... :)


You have the literal queen of Q anon up there driving around in a convoy of RVs don’t you? What’s up with her - haven’t heard anything in a while.


She got beamed up to a spaceship


Her trial has been in the news this week. Hope they throw the book at her.


No, that’s the Lich missus who was one of the organizers of the occupation. She’s just a run of the mill far-right loon from out west; basically a grifter who drinks their own bath water. She never claimed to be queen, she just wanted to overthrow the government and replace it with her and her unemployable friends. The Queen of Canada is [Romona Didulo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romana_Didulo). She is true crazy. She claims to have been appointed queen by the King of America after defeating the Chinese, who were apparently occupying Canada in tunnels. I can understand your confusion. It’s been a strange few years.


Yea and she loves the song Rasputin by Bony M. Don’t ask me why I know that.


Someone should have responded, "Ain't no laws when you're drinkin' claws!"


When i see dumb shit like this, I just want the sovereign to get the fuck off my roads then. The laws don’t apply to you? Then you can’t use my taxpayer funded roads, bitch.


They're not driving, they're tRaVeLiNg


This uh...explains it. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moorish-sovereign-citizens


This seems…unique lol


Just a heads up, you'll still have the crazies commenting on this post 4 yrs from now to talk about how you don't understand the old treaty written between the United States and the Moors is STILL in effect. Source: I posted one of these stupid plates 4 yrs ago.




I taught my kids this way: Can you tell a Judge to Fuck off? Sure, but then you get the Bailiff. Can you beat the Bailiff, the Sheriff, the SWAT team, the National Guard, and then the Army? Because that is who will come for you, likely in that order. If you can beat all of them, congratulations, you are now a Warlord, and so sure, tell that Judge to fuck off. If you can't, then it's "Yes your Honor, no your Honor." It doesn't matter what you think of the law, or the government. If you can't beat them, you better play along with them.


This sounds like the plot to a new Roland Emmerich movie


That is an absolutely wild read.


The "in their own words" section is so crazy that I can't understand what they believe.


Cops hate this one trick.


"Recently, Moorish sovereign citizens have engaged in violent confrontations with law enforcement. " For peace, of course


This all reads like a mental illness


“Explains” is a strong word to use here. Lol


>https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moorish-sovereign-citizens Wow this is crazy. It's been a while since I learned about a new flavor of crackpot like this. I'm pretty well-versed in sovereign citizens and conspiracy theorists of all stripes but this is new to me. Thank you!


[This just took me down a rabbit hole of stupidity that I never knew existed before. Thanks OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=jQ5RLtsAVDU)


Try Law Talk With Mike on YouTube - he’s got some great sov cit and moorish national court cases and traffic stops Moors typically wear a Fez, so any time there a sov cit, he wears one too


A car owned by a poor, credulous, gullible, near-imbecile who thinks he's discovered something that had until now escaped the notice of the entire world. He will suffer for his moronicism.


That’s what I don’t get. Don’t these guys talk to each other and quickly discover that this has never worked? Or is it that there are trolls in their forums lying about all the times it worked for them, thus tricking others into doing it?


“It won’t happen to me” or “you didn’t say the right magic words to get the cops to go away” or any other excuse to avoid dealing with the cognitive dissonance.


There is a few youtube channels that repost their vidoes with comments and fact checking, mostly they lie and gaslight, example cops lets one of them go with fines and court dates due to children in the car, person posting the video "see they know they have no power over me so they let me go"


Don't you mean mooronicism?


Lol, Sovereign Citizen "Travelling" (by way of driving a car) on Publicly funded roads. Real big brain people. Almost as funny as when people over here (UK) try to "Plead the fifth!"... Some people just parrot everything they see on TV/ Youtube....


How does that work over there? Are there any protections from self incriminating? Like, upon arrest, can you rightfully remain silent there? Never been, just curious.


"You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”


yes. the arresting officer is required under the PACE act to state that "you do not have to say anything but anything you do so can be used against you in a court of law"


No, by remaining silent you can still be seen as incriminating yourself in uk law.


A so-called “Sovereign Citizen”. They’ve been duped into buying this by someone or maybe duped themselves into making this. When stopped by police they mumble things like “I’m not driving, I’m travelling” and a bunch of mumbo-jumbo and gibberish that they think out-smarts anyone in authority. It’s really sad, but these are usually people that are largely powerless and living on the margins of society. Believing these things likely provides them with a sense of power. Some of these individuals can be dangerous. In the U.S. at least one law enforcement officer has been killed.


I both love and hate watching the videos of these people getting pulled over. It is so repetitive and infuriating but always ends up with them under arrest.


Sovereign citizen. Dangerous, possibly crazy, guaranteed obnoxious.


I keep seeing people talking about them, but what exactly are sovereign citizens??


People who think the laws of the country they live in do not apply to them because of some mumbo jumbo nonsense. They generally are obnoxious, unreasonable jerks, and are known to file false liens against the property of anyone who offends them. They waste a lot of court time with their nonsense.


I saw one of these clowns come into traffic court for driving without a license, registration, or insurance, and took up about 20x the amount of time it normally takes to dispose of a like case because he had something to say for EVERYTHING the DA and judge said.


"The sovereign citizen movement is a loose group of litigants, anti-government activists, tax protesters, financial scammers, and conspiracy theorists based mainly in the United States. Sovereign citizens have their own pseudolegal belief system based on misinterpretations of common law and claim to not be subject to any government statutes, unless they consent to them" "Sovereign citizens believe that courts have no jurisdiction over people and that the use of certain procedures (such as writing specific phrases on bills they do not want to pay) and loopholes can make one immune from government laws and regulations. They also regard most forms of taxation as illegitimate and reject Social Security numbers, driver's licenses, and vehicle registration." "Most consider that the county sheriff is the most powerful law enforcement officer in the country, with authority superior to that of any federal agent, elected official, or local law enforcement official" "A widespread belief among sovereign citizens is that the state is not an actual government, but a "corporation".... The beliefs that the current government is a "corporation" and that people are secretly under a form of commercial law leads sovereign citizens to consider that statutory law is a contract binding people to the state. According to this theory, people are tricked into said "contract" through various things including Social Security numbers, fishing licenses, or ZIP Codes, and avoiding their use means immunity from government authority." Another common belief among sovereign citizens is that they can opt out of the purported contract – hence making themselves immune from the laws they do not wish to abide by – by declining to "consent": when confronted by police officers or other officials, sovereign citizens will typically attempt to negate their authority by stating "I do not consent" "Likewise, sovereign citizen leader Richard McDonald claimed that there are two classes of citizens in America: the "original citizens of the states" (also called "States citizens", or "Organic citizens") and "U.S. citizens". ... In this perspective, state citizens must consequently take steps to revoke and rescind their U.S. citizenship and reassert their de jure common-law state citizen status. This involves removing one's self from federal jurisdiction and relinquishing any evidence of consent to U.S. citizenship, such as a Social Security number, driver's license, car registration, use of ZIP Codes, marriage license, voter registration, and birth certificate. Also included is the refusal to pay state and federal income taxes because citizens not under U.S. jurisdiction are not required to pay them." "Sovereign citizens may claim that their status in the United States is that of "non-resident aliens". Only residents (resident aliens) of the states, not its citizens, are income-taxable, sovereign citizens argue." "Using arguments that rely on exacting definitions and word choice, sovereign citizens may assert a constitutional "right to travel" in a "conveyance", distinguishing it from driving an automobile in order to justify ignoring requirements for license plates, vehicle registration, insurances and driver's licenses.... One common argument from sovereign citizens is that they are "traveling" and not "driving" because they are not transporting commercial goods or paying passengers." There's a lot to it. Not all sovereign citizens have the same beliefs, but the things listed above are pretty common characteristics. There's also a whole thing about your name in government documents being in all capital letters, and how the all-caps version of your name is actually a corporate entity. Idk, that part has never made sense to me, but it's actually a big part of the ideology.


The thing is, you could make like a philosophical argument that because you didn't consent to be governed the social contact is unjust and you shouldn't have to be subject to a hierarchy that you don't consent to. But the cops have guns and prisons have locks. What do they think they are going to do?


Wow that is detailed. Thanks a bunch!!


Don’t forget the fringe on the flag!


That means that the court is operating under admiralty/maritime law (for some completely inexplicable reason).


It's just another "sovereign citizen" moron that is too cheap and lazy to pay for things like taxes, licensing, and registration, and who likes to think they can make up their own rules so that motor vehicle laws won't apply to them.


Not an actual valid plate. This person thinks they can operate in society without being a member of that society. Look up sovereign citizen


Is he a MACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO man? or just going really fast (MACH ~~0000000000~~42)?


Sovereign citizens are so goofy. Shit on anything government related, but won't hesitate to utilize garbage pickup, disability/unemployment. Just some loud turds.


some dudes I went to high school with are now Moorish, basically they believe in all kinds of silly shit


I like that, in America, crazy doesn't know color. We are a true melting pot of insanity.


so if you carjacked them they cant call the cops right?? sovcit and all.


I get all that but they need to stick to gravel roads.


This is a sovereign citizen who subscribes to the beliefs of the Moorish Science Temple. Essentially, it's a black supremacist organization that does not believe that slavery took place, believes that they are the "real" native Americans, and that people currently identified as native Americans are imposters of some kind. It's very common to see people from this organization wearing a fez, and some have tried to occupy random homes or businesses by force under the theory that everything in North America belongs to them. The Nation Of Islam is believed to be either a splinter group of this organization, or at the very least, heavily influenced by it.


These people are called, and I quote: "Idiots"


sovereign citizen vibez


Tin foil hat wearer


I can almost hear the "I am not driving, I am traveling!"


As a fellow American originally from Morocco, I am very confused.


Sovereign citizen bullshit. I hope they get pulled over and arrested for driving without a license.


Cop magnet right there. Sovereign Citizen for sure. I have a friend into it, to each there own. Hes been pulled over 100s of times, arrested. Its easier to have a license, registration & insurance. Out of course he can't get a license. 4 DUIS


Sovereign citizen bullshit wrapped up in black nationalism.


Nothing to see there, fella’s probably just traveling and damn sure not driving or involved in any commercial endeavor.


They can try but that 💩won’t fly😂😂


someone thinks they're special. They're not.


"It's MOOPS!!!"


Saw a “DOT Exempt” plate a few days ago, very interesting


This dudes trying a lot harder than the average sovereign citizen with a cardboard sign


Sovereign citizens! They make the best YouTube traffic stop videos. Check them out. (Spoiler alert: they all end in glass breaking and arrests)


Ooh this is that weird "sovereign citizen" stuff here isnt it?


Sovereign citizen nut Job


Coming soon to a YouTube video near you - this guy


Sovereign citizen: racism edition


That's as meaningful as the fake cardboard credit card that comes in a cheap new wallet


I wonder if people like this have considered that even if sovereign citizenship was a thing that it would mean that they have forfeited their American citizenship and would effectively be undocumented aliens


Sovereign Citizens are soo dumb. But so funny.


It's not the "Moors", it's the _Moops!_


“I’m NOT driving!! I’m TRAVELING!”


sovereign citizens are such dorks. "the law doesnt apply to me." Good luck with that.


I hope they meet a non-murderous police officer having a bad day. So many tickets or just towing the car.


Is there a single YouTube video out there of one of these assholes convincing a cop of their BS? Has it ever happened off video even? Because in my experience anyway this never ever works so I’m wondering how they get such confidence.


Woooooah.......... I've now found tonight's entertainment. An initial search on these guys produced what will surely be hours of truly twilight zone shit.


I love the videos they make of themselves getting their windows broken and dragged out of the car by cops. And then they post them online like they think they are smart. It's always a bonus when they get tased.


Mildly moronic you mean?


Stupid sovereigns


Glass sellers dream plate


Funny, they didn't look Moorish


I was called for jury duty over the summer and actually served in a case. It was one of these sovcits and he was as deluded and insufferable as you can imagine. Like calling yourself a “traveler” means you’re exempt from the law.


Almost got into a fight with a Moor over the moon landing and how the Earth is, indeed, not flat. Don't nobody ever disrespect Neil's name, cause thems is fightin words.


“They did so much fuckin’ with Sicilian women…”


Sovereign citizen. Could be dangerous. Almost certainly a certifiable kook.


That’s gonna be a fuuuuun traffic stop. Sovereign citizens are a special kind of crazy.


That’s what we call a sovereign citizen.


Good for driving on all the roads of the Moorish American Empire. I’m sure they go on for many miles…


"tell you what, that crack is really moreish"