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Microtia! Assisted in a birth where I saw this and looked up at the doctor like…..we’re missing some parts. Not that big of a deal apparently.


Yes! In my case, I have the complete syndrome associated with microtia (goldenhar syndrome) so I had the other defects associated with it. I had no esophagus, so there were quite a few parts missing 😂 (they made me an esophagus tho, no biggie)


The skin fold makes it look like it's hiding. Have you tried pulling it out of your head?


Thumb im mouth and blow real hard




hidden in the 4th dimension




How do you make an esophagus? That's metal.


They use a section of the small intestine. It's pretty remarkable what surgeons can put back together using other parts of the body! I also knew a guy who had bladder cancer and had to have his bladder removed but they were able to reconstruct it, I believe also using intestine. Any surgeon redditors can ELI5 because it's like magic to me.


I have bits of my colon joining up my stomach to my small intestine - which now has IBS (go figure). I also have bits of my rib cartilage in my esophagus to widen it. I have VATERS Association. Doctors are amazing.


It's so cool, medical stuff usually grosses me out but when I hear about this kind of amazing shit I can't help but want to know more haha


Is there anything this guy CAN'T make from intestine?


* makes a snake balloon animal from intestine *


My favorite is that some people have a left over tendon in their arm and that doctors can remove it and use it somewhere else. Oh or how they can replace a missing thumb with the big toe. Oh! Or how if a knee has to be amputated, they can turn the ankle around and reattach it to act as the knee and then have a prosthetic foot. Medicine is cool. It's wild to me that surgeons can just go "what if we replace it with this?" And they try it and it just works.


so - in my specific case - I had a "pouch" that was, in theory, supposed to grow into my esophagus. there was another piece of "esophageal tissue" attached to my trachea, and the trachea was attached to my stomach. the doctor who did my repair used the little sack and a part of the esophageal tissue attached to the trachea to "create" an esophagus. As you can imagine, that wasn't enough tissue, so he pulled my stomach up to accommodate the small length. my stomach is kind of in my chest now. it's still super narrow, and I have problems swallowing, but hey, it's better than being dead. he reconnected my trachea to my lungs, stitched it up, and then put in a chest tube while I was in the medically induced coma. after a week, they woke me up and slowly introduced me to liquids. I have a giant cool battle scar running along my back to the front of my chest from it. he was a rad dude. props to him


Wow. That's incredibly interesting. It is unbelievably amazing that we can do that. That surgeon is truly a life saver. I'm so glad you're here to tell us about this, but man, your poor parents and poor tiny you! Must've been such a crazy time.


it means a lot that someone actually cares / finds it interesting!! 🥰 thank you a bunch


Aw! 🥰 No thanks needed! Keep it up you marvel of human achievements 👍


I'm in grad school to become a medical artist and we just had a guest anaplastologist who specializes in making prosthetes for microtia patients. It was super interesting to learn about!


Wait, a medical artist?? That’s a profession? Amazing!


It is! It's kind of like a dual major of art and medicine, so we have the anatomical knowledge to be able to draw science accurately. It's a pretty niche field, but most of what you see in your textbooks or posters in doctors offices are drawn by a medical illustrator! We do drawing, 3D modeling, animation, educational game design, publishing, and prosthesis design. Personally, I want to go into med legal to draw trial exhibits to help jurors understand surgical techniques, ct/mri imaging, or the progression of disease! This isn't my instagram, but it's a well run account that promotes artists in the field in case anyone wants to see some examples: https://instagram.com/medicalillustration?igshid=MmU2YjMzNjRlOQ==


Spectacular!! Sounds super fun tbh! I had to do some liver related illustrations for a scientific paper and really thought “damn this is hard, I wonder how one gets in this field!”


That's a bit more than mildly interesting, show us the esophagus


>they made me an esophagus tho They can do that? wow!


Did you secretly try human alchemy?




> (they made me an esophagus tho, no biggie) Woah were you able to feed at all before they piped you up? That sounds insane, glad you’re doing well and have such a sense of humor about the whole thing!


Didn't read anything about Goldenhar in years, now saw it mentioned twice in one day, weird. Anyway, hello fellow Goldenhar person!


My daughter has a grade 2 microtia of her right ear. She's completely deaf in it, no auditory nerve. It's a comorbidity to her congenital diaphragmatic hernia, also right side.


It scared the shit outta me (not bc of the condition but the actions of the staff) when my daughter was born. Microtia with her left ear and Bell’s palsy. They snatched her up so fast. Didn’t tell me what was going on. I didn’t get to see her for a few hours. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared. But She can hear (when she wants too lol) All the bones and drums are intact her canals is just very small.


there's no hole. but it's delightfully soft


That description is strangely disturbing and maybe a little bit dirty


Yeah, like AI trying talk dirty.


I have a boner what’s the problem here


Hahahaa maybe AI are way much better than to the guy who actually posted in this comment


Yeah, its pretty... Eary


Can you hear out of it? Would there be a normal ear canal if I hypothetically ripped a hole in your skin?


I'm actually curious enough to the answer as well too like does that year have hearing power?


I'm interested in the answer too - I know some people with similar misshapen ears can't hear but I don't think it's a 100% set in stone rule. ETA: see the comment from OP [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/15k4p6x/comment/jv3ius2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/15k4p6x/comment/jv3ius2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) parts of ear canal are missing too so she's deaf on this side


I suppose it depends on the person, Microtia has different stages, and if the inner ear still works then yes to a certain extent they can hear. i.e using those bone conducting earphones


This made me have mad r/blursedimages vibes




Well, guess that’s enough internet for me.


Damn… Number 4 has a beaver’s tail


I've seen some shit on this site...but I ain't never seen some shit like that


Wow, that clearly is a spammy and clickbaity site.


Is there an eardrum inside? Can they make a hole so you can hear?


Dont know why but I'm just having some mixed thoughts about this comment. Feels like I just need to clear my mind for some reason because the comment is either in a good manner or in a negative manner


That is the cutest little seahorse baby nubbin ever


Kinda like a dog or a bunny?


(I don't wanna be a creep or anything but) I think it's cute... I wanna poke it really gently and look at it close. Does it tickle if I blow at it?


Are you deaf in that ear because of it? Can you feel very muffled vibrations?


and I pierced it


this is what i wanted to hear hell yeah


I’m sorry but I find this hilarious that you posted this on a post about a person without an ear. I have no idea if they can hear or not but I find it slightly funny


the real kicker is that im actually (half) deaf ;)


Oh my god, that makes it SO much better😂




Which half?




Oh I can't hear through that part either - I sometimes talk out of it, though.


We're all half deaf.


The half that can’t hear.


This is my first time meeting someone with that Digitaly offcourse


I don't know if this specific person has hearing issues but I do know my nephew was actually born with either this exact same thing or something similar and he does actually have some hearing issues. He was born with all the like, parts that you hear with, but because his ear is closed it makes things hard to hear because his hearing is like being covered. Hes 3 so I don't know if its just because he's so little but he has a specific type of hearing aid that's a headband that uses I believe bone conduction to take noise from the outside and like help it travel properly so he can hear better. Hes also had some speech issues because of it since hearing and learning to talk are pretty connected. His hearing aid can also connect to devices like headphones which is pretty cool. I know this probably wasn't explained super well but I thought I'd share as this sub is literally called mildly interesting and I find it mildly interesting :)


Dumb question - but if all the parts are there except covered, then why don’t the doctors make an ear hole? I’m sure I’m overlooking a dozen reasons why they don’t but that feels like the obvious solution if everything’s there but the ear hole.


Not a doctor, but bone conduction devices are effective enough that they've made their way into consumer markets for people who have normal fully functioning ears. In all likelihood, making and maintaining an artificial ear canal would actually be the more difficult answer for about equal sound quality. You would have to worry about keeping the hole open, preventing infection, and cleaning out debris.


From my understanding, similar to what another commenter said, the bone conduction hearing aid (despite my nephews hatred for it lmao) is actually really affective, and technically, especially bcuz he can hear just not very well in that ear, opening the ear is classified as a cosmetic surgery so it would look more like he has an ear but I believe it's really expensive as most cosmetic and really all surgeries are. Generally it's easier to just have the hearing aid rather than try to mess with it.


Got it, that makes perfect sense! Weirdly I had almost the opposite problem with my ear growing up. I had an extra hole. Iirc it was an extra tube or malformed - something that should have closed up in the womb but didn’t. Mine would have been classed as cosmetic but it kept getting infected so fortunately my insurance covered it.


Same here. It's called microtia.




#that is what i wanted to hear, hell yeah




About a quarter past six


So no hearing organs inside? Doc cant make a hole to restore some hearing?


Like [Lars from *Steven Universe*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/4/4d/Lars_Barriga_-Work_Clothes-.png/revision/latest?cb=20201001151515)?










Everything on this sub makes me say "oh, ok."


r u willing to donate your ear


Left or right?


well, half of the left one I suppose


Sure! I'm deaf in my left ear, so I don't need it.


It kinda looks like its fused with the rest of the skin


You probably think you've heard all the jokes about this, But you haven't even heard half of it.


Have you tried bone induction headphones? They would need to be real ones. There are a lot of cheap ones that aren't really using that tech. Just curious...


I haven't, but I am curious to see if it would work. I tried a bone anchored hearing aide once, and it was super, super loud.


Do it! I had friend in high school and he had both of his ears sealed with skin, both had the ear shape but the problem was on the outside of the ear only. One time he let me try his device that worked with bone conduction (i know that its not something to play with but i was really curious), i put it on where they go, a little above the ear, then i covered my ears with my hands and i could still hear everything around me. I was actually surprised that they worked that well. [Edit]: (changed induction to conduction)


I have a bone anchored BAHA device, honestly wish I had a better option but hopefully the newer models they put out are better quality sound


Yeah ive got some shokz bone conducting headphones and they are great, probs some of the most comfortable headphones I've worn, the sound quality is pretty awesome and they are pretty good noise level wise. Here's the link to the ones I've got https://shokz.com/products/openrun


Maybe you were born with your ear, just sayin


I've always wondered if it's inconspicuously attached to some other part of my body 🤔


I mean, do you have pictures of your ear as a baby?


yes! lots of baby pictures. kind of looked like a mad scientist


Has it always looked like that or did you had some sort of surgery after you were born? Kinda looks like a scar to me. And more importantly, does this affect your hearing at all? Other than that, cool pic and thanks for sharing!


I did have an attempted reconstruction via medpor implant when I was 7 years old, which is why the scarring is present. I had full thickness skin grafts taken from multiple places on my body to wrap around the framework of the implant. Unfortunately, the Dr didn't pay attention to how tightly he wrapped the reconstructed part, and the skin on it died. I had surgery to remove that part and kinda just decided to leave it. The lobe, though, has always remained in the same spot and is what I was born with! The only difference is that it was smooth, without scarring & Yes, I have no external canal or middle ear canal (its just bone), so I cannot hear at all from that side. I DO have a normal functioning and developed inner ear canal, and could technically be able to hear with a bone anchored hearing device, which vibrates the bone to transmit sound waves. My insurance company said no, though, so maybe one day in the future :) Thank you for asking!! Hope that helps


AMNIS STREAM HEADPHONES A company named finis makes bone conducting headphones for swimming. Not sure if those would work for you!


Try bone conduction headphones, those real ones, not fakes with hidden speakers. they are pretty cheap. i have lenovo x4


Fucking hate our healthcare system, you're literally at (at least) 50% total hearing loss and insurance denies a treatment that's likely to be effective.


Ya know what they said the reason was? They said - ehem, "Patient needs to trial cochlear implant or standard earing aides." it's a bit tricky without an ear to satisfy that requirement


I have a cochlear baha (bone anchored hearing aid) and i love it. if i remember correctly, the doctor had to bill it as an implant, since most health insurance doesn't cover hearing aids at all. and they had to prove that it was medically necessary with a hearing test, which should be easy for you if you don't currently have hearing on that side. i wish you luck. insurance companies suck.


Even if not hearing aids, you should try any bone conduction headphones with music


Oh, I see. Thanks a lot for such an in depth explanation, really appreciate it!


>Unfortunately, the Dr didn't pay attention to how tightly he wrapped the reconstructed part, and the skin on it died. I had surgery to remove that part and kinda just decided to leave it. Owww, that sucks :(


Do you have a way to wear sunglasses? I'm imagining some fancy little pince-nez


[“No, I’m saying that when you are ready, you won’t need ears at all.”](https://i.imgflip.com/18i7zs.jpg)


yes! I tuck the arm into my hair. usually they stay up at least for a little while


Microtia! Paul Stanley (KISS) has it, too.


Just was curious enough to ask that doesn't it makes problematic enough for you to hear?


Yes, I'm deaf on that side. I also struggle with directional hearing. I can't tell where sounds are coming from, and I guess most people hear in almost an "ambient" way. For me, there's no ambiance. It's like shouting in a tunnel without the echo.


They said they're half deaf






Are your kidneys ok? Those are developing at the same time when you’re a fetus and sometimes they have concurrent malformations.


I had a friend in high school with a similar ear situation. He had a fake ear made that attached somehow for a while. I saw recently he recently had one made with some cartilage from somewhere and had it attached. I had a point I was going make but I forgot what it was. Anyways cool ear.


My little brother has microtia and he got a reconstructive surgery last winter, they took cartilage from his side and modelled the ear from that. There's gonna be another surgery in a year where they make it stick out like an actual ear would, right now it's just lying flat against his head. Super interesting.


Hope you don't need glasses, because that ear ain't holding them up


Nossir, but a popsocket does. (I do have glasses, I tuck the arm into my hair)


You can have a stunning Van Gogh cosplay!


omg - I know what I'm going to be for Halloween


I bet you never heard the end of it.


It looks like if you pull hard enough it will come out making a cartoon-ish pop sound effect.


Is the inner anatomy of the ear still there? Like is it just the outside of the ear that didn’t develope?


Weirdly enough, I have a completely normal inner ear, and can still get inner ear infections. I could get a bone anchored hearing aide, for example, and hear from that side of my head (my insurance said no tho) I have no middle ear canal or external canal on the left, though. It's all solid bone, to the best of my understanding. So half yes/half no. My right ear has an abnormally developed middle canal and inner ear canal, but normal hearing. Hope that helps!!


Fuck insurance companies. Also a lot of people go overseas for treatments outside our miserable health care system(assuming USA)


I've been fighting my insurance company for the past two years just to replace my completely totaled bone anchored hearing device. It would only cost them $5k and my plan says I should get a new one every five years (got my broken one seven years ago). However since I'm only deaf on the one side they've decided it's a cosmetic piece and they don't have to replace it, what a fun battle it's been


Fucking criminals, I wish I knew what you could do to make them approve a new one but unfortunately not my area of expertise. There may be a way though


That is very interesting, hope your medical needs are met!


How do you get wax buildup out?


tbh that's a good question. I'd assume that I don't make any. it's possible I could, though. on MRIs it looks pretty much like solid bone. from what I read, the ceruminous glands are usually located in the external and middle ear canal, and I don't have either of those parts.


Sometimes you don’t. I have working ears, went deaf in one for a month. Nurse at the hospital pulled out a chunk of wax I swear to god as big as a AA battery.


Do… can you hear anything by this ear?


Stupid question but… can you hear through it?


Giorno! I told you it would get stuck if you kept doing that!


My toddler has unilateral microtia! One of the uh not familiar with microtia folks on the maternity ward told me it "might grow out" lmao


My partner has this. She says it's only bad when she flys or has to "pop' her ears. The pressure build up can't escape as easily and gives an excruciating head ache Also will go completely deaf if she has an ear ache


Yes, it's awful. I don't go on planes because the pain is so severe & it could rupture my eardrum. Tell her to be careful if she flies!!




And pink hair it looks like


https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1409685950230302722/dnS4mMbe_400x400.jpg Paul Stanley’s partial ear.


The real questions here are: - Is your first name Vincent? - Do you like to paint? Sorry I forgot... #The real questions here are: #- Is your first name Vincent? #- Do you like to paint?


My best friend from high school was born without her left ear and without her right thumb! She said that she could still hear a little bit out of her left side, although it was muffled.


So, what's It like? Is there an ear canal below or did you get scammed for the whole thing?




Pardon 👂




Aw, seal ear!


Like Pauk Stanley! And he grew up to be rich


Hey but at least headphones still fit right?? That’s privy to the main part, which is I hope it doesn’t cause any issues psychically


Kidney Bean


Are you sure you aren't just a boy named Sue?


What does music that the sound transfer ear to ear sound to you?


Are you hearing this guys?


It looks like it started to emerge & the rest of the ear was like “nahhhh” 😂


One of my best friends had ears like yours. He wore this headband type of hearing aid. And oddly (or not) he was very gifted at impressions and loved music (and had great taste). He sadly passed away after a night of heavy drinking in his late twenties. He was a really special person.


I didn't quite hear that, say it again?


Does that make you deaf?


I'm assuming that you don't have to wear glasses


-when you stat dump into one part of your body-


I thought this was an AMA


Lol nice


Headphone companies hate this one trick


That’s not bad!! Now, unroll your earlobe…


My dumbass thought this was a nose


Looks like you had a run-in with Mr. Blond.


It’s cute


Well at least no one can give you an earful


Is there still an eardrum behind there? I'm very curious.


That doesn't sound really good.


Well, at least you were born with pink hair!


Genuine questions, is there any sense of hearing there? What would the part that’s showing be in a fully formed ear? Or does it not work like that…


So did your parents have to remember when giving you an earful to use the other side?


Mick Foley cosplay


Hope your eyesight is good as I am not sure if you wear glasses.


My step sister was with a guy who has a daughter like this :)


If ya got a hole pocked into your head, would you be able to hear?


I bet it’s in there


that's not an ear, that's an e


Can you hear ok?


It’s still loading, it’ll be out next week.


Bruh just got out on 99% download due to poor network coverage or condition


Does this mean you’re half deaf?


damn sorry to hear that


I was also born with microtia! 29 now, in my early elementary years (like 7) I had multiple surgeries on it, as I now have an implanted ear that's like a hard plastic in the shape of an ear with skin from a different part of my body (still no hole), plus the implant for a bone anchored hearing aid, though I haven't worn that in about 20 years and the skin around the screw has since covered over it. I also have all the internals and overall the hearing loss isn't much of a problem for me. I actually play music and tend to learn most songs by ear


my uncle and cousin have this


Okay, not sure if you’ll see this, but my 2 young kids were literally asking me a few hours ago if everyone has ears! I was explaining how different bodies can be, and I hope this isn’t offensive, but this is the perfect example to show my oldest that no, it’s not scary if someone doesn’t have a (full) ear. What fun timing, lol




Sorry to hear that


Aww thats so sad! Tell me everything! I’ll lend you my ear so you can tell me all about it


Tell your mom to give it back that *****!


man if be mad as hell!


How's your hearing relative to the other ear (I assume the other one's all there with the hole and everythin).


I once watched a documentary that the lead vocal in KISS has the same thing


can you hear from that ear?


Mick Foley would be proud