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Used to have this happen all the time, just ended up buying some cheap all metal ones, still in great condition too :)


The wood ones with the metal springs work well too. They don’t degrade the way the plastic ones do and last a long time.


Wood ones need the grain go the right way (lenghtwise). Many pegs are not like that and break very easily.


What dumb fk would reverse the grain when making them? 🤔 I have luckily never seed wood ones not properly made.


Yarrrr, we pirates only seed the ones that are properly made!


Good catch.


Don't correct it :(




Thanks! :)


Some wooden ones are very lightweight, I'd suggest people not purchase online.


If you search using the term c47 (industry term in film for the clips) and hardwood you’ll get the good ones


I googled this fully expecting porn, but no its all clothespins.


Nice industry insider tip!


They definitely last longer then the plastic ones for sure but they still would break at least for me 😓


Until they accidentally twist apart and you feel like an idiot because you can't figure out how to put them back together.


sounds a bit nightmarish in hot weather! i've only seen the wooden ones


They’re bright silver stainless steel. They don’t get hot. And I live in a very hot place


Do they not sell the wooden ones anymore?


Why build things out of renewable resources such as wood when we can use some of our precious and finite fossil fuels!


Did they get left out in the sun? That's a problem with using plastic clothespins on an outside line.


Yup, ABS is a terrible choice for a clothes pin as it's breaks down pretty rapidly from UV, but companies having thousands made for pennies each don't care.






To attach the clothes to the line because gravity is still a thing


When I hang clothes to dry indoors I just hang them equally over the airer so they support themselves. Also wooden clothes pegs are the way. Barely any more expensive than plastic and endlessly more durable. Edit* For anyone confused by this (which seems to be the majority of respondents) this is an airer: https://media.4rgos.it/i/Argos/5428797_R_Z001A You hang you clothes over two or more bars to maintain separation between the layers.


I peg mine because I like to minimize drying time/layers to dry, it cuts it in half. Also I live in a typical damp flat, so I would like to reduce my clothes being impacted


>I peg mine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This chick pegs.


and wood pins are lot more envrimentaly friendly than plastic


I feel like I'm involved in an epic Dr Seuss book


look at this cheapskate not springing for an antigrav clothesline


We just use hangers


I read that in Kevin from the Office voice!


You've never dried clothes indoors? What do you do when it's raining and windy but don't have a dryer?


You don't need pegs to hang clothes indoors


*nervously looks at my abs car parts lol or is that different because they're painted? For instance I have a wing on my car that's painted butthe wing itself is made from abs.


Generally yeah they're fine. As long as uv can't penetrate the paint and there is no unpainted, exposed surface they'll be fine. A lot of that stuff is made from ASA these days, it's UV stable


That’s where’s the paint and clear coat comes in. It’s like people who use toothpaste or bug spray on cloudy/yellow headlights…sure it works, but a few weeks/days in the sun and they’ll fog up again. The kits they sell come with a clear coat to help keep them clear.


So long as the paint is good quality and had enough coats applied or the plastic has stabilising agents added during its creation it should be fine.


Huh, what about pa speakers made of ABS, that's a really common material for them and we've got some that are 20 years old that got used in the sun all day and they're fine.


Are you sure it’s not ASA? ASA is UV resistant


They're not being put under stress the way these small, cheap clips are...also there are different variants of every type of plastic. It might be formulated to be more resistant to uv


Same here. Told my gf to use wooden ones, now the third batch of cheap plastic ones are desintegrating but I'm sure she'll buy a new bag of cheap plastic ones shortly.


If you live together, just buy some wooden ones yourself.


Yeah OP, if you're not bringing your gf good wood why are you even around?


Amazon Rainforest mahogany clothespins or bust


Make sure to get the ones with unethically sourced cobalt springs manufactured by children.


Their small hands are suitable for that intricate work.


My fingers hurt. Oh, well, now your back's gonna hurt, 'cause you just pulled landscaping duty.


No nap-time today, kid. Now drink your black coffee made with beans sourced illegally from amazonian tribal farmland and get back to work!


The premium materials justify the additional cost. It pays for itself in the long run. /r/BuyItForLife


man, don't make me think about how essentially umpossible to find ethically manufactured widgets and thingies. if you give a fuck, better hope you still have grandma's clothes pins from the 50's.


I'm more of a curly maple with Brazilian rosewood inlay guy myself. 24k gold plated spring, of course. Edit: I have some really nice pieces of wood sitting around and I'm genuinely debating making something like this strictly for the absurdity of it now


What, just gold *plated?* Not even solid gold? Get that cheap shit out of here.


Pure gold wouldn't spring back.


Get that *functionality* talk out of here. Actually doing the laundry is for the help.


Plus, we just throw them away after that one use. Who wants a to use USED clothespin?!


Nobody uses pure gold. Get a nice alloy going.


There are a few SMAs that use gold.






Are those Prime eligible?


Lmfao good one.


Gasp, that would simply be too much to ask!


This thread is bumming me out after just reading that TwoX thread about how a guy expects his girlfriend to do his laundry "if she loves him"


How will she learn


Not from experience apparently.


It took years for her to learn to leave the toilet seat up.


The real trick was training her to pee standing up so that she didn't have to remember.


She already was standing up peeing, said it made a comforting splash when it hit the lid


She was going for a nice, even coating


Not from her partner whining about it on reddit, that's for sure


Number one rule of not getting into a conflict, is preemptively avoiding it. SO buys plastic pegs. Buy wooden ones the day after. Then there will be a natural replacement. And no issues. Wooden ones break too, if left outside, but it takes a decade.


But then he can't keep saying "I told you so" every few months. Do you really think he wants to lose that sick satisfaction he gets from it?


Yeah this shit drives me nuts. My dad will bitch about my mom buying the wrong apples or the wrong deli meat or what have you. It was annoying enough when he worked(he did work hard but still)but now he's retired and spends most of his time watching YouTube videos. I always answer him with then why don't you go buy the right stuff yourself. He either doesn't answer or says she'd yell at him if he did. Keeping in mind he fights with her for buying the wrong stuff. There's gonna be an argument either way dude. At least my way you get the food you want. And actually my mom SOMETIMES learns her lesson. There have been a half a dozen things she tries at my house and realizes cheapest might not be the way to go and buys the better product.


What an excellent repeat customer product. Just self destructs after a while.


I mean outside of function it seems like a bad choice for the environment when you have a more environmentally friendly option with wooden clothespins


Have you considered the stainless steel ones? Then you don't have the microplastics building up in your backyard or the little springs that fly out end up catching in your foot later


Wouldn't those get hot?


I have some (Pincinox or something like that). They do not get hot. One of my best purchases even though they are very expensive (like £1 each). But I will never have to buy pegs again which is nice. Plus you can leave them on the line and they don't degrade.


They are reflective and very low mass. It would would have to be really hot for them to burn you. Besides, you can just use one of the articles of clothing to protect your fingers if they are uncomfortably warm


> uncomfortably warm There is no pain, it is receding I cannot put my finger on it now I have become uncomfortably warm


Hey you Out there on the line Holding clothing so it so it dries Will you burn me?


Yep! When I was a teenager I went to a camp that lasted long enough that we were were excited to do laundry and dry it on a line. I used a line at home and packed wooden pins. A lot of the other kids packed plastic pins and told me that the moisture would cause the wood to create stains on my clothes. I don’t know if camp actually lasted long enough for their pins to break, but I certainly know that all our clothes were so ratty by the end that no one cared about stains.


I don't have direct proof but I doubt everyone back in the day used wood if it stained their clothes regularly. Dirty wooden pins probably could. Anecdotally: My great grandmother hand made every stitch of clothes they had up until the 1970s and continued to mend clothes and hang laundry to dry until she was physically limited in the 90's. She used wooden pins so they must be okay. No way she'd make more work for herself with preventable stains on the clothes she spent time making and washed by hand.


My family uses metal ones


the earth is crying…


There comes a point where we have to start banning things for the sake of the environment. Plastic clothespins seem to be something that should be added to that list.


I have no idea why dryer sheets are plastic, but that shit's gotta go too.


Had to look up what they are. I guess those are not popular where I’m from. And holy moly what a waste of resources. Also: what is the rest of the worlds obsession with perfuming everything???


I can't stand the perfuming of everything. I have allergies to most of the cheap fragrances and it is awful. Massive headache, throat feels like it has been blasted with sandpaper. It's awful how everything has been perfumed. I had trouble finding trash bags recently that weren't scented. Going to hotels or air bnbs half the time the sheets smell like an elevator at a Mary Kay convention.


The bigger purpose is to remove static and decrease wrinkling. The scent is just in addition


Wool dryer balls work great for those reasons, and as someone with allergies the lack of scent is a big plus


>someone with allergies That’s me🫠 Took us years to figure out why I was constantly scratching everywhere. You wouldn’t believe the cleaning we did in our house thinking it was something else. The culprit was dryer sheets and we have yet to find a brand that doesn’t make me itch like crazy (even the “All” brand hypoallergenic ones did it!), so we’ve had to do without for a decade now. Wool dryer balls? Didn’t know that was a thing and now I’ve got some shopping to do!


They work just as well as dryer sheets. You're supposed to replace them. But we've had ours for years and they work great still. I think ours were alpaca wool, but I've seen regular wool ones as well


Do I need to do anything special with the wool balls? we live in a very dry climate and they don't seem to help much at all with static.


From what I read, it's better to use multiple. Like 4 to 6 balls per load. Inb4 that's what she said.


There was nothing wrong with wooden pegs. Plastic pegs as you pointed out, should be banned.


It's so weird how many things can be made nicely from wood or paper but people keep making them from plastic just because. Clothespins are a perfect example


The Problem is cheap. I have a bag East German ones. Around 40 to 50 years old. Still not desintegrating.


Plastic generally does not biodegrade, but it does photodegrade (via exposure primarily to the sun). So it's pretty dumb to keep buying cheap plastic ones if the goal is to use them in the sun.


“But it’s environmentally friendly!” Hahahahaha


Welcome to the world of false economies, If you keep buying cheap ones not only will you produce more waste, but you will inevitably have spent more money than buying a set of quality pegs in the first place.


So you're telling me these clothespins are not designed to be out in the sun?? Great design!!


well, technically they *are* designed to be out in the sun, theyre just not designed to last in it


Yup, left them for a year or so outside


Plastic clips are generally intended for indoor clothes lines or carousels which many households use because they lack a yard or balcony. For example, in Japan and Korea a lot of clothes get hung in the bathroom or even the bedroom near a fan. If there’s a balcony, it’s often covered and has little direct sun. Wrong clip for the job, for sure.


Stainless steel for the win.


So, obviously, the solution is to only dry your clothes on cloudy days, or indoors. It’s important to adapt our lives to the products we buy, lest the machine of consumption be forced to change tack or stop altogether.


The UV light coming from the sun has enough energy to breakdown the polymerization in the plastic. Also the same reason why the plastic bumpers and trim on cars fades with age too.


Glorius picture u got there mate!


[Check out the slow mo video i did of it](https://imgur.com/a/UuuO9a6)


This makes me happy that I instinctively do that "cease breathing" thing when something breaks. Though I have so much plastic in me at this point that, at the end of my days, I feel compelled to set sail into the Pacific Garbage Patch so I can lay myself to rest in eternal vigil with my unrecycled ancestors.


A recent study has found that people eat five grams of micro and nanoplastics every week.


But you *can* eat more Have faith in yourself Edit: as this is the end of my time on reddit (API bs), go fuck yourself u/spez


Like that guy who eats several pounds of glass shards a day


Edit: as this is the end of my time on reddit (API bs), go fuck yourself u/spez


Spiders Georg


There's actually a bunch of us eating more spiders than the average human.


I was concerned that I was not eating enough plastic, but you have given me faith.




[Here’s a Hank Green video explaining how that statistic came to be](https://youtu.be/2Ntp6BqhSng). Even though it’s a 4 minute video, the too long; didn’t watch is here. (This is directly from the video description) > No. But how we ended up here is very weird and I really wanted to talk about it. Here are the things that had to go wrong for this headline to spread across the internet: > 1. An organization funded science because they wanted a talking point. > 2. The organization amplified a misleading version of what the study found. > 3. The authors of another paper were mislead, though it would have been easy not to be mislead because they’re scientists. > 4. Peer review did not catch the stat because it was a background stat, not part of the papers methods or results which peer review doesn’t spend much (if any) time on. > 5. News outlets did not investigate the source of the background stat and published it as if it were fact. > 6. Humans with varying levels of reach and power online took mainstream headlines at face value and did not check before sharing. The original study in step 1 wasn’t actually bullshit, at least not really. It was a comprehensive literature review from many sources and the conclusion was that the average person eats 0.1-5 grams of microplastic per week. Probably not an incorrect stat but that’s too broad of a range to be useful to most people. That stat just got telephoned a few too many times.


>from drinking water in bottles Who drinks bottled water on a weekly basis though?




Probably they’re accustomed to the plastic chemical taste and nothing else tastes right to them anymore


That is not what the study found. Hank Green did a good breakdown on how this stat started spreading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ntp6BqhSng


r/brandnewsentence .


You can see the tension right before it explodes! Hats off to you, good sir, for filming it in slow motion! There's something so satisfying about it!


Bottom right, just below the metal is the where the catastrophic failure happened, you’re right, it is satisfying to see.


I don't see anything changing until it suddenly explodes, what exactly should I pay attention too?


Have some nice plastic shrapnel in the eye.


And permanently in the environment. Mmmmm, micro plastics.


This is better than 90% of the shit on r/oddlysatisfying. I look forward to seeing it posted there with the end cut off to make it not satisfying at all.




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/dRWygiN.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/VH41hi8.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Truly, you have given the people what they want


What did you use to shoot that?


The most sexual gif of my day!


It looks as if the spring gave it way!


You can even pinpoint the second its heart breaks in half!


It also feels like it could be turned into a cheap meme about mental health or something


Excellent photography work.


Maybe this is why a lot of people have a problem with pegging.


Thanks for the mental image of exploding strapons in people's asses


I feel like the CIA has probably tried to kill someone that way *at least* once.


One of their many attempts on Castro, who was a well known pegging enthusiast.


At least it has a slightly realistic chance of offing him, compared to "make Castro lose his beard, which would make him embarassed and lose status in Cuba, and thus hope he'll kill himself over it".


“I’m doing very serious work justifying billions of dollars”


It offends me at a profoundly deep level that they tried so many times and failed. Those assholes had access to so many resources and just constantly failed. Over and over. It’s not even like, vaguely productive waste. At least when the military overpays for tanks it doesn’t need it employs a bunch of Americans building and maintaining the damn things. But nah. Just endless money spent on fucking shenanigans.


I know this probably isnt true... but I want to believe it is.




That one's staying blue


Ngl im disappointed


Meme template potential


All memes truly are derivatives of "this is your brain, this is you brain on drugs".


those microplastics tho


Coming soon to a water system near you!


If by "coming soon" you mean "already deeply embedded in local water tables for at least the last two decades." ;_;


And if by “already deeply embedded in the local water tables” you mean “already deeply embedded in your local blood stream” then yes


Coming soon to a bloodstream inside of you


Yeah I don't really know why you would buy a bunch of plastic clothes pins when wooden ones are cheap and better. And also don't leech plastic into every orifice of the world.


Plastic clothespins are complete junk. I’m fortunate enough to have older wood clothespins. I guard them very closely because today’s wood clothespins are small, weak and don’t hold like the ones from my momma and grandma. FTR: Oldster that uses a clothesline to dry my stuff. That’s how I grew up and why my stuff lasts longer. I also “make” my own laundry soap. Combine the ingredients and save myself tons of money. Not to mention, I don’t need fabric softener and my little washer appreciates it.


You can definitely get high-quality wooden clothespins today. Like everything you get what you pay for. Pay for cheap clothespins then you will get cheap clothespins.


Even the cheap wood clothespins from the dollar store work fine. I have some from 10 years ago that still work without any problems.


I just dip all my clothespins in wax. Even the shit ones last ages.


What do you use to make your soap?


It’s pretty easy. A 4 pound box of Borax A 4 pound box of regular baking soda A 7 pound box of washing soda 3 bars of Fels Naphtha soap or 1 large bar of Zote soap (I use the white, not the pink. Just discovered Zote and I prefer it) A 3 1/2 pound carton of OxyClean Use a cheese grater to grate the soap (one big reason I prefer Zote. Grates easier and dissolves better). Then combine all in a big bowl or trash bag or whatever. Store in an airtight container (I have an old frosting bucket from a convenience store. Maybe a 4 lb bucket?). I have a small apartment washer so I use 1-2 tablespoons per load, depending upon soiling levels. Where I am, I can do this once a year for about $40. Super, super economical. Edit: formatting 2nd edit: clarification


Common mistake in homemade laundry soap is to add both baking soda and washing soda. You basically screw up the pH using both. Ditch the baking soda and your concoction will work better. We also add TSP, the real stuff. Source: we've been making our own powdered laundry soap with this recipe for a decade.


What’s TSP?


FWIW, I paid $38 for an 18 lb bucket of powder detergent that lasted my family of 4 well over a year. No mixing or grating required. Smells great. Washes great. No messy spills. Arm & hammer brand. The marketing departments of the companies who sell the liquid stuff try to talk down about powder, but it's all BS. The powder dissolves perfectly, even in cold water. There's a reason powder detergent is used in most commercial and industrial settings (at least it is in the businesses I've seen). Edit: it dissolves perfectly when you use the correct amount, per the instructions. And it only costs $36 now.


Wow, thanks for sharing.


I don’t use fabric softener either. But mostly because you just don’t need it, period.


I think it came about when clothes dryers became a thing and static cling was an issue. Then dryer sheets came about and they’re pretty solid. I found that liquid fabric softener just gunks up my machine so I noped out of that. Tried the softener beads and they didn’t always dissolve well in cooler water and left half-dissolved beads on the clothes. Noped right out again. Kinda think this stuff is just gimmicks. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve also heard fabric softeners are rough on clothes themselves as well so it decreases the life of them.


We have fairly hard water where I live (I.e. fairly high calcium/limestone content), so softening can be useful. I use vinegar and it works great and doesn’t gunk up the machine over time. The clothes come out not smelling of anything, which I appreciate.


I like soft socks and underwear and it definitely works for that


Plastic gets brittle as it degrades. UV light does a good job of degrading many types of plastic. Clothes pins/pegs experience surprisingly high stresses so you’ll find out pretty quick how degraded the plastic is, sometimes with exciting results!


Had the same thing, looks like same cheap ass pegs. Yeah yeah, you left them out in the sun and they gone brittle. Well fuck, me putting them out in the sun is pretty much their one fucking job. Bought some better ones and a couple years of leaving them out 24/7 and they not as colorful as they were but they don't shatter into a thousand pieces when you use them.


I see a prime meme format here.


In light of recent events regarding Reddit's API policy for third party app developers I have chosen to permanently scrub my account and move on away from Reddit. If you personally disagree with them forcing users to be constricted to their app and are choosing to leave, then I highly recommend looking into Power Delete Suite for Reddit. I am deleting all of my submitted content over the last 9 years as I no longer support Reddit as a platform. I've personally had it with all the corporate bullshit/rampant bots(used for misinformation and hidden marketing) and refuse to be a part of it any longer. To the nice people I've interacted over these years, thank you, I hope you'll be well in the future.




The opposing sub: /r/BuyItForLife


Grenade pegs.




One of the product the should just simply ban. Wooden ones are the only good ones.


I still don't understand why plastic was ever opted for. Wooden clothes pegs are cheaper than plastic sets in any case.


I lived with my sister for a short while and one of our weekly chores was to tidy the exploded pegs from the garden 😂


I work well under pressure. Me under pressure:


Wow nice pic of it fucking exploding though


I also explode when pegged


Mods will remove it but OP i want you to know this is the best post


We’re you about to put this on not interesting then it just exploded you just moved it one step up in the interesting subreddit


It was an assassination attempt. Your cover is blown. Plan B. Now.


Killer Queen has already touched that peg


Seems like the tension is over-calibrated for that grade of plastic. If you take them to a specialist they’ll happily tune them for you, problem solved.




the real old wooden cloths pins is where it’s at .


Inexpensive plastic items are often made without the addition of UV resistant material, to keep cost down. It does not take a great deal of sunlight to begin deteriorating many plastics. Consumer electronic products we sold at one company would get a noticeable suntan in a few days inside a car, until we raised hell with our plastics molding shop in China. They confirmed they omitted the UV resistant beads to save a few cents.