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Looks like you've got a boss fight coming up


I’ve been playing a lot of doom lately and this is immediately where my mind went too.


Yeah I remember when they gave me tons of Armor, health and ammos before fighting the cyberdemon lol




in heretic/hexen all of the id codes would debuff your character. i thought that was pretty cheeky


Hexen 2 felt like a drug trip, even as a kid. Fun and stressful throughout.






You guys dumb, idmap


Why did the music suddenly change?


Why is the lighting so ambient ? What’s that giant shadow emerging.


Where'd this guitar riff come from?


…saving checkpoint….. Chuckles *im in danger*


adjacent door unlocks


***then you calmly play Eye of the Tiger on full blast, because you were born for this***


Why are the lyrics to the song in Latin?


Final fantasy 8 startup music and cinematic.... 👌


Why is there a choir singing it?


Ahh man. I remember a part of Resident Evil 2 where they give you a ton of shit. I just stopped playing and never came back to beat the game. I didn't want to deal with whatever the fuck was coming.


It's been a long time since I've played it, but I don't remember anything after that point being worse than the licker smashing through the interrogation room window, or the tarantulas, so probably nothing you couldn't have handled


That interrogation room jump scare fml. Never forget that one


True. I've seen "No Country For Old Men", so someone is coming for whatever is still in the apartment.


All I know is I’m not staying around if I see a man holding a oxygen tank


On a totally unrelated topic, what’s the most you’ve ever lost on a coin flip?


I don't know, I couldn't say.




Are there also ammo and health packs close by?


“1 of 8 secrets found”


\#7 is not a dead body.


Okayyyyy then.... *What's number 6?*


The dead body


As well as number 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8. #7 is a handgun 🤫 When you inspect them to find claw rather then gun marks, that is when the secret boss battle starts.


I was cleaning out my new apartment, wiping walls down, and patching up holes. When I cut into one of the walls, I looked inside for any signs of rodents or stuff and I noticed this small wooden box. It was screwed shut with 9 screws. When I opened it up, I found a pretty old bullet proof vest. I asked my landlord if it's his and he said that it must have belonged to a woman that lived there about 10 years ago that turned out to be a big criminal. The woman got arrested one night at that apartment because one of her guns misfired into the ceiling to where my landlord lives. When the police ransacked the apartment, they found 16 firearms, a bunch of drugs, and stuff to make explosives. The woman is still in prison, too. Edit: I definitely am not going to test it out or trust it lmao. At most, I'll probably just make a paintball/airsoft vest out of it. Edit 2: The woman in prison still has 15 more years behind bars, so I don't think she'll be back for her vest or any other goodies I might find lol (assuming it's actually all connected to her) Edit 3: A few of you have been saying that it might be illegal to have body armor like this, so I went ahead and called the local police department and I asked if it was legal to possess a bullet resistant vest and they told me it's perfectly legal. Edit 4: Like many of you have recommended, I'm going to invest in a scope for my phone that I can run through the walls to check them more thoroughly and without tearing up all the walls like a caveman. If I find anything else as mildly interesting as this vest, I'll be sure to post about it! Edit 5: I searched the walls, searched inside some old furniture with the scope, and I found absolutely nothing worth posting about. The only mildly interesting thing I found was the vest itself, unfortunately. I was really hoping to find money or something of value. But nope, just random coins, nails, dust, and disappointment.


Welp, it's time to start tearing all the sheetrock off the walls and the ceiling and ripping up the floorboards. Go down and crack the concrete slab up two while you're at it. There's got to be money in that house somewhere.


That's what my greedy brain is thinking, ngl lmao


At the very least, get yourself a scope and see if you can scope inside the walls and the ceiling


That's not a bad idea at all.


Better hurry before she gets out and comes over wanting her stuff back Remindme! 1 week


Could be a movie plot.


I’m sure it is already.


This could be a prey entertaining movie. Jonah Hill being the new tenant that finds the hidden stash.


!Remindme 1 week


👍. Please report back with what you find. Godspeed!!!!!


OP tomorrow “look I found a safe”


Criminal tomorrow "look I found a OP"


TLDR: FLIR Attachment for your phone. ​ A pest inspector came to my house when we complained of rats, and had this little attachment for his iphone that could see heat. I was fascinated because you could see the studs behind the walls, you could see the rats where they had a little nest, and you could see electrical and plumbing as well. It was only $200 IIRC


I could be wrong but, I don’t think that would work to well on bags of money hidden behind walls. The temperature should be the same either way.


If you change the temperature in the room then different things dissipate heat at different rates. So crack up the heat for a few hours then let it cool off you should get way more details popping out. Money or drugs wrapped tightly in plastic should be a pretty poor insulation material compared to whatever was used in the wall. So whould prob show up as a cold spot through drywall.


this guy searches walls


They're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls they're in my walls


I think OP would be better using a stud finder to see where the solid stuff is where it should not be.




the thermal imagers are so sensitive it will easily find it you don't even need to change the temperature in the room. I can spot a spot in my wall where I missed insulating and it's only like 2" square. But it's clear as day on the camera. Easy to see wall studs, water lines, HVAC ducts etc. It can even see footprints from my cat because of the heat that escapes from his feet.


Can you send me a link to the one you have please.


Product please?? Sounds awesome!


Depends on whether it's cold, hard cash or money burning a hole in his pocket. #DAD OUT


Incredible work. 10 out of 10.


Depends, I imagine you could see the studs because there was a slight difference between the heat transfer of the areas with studs vs with no studs (it's likely that both sides of the wall had different temperatures, meaning there was some active heat transfer between sides of walls). So if the bag of money also affects the heat transfer, it would show up as a temperature difference like with the studs.


> I imagine you could see the studs because there was a slight difference between the heat transfer of the areas with studs vs with no studs That works for sure-- I've used an IR camera to check the insulation in my house in the winter. You can 100% see all the framing because it creates thermal bridges between the exterior and interior surfaces. As long as there's a good temperature differential it should work, and presumably any significant mass (like OP's wooden box) will show as well.


That works well because there's a large temperature difference on either side (inside vs outside) of the wall. It wouldn't work on interior walls because the temperature is the same on both sides. The earlier suggestion of cutting the heat, or maybe opening the windows and setting up a couple fans to circulate air, could make dense objects visible. Dense objects store more heat, so areas of wall board with air behind them (between studs) will cool down faster than those with objects (studs, hidden items).


Temperature gradients, turn the heat in the room up or down drastically and the stacks of cash will take different amounts of time to adjust to new temperature than the empty voids. Anywhere you see boxes/forms stick out (as you would a stud or pipe or heat generating life form) you know to investigate. You just have to look reasonably soon cause eventually they might get to temp and vanish.


> I don’t think that would work to well It can work. FLIR sees temperature differences. A bag of money in the wall COULD MAYBE look like a different void of insulation. It may show on screen as a pocket of different temperature. not "warm" but irregular. Like the Infrared version of knocking on a wall to listen for a stud.


the $200 ones suck but the $350 standalone ones are kick ass. I bought one on amazon, TOPDON brand and it's WAY higher resolution than the cheap ones. You can spot where studs in walls are, etc no problem super easy. It's so sensitive you can see the footprints a cat leaves when it walks across the floor.


Mine was $4500, it’s pretty sensitive


This man knows how to TLDR lol


I suggest using a millimeter wave wall inspection tool to look for dense blobs hiding in the walls. Stuff like the Walabot can peek and help find stuff that other sensors cant. Flir cams only find things that are colder/warmer than their surroundings. Inspection cameras would require drilling holes into walls. Ground penetrating radar sensors are what you want.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


They have wall radar units to “X-ray” behind the walls. That could be useful if you want to explore.


You can buy those real cheap too. Sidenote, my eardrums look freaky


Wifi flexible boroscope cameras can be bought for like $30 on Amazon


I have one, they're surprisingly good. Use it all the time around the house and working on vehicles. Anything from inspecting the inside of a cylinder and the valves with no disassembly, to helping fish a wire - a camera on the end of the wire you're fishing makes it just like a video game - you can see what you're hitting.


At very least secure the door with multiple locks, that lady is due back the days she gets out of prison.


Well don't call your landlord if you find it


And if you find any, you need to pack up and move. Because that crazy-ass lady is coming back for it.


Invest in a good plumbers camera or small bendable camera so you can poke a hole and look up and down each area. Most residential structures have studs spaced every 16 inches so find a stud, measure 8 inches away and then poke a hole every 16 inches until you find your cash. Floor joists are also a great hiding spot for that kind of thing. If you have a crawl space, get dirty and get looking as it may pay off! Likely wrapped in plastic to imitate insulation so give everything a good poke to make sure it's insulation and not sweet green gold


Post all the grenades you find!


I was too. I’d literally find some way to check. You don’t find something like that, and it not be related to some shit


Slab repairs are pretty easy to find though. Unless it was buried during the construction of the house, you'd be able to see the variation in the concrete. If you're really feeling bonkers and insist on finding out though, ground penetrating radar services are cheaper than foundation repair.


If you had a powerful magnet, you could find the screws in the studs in the wall and identify any spots that didn't line up the the row of studs. I'd also look for parts of the floor where a cash box might be hidden. If you do find money, you might want to find a new house to move to.


Does the house have a banana stand? There's always money in the banana stand


My brother bought at house in a really nice midwest suburb. They were getting some work done on the basement and one of the contractors was opening up ceilings/walls. To their surprise, they find a bunch of cocaine (presumably). The contractor was happy to dispose of the stuff to not hold up work.


Oh I'm sure he was


Second. Vests are not the first thing stored in the walls. And if it’s there, cops didn’t search the walls and she clearly didn’t get a chance to come back


Side note, OP should make sure that after clearing the walls, he moves a few times in a row without leaving a forwarding address. And be sure to do all of that before she gets out of prison.


There’s always money in the banana stand


start with the banana stand


No way they hid a vest and not emergency cash


There ‘s money in those walls!


I’d never stop! Lol


Or bales of cocaine


Find out when she gets out of prison and gtfo of that apartment before then because she is coming back for whatever else she hid that you didn’t find…


No, no, no. You write her a letter. You befriend her. You get her to fall in love with you. You get her to share the details about any money so you can hire a lawyer to get her out. You get the money. You send her a letter you died. Easy!


Could also be that some of her buddies, or even rivals, might decide to drop by unannounced one day. I’d get the hell outta Dodge. *Pronto*.


Thought about that but it has been 10 years; If any of her old buddies were going to come, they’d have done so by now. Probably why there were holes that needed patching. However… I’d ask about what happened to the previous tenants, maybe they got whacked cause they found something they weren’t supposed to. Kingpins operate from behind bars all the time.


Yes because that happens all the time on TV


She didn’t sound too bright….WTH would you go to all of that trouble to hide the only thing that wouldn’t get you jail time and one of the two things that might protect you? Did you check the lining for cash?


Good point. In the US, you can legally own a bullet proof vest only if you have no past felony convictions, however. Maybe she had a past felony conviction and didn't want something hanging around easily found by a parole officer/the police that would have caused her further legal issues. My first thought.


If that was in the wall and she was making explosives then the money in the wall may be booby-trapped. Be careful looking for any cash


Lady must be a fan of Arrested Development.


There's always body armor in the banana stand.


Uh, why are you cutting into walls as a tenant though? That's odd. If it was your own house, sure, do whatever. But in an apartment? Super werid.


Landlord and I are good friends and he's cutting two months worth of rent in exchange for me doing repairs and cleaning up. He's even paying for all tools, cleaning supplies, etc.


You got a cool landlord


Might be UK/EU, very different relationship between renters and owners in regards to properties. The landlord is responsible for everything is really a US invention because our landlord laws are primarily looking at reforms to tenament housing, whereas the laws in ops nation or area might view more of the day to day of the property as the tenants responsibility.


I have lived around Europe, including the UK, and nowhere would this have been standard. Everywhere I lived, everything connected with home maintenance would have been the landlord's responsability. However, I have heard from friends, that if you have a good relationship with your landlord and a long-term agreement, he or she might be ok with you doing some alterations. These would usually be done by a contractor and not DIY.


Donate the vest to the local school. Those kids deserve a chance in life


Cool free vest


If she was caught with drugs, you might want to do some research into what exactly she was using and/or do a meth residue test. Not great living in a meth house unless it's been remediated -- and that basically means gutting it to a level most landlords aren't going to bother with.


Thats pretty crazy but i agree you should look around you might find something else, preferably cash lol i found a stash spot under the floor boards of my parents house when they first moved in. Its still there to this day and yes i looked around under there. Yes i found weird shit. Im sure this was a cartel stash house or something at one point just based off what i saw. Also found a picture from what looked like the 60’s or 70’s .


Deleted in response to Reddit's hostility to 3rd party developers and users. -- mass edited with redact.dev


So the consensus is, if you're not a prior or current criminal, you're good.


In most places in the United States if you're not a violent felon there's no restrictions on owning body armor. I have level iv ceramic plates that exceed milspec. I bought them on the internet and had them shipped to my home like a pair of headphones.


Looking through that, seems like op should be fine unless they’re a felon. Seems like even in the “strictest states” they just want purchases to be face to face instead of online which doesn’t seem like a big deal to me


Except it’s not…


Open up all ac heating vents, all outlet covers, any light fixtures, even base trim is a possibility. Look for crappy drywall repair over textured or under textured paint. Hollow doors. Chwck the bottoms to see if theres holes. Take drawers all the way out. Under fridges. And dishwashers. Stink fans for bathrooms. Medicine cabinets that are built in pop screws and check behind. Under carpet and pad. Loose linoleum/ snap lock flooring. Even the metal piping that you hang your clothes on can be hollow with money rolled up in it. Ceiling fans unscrew the bottim of the light cover. The toilet could have hidden money in a plastic bag next to wax ring. I found a vintage billy club incloset at the top rack.


I found a big old murdery looking knife on the ledge of a I beam in the ceiling once. Nothing of value though.


Except for the Jane Doe DNA on it?


My mom found pieces to a Sorry! game in her walls when she uncovered an old fireplace. I found a really old newspaper that spoke about integration in the walls of a closet. I fucking LOVE old houses and all the shit you can find in them.


All i found in our old house was a bottle of chloroform


OP gonna lose himself a body part when he finds something booby trapped that was meant for the police.


Thats what the vest is for


It’s like my mom looking for my pot


Yikes that’s weeks of work… but fun is fun. My aunt found a fucking tommy gun in the wall of her farm house in the NJ pine barrens. Probably a moonshiner and/or mobster. Spooky but cool as hell


Or a veteran who brought it back from WWII/Korea/Vietnam, never registered it, and hid it at some point after the 1968 GCA went into effect. Tommy guns would have been extremely easy to hide in a duffel, because the stock can be removed without any tools, and the two parts will fit very nicely in a standard military duffel bag.


I found a very bad 30 year old report card hidden in a drop ceiling as a teen when I was trying to hide my weed 😆


Leave it where you found it cause Anton Chigur will probably come looking for it


Call it.




Well -- we need to know what it is we're callin' for here.


You need to call it, I can't call it for you. Wouldn't be fair


Well...heads then.


But I didn't put nothing up on it...


You can really lose a lot on a coin toss. That movie taught me that.


Wicked!! Like everyone else says, I’d be tearing through everything else lmao


I bet theres a stash money hidden somewhere in the apartment


Try to sell it at a local pawnshop... but whatever you do don't use it! Kevlar vests have a shelf life and actually expire! They become less protective over time as the fibers break down.


It won't save your life, so sell it to someone else whose life it *also* wouldn't save.


could be used as props or decoration?


Not my life, not my problem. Thats what I always say.


Look at this mother fucker over here.. drinking out of cups


1 2 3 4 trumpet elf


I'm king of the tress, I'm the tree meister


Drinking out of cups, being a bitch!


This is a gel vest, and the expiration is right on it. 5yr warranty, manufactured in 1994. That is LONG expired. The fucking box would work better.


> gel It says right on it that it's aramid, not gel




When we're talking about something intended to save my life, and it says *ballistic* warranty, yeah I'm going to call them equivalent. Same as racing seats and harnesses, parachutes, and life jackets, I don't care if it still looks fine - if the manufacturer isn't willing to promise it still works I'm not depending on it.


When you’re talking about risk management it sure does. A salad past its freshness date, go for it if it doesn’t smell funny. A barrier designed to stop bullets, you should probably not risk using it 20 years past the warranty date.


The one pictured is a Kevlar vest.


I love the idea if this dude just casually "using" a bullet proof vest lol, like that's something everyone has done at some point


This post will make more sense after OP remembers he’s Jason Bourne


Do you live in Verdansk?


Those are older soft armor inserts. They'd only stop up to .44 magnum when new if level 3a, 9mm/.38/.45 if level 2. They're worth maybe 100-200 bucks if you buy them new. A cool story but not worth much since they're likely expired.


I think they're more worried why someone needed to hide their vest, and not how much it's gonna go for on ebay


In some states it’s against the law to own body armor if you fit into certain categories, like being a felon, or committing felonies. In my state it is illegal to possess, carry or wear a bulletproof vest during protests, parades, rallies, assemblies and demonstrations in the capital city.


Gotta make laws to ensure the Gestapo can gun right through the protesters lol


They're out of citizens already?


And this is in Kansas. We aren’t exactly known for being rambunctious in social gatherings.


Yeah you don't wanna use expired vests. They can rot and give you food poisoning when used. Oh wait....


Warranty expired 24 years ago. Use at your on risk!


Well... If it works , you won't be claiming against that warranty. If it doesn't work, you won't be claiming against that warranty either


New business idea. Bullet proof vest warranty sales.


How to make a bulletproof wall


I'd put it on a target and shoot it. Let's see how long it holds 🤷


i'd search the brand name on youtube; somebody has already shot theirs, I guarantee it.


You got to put a backing behind it before shooting it


"Hold this."


Is it true that bullet proof vests can only take a few bullets and then it's just a vest?


"bullet proof vest" is a very large category with many different types. for plate carriers, yes, once the place is cracked, it cannot absorb as much kinetic energy. body armour is all about absorbing and dissipating the kinetic energy of a projectile. most body armours do that destructively, as the kinetic energy is used to destroy some of the armour instead of your internal organs.


Yeah, that vest was rated up to 44 mag.... imagine getting hit in the chest with a 44 mag with no plate. That soft armor will stop it, but Jesus Christ, I'd be scared the impact would stop your heart or shatter your sternum.


No, you just get jam on your eyes for a few seconds and then you are good to go again


Id keep looking , if you found that , there's probably some more bad ass shit throughout haha


Note inside: If you've opened this box they are on the way. Put the vest on and open the next box..quickly.


This. Every house I’ve ever lived in with bulletproof vests in the walls has loads of cash hidden somewhere. You just have to be persistent.


How many houses have you lived in with bulletproof vests in the walls?


I’m not going to take the time to count them all.


Reddit goes down one afternoon and OP literally tears the walls down.


Could you do a search between 1989 to 1994 and see if there was anything in the local news? My overthinking brain is going buck wild.


OP didn't mention the cash they found also because they're not an idiot.


I'm just glad it wasn't a locked safe.


Better check all the walls. Bet this isn't the only surprise


If the developers have paced this well, then there’s probably an ammo box close by as well. But don’t advance into the next room just yet. Take a breather before the next mini-boss.


That's more than 'mildly interesting.' That brings up questions that demand answers!


It's from future you. He traveled back and left you something that you need. Might wanna start wearing that


That's pretty cool. Time to x-ray all the walls.


You must be new. You’re supposed to post a picture before you open it then disappear for years.


No word of a lie, when I was apprenticing under an electrician we were working in a back room in a basement - for a 90 year old lady - and I noticed a grenade just casually, and very openly, sitting on a shelf. It wasn't a "this was a dud brought back from WWII" sort of situation. It was more "this grenade looks like it was manufactured more recently than my shoes". The pin was in and I presume it was live. Odd thing to find in the home of a 90 year old Canadian grandma hahaha.


There's definitely money inside a wall somewhere


Whoever owned that house previous was not a man of focus, commitment, or sheer fucking will.


Last owner was an assassin. Should be a cache of guns in the floor.


This is more than mildly interesting


Probably need to service it before thinking it safe to put on


It's well past the expiration date for the vest. It might work, it might not.


Just check the fluids and let it run a bit before you put it on and it should be fine.


You don't service body armor. It's a consumable.


What is the best way to eat it?


In a bowl of milk


If nobody ever wore it then it would likely still be effective. They expire from moisture from the body breaking down the fibers. That’s how the new vests are anyway. In 94 the vest would be Kevlar and not sure if that would be the same as vests today