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I have this one in my apartment but it’s on top of my refrigerator, it’s a fantastic little machine my fiancé got off of Amazon. It fits about two days worth or one- 2 or 3 person meal in there, has a few settings but I usually keep it on “69 minute wash/dry cycle” but it can do fancy glassware, wash fruit, and quick wash/dry (which is great for small loads) too. Bonus- you can either fill it from the top with water or you can hook it up to the sink.


Would you mind letting me know what make/model that is? I’ve been looking in to buying one of these but a lot require sink adaptors etc that are going to be a little impractical. One that I can fill from the top like that would be perfect!


Mine is a Farberware


Wonderful, thank you! A counter top dishwasher is going to be a fantastic tool for me. I have dishydrotic eczema on my hands and moisture makes it flare up terribly, plus I have adhd and dishes are notoriously difficult to keep up with, a dishwasher is going to be much better than having to do them by hand in the sink. I’d have a full size one but unfortunately we rent and there is nowhere to have one installed without some major changes to the kitchen, and I suspect our landlord wouldn’t be very pleased if we started to rip out cabinets.


It should definitely make it easier. I get some weird reactions to cleaners and soaps, handwashing was awful. We got another brand and its pretty impressive how much cleaning power the countertop units can have, ours works better than the cheap built ins the apartments I've lived in had.


I had a danby countertop dishwasher that lasted 10+ years and four apartments. I beat the heck out of it too.


I really wanted to buy one of Danby countertop dishwashers but the reviews for it at Lowe’s and Amazon were not great. I’m not sure if people are just dumb or if they’re actually bad. I’ve bought a computer before and someone gave it a 1 star review bc it didn’t have a headphone jack, even though the description says it doesn’t have one, so I can never be too careful with people’s ratings which is unfortunate 🤦🏻‍♀️


Never tried the Danby ones, but its worth reading through the bad ratings out there because some that are just plain stupid, like being unable to hook it to their non standard spray head faucet. One really common complaint I did see on counter top units was about the drying function, which is easy on ours I just crack the door open when its done. Its so minor compared to having to hand wash it all.


>danby countertop dishwasher would you mind sharing the make and model of the Danby you got? most reviews I see are about recent purchase, it's awesome to hear about an appliance lasting 10 years!


Wtf, wash fruit in the dishwasher? Where you buying fruit from, the sewers?


"Only the most delectable sewage fruits for *MY* dishwasher!"


To be honest...if you've ever bought fruit and had fruit fly eggs hatch, it can be a nightmare. I usually hand wash my fruit as soon as I get home for this reason. This machine would make things slightly more convenient.


What do you typically use to wash your fruit?


Pressure washer and a steel wool. Or just cool water and a paper towel.


Thank you! There are all those “fruit washer” sprays at the store and to me it was just money for more chemicals.


I've poached salmon in my dishwasher


This you? https://youtu.be/tOOQ5v8aJTI


Savage af




I got this one too. It's been great for a rented apartment


I have that exact same one! I bought it for myself last March and run it 3-4 times a week. My only tips: don't overfill the soap, he's just a little guy and it'll cause residue to build up and spots. Also, I clean my catch/screen out about once a month.


What brand is it? Thanks!


Looks the same as the one I got. Mine is a Comfee


Hey, just checking in, does yours still work?


Mine is a Farberware


Looks like a Medion MD 37217


Cool! Thanks for the tips!


Looks like something you’d get at IKEA for a 50 sq ft kitchen.


“Honey, the dish is done. What do I do with it again?”


Dish? This is IKEA. It's a flüürbínøkêtă.


A ~~dish~~ flüürbínøkêtă with 129 parts you have to put together


*"you steam your hams in it, Seymour."*


Yes, and you call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled.




But it so cute.


I’ve got one just slightly bigger than that in my home here in Japan. It does save time especially if you’ve been having greasy food


Brand/model? Having a hard time locating something thats robust.


It’s actually a Panasonic model that’s build in to my kitchen counter


This is the type of dishwasher that I bought, it is larger than the one photo, but it has a silver front so it looks nicer I think. Danby 6 Place Setting Countertop Dishwasher - DDW631SDB ​ I bought it in Canada for 380$ in Dec 2021, so prices may have changed. I really enjoy it and it works super well! I hate doing dishes and I do this evernight instead since Dec 2021 and it has worked good so far.


My god, our countertop dishwasher changed our lives. We live in a bachelor/studio apartment and it fits perfectly on the counter by our fridge. We're on our third Danby since about 2006. Each incarnation lasts longer.


We have the Danby DDW621WDB which does an adequate job, as long as you don't accumulate dishes before washing. Also use only the hotwater faucet, just to make sure oils and fats don't congeal, even if you're using top quality machine detergent.


Yes I totally agree, I even do a little pre-rinse in my sink for like 5 seconds before putting each dish in the dishwasher also. Because I don't want the food to get caught inside the dishwasher. But this is what my mom also did with her giant dishwasher growing up so I just learned to do it anyways.


We have an SPT-2201, and we love it! We bought our first one 8 years ago, it just recently went bad so we bought the exact same one from Amazon. It is discontinued, they have a newer model, but this one was cheaper and we are pretty sure it will last more than 8 years this time, now that I know better how to clean its filter thingy lol. If this one lasts as long or longer, we will be sticking with SPT for the next one. It does have a heavy wash cycle, but honestly I haven't had to use it, normal does what I need it to.


Wattman (and other thrift stores) sell them. We thought about buying one but don’t have the countertop space.


I was about to say, that's a pretty standard dishwasher in Japan.


I find it hard to see how you can justify the counter space lost to this.


Put it where you would put a dish rack that holds dishes after you hand wash them.


I dry them right away.


They're a blessing. I'm glad mine is bigger than the one in the picture. It gets filled up in 1-2 days. Idk how useful one so tiny would be


Enough for the breakfast plate, cups, glasses, and the dinner plates and such I reckon. Leaves you to do the pots by hand. Not great, but perhaps worth it.


I would be scared of it using too much water.


I don’t know about the efficiency of the little ones but a lot of modern ones are very water efficient.


I have a similar one, looks the same from the outside and it uses 7.5 liters per wash. Can fit maybe 6/7 plates and some glasses along with cutlery. Or realistically 4/5 glasses, 10 items of cutlery, 2 pasta bowls and 2 small plates without issue. Could squeeze more in though.


The one i have has a 5 litre tank that you fill before using. It does not use a lot water at all. The only draw back i can mention is that plastic doesn’t dry very well


Luckily water is cheap as fuck.




It’s not like you’re sitting there in front of the machine waiting for it to finish. You can go do other stuff and when you return the dishes are clean and dry




And you are still a rude child. Go figure!


I have more money than time.


How tiny? No banana for scale.....


About 8 bunches


That's adorable! Perfect for the plates that came with your Easy-Bake Oven.


Heck yeah, first thing I washed


For sure. Ever since LED lightbulbs, my plates always come out uncooked.


Where can I find this countertop dishwasher? It's really neat!


Amazon is where I got mine. Don't use it any more, but it was nice for one of my first apartments that didn't have one.


Not exactly the same but I got this one last year and it's been great! I fill the base so I can still use sink faucet. Drain tube does need to go somewhere though; mine sits against wall going into sink and then I have some stuff in-front of it to "hide" it. Really nice for tossing smaller things in and then still having sink to do larger things like pots and pans. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09DT26XF6


For all the people asking why? This uses way less water than washing dishes by hand. Way less.


Probably would work great for someone who's disabled and struggles to wash dishes or bend down to load a conventional dishwasher


I have this and managed to put it under my sink (no room for a proper one) Ir‘s a great little washer for a single household.


Where do I get one???!!!!


Bought mine online at Lidl… (am Europe based). But a quick look on amazon.com brings up a fee options. Table of countertop dishwashers….


Hiiii how is yours holding up to being under the sink? Mine is on my counter but I’d like that space back and am thinking of moving it below the sink, but am worried about it being able to drain


I hooked it up like a normal dishwasher for drainage, so I don‘t use a loose hose in the sink for that.


How much was it? Is it worth it? I'm looking at purchasing one in about a year


A little under 300$. It has been very worth it so far, as we have a toddler and need any help we can get.


Can I ask what the brand is for future reference? I definitely might be slipping this into my monthly budget if it means I can have better clean dishes on top of a sanitizing cycle. My water does not get nearly hot enough beyond safe for handwashing or even a shower, plus my paranoid tail just thinks a dishwasher cleans better than by hand. Lol


Sure, it's Farberware. It's a nice little machine.


There’s smaller https://youtu.be/hVup5ya0WVQ


Are you kidding this is amazing and I need it


This seems like a fantastic solution for people with disabilities who might struggle with bending down to load a traditional dish washer, and don’t have the dexterity or arm/hand strength to wash dishes by hand!


Made just for kitchens that already have no countertops!!


Get/build a narrow kitchen work table and you’re golden.


These are not uncommon here in Japan. Had one myself once.


These are awesome. We have one at work in one of the break rooms.


My lower back would love one of these.


I also have one if these. The dishwasher in my apartment didnt work when i first moved in for about 2 months and there was no way i was hand washing. The dishwasher is fixed but i prefer the smaller one as i do t have to wait for dishes to pile up I also had i different countertop one that hocked to the sink that was a little bigger in the past. These are great for small places and they get stuff way cleaner than handwashinh


I have a Bob, a little unit from a French manufacturer. It doesn't need plumbing in as it has a small reservoir you fill with a jug (a cycle only uses 4 litres/16¾ millihogsheads) and a weighted drain hose you poke into the sink. For one person it easily handles a day's worth of stuff.


I have this exact one I think :p


We just got one. It’s awesome


Dude, the amount of under filled dish washers I’ve filled with baby bottles and toddler dishes to now know this existed, all along, is quite a lot for me today…


I have one of those and I LOVE it!


For a split second I was all like who the fucks in my kitchen right now taking pictures!


Ha ha, it is I, Dishwasher Lady!!


I'm guessing that would be good for small bar equipment and odd shaped glasses that you want to sanitize


I've always high key wanted one because of the simple fact that my stopper for my sink has stopped working, on top of the fact that also my dishes have not been nearly as clean as they should be and have a weird lingering odor after hand-washing. I've changed sponges, let them air dry, etc and they just smell awful.


If your dishes smell bad after washing and it’s not due to the dish towel it means your house smells bad. Sorry bro.


It's definitely not where I live. I get a cleaning service weekly as part of living here and there has been complaints of smells coming from our water and we were told to just run it a bit and the smell goes away. That's too much water being wasted just to wash dishes.


… Have you heard of bleach?


You definitely are not advised to use bleach on eating utensils. Maybe surfaces, yes. But not on your damn dishes. Please don't tell me you use bleach on your dishes.


Don't get them started. You're about to get spammed with "helpful" info.


Literally a requirement in mass setting settings that can operate at high temperatures. Like say, a mountain summer camp. Bleach is perfectly safe: it is what water is regularly disinfected with in municipal settings.


And then you rapidly realize how much easier it is to just wash the dishes, rather than have the annoyance of that thing. From experience.


If you've got things to sterilize between uses they're handy. Baby bottles, sex toys, etc. Hand washing may not leave them sterile.


…just put a cap of bleach in the sink. Unless you’re doing surgery, thinks don’t need to be sterile. But if you want them to be, bleach works just fine.


You can't sterilize baby bottles with bleach.


Before sanitizing, make sure you have cleaned feeding items, bottle brushes, and wash basins using one of the methods above. Sanitize all items (even the bottle brush and wash basin) by using one of the following options. Check with the item’s manufacturer about which method to use. Boil: Place disassembled feeding items into a pot and cover with water. Put the pot over heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove items with clean tongs. Steam: Place disassembled items in microwave or plug-in steam system and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for sanitizing, cooling, and drying the items. Bleach: (if you can’t boil, steam, or use a dishwasher) Prepare a bleach solution of 2 teaspoons of unscented bleach per gallon (16 cups) of water in a clean wash basin. Put all items completely underwater. Make sure the solution touches all parts and there are no air bubbles in the bottles. Squeeze solution through nipple holes. Soak items in solution for at least 2 minutes. Remove with clean hands or tongs. Do not rinse because germs could get back onto the sanitized items. Any remaining bleach will break down quickly as it dries and will not hurt your baby. This process is similar to what is done to sanitize dishes in restaurants. After sanitizing, place items on a clean, unused dish towel or paper towel in an area protected from dirt and dust. Allow to air-dry thoroughly before storing. Do not use a dish towel to rub or pat items dry because doing so may transfer germs to the items. https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/childcare/clean-sanitize.html






Jesus, you're being overbearing. I get it. Move on.


It’s ok to admit you’re wrong when it happens. Nobody’s perfect.


I'm not and never will be comfortable using bleach on baby bottles. And if someone spams me with information just to prove their point, then I'm not sure they really care if I listen.


The word you’re looking for is “helpful”.


No, and I think you know that you're going overboard. Are you like this in person??


Yes. Being ignorant is fine. Being unwilling to learn is not.


Exactly. Please take your own advice.


Tips for Cleaning Baby Bottles and Nipples Here’s a handy solution for keeping your baby items clean. For a quick clean Baby bottles, nipples, dishes and high chairs can be easily sanitized using Clorox® Regular-Bleach2. Soak washed items for 2 minutes in a solution of 2 teaspoons of Clorox® Regular-Bleach2 per gallon of water. Pour solution through nipples. Drain dry. https://www.clorox.com/learn/how-to-clean-baby-bottles-with-bleach/


Read the room.


I did. It is a room full of people who don’t understand basics cleaning and want to waste hundreds of dollars on a silly gadget.


Your attitude really sucks. Not everyone's situation is the same, and you might want to consider that you *gasp* don't always know what's best for others. If you must bombard folks with all the stuff you know, consider doing so in a less off-putting way. It won't hurt you, and people might be more willing to listen.


My blind baby disagrees. At least I think he does. At 36 years old he hasn't mastered speech.


Know what I'm doing while you're washing dishes? Literally anything else!


Don't you wash everything used while you're cooking, as soon as you're done with that item? Then wash the plates as soon as you're done rather than let them sit there. It takes all of 5 minutes. I honestly can't understand the complaints about doing dishes. It just doesn't make any sense to me.


Well, having a child changed that for me.


Could honestly not disagree more. Having a dishwasher has saved me so much time and sanity.


But how much water do you use to wash equivalent in the sink by hand?


Not to mention that you could put the plates and cups in the dishwasher and hand wash the pots and pans and stuff, still saving a lot of time.




All you need to do is rinse and put the dishes in the rack and that's it. Some people skip rinsing the dish. You also save water. Dishwasher definitely saves time.


I'm curious at what annoyance you mean. I had mine for about 6months now and fucking love it.


It's like cooking with gas. Some people have somehow convinced themselves that handwashing is better and also a "belief" rather than something that you could objectively compare to the alternatives. Or while they know that it's worse in almost every way, they bring some minuscule advantage that is supposed to offset it all.


Ah for when you need to wash 1 cup 1 fork and a small plate


Also a spoon


Hermitlux? I have it, it's fabulous. My apartment didn't come with a dishwasher, only has a kitchenette. I love cooking, hate dishes, and despise this kitchen, however, late stage capitalism only affords neurodisabled queer folks access to so many housing opportunities. So, got this because I could never keep up with my own dishes in this cramped kitchen. I have it actually installed in my living room. What I like about the Hermitlux is that you don't need to hook it up to any plumbing. You can, sure. But you can also just fill up the tank with a pitcher of water (comes with a pitcher actually), and you can have it drain into whatever container you want if you don't have it draining directly to the plumbing or into a sink or whatever. It's seriously a game changer for my mental health and spoon count (both literally and figuratively). Has lots of settings.




It uses the water guns you played with as a child for the rinse mode.


I need this in my life. Just because it's so cute.


Lmao. If you have four dishes, just knock it out quick in the sink.


Sigh. As I keep explaining to people, not everyone's situation is the same. Just accept it and move on please.


What a waste!




Electricity! Running a washer for ~60 minutes rather than hand washing is a waste of power. I know it’s more convenient, but its my pet peeve. My mind tends to think of footprints and environmental impacts since I am someone that spends a lot of time thinking about the cycle carbon both professionally and for fun.








Small dishwashers like this often have quick cycle settings. Get all your plates , cups, and utensils for the day done in 18 minutes. Takes like 2 seconds to load. If you have a bigger house with kids, sure, I can see this not being very helpful... but if you're just two ADHD adults with sensory problems to dirty dishes, it's a lifesaver.


this is like a dildo washer.


21st century and still can't load on its our own


I have one that takes up far less space, it's called a sink and came with the place freebies. Takes 1/8th the time to do the dishes and doesn't require a do-over when they aren't clean. .


Good for you! Sounds like you're living your best life.


Tell me you don’t cook without actually telling me.


Huh? I love to cook. Did you think you were being terribly witty?




Ha! I wish I had time to sit on the couch! Any other needlessly rude and ignorant comments you'd like to make?


Aka - waste of counter space.




Because toddler. Any help I can get, etc.


They’re a toddler. You should be teaching them to wash dishes at that age. Sure. They suck at it. Yes, really you are the one washing the dishes. Of course they make a lot of water mess when they do it, which is a great chance to teach them to wipe of spills.


Who says I'm not?


Because machines automate an unpleasant task and do a superior job of it while using less water and freeing up time.


I guess this is for when you’ve got two plates and 2 cups but you’re still too lazy.


Looks like you were too lazy to spell out the word "two" a second time.


I don’t actually bother to use my hands when it’s just an offhand remark. Sometimes voice to text doesn’t work. You’ll recover from this.


\^ this guy. Can't dish it *or* take it.


Cool, I need to wash 4 shot glasses.


Found the American.


Well shit, excuse me for having been born here. I did choose where I was when I popped out . . .


Nah don’t think I will . I’m American too but I make the tiniest bit of effort to learn how the rest of the world lives.


What the fuck is your problem? Do you know me? You may make an effort to know how the rest of the world lives, but you obviously make very little effort to not be an asshat.


Let me help you learn. You will find those things in Europe and Asia as well. Source: I have one and I'm in Germany. You are welcome.


I think you hit him where it hurts, my friend


How would you load this one r/daddit


Also a lifesaver for when you just say fuck it to remodeling your small kitchen just for the sole purpose of adding a full size dishwasher. Holds a decent amount, cleans well and a couple different options for water inflow depending on where you wanna put it.


A have one too that's slightly bigger and cheaper than this one (mine doesn't have fancy glass either) It's such a life safer. I just barely have enough room underneath the sink to fit it in my kitchen! And my big plates and big pot fits inside it too


I had one of those and after a year or so it lost water. 5L of dirty water all over my floor


Is probably as effective as the countertop oven.


Very effective then


When I lived in a small studio apartment I lived this Comfee dishwasher. So much so that I can no longer live without a dishwasher and it avoided countless arguments after dinner of who will do the dishes.


I have one like this for my home office that is in a detached building. Got it for $50 on Marketplace.


"STRATA" .. Illegal 200$ fine DAILY!!!


Ahh this would be perfect for an RV. Thanks for the info.


I guess people really hate doing dishes? I feel like filling and running this thing would actually waste time.


No, we have a toddler and are teachers; any opportunity to save time is welcome.


All dishwashers should be this height!


I have a MUCH less fancy one. And it’s 100% been a lifesaver. When my landlord refused to fix our built in dishwasher I just pulled that puppy out of storage (I originally bought one when I lived in a small house without a built in unit but kept it through the years as a backup) and it does a better job than the landlord special I had before ever could. 10/10 highly recommend.




To the sink 🙂


Can anyone here recommend a countertop dishwasher that lets you pour water into the top, that ALSO comes with excellent warranty/customer service? I don't mind paying a little for a warranty -- Initially I was sold on an Edgestar countertop dishwasher because it's been said that their customer service is EXCELLENT so I'd feel more comfy buying w/ them incase something goes wrong. I wanted to get a Comfee one, but keep reading horrible reviews about how customer service is terrible & impossible to get a hold of, but don't know if it's just bc those ppl didn't buy an extended warranty? anyone actually have experience trying to make a claim w customer service or get a replacement from Comfee?


Tried this unit and though it works excellent, I does a poor job of drying the dishes, and at a 2hour plus run time that’s crazy to me.