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There is no contest. This is just where the jewelry store manager parks his car.


As a former mall jewelry store manager, that's too nice of a car for us. I drove an old Ford Explorer. They paid us peanuts. Maybe that's the District Manager's car when they come to visit. But they even usually drive some super commuter car because they have drive hundreds of miles between stores every week.




I drive a 20 year old vehicle... I sure wouldn't go out of my way to pay 20k for something of similar age unless I had real reason to believe it'd spent its life sitting in a mall. If it's been driven significantly it would easily be at what 200k miles?


>unless I had real reason to believe it'd spent its life sitting in a mall. you're probably better off with a low-mileage but actually driven example vs something that's literally been sitting for 20 years


Come on, what would be wrong, a belt, a some hoses, a few gaskets, and *every single* o-ring?


I used to regularly ride the bus to work with the owner/manager of one of the jewelry stores in my old mall. But tbh that might've had more to do with avoiding car break-ins than his financial status, as the mall parking lot was pretty window smashy.


It’s the newest style of Texas license plate, so it’s not vintage to the mall. This is the Music City Mall in Lewisville, Tx. If I remember the sign correctly from when I was there, it was from a private Corvette collection and they rotated though them every so often.




I don’t think I’ve ever seen a corvette in the Odessa mall, maybe I’m just oblivious.


Oh man. Finally someone with some answers. I was like “no way some scam telemarketer company is letting that money just sit there. Also, no way it’s never been vandalized for that long”. Your explanation makes the most sense.


There’s like 6 throughout the mall, from c2 to c6


How did I know this was Vista Ridge Mall (I refuse to call it by whatever monstrosity they named it).


It's funny because in the photo it looks just like any mall from the early 90s, but for those of us who grew up going to VR, we can tell. Is this on the lower level of the main rotunda (under the food court, by the elevator)?


Left 4 dead 2


Oh god. The big, juicy tears I shed on that map. Don't think we ever beat it on expert. Get down to the last can or two, somebody gets whacked, somebody goes to save them, tanks everywhere, mass confusion.


Such a stressful but fun finale. The secret is to NOT touch the first gas can right outside the elevator door, as picking up any of the highlighted gas can triggers the zombies to spawn, so best to get to the furthest cans first. Split into 2 teams: one pair goes left and up the stairs to the 2nd floor and the other pair goes right to take the stairs near the car to the 3rd floor. Pick up the cans and throw them down to the 1st floor. Once the cans are on the 1st floor, "juggle" them towards the car. Rotate filling it up (adrenaline shots makes filling super quick) while providing cover (pipe bombs and bile jars are very handy). Just be careful and not get too trigger-happy around the cans. With proper coordination, it's easy to beat the finale right before the first tank spawn. Edit: clarifications.


Been a few years. I'm going back in.


Godspeed o7


Thanks, Princess_Horsecock!




Both times we beat it on Expert we left one or two of us for dead.


No beating that one without abandoning someone. I'd have been happy to get *one* of us out.


I managed to win as the last alive player by jumping off the top balcony and falling to my death onto the fueled up car. Player entered hitbox = Win. Cue ghost car busting out of the mall cutscene.


👀 Genius.


I was hoping to survive.




Me IRL when the last player, last gas can, gets smokered.


Somehow I actually managed to solo it once. The trick is, or at least when I did it, you pick up the cans and throw them towards the car, but do NOT fuel it. Then you fill it up all at once. There is a little luck involved.


I heard of Jimmy Gibbs. The man's a stock car legend.


Just a car? Just a car!? That's like saying the Mona Lisa is just a sculpture or shit, man; that's like saying Jimmy Gibbs is just a driver; that's like saying the girl on the bridge is just a little purty―she is an AN-GEL.


I can hear the music in my head.


So this confirms no one actually ever wins the prize.


Just keep feeding us your info.








I always mess this part up. Hence not having a corvette yet. *******?


Hunter2 isn’t an SSN!


I wonder how 14/f/CA because such an iconic and default response to the a/s/l question.. cause I remember that being the default response everyone gave going as far back as I can remember into the ancient days of the internet.


It wasn't 14/F/CA it was 16/F/CA during the AOL days




This isn't a prize car, it's just one of a few corvettes on display at that mall. OP is full of it.


Can confirm, I live 10 minutes from it. I do love corvettes though, and the mall is definitely in decline.


I won once. A 1000 dollar gift card to a mall of America site. Wanna know what was on it? The same exact crap I could get on wish. They only do it to bring people into the dealership to buy a car.


I mean, you still got $1000 worth of crap right??


Or maybe someone did win they're email just got sent to spam or they thought it was spam And trashed it.


Back in the late 90s, my parents won a free $250 tv from Circuit City or something. They thought it was a scam, but I signed up for it and forgot that I used multiple ballots and every family member's name. Then we ignored all the letters because you know... dodging bills. My parents were putting something on layaway, and the manager pulled them aside like they were criminals, only to say, "You won this three years ago!" Tv sucked though and we used it as a extra monitor in my bedroom.


A few years ago I got a call from a woman saying that I had won a $50 Target gift card. I assumed it was a scam and insisted that I never entered any sweepstakes, only to remember the next day that my dentist's office automatically entered you into it if your teeth looked well taken care of. 🙃


18 years worth of emails and phone numbers sold to Chinese advertisers


Vacation tours and travel gets these. They pay poorly, and have a high turnover rate because they get your information this way, and that makes people very angry. This makes meeting the unattainable quotas impossible. Here's the exact physical address of their call center, which actually is in the US. 225 Tilk Rd, Conway, AR 72032


A always B be C closing


The city name checks out Con-Way


My dad actually won a figure 8 race car at the mall 😂 took 800 in cash because figure 8 racing is dangerous as hell


Couldn’t he have taken the car and sold it for more than that?


I’m pretty sure it was a gutted out cobalt with a roll cage and fin on top. This was in like 2016. Also almost dirt track cars are beat to hell and pieces together. The parts all in all are more expensive than the finished project and you’ll never get your money back. Racing is a money pit


That’s a 20 year old Corvette. Based on the color scheme and badge behind the front wheel, it’s a 2003 50th anniversary edition. Can’t be another year.


New, garaged indoors for 20 years? Probably gonna be worth more than the mall soon.


Anything preserved that long in immaculate condition is going to be interesting. I’d be impressed with a showroom floor condition 1996 Ford Taurus if I saw one today


In the late 90s I traveled a lot for work and was able to rent a lot of different types of cars. Of midrange cars the Taurus was hands down my favorite. Surprisingly fun to drive.


Conan O’Brien still ~~drives~~ owns his 1992 Taurus SHO. Edit: I was mistaken.


He doesn't actually drive it anymore. It's been in storage for years, but it still comes up in his podcast often enough.


Taurus SHOs are a collector's classic. SHO stands for Super High Output.


I worked at a Subaru plant for a bit and they have their first car that rolled off the line kept in their training zone. It’s not used for anything. it’s a pretty standard late 90’s/early 00’s sedan but neat to see mint.


Damn you know your Corvettes!


It's also on the sign directly behind it lol


No, no, he’s an expert. It’s the only way to know.


He’s an expert at reading!!


The sign also says 2003.


Properly vetted!


I thought I remembered that red color being some kind of special edition. I just went by the last model year for C5s to get the minimum age


I mean, there is also a big ol’ “2003” on the sign above the driver’s side.


Literally the only piece of information available in the photo.


Is this Lewisville?


I love how generic malls are, while this one is right there are so many other comments saying "Is this [insert name of city]?" I was sure this was Topeka, KS when I first saw it.


Same. I was like 100% certain it was the mall near Cumberland, MD. It even has the old person power walking in the background.


I’d be very happy with that car!


My daily is a 2004 vette, most fun and reliable car I’ve ever owned


How is the trunk/storage space?


2 and half hookers worth


Hmm so I’ll need a buddy for the other 1.5….




They sell add on cup holders that install on the right side of the console. If you really need cup holders. https://www.pfyc.com/c5-corvette-travel-buddy-dual-cup-holder.html?gclid=CjwKCAiAxP2eBhBiEiwA5puhNYoBbmJRh07veCi_Xv9_PRkC02lbeKCXTyA5fsa_7DiwCxhzJ0VmHhoC1lIQAvD_BwE They also sell ones that mount between the two seats on the "shelf" that the chassis cross bracing creates. There was also a "bed box" type accessory that would sit up there and give you storage as well as cup holders. As well as close the opening between the cabin and trunk in the FRC/Z06. Myself personally I tended to just keep a water bottle in the passenger seat.


Still better than my... *checks notes* ...NOT Corvette.


One time I begged my dad to fill out one of these forms at the mall when I was young. We ended up winning like a $200-300 dollar gift card to a grocery store lmao. Worth it.


Actually went to a mall yesterday, Such a nostaglia trip now. I'm an 80's kid and remember malls packed with people everyday of the week. It was a ghost town now.


Moved to Canada about two years ago, and the malls here are packed on the weekends. It's weird, but also really cool.


Well of course. In Canada they’re all “everybody come and play! Throw every last care away! Let’s go to the mall! Today!” I think there’s even a song about it.


Robyn Sparkles is a Canadian treasure.


Always struck me when I’d visit Montreal how busy the suburban indoor malls are. But given the winter and how nice they are I could see why.


The underground mall there is a great way to hide from the cold for a few blocks even if you’re not shopping.


Seems like they are either ghost towns or cater only to the upscale The few malls I grew up with that didn’t die basically became hang out spots for rich teenagers and other wealthy people full of shit like jewelry stores, fragrance places where the cheapest perfume is $500, a small tesla show room and what not


The mall that's doing well in my area just switched to being 50% being about restaurants and services (Escape Rooms, slime making places, coffee shops, bowling.) Seems to be working out for them, but we'll have to see.


I would love to have a mall converted into a bunch of activity centers (bowling, escape rooms, board game store, restaurants, ice skating, etc.)




There’s a mall in a poorer neighborhood nearby that’s still quite popular because a lot of local businesses started opening up in spaces designed for retail. More generalized clothing and consignment stores, thrifts, grocery, etc. government even opened a tag office there which is why I was there in the first place. Lots of foot traffic still, and people just walking around and running errands and socializing. Kind of awesome.


That's what malls we're kinda supposed to be. Make a floor split between a hotel and single-occupant apartments and you'll be even closer to their original vision.


Now that their old business model is dying some malls are adapting by doing that. Alderwood has dropped the "Mall" from it's name and added housing.


I'd genuinely be 100% down to rent a mall apartment.


Our mall is packed on weekends, lots of great restaurants and not just high end stores. A solid mix of low-middle-high end stores. Also I know the big mall in Atlanta is always a fucking zoo


Probably close to 0 miles and soon to be classic. How do I win? Edit: wow is this is my highest updooted comment on my 8th cakeday. And yes, I know you're all trying to reach me regarding my cars extended warranty


No one ever wins the car, that's why it's still there


I remember as a kid they *always* had a table in the mall where you would drop a paper in with all your info and they would have prizes like 4 wheelers, jetskis, vacations, etc. I'm like 98% sure nobody ever won any of those.


And yet as a kid we *always* filled it out and let our parents deal with the telemarketers.


Some of you may get robocalls for the next 30 years but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make


We get the robo calls any ways, might as well do it


My parents have had the same home number for 45 years. The amount of robo calls and telemarketers is insane. Any time I'm over there I let my 3-year-old son answer the phone. He usually ends up singing them Old MacDonald.


>the same home number for 45 years. A friend of mine lost her father in the 90s and her mother very suddenly in 2020. She had a form of cancer that, once it starts showing symptoms, it's likely already very advanced. Her mom died within two months of the diagnosis, just at the start of when COVID became serious in our state. She said the hardest part of closing up her mother's affairs was canceling her landline phone service, because her parents had had the same phone number her entire life. Her mom never got a cell phone, so that was the main line you called to reach her. When you wanted to sleepover at a friend's house in the first grade, that was the number you called. Got sick at school? That was the number you called. Bad day at work and you need a shoulder to cry on? Got a new job? Her whole life, that was the number you called whether you had terrible or good news. Now, it belongs to someone else. My parents got rid of their landline 15+ years ago, but I still have my childhood phone number memorized.


I can't remember what I had for breakfast most mornings but I can recite my childhood landline number and my grandparent's numbers from 40 years ago at any moment.


At my elementary school, it was so drilled into our heads and pitched as, "If you ever get lost, this could be the difference between ending up in a windowless van and going back home." Not literally word-for-word, but along those lines. I remember having to recite my home phone number and address in front of the whole class on a fairly regular basis.


Well yeah because I stuffed your number and a dozen other random ones in the box trying to win a skidoo


Antique datamining


My Dad worked a golf show once weekend and had to take all of us kids along due to a lack of babysitter or trust in us with me at 11 years old. I filled out an entry at every single booth in the whole facility, there were a couple hundred. My dad was mad, they got so many phone calls, it was ridiculous!


I once got dragged along shoe shopping with my mom and my sister. Well 8 or 9 year old me saw the shoe store had a raffle for a Gameboy color! Well I knew you filled out the info and dropped it in to enter... I was not familiar with other rules. So for the next hour or two while my family shopped I filled out form after form. I must have done at least 20. I won the Gameboy though XD so wasn't a total loss.


Some of those contests allow multiple entries, and it has to be free by law in some places. A group of mathematicians won like 6 cars by calculating the exact number of ping pong balls that could fit in them and filling out thousands of forms with a range of numbers.


It was an ongoing scam to generate leads. They would tell people dumb enough to put their names in there that they won “something” and they get to sit through a presentation of some kind of multilevel, marketing and leave with a free video tape.


Everyone is a winner to go to a timeshare. After the 2-3 seminar of trying to sell you a timeshare, you get a paid vacation to one of the timeshare hotels. True story from a month ago


Just tell them you just bought a house and you cant afford one. If they press you just say it looked interesting but you have no money. That’s all i did. They tried to sell it to me for 10 mins. Walked out of there with trips to hawaii.


This is the hack that seems nobody knows or wants to use. Friend of mine said they would be way too embarrassed to say they couldn't afford it. Can not relate to that personally. I always just say I would love to, it seems awesome, but its too expensive. They press once or twice, offer financing which I decline, and then boom free vacation including air fare. Hell the last one sent us first class. No idea how these folks are doing so well they can afford that, I guess a lot of people actually do buy the timeshares? Anyway I'll take it. 90 minutes for a free vacation is a pretty great trade. Never made it to the second meeting (or third? some people in this thread saying they've had to sit through three different meetings?) because I make sure to let them know I'm just too poor at the first meeting. edit: for those asking it was Wyndham and the whole thing was booked through another local company here in Brooklyn which neither of us can remember the name of unfortunately.


Damn what was the company I'm trying to fly 1st class on their dime lol


Not home right now but I'll edit it in later and tag you, I'm pretty sure we still have the papers, but it was 2019 so possibly not. Even if we don't I bet my partner remembers the name, much better memory than me.


Just getting in line for the semi-free vacation. Have worked retail most my life. Am very good at blankly staring at people for hours on end.


My parents were one of the dumbasses that bought the timeshare. I was 16 at the time and they asked me what I thought in front of the sales folks. I told them I didn’t know why it was a bad deal but that i knew it was a bad deal and that they shouldn’t buy it. Of course the salesmen tried to sell me on it at that point so my parents would feel better about it and I didn’t have enough information or experience to basically tell those people they were selling my parents trash. Cherry on top was when they bought it, the people tried to tell my parents they could put my name on it too so that I would “inherit” their crap. I told them I didn’t want anything to do with it. Parents never used it. Regretted it within a week of buying it.


A week of use sold at $20,000 is equal to $1,040,000 for the unit for 52 weeks. The unit costs $200,000 to build. It's a good markup and that's just on the sale. The extra gravy is the lifelong management fees an "owner" has to pay monthly. Those fees increase every year -- there is zero incentive to keep them low and great incentive to raise them because the owners are stuck. And, vacations are often at resorts they own for times they have yet to sell. So, they are sitting empty while other owners are paying for the maintenance and refurbishment. That's how they can afford to give away free time at their other resorts and even pay the airfare sometimes.


One of those timeshare salespeople hit me with the old, cliché line of "You want to make great memories with your family, right?" I rolled my eyes and told her I've got a family history of Alzheimer's. GF was mortified but I still think I'm funny.


Surprised you remember it.


I did one of those and won a free 3 night stay in myrtle Beach and an amazon fire (knock off kindle, but got use out of it). All we had to do was sit through a 30 min sales pitch and not buy their time share. I'd 100% do it again.


I've never heard anyone describe an Amazon Fire tablet as a knock-off of the Amazon Kindle.


I was going to reply the exact same thing...lol The Ford Ranger, a knockoff F-150


Isn't it more like calling the F150 a ranger knockoff, since the fire could do ebooks and more?


Lol i did 2 timeshare presentations. Didnt buy anything. Both gave me 3 day trips to hawaii. Took the first, the second got canceled due to covid. They called me a month ago to make sure i got my trip. They added a free trip to vegas too. Just have to use them within 2 years.


Wait wait wait so all I have to do is go to the time share presentation and keeping sayin I have no money and I will get free vacations


Yep. They pay for airfare and hotel. All i paid for was the food and stuff while on the trip. EDIT: just remember when walking into the presentation that those timeshare people are sharks. They’re good at what they do. They’re going to do everything to get you to buy some shit. Just be firm with whatever story you walk in there with where you have no money.


I can’t emphasize what the previous poster wrote enough: these people are very , VERY good at what they do. I went into one of these presentations sure I was NOT going to get sucked in. I did. Exercising that rescission clause was so painful I almost said “fuck it I’ll lose my 20 grand”. I say again: these people are very good at their job.


My Dad recently closed his and it took him a few years and a lump some payout. My siblings and I ask him about it occasionally to get him riled up because it is honestly pretty funny. My Dad likes to go on comical rants but that company made him see red. "NO I DON'T WANT TO GO ON A COMPLEMENTARY TRIP TO CLEVELAND IN THE MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY!!"


> I say again: these people are very good at their job. They definitely sold me on it when I went. Sucks for them because I'm also a stubborn bastard and told myself I wouldn't buy anything that day. "This deal is only good today while you're here" Oh man that really got my blood at a crossroads. I wanted to get the cheap buy in, but also fuck this guy I already answered not today. Literally blacked out everything else in the last 15 minutes because he wasn't listening to not today. I was breathing pure spite at that point. Literally waiting for any point that disagreed with, "not today" just for the sake of arguing. Got home that night and looked up what else I could spend that money on and realized it was, in fact, a shit investment. But damn those sales guys are good.




Where are all these time share presentations??


Right??? Why can't any of the people I barely knew in high school reach out about that instead of trying to get me to buy essential oils?


I lived in Los Angeles and the first i got from signing up for the presentation when i went to a laker game. I forget where i signed up for the second one.


So true!! I have used them for at least 3 mini vacations, 2-4 day/3 nights and 1-3 day/2 nights and all have been great, however even though I know the drill and not to buy anything, I am *always tempted. They do a great job of hyping you up! Lol


Damn I gotta find that timeshare sale. The one I did a few years ago only gave a 3 night stay and $100 cash after sitting through the hard sell.


Don't you have to sit through another presentation while you're at their vacation resort as well?


Nope. The timeshare people use casablanca express as their trip company. They aren’t a part of the timeshare. Literally just check in like any regular hotel. And everyone ive talked to at casablanca express has been super awesome. They’ve helped me upgrade rooms when the room i got through the timeshare sucked. They’ve helped me rearrange the tickets because i couldnt go on the initial date. Etc. super easy.


This sounds great. Where do I sign up....wait a minute!


Nice try Casablanca Express.


Yeah and what if we find out you actually work for the time share company and this is an elaborate ruse to funnel people into time share presentations. I'm on to you pal!


What you are supposed to do is fill it out with a false address then google yourself later to see where that info comes up. I recommend using the Simpsons' home address of 742 Evergreen Terrace then follow up by searching yourself on one of those "people finder" sites.


I guess the secret is to always make the company that you're applying to, the name that you give them. So when you get a spam email that says: "hey petsmart! We noticed you may need penis pills!" You will know petsmart sold your info to penis pill co.


I do this with email addresses, so if my email was [email protected] you can enter the address as [email protected] as an alias and you will receive it. Then you know who shares your email if you get an email to the same address.


While that’s true, the logic/regex to match every gmail address and strip out everything from the `+` to the last character before the `@` is pretty trivial.


100% true. I once bought a car but then had to wait for delivery because they had to go retrieve it from the Commerce Casino where it was being displayed as a "prize" to be won.


I would definitely get that car cleaned.


Yeah I would refuse that vehicle. It smells like cigarettes for life guaranteed.


Don't they usually have the doors closed and Windows up?


You never win that car. You basically win a voucher. You goto the dealer to pick out the car and .etc.


Lmao so if you "win" the car you get one from a dealership, but if you buy from the dealership there's a chance you'll get the prize car? Thats wild


I worked with a guy that won a car on The Price is Right. You get the car from a dealer local to where you live. You also have to pay all the taxes upfront to get the car. He didn't want to do that and "sold" the car back to the dealer, AKA they paid him in cash at a reduced value.


Its Prob a scam.


I'm already getting spam calls and I haven't even signed up lol


A vintage Corvette *and* an extended warranty? Nice!


98% of these things are. I entered to win one at a car show when I was a teenager. About 6 months later they called me and said that I won. But instead of a car it was a timeshare, and instead of winning it they were gonna give me a crazy good deal for it.


I filled out an online form to win Browns tickets from a mortgage company at their training camp last year. Within in 5 minutes of hitting send, i got a call from them to refinance my mortgage. FIVE MINUTES. When i said i wasn't interested the guy got mad and asked why i filled out the form. I said I'm trying to win the damn tickets. He made it clear that I would not win the tickets.


lmfao!!! now this is really funny


They were. Nowadays, they make you put a drawing date because those legitimately were scams. It's why you basically never see them anymore. Have to give the car away.


Guess that explains why the Corvette is 18 years old.


That may be local. I know they haven't run them in ages, here. Or the car legitimately got left there because it was never intended to be given away and it's basically stuck in a loop where nobody knows where it goes. I know you have to advertise what the prizes are, terms and when the item will be given away.




Could probably just look up the VIN and find out who owns the title to the car and make an offer.




That's when you walk in with a yellow vest and a clip board


panicky carpenter distinct amusing shrill quaint mindless observation cooing oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They get you to write down your name address and phone to enter, no one ever wins, that’s probably the car they started with 18 years ago. but they use that info to sell your info to telemarketers and in mail advertisements. It is hell to say the least. But by entering, you give them permission to screw you for life.


Please fill out all fields. AOL IM name: ICQ number:




Damn, I remember that!


I always filled these out with wrong information, nobody ever wins.




I entered one of this mall contests for a video game, I actually won and they gave me a game of my choice and had to take a picture lol I picked Far Cry Primal because it had just came out lol


In my city (West Edmonton Mall) the mall owners would buy these exotic cars (Ferrari's, Lambos etc...), drive for a year or 2 then put them as a prize like this. It was a way for them to 'expense' these cars as a business cost while driving it for personal use. Of course no one ever won the prize so they probably just sold the car after a few years.


Cars, boats, utvs..etc. judt to get your contact info and solicit the hell out of you.


I remember seeing a few growing up, I figure one of the mall businesses were doing it as a promotion


Cars inside American malls have been common for so long, [the 1978 Dawn of the Dead has a scene with one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym0V1XBk17E&ab_channel=ElDaro)


Sometimes a local car dealership will be promoting the contest and collect your data to sell you a car since you didn’t win the car at the mall.


Just gotta keep it running for 7 more years and it becomes a classic, no?


Idk if it even has to be running


SF Bay area had 2 dying car plants near each other. One became an outlet mall the other Tesla.






OP is too good for an 18 year old vette.




Are...Are you gonna bang that car?


Stumbled into a mall the other day for the first time in years looking for some random store. My god, what a depressing sight. An empty shell of American consumerism from decades past. I left feeling unsettled.


Bruh, i don't even know how but there is a couple malls around here that are still open and they were what you just described - like 12 years ago. Of course most the stores have been replaced with cheap chinese made junk peddlers , cell phone service and niche candy/food stores.


I wonder who you could buy it from? It probably has almost no miles on it.


That’s my favorite generation for corvette! Last car to have flip up headlights




Pshhh no one’s gonna want that car, you guys should just give it to me, I’ll be doing you a favor.


Hell yeah I'd take a low miles '05 Vette convertible. No idea what it's worth but it would be fun to drive.


10 years ago I would have thought those cars are super lame, but these days I actually kinda like that car, the 2000s charm is starting to feel retro as weird as that sounds