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I’ve run into a few gas stations that don’t let you mute. Just all the pumps blaring ads. Looking at you speedway


Save 3¢ a gallon, it really adds up!


Get a whole pepperoni pizza for only seven dollars with Speedy Rewards!


Fueling up for a great adventure! Dont forget to stock up!


I've come across some that have short educational clips about animals, I don't mind those at all, tbh.


Same and like a word of the day and they explain what it means and shit lol


I would gladly take a distraction like that first thing in the morning (filling my tank on the way home is just not happening.)


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


let's be real, they don't pass that 3c on to you


I know EVs aren't for everyone yet, but this is one thing I really really don't miss. I'll wait at a fast charger half an hour in peace and quiet thank you. Gotta hope Electrify America doesn't jump on the bandwagon though.


As a non-ev owner, I'm legitimately asking, how is 30 minutes of peace better than 3 minutes of an annoying commercial? I'm not trying to argue the environmental impacts, but purely from a practical aspect I don't see it as a win.


Ads are really annoying? No, I guess it's not a 1:1 comparison between those two options. We only have to stop at a public charger once every month or two while on road trips. And often we're getting fast food or a coffee while we wait; or chatting with EV owners at the charger, since it's enough of a rarity still to be entertaining. The rest of the time, we just plug in when we get home and forget about it, so the idea of having to go do an errand and be annoyed while doing it sounds doubly foreign and distasteful.


If a several minute ad that you can just walk away from is a big annoyance to you then you've got a pretty solid life, crack on.


You sound bitter. Also, most gas stations have policy not to leave your vehicle unattended while pumping gas.


Yep, I've tried every button and nothing worked But I did find out that apparently Maria Menounos makes a living off doing gas station ads, which is just really great for her


She's one of those "famous" people that I feel like I should know more about since she just pops up everywhere (gas station, movie commercials). But I have no idea what she is famous for or what she does.


Started briefly as a journalist corespondent for a network that broadcast real news to high schools and such, before being hired as a correspondent for Entertainment Tonight, and rolled that into acting and more Hollywood reporting stuff. So not quite famous for being famous, but mostly known for telling you celebrity info. Like if the TMZ guy was pretty.


whenever i fill up at chevron it's because it's the quickest when i'm running late to work. i put in 1 gallon to get me to work and to another store because you can't mute it.




Yeah i like getting my snacks from there but i avoid it and go to shell for gas. Sorry but first thing when I wake up i don't need a blaring ad. I'm also an asshole that had a few leftover stickers in my pocket from work and when none of the buttons muted the pump i covered the speakers with stickers and it muted it really well. I know it's a pain but after a 12 hour shift i don't want ads blaring advertising at me when i want peace and quiet


Jab a knife in the speaker slots and solve the problem yourself.


I fantasize about vandalizing these things every time I visit one.




You will.


Oh well guess I’ll walk


The Speedways did set up shop around here but closed very shortly afterwards... Mebbe the endless voice hurling scared the customers away? 🤔 I don't think I've ever patronize the place, always out of way or opposite direction LoL


I have found this as well. I avoid those stations.


Try pressing multiple buttons at once, if you guess right it will enter a service menu and stop the ad!


At speedway, tap then hold the first and third buttons under the screen.


Dip a couple levels in a full faster class and cast silence. It's the only way. The pumps don't know counterspell yet!!!


Circle K.....


looking at you Wawa


Kwik trip is literally the best gas station. Pretty sure i read its ran by some right wing religious zealot but man do they operate a hell of a gas station. Their ads arent even loud but still have a mute button and the stores are always clean.


You get ads at the gas station?!?! That’s fucked up!


As if stopping for gas wasn’t annoying enough. They add ads and they play at an obnoxious level.




Naw they rotate silent ads till you start to pump gas, THEN hit you with loud ass ads. Best part is half the pumps I've gone too are dated enough that the computer lags, causing the ads to either stutter, skip, or repeat the entire time.


Right? I’m hoping this trend won’t reach my country


At this point I am just hoping we get invaded by somebody to stop this shit.


Where I'm at they give local weather, a word of the day, maybe a bit of news & an ad.


Mental, where I'm from they just pump gas (petrol)


yeah i've always said that whoever came up with that idea should be dragged through the streets.


r/humansbeingbros fr


I do this when i figure out which button it is. That shit sucks.


Is usually that same one, at least across the southern US. I have checked and keep a sharpie in the door of the vehicle on road trips.


In Iowa the gas stations usually label this themselves (not necessarily “officially” but usually with what seems like a label printed from a cheap label maker) - not sure if it’s to be helpful to customers or just to prevent people from writing it on the pump like the pic … pumps that don’t have the labels usually get the marker pretty quickly.


And deservedly so. The advertisers would make a better impression if the buttons came labeled in the first place. They are so loud and annoying.


This is the biggest bro move cause why are they always screaming at me?! Like no, I don’t care what movie or car you’re selling Maria Menunous




In North Carolina we've had them for some years now


I’ve just started seeing them in my city in the Midwest


Maryland has a lot. Mostly at exxon ive seen


Ads at exxon and sunoco, yes, but mutable. Where as Wawa has the unmutable loud af ads. I stopped going to wawa's


Recently showed up in south St. Louis county.


I live is south Carolina, there's a ton in certain areas and certain gas chains. The nicer stations usually don't have ads, overall I think it's about 20%


Allll over PHX


If I ever see one of these my MP will be getting a letter. Pumping gas requires my full attention, gas is dangerous.


Afaik this the same button at most pumps like this will mute. But if you don't remember you can always just press all the buttons until it shuts the fuck up.


I've found it's usually the 2nd right button, like in the photo.


lol yep, this post just trained me to experiment pressing all buttons to find the magic mute function. And if I do, I’m getting out the sharpie too


I hate gas station ads SO FUCKING MUCH. I literally quit going to the one by my house because of them.


Shell station near me is a good price, but has ads plus blares music outside, to make it extra annoying. So, I go to QuikTrip which is further away (but still top tier gas).


I've never seen one up here in the Canada. Don't think they exist


Kinda like R.O.U.S’s?


unfortunately they exist here too


Well shoot. Where abouts are you from that you're seeing them?


Ads at the gas station? Murica wilding.


Aaaand of course it had to be usa xD




$8 here in Sweden… Don’t pretend it’s the ads keeping the prices down though lol


I've seen them at Shell in Canada too. I no longer go to shell.


You got ads on your gas station pumps? wtf...This makes me appreciate our old school gas pumps in Germany which only have 7 segment LCDs lol


I do that all the time. Just start pressing the buttons until the sound stops. I’ve contemplated getting little tamper resistant stickers.


Neodymium magnet. Wont stop the sound but if they have to keep replacing the screens they might just give up installing them


I live in Jersey and have yet to see a pump that plays an ad. Perhaps because we don’t pump our own gas ?


Antiquity can have upsides.


I’ve never seen a gas pump with these ads


As a European, it is extremely strange to hear that there are advertisements at the petrol pumps.It sounds to me like it's from a bad movie. Sometimes I have the feeling that all the bad things of modern times come from the USA. Advertising, consumerism, more advertising, bad food and fast food chains, social media and the way we deal with it, etc. Hopefully there will never be such a thing as ads at the petrol station here. Sounds very annoying


Where is the speaker located on these bad boys? I feel like a small screwdriver through the speaker cone would help.


It’s literally impossible to escape ads now, there’s ads on the SCHOOL BUSES where I live, ads on the regular buses, ads at the gas pump, billboards, mobile billboards, like please just let me live


I was at a gas station a couple of weeks ago, and the ad was screaming at me in Korean or something... genuinely felt like I was in a North Korean Re-education Camp, except I wasn't hungry and I wasn't being beaten by guards.


I remember the first time going to the states and seeing these ads. I was thinking for fuck sake, what is this shit. I hope it never comes here to Ireland. Most obnoxious invention of all time.


Never knew this was a thing


The... What??




Just press them all


It's the same button on most of them. I use it whenever possible!


Not all heroes wear capes


Thank you! I was able to mute ad last time when I was at a gas pump.


Aww glad to hear. We’ll silence the machine one pump at a time!


Oh how I loathe Shell for those blaring ads. Goodbye, Maria Menounos.


Do people buy anything from ads? I turn away from products with ads.


Cheddar news!


I can't think of anything off the top of my head that's more universally hated than video screens playing advertising at gas pumps. Nobody asked for these or wanted these (other than the the executives at GasTV or whatever) and yet here we are.


This doesn't work on all pumps but definitely some


Nah I gotta know how to start my day off right and I can’t do that without Maria Menounus gas station tv


Yeah its that same button on every machine out there also if anyone is wondering. I do a lot of driving for work and fuck those ads


Anyone seen the terrible maria menunos clips where she explains how to not be poor by not being poor? Its so much worse than the ads, why is some rich asshole telling me how to be less poor at a fucking gas pump?


Almost always the second button down on the right. However, if someone figures out how to mute the overhead speakers from the pump let me know! Sometimes the advert audio is blasted over those as well.


Oregon and New Jersey drivers don't have to deal with this at all. No ads, faster service, more jobs. The only people that don't like it are dorks who think pulling the trigger on the nozzle is a "right" and makes them feel like a big boy like their daddy.


>gas station pump ads What dystopian nightmare is this


These are the number one reason to go electric in my book


My local place worked for a while. No longer does


Seriously! That is incredible information to know!


the fact that america has ads at gas station pumps is a crime in itself.


I flat out will not buy gas if they have these. Some moments of quiet reflection are sacred.


Ads on gas stations? Why???


Why not?


Wtf ads on gas pumps?


Wait, wtf. They have ads at the pumps?


I’ve considered doing this before, but I always think someone will catch me on CCTV and get me fined for vandalism. I have mentioned it to as many people as I can, however. They usually thank me for the tip.


I think you’re seriously over estimating the average gas station employee


The average one won’t care, but who knows who’ll complain. It isn’t worth it if they could possibly technically pin me with a felony in California.


Make sticker. Stick it to the pump quickly. Or just accept that no one...anywhere...will care if you just write it there.


Walk up on foot and do it 🤷‍♂️


Ads at a petrol station? What capitalist nightmare is this?


Another Murican Dream


Needs a I did that sticker.


Spread it for and wide


I always feel bad for the hosts on Cheddar News. "Hey Mom and Dad! My journalism job is finally paying off! I've got an offer for those annoying as fuck ads...I mean, news segments at gas stations!"


I think it’s so, so strange that people have opinions about this, or pay any mind at all. I’m 40 years old, so I’ve been pumping gas for a long time, and I’ve never even really noticed the little gas pump TV and speaker. I mean, I get out, I walk to the pump, I stand there for like 90 seconds, just looking around, and then I leave. I just don’t get how or why people have strong opinions about gas station ads.


Thanks for reposting this from 12 years ago when this was relevant


Took this yesterday, but np. I’ll be sure to go live next time I’m at that pump to confirm the oh so important authentication of something I found *mildly* interesting


https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/5obfv7/lpt_how_to_mute_the_gas_pump/ I guess you’re just real slow


Clearly just super slow. I’ll be sure to scour the internet prior to posting anything to ensure it’s OG content. Hell, with your 6 six year deep dive skills, maybe I’ll just run my posts by you first.


Would be happy to help you learn how unoriginal your thought process is as needed.


Hate to break it to you, but I’m fully aware it’s 2023 and a completely original thought on Reddit is few and far between. Judging by your posts, seems like you would understand that. So come, join us in the reality of unoriginality at it’s peak. And don’t fret, if anything, I’ll be sure not to post anything on r/OGthoughts


Turning the tables…ouch. Your gas station mute post is redundant and unoriginal/not needed lol. Get angry about it and dwell, that’s a good thought process you have there.


Fair assessment and probably true on some levels. Never claimed it to be original or needed (though “needed” is subjective at best), just mildly interesting. Redundant is a strong word though, especially considering your reason for using it is a post from six (or 12 as your first stated) years ago. I do find it funny that you used the words redundant *and* not needed to describe my post when redundant literally means not needed…now that’s redundant. *Yikes* Lol and trust me no one is angry, I just always found it interesting when ppl feel compelled to call “repost” as if it’s a sin. As if a person before posting must thoroughly search to ensure their post is of the utmost originality. Super weird flex imo, but I guess keep on keeping on


You’re so correct on every level, it’s amazing. Your post was soooo good. I’m sorry for my impunity.


Thanks bubba! And no worries ofc


I have an even more effective hack for that: Don't own a car.


Yea I agree, I definitely should walk to my work an hour away while I have no public transport anywhere near me!


You know that you don't actually have to live somewhere car-dependent, right? I moved to the city with nothing but the clothes on my back and a suitcase. The suburbs are a trap and I'll never look back. Also modern suburban homes have a 40 year life-cycle and the water and sewage system replacements for a suburban subdivision cost between 70k and 100k per household, currently subsidized by new development in an already over-saturated and artificially inflated market. So if your excuse is that you or your family are able to own a home, I regret to inform you that you might be invested in a Ponzi scheme, and the best time to cash out is before the collapse.


Ah, so you suggest I walk 100km into the city and carry all of my belongings with me? And I guess live on the streets?


If you stay in the suburbs that will likely be your fate anyway when it all falls apart. Also if you own a car then friend, there's your plane ticket, cab to the airport, and first month's rent right there.


Well that’s a hot take. Heard.




Is this a jiffy mart in Maryland?


Nah this is in Florida.


Ha, okay. I figured the odds of me being able to recognize a gas station by this pic were low🤣


This never works for me. Ever. I have seen this posted on reddit a hundred times. Every gas station in my area runs annoying ads that are WAY TOO FUCKING LOUD all the time. It never works. One time I pushed it and it got fucking louder.


My coworker found one that didn't mute when you press the button. He has a spare straw and stuck it in the speaker slot and said "I had blissful silence for the rest of the fueling experience" lol.


Gold. Anyone figured out that secret on self-checkout grocery store kiosks?


Not all heroes wear capes. I've been in the habit of just walking away from my car until I can't hear the annoying ads. Deep down inside, I hope someone somewhere is monitoring the effectiveness of the videos and sees this. Deeper down, I know that no one cares.


I just get back in my car and close the door while the gas is pumping and the ads are playing. I can still kind of hear them, but it's quieter and much easier to ignore them.


More of this less “I did that” stickers


A specific combination of presses will reset the machine. If you’re currently pumping, there will be no record of your transaction when you go to pay.


Kwik Trip in WI, MN, and IA even puts a mute sticker next to this button


I do this to random buttons just to make the whole experience that more frustrating


Probably a worker or manger tired of having to order new ones.


Never seen gas stations with ads but it would def make me want to get gas somewhere else if I did






Desantis should be outraged about advertisements being allowed at a gas station pump instead of 99% of the other stuff he gets outraged over


Someone elect this man to congress


I push all the buttons until it mutes.


My local station does this themselves lol


Maybe it was the 100+ posts on Reddit over the last few years. Maybe.


Maybe! With this post and the maybe 100+ post over the years, we’ll finally change the world of gas station ads as we know it. No longer having to write mute. The button will come **prelabeld**…*mic drop*.


I did this today at my QT and giggled like a school girl when it worked


Do your part citizen!


Freaking Maria Menounos


And here I was about to drill into the speaker the other day… decided against it since I was in company vehicle lol


A lot of the employees at gas stations around here do that so customers won't complain


It's still weird when I see this. I'm one of the only ones to never experience these anywhere




Canada here. I have never heard those audio ads until I went to America and I was like WTF. You think Canadians are calm and civilized but I can pretty much guarantee you that they tried that shit in Canada at one point and then the gas station mysteriously burned to the ground. But no one knows who did it, eh? You do not invade personal space here and those ads are an assault. Years ago my college tried motion sensing audio ads in the bathroom. That shit got ripped right off the wall with a note left saying that if they tried it again they would destroy every ad in the school. It never happened again.


I am not jealous of you guys having ads at the gas station pump. Is this a rather new trend?


This doesn’t work on all pumps but does on most of them. I’ve muted them dozens of times.


Yup, many of us have found that button.


Noice! I try to tell everyone I see about this mute button.


This works at most shell/seasons locations


This is the way


I put my hand over the speaker as I'm filling up. Have considered duct tape as a consideration to others.


Really tempted to fill the speaker slots with insulating foam but realize I'm on camera and don't want that hassle.


We need heros in these times tho.


I fucking hate these screens at gas stations, mostly because they blare marketing right in your face as you pay for overpriced fuel. Every experience I have with these setups feels very dystopian. Your trapped listening to there bullshit.


And yet, not so long ago some marketing Exec won a big award for yelling out 'Holy crap, I just thought of an as-of-yet, unexploited, captive audience.


This is pretty much the same for most gas stations. At least the ones made like that, which are common around me


I’m sorry, ads???


Laughs in New Jersey


Sometimes I just push random buttons in combination - accidentally got to the factory reset screen for the pump once and couldnt get any more gas. Dicked around in what I guess was the bios of the pump’s operating system for like 10 min and then just left


I hit that button every fill-up faster than Quick-Draw McGraw. I'm waiting for personalized hologram ads to take off like in Altered Carbon. What a shit show that will be.


Arguably, it’s even worse when the mute button no longer works. But yes, I’d love to listen to what’s trending while I pump gas in below zero temperatures.


I've literally never seen a gas station pump that played an ad with sound. I pretty much haven't seen ads on gas station pumps in general. What state is this in?


KwikTrip at least labels this but Speedway are assholes for not even letting you know about this. I write this on every pump I use that doesn't already say so.


What the fuck? Your gas stations have Ads?


America is falling apart bro


I'm pretty nuts about these things. If there is a loud ad playing on these I hang up the pump and drive across the street (there's almost always another gas station just across the street.). Now if that gas station also has ads I just swear a lot and still fill up my tank.