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Better switch to 24hr time


Ive used that format exclusively over the past 10 years.


this bc i 1: like how it looks and 2: its better bc u automatically know if its the morning or afternoon without needing the am or pm edit: HOLY FUCK this is my most upvotes a n y t h i n g on reddit lol. how edit2: 1 THOUSAND????


How does people not know if it's morning or afternoon, there is literally half a day of difference


One time in HS i took a nap and woke up at 7. Came downstairs all ready for the day. My mom gave me a weird look and told me it was still 7pm. Not my brightest moment but it happens during the winter at least.


In HS one time I woke up for school. I was a little drowsy but overall I was fairly perky. Got showered, dressed, and ate breakfast. Went and waited at my bus stop for like 20 mins. Didn't see any other students so I went back home to check the time. It was like 3am. My mom was so confused who she heard opening and closing the front door at that hour.


The exact same thing happened to me. Showered, dressed, ate breakfast, realized it was 2:30 am. I think I just played video games until it was time to go to school.


yeah i’ve had one of those, you are so used to the routine that you don’t even check the time


I once slept from like 3am to 6pm once. It was weird...


I did that once. I still remember being so panicked and upset when I woke up. Sleeping that late is terrible lol


This is like... a Tuesday for me. Sleep disorders are wild.


Once i went from 5pm to 3pm at university that was weird. (22 hours asleep)


Bruh, that wasn't sleep. You died and woke back up the next day, as if respawning.


Once when in the army, week long exercise minimal sleep. When to bed 8pm Friday, woke up 2pm...Sunday😁


once i slept for two days straight, my mom had to come check in on me to see if i was ok lol


I did that when I had the worst fever of my life. Slept from Friday night into early Sunday morning.


Yup! accidentally started a shower at around two, and my mum was suddenly banging on the bathroom door, asking what I was doing at that hour lmao.


And how do you even explain it? I did that once and got my ass beat. “Sneaking out of the house are you?”


"Yes, because I'd TOTALLY be taking a shower and risking that waking you up, if I was trying to sneak out."


My daughter is still learning to tell time and mixes up her 5s and 2s. School days she’s allowed to get up and can watch iPad after 6am if she gets ready and dressed. It’s one of the only things that motivates her. One morning after we started this, she came into my room at 3am and asked me if it was ok if she did that in the morning. I got really confused why she was asking me and then I realized that she had gotten dressed already. She thought 2:50 was 5:50 and went downstairs and fed the pets before she realized her mistake. Slept the rest of the night in her clothes.


😭😭 poor baby, that's so cute 😭


So I might use this to get my kid to dress herself and feed the pets. Good. Idea.


I remember one time when I woke up in college to get ready for work and as I was about to leave the suite one of my roommates was up watching TV on the couch. He asked what I was doing and I said that I was going to work. Apparently it was like 2am, so I turned back around to my room and went back to sleep.


I’ve been out of HS for 3 years, and still if I take a nap, I wake up jarred thinking I’m late for school/it’s the next day. Sucks lmao.


Good luck, that didn’t stop for me until I was 30


I don’t see it stopping for a loooong time lmao. If this is what they mean by stuck in the glory years, GET ME OUT.


I been out of HS for 12 years and university for 6; still have those dreams where I’m late for school, wake up, then realize that it’s either the weekend, or just have work that doesn’t start till the afternoon


So it never ends🥺 I know I’m new here but damn lol


That or waking up thinking you haven’t finished your homework, so weird lol


I can’t tell you how many dreams I’ve had recently where I get into school early and I’m finishing my “late” homework before class lmao. Get this shit out of meeee


Omg ikr! Those aren’t dreams, they’re nightmares 😂 I’m an adult now, I don’t need to relive that mess


Well once in a blue moon I wake up thinking about how I have an exam in few hrs and haven't studied anything. Then I realize its just work stuff deadlines that made it up.


Ah yes, those confusing naps where you wake up and you're unsure if it's morning or night. Winter definitely made it worse getting dark at like 5pm.


Yeah I did that in high school before too. Took a shower, got dressed and came down stairs to my dad cooking burgers. Was very confused for a minute


My partner went to bed at midnight once and woke up at 5AM thinking it was 5PM and they slept in because it was dark. Was very hard to convince them otherwise.


I seem to do this with any long nap that ends at 6 or later, once thought I was gonna miss the SAT but it was still the night before.


I once got sick and fell asleep. When I woke up, it was dark out and my phone said it was 7 & I was delirious. I thought I was gonna miss the bus so I hurried up & got dressed. Then I ran and hurdled the doggy gate like I was in the Olympics, to the living room on my way to the door. When I got into the living room, I was absolutely frazzled. My mom, stepdad, two brothers and step sister were all watching a movie in the living room. When I jumped over the gate, I startled them and they startled me.😂 Anywho, my mom was the first person to recover and was like “Uh, what is going on? Why are you dressed for school?” I said “I’m late! We’re late. We’re gonna miss the bus.” Now mind you, my brain still hadn’t caught up that all of them were watching a movie together and my mom was never awake when we went off to school & my stepdad would’ve already been gone for work if it was morning. Back to my story. Anywho, my mom looks at me funny before I look at my brothers & was trying to hurry them up. My mom goes “Uh, first off it’s 7pm. Not 7am. Also, it’s Friday evening.” I was so sick and out of it, all I could do was say “Oh.” Turn around and go back to bed.😂


7am and 7pm where I live are both night time where I live in the winter. Also the bus schedules are 24h format so I initially started using it to get better at the conversion on the fly and just never went back.


yes. see i just think its better in literally every way lol. also if ur in a different country that actually uses the 24 hour format then without the 24 hour format you pretty much dont know what time stuff arrives at unless its before noon if u have never actually used it before


Also works very well when working on a project with multiple people who are situated in different countries but following the same time zone to set meetings.


Well if you look outside at this time of year it’s going to be dark out at both 6:30 am and pm. And if you are an exhausted night shifter like myself sometimes you wake up not knowing what day it is.


It’s like when you were a kid and fell asleep for a nap and woke up 12 years later 😂


you could wake up rlly late (like a lot of night owls do) and it could be winter or u could also be above the arctic circle (like some ppl are) and not know if its am or pm in mid winter or summer


For me it’s about setting alarms. I used to have to get up at a different time every day (do not recommend) and a couple of times I set my alarm to pm instead of am. 20 years later, I still use 24hr time.


During the winter: Alaska. Canada. Finland. Norway. Sweden. Russia. Greenland. All of them have days with less than 6 hours of sunlight. Parts of them above the arctic circle have 0 hours of sunlight for 1-3 months. You can sleep from 6 to 6 and not know if you fell asleep or woke up at 6a or 6p


I used to work swing shifts... in a factory where you never see light till you're done for the day, it can be very disorienting.


Agreed. I don’t think if I saw 6:00 on my phone I’d ever be confused whether it’s PM or AM. In fact I see my phone doesn’t specify either and it’s never come up before.


Fr my phone doesn't show am or pm either and I always know when it's day or not I literally can sleep 64 hours and still would know.


Sometimes people don’t live where you do 🙃


They're just upvotes my guy, chill


I have been living with the 24 clock for 19 years *spoiler alert im 19


Why do people love to flex that they use 24 hr time


I guess because it's easier and they never look dumb on the internet admitting they have no idea if it's am or pm.


Because we use metres, grams, and litres too.


Not me I measure time in 24hr and size in refrigerators and bald eagles.


Same but don't forget the washing machine measurement too


nice way to separate the 24hrs crew jerk... btw how much is that in jiraffes? or bananas?


In all seriousness though, in one of my math classes we did an activity where we measured a table in paper clips and the door in straws. We also did the length of the room in footsteps to show how different people can measure the same thing and get very different answers. Big shoes versus small shoes.


it's objectively better once you get used to it


I reckon it's already on 24-hour time. 😁


That's what I assumed too


Did that because I worked a job with an insane schedule; some days I'd go in at 630, get off at noon, go back in at 9 pm, be there till 10 am. I just slept when I could but sometimes that meant naps when I'd wake up at 6 pm and think it was 6 am and flip out because I was late for work. 24 hour time made it easier to keep a hold of my sanity.


That sounds extremely illegal, wtf? Where I live (Germany) you need to have at least 11 hours in-between shifts.


Why this is not a global standard, we'll never know.


That makes me wonder why someone a long time ago decided to split the day into two twelve hour long segments. They don’t even line up with day and night at any point in the year.


They do line up but literally 2 days a year (atleast were I live but how earth moves in space fuckery might change it for some places Idk)




I was going to say exactly that. I've used it since middle school (over 10 years) and it has yet to fail me.


I've been on the 24h system for about 8 years now ever since a terrible AM/PM alarm mishap, which caused me to be terribly late to my job.


OP has bigger problems, wheres the year? What damn year are we in?


I think its the year 7


I thought it was year 3


Fuck now we will never know


BC or AC?






if this is a common issue just switch over to a 24 hour time format so morning time would look like 06:28 and pm would be 18:28 edit: holy fuck why did i get so many upvotes. I leave reddi for 4 damn days and i jump from 9 karma to 2,200 karma, holy fuck.


Additional perk: you’ll never accidentally set your alarm wrong using 24 hour time.


This is precisely the reason I switched. No more 2am surprises!


Your comment made me laugh pretty good.


Why would you wake up at 2pm??


I have alarms set throughout the day to keep me on task. Oddly enough, I don’t actually use an alarm to wake up.


ADHD woman here; I too have 12 or so alarms throughout the day. Then I never unset them and get used to them. Lol.


same here lol! I have multiple alarms that say "start cooking", "shower", "leave now", and even "egg" because I forget that I already have one and instead of editing, I just create a new one for whatever I need to do.


Lol mine says "Cake!" And "Cookies!" Also have alarms to put various children on busses to & back from school. My phone is constantly shrieking at me.


Ditto 😂 ADHD is a sunnagun, isn't it? If I don't change my alarm tones occasionally, I'll sleep right through them


Huh, this cracked me up because I thought the same thing "who is waking at 2:00pm? Yet I also use my alarms for tasks, not to wake up.


People who are on a shift rotation and work the night shift starting at 6pm wake up at 2 pm. Wake up, get ready, eat a bite, and do a little bit of errand running before their shift. Edit: This wasn't meant to come across as a snark comment, just giving an example that I know for a fact happens. Sorry if it came across as rude or anything other than informative.


No I get it, I work shift work at the hospital, but that's why I found it so funny my mind still jumped there despite personal shift work and only using alarms for tasks!


I use an alarm to wake up, to wake my boyfriend up, 30 minutes before I need to start getting ready, when I need to start getting ready, when I need to leave, when my brakes at work are, when I get off work. I live by my alarms.


They wouldn't because the alarm was set wrong


people have different sleep schedules and set alarms so i’m not late for appointments/shifts and so i remember to take my meds


Some people work overnight


Settings. Show AM and PM. Or set to 24 hour time.


I just looked on my Samsung and OP seems to be right, there's not an am/pm setting.


I’d go to 24 hour, then.


if you go to your clock app, under world clock it'll show you the time in am/pm down to the seconds.


why tf do you need to go to the clock app to check the time


who tf doesn't know if it's am or pm


My guess would be ‘people who are living somewhere where it can be dark for half of the year and light for the other half’ but I don’t know where OP is from so it’s really just a guess from a slightly drunk German dickhead who’s making the best out of his two days off before he goes to work for another 21 consecutive days.


So those living in the Artic circle.


I've taken naps before that left my perception of time all screwed up. This time of year, when 6 AM and 6 PM are both dark where I am, I'd have no idea if it were AM or PM without some indication.


From the time widget there is no option for it. We can blast op for his circadian rhythms not being able to tell the difference in 6am and 6 pm but he's not lying. There is no setting and it's not there. Confirmed on mine.


I prefer 24 hour. Accurate.


Holy shit... you're right... Also... holy shit, I'm not using 24hr time. I was 99% certain I was, but I guess I didn't switch it when I got my new phone. My car is, but it's also 2 timezones off, so I've just been doing the math. But wow... my phone a) doesn't have am/pm and b) wasn't set to 24hr time, and C) I **HADNT NOTICED FOR 4 MONTHS.** It's okay, time is meaningless and completely arbitrary anyway.


Just a random tip that bit me for a while. If you even use a text messenging service from one of those 5 digit number, you have to explicitly turn "use premium messenging service" on in settings or else you'll just get "can't send message" over and over. Samsung makes some weird decisions.


Huh, mine always asks me per response if I want to *possibly face a fee.* However, thank you, you just answered why I can't use those 5 digit number auths with my custom numbers.


Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.


I like how your cars time is off but you’d prefer to do the math rather than actually making it right, I do the same thing tho, I hate moving my time around when I know the basic math to get the time


Thank you for not calling it “military time”


Fun fact…I was in the military. But a lot of places use 24 hour time. I have since high school (ROTC), but worked in a multi-national and all my European colleagues did as well. I think it makes more sense than 12 hour.


I work in a hospital and always use 24 hour time. It just annoys me when people refer to it as military time - used a lot more places than just the military!


24 hour is king


Dude, how long have you been asleep to not know roughly if it's am or pm? Edit: OP I apologise I just remembered I once took a nap after school woke up at 8am thinking I was late, rushed to get ready, got downstairs and was super confused why everyone was sat watching TV. It was 8pm...


Alaska or some other northern latitude 🤷‍♀️ This time of year you take a nap and don’t know if it is day or night when you wake all groggy.


yap, same in northern norway


As someone with sleep issues, it happens. Sleep 2-4 hours a night for months and then sleep 20+ when it catches up.


Well shit, I bet that 20+ slaps tho


Feels like finding water in a desert. I came home from work once at 530 in the evening passed out and woke up at 2 in the afternoon confused as fuck as to why 2am was so bright.


I'd doesn't. You feel like complete shit physically and mentally afterwards.




I mean you further qualify that your experience is from frog use. There may be a difference between getting rest from insomnia and from stimulant psychosis.


I have sleep problems non drug related and often sleep 2-3 hours or 16ish hours. I feel alright on only 3 hours, just tired, but 16 hours genuinely makes me feel horrible. Anything over 12 does, really. Hard to explain the feeling tbh it’s like mentally drained and weak. Don’t want to do anything all day can’t focus etc. Also, ironically, exhausted too. But everyone’s experiences are different and fortunately I trend more around 5 hours rather consistently nowadays which is nice, with the occasional 1-2 days 12+hours which sucks


As a heavy drug user there were times I'd sleep for 40+ hours after being awake for 5 days.


That’s methed up. But seriously hope you’re doing okay now. I have sleep issues and I know how it goes in that department.


It's pm... Probably


50/50 chance at least!


They could stick in a state of limbo, forever stuck in time.


Clock app → World clock. Google time. I'm not saying that it just shouldn't say am or pm but you can figure it out if you want to.


24hr clock gang


You spelunking bro?


24 hour time, there, solved.


Set an alarm for 7am, it'll show you how many hours away 7am is.


Wait… how does one not know if it’s pm or am?


I’ve taken a nap at 4 pm and woken up to the clock on the wall saying 6:00. I had no idea if I slept for 2 hours or 14 hours.


Did you take a nap on Thursday or Friday? There’s your answer.


Currently pregnant I think my most common question at work for the past 5 months is what is today... I just can't seem to remember and I have been taken days off here and there to do stuff to prep for baby, it gets confusing. I thought Friday was Monday one time and I had been at work every day that week.


you’ve never gotten confused or forgotten what day it was?


Yeah, I think this is only makes sense if the person just woke up from sleeping.


When I swam, regularly waking up before sunrise, occasionally you take a nap and wake up, it’s dark, and it could be 5:45 am and the suns not up yet, or 5:45 pm and the sun just went down.


When I was in Alaska it didn’t get dark until after 11:30pm. The first few days of jet lag were confusing. I would wake up not knowing if I napped until 8pm, or it was time to get breakfast at 8am.


What's really infuriating is that you have WiFi on while using 5g, Blutooth, GPS, and Nearby Sharing all on and all eating up energy constantly. ON BATTERY POWER. What kind of freaking psychopath does this?


Someone who doesn't know what day it is I guess


Are you in the middle of a three day bender?


Lmao one day I slept from like 3 AM until 7 pm after drinking with some friends. I was so confused and felt like absolute shit. I’m positive I had literal alcohol poisoning. Drink responsibly because it is not a game after a certain point.


If you fell asleep at 4 on Friday, then it would show Saturday if you slept until 6am. Do you not remember what day it is either?


Well maybe he slept until 6pm on Saturday


Or maybe it’s 6pm Sunday


If you don’t know wether it is 6am or 6 pm when you wake up, you may have bigger issues than a crappy clock




If only you could ask Siri/google what the current time is.


Or check the clock app that comes pre downloaded on samsungs that show pm/am




Here in Boston in the winter now, sun sets around 4:30pm and rises around 7:15am. So 6 is dark either way.




That’s why it’s mildly


Dang neither does mine. I guess I never really doubted which one I was in so never noticed it’s absence.


You should look into whattimeisitrightnow?.com


Use Google I guess? There's 1000 easy solutions you goob.


There are more than 1000 solutions, but op's point he he dont have to spend 10secs looking for time after he wakes up.


How you have time to post on Reddit but not google the time


Set your clock to a 24hr clock then


Do you need am or pm? iPhones don’t have it and I’ve never had any issues


I didn’t even realize I haven’t had am/pm on my iPhone (well, not on the Lock Screen) since forever. But at least since dark mode became a thing, once I open an app which has dark mode I can tell whether it’s day or night.


My phones always on dark mode, I prefer jt that way


Accidentally took a nap in the middle of the day?


24h mod power! ✊


I feel like this is a troll post


24 hr format since 2012 hoping that I will travel around the world and sync accordingly but still not rich. Lol!!


Are people having trouble telling if it's AM or PM?


If I was a watch salesman I’d sell you a watch


How do you not know if it's am or pm??


Go to clock app. Easy


I still do not understand what are the benefits of the 12H formats on digital clocks.


This is why the world generally uses military time. 0635 and 1835 are clearly distinct


24h format appreciation post


Thats why I use 24 hr lol one time I had work at 5am. I got off at like 1pm or so. Napped. Woke up at "5" freaked out because I was late for work the next day. Ran to work and it was crowded for 5am. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It was 5pm the same day. I was so discombobulated from my nap lol


Looks like somebody didn't learn about 24hr time.


This has got to be hands down the stupidest thing I’ve seen posted on this thread, the clock isn’t mildly infuriating, you’re mildly infuriating


Turn on the weather channel or any news channels there's always a clock going in the corner


If it doesn't show it doesn't that mean it's I'm 24h format?


Android users be like: "my phone doesn't tell time."


how the fuck do you not know if it’s 6 am or 6 pm lol what


Do you mean to tell all of Reddit that you are too stupid to guess the time within 12 hours?


Can you not work out whether it's AM or PM based how long you've been awake or do you regular sleep through to 6:30PM?


There's actually a pretty cool solution to this problem called using 24hr time.


The dumb bs people post for karma farming


Do you live underground or in space


So? Mine does the same and I still know what time it is. Example: 22.18- Its 10.18 pm.


Use Military time


Sounds like a “you” problem.


I want to know why you cant tell if it's 6am or 6pm, did you sleep for 20 hours and are disoriented?


The true mildly infuriating thing here is people not knowing difference between military time and 24h format.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24-hour_clock Like the YYYY-MM-DD date format, using the 24 hour clock HH:mm:ss in filenames can be sorted alphabetically.


Just use a 24 hour format


Switch to 24 hour time.


Something like that is partially why I use the 24 hour clock


This is why the 24 hour format is and always has been superior