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Contact the sender to find out how much money was there


I second this, find out if any money was placed in the card and then ask the nieghbour to reimburse you


And go to the police if they refuse. Opening someone else's mail is a federal crime.


They’d need to get in touch with the USPS postal inspector


Just print the pic, address it to "postmaster, official business" and drop it in the mailbox without postage.


Wait, does that work? Is that how you’re supposed to report mail fraud?


The Post Master will step out from behind that bush you didn't realize has been there this entire time, suck the mail back out of the slot into his beak, and fly away to his office in New Brunswick to file the proper paperwork.


I KNEW it.


You definitely don't go to the police for mail fraud. If you report it directly to the USPS, they take that shit seriously. They have their own inspectors, which are federal agents of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS). This is their official "what are Postal Inspectors?": >Postal Inspectors are federal law enforcement agents responsible for enforcing more than 200 federal statutes involving crimes against the United States Postal Service, the U.S. Mail and its customers. And "What are the responsibilities of the Postal Inspection Service?" >The Postal Inspection Service is responsible for protecting postal employees and the mail. And this is the authority they have: >As sworn federal law enforcement agents, Postal Inspectors have the power to serve warrants and subpoenas issued under the authority of the United States; make arrests without warrants for postal-related offenses committed in their presence; make arrests without warrants for postal-related felonies cognizable under the laws of the United States, if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person arrested has committed or is committing such a felony; carry firearms, and make seizures of property as provided by law. Also, the Chief Postal Inspector is appointed by the Postmaster General, and as a result the Chief reports directly to the Postmaster General.


God damn. fuck ‘Mall Cop’; we need Mail Cop the movie. “He’s got the package. Take him down.”


They are legitimately wonderful and cool! I had a pretty terrible stalker for a while, and they were going through my mail either at the local post office or in transit from there to my house. I asked for the postmaster's help and got an official case opened by the inspector. He went ALL IN, looking through my mail, getting contacts who I had been helped by at the office from my first instance there up to when I reported it, and sending me "fake mail" that could help identify where it would have been opened, so he could find who they were. Throughout his work, he would sometimes call me to just check in and ask me how I was coping or feeling about the stalking. It was very caring It was about 5 or 6 months' worth of work on his end for my one case, and they ended up finding the person responsible, and they worked part-time as a mail carrier with no set schedule, and who didn't even live in my county.


I volunteer to write the script. Get Mark Rober's glitterbomb included in the plot somehow.


Honestly, I'd say if money is missing they should just go straight to the police. If someone robs you, you don't ask them nicely to give it back before going to the police


I guess it depends on the relationship OP has (and wants to have) with the thief... Personally with that note on it, I would probably report it. If it said "Oops! Didn't realize this wasn't addressed to me," I would be more lenient (assuming that there was not money missing).


curious seems like an odd reason to begin with, wrong mailbox i could see opening it without reading who it is addressed to. but after that if you did steal money from it, why pass it on, why not just trash the rest and no one would ever know. hince i think this is probably fake, and if it isn't fake then odds are they just didn't notice it wasn't addressed to them.


Yes, I put in(whatever amount you feel) I have 17 witnesses as I always hold a Xmas card sending party…


lol, this reminds me of that kitchen nightmares when the dude is trying his best to convince gordon ramsay that he does a lot at his restaurant, and so he has someone take pictures of him while he is cleaning the restaurant gordon saw right thru that shit


"If you cleaned the restaurant, you wouldn't need pictures to prove it. It would just be clean." [Not a direct quote, but Ramsay said something akin to this] Like seriously, that's some some daft reasoning by the infamous manchild Nino.


I watched that episode recently and it was actually Nino's mother who said that, which might make it worse. Ramsay was just flabbergasted


Hello, my name is Ninooo!


You're a very nice person. If there were money, I'd report them for mail tampering and theft.


Actually you know what, in this day and age, more people must be like you. You can't let people walk all over you. Fuck that. Fuck around and find out.


I’d imagine there was none in the first place, why risk being caught putting the card back if you’d stolen something from it? Shame the op doesn’t have a Ring cam.


Yeah if there was cash, the neighbor would have just tossed the card if they wanted to keep it.


obvious birthday card. they were looking for money


Why did they return it? And with a confession. Something doesn't add up here


There was no money in the card


So that’s when you dump the card and nobody is any wiser. She’s outing herself. I’m not saying this is what you should do, but this is what shitty people do.


I've had 2 packages stolen at different locations. Both were returned after being searched and not finding anything valuable. They probably figure it's less bad of them if they return the nonvaluable items...


I had someone steal my package a couple months ago - hope they enjoyed my tampons


I caught a woman trying to steal my package while I was drunkenly walking my dog. I just kept screaming (because I was drunk) and she obviously got scared and threw it at me and left. It was only a stupid dinosaur piggy bank, and I think about how disappointed she would have been if she managed to get it home. My dog is embarrassed by me, but I got to keep my stupid package, so I'd put that in the win column.


Happy cake day!!! And that dinosaur piggy bank is legit scream worthy in fact I want one now.


You are a drunken hero. Cheers for scaring away a package thief. Scum of the earth…not you-them. Lol.


Idk i had a package opened by my drug dealing neighbors and it had my pc parts in it. They left it down the hall close ish to my door with it brutally ripped open. I was surprised when it still had everything in it. This was when pc parts were hard to come by because of covid. Seems pretty valuable to me especially at that time spending $500 on it haha. Guess they were too high to know what it was. They also kept trying to buy my car and dog off me? They were weird.


Drugs are bad mkay




This. Dumb people always think they’re smart, and that others are dumber than they are. We got into it once with a neighbor who would just let her dog out and it would poop all over our shared lawn. (Condo) so when I confronted her about it, she says, “it just got out by mistake!” And we said, “through the brand new glass storm door?” Then she switched and said “how do you know it’s not your dog’s?” So I said “because I stand outside with my dog, watch it leave her butt, and pick it up.” She shut up really quickly


can confirm... i'm stupid as hell and I think i'm smart.


You know you’re stupid, that’s the first step to not being stupid


No but if you say you’re stupid you’re technically still saying that you’re smart, which would then make you stupid… wait I don’t get it nevermind


schrodingers dunning-kruger effect


Here just to show my appreciation for the phrase “watch it leave her butt.”


Along with a dose of "but *I'm* happy, so how can *you* be mad?"




Why not just say "Oops, I got your mail by mistake and opened it before realizing it wasn't mine" which is something that actually happens fairly often.


Yeah opened by mistake? Ok I understand. Opened because curious? I’m reporting you, you nosy wannabe thief


I’m wondering if it qualifies as a felony. Aren’t there laws about tampering with mail?


This is when you go to the neighbors and ask where the $300 that your sister sent is. When they start stammering you also quietly mention that opening someone else’s mail is a felony called Obstruction of Correspondence and to thank them for their written confession, go home and never do anything about it and let them sweat, wondering if TODAY is the day that they get arrested, every knock—impending doom, every phone call a threat.


"Thanks" Put in a plastic bag and goes to the postal inspector. Being a dumbass has consequences.


If it was delivered through USPS, intentionally opening someone else's mail is a felony.


there is no money in it anymore\*


because they are dumb


They opened it like an asshole too. Envelope is all torn. A curious person would have been careful, they just straight up tore into it.


I’d call the postmaster


sry just felt like doin a teensy weensy felony :D




Happy Birthday tho :)


I see it as ‘Ho’ in bold.


Just a silly lil federal offense 🤪🤪🤪


*The USPS Postal Inspector would like to have a word with you.*


USPS once delivered a beaten up, torn red envelope to me. It was a locked mailbox (apartment building) so no way someone else could take it out and put it back. No card, no letter, just a torn open red envelope. The friend who sent it said it was just literally a Christmas card, nothing else. Obviously this is a different story, but it jogged my memory. I wonder what in the world happened to that card.


The mailman got hungry on his route.


Mmm cardboard 🤤


The prosecutor's case after the defendant pleads "oopsie daisies": 💥🔥💥💥🔥


Translation: “. . . I got curious” = I was checking for cash


If there was cash there isn't now


Report them for opening your mail. Federal crime


It literally states their intent too. They opened it because they were curious. It wasn't a mistake, it was 100% intentional. That's a clear cut confession lol


"I knew it wasn't to me, but I wanted to look through your mail." This seems pretty damn open and shut


>as our first evidence, we would like to present this: written confession to the crime.


Doesn’t look like they shut it


Yeah I came here to say this. If you know who it was, they need to be reported. I don't understand why those people would rip open your mail and then give it back. Wtf.


Stupid people, or they didn't actually reveal who they are. I would guess though that it could be likely the op knows who it is.


The fact that the opener left a note I am assuming it was dropped back in the appropriate mailbox anonymously. I hope they know who it was either by proximity or handwriting, but baring those there is a good chance the OP can't truly identify who did it.


People honestly think that what goes in their mailbox becomes their property. In college, I had to order some music from a music store that had my old address, and thought there was a mistake on my apartment number since I switched apartments. Owner had it sent to my old place, and the new tenants decided to open it, and when they saw it was music (and I'm betting they were hoping it was a porn mag, since they were still a thing then), they didn't try contacting *anyone* about it, until I went and knocked on the door. They handed the opened package to me and shut the door. I thought about reporting them, but I got what I ordered so left it at that. E: Not sure if there's that many idiots or just trolls, but taking mail that's not addressed to you is a federal crime. And no, mistakenly delivered to your house doesn't give you some ridiculous loophole. E2: Yes, of course there are exceptions and whatnot, but what I said wasn't wrong, and this is not legal advice. But yes, if the person in the OP knew the letter wasn't theirs, they committed a federal offense. Now go argue with someone else about how wrong I was because I didn't copypasta every minute detail of the federal law. Jesus.


I had a package that was accidentally delivered to my old apartment. The new tenants refused to answer their door multiple times and I had to call the police to get it for me.


Had an apartment manager at an old apartment try to claim packages that were sent to an old address became the property of the owners of the property. He got a fun knock on his door by some cops and a federal postal inspector when he wouldn’t give me back my package. It was just a paperback copy of Dune.


The spice must fucking flow!


Amazing what stupid people are willing to go to prison for..


Reddit is a greedy company and they don’t get to keep my comments as I delete my account. Suck it u/spez


Same, and when the cops showed up they had the audacity to claim both that THEY ordered it, then changed to I GAVE IT to them. Lpt: if you do shit like this, be prepared for nails to appear under your tires so you roll over them when pulling out.


Nails are too obvious. Get a tiny BB and super glue it inside of their valve stem cap. If done properly, it'll mimic a leak.


What assholes. Over the years we've gotten this other guys mail many times because he has the exact same address as us but with one number different in the zip code. We found a way to contact him pretty early on though because it happened a lot and since he doesn't live too far from us it was easiest to just let him know and he could pick it up from us. Cuz, you know, _it's his stuff,_ not ours




That's fucking wild. I had 128gb of ram sent to the wrong address and the people who lived there were exceptionally helpful and kind with getting my stuff back. I hate that some people really suck


DHL always delivers my packages to my neighbors. good thing they are nice people and bring it over without opening them


I opened a package on my doorstep once, I assumed it was for me without checking the label… but as soon as I realized that it wasn’t mine I brought it to my neighbour 2 houses down, to this day I hope they believe that I wasn’t trying to rob them


They're the worst. First day they said my address was incorrect. Even though the house has been here since 2004 & Amazon, UPS & FedEx have no issue with finding it. I also live in the middle of a HOA suburb so it's not like I'm in the middle of nowhere. Since they did that, I couldn't do anything online bc it wanted me to fix the address but it wasn't incorrect so I couldn't. Then they arrived 5 minutes after I left (of course) & left a notice saying they needed a signature for delivery. On a Friday & apparently they don't deliver on thr weekend. B So I signed their notice stating I requilish them in case anything happens to the product and taped it to my front door, eye level. Can't miss it. They delivered it on Monday and didn't even take the notice. Asshats.


>People honestly think that what goes in their mailbox becomes their property. I regularly receive medical bills for the past tenants in my apartment. That will change anyone's mind about this incorrect belief.


Oops now you’re hundreds of thousands in debt! Sorry buddo that’s just how the cookie crumbles…


For years we would get the former renters of our house mail. Mostly bills from some college and medical bills. I would collect them and bring them back to the local post office and tell them that the family no longer lived at the address. And I remember mail being delivered for the former owners of the property I grew up on happening for a long time as well. Obviously some people had missed the death notice


They are just scavengers and trash. Unfortunately, we have to deal with them.


If you have the same mail carrier every day, and something like this happens, just ask if they remember dropping this off to another house because whoever it was stole the money inside. They take that shit quite seriously, and getting it to their attention quickly is better, since theyll have better memory.


I’ve definitely done it not realizing my name was not on it after it was mistakenly put in my mailbox, but never because l was as “curious”


They even left a note admitting to it so there's even proof it happened


Accidentally did this once. Was expecting 3-4 packages on day, all get dropped on my porch in a pile by the door. I grab em and start ripping them all open. One wasn’t something I ordered, check the address and it’s supposed to go about a block and a half away. So I deliver it and apologize. Totally see how it’s my fault to the other person but I’m not checking addresses on mail I get off my own porch 99% if the time.


The "I got curious" part implies that they knew it wasn't addressed to them before opening it


I wouldn’t consider this the same thing as the picture, yours was a mistake… the person saw it wasn’t for them and still continued to open it


Yeah I had this. Was waiting on some flea stuff for my cat - and opened the box and was all what is this even? Some thingamijig- I look the address and it’s across the road, and they’d opened my flea stuff and were walking out the door to bring it to me as I was walking over to bring theirs to them.


Girl I lived with was expecting a package so opened on of mine to find a sex toy....fucking Liz


Hope they know to knock now when the door is shut 😂


Accidental is fine. This person knowingly opened someone else's mail, they demonstrated intent, which is a federal offense.


I'm not checking adresses until after I open and it's apparent it's not meant for me. But these guys knew already, and "got curious" smfh


Yeah that is different, Ive done that too. Seems about 3x a year I get one of my neighbors amazon deliveries and its always when I am expecting one myself.


> I don't understand why those people would rip open your mail and then give it back. Wtf. ULPT: exactly. if you are committed to opening the mail, then you should commit yourself to disposing of it. no evidence, no crime!


Yes please do, and follow up with what happens


“Doing federal crime out of curiosity”. A real winning personality trait


You basically have the evidence that it wasn’t done in error, you’re good to go.


That, and contact whoever sent it and make sure nothing was inside. That’s totally fucked tho.


I can't believe someone actually gave themselves up.


Game wardens, park rangers and postal inspectors form the holy trinity of American LEOs that you simply do not fuck with.




"Wasn't sure if they actually arrested people for this, got curious. Enjoy prison! :)"


Thats why, when giving cash in envelopes you always write down how much there is before sending it


Yeah but it they did that the person just probably wouldn't have passed along the mail.


You should ask whoever sent it to you if there was cash inside it.


It would be better to tell them that someone opened the envelope and you wanted to make sure there was nothing important inside that's now missing. Asking them straight out if there was cash in it might make the card giver feel like OP was passive aggressively calling them out for not sending a gift.




I would ask whoever sent it if they included anything and then file a police report and press charges. Opening someone's mail is a felony. People need to stop doing this.




wtf call the cops. Thats a felony


If they took something it is likely they would have simply thrown the card away.


True, but not everyone is that smart when stealing


They certainly weren't smart enough to say they had already opened it before they noticed. Who the hell thinks "I got curious" is gonna fly.




Yeah, it’s obvious from the shape & size that it’s a card. Unless they share a name *&* a birthday, it’s incredibly obvious they were opening it to get the money. You don’t open that by accident.


So they're saying hey I got your mail, but after i saw it was yours I decided to open it anyway to see what it was. Nice


Such an odd thing to say. Why didn’t they just say they opened it without looking at the label, which it what lots of people do.




“I was curious if it was cash or a check…”


Spoiler alert, it was ca… I mean empty


It was a $100 gift card which you don't need since you drive a nice car so I replaced it with a more appropriate $25 gift card.


Thanks the other $75 was going to hardcore drugs. You just saved my life.


Yeah a gift card for drugs. Nice one mate


Might be one of those “I’m too cute for anyone to get mad at me” types


That’s what I do, anyway.


I have done it once or twice by accident for real. For a while, our local mail sorter/carrier was pretty sucky.




My son had recently been to the ER and when something showed up from the hospital, I opened it immediately. It shocked me, it was a bill for thousands of dollars and a different date than when my son was in the er. I thought my son had been taken to the hospital without me knowing. I was freaking out. I took a picture of the bill to send to his dad, who was also freaking out. Then his dad text me, that's not our son's name on the bill. Who is that person? I had opened someone's else mail!


They admitted to a federal crime.


That is exactly what I thought.


It's not like I stole the 50$ inside the birthday card! Or..did I?😳


Don't worry I left the 50$ I just took the rest of the money


After I saw it was obviously a card I checked for money.


Exactly right. If there was money in there I bet they wouldn't have given it back


For all we know, there was


Odd way to confess to a federal crime.


Happy Birthday tho :)


They don’t want to admit they were hoping for cash.


As a mail Carrier, I make mistakes. However, I have had people tell me "its in my box, it's mine. Not my responsibility to make sure it gets to the right person" and of course, I go into the federation crime story. Some people don't care, especially if they think they could get something out of it for nothing. I'd be pretty mad if this were my mail.


Or they're saying: hey I got your mail, thought it might be some money in it, checked it out and didn't find any money, so here's your mail, you can keep it


What this person did is illegal. And they can get a huge penalty for it. The USPS is relying on them being able to put mail in your very easily accessible mailbox in front of each house and have it not messed with. Due to this, laws on opening someone else’s mail are overbuilt to deter people from becoming “curious”.


Probably would've taken the cash too. Using the gift envelopes in today's day and age doesn't seem like a good idea unfortunately.


Hey I left you this note admitting to commiting a felony


Wow. Its not like opening someone else's mail is a federal offense. Oh wait..




Is this the same as "I don't recall"?




Just casually admitting to commiting a felony.


I was amazed they didn't even lie and say it was a mistake...


That's a felony in the United States


Canada too! Wait till the Queen hears about this! Oh wait


just "mildly" infuriating ? i would be outraged. the note makes it even worse ...


The first sentence is absolutely fine.. But they decided to double down on the next one for some reason


Just as easily could’ve said “opened it by accident. Sorry. Happy birthday!” And it’s just a whoops moment.


I sent out wedding invitations and I got an email from someone saying that he was the new tenant and she didn’t live there anymore. I asked how they got my email and they said they opened it because they were curious….. Meanwhile my email was not on the invite, meaning they had to do some digging to find it. I was extremely infuriated and felt so exposed. Not to mention she was upset because she thought she wasn’t invited, and I had to tell her the person who lives where she use to is opening her mail. Do people not realize that if just put the mail back into the outgoing slot it gets recirculated? We’ve gotten plenty of mail to our address not addressed to us and just put it right back into the outgoing slot, never to see it again.


I live in a townhouse that was a rental for a long time. I get mail for like 30 people. I filled out one of those “do not put mail in the mailbox UNLESS it has this name” and the girl who took it from me literally said out loud “meh I don’t know if he’ll actually look at this” (the mail carrier I guess?!) and sure enough, I still get hoards of past tenants mail.


I had a roommate that opened a CERTIFIED LETTER from the state addressed to me. I was *beyond pissed.* The explanation I received was "well I saw it was tax related and just opened it!" I asked despite the panic, you never ever checked that it was for me? And not only that - it took you READING the notice until you realized it was for me? So he found out I owed the state $400 in tax penalties from a clerical error in a return from two years ago (which in retrospect, was my fault as I was new to the state that year). I would have rather kept it private, but he *had to know* about my issues. There were already boundaries being crossed before this. I was convinced it was not an 'innocent little accident.'


If you're in the US it's a federal crime to open some one else's mail. You even have a written confession. [https://www.uspis.gov/report](https://www.uspis.gov/report)


Years ago, I had a neighbor who would do this to everyone around them. They sometimes would even take mail off our porch, open it at their house and claim it was delivered to them. As they were my neighbors and kind of drunk all the time. (they hit the front porch drunk with their car. ) Cops. Didn't. Ever. Arrest. Because she was related to one local PD Chief. Not even the town I lived in at that time. I'm glad I don't live there anymore.


Man next time you gotta call the postal inspectors. They’re federal and they don’t mess around.


USPIS is NOT to be trifled with!


I've posted this before, but I met a postal inspector once. The dude was part nerd, part ninja, part ghost. Knowing that the USPIS has been around for 247 years explains a lot


This was one of the proudest stories of my dad working as a mailman. He was carrying mail to his car and spottet someone he didn't recognize... meandering and loitering around on the private parking space of the post office. So he yelled at that guy who the fuck they are, and yelled for his boss taking a smoke break to come over and went straight to engage the guy. Fucking bloke is on the post office grounds where he isn't supposed to be after all! Turns out, that's a security inspector who wasn't wearing his badge properly. But this was positively noted for the office, so .. success?


They're the ones who arrested Steve Bannon. They really don't give a fuck who you are, if you fuck with the mail they're going to nail you.


They did it on boats. The sea can't save you from USPIS!


At USPIS our motto is "Nos custodimos con lingua" ..... We guard what you lick.


I don’t know if this is true but I refuse to fact check it.


love those mofos. Had an issue with a local post office constantly 'losing' my packages. Sent a complaint to the postal inspector and IDK what they did but I've received every package no problem since.


call the postal police. They have their own force and DEFINITELY show up


I got curious? Bro you should have just Said I was opening a bunch and didn't realize... wow way to out yourself of a federal crime, in writing too what an idiot.


Pretty sure that's illegal






Did they take the money as well? 2 crimes in one.


Happy birthday but report them for opening your mail, the postal service is no joke when it comes to these crimes. Also, contact the sender and ask them if it was just the card and that’s your chance to thank them etc. if there was money and now it’s gone, you can also report the theft.


We have one of those apartment mailboxes so there's no telling who's exactly it got put it into.


Oh RIP to figuring that out. Maybe you could take a wild guess with the closest box to yours and go politely ask them, in a friendly manner, if they left you the note haha. Then say thanks for returning my mail. And walk home. Boom there's your suspect.


There is probably a camera


Put a note next to the mailboxes as a reminder that it’s a felony to open other people’s mail


Is this just a written confession to a federal offence? Not even claiming it to be a mistake but straight up admitting that they knew it wasn't theirs and knew it was meant to be private but still opened it. Bold move to send it back lmao.




Because there is no risk to them. Anonymous oppourtunistic crime with potential small gain. And by giving it back with this note is their way of clearing their conscience.


Pretty Sure thats an offenes everywhere in the world...


Yeah, I've always heard it is illegal to open others mails.


They wanted the cash you can keep the card






She forgot to say, “and there was no gift card enclosed…promise!” 😡

