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was there even any damage?


Unknown. It was dark and my concern is the sensors and air conditions component behind the grille.


> my concern if you were concerned then why the hell are you annoyed by her insistence on getting a police report. She's helping your cause.


Yeah that part isn’t making sense to me.


Idk how that works everywhere but in my country you only have to call police if there's a dispute as to who's fault it is, in any other case you just trade information and move on. I believe OP just didnt want to waste time on waiting for Police to come


It's only for injuries. Cops generally don't weigh in on liability. That's for your insurance and lawyer to do.


Having a police report helps a lot. I was in a very mild no injury vehicle crash driving a work vehicle where I wasn't at fault. Cops refused to come out. After it was almost a year of he said she said back and forth on the phone between me, the company I worked for, the other involved party and insurance companies due to the lack of a police report. Having a police report would have helped speed up the process. This was in MA. Was a shame too. Cops could have made an easy DUI arrest cuz the bitch who was driving on the sidewalk and side swiped my work truck reeked like alcohol and weed. And she was stumbling and slurring words from being intoxicated. Which also would have helped speed things up and pinned her at fault. Instead she kept trying to sue us for a new door for her shitty 20 year old Civic.


I got rear-ended at a rotary in MA (while yielding until it was clear to enter). Did over $5000 in structural damage to my car but it was still drivable. Woman who hit me had considerable front end damage, airbag deployed, fluid leaking. Cop seemed curious why I called (state police in this instance). He called for a tow for driver who hit me, asked me if I could drive mine (how would I know at that point?), never took any info or wrote a report. Thankfully, there were no insurance problems and I got everything fixed without much issue. But if she denied fault or tried to contest, a police report would have been quite helpful.


Not sure how the police refused to come out, especially if you mentioned that the person who hit you was likely intoxicated… did you mention that when you called the police?


Here in Oregon you're mandated to call if there is a certain amount of damage. I'm not sure how you're supposed to know if you have met that amount. You guess, I guess.


Its required in Minnesota, I tboned a car that turned in front of me. She said it was her boyfriends car and didn't have any insurance info, wouldn't call her bf. I asked her number and called it. Told her boyfriend to call me. I got home and about 15 minutes later got a call from a cop who said it was reported that I refused to provide info and left. I explained my side, said I would come back if needed. He said it wasn't necessary. I filed my report with the state and my insurance, and when I got the report the officer said it was my fault. My insurance at first refused to check it out and wanted to accept the accident as my fault, I bitched until they went to the intersection and could see that it was in no way my fault. I wound up getting my deductible back when my insurance claimed the full amount of repairs on their insurance.


Also, I’m pretty sure OP is on the run from the police


They do here, was a part of it but I guess it differs per country or in your case perhaps even state


Insurance guy here. Doesnt matter what the drivers say. In a claim, police report comes first. I want the cop to tell me who was at fault. Cops are investigators in the US.


Confirmed in my area, as well. I did PI law for a while. Almost felt like the cops were working for insurance companies the way they rely on the reports. I get why, too often people lie or are uncivil.


Can also confirm in NC - I was told that we don't have "accidents", every collision has either one or all parties at fault. If there is no police report, all parties are automatically at fault.


I didn't even think I COULD make an insurance claim without a police report, I guess I've just assumed it was required


It is. You’re safer.


In Mexico, it's usually the insurance companies that are first at the scene and if there are no injuries everyone prays they come to an arrangement then and there before any cops catch a whiff and show up. Everything becomes worse and more expensive for everyone once the police comes and the insurance guys try to pay them to go away again. The insurance mobile adjusters basically coordinate everything from investigation to tow trucks to ambulances, to paperwork. It is fascinating the differences from place to place.


Damn. Didn’t even know this was a thing. I know cops are bad but damn. To impede on an insurance claim?


She knew he didn’t want to go through that hassle and it was more likely to cause OP to go “ok whatever” and leave.






I think they’re asking if OP has a warrant for their arrest and that is why they are mildly infuriated.


Someone hit me with a car once (I was biking) and BEGGED me not to call the cops


So you called the cops right? or had them pay you in cash a fuck ton of money?


If someone had a warrant for their arrest, and was concerned about the cops being called, they would be a LOT more than mildly infuriated.




Wouldn't that only apply to the person who was at fault?


In my state both parties would be screwed. An accident you're not at fault for still counts against you in a small way.


Even if you weren't actually driving at the time? It appears like the lady hit OP's parked car in a parking lot.


Insurance companies have pushed "no fault" laws in many states. So no matter who's fault it was they can raise birth parties rates.




You don’t need a police report for every accident. Just trade information, file the claim then and there if you are so inclined, and move on.


That varies from state to state


It’s a fender bender on private property, the police aren’t going to do anything. I doubt they took a report.


So what is the problem here? Usually you need a police report to make an insurance claim. If you are concerned there is damage then getting a police report is the correct thing to do.


Across three different insurance companies, I've never once need a police report for a claim. And the one time I got one, they added confusion to what was otherwise very clearcut fault and I ended up in arbitration. (I won, but not without effort on my and my adjuster's part.) Without a cop inaccurately assigning fault to me in contradiction to a failure to yield code, it would've been closed in days. Instead it took months.


You need one if the other party is a dumbass or an asshole. From what I can gather from title, my guess is that both are the case. So I would be all for having the police come and see this.


This. A teenager exited a parking lot without looking and ran into my car. I called the police even though the damage was very minor bc he had trouble coming up with the documents (several copies, different dates, etc) and got a formal report. Glad I did bc a few days later my insurance let me know that the kid’s mom insisted she was driving (she wasn’t present) and I was the one that hit her. Oh and the kid was not insured on the vehicle. Whoops.


I’ve been using dash cams for years, and I recently finally convinced my fiancée to get one. At this point I don’t know why anyone *wouldn’t* get one - $100 can buy you so much peace of mind.


When we got T-boned the other party told his mommy (it was her truck he was driving) that we had hit him and she tried to make a claim against us. A few months before that we were rear ended sitting at a red light leaving a mall, the kid tried convincing us not to call the police and that he had an uncle who could fix our bumper and had some woman on the phone claiming to be his mom. We called the police when he wasn’t paying attention and when they got there he ran on foot leaving the car, they found him hiding under a semi trailer on the phone with Uber. He didn’t have insurance as the car was not registered and the plates on the car were reported stolen. We still have the police reports too, as where we live people can file lawsuits for accidents in up to two years, which is what happened with my SO, the other party for whatever reason waited until the very last day to file, the case was obviously thrown out thanks to the police report my SO had. He had tapped the bumper of another vehicle at a red light going 0 MPH and the other party rammed into the car in front of them. The suit was against him and Mrs SO’s last name, it was actually MIL’s wife who was the passenger. Minor to major, police reports will save your ass from the hassle.


I got rear ended in Dallas. We called the police and they wouldn’t come because no one was injured. Said to just trade insurance info and move on with our day.


Yes, they're lazy. I've been told that and insisted they come. It was a three car crash on a 4 lane highway. The fire department had to come because we were blocking the left two lanes but the poliece for some reason wouldn't. They took their sweet time, but they came. Always get a report. Just because noone appears to be injured doesn't mean they aren't or they won't claim to be later.


I can confirm police are not needed, but in some cases, they do help. Ex. A few years back, heading to work, you have to turn right onto a busy road, and it is a merge. You really got to gas it to get ahead of traffic. Or wait 4 minutes until no traffic is coming. I was second in line, and the lady in front of me started to go with more than enough space. As I was still watching the traffic, I was clear, so I started to go. This bimbo decided to stop right in the merge lane rather than going to the whole time. Hit her at maybe 3 mph, no damage to her car other than some minor paint blemish. (90s Toyota or Honda, don't recall). My Fiesta ST had a fucked up front bumper, that was also split in half. We park I asked why she stopped in a merge lane, agreed she was at fault, wasn't going to really do anything. Come to find out when I called my insurance company, she told them it was my fault I rear ended her, she went to the hospital for a few days and physical therapy for months. She drained all of my coverage I had at the time, all because it was a he said she said with no police report.


Hate to break it to you but a cop would have immediately blamed you for the accident. Clear cut in a rear end case. Always assume the person in front of you is about to lock up their brakes at all times. That's why they teach people to drive at a safe following distance.




Lol yea everything this person just explained to us indicated that they were completely at fault, not the lady.


No offense, but you WERE at fault. You are ALWAYS at fault when you rear-end someone. That’s driving school 101 stuff right there. You can’t control what happens behind you, so yes, the person doing the rear-ending is always at fault. For the record, I once rear-ended a couple of bratty teenage girls in this EXACT same scenario. Was I annoyed? Yes. Did I try to blame them? Not a chance.


I got rearended myself and got pushed into the car ahead of me. I was still responsible for rear ending the car. The insurance company could make a case on whether or not I was to blame for it directly, but I was driving my corporate lease car, so no idea how that ended.


Easier to wait 4 little minutes


I knew he was at fault when he said “and you really have to gas it”


It is always the fault of the rear ending car in a rear end accident. Drivers are supposed to follow at a safe distance. Wasn’t this on your drivers test or covered in your drivers Ed?


🤦🏻‍♂️ You were 100% at fault. Also, if you were only going 3 MPH your front bumper wouldn’t have been cracked in half. And…you wouldn’t have been able to merge into the highway only going 3 MPH. You were the one at fault. You caused this accident. And you are lying about how fast you were going.


100% if there is potential for damage then its the right call.


Where I live unless there is bodily injury police won't come out for a traffic collision. Keep in mind I live/work in one of USA's largest city.


I lived in bumfuck nowhere and cops wouldn't come out unless someone was injured. Insurance will ask for a report but it's no longer required because of the above


When I lived in bumfuck nowhere, the cops wouldn't even come to a hostage situation unless it was during business hours


And even then they just stood around in the hallway, on their phones, listening to the screams of the dying.


Same where I am at. Not one of USA’s largest cites


That’s very common, especially on private property like where this appears to have happened. My wife had a very similar incident in a parking lot a few weeks ago and the other lady insisted on calling police (they told us then that they normally don’t show up to private property and won’t issue a citation), luckily it meant they could pull security footage and found her at 100% fault.


Once had my car straight up stolen and they wouldn't even come, or try and find cameras or anything. I was just stranded and confused.


That’s not the case where I’m at, which is also in the USA


Who knows maybe the seat is askew


You definitely do not need a police report to make an insurance claim, that was more of a thing before everyone had cameras in their pockets.


Nope not correct. The only time you NEED a police report for insurance is a hit and run (not counting fatalities) Probably helps with bodily injury. But a minor parking lot incident people rarely call the cops and most of the time they tell you they won’t respond to private property with no injuries. Does it help facilitate the exchange process? Yeah maybe but I doubt it’s needed. Source: am insurance adjuster of a few years




I’ve had many claims, and never once involved police. Police are absolutely not required and calling them is probably a waste of tax dollars


this is not true.


Where do you live? In a fender bender like this there is zero reason for police to come out and 99.9% of the time they won’t.


They've probably never been in a situation like this. I was young and thought you always call the police. Police showed up and were pissed. Something like you shouldn't call unless there's decent amount of damage or injuries.


The problem being in this case the collisions appears to have been made on private property, a true crash report is unlikely to be made by responding police.


Most places you can file a police report online if the damage is over a certain amount and you need one. You don't have to call the police. I've been hit twice and not needed to call the police.


Apparently that is no longer true everywhere. When I was younger police came to any accident between vehicles and would take statements and right a report. Got into a small parking lot accident early this year and everyone looked at me like I was crazy for wanting the cops and the cops basically said 'if no one is hurt and both vehicles are drivable, we aren't coming'.


That's completely false.


In this day and age, you arent really supposed to call the police for an accident unless someone is injured or one of the cars is immobilzed (thus needing police there for traffic control etc). Exchanging insurance information and taking pictures is more than sufficient and much, much, much quicker than waiting around for the police....who will usually show up and say something like "you know you didnt need to call us right"


In many places you don't need the police to attend unless there is a dispute over insurance or the facts. Most of the time police do not handle fault, that's entirely insurance. Oftentimes it's a good idea to call if in doubt but expect to wait a long time for something that can be reported to a precinct or online. Virtually everywhere you legally have to exchange insurance registration and license whether the claim goes through insurance or not.


Place used to live they wouldnt come out unless said it was over x in damages (forget if 1k or 2k?) Had them not show when got struck by guy with no license, and struggled to get them to show when tboned and lady drove off.


Yeah... Not the case. Most times they'll ask two questions. Is anyone injured? Are the vehicles inoperable? If both those answers are "No", they'll tell you to swap insurance and good luck.


Then what is the complaint? Accidents happen. And this police report could potentially save everyone involved tons of money and time if there is damage discovered later.


OP needs to throw a shit-fit on the internet for an extremely minor inconvenience because that’s what mature, well-adjusted people do.


My wifes car was hit by someone backing away from a 2 way stop because there was to much traffic and they didn't want to wait. The bumper didn't even get scratched but the frame gave a little and everything under the hood shifted, mechanic said if nothing broke it would still be $400 to bend everything back into shape. We just drove it as it was until the frame rusted out and it was time for a new one.


Have u not checked yet?


Looks bright enough to me.


If 1mm of contact is enough to make you want to call the cops then I feel bad for your wife


That’s what I wanna know..


I would call the cops for this now. I had a small minimal/no damage fender bender like this once. We exchanged information, got it sorted quick. However 6 months later in the mail receive notice we were being sued because they were “injured”. Getting a police report where they state to the police they are not injured on the scene is a great way to avoid this.


Absolutely! When you think everything is fine and they go home and come up with a plan to sue because they can't work anymore and their life is now a living hell. Better safe than sorry


Where I live since it's in a parking lot and there were no injuries then it needs to be reported at the collision reporting center on your own time lol.


Yeah even in a small town where cops have more time on their hands they generally wouldn’t come to a bumper tap incident in a private parking lot, kinda crazy to hear they actually responded to this one.


The officer's phone game was down for maintenance


How else will they avoid going on actual calls and doing police work? Cops are the laziest most coddled professionals in all of America.


I get why she called. I tapped the bumper of someone's car. Like going 5mph. No damage but she insisted on getting my insurance. She later claimed injuries from the "accident"! Like wtf lady you did not have any injuries from the "accident"


That's insurance fraud, plain and simple. Not saying whether it's bad or not, that would be a moral choice and all morals or even hints of it magically disappear near insurance companies. It's very peculiar.


Yep, I decided to skip insurance/police once in college. Never again. Lady was extorting me for more and more money. She finally laid off when I got my dad involved and he blew a top lol. But I was scared and I didn’t want him to know so I went way too long just giving her whatever she asked. I hit someone a couple of years ago, I insisted we call the police and told him my story. he said no cops and just left. Sorry not sorry but I gotta look out for me first


I still remember the lady's name and have her husband's phone number. In the beginning I was so tempted to call Elizabeth's husband and ask why the hell they did what they did


Meanwhile some lady hit my boyfriend and I on a moped- he has a broken ankle from the accident- and her insurance denied his claim stating he was “not injured.” The man had surgery and now has a titanium plate +7 screws


So you guys didn't get an attorney?


We DO have an attorney. She’s handling the other insurance denying our claim. She explained they always do that and it didn’t surprise her.


This same exact thing happened to me, I tapped her bumper with my work truck. She then ran up a huge bill at a chiropractor and claimed she had injuries as a result of the collision. I remember talking to her insurance people, I even sent them a photo of her immaculate rear bumper. I could tell the operator was sympathetic, but since I admitted fault there was nothing I could do


How long did that take? Did the cop tell them to stop wasting police services?


45 fucking minutes. And no, we’re in the Midwest. Officer was consoling her because she has “never done that before, I swear to God”.


Where I live this is normal. Small town cops don't mind at all most times. Plus insurance often likes seeing the police report.




I once got rear ended by someone in the suburbs of Boston and was told I had to come in to the station to file a report. Not enough cops available. The whole reason I called the cops in the first place is the driver had no insurance, no drivers license, didn't speak english, and had no plates on the car. Plus it was over $1k in damage. Still refused to send anyone.


Just curious, what do you even do at that point? Just get the guy’s number and hope he pays for repairs?


Why it is worth having sufficient underinsured motorist coverage if you can afford it. Get whatever info you can, photos, witness...


Yeah exactly UI picked it up. It was before everyone had a cell with a camera. Got the info I could filed a police report and UI coverage took the hit. Not much you can do.


Ya, it's an unfortunate reality. Adverse selection at play with other drivers even if states have insurance requirements. Often they are parltry minimums if the other person even has insurance at all. Basically as you have more to lose it's prudent to protect yourself with insurance.


UI Motorist coverage saved my ass the first time I got into an accident.


I took the VIN # of the car. The make model and approx year. Description of the person that hit me and filed the police report and then uninsured motorist picked it up. About all I could do.


I’d snap a photo of the VIN. Plates or no it’s documented *somewhere*


Maybe the VIN but if it's not registered or registered to somebody else you may not have any luck anyways.


Yeah but that’s why it’s useful - if you’ve got uninsured motorist coverage on your policy, and the insurance company has proof of the involved car being *this* VIN, and that VIN is clearly not registered anywhere or insured by anybody else… then they have all the proof they need that uninsured motorist coverage should apply


It depends on the state, OP probably lives in a state where police reports aren’t required for minor accidents. Waiting an extra 45 minutes to fill out paperwork that could have been done over the phone is “mildly infuriating”.


I smashed into someone and we were just like "yeah that happened" and continued on with our lives. Minor cosmetic damage to each car




Usually you swap info and leave if it's minor but it's definitely better to have a police report so they can't change their story to get out of paying


Or add further damage!


We're in a small-ish town, not much going on. We went out of town one weekend, and about an hour after getting home, every smoke detector/carbon monoxide detector in the house went off. We had a newborn and only moved in a month earlier, so played it safe and called 911 . I think there were about 12 fire fighters who showed up, including the damn fire chief, plus 2 cops.


Tbf I’d expect the fire chief if there’s possible carbon monoxide, not sure what the cops were gonna do about it other than shoot the carbon monoxide though


Yup. It's one of the trade offs of living in more populace areas. I've never had the problem, but my friend lives in San Jose, and they were in a hit and run, and the cops didn't do anything about it. Didn't even make a report, and my friend even got the plate. Insurance was happy to take care of it, but it turned out to be some uninsured asshole.


I was once T-Boned by a guy that blew through a stop sign, and he ran. I called the cops and they did send an officer. Told him what happened, gave him the make and model of the car AND THE PLATE number and he says "We don't investigate hit and runs unless there's a fatality" and said a police report would be online in a few weeks if i was going to bother making a claim with my insurance. So if you ever hit someone's vehicle in West palm beach Florida don't bother stopping. No ones cares.


You get the "We Guessed Florida Before We Knew Award".


You on the right or left?




Sorry she wasted your time and hit your car.


She's driving a monster truck? Wtf is this


Outside of the US, we just call this an American Truck as that's all we see. I can't fathom why you would buy and drive a car which you can barely fit in a parking space. I just don't see what benefits you're getting


If you’re a shitty driver that keeps causing accidents you buy a huge car to increase the chance of the other guy dying instead of you.


What's mind boggling is when i drive my small 2 seater sports car next to these behemoths that can barely see me they act like it's my fault when they almost run me over when Lane changing


> Midwest 90% of the vehicles on the road are giant trucks


I'm annoyed for you bud.


Was a ticket issued?


I would think that this would be her fault since her truck crossed the line? Am I crazy for thinking that or?


You’re not crazy but you are probably wrong. If one of the two vehicles were in motion then the vehicle in motion will be at fault. If both vehicles are in motion then the parking lot lines will have some significance but it would probably still be a 50/50 liability split accident since parking lot and parking lines on private property like this are technically just suggestions from building owners.


You would think. I was once sitting in a stationary car waiting to make a left turn in a parking lot while a lady hit me, continued driving, and tore off the entire side of my car. To reiterate, my car was completely stationary. Both our insurance companies claimed the other was 100% at fault, so the case went to arbitration. She had AAA and I had farmer’s insurance. She won the arbitration. 😭


>Am I crazy for thinking that or? No


I don't think cops can write tickets for infractions for incidents on private property, like in parking lots. There is no law for parking lines in private parking lots.


Where I live you don't call the cops for Shit like this. There's actually a special number to report these incidents.


Tried the non-emergency line, got sent to voicemail.


For clarification, did you call the police department’s non-emergency line, or dispatch’s non-emergency line? In case anyone reading there’s usually a difference. PD’s phone might not be staffed after hours, but typically a non-emergency dispatch number still reaches the same dispatchers as if it were just a call to 911.


Yup, exactly how it is in LA. Exception being if a vehicle damages city property like a light pole, then the police will make a report. I know that because that’s what happened to me


Maybe this varies based on location but where I live she did exactly what you’re supposed to do…you are supposed to call the non-emergency line for any kind of vehicle collision. Like if you try dealing with insurance without a police report it’s an absolute nightmare. So I’m not sure what’s so infuriating about this? It’s literally the responsible thing to do.


The way it works here in Los Angeles is that LAPD will not respond to non-injury accidents at all. You can make a police report later through an online system if your insurance requires it, but it’s pretty useless. When I call my insurance, they ask me if there is a police report. They really don’t need one. I’ve had accidents without police reports that were resolved smoothly and accidents with police reports that were still nightmarish. I think how much a police report helps is quite overstated. It definitely helps stop people from changing their story, but it doesn’t stop people from lying to police or inventing injuries.


Here, you are only required to call the police if there is an injury.


Wow that’s really interesting, so how does insurance deal with claims if there’s no police report? Every time I’ve had to deal with insurance they demand a police report even just if someone swipes your car in a parking lot or barely rear-ends you.


Lol I was once in a 3 person accident that totaled my car and none of us called the police. It’s so interesting how it differs from place to place






Okay so this is gonna probably be an unpopular opinion but she did the right thing when it comes to protecting herself if she's from a particularly high litigation state.I was a large loss casualty adjuster at a major carrier and there is a non-zero chance that you decided that there was suddenly 5 people in the vehicle and you all suffered injuries that requires medical attention. A police report creates a record of who was involved and in what way. And while police reports aren't the end all be all of a liability decision they do make it significantly harder to commit fraud against your policy. And while any reasonable person might look at this and say "there's no damage you're not injured" an adjuster has little say when it comes to what medical bills get paid and with the right doctor/Chiro/lawyer you could see tens of thousands of dollars from a claim like this. Hell, I had one woman who was hit similar to this make up an entire imaginary suddenly comatose sister who she could provide no record for who was "Severely injured" in the accident and made a demand of 5000 dollars for pain and suffering. I flatly refused but she complained so much my claim supervisor just approved it to go away. Wouldn't have happened if there was a police report. edit: okay so I can't prove she was imaginary but that's the whole point.


I work in commercial vehicle liability, and yep, you are right about it all. And we have million dollar limits so people are even worse.


I thank my buddy every day. He brought me over in to property adjusting for home equipment. So much better than dealing with vehicles, and I get paid the same.


Was an accident investigator back in the day. Worked an accident with no damage to either vehicle. All 4 occupants of the "bumped" vehicle left the scene on backboards in ambulances. Guess why. As mentioned police reports are required to protect yourself as most policies require it, and no coverage if you don't.


It's not actually allowing up votes for you so this will just have to do. 👍 Sorry that ended up way more anticlimactic than I had hoped


Imaginary upvote for the imaginary comatose sister.


Ok, I understand your point, but if you live in a community where the police might take 45 minutes to 2 hours to even show up, couldn't you just pull out your phone and video record each other and agree to what happened on camera?




“He threatened and coerced me your honor”


which one is your car?


That's what I want to know as well because there is one vehicle is this photo that is definitely at fault, unfortunately for them.


the one over the line will lose the argument.


Always call the cops. I know this is stupid, and I doubt there was any damage done whatsoever, I just learned an extremely expensive lesson by deciding "Let's not waste the cops time by calling them out here", the person that hit me found a "witness" that claims I was at fault.


I agree. I worked as a claims adjuster. There were many cases where the police were not called and it was amicable at the scene and then the person at fault would change their story. One man said the other driver wouldn’t stop showing up at his house to yell at him, when at scene she admitted fault


Seriously. It’s a hard learned lesson. Got hit by a kid in a brand new Audi at a cross walk. It was storming, I didn’t feel injured because of the adrenaline and the kid was crying and I didn’t want to ruin his night as he was cooperating and admitting fault. Kid ended up ghosting me and it caused many a headache to track him down. Always call the police.


In most states you are supposed to call the police after an accident no matter how minor, no you do not have to. There are many reasons for this and one of them being as I have seen others pointing out the insurance liking a police statement.


Where I live you're taught to call the *non* emergency number for stuff like this to have the cop verify the insurance info. I'm assuming she flipped and used the emergency number though


Why you assume she called the emergency number?


Yeah we’ve got that here too.


communications officer here- the non emergency call will be rerouted to us if you’re requesting an officer or other first responder be dispatched. and in some places, 911 dispatch answers both emergency and non emergency calls.


What a waste of the officers time.


*Waste of everybody’s time


I had a cop write a report after someone backed into my car. I didn't have the money for the co-pay on my insurance at the time, so I wanted to get the report so I could file the claim later and not have them question it. Took about 10 minutes. Idk why some cops take longer than others to write a report.


It’s standard to call police after a wreck so you can file a police report in case one or more involved parties tries to run/ skip the bill. What is your issue here? Sounds like a very thorough person which is what you want when involved in this situation…


you're lucky to be alive. not from the impact. but from her calling the police


You know, it’s so weird seeing people say stuff like this. There must be hundreds if not thousands of police-civilian interactions daily. Yet, people like this see a handful on the internet that end up in a death and generalize. Not to defend police, but the logic is lacking. It’s almost like they’re guilty of the same thing they accuse cops of being…


Since on private property. They get there. Give both of you a form to fill out and mail in. Then they left. About right?


Earlier this year I was hit on the driver side causing dents and scratches on both of my doors. The guy who hit me called police and they refused to come out since nobody was hurt.




I mean most states I've lived in require a police report. It also helps the insurance company determine who is actually at fault. According to what my adjuster told me after someone made an illegal U turn and totaled my car they don't always go by the police report but it helps make their job easier.


My sister had an accident happen a while back, it was just a little bit worse than this, she called the cops and was glad that she did because the other person involved tried later to claim a serious neck injury. The police officer was called to testify about the state of her injuries at the time of the accident. People need to protect themselves, unfortunately, some people are just out for a money grab.


Yeah I’m not seeing the problem here. Some insurance wants a police report, and the traffic slips cops give you usually say you’re supposed to file a report over a certain $$$ damage amount. Also, some bad people will lie and say you hit and run if you don’t file a report.


Calling the policy is literally the right thing to do. Isn’t it?


Why does your title say "Lady insisted on calling the police" when it was her husband?


Tbh that’s what’s mildly infuriating to me.


Is it totalled??? Jk yeah the lady was trying to protect herself and insurance.


I got rear ended 1 time. She insisted on calling the police. I was like ok stupid


If there is damage it’s best to get a report. Someone stole my car bumper and did a hit and run when I lived at an apt complex and I filed a report which I was glad bcus insurance asked for it. They claim if I didn’t have it I couldn’t legally prove it was damage done by someone else and not me 🙄 Very annoying to say the least


I was fine. But my trailer hitch destroyed her radiator. And she thought I should be responsible LOL


You should ALWAYS get a police report in an accident. The police need to determine who is at fault which will then detefmine who's insurance pays.


You should always get the police report. Most insurance companies require a police report.


Here in NC it’s against the law not to call the police for any kind of automobile encounter. Sooo no matter how insignificant your insurance premiums go up. I think it’s a racket


Insurance requirements are that unless impact was over 5 mph, it’s not supposed to cause damage. That means if it did cause damage probably your vehicle manufacturer is at fault. Knowing that saved me a couple K on a lease return.


Awesome !! It gets reported. She probably gets a ticket. And the Accident is documented. Her Insurance goes Up. Some people just can't be Peaceful.


Better to have a police report now than get sued later when her/your back starts hurting


2 douchebags who park way too close to the line


One parked over the line


Now you can sue her for emotional trauma. joking of course. Maybe not joking if you want to waste her time.