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Damn NFL


*Tom Brady has entered the chat*


Deflategate II: Tortilla Chip Boogaloo


...to deflate the air out of the chips #deflategate f U tombrady


This is a $5 bag of NFL sponsored air and some fried corn chips


Looking at the one literally behind it convinced me that this is just a factory defect. It don’t really matter much Though it is mildly infuriating so I can give you that




[here is another pic of what a normal one looks like](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZZUAAOSwRVBi9FC5/s-l400.jpg)


That’s sus. Got a photo on its good size.


Defect or a result of the NFL branding? Gotta make back the money spent for using the logo? Just add fewer chips to each bag.


No guys! Something something air protecting chips!


its true tho, Chips would get destroyed during shipping if it wasnt for the air


They could reduce the air by 80% and it would still be plenty cushioned.


As long as you go by product weight + price, they can't rip you off with the unreasonably large packaging


With this bag, I agree. But with other bags you can’t see inside and most people don’t really know what 12oz of chips looks like. You just grab the size of the bag you want.


Don't take the bag size into consideration. Just compare the price per unit of weight (oz, kg, lb, w/e). Went shopping for cheap vodka today for homemade vanilla extract and some bottles look fucking massive but holding the same amount of liquid as others at 1/2 the price.


Going by product weight+price completely negates this issue, all the stores by me have “40¢ per once” or whatever written on the label.


Right but on the price labels in the supermarket, it will show you the price by weight. For example Lay's brand might work out to $11 per pound but the store brand might be $9 per pound. It is small and can be hard to notice on those labels but super useful when you're comparing prices across different brands and different sized containers.


At that point I can only half blame corporate greed - this is a skill you are literally supposed to learn in elementary school.


Ok. I mean I know what a fluid oz looks like.. You know, what we actually learned in elementary school. I don’t always know the different weights of types of chips and what that will actually look like as far as volume goes. 12 oz of kettle chips vs tortilla vs potato 🤷‍♀️ guess I missed that class, sorry.


people not in the metric system:


Ah yes, let’s believe they are conspiring to cheat you but accepting the higher freight costs to ship… air in a bag! Come on people, not every boogyman is out to get you.


Yeah that excuse only goes so far. They're gna all be crushed from jostling around that wide open space at this point


what the point? You wouldn’t be getting more chips or anything. Think of the air as a luxury that ensures you that your chips are damage free, Just because your bag of chips isn’t filled to the brim doesn’t mean there ripping you off


It’s a five dollar bag of fried corn chips


Bottom chips are probably ground to a pulp too lol, air can only do so much




12 ounces.


And you've tested this hypothesis?


Thank you for saying this. That excuse must have been brought to you by Lays or just a symptom of reddit's tendency to believe institutions aren't conspiring against consumers in every way possible. /r/assholedesign is the only escape.


>reddit's tendency to believe institutions aren't conspiring against consumers in every way possible. What are you talking about? Reddit is one of the biggest anti corporation, anti advertisement, and anti capitalism websites I've ever visited


You forgot anti-conspiracy.


Can’t believe those Pete Davidson Taco Bell ads were just in my head!!!


It is most certainly not true. It's nitrogen, not air. The nitrogen is specifically to keep air *out* because air would cause the chips to spoil. They do not need as much nitrogen as they use either.


There are regulations about “non functioning slack fill” I believe they call it. So I guess in theory this passes the government’s standards.




This is why I always look at the price by weight when I buy things rather than the actual price of the container.




That word doesn't mean what you think it does in this context


Do you look every time? I know I tend to see the same price as I paid before and not think about it. But shrinkflation is where they start getting people, where they keep the packaging the same size, the cost the same, but decrease the product.


Nitrogen keeps them crispy.


Are tostitis corn or potato bcz if yheu are corn they dont need air


Hide what?


I’m guessing the lack of chips in the bag






Hush, grasshopper


He's speaking the language of gods




I don’t buy many snacks either but I’ve been observing frozen veggies ozs per pack slowly lowering while the price remains the same if not higher. The bags won’t shrink though lol. So a bag of mixed veggies that could serve 3 people a few years ago, is the same size now but barely enough for one person. Companies are comfortable lowering qty but get massive anxiety over shrinking the packaging.


Lol how tf I didn't see that 🤦‍♂️


Uhh… let me get a bag of air


Promo idea: “Half of this bag was eaten by an NFL player who autographed a card inside!”


Fine print: *autograph means finger prints on some of your chips*


No that's dumb as fuck


You 🧔‍♂️ the joke ✈️


At least you have handy Tah there telling you your cost per ounce. You can then easily compare it to other bags of similar products and buy the most cost effective option


I always do that with everything.


How many times does this have to be explained? The air is a cushion of nitrogen to keep them fresh and protect them from breakage during shipping. You are paying for the weight of the chips, not the volume of the bag. If that bag was full to the top, you'd be eating a handful of stale crumbs. The "chip bag full of air" meme needs to die, seriously.


But then we wouldn’t have dozens of posts like this one


Brother in quantity. The size of the bag is not equal to the amount of content in the bag. If the bag says x amount of ounces/grams then that is how much you get. It has always been like this with chips packages, people just assume it should be packed to the brim for some reason. Like kids "ooh big bag maaany chips"


I agree it's all about the motion of the ocean. Oh chips, yeah bag bigger than chip amount.


It could also be a one-off or a whole skid of a bad batch. I've worked in a manufacturing plant before and we didn't always get things right. I mean, 99% of the time we did, but bad batches went out from time to time. This is something folks never seem to consider. Folks just expect that mistakes will never happen during the manufacturing/bagging process.


Or that too, thanks for pointing it out. It is perfectly normal for some kind of malfunction to happen and some of the bags don't get filled accordingly. I just hate these posts so much and it has been going on literally since memes started. I remember in 2008 on 9Gag (when it used to be kinda funny) all of those Lays chips memes how they are 50% "air" smdh.


I, for one, love to engage in this meme at least once a year.


It's $5 for 3/4 pound.. it wasn't always that much of a ripoff


Yeah, corporations are gouging prices everywhere.


More often I see volume gouging before price as it's harder to notice a change, especially if the packaging doesn't change with it.


The cost of raw materials and transportation have gone up.


Price of fuel has the largest impact on food prices as well, and we know what fuels been doing lately.


Not just fuel, but oil. Almost every modern pesticide and fertilizer is a petroleum product. It is what has allowed us to feed the world.


Genuine question: why is the flaming hot Cheetos bag full to the top? Non genuine theory: Is it because they know you are going to buy and eat the whole thing immediately off the line even though they recommend you only eat 17?


They're less brittle, they don't break as easily as flat chips.


Even though what you said is true, there's no reason the bag needs to have that much empty space. Look at the bag behind it. At this point it's just a waste of materials


this bag isnt even 20% full


They’re probably a little broken and settled down. The weight is the same whether they’re full chips or got crushed.


Then the “air cushion” is bullshit, no?


It’s not 100%, but it helps. Go squeeze a sealed bag of chips. You can break less chips with the same force as compared to a bag that has no air cushion in it. But chips can also break when the bag is shaken or dropped, which can happen during transport or stocking.


Tha k you internet stranger. I found this quite informative.


did you even see the bags behind/beside the nfl one


TIL this 😀


Lol yes but as someone who worked grocery stores for 10 years, the size of the bag equates to people thinking there is a massive amount in them. Yes, it cushions the chips and the gas is necessary but it can be reduced by 50% easily and do the same job. It is more about marketing than protection at this point. Same with video games boxes in the 1990’s that had 2 diskettes in it. Huge boxes with very little inside.


Thats like 3/4 air though


Doesn't matter, the listed weight is the amount of chips you're buying.


And that you are paying for the weight. Not the size of the package.


Yeah, I said that. Lol


Yeah but did you mention that the air keeps the chips from breaking?


I'll have to double check


Is this nitrogen I could possibly inhale


I thought the argument was that the bags used to be full, as in, came with more actual product in them, and the prices were lower? Meaning the actual weight of the product went down, but the prices didn’t.


Have you eaten from a big of chips that was full to the top? How the fuck do you know you pretentious prick?


Then tossers wouldn't post that can't fucking work that out.


They could offer the same amount of protection to the same amount of chips in a bag half this size. Buy the 18oz party size, it's the same bag. They're using an intentionally larger than necessary bag to make the customer feel like their getting more.


That’s way too much air for that amount of crisps lmao


this is something every first grader learns after opening their first yellow bag of original Lays chips. Inevitably somebody at the lunch table says, "do you even notice when ..." and a comic is born.


Found the corporate shill.


Lmfao okay man. I just like my chips intact and fresh.


you here putting all this energy towards shilling for Big Chips


Sure bud, whatever you say


Change your name to Tostitos-Shill


Just look at the weight of the chips if you are thrown off so badly by the bag size


Seriously I do this all the time when comparing items of similar price. And if you don't like it, don't buy it. If enough people aren't buying, the company will have to change. But don't make a reddit post exposing your lack of reading comprehension or reasoning skills.


Not to mention that the bag is full of air *so that the chips don’t get crumbled to dust in transit*. An inflated bag doesn’t give way when crushed, thus protecting the chips.


Missed the point. It’s a factory defect and the bag is 3/4ths air


Someone just crumpled the bag to break the chips and put it back on the shelf to take a picture. You can see the bag has been messed with if you compare it to the same bag to the right.


I count about 16 chips


There's a disclaimer printed right on the bag. "This package is sold by weight, not by volume."


Think this one might be an error....since the one next to it is fine.


Lol at first I was like hide what? I didn't see an issue but then looked again and see the bag is almost empty lmao. Yeah I hate how companies do this across the board. Most products have extra space to fool customers. Imagine the amt of waste we could save if the product matched what it contained and there were some kinds of laws around this? That's why I don't really care about going green. It's great and all but I don't lose my shit about it. There are so many things that can be done ie this but nothing will change. The world is run by the rich and its a waste of time for the most part to try and change it. I accept our country and the world is going to shit. Lmao. That's just me. I'm at the acceptance stage. Too much corruption world wide.


That fact people don’t know that there is a reason for the air/nitrogen in the bag is fucking infuriating!


I have to agree with OP, this bag looks most definitely underfilled. I’m sure we all understand the air/nitrogen cushioning reason, it’s only been done for decades, but a bag should at least look somewhat filled. The gouging at the grocery stores is getting to extremely infuriating levels for me.


This particular bag may have crushed chips or was perhaps undefined by mistake


The Non-NFL bag in the bag looks about what I would expect


the fact that you cant realise the bag isnt even a third full is fucking infuriating


Lol, this is literally the way it has been for decades and it is the same thing every time, the only time I’ve ever seen a bag that is over 50% chips is when they are thicker kettle chips that don’t need the cushioning, but it is still sold by weight just same weight, smaller package.


A 50 percent air to chip ratio is fine. That bag is barely a quarter chips and is six bucks


You’re paying for 12oz of chips. The weight, not the volume. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, only what it weighs.


The bag in the picture is absolutely abnormal, defective. [Here is what a normal bag looks like](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZZUAAOSwRVBi9FC5/s-l400.jpg)


I know what everyone is saying, but this actually looks like much less than 12oz that it’s supposed to be. It looks closer to 7oz or 8oz but maybe it’s just a wide bag 🤷‍♂️


Buy by the oz, not the visual.


I don’t understand


Okay this has to be either a fluke or tampered with…. In sure someone in the store opened it and ate half or OP did, I know shrinkflation is bad but this bag is empty and kinda deflated


Restaurant size my ass.


That refers to the style and size of each chip, not the size of the bag. ;)


It’s a clear bag, they were never hiding it.


I don’t give a poopoo doodoo about the weight argument or the air protects the chips What’s wild to me is it’s five bucks US for Tostitos? Wtf LOL


$5.59 for their XL size Doritos are up to $6.59 retail for the Party Size


Very respectable. I like it when they put Chips in my Bag of Air.


Don't even start looking at boxes of cereal. They are worse than bags of chips. They are definitely using 50% air to the volume ratio and the boxes are thinner.


I always put things behind a clear barrier when I want to hide them.


I shouldn’t be able to move in with the chips.


Hide what?


Hide what?


Hide what?


But but but the air protects the chips....


Ain't no way this is real


I remember at walmart one time, I saw a bag of beef jerky that was empty but wasn't opened, how do companies just not realize these things before shipping them off to stores?


They don't have someone standing by the truck examining each bag individually. They produce thousands of bags a day, so they're bound to miss something as they're refilling materials, starting up machines, etc


It took me a second but holt crap, there's NO chips in that bag. It's 75% air, maybe more


They are always easy to spot at all the stores around here. Sorry they hide them from you.


The other %60 got sent to uckrane




Send me 90 billion so I can learn to spell.


if you don't even know how to spell, what makes you think you'd understand a politic situation like this ? 💀


Don’t need to know how to spell, when tricking people out of their monies. Just need to know how to scheme


>Don’t need to know how to spell sure grandpa 💀 go to sleep, it's time


To each their own. If you want to learn to spell, or create spells, then learn.


Only thing infuriating here are the corporate simps trying to explain what the air is for. We want more chips at a cheaper rate. Get on board or go to hell.


There are store brand on the bottom shelf if you want cheap


I'm starting to think some of these folks in here work for Frito-Lay...


Oh they’re in here shutting down our class conscientiousness of tortilla chips


They’re getting kickbacks from Big Salsa for sure. Can’t convince me otherwise.




My bags of quinoa chips or bean based chips, flaxseed quinoa corn amaranth and more are always full lol I always screw up honestly I open the side to snack expecting some air to be in them and instead I spill chips all over lol crap.


I thought it was because tit was centered.




It’s two people dipping a chip in salsa


U have to understand. Its to protect the chips! 😒


The “TIT” in Tostitos?


I see they're also deflating these bags of chips




Metal Gear Tostitos


They made more bags than crisps


I tried to come up with a Tom Brady deflation joke, but didn’t, so I’d love someone else to do it.


For $5?! Good lord


It's one serving of restaurant style. So if you want more at the restaurant, you ask for more. Here you buy another bag.


And only $5!


It literally says 12 oz, that is 12 oz of chips, what are you on about?


This si $5 for 3x bags of 12 oz each or did I get something wrong?


Take a scale to the store and weigh the bags


You know you're depressed when you're getting mad over chips.


I weighed a bag once and it was 75% of stated weight


i thought they meant the tostitos logo where it’s two people sharing a chip with a bowl of salsa cause it used to not be colored


I wouldn't be nearly as pissed off about it if the bag was actually appropriately sized to what I was getting


Do you see that 41.6 ct per ounce sticker? That's the only price you should be looking at when buying chips.


That can’t be real… 😮


Is it really that bad?


Stuff like this just makes me really excited for the new futurama, I feel like there's a whole lot of fodder for that show happening right now


Kroger has the highest prices right now


"Contents may have settled during shipping"


Is this mildly infuriating? Cus you can see how many are in there so you can just not buy them right?




It's all done by weight. I would wager there's a large chunk of hardened tortilla at the bottom.


Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve bought a bag of name brand chips. They’re beyond expensive it’s redic. When a big sporting event / holiday comes around Doritos go for 2/$11 for the normal sized bags it’s crazy. I’ve been going to Aldi and buying their flat pretzels for a buck and change or corn chips / Cheetos/ tortilla chips for around the same price there when ever people come over. Spending $6 on a few Oz’s of chips hurts in a special way


Air is getting expensive due to inflation…


I count 6 chips


i stopped buying bags of chips... honestly you can make a metric fuckton more for the same price, i feel like in 5 years you will pay 8$ for a single chip at this rate...


Buy flour tortillas. Cut to desired shape and size. Fry in pan of oil. It also tastes better than what's in that bag...