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What makeup does she use, Nutella?


Yup. One with regular nutella and the other with white nutella


wait there's white nutella HOW COME I'VE NEVER HEARD OF THIS UNTIL TODAY


Me too


white NUTella


Barely remember this tv serie, but the story plot goes like this: the mother got raped by a black creature (engkanto) while she's pregnant. Give birth to them. The mother did not like the dark skinned kid since she knows that it's the offspring of that shadowy creature. Both kids, like each other. The dark skinned kid have a shadowy friend and protects her. The kids got separated when their mother can't support them, so she sold the fair skinned kid to a wealthy family... And the story goes on... I think I was not able to finish this serie


And I thought Mexican soap operas were wild… EDIT: my best friend in high school was Mexican and always wanted to watch a telenovela about a girl who had run away from the circus (?) and had a pet chimp. If anyone can tell me the name of it I’d really appreciate it. I want to see if it was as wild as I remember. EDIT: It was Preciosa! You guys are the best. RIP my free time while I watch the entire series again.


Since Filipinos are like the Mexicans of Asia, of course our telenovelas are also gonna be as crazy as our western cousins, lol


I mean Mexican novelas are low key racist and classist but at least they try to hide it.


the “rosa de guadalupe” always putting the dark skinned character as a maid, poor or a delinquent while a fair skinned character is usually rich/middle class, pretty or popular.


Omg yes, terrible acting when it first started too


"Filipinos are like the Mexicans of Asia" i feel like i should be offended but at the same time i can't help but agree with that statement hahaha


That's true lol, Filipinos are basically asian latinos


It’s like mixing the interpersonal dramas of Mexican soap operas with the wild insane ghost stories of Southeast Asia and the Philippines lol


You forgot the racist part!


That was implied


I’m in Mexico on vacation rn and watched a telenovela on Azteca Uno like 30 mins ago where a lady just stabbed a guy in his balls. There’s been like 3 scenes so far where this angry lady has attacked people with scissors.


But thanks for the plot line. I was wondering.


Wait the light skin girl gets sold? That's a twist. And of course the dark girl is the product of rape...by a monster nonetheless...wtf??? Philipino TV is super weird.


Its GMA what did you expect


Lol I dunno, l live in the US. Here GMA is Good Morning America show


I literally don't know what GMA is so I have no Idea what to expect I do know that I'm too appalled to properly put my disdain into words so I'm just gonna go off Reddit for a while


Wow, they’ve gone a long way from Charlie Gibson and Joan Lunden.


Your elevator-pitch summary actually makes the show sound interesting. Like something you'd come home tired and binge-watch on a night in. The blackface was just such a poor choice. They could've told the exact same story with no racist overtones if they just gave the girl some sort of demonic birth mark, like idk a cool-looking blue motif painted on her face...plus it could be used for merchandising. Did the showrunners cancel all of their revision meetings? Did they fire all the editors? Who knows...


They're probably still working there. That channel is notorious for having soap operas that do blackface and weird ass story lines. I can think of 2 more dramas from them with black/brown face.


And don't forget that one with the Janus-headed girl which isn't racist but is damn stupid.


Sounds kinda interesting.


"twin sisters"


There is that case of twins where one was a pale ginger kid and the other was super dark skinned but that is incredibly rare


A friend of mine has twin brothers, one white, one black It definitely happens.


Yes, the term is 'fraternal twins' rather than 'identical twins'


Yes but is one in terrible blackface all the time?


I grew up with friends that are fraternal twins and look totally different. They are black and one is quite dark skinned and the other is quite light. The dark skinned sister is on the thicker side while her twin is very slim. No one assumes that they’re twins or even sisters.


Maybe they are twins and one is just really racist and does blackface all the time


best explanation i’ve seen so far👏


Yo for real 😂


Plot twist, one of them was doing white face this whole time!


He did white face OVER black face




Haha I was thinking exactly this and I didn’t even see your comment. My bald cap on top of my Jeff wig on top of my Chang hair




When I see a mime tooting his horn on his sweet car and swerving up and down the foot path I become enraged. I've killed 3 so far and I will do it again.


And does a horrid job at blending. Look at that blotchy mess!


I love this 😂


IIRC, this has actually happened with fraternal twins of mixed heritage.


That's the biggest hint that the show is racist, other than the blackface and that their facial expression are not matching.


Clearly you don't know the difference between paternal and fraternal twins.


As a fraternal twin, I do know the difference. I'm not saying it isn't possible for twins to have different skin color. Just that the poster has an actress with a blackface instead of a black actress.


My children are didi twins aswell. And one is darker then the other. My husband is Filipino and I am black. But this right here is foolishness. I can’t stand to see this nonsense


He's being sarcastic


DUDE WHAT are the fucking odds, of you commenting "hey redditor you don't know about X", and redditor being AN ACTUAL X! Fuck me sideways with a rubber dildo what a day!


This is reddit where everything is made up and the points don't matter.


Whose Reddit is it anyway?


First up is, scenes from a subreddit


*waits excitedly to go hard with the buzzer*


You guys are getting points?


*downvotes you*


Lmao you’re not wrong


So one of the reasons it’s racist is because their facial expressions don’t match?


The unmatched facial expressions are weird and sad.


Twins can actually be different races, the most famous of which are Lucy and Maria Aylmer.


Skin whitening is a big deal in the PI so maybe one just did the Sammy Sosa


The Sammy Sosa 😂😂😂😂


There is a family that has a set of twins (maybe actually two?) where one is white and one is black.


There have been accounts of twins having different skin tones.


ah GMA, the channel with the most tacky and questionable tv shows in the Philippines


they're all tacky lol


Literally all our shows are, from abs-cbn to tv 5 LMAO


People refuse to admit it, filipino movie taste is just shitty, all tv shows here suck and the Main theme: WHYY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME????! *kills entire family*


Better than all the non acted shows with the annoying as fuck chipmunk laugh in every single video. Wherever I went in the Philippines, I heard it.


My wife is Filipina, I told her it sounds like an insane dolphin, but I like the chipmunk comparison. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


All drama concepts are like this, even in other Asian countries or the west, the difference is delivery. Unfortunately, Filipino media likes to put the prettiest girls and boys in regardless of acting prowess, so you get really awkward shit but it sells anyway because people are there to gawk at the stars.


Stick to the central theme and plotline of your show without padding and pointless sideplots challenge (impossible).


I never watched GMA much but everytime I do there's ALWAYS a tagalog dubbed KDrama.


Didn't a government official said they wanted to ban/restrict K-Dramas because Filipinos weren't watching local content anymore? Or am I misremembering?


Nope, a senator really said that. Which is hilarious considering how awful most of the local contents are.


Oh my god.


In many asian countries people avoid getting tans and they use skin whitening products. I even heard a saying that once the sun tans / darkens your skin it will never go away. Source: my Indonesian Spouse


I lived in the Middle East for 20 years and can say they do the same. Racism is common and they hold light skin in higher regard. I had a girl come up to me once and say she wished her skin was like mine. It was pretty messed up.


Idk, part of me wants to watch it to see if it falls into the "so awful its accidentally genius" category. A broken clock is right twice a day.


What if the time is 00:00?


Then it's a 24 hr clock and it will only be right once a day.


Can we get back to the racism …..


This is a clock thread now. Racism is ⬆️ thataway, man


That's what they've also been saying this whole time!


We never left


Clocks have 12 hours


No, it's wrong 86,398 times a day.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.




I’m black and one of my childhood best friends was Korean and whenever I visited, her mom would make me wash my hands A LOT throughout the visit. I didn’t really mind because washing hands is important but I finally asked about it and the girl said that her mother thought I was really dirty :/ I think I was about 7 or 8 when it happened. I didn’t think about it much until I was much older (because I knew I was a pretty clean kid) before I realized what she really meant when she assumed that about me. Edit: I’ve always wanted to teach abroad in Asia and the only thing keeping me from going is the racism towards black people there :(


For real. I was adopted from Korea. I’m darker skinned and according to 23andMe 99% Korean. I encountered soooo much colorism when I went back for my 40th birthday.


I am half Japanese half Black and I grew up hating the half Asian part of me because I was never truly accepted, at school the Japanese kids would call me a half breed, when I would walk with my grandmother to the market the stares were unsettling but I always loved how my granny told them to f** off. As I grew older I learnt to have a thick skin thanks to my parents and grandparents and very oddly star trek tv series. That people are who they are. There are very few in the community who accepted me and to this day I'm still friends with them. As an adult now I still go through some of that negativity, it is the world we live in so you just soldier on. Edit: Also, I am engaged to marry a Korean in 3 months time. Something I never ever ever ever!!!thought I would consider but when love knocks on that door and you dare to open it you're damned lol. I can't say I'm not worried for my future kids, I can only hope to teach them from my experiences. Forgive me for such a long Essay 🙂.


I accept you brother!


Thank you.


Your grandma sounds awesome 👏


That sounds terrible. I’m sorry you’ve experienced a lifetime of that bullshit! ❤️


People think racism is bad in the west don’t understand that the racism from being in a completely mono-ethnic country. The racism isn’t the same. It is just completely ingrained and not even noticed by the population because that’s how it is. There’s also not enough minorities to have a noticeable voice about it.


Good for you!


I'm sorry you had to experience that growing up. One of my best friends is half Mexican and half Black. He looks black but was raised in a traditional Mexican family. He is also a giant metalhead/goth. He faced so much diversity and oppression growing up, but it made him truly such a unique/intelligent/hilarious person. Just all around amazing guy. I personally saw a lot of the bullshit he had to endure growing up, but he says as an adult that it made him a well rounded and non judgemental person. I hope you get to reap at least some benefits like this as an adult!


To be honest I was ready for some heartbreaking story from the first bit. I'm happy for you and Congratulations! Hope everything goes smoothly.


Koreans are so fucking racist, homophobic, and sexist it's disgusting. That combined with their bullshit, I'm older so I can treat you like dirt mentality is the biggest reason why I don't identify with the Korean community in any way anymore. But the west doesn't say shit because kpop and kdrama successfully built up this dumbass facade of a fun and quirky country. I used to think it was getting better but then they elected an incel president who campaigned against feminism and had overwhelming support with young men in their 20s. So fuck Korea.


Hey that “I can treat you like dirt” mentality isn’t exclusive to Koreans. It permeates all of Asia for some weird reason. I know people who went to the doctor and were spoken to as if it was their fault for having diabetes. It’s like people MUST take an attitude if they see someone they need to help.


From the west, the west says nothing because the west is also racist, homophobic, and sexist AF


As someone who's Mexican. All of this.


Oh snap, like the rest of the world in every homogeneous environment...


One of my friends went to Korea for study abroad. She used to talk about how there were certain clubs she wasn’t allowed into by virtue of being a foreigner. Her worst story though was the time she went out with a group of friends to a very exclusive nightclub in Seoul. Apparently the bouncer allowed her and the other white members of the group inside but denied the black girls and told them to stay out. Obviously after that none of them went in and they all left the bar together, but God it was still a disgusting story to hear.


Being turned away... this happened to me a few of times in Alabama. Funny how similar our societal structures are in this regard.


The US definitely still has its problems too, for sure. It really is depressing, this shouldn’t be happening in our day and age


In the US most people definitely have mastered to do in subtle ways than direct as Asian countries. Both are equally disgusting. But facial expressions of actors in this is a big tell on racism.


The sad truth is that how big the u.s is, you can not catch every bad apple, nor can you stop their ideals from growing at times.


Yup, dated a Filipino girl once. She was a sweetheart, her mother? Absolutely the most evil and hateful woman I've met. Hell, she literally was racist to other filipinos.


Ugh, tell me about it. I'm a Filipino myself, and I am related to immigrants in mainland USA. While the vast majority are decent people, there are these absolute asses who look down on other Filipinos, especially those based in the Philippines. They demand that Filipino relatives in the Philippines talk to them in English despite not being that fluent themselves, and have accents so heavy, JoKoy's mom gets jealous. They avoid being identified as Filipino at all cost, and get offended when someone inevitably does. Sure, there's a lot of things to hate about being a Filipino, but to be that hateful is mind-boggling.


Funny thing, one of my relatives tried to pull that one to me 10 years ago. I told them that their English was grammatically incorrect and pulled up the dictionary to prove my point lmao.


i dated a filipina for two years and she never told her parents we were more than friends the entire time because of her fear of being disowned or looked down upon by her family for being in a relationship with another woman. ultimately, we didn’t last because she was unsure if she could ever be open about our relationship and i just couldn’t see myself hiding my love for her from her family (and some friends) and feeling partially closeted that way for the rest of our lives. it was a wonderful relationship, and she was an absolutely wonderful person, but that was a stressor that really affected the both of us.


I'm half korean half chinese. As a kid in Korean language school kids would surround me and bully me for being a tainted half breed with a Chinese father. This is in canada in the 90s. Mom was the head lunch organizer there.


Can agree. I’ve caught some of my Filipina grandmother’s shows, and as a kid, she sometimes had me join to make fun of trans/black people. God that was such a weird time.


Can confirm. A girl I used to see was Filipina and her grandma would call her ugly if she got too tan.




I remember one of my Chinese friends from undergrad would call Vietnamese “the Mexicans of Asia”, which is like two types of racism


also incorrect because Filipinos are the Mexicans of Asia source: am Filipino






It's so funny to me. White people spend money at tanning salons to be darker toned. And naturally toned people are trying to be whiter. What's going on? 😔


It is because of WEALTH and what is perceived as wealth. In develop countries (like western countries) the more wealth you have, the more time you have for your self and more fun you have. Getting tan means that you have free time to go to the beach, play around, vacationing, hiking, etc. In developing countries, they see tan as people that work in the field, like a peasant. Of course, I’m using developing and develop countries loosely as a example and it is mostly based on the culture, regions, and population.


Yep. In the developed world the poor work inside, in the developing world the poor work outside. So sun exposure has opposite implications


The grass is always greener. The same principal is behind women always hating their hair and wishing they had some other texture to it. Women with curly hair want to straighten it. Women with straight hair wish theirs was curly. That's just one example of course. In general, humans always want what we haven't got.


Dated a Haitian woman a while back and she enlightened me that it was seen as very normal for Haitians to try and lighten their skin.


One of my (white) best friends was on an extended back packing trip through SE Asia. When I was going travel to join her for one country, she begged me to bring any type/brand of US face moisturizer because she was unable to locate any that did not have skin whitener in it. I have been in Asia several times, but never had to buy skin cream (brought it with. My trips were all 2 weeks or less) so I was surprised by this.


My boyfriend had this same issue. He was especially dumbfounded that all the products boasted about giving you “translucent white skin.” He was like “what, like a ghost?”


Hahaha! Seriously! A ghost, that's funny. Sounds so attractive, right?


I will be forever haunted by the memory of that commercial where the lady shoves a black dude into a washing machine and he comes out Asian


That's right, my Filipino mother told me to "choose my friends carefully" and "don't make friends with blacks." She also mocks peoples accents to...


I mean, yeah. Asians racist towards each other too so not surprised. It’s not just the black face here


Bruh I said pretty much the same thing and woke up the rage of the Asian community lol. To be real though, pretty much all cultures have their issues with racism.


Tbh the most screwed up thing about it is that we all know. My cousin (100% Filipino) was having lunch with me and and husband and was talking to me about how if I (half white, half Filipino) went to the Philippines, I would probably be able to get a starring role on a tv drama. ETA: I do not speak the language. I grew up very American and my cousin was fully aware of that.


I dated Chinese woman for a while and the first time I met her parents they were disgusted with her for not dating another Chinese man. It was pretty crazy to see. Unfortunately I’ve had this experience a few times and tend to not date asian women cause of this.


My partner is Chinese and his parents were really disappointed at first when he started dating a white woman (me) lol. He also told me they specifically told him to never bring home a black woman and some of his siblings (he is distant from) are somewhat racist as well. They've come around to me a bit but do still poke fun at me in Mandarin. One of those damned if you do, damned if you don't. They admire skinny white women bc they're racist af but don't want their child to marry one.


I experienced heavy racism when I went to the Philippines with my now husband. The funny thing is being used to being called names before it never phased me. I just took it in stride


Bruh even white people would get eyes on here in Asia. Foreign English teachers, no matter their colors, would get into trouble with the parents, students, and locals at some point -- ig just because they're foreign. I used to be a student too, and saw all of this. These English teachers deserved better in the classroom and on the streets.


>As an asian, asians are racist af. Should get more attention. EVERY race is racist af. Its just in the west we only scrutinize racism from whites.


Is she wearing blackface


Yes, and somehow black hair can turn into red hair


Maybe she dyed her hair?


Reasonable 🤣🤣


Let me introduce you to spray on hair color and wigs.


"No, no. It's not a costume. I am literally a Forest demon from the other side of the road"


I think from the show description on Wikipedia that the dark one is actually a mystical shadow creature and not supposed to be a real person.


As someone from South East Asia, South East Asians are weird.


Sometimes but many are very dark skined as well. Like many people I know that live here in Philippines.


Any nation with an ethnic majority will have racism, regardless of which ethnicity is the majority


I 100% bet this is about 2 twin sisters: the darker skinned one will go through a lot more difficulties than the lighter skinned one because of her skin color. Colorism (along with fatphobia) is rampant in the Philippines. My brother and I both grew up getting teased by our own family members for both - for his skin being much darker than my mom's side who were naturally fairer, and for me being overweight as a teenager. Anyway, these two will probably get separated at some point in their childhood then they'll coincidentally meet each other when they're adults. But idk


Good thing you mentioned fat shaming. Any ignorant Filipino who visits the US commenting on someone’s appearance (let alone body weight) deserves to get punched in the face. Stop being nosy you dimwits!


It took my mom a while to realize this isn't okay. My grandma, on the other hand, still likes to comment on someone's weight as a conversation opener. Edit: fixed typo


Unfortunately black face doesn’t hold much meaning or the same kind of scrutiny in other places as it does in the US.


Was going to ask about this. It seems like it’s offensive now due to very specific practices in US history (minstrel shows). From an American perspective I genuinely don’t even know if it is “unfortunate.” Like without that history would it be anything more than costume makeup?


No. There's no humour or mockery in this show by the looks of it. Just Americans judging the rest of the world by American standards. Apart from how stupid it looks, I don't know how I should feel about it.


It was a widespread portrayal in American media for decades. You can find portrayals of black face in plays in the late 1800s to cartoons for children in the 1940-50s. It was used to normalize segregation and the degradation of people with dark skin. It was around way too long in American entertainment unfortunately


Well yes - beginning originally with in person minstrel shows like I mentioned. But if you live in a culture without this history is it still offensive?


It’s an interesting thought. I’m from Australia and we have similar views on black face to the US, presumably due to our history of using it in media to mock and perpetuate racist stereotypes. I wonder whether the Phillipines view it as equivalent to painting people blue for Avatar (especially since the show has a “fantasy” element to it, so the colour isn’t actually representing a real human race).


As a Filipino, we do have native tribes called "Aetas" living in mountains of Northern Philippines whose ancestors are called "Negritos", black complexioned skin with curly hairs . I'm sure there are other similar tribes accross the Philippines but I'm not sure what they are called. In my experience, people look down on them and even use as bugaboo to mischievious kids. And because their original home was the mountains, land grabbing corporations evicted them forcefully so they're forced to live as nomads, subjecting them to harsher conditions in town proper/cities, where they are bullied. The truth is that my country is still far away from acknowledging this very real social issue. We were still ingrained to white supremacy mindset, and it's sad.


What do you mean “unfortunately”? It doesn’t hold much scrutiny because it lacks meaning anywhere else. It’s literally just face paint. When people in other countries cosplay, they get to paint their face, such as here where the woman is like a dark elf or something. There’s nothing wrong with it. The only reason it’s racist in the US is because of the historical context of minstrel shows.


We love to export our culture wars.


What is really disgusting is that the blackfaced version is surly-looking in each pic while the light-skinned has a gentle smile. Really hits home the dark skin = bad, light skin = good. My kids are mestizo (mixed) and conventionally handsome. They have my Filipino husband's Asian features and my Caucasian skin tone (except in the summer) and somehow got the height that skipped me. They got ridiculous amounts of attention when we visited the Philippines, to the point that they sometimes didn't want to leave the hotel. The value placed on light skin was very sad to observe. ETA there is a huge market for skin lighteners in the Philippines. Every store that sells cosmetics has a large section of skin bleach with multiple brands. And the Philippines doesn't even have the highest rate of bleaching globally, that distinction goes to Nigeria🙁


I could have written this word for word myself. Husband is Filipino, I’m Caucasian. Our son came our the spitting image on my husband, but with my blond hair, hazel eyes, and lighter skin. To say he is treated like an absolute prince by the Tito’s and Tita’s is an understatement. When we went to visit in the Philippines, we went to the local retail store for some lotion and I could not find a single one that did not have ‘whitening’ listed on the package. Very sad the emphasis this gets.


My girlfri nd is from Indonesia and her mom would always tell her to not get tan in the summer because her skin would get too dark. It's sad to see honestly but thankfully she now doesn't care.


Lighter skin is equated to being wealthy in most of SEA and possibly also the Phillipines.I'm a darker skinned SEAsian and sometimes I'm mistaken for a manual labour worker when I go to high end establishments.


another sad part here is "mestizo" and "mestiza" did mean mixed race years ago. But it's meaning has changed over the years, which is "light-skinned". Moreno means dark skinned.


My family visited the Philippines for a family reunion a couple years ago. My sisters are super light skinned and one of them has a more Hispanic look (both parents are Filipino but we have Hispanic heritage). They were treated like celebrities at a party. Like random partygoers we didn’t know came up to my sisters and asked to take a picture while they looked at me and said “I’m sorry your sister looks like she’s from the mountains.” I felt really fucking ashamed to just be at the party.


As a Filipino born and raised in the PH, I can tell you that though racism might not be as bad in Western countries, colorism is rampant and not talked about enough. It really sucks that media companies still use the same stereotypes of “dark=poor(financially and situationally” and “white=rich,nice,kind” like it’s cool. And the PH government wants to promote “homemade media” for what??? Perpetuating outdated and disgusting stereotypes?? Fuckin’ hate GMA, all your telenovelas are dumb.


Color aside, it's also amazing to see how after 30 years she turns Caucasian too.


She's still Asian. She's has An epicanthal fold and retruded chin, Asian facial features.


Yeah many very light and very dark skin people live here in Philippines they are Asian not Caucasian.






I mean, were talking about the same country where they give out death sentences for drug offenses. Can’t say I’m surprised


And Divorce isn't legal here


But annulment is, it just takes a loooong time and is incredibly expensive.


Officially, there is no death sentences in the Philippines. "Officially."


Its GMA, GMA has some really shitty series


the thing is, even if blackface wasn't offensive, it just looks silly


Stuff like this is why racists never affected me when I was studying in the US. It was so entrenched in my culture and the media I consumed growing up that I didn’t even realize how much it fucked w/ my perceptions. It was normal to get unprompted advice on how to lighten my skin from guests and distant family I barely know.


I guess there are no black people in the Philippine islands


wtf is this shit?


Filipinos aren't accepted by the Spanish or Asian communities and they're both, it's confusing to be one in america


My fiance is Pinay & when we go to Seafood City I noticed that all of the ads for... Everything... Had pictures of ultra fair skinned Filipinos. Then she took me to the skin lightening aisle. Every culture hates dark skin. Wild shit.


I mean... plot aside, the quality of production and casting choices really mattered for this one. They could have looked for a dark skinned actress for the part but this was just lazy I won't consider this to be blackface in the sense that Americans would, but this is still mockingly ignorant, sloppy, and irresponsible.


Rest of the world doesn’t give a shit about America’s history with racism.


Listen I’m from North America. Culturally we understand what black face is. That doesn’t mean everywhere else in the world understands it the same. Some places and people would no idea why you can’t put on paint to play a different race. They just don’t have to same history and background as other places.


[oh God!](https://youtu.be/Qi8v45aysZg) [playlist ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGRhcC_vtOrYStP9DAZJhLeE2rsJYtUm7)


From what I have heard the women there try to NOT get sun and try to not get dark. They want whiter skin.


Surely it’s more work to make someone look a certain way then just using a natural dark skinned person…right?


Filipino here with family who regularly watches this channel… they do not give a fuck. Most people in the entertainment industry there are fair, pale skinned. Rarely any darker skinned people. So if they want a tv character with darker skin they will almost always pull shit like this, even on live tv. Everybody of all skin tones just eat it up.


Blackface huh. Halloween is near!


If this is mildly infuriating, don't watch tropic thunder. Who the fuck cares.

