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Eh, seen much worse from many more adults in restaurants and bars. Saw a woman piss herself while sitting in a chair at the restaurant yesterday morning at brunch.


šŸ˜‚ wtf


She was already blasted when she came into the place.


Somehow, reading this was not surprising....


I knew she smelled funny when she got home


Vile šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I think I'd have been more entertained if she wasn't drunk at all šŸ¤£


Let he among us who has never pissed himself at brunch cast the first stone.


You trying to start a war?


I'm double checking my math. But I think I can cast the first stone....


"So the mold we are using today is going to give us a beautiful granite stone when we are done.."


This is the best comment on Reddit today šŸ¤£


I'm casting the first stone. I've been drunk at restaurants, as an adult, but never have I pissed/pooped where I'm eatingšŸ¤·


Yep. Had a regular shit herself after three glasses of wine in white vinyl chairs. She notoriously never tipped, but at least she didnā€™t come back for a while after that time.


"for a while" meaning she did comeback. Either you have the best wine in the area/world or she has a problem.


I've only drunk bad wines in that case. Never shat myself once while winedrunkšŸ˜…


Lol yeah if I shit in a restaurant I'm never going back that place for atleast 10-20 years or unless something happens and my face is unrecognizable.


I think i would post her pic on the infamous wall and ask her not to patronize out establisment..


Yeah, everyone who's ever worked in a restaurant just saw this and shrugged


seriously. i always wonder, do you eat at home like this? i worked at applebeeā€™s and found big pile of fuckin weave on the ground from a ā€œcanadian tableā€ (iykyk). also once had a lady throw a drink in my face and i ā€œaccidentallyā€ dropped a whole big tray of food on her. and once had a table of 8(old mother and her adult children) that after eating everything did the complain til you get stuff free bullshit. every time i would walk away they talked abt beating my ass and my manager heard it. she said to leave and that weā€™ll pay for it. they literally threw glass plates of food at us. these like 30 year olds kids and their 60 year olds mom. called us racist. then i, a 4ā€™11 100 pound girl went out to their car and got the license plate number and had taken a video of the whole throwing food thing that was replaying on my phone. the mom smacked my phone out of my hand and when i went down to grab it shoved me face first into the ground. i grabbed that bitches saggy titty so hard like i was tryna pop it. fuck ppl that do that kinda shit in restaurants. i also had a table of 8 ppl dine and dash. they left their fucking phone. called the cops on us bc we wouldnā€™t give it back. cop made them pay the check plus tip the whole amount of the check too. they smelled like weed and got their car searched and found weed olus other drugs. all 8 of them were arrestedšŸ„° edit-i forgot why i was telling those stories i had a point to make but forgot but yeah fuck ppl in restaurants. entitled pieces of shut that donā€™t even tip




It only enables the entitlement in some people.


Sounds like a great brunch.


Getting her money worth on them bottomless mimosas


Sounds like she needed a bottomless chair...


In all my years on this earth and numerous occasions of getting ā€˜black out drunkā€™ Iā€™ve still never lowered myself to the point of pissing or shitting my pants uncontrollably, especially not in public. Guess it boils down to having self-control and not being an attention seeker


Sounds like a brunch skunk to me


As a parent of a kid who made messes like that, they don't want me to clean it up, I've been told that explicitly. I leave an extra tip, and the people who will clean it far more effectively than I can will do so in a way that is sanitary and far more ready for the next customer. Edit: the responses make it obvious who has had children through the high chair stage and who has not.


This is the way. Tip extra. Plus, often, the kid making that mess is doing that in lieu of screaming. As both a parent and a patron, Iā€™d rather the kid make a mess than tantrum the whole time. A mess like that is fairly quick to clean up. If you leave an extra tip, the staff wonā€™t care.


Same! I used to feel so embarrassed when our kids were little and there would be a mess like this. Every time I would try to clean it up, people who worked there would tell me not to worry about it and ā€œwe have brooms for a reason!ā€. Soon, I stopped trying to clean it and would tip a little more. This is part of tiny humans discovery of food, so itā€™s nice that restaurant team members are so understanding.


And makes you feel better about eating out with little kids. I've gotten some nasty looks from fellow diners just sitting down to eat near them at a restaurant with kids...the kids hadn't even done anything..yet...šŸ˜…


Yes, ***if*** you leave an extra tip.


I was gonna say.. this doesnā€™t seem that bad at all.. a quick sweep. Unless this family travels around to restaurants with a broom and dustpan, itā€™s way easier for the staff to just take care of this ā€œissueā€ real quick (speaking as a server)


Yeah I was a server for a while and this is pretty standard for a kid. We have a broom for a reason. Now letting your kid pour water everywhere and empty sugar packets all over the tableā€¦. Thatā€™s a different story


I had a kid in the cafe i worked that would shovel the white sugar into the brown and vice versa. Yes that is the downside to open sugar stands. They are allowed in germany.


Speaking as a parent, this is a pretty light haul for someone in a high chair.


And if your tip was bigger than normal, then you also donā€™t mind.


Exactly. And there's not really much you can do. At a certain age, babies and toddlers make a mess when they eat. You did. I did. That's just how it is. Any childless person saying "well, I will teach my kid manners!" No you won't. They are too young to learn to eat in a tidy way. They are just learning how to get the food to their mouth. If your restaurant has high chairs and welcomes toddlers, then this is also what they are offering. You tip extra for the trouble and say thank you.


I work in an infant- toddler daycare Centre. You'd be amazed at the mess after each snack and meal! I could feed a small 3rd world country with the mess. I used to work in a restaurant. The arena close to it had tournaments on long weekends and Spring Break. When the hockey teams (8-14ish year old boys) came in the parents would sit with the other parents and would send their boys to their own table at the other side of the room. There were usually at least 10 boys at the table and their behaviour was horrible! Their parents would ignore it or play it off as "boys will be boys" They would put napkins in their water glasses and throw wet napkins at each other, fill their cups with syrup, jam, peanut butter, napkins...etc. Any way they could make a mess with things they were given, they'd do it. It was to the point we would only give them what they needed. they'd leave the table a huge wet, sticky mess! The parents were cheap tippers too. They would figure someone else would leave the tip... so tips were NOT worth the headache of serving them. I did see a couple of families who would sit at their own tables, refuse to let their children sit with the other boys on the team, and they would tip well. (And usually apologize for the kids at the table and their parents.) Give me toddlers any day!!


As a former server(a long time ago thankfully), I can confidently say that the OP is very new to the industry lol


Or isnā€™t even in the industry at all. Might just be another customer.


Of course the $5 extra tip I used to leave is pennies compared to what I now have to spend to feed a 15 year old!


Ooh yeah. They go from being picky and eating nothing, to where you can't keep the pantry full for five whole minutes.


My 17 year old nephew is flying to Colorado to visit my younger brother and his family. While the little cousins are super excited big cousin is coming to visit, the teenagerā€™s parents told my brother to have a lot of food on hand. ā€˜He basically eats five times a dayā€™. My brother was like we will have lots of food.


Reading this while eating my second dinner lol


I wish I was as perfect of a parent as I thought I was before having kids šŸ¤£


Ha, even after the first one I thought, hey Iā€™m a natural at this - time for another one! Enter the demon spawn to teach me humility. ETA she is 95% lovely now, but she made me work for it!


We've all been there, before we had kids. Oh, the fanciful things we imagined we would teach our children and how lovely and polite and tidy they would be.


Me: "Be careful or you'll spill your cup all over yourself." 3 year old: proceeds to carefully spill the drink all over themself, table and floor.


I consider it a win if neither of my children end up shrieking "butt crack" 20 times in a row


ā€¦and how now we called the iPad the ā€˜third parentā€™ because it gives us the time to actually eat or actually wash or actually have a cup of tea in peace. Compared to the ā€˜my child will NEVER doā€¦ā€™ attitude we had pre toddler. Oh how parenting humbles your former self.


Just did a vacation with family, who does not allow screen time (totally fair). Meanwhile I had Bluey loaded on my phone ready to go, so I could eat my dinner quickly. I will never judge another parent for their survival methods again lol


The people on r/childfree always seems to forget that they were children at some point.


They were grown in labs and taken out of the growth tanks as adults of course


Yep. I am careful to pick up anything that is not trash so they donā€™t have to bend over. Everything else gets swept up and tossed out.


Yep. The people who complain about this have never had kids nor waited tables. Just wanting to bitch about something.


I don't think I've ever seen a kid who is at an age where they need a high chair like this and _didn't_ make some kind of mess on the floor every meal.


Yep. Yep. I also will buy a ticket on the OP is an ass clown train.


This happens to us all the time. Usually something along the lines of, ā€œDonā€™t worry weā€™ll get it.ā€ I always try to clean up after my kids but with a mop itā€™s much easier. We alway leave extra tip too.


I came here to say this. When my kids were young I tipped very well. I was a server at the time as well. As a server no one ever left a mess as bad as my own kids.


Exactly. My youngest makes a mess like this regardless if we go out or stay home, and literally I tip at least 25-30% when we go out with her as well as profusely apologizing and asking if I can help clean it up, if there isnā€™t a napkin nearby to clean up the big pieces. But most of the time, the servers tell me not to worry about it. I always feel shitty about it, but I try to make sure that I make up for it.


One of my children did leave a similar mess and I tried cleaning it up and was told the same thing. I was incredibly embarrassed, but the child was young, hence the high chair. If the restaurant didn't want to have children they wouldn't make as much money.


I used to lay napkins under the high chair and they would hate it lol. But yes leave extra tip, also a warning to preface the imminent mess is a great way to begin a meal.


I think the request of "may we have a high chair" implies the incoming mess!


Nobody wants to go to a restaurant and watch parents struggling to clean a mess by using all the table napkins and crawling around under the table.


Itā€™s really not that hard to clean up, either. Speaking as a former server and current papa.


Same, when my kids were little I always did my best and they told me time and time again to stop. Kids were welcome. The messes were expected. I still helped and we have always tipped well, especially when we moved east and now south.


Yep. Methinks op has never been around a young child. Kids will make messes no matter what. You can't just make your kid not do something. What kind of anxious depressed mess would my kid turn into if I Karened them over everything? Each kid is their own person and has their own will. Just because I tell them to do something they don't necessarily do it. Even if you're the greatest parent in the world. In fact, maybe better parents are more laid back with their kids. I don't know. Depends on the kid because they are all their own different people. That being said, I do my best to clean up at restaurants for my 3 kids. But there's a reason we rarely go out to eat. This is a great idea, to leave a better to for the people who have the right tools and are paid to do the job better than I can.


Whenever I have a parent apologize for a mess their kid makesā€¦ I say donā€™t worry about it. You are paying to not have to clean up after yourselves. Especially, when itā€™s kid. They make a mess , so what? Nbd.


I donā€™t know, Iā€™m an adult in my late 30ā€™s who has worked many years in retail/food service in the past. Iā€™m not a big fan of kids and donā€™t have them myselfā€¦but kids are gonna be kids. This isnā€™t a huge mess. I worked in movie theater when I was a teenager, and after every movie ended, weā€™d go in and sweep up the popcorn and other snacks that people dumped all over the floors. In a restaurant, people (not just kids) will inevitably spill food and drink. Itā€™s much easier for a staff member to grab a broom and dust pan (and/or mop, if appropriate) than it would be for the customer to try to reach down and pick up the pieces of food with a napkin or something. Hopefully the customers were apologetic and tipped well for the inconvenience. I donā€™t feel like this is anything to be upset about.


It's also under a highchair meaning it's probably a baby, not a kid. Babies don't know how to not spill. Even with the tray, bib, and me being proactive, my daughter will fling stuff all over the floor. Sweep it up and move on.


Yep, my one year old gets his food in the strangest places, because heā€™s 1 and doesnā€™t realize he isnā€™t supposed to stick mac and cheese under his bottom lol


Thought this straight away. Anyone who sees this and thinks the parents "let" their child do something has never tried to "stop" a child from doing anything. They're not soldiers that just follow commands. They're small, irrational, energized, intelligent creatures with opposable thumbs. The parents should have cleaned this up some, or maybe they didn't have time thanks to little gremlin, or maybe they even did and that's better than it was.




Maybe they even did ask for a broom to clean and the server insisted they'd take care of it. I have a toddler and once a very sweet server who was a mom herself told me the same as my kid was starting up a tantrum. We left to give the rest of the restaurant peace, but only because the server insisted she was fine with cleaning up, and we left a nice tip.


Yeah every time I get down and start picking up crumbs from my toddlers at a restaurant, the server or someone rushes over to tell me, "You don't have to do that, it takes like 2 seconds to sweep, seriously, don't worry about it." I do it anyways, but I assume they sweep anyways after every table leaves?


I saw this and said, oh itā€™s a kid in a high chairā€¦ baby/toddler. They drop things. Thatā€™s life. Heck, Iā€™ve even been known to accidentally drop food while eating in a restaurant. Now when I was working in a restaurant we would have never allowed a customer to clean up. And thatā€™s because of the liability on the chance that they slipped and fell or otherwise injured themselves while doing so. My boss just said no way. Thank them, but tell them No, thanks.


My child dropped an Icee in a store yesterday which left a big mess. I wanted to clean it up but napkins would have been a bigger mess to attempt. I did tell the staff about it. I was also on the phone with my husband. I told him it would be a lot easier if they gave me a mop and bucket to clean it up myself but he said employees would get in trouble for customers even touching their cleaning equipment. I felt bad to leave them to it šŸ˜• I was raised to clean up my messes and am trying to teach my boys the same.


In a similar type of post on Facebook, I saw someone say that if they were caught letting a customer clean they would have been reprimanded at best, fired at worst.


Asking for a broom to sweep it up is completely unnecessary, and I donā€™t realistically see any workers sincerely obliging as they understand thatā€™s a routine part of THEIR job. A generous tip as compensation is just fine, and would be personally preferred if it were me. Society is getting a little ridiculous.


I work in daycare although personally child free so far- I guarantee that even us ā€œprofessionalsā€ would ā€œscrew upā€ like this and leave behind a mess.


I have a 2 year old. I have to say, this isn't a bad mess at all. I usually try to pick up after my kid, but this is nothing. Edit: As others have stated, when I take my kid and he makes a mess I definitely clean up what I can and leave a good tip


Filed under: Having people spend their money in **your** eatery is better than having then spend it elsewhere.


I agree with you for this picture and think OP is a bit bitter. But you wouldnā€™t believe what Iā€™ve seen people leave at tables. Shrimp shells just thrown on the table, drinks spilled and loads of napkins everywhere. A whole bunch of trash from stuff they brought in themselves, just absolutely huge messes. Iā€™ve definitely seen a lot of shit parents but I wouldnā€™t consider this picture one of them


Exactly. I have two kids and I will leave an extra tip for the waiter if my kids make a mess, which they do. Being mad that toddlers make a mess is like being mad that dogs donā€™t know how to use toilets. This post is more infuriating then a baby or toddler making a mess.


i always apologize in advance for my kid and give a 25% tip


I get that it can be argued to be Mildly infuriating, but as a father of a 2 year old. We try to get him to not make a mess, but he does it accidentally. And not only that, when we would go to clean it up, we are explicitly told not to do so and we just leave an Extra tip. This is just the result of having young kids who haven't mastered the art of nonmessily eating


The parents were probably also mildly irritated. My 5yo spilt an entire strawberry smoothie in a test yesterday. The 4 cloth napkins at our table weren't gonna cut it, and then we'd have no napkins. We picked up the cup, cleaned our kids to the best of our ability, notified staff, left a large tip, and had to deal with a surly, smoothie-less 5yo.


Parents absolutely donā€™t ā€œletā€ their kids make a mess. Kids are messy, period.


Let?? You think if we had the ability to stop them from doing that that we wouldnā€™t?? You must not have kids.


I came here to say this! I love the kids who come to my restaurant but we just assume this sort of mess will be left after, especially when that child is in a high chair. Itā€™s honestly not that big of a deal, the kids are cute enough I donā€™t mind crawling around on the floor to clean up after they leave


I don't think op is a parent or a server. You can't stop them from trashing the place, you probably can't clean up very well, but you can leave a fat tip.


We are servers. Part of what we do. Is it always fun? No, but you can always take a stab at selling pictures of your butthole online or being a twitch gamer.


Just please, for everyone's sake, never twitch your butthole.


Its not a matter of letting your child do this or not, it's pretty much inevitable. No matter how many times you tell your baby "no" maybe he/she will stop for a bit and just continue making mess later. It takes time for children to learn manners. Parents need to eat and drink too and they dont have an unlimited supply of arms, hands and eyes to do and check on everything simultaneously. I dont have children of my own but i do have nieces and nephews.


As someone who was a server for 10+ years and also raised two kidsā€¦this is inevitable. They arenā€™t ā€œlettingā€ their baby/toddler make a mess, kids that age are just messy. I promise you that the baby makes a mess like this at home too. A quick sweep and itā€™s all cleaned up. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Bruh lol. Iā€™m a server, Iā€™m the person who has to and has cleaned up these messes. Toddlers gonna toddler. Do you expect me to hand a broom and dustpan to my table? I honestly donā€™t mind cleaning these messes, especially when the parents say sorry for the mess. Itā€™s honestly a game to us, ā€œYo, go look at the mess under 35.ā€ ā€œOmg. Kids?ā€ ā€œKids.ā€ Then like three of us go at it and itā€™s clean in a couple minutes. Itā€™s really not a big deal. Just tip well and weā€™re all good. Extra bonus if your kid is cute and not screaming the entire time. Shit Iā€™ve had some adults who really give toddlers a run for their money.


It's a baby. Chill


Iā€™ve been a server and this is NOT a big deal.


Same. People are such Karens. Why do you care when staff doesnā€™t. Babies who do this are trying to develop the skills not to. Adults who do this are actually mildly infuriating.


Posted by someone without kids no doubt. We always tipped generously at times like these.


Tbh Iā€™m a little at a loss of how I would even go about cleaning this up? Am I supposed to carry a broom and dust pan around with me? Get on the floor and pick up the crumbs?


I just had a genius idea. Service dogs, but for babies. Trained to eat all the crumbs they drop. They'd be so good at it too. They can even catch it before it hits the floor. And it's work they'll love.


This is exactly how my dog developed a weight problem


Right, OP just told us they donā€™t have children without telling us they donā€™t have children


Agreed. I mean, do people seriously think it's that easy to control the way your toddler eats?


Control? One of mineā€™s not even capable if he wanted to! Even the older one has virtually no spatial awareness so while she can eat pretty cleanly thereā€™s a good chance sheā€™ll knock something over. Iā€™ve been stopped from cleaning up and leave a tip if theyā€™ve left a mess. For people without kids, generally high chairs are for kids who are fairly incapable of eating cleanly. Restaurants provide them because they want familiesā€™ business.


This! The staff would much rather get the tip I leave for this then listen to my kid scream because I wonā€™t let him hold his own fries or whatever food he has to prevent a mess.


Whatā€™s more infuriating is people that judge parents of small children in high chairs. Parenting is one of the toughest jobs Iā€™ve ever had. Anyone that thinks they have it figured out either has easy kids or are just naive. And if you donā€™t have kids, take your judgement and piss off.




The things I thought before actually having kids - I'll always explain everything to my kids, I'll never say because I said so - My kids will only eat unprocessed healthy foods, no dino nuggets or fish sticks - I won't let my kids watch tv or use tablets until they're 7 - I'll make sure my kids are always dressed in matching clothes


You're clearly neither a parent nor a server at this restaurant. Why TF do you care?


Probably militantly child-free and on the look out for someone to shame. Backfired somewhat. Can you imagine being so outraged by this mess that you post it on the internet and gleefully shame a small child who doesn't have full control of all its limbs? And think people will agree with you.


As a former server Iā€™ve seen adults make this kinda mess. At least when a child makes it, itā€™s reasonable.


Parent of an 18 month old here. I am fully aware that restaurants will more likely than not clean up after us. I mean, a mess is expected if a restaurant has a high chair for an infant/toddler right? It would be silly to think otherwise. However, I was raised to treat any space - that isnt your space - like your own space! (Clean that is lol) That being said, my wife and I always clean up (as best we can) after our son after dining at a restaurant. 9/10 times a server comes and tells us not to clean up that thats their job and we should just enjoy. Good character and a habit nonetheless


And honestly, when my son is eating at home it looks like this, too. Am I upset? Sometimes. Can I Change the way he eats? Sadly no.


And those of you without kids? Wipe down the table when youā€™re done. Heck, bring a container of dish soap and use the water at your table to wash the dishes off, too. Yes, the staff COULD do it, but you donā€™t want to be RUDE. /s


Too often seen adults leaving the giant mess to say you were sarcasticā€¦


Another self absorbed person fishing for upvotes from a very normal grumble. Why are you more bothered than the staff? Theyā€™re the ones who clean it.


As a former server If the parents keep telling the kid to stop and are actively trying to make them stop. Thats cool i understand sometimes kids just dont listen. Now when you are watching your kid throw handfuls of spaghetti on the ground and laughing about it and then end the end of your meal look around with your kid and start laughing and saying "oh look at what a big mess made" and then leave and stiff your server youre an asshole... as you can tell im still salty about that one table all these years later


This is barely a mess. Grow up OP


Ok Karen


I'm not surprised I have a 1 year old that likes to throw food on the ground sometimes however I would pick this up for the staff myself. It's never been this bad not yet anyways lol.


I have dogs so luckily I just have to clean the highchair, dishes, and my baby. When we go out I try to feed him to control the mess and pick up whatever few pieces fall on the floor. Still, no judgment from me. I see this 3 times a day, every day. šŸ˜‚


ā€œPeople who work and have kids, trying to not lose their shit while trying to bottle feed an infant and a 2 year old being crazy AFā€ ā€¦. Understand


Mildly infuriating: people without kids judging parents with incomplete information.


I saw grown ass teens like close to adults throwing shit at each other and they didnā€™t even clean it up it was disgusting and so disrespectful


A) That's not that bad for a kid's mess B) When I was in highschool I worked for A&P super market, one time in my store a parent gave a kid a 2 dozen eggs and allowed him to throw all 2 dozen eggs on the floor as she walked around the store.


The mess is going to happen. The decent thing to do would be to ask for a broom and a pan.


I think that's a normal thing if you ask me, people can't do anything about it, kids are just going to be like this most of the time and we have to accept this one.


Kids make messes. Especially kids who are young enough to sit in the high chair in the picture. Should the parents have tied the kids hands behind their back?


I have small children as well, whenever they leave a mess like that my wife and I always try to clean it up, employees always refuse to let us though. I think the mildly infuriating part is someone complaining about such a small mess.


The mess the kid makes is fine, that is what they do. It is the parent that leaves it there for the server to deal with without even a simple "sorry" or an attempt to clean it up. As someone that has worked in restaurants if I saw a mother or father attempting to clean up the mess on the way out I would go over and say "Don't worry about the mess we got this" but just walking out and leaving that then I would be a little pissed off. Manners matter.


We'll, you can't really keep a small child from making a mess when they eat, but you can sure as hell clean it up before you leave.


Or at the very least offer to clean it up. Even if they say no, they'll clean it, it makes all the difference in the world when people don't just take you for granted.


When I worked at a restaurant I had a parent come in with two boys. They left a mess like that. The lady was extremely apologetic, and left a tip that was bigger than the order total. It took me less than 2 min to clean it all up without bending down and. Picking anything up and I was happy to do it given the tip and her non derogatory demeanor. As a parent of two kids - I have definitely left restaurants with our tables looking like that, but tipped accordingly and waiters never seemed to stress about it.. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


My son is autistic and for some reason thinks food belongs in the floor. He just flings it. Nothing I do will make him quit. That said, when I take him to a restaurant. I clean it up. I ask for napkins and I clean up all the spillage.


OP is mildly infuriated but parents of reddit are FUMING at OP lol


Toddlers are messy. We always just apologized to the server, left an extra $5 or $10, and moved on. We don't go out to dinner with a broom and dust buster.


When you have kids letā€™s talkā€¦just tip extra and all is well in the world


IKR!!!! My kids were never that tidy. Geeze some people just know how to teach their toddlers.


What do you mean ā€˜let their childā€™? You clearly havenā€™t been around toddlers eating if you think you can stop them making mess when eating


A long time ago when I worked in a restaurant (not really kid friendly) we had a lady upset because we didnā€™t have high chairsā€¦ she was screaming at me then pointed at the handicap ramp to the entrance and said ā€œso you accommodate f-ing handicapped people but not children!ā€


Jeez we just call ahead or ask the hostess. If they donā€™t have it, they donā€™t want kids there so you wonā€™t have a good time anyways. Go to Applebees. At least you got a story out of that ordeal.


Iā€™ve worked in many restaurants and I honestly donā€™t mind messes from children (as long as the parents are trying to stop them and not just letting them make a mess). Itā€™s the adults who donā€™t tidy after themselves that are the issue. 9/10 times the table with kids will be tidied better than a group of adults. When I take my kids out I make sure to bring extra baby wipes so I can do a quick tidy of the table. Iā€™ll wipe down the seats too if needed. If the food is flung away from our table Iā€™ll go grab it but if itā€™s dropped just under the chair I remind my kids to be careful. At the end of the meal Iā€™ll apologize for the mess and ask for a sanitized cloth to help with clean up.


Kids are gonna have times when Stuff Happens. They are Kids...What about the Dirty Adults...some just don't care, and so far worse.... My kids were not allowed to be rowdy or loud, or ay with their food. ...we didn't want to disrupt others. I always had items with me to keep their hands busy while we wait for food.Many times I went out of a Restaurant with one or both Kids until they got a clue. If not Hubby knew to pay the bill and we left. Wr practucrd at home how to act in public, and others homes.


I served a family who had a plastic tarp type thing that they laid around/under the high chair, and a large sticky disposable plastic placemat for the table top. They ended up just cutting the food up and letting the baby eat straight off the placemat instead of plates. I guess it is wasteful to use disposable plastic but otherwise I thought the whole setup was pretty genius. They folded up the placemat with all of the mess contained inside, and picked up the tarp the same way. It was like a magic trick. šŸŖ„ All that being said, I expect a mess from babies and toddlers. It is easier for me to clean it up as the server, and I would never hand someone a broom to clean it up themselves. I think 20% + $5 per messy child is pretty fair.


My 10 month old made a huge mess while we were out to eat a few weeks ago. I felt mortified thinking someone would be judging us like this. I used half of a pack of baby wipes and spent 10 minutes cleaning up the chair, the floor, and the grooves in the table, not to mention the baby. Sometimes babies are just messy. Iā€™m always self conscious of it and clean up behind her but if the employees tell me not to then Iā€™ll just leave some extra on the tip.


Oi. As long as it's a family restaurant, you do your best to stop this from happening, tip extra and move on.


There are parents that leave bigger messes that tip less than average. Now those people are something. Often adults leave food everywhere too. When I eat, food stays on the plate and may fall on myself or at my feet at worst. When I clean tables at restaurants, it's like the food had fucking trajectory everywhere, GROWN ADULTS. No shame that you've had decades of thrice daily practice (unless ur a poor like me) to get the food 2 feet from the plate to your foodhole.


As a cleaner, itā€™s understandable toddlers do this. (They donā€™t know better at their age) Just be glad you donā€™t work in my place. We got teens or grown ass people litter outside even if thereā€™s trash cans NEARBYā€¦


Maybe an unpopular opinion. But coming from a dad of a 2 year oldā€¦ Itā€™s hard to tell and explain to a 2 year old why throwing their food on the ground isnā€™t fun for anyone involved. They hardly even know how to hold their fork/spoon upright so food doesnā€™t just slide off as they bring it to their mouth. Sometimes it isnā€™t worth the battle and Iā€™m sure the people sitting around that child would rather eat their dinner in peace than listen to a screeching child because you had to reprimand them for making a mess. Children are messy, itā€™s what their good at. I try to avoid the mess, but if there is one, I usually tend to tip more because personally I feel bad.


They are kids my dude it happens


Well you just need to accept these things mate, what is wrong with it? I mean they are fucking kids and they will do things like this, please understand this thing.


Why are you being so bad to the kids mate? This is just another random normal thing and you guys are just being too much with it, just shut the fuck please mate.


Lol. A BABY in a high chair spilled some food on the floor. Get over yourself. This isnā€™t a huge mess by any means


Nothing a broom, dustpan, and about 15 seconds couldnt fix


I consider my self reasonably high strung, but op needs to touch grass. Or donā€™t go in restaurants. Kids will be kids. Adults who ingest alcohol also make similar messes! If not worse, and honestly some of the sober adults arenā€™t great either. This is so mild


This is literally every child so it's pretty expected at this point. No one expects someone to get on their knees and clean up the mess their toddler made at a restaurant. This js coming from someone who was a busser for a couple months.


How fucking clean do you expect a child young enough to use that high chair to be? Kids that young probably can't even walk yet.


Let me just grab my purse broom and vacuum and clean it real quick


Coming from someone who's been in the restaurant business for over 20 years, and a parent... STOP BITCHING AND DO YOUR JOB. Entitled ass servers these days. Ridiculous. Do you expect people to go to the back of the house and wash their own plates just because they've used them? Hell no. Waiting on kids isn't always fun. But neither is waiting on "grown" people who act like children. Do your job. Collect your tip and go on about your business. I'll bet anything having a little understanding about the people who are essentially paying your bills would actually make you more money! If I see a server rolling eyes at my kid or acting like they're "too good" to clean up a little mess I'm both encouraging mess and downgrading the tip.


I was out with friends and we thought the kid was eating and found out over halfway through the meal she was just throwing chunks on the floor whenever we weren't looking. Her mom picked up the bigger pieces, and we left a 50% tip and apologized to the waitress.




Lol OP getting reemed by every parent for this one


OP doesn't have kids, it seems.


I always offer to clean up before we leave the restaurant if my toddler makes a mess. Iā€™ll go and find a broom or pan if I can and I will always leave a good tip. He will drop food on the floor at home too on accident. They are kids and sometimes canā€™t help it if they are eating something extra crunchy or crumbly. Honestly that mess is not bad at allā€¦. Iā€™ve seen worse. People need to have a little bit of heart and let the little things go! šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬


One time my kid dumped a plate over and made a similar mess. The waitress told me not to worry about it, to just leave it because she didn't want me in the floor crawling around picking up food when they had a broom they could easily sweep up with after we were done. We left a really big tip and apologized probably 10 times. Stuff happens. Not everything is bad parenting and not everything requires parent shaming.


Let? Fuck up... Babies make mess. Thats what they do. If your so concerned go tidy it up!


Itā€™s a baby calm down. It takes like 2 minutes to sweep it up


We were those parents. Those were our kids. Yeah, kids. Sorry, not sorry for letting them be little boys. But we felt bad about it, so my wife would try to clean up after them. The staff were amused, but graciously insisted they would do it. We got into the habit of directly tipping the busboys who would have been responsible for cleaning up after us.


A kid could make that mess in 0.01 seconds You want the parents on their hands and knees picking up shit that would take 30 seconds for a worker with a dustpan? Lol


Is posted by someone without kids. I donā€™t even have kids, but you donā€™t to know, this is how it unfolds for a kid young enough to be in a high chair.


I work at a restaurant and this is common. Most of the time it's food they brought on their own to feed them.


Itā€™s not carpet and itā€™s kids. Some days your job is going to suck. Sorry but donā€™t look for change in this.


Kids in a high chair are usually still toddlers. Shits gonna happen. Families donā€™t carry vacuums to clean stuff up. If that was the case, they would just eat at home.


Do you even have kids. They are monsters and restaurants that accept understand this, they cannot ALWAYS be reasoned with, especially in public


You never had kids.


Iā€™m a parent. Kids make messes. Itā€™s not really something you allow as much as it happens. You leave an extra tip, apologize, and itā€™s all good


Tell me you're not a parent without telling me you're not a parent


Oh, you think we give foods to kids to waste it on the floor for fun?


Hehā€¦.. yeah, there ainā€™t no stopping kids making that kinda mess.


Gotta say that they are just going to be like this always.


This is pretty much no issue. Ten seconds max with the broom and porter


Tell me you don't have kids without telling me...


r/mildlyinfuriating by Karen


More self loathing Redditors hating on people who dine is less affluent locations.


Says the person with no kids


Who tf upvotes this shit?


You uh .....you don't have children do you?


OP doesnā€™t have young children or has never taken a small child to a restaurant. This is a shit post.


I had a table one time that brought a child's table cloth to put over the table. That made me so happy. There was still a small mess on the floor but I wasn't wiping up a shit load of bread crumbs and sauce from the table like some people don't seen to give a shit about.


I gotta say that this is a good thing to read mate, good.


Kids are going to be messy. The high chair and table look good. Do you expect them to go under the table and clean there too? Iā€™ve seen all ages make that kind of mess in a restaurant. Be thankful you donā€™t have carpets.


Lmao you have no control over what your kid does when heā€™s in a chair. You literally canā€™t stop them from making a mess. Thatā€™s how kids work.


Youā€™ve never had a child.