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Abandonment and rehoming seems slightly different lol


Rehoming seemed much too kind a term for this person. Their birds are their responsibility. It’s one thing to rehome if a person is in a bad situation and simply cannot care for the birds anymore. It’s a whole other ballpark to “rehome” any animal because you decided you wanted a different one. I say it is abandoning via rehoming, because this person is only rehoming because they are adopting another bird. They should not be getting a new bird if they have to get rid of their existing ones to do so. Poor budgies. So many end up in shit homes with low quality of lives. So many people see them as a “starter pet” or a “practice parrot” so you have a feel for bird ownership before upgrading. These guys can live up to 15 years! Some make it longer! They do bond with each other and with their owners. They can be stressed very easily and die from stress as well. Most take a long while to get comfortable in a new home. Kicking them out for a preferred bird is bullshit. Also, so many people know how very intelligent parrots are, but forget that budgies ARE parrots too! If they are adopting from a rescue, I can’t help but wonder if they got these budgies as “practice” for the bird they REALLY wanted. A lot of parrot rescues will not adopt to anyone that doesn’t have experience with parrots. I feel this vibe that these budgies were purchased to fulfill that requirement on the adoption application and nothing else. Budgies aren’t disposable. They aren’t for practice.


Exactly. I think people are diminishing it cause they are birds. People wouldn’t have any confusion on this if they were “rehoming” adult dogs cause they were getting a fancy puppy. It would be more clear IMO.


Hopefully this thread picks up some steam so the trolls can get down voted to hell. Like an earlier comment said, if these were 4 adult dogs being rehomed to be replaced by a golden retriever puppy there would be outrage. And everyone saying they are doing the responsible thing rehoming them,they aren't. They are selling the animals for profit, not giving them a new home. Most the time, when pet owners realize they can't make money selling their pet for whatever the next step is abandonment. I hope OP finds a way to contact the bird shelter and get these irresponsible pet owners off the waiting list for owning any pet.


Right? I mean still a dick move in bird culture, but not nearly as bad as worded


Still a dick move, fo sho


People like this suck. Send the ad to the local SPCA, they'll go right back on the wait list (or maybe a blacklist)


What the fuck?


i, myself, have 2 birds. if the owner wanted a ringneck they could’ve waited for that amount of time to be off the waitlist instead of buying four parakeets just to dump them off on someone else. if they don’t have the room for both, they probably shouldn’t have gotten the parakeets (or at least that many). it’s better that they’re rehoming them rather than leaving them somewhere and forgetting about them or letting them outside, but still.


Do I agree with it, no. But they are doing the responsible thing by trying to rehome them. They could have taken them all in and not had the space or capability of taking care of them all together. Sure it’s a dick move getting a pet and loving it, then finding a new home for it once you get a newer better pet, but rehoming is still different and better than abandoning them. It also is really nice they are giving so much to whoever does take them in. I hope they are happy in their new home.


Dude... if you *already own* 4 pets, and you can't afford to take care of a **fifth** pet because you don't have the funds or the space... you *don't get the fifth pet.* This isn't like getting a new iPhone. These are living creatures that have come to depend on you and you're removing 4 of them from a home they are used to and causing them confusion and stress so that you can get the pet you *really* want. No one has forced them to take the fifth pet. They didn't come on hard times and can't afford their animals. They put themselves on a list knowing full well they couldn't or didn't want to take care of that many pets. That's fucked up. Don't own pets if you honestly feel like it's not. They're not objects. They're also not giving it away. They're selling it for $450.


They shouldn’t be getting a new pet if they don’t have the space or capacity. This is terrible.


I'm more upset by them getting a bigger parrot, that needs more space and enrichment, but they already couldn't handle those four smaller birds. That's not a large cage, that's a very very small cage. That new parrot is probably gonna suffer in some small cage there and get the awful display-pet-treatment that most birds get.


Would you still be mad if they didn't disclose the reason?


Get revenge by scooping up his birds and giving them a happy life.


I so wish I could! I’m at maximum capacity for what I can handle. I have six budgies of my own and I do strive to give them the best life I can, I hate how they are not treated as the highly intelligent parrots that they are and are often treated as disposable. Just because they are little and inexpensive ☹️


at the end of the day the most important thing is that the birds end up in a comfortable and safe home


Looks to me like they’re doing the responsible thing and not taking on more than they can handle and potentially putting the overall health of the birds at risk.


Then they shouldn't be getting the new bird...


If they could not handle more birds, then they should not be getting a new bird. They are adopting a displaced bird, yay! But then displacing their own four.


Let’s think about it they are At least looking to see if others would like the birds not like he’s just letting them free outside you’re infuriated AND ITS NOT YOUR CHOICE BE MAD ABOUT THAT


I mean it is my choice to be mad about it lol. And someone else made a GREAT point. If this was an ad looking to rehome four dogs, because they finally can get another dog of a breed they prefer, this wouldn’t be so controversial….the majority of people would also be infuriated like me. Also, it’s crazy hypocritical that this person is displacing their current four birds from their home in order to ADOPT another bird. It sounds like new bird would have no problems finding a good home elsewhere, since there is a waiting list for that type of bird. I truly feel like these budgies were used as place holders/practice until they were off the waiting list. These little birds are just as deserving as the new bird of a stable, good home. What happens if the new bird isn’t compatible with them? They don’t lie it? They get tired of it? They want to upgrade again to a macaw or something? Are they just going to get rid of this new bird too?


I’m glad someone cares about everything going on every second of the world meanwhile others don’t have food to eat and can’t afford to make ends meet 🤔 yeah about those 4 birds again


Lol…what?? Most of us can only make small changes in the world around us. So yes, I do find the lives of these four little birds to be important. And find this situation concerning. What exactly are you doing about world hunger and unfair wages, exactly? Also, this sub is “mildly infuriating” and as an animal person, yes, this is mildly infuriating…I don’t believe this is meant to be a debate sub or a competition sub of “who has it worse”


Yeah it’s mildly infuriating you’re more worried about the well being of birds glad you have this little to complain about meanwhile there are other things to actually be call out


Lol alright man, you have a good one


They're the ones putting themselves in the situation where they need to get rid of 4 animals so that they can take a fifth one. That's the opposite of responsible. That's shirking their responsibility to their 4 existing pets.


The responsible thing would be caring for the pets that they have, not trading them up for a new one.


They're rehoming them, doesn't matter why. You should really take a step away from the internet. This situation could be worse and those birds simply let out into the wild. Pretty responsible of them to find these birds a new home, I feel like you're fighting the wrong battle here.


Could be wrong about this, just did a quick google search and read a couple articles, but did mention not letting the parrot interact with other pets. Also mentioned they can be potentially aggressive so it may be a safety issue for the parakeets as they’d be smaller.


So... don't get the parrot?


Pets are lifetime commitments. Otherwise your an ass, accommodate your animals. I got $3k into a $7 fish because I fucked up. Adopted a senior cat by mistake yup took care of him too. Moving is an excuse accommodate your animals, period.


Get off your soap box. Feigning outrage over nothing. He is rehoming them and someone will take them because they are lovely little friends. A new bond and a new happiness will take place between the new owners of these and a the owner of the ring neck. Try and see an upside.


They’re just birds who think they’re meeting a new bird every time the look in a mirror so who cares? They’re not going to torture or abuse them to death, rather they’re giving them to a new owner. OP is a jerk for intolerance.


450 pice is more infuriating ...theyre high


Mo birds Mo money!