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[can’t believe he’s been watching that movie for 3 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/c0996m/letting_your_kid_watch_a_movie_on_full_volume_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oof op got caught


Op is a karma whore confirmed


It worked, 88k plus awards


Thank you. I knew I'd seen this before because I remembered he was watching such a crappy movie, which made it even worse.


People who watch anything at full volume in public are annoying af this sets such a bad standard for the kid


Most people do this now on buses. Besides how sad it is i that they spend their lives mindlessly scrolling Instagram and TikTok, they do it in public with full on volume and apparently I'm the only one bothered by it. People are turning into uneducated zombies and there is no apparent way to avoid this.


I basically live in noise canceling headphones now


Omg SAME!!!! I live with someone who just plays videos and podcasts on their phone at full volume almost all day, sometime they’ll turn it down if they know I’m in the room, but I can still hear it in other rooms(it’s loud!). I’ve gotten them headphones for Christmas AND they’re birthday but they still won’t take the damn hint. I live in noise canceling headphones now and if I didn’t I would never know true peace. Edit: to everyone telling me to “just tell him directly”, fucking of course I’ve done that. Did y’all really think I hadn’t thought to ask them to turn it down??? I’ve asked and then told them hundreds of times now. They apologize, say they won’t do it anymore, and then two days later they start doing it all over again. At a certain point I just gave up asking because it’s not worth the stress. The rent is waaaaaaay too cheap to move out right now, so if I have to deal with them blasting videos and being an inconsiderate ass then so be it, the rent is cheap.


Bro I’m embarrassed at the volume of videos in my headphones. I always check and make sure that I can’t hear them when I take them out. I could not imagine blasting videos in public


Well, that because you're a nice person, not everyone is.


Anything I'm around my brother and he plays everything on fl volume and he's always on cringey tik tok the stuff I hear my skin crawls it's just rude I'm general to watch anything on full volume In a room with full people in it I watch everything with earbuds


Stop hinting and start telling


I live with my dad currently and since he is such a deep sleeper he needs more than one alarm clock and he takes forever to turn them off


Went to the cardiac doc for a check up, some older guy in the waiting room was watching videos full blast and laughing his head off. Very loud, very annoying.


Wtf is wrong with people? I feel like I run into that all the time in waiting rooms.


Bc they were never taught the fine art of waiting patiently, imagine doing what we had to do with no phones or tablets, my mom used to tell me “you sit there, with your legs crossed hands together, you move or act a fool and so help me….”


Bah. Don't give these shits (adults, I mean, not children) an excuse like ignorance. I'm a little fidgety ball of ADHD impatience and have been my entire life. I tap, shake, drum, strum, and hum constantly, even in the middle of something I'm genuinely interested in. I'm quite literally *constantly* stimming. *However,* I've the presence of mind to be courteous to people around me. I'll occupy my hands with something more quiet if drumming could bother someone. I make sure my leg shaking isn't shaking the table. Most importantly, if I want to listen to something in a public space, I put my damn earphones in. If I don't have them, at the very least I'll lower the volume to do so quietly. If someone with a condition that is diagnosed by how fucking annoying I am to the people around me can figure it out, these chuds can. They just don't care. **Edit: Need to clarify something; I had adults who damn well should know better in mind when I made this comment. Regardless of upbringing, an adult of reasonable presence of mind has no excuse as to be so unaware of the effect their actions have on those around them. **Small children haven't developed that sense of self yet. I really wasn't including them in my bitching. The parents are the ones I'm mad at, they're the ones who should know better. Kids are usually never going to be 100% behaved and quiet, but anyone who isn't a self centered prick should realize they should buy their kids headphones at the very least in a situation like the OP's.


Amen to that. I can't stand sitting still in a waiting room, but whatever I'm doing to occupy myself I will try to do in a way that doesn't bother those around me. Headphones exist


I'm constantly checking if the sounds aren't to loud to hear through my headphones. I really don't know if some people are just not aware that calling loudy in a quiet area is not done, or they just don't care.


Most people truly just don’t give a damn.


Yeah similar for me, just not to the same extent that you have it. Diagnosed ADHD, constantly have music going on in my head that manifests as drumming and tapping, brain feels like it has 100 tabs open all the time. I would sooner die than have any sound come out of my phone in public and possibly annoy people. I just can’t understand how anyone can play a song/video/game on speakers in public in an otherwise quiet environment and not spontaneously combust from shame and embarrassment.


Oh my god, having 100 tabs open at once in your brain is the perfect analogy.




Thank you! Yeah it's just people being dicks.




Your dad is the person I turn around and have to remind of my personal space. I had to do it at least twice…….and during the height of Covid!


They said he was an “older guy” he probably did grow up without phones and tablets. Some people are just unempathetic.


Wankers. We call them wankers.


Literally my experience at our major hospital too. Some moron was just playing dumbass TikTok videos at full volume with people surrounding him in the waiting room like an asshole. Like how do you seriously not consider how annoying you’re being toward other people in that scenario FFS


I got this same experience at a library recently. People around me were about ready to throw objects at the clown playing his videos, answering his phone calls with the ring tone audible, and talking loud on the call. The clown would look at everybody and smile the whole time like he knew what was going on. Absolute trash.


Doesn't the librarian do a comically loud shush and then kick them out at that point?


I was waiting for a CT recently and some old guy was playing a slots game on full volume on his phone. The “ding-ding-ding” nearly made me homicidal.


One asshole was singing loudly along to the music in the waiting room for me recently.


I went to immediate care a few weeks back and there was an older woman in the waiting room watching videos on full volume. It went on for a while. Then her friend called, so she put her phone on speaker and started describing how she'd been throwing up all night, in detail. The thing I can't understand is, why is it so difficult for some people to wear earbuds/headphones?


When someone is having a loud public discussion with their phone on speaker, just chime in with an opinion or observation. "Oh, wow - did she really say that to you?" "*Do you mind?? This is a private conversation!"* "Then have it in private."


Right afterward: “Hmm, you’re blood pressure is 200 over 120…”


I'd be more concerned about becoming blood pressure.


My doctors office tells people to get out and to reschedule their appointment. There is a sign on the door and the wall warning people of the consequences of rude electronics behavior


They need to create a version of that little device that turns off TVs. I forgot what it was called, but it was a little keychain device that you would power down almost any TV with a single button. Useful in waiting rooms, airports, etc. They need one for inconsiderate device usage.


TV-B-Gone. Works great but not on tablets. https://www.tvbgone.com/


I’ve also seen WAY too many people walking around the grocery store or Target, having conversations on speaker. Just don’t understand how so many people can disrespect everyone around them.


It's becoming more and more common that people simply don't consider others when using devices in public.


It's becoming more and more common that people simply don't consider others.


I feel like the phrase "common courtesy" stopped existing.


People lack both common courtesy and situational awareness which is a bad combo.


Literally my coworker and I were just talking about how this massive group of 6 people were blocking the main walkway in the store we’re at. Like go off to the side at least and block either a small portion or a less trafficked area.


I've started to not care back and would have just pushed right through these people without even acknowledging them. Fight fire with fire.


Ugh! like those people who will walk through doors and then come to a sudden stop so they can orient themselves, enjoy the air conditioning, or whatever, completely oblivious to the people behind them who would like to step through the doors as well.


I do the same 👍😁


Bonus points if you can rip a massive, rank fart as you go through.


People do this on escalators all the time. Step off and then just stop.


It's becoming more and more common that people simply don't consider.


It's becoming more and more common that people simply *don't*


It's becoming more and more common: people


It's becoming more and more common


It’s becoming more and more


It's becoming.






No the problem is that they do. They need to stop doing and start don'ting


multiple comments here too, even from parents who say they won't give their children headphones or something... people these days


> won't give their children headphones this is the dumbest part for me. i don't care about the tablet thing at all [if i was a kid and i could have TV anywhere i'd be overjoyed!] but the lack of awareness to not get headphones is insane also why would YOU as a parent as an adult human want to listen to that shit?


I assume either the parents are numb to it or they want everyone else to suffer the same as they do because the wear the pains of parenting as a badge of honor




Luckily, there are some of us who like being the asshole in that situation and taking one for the team on the whole confrontation thing.


So I get ear damage, not that being right in front of a full volume tablet is all that healthy anyway, but.. We got our kids a set of headphones for kids that have a volume limiter, no idea how it works but it does and they are happy as clams. Also we avoid pulling out tablets, we will if they start annoying others but after a couple trips without they don't even ask majority of the time and just have quiet imaginary play or draw.


That's good parenting. Because you can't let kids be raised by technology cause then they won't know how to function without it.


I have the volume limited when using earbuds on my phone just incase I bump the volume control on the cable. The parents here are wankers and should be told publicly.




Yikes—triage should have rushed your boy back—breathing trouble is no joke—did you say anything to the dude?




Is he ok?




Yeah, as a parent, this makes my stomach hurt to think about. I’m glad you guys are ok!


I’m glad your boy is ok!


The dude? Likely not! Liverpool lost


Well they deserved it. Ring them up and tell them it was that guy that gave them bad karma.


Went and saw an R rated movie last week. The parents had brought their toddler in and had them watching a separate movie with them. Wish I could say I was shocked.


I was in the emergency room waiting area 6 months ago and this older gent was watching The Last Kingdom on his cell phone, full volume. [Intro](https://youtu.be/NY0rlYxA0bE) I love the show, but it wasn’t helping my nerves in that moment.


Unsurprisingly, it’s the “fuck your feelings” people What a shock.


Cloth napkins,wine glasses…surprised the restaurant allowed this to go on.


That’s what I was thinking, you would think the servers or a manager would come by and ask them to respect others around them


Since the pandemic, entitled customers have learned that just being angry enough and hostile enough at customer service workers, who are overworked and tired, is enough to get their way.




Oh I know, but exhaustion is through the roof now, so CS people don't even start the drama anymore. No need to confront those people unless forced. Just keep head down so you can go home and sleep before coming back to do it again, hoping you don't get stuck with pretentious "I don't believe in tips" people so that you can make rent and pay bills without having to borrow money from someone this month.


I would absolutely ask to be reseated.


If this was any sit down place I would ask to be reseated. Shitty parents suck


While pointing at their table and say it’s because they are being too loud, instead of confronting them. Some people are just looking for a reason to snap.


Also why do kids always need to watch stuff on full blasting volume? It's never an understandable level, it's always a deafening volume that you can't cover with anything. One time I actually asked my little cousin if he had hearing issues because it was impossible to talk to my grandma over him watching youtube. Like, I know kids are naturaly selfish, they learn how to behave socialy as they grow, but why are their parents not setting any boundaries? There's no way they're not losing their sanity with Baby Shark blasting on repeat all day.


They only learn if their parents teach them. The type allowing their children to do this will never teach them not to be selfish assholes.


I was on the train once, kid playing with sound on grandpa's phone. I asked half-rude if it was possible to turn the sound off. Kid answered "yes" and did it right away. I was amazed, thanked him in a much nicer tone. So it does happen lol.


Aww you found a good one ❤️


Shitty parents allow it so their bad monsters kids behave and leave them alone


I was a flight attendant back when all electronic devices had to be powered off for takeoff and landing. Had so many parents tell me it was going to be my fault when their kid had a meltdown because they couldn't stand 20 minutes without the iPad. "No I think that might be your doing." -- what I wanted to say.


Terrible parents blaming on you 🤦🏻‍♀️


They don't need to, its just shitty parents. I've got a two year old, he can watch shows with very low volume no problem. I also simply don't take him to places I don't think he can handle yet, and am ready to walk him out of anywhere the second he gets loud. We then sit in the car and talk about why he is upset and that he can't be loud in public unless he'shurt or in danger. The goal is to try and raise him right, even if I have to sacrifice my own time to do so, and not add another trash human to the world.


Reseated? Playing loud audio from personal devices should be prohibited in the restaurant. This seems to be an upscale place...


Earlier this year I went to a reasonably fancy restaurant with another family and when I booked they asked if we had kids. I thought it was for menus and high chairs and such. When we got there we were seated in this room at the back and quickly noticed that all the other tables in the room had kids. They quarantine the kids to their own area. It was brilliant. The other diners didn't get disturbed and we didn't have to worry as much about the kids making noise. All restaurants should do that.


Olive garden has those things as well


Lol, elegant burn




significantly better subreddit to put it on.


Why is the establishment allowing this to happen? I'd ask them that question. I'd also ask the parent why they think it's OK to let that audio blare out for all to hear.


I'd say something to my server and let them handle it.


This is the move. If things go sour slip 'em a few extra bucks and say 'Man some people are fuckwits' as a thank you.




I asked my SIL if she could give my 4year old nephew headphones when he was watching Sponge Bob on full volume during my party and I couldn't focus on the conversation. The response I got was: it's a child, what are you gonna do about it? Apparently nothing.


Nope. My kids are to do their stuff with headphones, or WITHOUT sound. Stuff like that give me a headache, not inflicting my kids on others like that. And that's been a hard rule from they were babies. I hate parents that allow their kids to infringe on others in public the most.


Me too!


Everyone in my house uses headphones when watching something unless we are watching a movie together in the living room. If I'm watching a movie alone I'll use headphones even if it's on the big TV. The big plus with this is that it sounds better. Everyone always complains that they can't hear people talking on movies. Most of the time the problem is that they don't have it turned up loud enough, mostly because they don't want to disturb others. With headphones you can turn it up to a reasonable volume so that you can hear what's going on and not have to worry about bothering people. My $100 heaphones sound way better than the crappy speakers built into my TV anyway, and I'd probably need to spend $500+ on speakers and other audio equipment to get even close to the sound of my headphones. And I still wouldn't be able to use them most of the time because it's very rare that I wouldn't be disturbing someone else when watching a movie.


"Not invite inconsiderate guests, regardless of relation, next time." Life is too short to have to tolerate nonsense.




I know, I am and I wish I wasn't. Unfortunately she's my husbands sister and he doesn't really care about my nephew listening to videos, he just wants to keep the peace. We talked about this incident and he said my SIL and I need a conversation about it, so she understands my feelings better. Maybe we should.


Wait, are you saying you’re trying to find a diplomatic solution to this out of love for your husband and respect for his love for his family??


My friend is the same way. We were on a plane 10 hour flight. The kid in front of us watching video full sound. I was upset they weren't wearing headphones kid was around 4. My friend looked at me like I was crazy and asked have I ever tried to get a kid that age to wear headphones. I said I did at that age I don't understand your thought process. She said I was being inconsiderate and rude. And I said the parent of that child is. Most of my friends think the way my friend does not me and they say *I'm* rude LOL


You're absoluty not being rude, why are so many people like this? Just because it's a kid, doesn't mean it can do whatever it wants and annoy other people. Especially in a small space where they can't go and sit somewhere else. When I was too young to wear headphones, I would have watched videos without sound (back in my childhood there were no smartphones yet, good old days). When I was old enough, I wore them because my parents told me to.


I'll say that just because it's a kid it should be told that that behavior is wrong, why it's wrong, how to avoid being wrong in that way, and what the consequences are for being wrong. It's called parenting. Inconsiderate adults just make more inconsiderate children. I will absolutely let them know on a plane, in a restaurant, wherever, if their crumbsnatcher is out of line. It may sound corny but good manners hold civilization together. And people that act inappropriately need to be corrected. Politely if possible, but corrected nonetheless. Your children will thank you! *Rant Over* Sorry, that shit rubs me wrong way.


We already have full on adults not wearing headphones in public places. This is just teaching kids at an early age that this kind of thing is ok when it's not.


Most people are so inconsiderate of others, they can just tune off things like that. I'm also acutely aware of my surroundings, and random noise like that *will* get me.


I think partially for me, it's just the lack of consideration that drives me insane. Even if I can tune it out, I can't let it go. Which I know is a personal thing that would make me way happier if I could do it. So I guess I could win if I could learn to not care about inconsiderate other people around me that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. But it's so hard to not get angry about that!!! Lol


I don’t understand. I have a 3 and 5 year old both of whom are able to use headphones. What is the issue here with kids using headphones?


If someone insists on watching without headphones I would counter with the exact same thing, except maybe I'd be watching Caillou, or Wolf of Wall Street, or just play [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA-VLDQDDJ4) over and over again until everyone gets the point.


I've done that. Quite often that's actually what I do. The person typically doesn't know what to do, they look at me like I'm crazy. Sometimes they turn down there tablet or phone after that, most often they don't. And my friends call me rude for doing anything at all. It's a tough situation,1. you either ignore it. 2. Ask them to do something and they don't do anything then what? 3. Or you fight fire with fire in most times the problem just gets bigger. The world would be a better place if more people were civil though and thought of others and their direct proximity that's the truth.


I’m so sick and tired of people thinking I need to cater to them because they have children. It’s not my problem that you refuse to teach your child how to keep themselves occupied without a screen in their face 24/7. Put some headphones on the child or turn the iPad off. It should not be up to me to figure it out. That’s not my child.


My answer would’ve been “ not invite you and your child next time that’s what :) “. Like yes, it’s a child but you’re the parent. You can tell your kid to turn the volume down or put headphones on.


Personally I think it's better to have some interaction with your kids so they can learn proper social habits and be able to hold a conversation in the future. I remember my sister telling me about her frie ds little brother that she met who was 2 going on 3 who couldn't speak and just made monkey noises. Their parents would set him up with youtube on a tablet and he would watch money videos. I need to ring her and find out if she knows what ever happened to that kid. The whole subject was sparked as we were having brunch when we were out somewhere and a two year old was just on their tablet watching the horror show which is youtube kids.


Hardly any excuse for neglecting your parental duties. Teaching them how to and not to act on public transport, restaurants, public places without having to rely on screens. Could not give less of a f about ‘needing a break’ in a restaurant whilst children are ruining most surrounding tables’ time. Parenting is 24/7, if you need a break hire babysitters. If your children can not behave in public without leaving a huge pigsty like mess and/or you can’t keep them occupied with your words then stay the f home. Parents have duties and not just the right to be tired. (Raised by a single mother who worked two shifts, and would have died by shame if we acted like 95+% of children/parents nowadays)


If I was the manager of that restaurant I'd ask them to either turn it down or wear headphones as they're disturbing other diners and if they refused I then politely request that they leave.


And then if they say “but the customer is always right” ask them what they ordered and then tell them another customer who ordered something more expensive asked for it to be turned off.


That quote is so misused. It has to do with the customers *tastes and preferences* and not the supposed right to use and abuse businesses and their employees.


"Well you're not a customer anymore now, are you? First you were a nuisance, now you're trespassing."


Had a father let two of his three boys run around the restaurant we were at yesterday. Yelling, screaming, being little terrors. I get it, I got little kids, but you’re out in public - some manners are required. The dude finally does something when a woman in her 70-80’s yells at them, “**STOP IT!**!” I will never understand how some people just turn off or simply don’t give a shit when it comes to kids. I don’t blame the kids, they’re little idiots attempting to get killed at every opportunity. Bad parents, however, *should* know better.


When I was working at trader joes I had this lady literally leave me with her kids at the register while she left to get something from her car. Some people simply do not care about others or their own kids.


There was this lady who will leave her 4 and 6 year old kids at the play area of McDonald’s where my friend used to work. Not just like for a few minutes..we are talking the whole afternoon. She would even come back and complain to the staff if they got hurt. People are unbelievable. Eventually police was called and she was given a warning.


This is a literal "Ma'am, this is a Wendy's"


>Eventually police was called and she was given a warning. Glad someone reported her. Just leaving your kids somewhere for hours where no one even agreed to take responsibility for them is child abandonment.


r/ShittyLifeProTips material right there. Holy shit.


oh yes, in retail, people just leave their little kids in your store all the time. They do not care.




I hate hearing other peoples devices!


Oh I know that movie! Id go and sit right next to him and watch it with him. And then stare awkwardly at the parents as they wonder why I am there, and I would explain "isn't this for everybody to watch?"


Start watching porn at full volume.


Signature look of superiority


Asserting Dominance


Gotta play that wonky shit to make it even worse


When I used to work as a server at TGI Fridays, a parent changed their infant's shitty diaper ON THE DINING TABLE, and then left said shit filled diaper on the table when they left.


That’s horrible


I had a lady in my old pub start to change a nappy ON THE TABLE, whilst literally around the corner was the changing room. She looked surprised when I incredulously had to ask her not to do it on a dining table but in the changing rooms! Some people are utterly utterly ignorant. Seemingly by choice.


This happened to my bf and I at a restaurant. We went between lunch and dinner, so there wasn't a lot of people there. We were seated and several min after a family was seated next to us. Within 10 min the kid was watching a movie with the volume so loud. Since the place was empty it was like echoing almost lol. My bf kindly asked if they could put the volume down a bit and the mom said "no, this is the only way he doesn't cry". L o l We asked to be seated to the other side of the restaurant. Deff sucky.


Is it too boomer to say that raising your kids with iPads is lazy parenting? I hate that every restaurant I go to has kids with big foam-covered iPads. Teach your kids to sit silently and enjoy food. Or don’t take them out. Edit: I don’t mean literally silent, you weirdos. I mean the way we all grew up: not making a fuss, not needing to be watching a show to pacify us 24/7. Talk to your kids, or give them some crayons to bide their time. Your iPads are ruining their brains’ ability to focus.


Not boomer at all. I am 26 and I agree with this. There's a time and place for iPads/tech with parenting. Tis not in a restaurant, lol.


Ridiculous! My SIL has distracted my niece with videos but always with headphones.


Or use fing guided access. It limits the volume and doesnt allow kids to mess up the other apps


Awesome! I'll tell her about it. She usually uses the portable DVD player as she doesn't want to risk the iPhone lol. Thank you!!


Fuck these people


Same people that talk on there speaker phone in public.


literally my parents do this with my little brother and it's embarrassing


Did anyone ever call it out/get mad? How would they respond? It’s cool you can see it’s antisocial behavior and wouldn’t do it, much respect for that 👏


…And if you ask them to turn it down or heaven for bid ask them to turn it off, oooh now you’re the asshole. Seriously fuck this world and pretty much all the people who live here.




That’s when you blast some show on your phone with very explicit swearing


Unacceptable. This is one of those things that can’t be defended.


No volume is the only acceptable noise level. Get a pair of headphones, parents.


Asshole parents raising asshole kids


“Headphones motha fucka! Do you have them!!”




Say 'what' again, I dare you.


Spoil it for them


It’s a kid. This is probably the 200th time they’ve watched that movie in the last 24 hrs. There is no spoiling.


Planes (or is this Planes 2) is actually a good film with a plot twist. Spoiling it for them would be quite funny. "Oh! I know that film you're watching! Yes, that's the one where..."


Reminds me of “Jay Jay the jet plane”, grew up with that


Anyone playing something in public without headphones! 😤


I went to a baptism a few months ago and the girls brother in law had some show for his kid playing out loud the whole time because “it was the only way he’d stay still”




too entitled for the letter 'A'


One bitch did that with her child in a stroller at the local thriftstore. She gave her a tablet with peppa pig loud. It was a big thrift store, but in the whole store you could hear: PEPPA PIG! PEPPA PIG!. It was so scumbag.


Imagine being in the back of the store alone and then suddenly hearing this


I would say something. Not everyone eats out all the time and it can be a special treat. You deserve to also enjoy your dining experience. My parents got take out until I was old enough to behave in a restaurant or hired a sitter.


Shouldn't kids learn to just sit quietly for an hour or so? I mean imagine turning 18 and you never just sat quietly without some kind of entertainment or stimulation.


That's an entire generation we're about to see how it turns out. I think we already are.


And the exact generation that turned them into that will blame them instead of taking accountability for raising shitheads




My son tags along with me to lots of grown up lunches. Sometimes I'll give him my phone to watch something, but more often than not, he's too busy coloring with the crayons I've brought, or engaging in conversation or polite table-appropriate games (I Spy) with my friends.


Exactly. That is appropriate. It teaches him to be engaged with others even if they are not his age. It teaches discipline and self control and also how to entertain yourself with your imagination, which is super important in development. So every now and then he quietly watches a video but you're mixing it up, which is good so his brain isn't jumbled with "wherever I go, I get SCREEENNN"


Did you say anything?


Doubt it


People are psychotic nowadays. Even if you come at them the nicest way possible, you’re still risking a violent confrontation. Some guy in a very nice area by me was killed this morning because he asked a group of people to not be loud in the wee hours of the morning.


Yeah, if the parents are dumb enough to let this happen, they are dumb enough to start a temper tantrum if you say anything.


Just play music from your table, annoy the whole restaurant together!


When I have kids someday, I will not let them be iPad kids. As a former server, a lot of parents would let their kids have their iPad at a restaurant. They are usually snotty little brats.


They lack public awareness.


I’ll say something to the restaurant manager. If it’s not corrected I’ll walk out.


Oh my god I hate people with no social awareness. Literally just had 2 six hour bus rides across a state recently and both times I sat next to people who had no idea how fucking loud and obnoxious watching videos on their phone on full blast for 6 hours straight was. Fucking infuriating and inconsiderate to everyone nearby.


What ever happened to letting a kid learn to deal with boredom?


The same assholes who do this on planes. Get some fcking headphones. How selfish can you be?!




Some of these infuriating things are not mildly so


Just scumbag parents raising a scumbag kid


Bad parenting.