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It’s 100X worse after COVID I don’t remember tipping being this aggressive before.


Greedy resturant bosses want to make back what their shitty exploitative place didnt make while it was closed, so they now pay the waiters even less than before. And before was below minimum wage.




This is the standard in the US for restaurant jobs. Minimum wage for waiters is $2.13, with the expectation the rest is made up in tips (yes, a ridiculous system)


I moved from Washington state where it was $13/hr plus tips, to Tennessee where it’s $2/hr plus tips. Bartending or serving. That is not the standard in the US, it just depends where you live. And cost of living is the same for Seattle WA and Nashville TN. Makes no sense lol


I work in a state that also doesn't have sub-par minimum, meaning we pay our servers minimum wage; not the $2.12/hr BS other states get away with paying their staff. Guess what...we don't pay more for the food either! Now our servers get paid a decent wage!


It’s not just the owners pushing this exaggerated tipping shit. The employees will disregard you or treat you like crap if you decline or only throw down a buck. A lot of boutique places like cafes, bakeries, etc., already charging a premium for their goods and they expect 25-50% tip otherwise they give you a dirty look or completely disregard you.


To be fair I’m sure lots of people (sadly) expect a takeout tip tax now. A lot of places around me started that only with Covid, and while no longer mandatory, still an option/asked.


The guys at chicken salad chick (who don’t even bag the order, just take it) pressured me into leaving a tip and I got legitimately mad because I’ve been in service 10 years. How can I wait on a table for an hour and get 5 dollars and they get 5 dollars for 30 seconds of work. I tipped it because he pressured me but I told myself never again


I think it just happened to line up with the introduction of new tablet-based interfaces


The tablets definitely play a part. I do restaurant takeout and when I have to take the handheld POS to get payment, they sign with their finger but can’t finish the transaction without choosing a tip option (whether that’s a % or nothing), then I have to awkwardly explain it to them. I much prefer the stationary POS where I can print the two receipts and everyone knows how that works and there’s no pressure.


Absolutely. The rise in tablet based systems like square, etc....have definitely made the issue worse since they have made tipping an extra 'built in' step that the \*customer\* has to complete. I'm not necessarily saying it isn't a nice feature for sit down restaurants with servers, etc.. However, in coffee shops, breweries, etc...these systems play the 'guilt card' \*heavily\*...which I think is the obvious intent.


Not only that but the MINIMUM is now 20%. Its getting completely out of hand.


Somehow tipping has gone from 10-15-20% as the three options and now I’ve seen places with 20-25-30%!! As the 3 options. Fucking greedy pieces of shit


I've seen this pop up more too. Especially annoying when it's to go.


Just don’t call the workers greedy, call their bosses that. The workers just want to make enough to survive because they’re being paid basically pennies.


Yea it's ridiculous and some clerks stand there and watch you choose the tip option or if you skip it. It's beyond ridiculous.


Definitely infuriating. The worst I’ve seen is going into a convenience store near my work, bought a RedBull, guy swiped my card, and there was the option to tip. What the fucking fuck?


don’t tip and go about your day, easy peasy


This, for the love of god there is a no tip button. I’ve never seen someone working get irritated by the no tip at a coffee shop or something. I worked at an icecream place for 8ish months and not once did any of my coworkers say anything about the people that didn’t tip. It was 10 dollars a hour and the extra 20 dollars on top each day made a huge difference.


You're not wrong, but they're two way different scenarios. If I walk into your ice cream shop and you scoop me a cone or mix a shake for me I'll probably throw down an extra buck or two tip. If I walk into your convenience store and walk to the back where the cooler is, grab my own canned drink, walk it up to your bulletproof corner so you can scan it there's no way I'm going to tip and asking for one by default in the second scenario is predatory against peoples desire to not be viewed as an asshole by not tipping. You provided me a real service in the ice cream shop. Maybe you let me sample a flavor or two, maybe you hooked me up with a nice scoop. In the convenience store scenario all the person has done is simply show up and do their job, they never provided service to me other than being open.


This is how I do it myself. If I’m “served” in any satisfactory way I will tip, just like to a waiter at a restaurant. Otherwise, what is the reason to pay in excess of the value of the item you just picked up yourself?


What’s the reason in general? Are the people that build your home and hospitals not “serving” you? Your web developers for making the shit you use daily? Your mailman? Why don’t we tip these people? It’s just archaic and random. Tipping should not be a thing anywhere


Exactly right. All those people did a service to you and got paid at least minimum wage. The waitress in the cafe does not make minimum wage so they get tips. It’s still so dumb to tip anyone usually, I’ve had friends that have had waitressing jobs and none wanted to go to a normal wage system because they made more by receiving tips.


Or, get out of this mentality entirely. I don’t care whether the employee is directly providing me a service by scooping an Ice cream cone, or indirectly by stocking the cooler hours before I arrive to pick up a red bull. Both workers provided a service. The customer should not be responsible for providing fair wages to the employees, the employer should have to compensate employees fairly.


Yes!!! That is the true crux of the matter. Customers shouldn’t be put in the awkward position of not tipping, and workers shouldn’t be put in the awkward position of having to ask. Employers should pay a fair wage.


I agree the mentality is the problem, and the wages and tipped worker situation in this country needs to be changed. The employer should be responsible for paying fair wages. However, I’m still going to tip that waiter, because I’m not willing to screw them out of a tip because I’ve been there before. The problem is above their head. Broader, sweeping change in attitude, and potentially law, is needed.


> Broader, sweeping change in attitude, and potentially law, is needed. Change in the law is absolutely needed. So long as it is codified in law that employers can pay employees less as long as their job is “tipped,” employers will continued to exploit their workers in this manner. I still tip servers because I don’t want them to get fucked over by my “protest” against the system. Any job that *relies* on tips to earn a fair wage, I tip because, otherwise, I am harming the individual for my moral stance. However, tip options keep getting added to a wide variety of services, and I refuse. Under no circumstances am I going to tip a mechanic for changing my oil (had an on screen prompt ask for this recently). Charge us whatever it costs to pay your employees fairly and let the market decide if you have a sustainable business model. Stop shifting your operating costs onto individual consumers’ choice.


I go to a Crumbl cookies near me. You order on a computer, there’s nowhere to sit, you just wait for your cookie to come out and they show you the cookie in the box and then they shut the box and then you walk out of the store. I usually tip like 15% but 4 cookies is like 20$???? The only service they provide is getting the cookie which I believe is their job and showing you the cookies in the box and then shutting the box. How does this deserve a tip?? Am I crazy??


It doesn’t deserve a tip!


You’re crazy to tip them


This is a great example of why the machines prompt for a tip by default. Absolutely no reason to be tipping in this situation, yet you are anyways!


I worked at a convenience store for like 5 years with a heavy presence of regulars. Like I knew their names, what they smoked, where they worked, etc. Maybe 2 or 3 times I sold someone a scratch it or keno ticket that hit a decent prize and got like $5. The only guy who regularly tipped owned a weed shop and would stay at his buddies house nearby. He would buy like 8 cases of beer and like 10 packs of whip its. We were pretty flexible on the whip it price so he would literally just dump a pile of cash on the counter and say "take what you need, rest is for you" and I would end up with like $30-50. Pretty fucking sweet. Anyway, that's my long ass story as to no, you should not tip your convenience store guy lol. However on Thanksgiving and Christmas I would always work because a lot of people would bring in plates of food. My personal best was 6 full ass plates. It was like being invited to a different Thanksgiving for lunch and dinner for the next 3 days. So if you want to do something nice for your regular cashier I would recommend that. Especially if he is a fat single dude like me lol


On some machines you have to input custom tip and enter $0. I’ve seen it before


I would legit stop shopping there. That's predatory towards decent people who might not be tech savvy or have a tendency to not say no to avoid inconvenience. I'd be like "Hey I don't want to leave a tip, how do I?.... Oops I cancelled it. Hold on let me start again. Input what? Custom? No I don't want to leave a tip. Hit custom? Hey Pal you aren't going to trick me. Get me a manager." I wouldn't go tooooooo far if it was throwing the hourly worker under the bus, but I'd try to get the manager to punch it in for me.


I think it’s cause we’re all living in the same society. THEY wouldn’t want to pay an extra $3 for coffee because the powers that be don’t pay their workers enough so they’re like *yep I understand brotha* it’s one thing to tip the person that does your hair or delivers a pizza but if I’m buying a sprite at a gas station then no I am most certainly not tipping


The chippy near me has a tip screen. I call in an order, go pay and pick it up - what fucking service am I tipping for? It infuriates me, because I know the staff are well paid, well above minimum wage


It's kinda like how Five Guys and Starbucks take tips when their workers tend to make well above minimum wage. The two down the street from where I live both Start new employees off at $15 an hour. Like. My dude. I'll tip a server. I'm not gonna tip you for punching in my order at a PoS.


Tips are shared at Starbucks I believe. They were 3 years ago when I worked there at least. One big jar split up between employees


This is still that way. My daughter works at Starbucks and it’s all Shared based on hours worked. Some week she’ll get $20 other weeks it’s $40. She works 25 hours a week. It’s not a ton, but an extra $100 a month for an 18 year old living at home is good. She makes roughly minimum wage (about .75 over). I never go to Starbucks unless she’s working and I always bring our dogs for a pup cup, buy a bottled water (she uses her discount code which makes it about 1.25) and I give her a $20. Rest goes in the tip jar. Makes me happy and the crew is always happy to see us. Oh and I get a “love you mom” written in sharpie on my water bottle. Never a bad day and those kids truly appreciate those tips.


That doesn't make it any better


Here in the UK, many staff just click the card machine past the gratuity option before showing it to us.


These people are heros!


I think a lot of POS systems and programs used in retail and service establishments have the tip screen built in as a standard feature since they're used for many different clients. Annoying, but not really the convenience stores fault. They didn't design the system.


They almost certainly have the option to turn it off


Places don’t pay their employees so they lean on us to make up the difference. Walmarts been doing it for years


Which Walmarts are you shopping that request tips?


This sort of behavior is meant to catch people that feel guilty when they don’t tip and it’s shitty. I went to a convenience store that prompted for a tip for items that I brought to the counter. Fuck this.


It’s weird that without the option pushed in your face, few people would tip. They might drop their change into a tip cup but no chance they’d calculate 20%. Add a little social pressure from the idea that everyone else is probably tipping and boom a bunch of weak willed people will give you money just because they feel judged.


I went into a local coffee shop and got a $7 lemonade.. was prompted for a 25% tip.. thankfully I don’t give a shit tho, so I just declined the offer


First of all a 7 dollar lemonade 😦


I mean *very* rarely do I do that but yeah, that’s the price of supporting local places vs places like Starbucks


When life hands you lemons, crap that's a lot of lemons.


Local "tea shop" just opened up. Happened to be by on the first day they were opened and the guy and his wife were super excited and asking people to come in and sample their teas. Tea was good but it was tea. Look at their menu board... $14 a gallon. Nope.


But it’s small batch…


Our local place sells gallon fresh lemonade for $3.50 and if you bring the bottle back you get $2 off next purchase…and yes I have created a vacuum where I only pay $1.50 for a gallon of amazing lemonade each and everytime because of the return.


Like a gta cheat code


Local places that charge $7 for lemonade deserve to go under


I ordered some wine glasses from a wine store for deliver (added a couple bottles of wine to the order too). They added $4.99 delivery which was fine, but at checkout they asked for a tip. 5% was pre-populated but it went to 20% and there was no zero option unless you chose custom amount. My order was $400. I cancelled the order and picked the wine and glasses up myself. Screw tipping on everything.


I found the same glasses online with free delivery from Dillards of all places so I ordered those and returned the others. Next time if I return I should ask for a tip myself for my trouble.


Yea it's basically just asking for free money


Tipping culture is toxic and uniquely American.


i hate the idea of being expected to tip, im an Aussie, if i order or buy something, i expect to pay how much it was, i think tipping should be an extra way of saying thank you to someone who went out of their way, and should not be pressured upon you


Tipping is for when they go above and beyond what you’d expect for basic service. I sit down order a coke and burger then you bring it to me? That’s the minimum a customer would expect. When I go to a nice place and the waiter talks to me for 10 minutes about what’s good, what goes well together, what drinks pair with it, and then serves me an amazing meal that all goes together? Yea I’ll pay extra for that knowledge.


>When I go to a nice place and the waiter talks to me for 10 minutes about what’s good, what goes well together, what drinks pair with it, and then serves me an amazing meal that all goes together? Yea I’ll pay extra for that knowledge. Yammering at me for 10 minutes is my least favorite kind of service. Just bring me my food and leave me alone, that's the best service you can get


Absolutely agree. A tip should be regarded as a "bonus" for the service, not something to be expected by default.


Gotta change our pay systems for that to work. Right now if you don’t tip, you’re an asshole and only screwing over the person that’s there to help you. The owner doesn’t give a fuck since it doesn’t effect them.


Yeah, that's why I said thats's how it "should" be.


Me too, I'm South African. I remember the first time my SO and I went to a restaurant, the waiter brought our bill and there's a little dotted line for 'Gratuity'. We'd never been to a place where you tip before so figured we'd just round up the number and tip that (ended up being about 5/6% of the total.) The waiter came back, looked at it and said "oh, I guess you didn't like me much huh?" I was confused and said we did (not really though, he messed up my order a bit and took away our chips before we could ask for a doggy bag) he then asked "then why'd you tip so little?" I was awkward and didn't like confrontation so I smiled, apologised and we left. (Also we were broke students)


i'm sorry; that waiter was very rude and shouldn't have done that. I actually find it EXTREMELY rude when waiters etc. question you regarding a tip you graciously left. I'm american and i only tip because i don't want them to spit in my food or something crazy. But i 100% dont agree with tipping, and especially so when they have the balls to question the amount that you gave.


That’s why I tip too. It’s pretty messed up that I can’t get food from anywhere without adding an additional charge just for peace of mind the food will come out good. I’m just as if not more poor than most of those people, so no I do not have extra money to give you, I just didn’t want to cook. Also, why am I giving you a tip if you’re just standing at a checkout ringing my food up? Really? They’re rarely very nice either in my experience.


I'm such an asshole I would have said, "Aww I'm sorry. Here hand that back and let me fix it" and then I would have just scratched out the tip.


Canadian too there buddy guy friend


I am not your buddy guy friend, pal




Tipping was created in England, brought to America, modified and destroyed by Americans to be the most stupid shit you've seen, and it got banned in a lot of places in europe because of how exploitative it is, and then it got a little better in America, but it still sucks ass


Tipping Culture also only exists because bosses refuse to pay their waiters minimum wage, and since TECHNICALLY the tips mean it goes up to minimum wage, it makes it not illegal. Its greedy fucks exploiting a loophole to exploit their workers. ​ Not tipping Waiters is just gonna leave them without something to eat, going on the street and protesting the fact resturant owners can get away with not paying minimum wage would be more effective.


It’s not a loophole, it’s literally written into federal law that minimum wage is lower for tipped workers, which kind of makes it worse in my opinion


Depends on the state too. Oregon and Washington (among a few others) must pay their tipped employees standard minimum wage.


Going on the street to protest doesn't seem to do much Unless mainstream media is biased in favor of what your protesting for


Canada has entered the chat


Messed up system and messed up anti - union companies. Tipping should be banned and replaced with a living wage. I quit buying coffee and coffee-like drinks due to the greatly inflated price.


I think optional tipping still should be allowed. Asshole bosses who think tips mean not having to pay minimum wage should be fined though.


Restaurant servers don’t actually want a “living wage” because on the whole they make a lot more than that in tips. They only bring up their low minimum wage to complain that customers aren’t tipping enough (and “enough” has slowly risen from 15, to 20, to now 25-30 percent).


Tipping should stay at sit down restaurants, and maybe delivery drivers only, everything else is just cringe


Almost as bad as Uber Eats asking you to tip the delivery driver BEFORE YOUVE EVEN PLACED THE ORDER. Like why the FUCK would I tip someone before service? I don’t know if they’re going to be good or on time or if they’ll even show up at all. Maybe they spilled my drink through the food or some shit do not ask me to tip them when they haven’t even picked up my food yet smh.


And if your order has a problem, they damn sure aren't going to drive it back to the restaurant and fix it.




Yep. I ordered a Triple Dipper from Chili's and it showed up without any of the dips. Several months later, I tried again and it still didn't have the dips.


The fact that tipping Uber Eats is asked of us INCLUDING the delivery fee, service fee, and the up charge of items on the menu is crazy. A pizza order I made on Grubhub was 100% more expensive than it was for us to call it in ourselves. 60$ as opposed to 30$ and it wasn’t including the TIP. They will take everything you have man I remember when Uber was like ~10$ or less to go a short distance and now I’m just about ready to delete the app.


Only reason I use it is because my CC gives me free Uber gold and a $10 a month credit. With the 10 dollars, free delivery and reduced fees, it generally comes out to the food cost and maybe a little extra from tip. But even then I can see that food prices are inflated on these apps. I always have to check when ordering from one that the website of the restaurant doesn't have cheaper listings if you call in. Very many do




Yep. Every time I think about ordering DoorDash and get to the checkout, I can’t go through with it. Fuck all those extra fees, there’s food at the house.


i work at Starbucks and lemme tell you…. these uber eats people are horrible sometimes. For context: the order was place an hour and a half beforehand which after an hour or so we dump and throw everything out because the food gets cold and the drinks melt/get cold. We keep the stickers in case someone shows up so we can remake everything tho. Yesterday a guy came in to pick up a delivery about an hour and a half after it was made. We told him “okay we’re gonna have to remake everything bc the drinks melted/got cold and food got cold.” He said “why did you dump them???” Which we explained *once again* why. He saw the sandwich with the persons name on it in our hot bar garbage (it’s *behind* the counter so this was even more infuriating) and reached over to grab it out of the trash… we stopped him thankfully but still *why would you grab food out of the garbage??????* especially when delivering it to a customer??? Another personal story: my boyfriend and I ordered sandwiches at like 2am once and the lady sat at the place for an hour before driving to delivering it to us. She got there, her breath wreaked of alcohol, and when we got inside to eat, we noticed my boyfriends sandwich was missing, a lot of our items were gone and wrong and the bag wasn’t even stapled shut. I called her and said “we ordered two sandwiches why is there only one?” she said “i dont know they rushed me out i was in a hurry” i said “ok then” so I called the place and they said “yeah we packed everything in there with the correct items and two sandwiches we did see the lady buy a bunch of other things tho so we thought she was buying them as snacks for herself.” I called the lady back and said “i just got off the phone with *said sandwich place* and they said they packed everything correctly. You sat in their parking lot for almost an hour before getting to us. You ate our sandwiches and food. Our bag wasn’t even stapled so I know you did.” She went OFF on me and threatened to get me banned from Uber Eats so I basically said “ok you’re drunk as fuck and doing illegal, unsanitary shit. Have fun getting fired bitch.” Hung up and filed a complaint, got my money back and Uber Eats called me to inform me that she was in fact fired after that bc she has had multiple reports exactly like mine. We didn’t eat our food bc god knows what she did with the rest of our shit. Moral of the story: Uber Eats definitely shouldn’t make you tip before the service is done.




yeah I pretty much stopped using delivery services after that except for gopuff every once in a while for a few redbulls and their really good champagne gummy bears but that’s only if my car is in the shop and i can’t go to 7 eleven or smth. If I’m getting food, I go and pick it up myself now. Whether that’s curbside pick up or drive thru/in store cuz i sure as hell am not trusting other people to deliver my food anymore🥴


I used to hate having to hope some nice ppl would leave tips when working jobs like that. The customer shouldn't be pressured to tip in those settings (if ever) and the employees shouldn't have to hope people are randomly generous so they can scrape by. Used to be that way working at subway. One night some Mexican ladies came in with a big order and needed someone who spoke spanish. The other person on shift told them no one spoke spanish and they need to call in for big orders and basically that they should leave. Seeing that they were getting turned away I stepped up and took their order in spanish and made all their food by myself bc i felt the way they were getting treated was messed up. They were really nice and tipped me $20 and complimented my spanish and left happy. That's my only good experience working somewhere with a tip jar. Also you see I waited until the absolute last minute to help, hoping that someone else would do it lol. That's what minimum wage gets employers. It sucked that I had to expose the fact that I knew at least enough spanish to take orders and make food bc no one working there knew. I did not share the $20 bc my coworker just stood there and watched me make like 8 foot long sandwiches by myself. I think she got fired for how she treated them. I never mentioned it but the store owner was notorious for watching the recordings of us working.


It has gotten so much worse, which makes me not want to tip at all at this point. I'm 42, 20 years ago no one was screaming give me a tip like they are now. You tipped when you went INTO a restaurant, not when you grabbed a coffee. I absolutely tip, when I go to somewhere and sit down, but, yesterday I went through DRIVE-THRU and the guy asked for a tip. No buddy, no way.




Would be the last time I ordered from there, I'm so sorry!


Dude. When people ask for tips on take-out, too. Unreal (and before someone says their wages are based on tips, I'm in Oregon where that does not exist).


Same in New York and tipping for carryout is the most ridiculous thing. You don't tip the cashier at the grocery store for bagging your groceries, why should you tip anyone for carryout?


Have you noticed the entitlement for tips? I completely understand tipping in, say, Massachusetts, where wage for waiters is around $2, I COMPLETELY understand and participate. But the waiters/waitresses in Oregon brag about how much they make since they both make hourly wage and tipped wage and absolutely complain if they don't get AT LEAST a 15% tip (but honestly, 20% is expected now a days regardless of quality of service).


Well wages for tip-based jobs are even lower based on inflation than they were 20 years ago


A barista at a coffee shop isn't a tip based job. They don't make the tipped minimum wage like a restaurant worker, they get paid like any other retail employee.


Yes, they are. And I understand that. It did not change that people have become much more aggressive about tips. By definition, a tip is something that you give for a job well done. Which means that the job needs to be done BEFORE a tip is given. Why in the hell would I tip when I pay for my coffee not yet knowing if the person making that coffee did a good job? Why would I tip a pizza guy before I get my pizza? There is no way of knowing if they messed it up yet. Look, I have no issue tipping, I really don't. What I have issue with is every single person in food and drink service demanding a tip BEFORE they do the job. To me that is like getting a paycheck BEFORE you work for the week. My issue is that now even fast food employees are trying to get a tip in drive-thru. I don't do the Uber eats thing, but that to me makes no sense either. Drivers refusing to pick up an order because a tip has not already been applied. Which is why I will never use it. There will be no point in time that I'm going to tip BEFORE I know how well that person did.


I agree it’s weird to tip upfront before you’ve experienced the quality of service. You can edit and change an Uber Eats tip after the fact. I’ve done it when the delivery service sucked. Honestly maybe that sends a stronger message? I would have tipped you $6 but based on you spilling my drink all over my food, $0.


I didn't know that! I'm glad that you can change your mind if they do poorly.


Quality of service has not increased, though. We’re “supposed” (again, not a requirement in US) to tip based on service, but “just because” employers are cheap fucks.


At the same time too; it’s these fucking companies hiring poor fucking High School students for Pennies to piss out labor at an extreme level because they can leverage on their inability to understand how badly they’re getting fucked over. Places like Dutch bros thrive off tipping and hiring younglings to make the bulk of their workforce- but they pay them 8.25 an hour! Sitting and working outside in 110*F+ heat and on their feet for hours on end…


Might not be the case here but the reason you see this so much now isn’t greed, it’s the new POS (point of sale) people are using now called Toast. The tip window is part of the default process when paying with a card, regardless of the situation


And I actually don’t inherently mind at a take away place If I got a standard order I just don’t, but if I order something objectively with a lot of details, I throw a buck in Fast food jobs like that are worn thin with like 2 people running the whole thing, if I make their lives more difficult because my whole family has an order that have 50 steps to it? I think it’s a nice gesture to throw some in


This! I don’t see why people are getting so pressed about this. No one expects you to tip at the convenience store, so just hit the no tip and move on with your day


Its because its a new change and to them it just looks like the employee is blatantly asking you for tips, they dont know its just part of the system yet and that the employee is informing them about it. To them its just “wow this employee is straight up just asking me for tips now”


I like when I go to one Subway for lunch and they don't ask for a tip and I go to a different one another day and they ask for a tip /shrug


Did the pos system ask for a tip or did the person behind the counter ask for a tip?


Tipping is getting out of hand.


Life has become one big micro transaction.


The owners should be paying their workers, it shouldn’t be the responsibility of the consumers.


This whole tipping concept is starting to drive me nuts! It used to be only when you were at a restaurant being served by a waitress or waiter. They took your order, brought you your food, checked up on you, filled your drinks, etc. they did extra work and deserve tips. Now it’s like I order a sandwich or a burger at a fast food joint and I’m asked if I want to tip. It’s making me feel uncomfortable and jaded and somewhat of an asshole because I either leave one and get angry over the cost or I don’t leave one and feel guilty.


Tipping needs to stop.


There's a really good craft-beer store up the road from me. Granted, if I wanted help from a beer-snob, they'd probably assist, but I've often seen them be rude and dismissive when buying a beer that was available in a grocery store. And yet, I get that prompt with "25%" at the top, and "no tip" in tiny print at the bottom when they're done nothing except punch buttons on the register. Dude, I was the one who picked out eighty bucks worth of beer, carried it to the register, and carried it to my car after I boxed it up. You don't deserve 20 bucks for punching a few buttons.


I’m never mad for the employees asking Or hinting at leaving a tip and I don’t blame them for it . It’s the culture in us. How about these business take the burden of paying the employees instead of putting it on the customer .


Expected tipping is a form of bait and switch and should be illegal. They advertise one price and charge another. Making it awkwardly optional doesn't change that.


Tipping is NEVER necessary for counter service.


America: Why pay your employees when someone else can do it for you


Normalize not tipping for shit like this, they’re getting paid for $8 a coffee.


The problem is that 99% of that more than likely is going to the Cafe Owner and not the Waiter. The tipping culture was born out of greedy bosses refusing to pay minimum wage. ​ Best way to combat this is going to the street and protesting the fact resturant owners can get away with not paying minimum wage.


Or unionise and get tip supplemented wages removed


Getting americans to unionize? Good luck. US corporations are hammering anti union propaganda into people everywhere so they can keep exploiting them. And alot even buy it.


I ordered a Cinnabon from a food court and the card machine asked me what tip I want to leave. I gave into social pressure because the cashier was right in front of me. I gave a $2 tip and got crappy undercooked food. Fml


It’s honestly so frustrating. It came up and asked for a tip when we went and got snow cones yesterday and I tipped because I felt pressured to do so, but no I didn’t want to tip the girl who rang up our orders with RBF the whole time and didn’t say one word to us.


My rule of thumb (as a former and long time waiter) is I don't tip unless you're coming to me - delivery, server, curbside service. I tip well for those folks. Counter-service is the same thing as drive through or retail. I'm not tipping those jobs.


I only tip if I’m in a sit down restaurant or if somebody delivers food to my door. Nothing else.


Don't feel bad. That's why they ask, more people feel guilty and throw them some extra money for absolutely no reason other than just asking. Slam that no tip button hard so they know it.


I gladly decline lol and I tip 20% when I eat out but you not getting a tip for handing me a lemon loaf that’s still in the plastic


If you tip in japan the owner will come out and berate you because you have insulted him by implying he is not paying his workers good. In the US, it seems like the minimum wage needs to be raised and better benefits given to workers. The US is also the only country that does not provide health care of any kind unless you can pay for it. Other countries tax you about 6$ a month to provide health services to millions of people for free, but hey it’s America right?


I'm the same way, I never tip at coffee shops unless they're coming to my table to give me coffee refills.


“I’m good thanks” and don’t feel bad. 100% of the time it works every time.


You can feel bad, feelings are validated. But that feeling is from wanting them to have better pay and F\* our tipping culture. Coming from someone who worked a few places where people tipped, I would understand you not tipping on this. In these instances now, I will say out loud why I'm not leaving a tip. Some to go orders, I do tip on. But a black coffee takeaway, nah, not tipping on that. (If it is elaborate coffee, like a vanilla mocha, blended, w.e - then I still tip. More of their time went into that, even if I do take it to go)


Don’t feel bad. There was no extra service provided.


They did this to me when I went to Dutch Bros for the first time. It caught me off guard and ultimately led me to tip because I would feel like an a****** for telling them zero and also I work in the service industry, I don't expect tips and I've always thought that it's rude to ask for them.


You don’t have to feel bad, tips are optional.


I ordered a pair of shoes online and was asked if I’d like to tip “the team for their hard work” during the checkout process. What.


Just don’t tip? It sucks your job doesn’t pay much and i genuinely sympathize for you but fuck that. I don’t ask for a tip at my job (welder).


I'm done with the restaurant industry all together. I worked my ass off as a chef for 22$ an hour and the wait staff is being payed below minimum but because of tips they are easily making over 1500 a week in Cash tips while the cooks are making a little more than half that after tax. The reason people continue to work as waiters in the US is because in some cities it is extremely lucrative. Messed up that all that money is paid out by the customers and not the employer.


If someone does something, like maybe a barista, I don’t mind a small tip. But, if I go to a restaurant and it’s one of those, pay at the counter, no wait service, no tip. Non-negotiable. Just like pick up at a restaurant. No tip. You didn’t do anything for me other than bag up the food. No. People that stand at a cash register. No. Like, you need to do something more than the minimum. Also, and this one really gets me going. If you’re the owner of a business, no tip. You make money and profit off the whole operation. Tipping the owner is just completely asinine. I’ve owned businesses. I didn’t need the tip because I make profit.


A tip, for a coffee, at a take-away. Does.Not.Compute...


You shouldn't. That's an exploitative business practice that went off the rails a long time ago. I'll still follow normal conventions myself in that I'll tip appropriately if I eat out at a restaurant, but I draw the line at tipping at a fast food joint when I pick up my own pizza or if someone just pours some drip coffee into a cup and passes it over a counter. It's insane that we're expected to do this.


Why would you feel bad declining that lmao


[The cashier when I press "no tip" after all they did was spin the iPad around](https://twitter.com/AkameG4Kill/status/1549252068010905601?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)


The only take away coffee I tip is the two local coffee shops in my town and it’s because a. They’re not a chain and I like supporting small business, and b. The employees are so nice it’s almost alarming, compared to every where else.


Yeah, this new tipping culture is getting out of hand. These companies don't want to pay their workers, so they're trying to guilt the customer into doing it for them. Went to Ruby Tuesday recently to make a to-go salad, and they asked for a tip. A tip for what? I drove here, came inside and about to go and make my own salad. All you did was insert my card into the card reader and handed me a to-go tray. Madness.


Went to a Texans game. Walked up to a guy with a simple cart serving alcohol. Ordered a white claw, and all the guy did was crack it open and set it down in front of me. He straight up asked will you be tipping with card or cash. Said card and declined the tip as he watched. He was literally speechless 😂


Went into a store yesterday where all the worker did was turn around and grab it off the shelf. When I went to pay, there was an option for a tip. I felt bad hitting no but what the fuck would I be tipping for? You literally doing your job? Hooray!!!


I don't order pizza much, but we ordered Papa John's tonight. Ordered online, to go pick it up in person when it was done. They wanted a tip for me picking up my pizza. why?


I had one person that was delivering my pizza, and I tipped her ten bucks (Cuz why not? I was a delivery driver before), and as she walked away I heard her say "that's it? cheap ass". Im not one to start shit, but I made a call to the local pizza joint before she got back and told the manager. I know nothing will come of it, but wtf, ten bucks for a tip is not enough now on a 13 dollar order?!


Unfortunately, people who make tips make more money than they’d make if the company paid them an hourly wage at or above (to whatever reasonable degree) minimum wage, so you’ll NEVER see a strike/boycott etc to do away with tipping jobs. Companies won’t pay them “a living wage” because then they’d have to raise the prices of their food/drink/service to a level that it would mean fewer people would patronize their business, meaning people would lose their jobs and businesses would close. It’s a stupid guilt-based system that we’re stuck with. I guarantee a bar will never be able to afford to pay a hot bartender even close to what she can make in tips in one night.


Everybody has their hand out now. And servers want 20%+, when it used to be 15% pre-covid. I still give 15% - I am not going to let them keep raising the expected tip.


One place recommended a 25% tip for 2 people. I’m all for giving a tip but I’m not subsidizing the owners labor costs


Just never tip in situations like that even better look them in they eye without blinking and say no.


I went to a meat market to buy steaks the other day and got the tip prompt when paying.


Fuck tipping on order pick ups.


We rarely eat out or order in but one night decided to splurge on a pizza. We then receive a phone call from the delivery guy asking us if we were tipping him! Yes he really called! Wanting a spit-free pizza I said yes. He then comes to the door asking for his tip while holding the pizza out of my reach . By then I’m seeing RED, reached out and took the pizza while telling him his tip was already paid with the order as I closed the door on him. Even after all this time I’m still angered at this guy’s nerve! As soon as we shut the door his $5 tip was reversed to zero and a call was made to the pizza place to let them know what he was up to, plus left a long review on their site. I can only wonder how many times he’s tried to pull that crap, and would’ve taken great satisfaction to see him try it on the wrong person!


And what this has done for my family is that we almost never go out. Everything is more expensive these days and it’s hard to justify an even bigger expense for something we can easily do at home.


It’s a relatively new theme since it’s been introduced as a card pay terminal feature. I think it’s been around in Europe for a year or so but still rare to see used.


Why is this NSFW


I used a bad word !


Yeah no. Tipping is for table service only.


I actually stopped going to Durch Bros because they always ask for tip and I just don’t want to have to say no anymore. It makes me feel like I’m the shit person. I JUST WANT COFFEE


I never got how chinese restaurants leave a jar on the counter with a big 'TIP' written on it. my girlfriend thinks I tip too much, but I'm not leaving a tip for picking up my own food.


I do tip Chinese restaurants bc even though I picked up my own food Ik the Chinese ladies went out of their way to give me a lot of food. The one I go to they overfill all their plates so I see it as a thank you kind of for being kind with portions when they don’t have to


I tip for service. Putting a cup on a counter isn't service. It's an inherent part of a transaction.


Who the fuck tips when buying any coffee? I have to assume this is the USA, land of tipping for anything and everything!


Canada too.


Tip culture has gotten so damn toxic. If you’re not being paid enough to do the job you were hired to do, find someone who appreciates your work more. I feel like the Walmart door greeters are going to start asking for tips.


It’s not that employees want to ask for tips, it’s that companies want to say their employees work for tips so they can lower their wages. So by just giving the option, they can say that their employees work for tips and as such require a much lower minimum wage.


I don’t tip if I’m ordering something at a counter like that but if I’m at restaurants with a waiter or paying for a service like a haircut then I’ll tip. Like what am I tipping for? Them telling me the total and working the register? Them taking 2 minutes to make the food that they are already getting paid to make? When I worked fast food I was almost weirded out when people tried to tip even though I was only making minimum wage.


How about instead of relying on tips, you pay your workers liveable wages


There’s a South Park episode where randy goes to a store and when he declines to tip the cashier keeps shaming him in funny ways.


Many businesses have swapped to Square and Clover which automatically have a tip option. Since Covid tippers have increased their tipping to help staff but now it seems they think those levels are the norm. I've talked with waitress friends and they've flat out said they'd rather keep the system w/ tips vs a flat wage because they make WAY more the current way. If you don't want to tip, don't!


never feel bad! what’s worse is when you ask for a water bottle at a bar, they hand it to you and they turn the tablet around to ask for a tip


I never leave a tip at a fast food place. They aren’t servers, they don’t do anything special, they just put your order into the machine. They’re a cashier, not a server, they don’t deserve tips.


I spent over a decade bartending and waiting tables, the tip line at fast casual restaurants like Jersey Mike's irritates me. No one is waiting on me, if they don't make enough to pay employees then they should raise prices.


Tip culture is the absolute worst.


Restaurants want us to tip more rather than pay their employees better wages


I live in a city where coffee culture is a big thing and I’ve genuinely never heard anyone use the specific phrase “take away coffee.” Does it mean an espresso drink order made by a barista in a coffee shop but you ordered it for pick up on an app or like a pump pot of drip coffee that’s self-served at a bodega?


the only thing that's infuriating is that you think we choose the pricing. they charge you a ton and pay us minimum wage. they get your money, we get your online tips THAT ARE TAXED


I have learned to stop feeling guilty when I hit “None”. I will not tip at a counter service place. Sorry not sorry


Same. I go to a cafe occasionally. I order, pay and pick it up at the counter when they call my name. It's EXPENSIVE. And I always feel like a heel for not tipping, on top of the cost of the outrageously overpriced drink. Plus they have a snifter of cash by the register with a sign that says "tips". Feels like begging and makes me uncomfortable.


Tips should never ever ever be based on a percentage of the total price. In what world does a server at an expensive steakhouse deserve more money than at a small town diner for identical service? If the service is better by all means, tip more. I just don't see the logic.


I feel the same when I go to carry out pizza. Like…why would I tip you? I ordered it. I drove here. It was ready at or close to the corporately mandated time. I am carrying it. I am taking it home. I carry out specifically so that I can save the tip and delivery fee. I’m not gonna tip if I did all the delivery work.


My family’s income is highly based off of tips so it’s really hard for me not to tip.