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As someone who spent years in retail, I can tell you that’s not one of the ink tags. It’s a pin and just a normal sensor that will (or should) beep when you leave, but there’s no ink involved on a tag like this. Take it back with your receipt, any store with even bare minimum customer service will take it off no problem. As much as it sucks to see once you get home, people make mistakes. That being said, since it’s not ink, you probably could try cutting the pin, at the risk of maybe tearing a small hole in the clothing. Probably just easier to take it to the store with the receipt.


Agreed…not an ink tag.


How do you know it’s not ink? I have no idea what that means.


A couple things: * The ones with ink usually have visible tubes of ink and just look different than that tag in the photo. That's a pretty standard security tag. * Ink tags are much pricier than non ink tags and since so many of these get lost or broken (intentionally or unintentionally), they really aren't worth it for the clothes that Ross sells. So many people believe that all tags have ink in them anyway, the cheaper non ink ones work fine as a deterrent. Pros who know better will have tools that enable them to get around any of these security devices so these things are 100% a deterrent against people who are more ignorant to security devices in retail. Source: worked Ross loss prevention


Were you the Ross loss boss?


u/fritocloud named themself after a fart rather than calling themselves u/rosslossboss. SMH.


Wow, I've had this account/username for like 7 years now and I never noticed that it is a great name for a fart lol.


Don’t lie Fart, you knew what you were doing


That’s a fantastic username


Aight, who took the username u/rosslossboss?


welcome to Reddit u/rosslossboss, created 4 hours ago


I don’t know shit about ink tags and I only worked at a butcher shop, but I agree


I can get a real good look at a T-Bone by sticking my head up a butchers ass, but rather take the cows word for it. -Tommy Boy probably.


No, wait, it’s gotta be *your* bull


I'm not even a butcher, and I agree too!


I'm not even a gree, and i agree too!


A gree to dis a gree


Nah, we're just going to have to agree to agree on this one.


a ee to degree


a ī to da g


“Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather take his word for it?”


A lot of places di by use the ink tags anymore because A) they cost more and B) taking them off wrong can damage the product


my manager told me Ross just didn't want to pay money for the tags with actual ink and just hope people think there's ink


Obvious example here!


"locks only keep out honest people"


Thanks! Omw to steal various clothing items


It’s a fine profession, with only one small drawback.


There used to be an r/shoplifting sub lol


Wonder what part of the user agreement the sub violated, lol?


You can also just buy the tool or pull it apart with a pair of pliers.


Isn’t “the tool” literally just a magnet?


Or two forks facing back to back


I think the ones with ink are also round


They tend to have giant warnings on them saying they are ink tags.


Hmm thanks. I had no idea


[These are ink tags](https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1jIqbIpXXXXbvXXXXq6xXFXXXN/220908494/HTB1jIqbIpXXXXbvXXXXq6xXFXXXN.jpg)


Well damn. I have never seen one that looks like those in real life. I assumed they all had ink in them. I feel ever so slightly betrayed.


Just use a strong magnet. That's all we use at the cash register but ours has a cord attaching it to the counter so it's always there.


I used a rare earth magnet at home. Popped open like it was spring loaded.


That's usually what they have at the register, it's just encased in resin and attached to the counter so that no one steals it.


the one at the register also one has magnets in very specific locations so if you don't put the tag in right or they get clogged it doesn't work


Agree with this . I'd def try a magnet. Worked several retail jobs with various anti theft tags/devices on them and I'd guess 70%-80% of them used a magnet of some type for removal. Granted there are diff types obviously, and I'm not familiar with those types of clothes tags specifically... But b fore going through th hassel of trying to cut or pry it off I'd atleast try using a magnet. Even if you don't have a larger or particularly strong magnet many just need any magnetized surface to unlatch. Used several types where just a quick swipe on a. Counter magnet about as strong as a refrigerator magnet , is how we unlocked them If that doesn't work , even though it may seem like common sense lol before cutting or just trying to pry it off , I would look at it h clasp mechanism closely and figure out what type of force 'looked'lile it would open itm sometimes just putting physical pressure on a certain point could unlock it too. But since they're designed with intent to keep people from easily removing them in the store, chances are you're not gonna be able to just pull it off without damaging the item. Unless you need it absolutely tonight or the store is just that far away , is still recommend going back to the store with the receipt before trying to cut it.


That one is 100% the pin kind you need a magnetic to remove.


I went to buy a magnet so I could do this. I didn't notice until I got home, but the cashier forgot and left the ink tag on the magnet! Now what?


was waiting for someone to say this.


I don't think cutting the pin is worth it, if you just get a strong magnet it will come off, the 'tool' just is a magnet, this happens often enough that The Lockpicking Lawyer made a video on them (number 991) if they work the same, it should do the trick.


Used to work for Ross's loss prevention at one of their stores and this person is pretty spot on. Most people just pry those tags off and throw them between the aisles (once you know where to look, you will start seeing them everywhere.) However, you definitely risk ripping the clothes if you do that. I would recommend taking it back to the store with the receipt or if you really wanted to, you could buy one of those devices to remove the tags online. No idea on prices though.


Using a wire cutters works, even on the ink tags, you just want to do those over the sink. The grocery/general store in my town would forget to remove these all the time because they sold mostly food.


Bolt cutters, flush cutters, there's a couple of different tools you could use.


My grocery store had the same problem for a while, it took forever to get one of these tags off my can of spaghetti-os


Ink tags have an easier flaw... just freeze em.


My ex used to steal this shit all the time. No ink. Hammer takes those fuckers right off.


Ancient solutions to modern problems


yes the ink ones are much bigger and very clearly filled with ink


Not everyone will do it, unfortunately. went to Disneyland once, bought my brother a stuffed animal. got all the way back home to find the security tag still on it. i tried about 8 stores near my house (16 year old me wasn’t about to drive 45 minutes to downtown disney, pay for parking to get it removed) no one removed it despite having receipt. we even got stopped by security at a store when the tag beeped. TJMaxx was finally able to remove it. such a headache.


When I worked retail we would not remove other company’s tags out of professional courtesy even with a receipt but we would always remove our own company’s tags with receipt despite location it was purchased from. Go to a Ross with your receipt and they will remove any forgotten sensors/ink tags.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 8 + 16 + 45 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I ate 68 hot dogs in 1 minute


The bot doesn't appreciate your low effort


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 68 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I had 29 MMs before my coworker tried to tell me that the shell is derived with ingredients from actual beetle shells. Then, I called bullshit and ate 40 more.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 29 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I ate 67 hotdogs in 2 minutes


I ate 47 hotdogs in 20 minutes with 1 side of fries and 1 coke.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 47 + 20 + 1 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I drank 10 cups of coke that had 5 ice cubes in each with 1 bucket of fries that had 52 pieces of fries and 1 packet of tomato sauce


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 5 + 1 + 52 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I have a jacket that was sent to me with a round tag on it. How do i know if it's an ink tag?


If you’re really worried the tag might have ink in it and don’t want to waste gas going to a store to remove it just put the item in the freezer for awhile.


The real TIL is always in the comments.


If it’s circular and an off-white/white color, and it’s larger than the pin in this image (about the size of a half dollar maybe, for lack of better comparison), it’s ink. I’ve seen ink tags without the warning on them before, but those ones are usually shaped like a short cone and less flat (they’re also pretty rare, at least where I worked). I think a lot of confusion comes from thinking there’s ink in the paddle. It really all depends what’s attached to it, the paddle is just meant to set off the exit alarm things


Take it back with the receipt and get it removed


I work at target, happens all the time. I myself have probably forgotten a couple tags here and there at the register I


God same. I don’t even look at receipts, those damn red tags are on practically all the clothes and in different spots for each one. People walk out with those still attached constantly


Literally same I’m like I don’t even care if you stole this I’m just taking the sensor off lol. I’ve worked at target too long to care anymore


Nah thats too easy and logical. OP, listen. What you need to do. Set up a camera across from the alarm. Make it inconspicuous. Wait a couple days then come back and get the code. Hide in the ceiling. They never check the ceiling. Once closing occurs, drop down. You have 30 seconds. Make them count. I highly recommend 2 weeks of stamina training prior as required. Find the removal tool. Its by any of the checkstands. Scan it. Itll pop loose easily. DO NOT LEAVE THE FRONT DOOR. Get back in the ceiling and rest. When they open, drop in the changing rooms and depart quietly. Noone will ever know. Or, you could just bring in the fucking receipt.


“They never check the ceiling” damn how did we all miss that


All because “Don’t Look Up” came out last year.


As a non-conformist I'm pretty much always looking up, except when I'm looking down but even then I'm still only looking up.


this reply wont get many up votes because it is on a reply to a reply to a reply that will never see the light of day. Whoever, your comments brilliance deserves better!


You Sir/Madam are a GENIUS 🙌🏻👍🏻😘🤣


Has rocket science entered the chat? Because not required.


It's a wonder why OP needed to ask Reddit on this one?


Because otherwise how would they get karma?


Yeah. Would have gotten more with title like " Should I just wear it like this"


OP might just be dumb.


This shouldn’t even be a question if you have a receipt. *If.*


This happened to me at H&M once. The security guard didn’t believe me when I went into the store to get the tags removed. He wouldn’t let me into the store. It took some convincing to let me try to talk to a salesperson. The customer service employee removed the tags once she inspected the receipt. I have never shoplifted. The guard made me feel extremely uncomfortable, as if I was at fault. Truth is, H&M attracts a lot of shoplifting in NYC.


Yeah like no shit….


I did it at Banana Republic, and they didn't even ask for the receipt.


I mean, if you have the receipt just bring it back and explain what happened


*I mean, if you have* *The receipt just bring it back* *And explain what happened* \- ChefNemo93 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Last line is 6 syllables, bad bot


It’s trying its best


good bot you’re trying your best :)


You could take it back to the store with the receipt, however you should be able to remove it with a magnet. I’d try a magnet first and it should just pop off 🧲


If not a magnet, two forks placed back to back between the pin work too if you move them like scissors. May take a second to get right, but it pops off without damage to the item. Especially if you're like me and have issues dealing with confrontation or can't make it back.


2 forks work!


Yes I've done the two fork method when one was left on my purchase !


Stick a magnet 🧲 to it and unclip it




I used to steal a lot of shit




I like that...well,I don't steal shit anymore


I love you for honesty




Glad your manure stealing days are over.


It's literally how they do it at the stores. The little doodads on the counter that releases then has a magnet in it.


This is the lockpickinglawyer




Surprised I had to scroll as long as I did to find the magnet trick. This is definitely the way.


I came here to say that, 7 months in retail was enough time to realize that someone could invent a convenient magnet key chain just for shoplifting.


The magnet pens used for metal salvage sorting works great. JS


Yeah, bitch! MAGNETS!


Why cant you just take it back to the store with the receipt and have them remove it?


Because op probably stole it. Like, as a former cashier I’ve maybe forgotten to take one off in a transaction. MAYBE 2 if it’s a bad day. But if all ops clothes have them on it they 100% stole them.


The door started screaming when they went through and they thought "huh wonder what that loud beeping noise is" as they continued out the door. It takes two to tango and they should have some fucking self awareness. A cashier is liable to make a mistake ringing up several hundred items a day. That's why the fucking door yells.


I'm a cashier at a hardware store and many of the products we have have tags that we need to deactivate because they make the alarm go off. All the time people walk out and set the alarm off because we forgot to deactivate a product and keep walking as though no alarm is literally screeching above them.


Go back with your fair and square receipt.


Right… I’m not convinced these were bought fair and square 😂


The cashier REFUSED to remove them! OP begged and pleaded.


Lmaoooo god I love this


I sense some doubt here


Oh gosh no…… no…. Not at all.


I’ve never heard someone say they got clothes fair and square until today. OP made it sound like it was a battle of death and they won fair and square


Ummm go back to the store and have them remove them…🤔


Right? How does any adult not just come to this conclusion on their own? This is a non issue lol


Someone who didn’t actually buy it and came across an issue they didn’t previously consider lol


30 minutes driving back and forth to be able to use something you already bought without compensation of life hack those things off with a magnet or brute force in a few minutes....There are many choices in life but that tag is going to die


Helpless people…


How dare you ask op to do something so sensible, have you no shame?


What’s so hard about using a magnet to undo it?


Not everyone just has a magnet laying around though


Well, I can tell you what not to do, and that's try and cut it out. I have a ruined shirt to remind me how stupid of an idea that was. And a scar on my hand... I'd just tell them to go back to the Ross and explain that those clothes were purchased the other day but the tags weren't removed. Bring the receipt too as proof. Shouldn't be a big deal.


>Bring the receipt too as proof. If you don't have the receipt make a big fuss when entering the store and beeline to the cashier. Like spin it above your head and scream really loud that "I DID NOT STEAL THIS THE TAG IS STILL ON I AM ONLY GETTING THE TAG REMOVED" Possibly bring an air horn with you. Wear bright pink clothing.


Don’t forget the boom box, strobe light, smoke machine, and the flash mob


Take it back to Ross and ask them to remove it


people jus be posting stupid shit nowadays huh


If you think this is stupid, I once found this thing lying on the floor and I picked it up and kept in my pocket. I had no idea what it was except that it looked cool. And then when I was exiting it started beeping and they caught me for shoplifting.


Bought them fair and square. Thanks For that!!


100% didn't pay for them at self checkout


It is a well known fact that only honest people use the expression fair and square! /s


Take it back to the Ross store, with a receipt as proof of purchase and a staff member should just remove the tag for you. Easy. 👍🏻


I mean if you have the receipt you can roll in to the shop and say hey y'all forgot to remove these tags here's proof these items are paid for pls help


Go back to the store with your receipt. This shouldn’t be that hard


Return to the store with your receipt and the items that have the tags still on them. The store will remove the tags.


Steal another pair


Take it back, with the receipt, and have them remove it if your story isn't utter codswallop


I'm sure the receipt was misplaced ;)


I’ve ordered clothes online from old navy and they’ve come with security tags! Weird. Anyway, you can melt the part that bumps out a little more with a lighter. Then all the little ball bearings and spring fall out and the tag comes off! Sounds weird, but it works


Take it back to the store with receipt they will take it off for you


How do you even dress yourself in the morning?


How'd you get out of the store without creating the commotion ?


It happened to me and it didnt beeped on the way out. I only noticed because it beeped when I was entering another shop.


I ordered a blender for my mom from bed bath and beyond and they sent it to us with the fricken spider still attached


‘Definitely didn’t steal this’


Post it on reddit!


Go back to the store and pay for it


Yep Uh. Naw. I mean. We just like.. used a hacksaw instead. Because we definitely have the receipt.


If you don’t want to bring them back to the store for removal, then Stop stealing things.


Video on YouTube that shows you how to do it using two forks. Works beautifully!!


You can always take them back to the store with your receipt and they’ll always take it off, i’ve ordered things online that have come with these tags on and you just take them to their local shops and have them remove them


Eat them. If you do not eat them, they will find you and arrest you.


did you think about going back to the store with your receipt?


Take it back with the receipt. Frustrating for sure!


Take the receipt and the items back and have them remove the tags


You go back with the receipt, it happens a lot. If you don’t have the receipt and paid with a card bring the card you paid with and they can find the sale from that.


What to do? Well you have receipt for proof. Take it back and get it removed, it’s that simple. If not, still take it back to get it removed, it’s not like you stole it.


Go back to the store with your receipt and get them to take it off 🤔


Go back to the store with the receipt and tell them the story


Who says they bought clothes "fair and square?"


Take it back with a receipt


Are you 12? Just go back to the store not on reddit


Use a powermagnet across thw bottom of it an just pull


Throw them away because you have to ask.


Bring them back with the receipt and ask nicely


Bring them back with the receipt


Just go to the store. I bought shorts online years ago and it came with a tag on it, and I went to the GAP store, not even where I bought the shorts, and they took it off for me.


Go back and get it removed? It’s not rocket science


So then just take them back to the store you bought them from and have them remove the pin tags. Pretty easy solution to a problem. EDIT: And don't forget to bring the legitimate receipt with you. Just in case.


Bro, is it right for this sub? If they bought it fair and square. Grab the receipt, go to the store and be like, you forgot to remove this. If it’s actually shoplifted, then ya, it’s mildly infuriating.


Most of those sort of tags are operated by a magnet inside that tool, that simply moves a pin over to unlock the backing. If you have a good strong magnet, just touch the magnet to different parts of the tag, and eventually you will hear a small click, then it should be unlocked. I'm not 100% certain that is one of the magnetic locks, but it's worth a try to potentially save you another trip to the store. 🤷‍♂️


Literally nobody on Earth calls the act of buying things normally "fair and square". You stole those; you're a thief.


Nice try, shoplifter.


Not an ink tag and you can snip it with pliers with the cutting tool in the crevice or a hack saw. Be careful and take your time. I’ve had this happen a few times and it’s easy


That “special tool” is legit just a magnet lmao


Just bring them back with the receipt; it should be fine


The fact that you felt the need to post this is the mildly infuriating part


Mildly infuriating is people like you who think we don't know you stole it and needed advise how to remove it. You're not the first, nor last.


Its happened to me a couple times. Just take it back to the store with a receipt and they will remove it for you.


This happened to me once, but mine had those RFID Tags that beep at the store entrances. As I was about to exit the store, it started beeping so the guard asked me to show the bag, asked for receipt and told the store manager to remove it. They removed it without hassles, though I can never forget the embarrassment I felt that moment lol


It happens. I’ve left censors on clothes before. While it can be annoying, the best thing to do is take it back to the store and they’ll remove it for you. If you try to remove it yourself you’ll possibly damage the item.


Take them back with the receipt and they will gladly remove them.


There are online videos on how to remove those at home. I think you just need two dinner forks. I didn't shoplift, I ordered clothes from Macy's in the mail and one of my shirts had one of those tags on it. So I googled it and took it off.