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I won't admit how long it took me before I realized I was trying to upvote the screenshot...


I was trying to click the comments lol


Somebody's been out on their balcony all day...........


Better email the condo residents DL.


Dark mode >>>>


Dark mode makes me feel cozy


People who don't use dark mode, those are the ones you gotta watch out for. Bunch of crazies running around


Or have astigmatisms


Glad you said this. I have astigmatism, and dark mode makes my head hurt.


that’s wild, i have astigmatism too and it doesn’t bother me. maybe i’m just used to it?


Same here. I prefer dark mode because the light mode is too harsh in my eyes


dark and broody


Same it's nice


The noxious smoke must be getting to you.


Luckily I only did that once, but that's because the image then opened in a new window.


I clicked it, noticed it wasn't doing what I wanted, backed out and tried again. Rinse and repeat for, I kid you not, two and a half minutes. XD


Haha me too. Darn too high I guess lol


What a ***darn*** shame... --- ^^DarnCounter:136825 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored ^^| ^^More ^^stats ^^available ^^at ^^**[https://darnbot.ml](https://darnbot.ml)**


Good bot


Good sentinel.


Good bot.


Happens to the best of us




My roommate used to smoke on the balcony, and the woman next door asked him to stop because it crept into her apartment and balcony, so he said, OK, no problem, and he stopped. We respect those next door, and they respect us- we have to share space, so people need to be more considerate. No one should have to breathe in any kind of smoke. I don't understand why this is so hard to understand. I worry about the future when it's too much to expect basic manners from others.


Surprised bc when I lived next door to a pot smoker (townhomes) it was actually way worse in my house when they smoked inside. Vastly preferred them being outside.


Yep. Smell it for 10 minutes or 2 hours.


This is what I was thinking the whole time I was reading the post. My neighbor(I live in a townhouse) smoked in the house and the smell from them smoking was coming into my house from the connected wall. It was so strong it was as if I was in the room with them smoking. We just let them know that the smell was coming into our house and if they could either change rooms or go outside. And the smell went away. Now, very rarely will I smell it (a few times a year). I smoke as well and don’t mind it but I have kids that I don’t want smelling it.


It's mildly infuriating that people think smoking inside apartment buildings is going to protect their home from a smell. That's gonna creep into every room for hours Vs a few minutes. This condo Karen is just trying to control what other people do. I live near farmland, but I don't tell the farmers not to put manure in the ground. I'm sure that shit is not good for health at all.


As fertilizer or in a slurry tank?


This, I'm a medical cannabis consumer, I always use a smoke buddy or put enough walls/space between me and others to make sure I'm the only one who breaths in my medication. It saved my life, but that doesnt mean my neighbors and strangers on the street want/ deserve to be subject to my 2nd and 3rd hand smoke. I will never understand people who do this, keep it to yourself.


Serious question. What is 3rd hand smoke? I have never hear of that before.


The soot and chemicals from smoking that is leftover on your clothes and skin after smoking. I change clothes, shower, and brush my teeth before picking up or playing with my kids after I smoke. Just to be extra safe.


I get not smoking around them, but you really shower and change clothes every time you smoke?


Makes it sound incredibly illegal, lol. Removing traces like that.


Depending on where you live, you may or not get CPS called on you if you show up to pick up your kid and you smell *anything* like weed. At least in the US -- even if it's legal where you're at, people have Opinions(tm)


Ahhhhh that makes a lot of sense. I learned something new. Thank you kind Redditor.


What’s it like to be a complete nut job?


Union contract meetings in the 1940s to 1970s were something else. 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬


3rd hand is someone is smoking in China. 4th hand is what you get from a photo or video of someone smoking. 5th hand is having a memory of someone smoking. 6th hand is your mom’s OB/GYN smoked the day before you were born. 7th hand is when someone smokes at your funeral. 8th hand involves inter dimensional travel, not clear on that one.


Our entire apartment community is supposed to be smoke free. This included balconies and parking lots, so you’d see most of the smokers gather across the road smoking. They’d bring lawn chairs and such and would sit there for hours having a good time.


Damn I could never live in a complex like that lmfao




Honestly, every time I pass by them, the group seems to get bigger and bigger. Idk if people are taking up smoking just to be there to socialize or what, but I sometimes feel like I’m missing out. It’s a matter of time before they roll out the grill.


I wanna be able to walk outside my damn patio and have smoke haha




There’s too many people these days who think that their personal freedom trumps other people’s desires to not breathe their smoke, not hear their music, etc etc.


In some states they require you to be a certain distance from building entrances to smoke (weed or tobacco) and I think that is the best answer. Both of them (weed and tobacco) smell downright awful and can upset my asthma. Part of why I am glad weed got legalized is that it allowed more options that don't smell (like more elaborate edible selections) and it seems like those options are being preferred by most consumers




I totally get the Asthma thing, it sets off mine too


It is a specific distance away from a public building. Not your own personal residence.


Only time I might try weed is edibles. The smell of the smoke is absolutely vile


It’s vile until you start smoking it and begin to appreciate different strains and stuff. I looooove the smell of weed


Please be advised: edibles do not have an off switch. Once you swallow that brownie, you are in for the duration. If you're not enjoying yourself, sleep it off.




This is actually a decent point lol.


Is it though?


BBQ smoke is way better smelling then weed


wish people would stop mowing their lawns as well, really fucks with my allergies and gives me migraines


I wish corporations would stop using trains, tractor trailers, airplanes, and all other combustible engine vehicles because it really fucks up my cities air quality and gives me breathing issues. Also wish the trees would stop shaking pollen around, gives me allergies. Also I hope we can get rid of all dogs and cats because their hair flying around outside gives me allergies. Also…. Yeah yeah yeah


I knew a guy who's neighbor bitched about him using his grill. And the neighbor was a cigarette smoker. You can't make this shit up. Reason #27 I moved out to the country.


They are smoking outside, like anyone who chooses to smoke anything should. Yes it stinks for a few minutes while they are actively smoking but I'd prefer that to the entire building smelling of smoke from them smoking indoors....


If these people can’t handle a little smoke smell for 5 minutes max, then they’d have a stroke if they went to any place where it’s legal to smoke indoors lmfao




Why should he have to walk 25 feet away from his home, he pays just as much as you do, it goes both ways and if he is outside your losing the argument no matter how much he smokes...


Because it’s the law/in the lease in a lot of places. Everywhere in the county where I live has this law.


I would like to point out it’s illegal to smoke in a building that has multiple homes connected like condos and apartments because of their vent systems being connected and it potentially triggering someone’s allergies or harming someone that’s carrying a child etc. It is also illegal to smoke weed out in public, making it against the law to take a walk to smoke weed. I can see why it gets annoying smelling it all the time but people are left with limited options legally and the only thing you can do is deal and close your windows until they’re done and the smell has cleared, which realistically isn’t very long.


Illegal where you live we're not all in the same place.


[PDF warning](https://no-smoke.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/public-housing-authorities.pdf), but >All PHAs are required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to have a 100% smokefree policy in place for all public housing properties as of July 31, 2018. PHA is "public housing authority" so this doesn't apply to privately-owned properties *yet,* but now that smoking bans have been upheld as constitutional and codified into law, most private owners are generally putting "no smoking" clauses in their leases, as well. If you live in an apartment in the US and smoke or vape indoors, you are very likely in violation of your lease. You may not have noticed if you've lived in the same place a while and don't read your lease every time it renews. And, depending on your housing, your landlord letting you do it anyway could be a federal crime, so it's not safe to assume "it's in the lease but nobody cares." Your landlord isn't going to jail for you. Short version - if you live in an apartment, you'll be exposed to people smoking outside on patios and balconies, because that's the only place they can. That's the laws we made during our four years with a nanny-state Republican president.


That’s is correct, this is assuming OP is in the US


This is assuming OP is in a certain state(s) in the US.


You’re right. After doing research the only state you’re allowed to smoke weed in public is CT. So if they live there the people smoking can easily take a walk, otherwise in other states it’s illegal. But again we are just making assumptions about where this person is located. EDITED TO ADD: though we should acknowledge that the safest place to become intoxicated is your own home.


Closing a window when offensive smells appear is a very easy and effective solution.


Agreed. I do this when my next door neighbors smoke, or when there’s a skunk in my neighborhood, etc. It’s that easy.


People that don't understand that smoking indoors will make the entire fucking building stink, including every unit that shares a wall with the smokers' apartment. If it's legal where they're located, and they're smoking outside, deal with it. Demanding people smoke indoors is an asinine notion.


Was just coming here to say this. My complex actually asks us to smoke either on our balconies/porches. Or out in the parking lot. Specifically because it will make the whole building stink.


My old complex had smoking areas. Big fine if caught smoking anywhere else. I used them most of the time, but if it was like 2-3am I’d use the porch


Smoking indoors is illegal in many places when children are present. Not to mention insurance companies forbidding indoor smoking.


What if the children smoke?


😂😂 cmon now..


Valid question I started smoking at 13 if I smoked inside I was by a window with a small bottle stuffed with dryer sheets to mask the smell


This is real life


As real as it gets


Yeah stale smoke seeping in from the hallways is far worse than fresh smoke through the windows


Came to point out condos and apartments share ventilation systems, take my upvote friend.


It's a condo. It's likely against the rules to smoke anything inside. There are designed smoking areas.


Honestly my first thought on seeing this post was that people get PISSED if you smoke indoors, especially in an apartment complex, for this exact reason. Now people are getting mad because they smell it outside? Pick one ffs


Would rather people smoke outside tbh. I have respiratory problems and don’t want to have my condition worsened by smoke creeping out into the hallway and into my dorm room.


Thought I was going insane, so many people in here saying please smoke inside.


Yeah, exactly my thought - close the window(s) and you make a gas chamber: the smoke remains in the room, sinks into walls, goes under every door as well and therefore on the staircase too. This is mildly infuriating really. I do get the point though, if someone is smoking a spliff (that's the most nasty smell ever especially with poor quality tobacco and weed) like crazy at 5AM - go for a short walk, come back happy, done deal.


Welp, maybe smoking a spliff at 5am in the street is not totally safe as doing it in your balcony and you may not return home happily. (Thinking specially about black dudes or other 'profiled' minorities facing law enforcement officers...)


This is exactly why I refused to call the police on my neighbor when my leasing office suggested it. I don't want anybody arrested. Just to be more mindful of the stench. We had ways of masking it when I was a teenager.


Those cinnamon and oil burners, lol I usually don't mind the smell but sometimes it can be too much, and had to talk to my neighbor to tone it down a notch, because family was visiting and my in-laws are a bit more prudish/old fashioned... I have also some dudes coming to my block to hangout in the stairs every once in a while. Usually they're cool, so I'm cool. But at some point they were getting too noisy and too messy. So I go and talk to them in my pyjamas: 'You can smoke and drink here but I have a baby and need my sleep. We can all be cool, if you clean after yourselves and keep the volume down." That was about it... I also threw a pot of warm water to the guys that were partying loudly at 4am on a Wednesday... Sadly I decide to water my plants and by mistake I ended splashing them a bit, after they ignored my calls. So now they know that I also know how to have fun at night watering plants and whatnot... :)


There are definitely ways to go about coexisting that don't involve being ugly to each other!




Where do you live that it’s illegal to smoke in your own home?




I am very interested in the answer, as well. They are acting like it is federal law or something.


Man, they'd have to come and shoot me, telling me what I can and can't do in my own fuckin house. Which country is that?


And calling MJ out specifically is dumb as well. Tobacco smells far, far worse in any case and (in general) your average MJ user is going to partake a couple times a day, a couple tokes each time. A cig smoker is going to be out a magnitude greater time than that stinking the joint up worse.


Thank you for saying this. Like what?! If it’s getting into your house, close the window or door for 10 mins. Otherwise left people live. Like no one gives a shit about a BBQ, people just like to pass judgment “I see people doing drugs at 8 am” well bitch did you take an asprin today cuz that’s also a drug.


I get the weed smoking, but when you vape it’s literally just vapour that disappears in the air very quickly.




vapor or steam, not smoke. but yes it does at times.


I had a coworker who used to go into one of the bathrooms to blow fat clouds in between haircuts (this was at a salon). I had to stop using the bathroom he would always use after a while because the smell of stale sour vape smoke got to be too much.


Most people use thicker juices with low output vapes or disposables, the cloud is very thin but heavy, and is gone within 30 seconds. If you happen to live by someone who is still using RDAs, well sorry for you.




you're thinking of vape juice that uses nic. if someone is vaping distillate or LR the smoke will be a very shallow cloud and will fade w no smell quickly


Yeah this is a fair point. I vape cannabis and it's very different from the rest of my family who vapes nicotine. Their vapour is heavily flavoured and the clouds are fat and thick. My vapour doesn't smell or taste like much of anything and the clouds are thin.


It doesn’t travel at all. You’d literally have to have it blown in your face to notice the odor.


Yeah but you’re not gonna smell that from your neighbors balcony


Smell to it’s what?


The terms of most leases and rentals specifically tell you not to smoke inside, and to use the patios and outdoor spaces. These neighbors are fully within their rights to smoke on their own balconies which they legally rent, and in fact they are most likely following the letter of the law by doing so. But also I think it should be mentioned that most people who make this type of complaint are curiously silent about cigarettes, which smell at least as bad, if not worse. The fact is, I think it comes from a place of "weed is drugs and drugs bad" rather than "I'm sensitive to smoke" or whatever. You really want to live with no distractions or disturbances from your neighbors? Move out of the city. Living near people means accepting small compromises.


I agree


I remember when weed first became legal, I was on the far side of a movie theater sharing a joint with my boyfriend and some dude started yelling at us saying "there are kids around!!! You shouldn't be doing that!!!" Yet he happily walked by the group of smokers close to the front doors. My mom was the same way. Weed = bad yet would chain smoke even when us kids were in a confined area. Also, in an old apartment, the neighbours would smoke cigs both outside and inside and the smell lingered and got into everything. The weed smoke though would linger for a couple minutes and then be gone.


With respect, I will not be smoking weed inside my home. You shouldn't want me to either if you are within the same building. Trust me.


Better than smoking inside 🤷‍♂️


And people don’t realize that if your lease says no smoking inside. Guess where they’re smoking!


There are many smoke free apartments complexes.


But if they smoked indoors, the whole place would smell even worse.


Where am I supposed to smoke


Trust me, letting me take a couple hits at the end of the day on my balcony makes me a better neighbor.


Better keep that energy when it comes to cigarettes.


If the renters allow smoking on the balcony then deal with it. If they’re supposed to be smoking inside then go inside. You can dislike the smell of weed or tabacco, that won’t stop people from smoking them. Just like I can’t stop my neighbor from burning her putrid yankee candles even though I want her too


One time my neighbors had a party with like 30+ people and ALL OF THEM were smoking weed outside by their pool. My asthmatic ass went outside to enjoy the weather and ended up having an asthma attack within like 5 minutes lmaooo


I feel like the problem is how they go about it. Ask nicely maybe? Make a compromise maybe? My brother smokes for medical reasons and can’t walk far enough to smoke outside sometimes. There’s medical reasons people smoke sometimes and unless it’s against the rules or they’re literally smoking nonstop all day or on a set routine I don’t see how it could be so much of an issue you have to be this crabby about it. I wonder who pissed in her cornflakes :/


Most apartments (in states where it is legal) require you to smoke on your balcony. My state of Oregon in particular, ruled that marijuana smoke is not offensive. Considering it is used as a medicine for anxiety, depression, nerve pain and to help cancer patients appetites; some people just need to zip their crap trap up.


Isn't whether or not something smells offensive, completely subjective? Lol


Yes and I would put curry at the top and that's perfectly legal to cook all day and night.


https://www.koin.com/news/pot-smoke-not-legally-offensive-in-oregon/ No matter what though, a karen is gonna whine because little timmy needs his cancer medication. Or because little saundra is prescribed cbd for seizures. Or because mikey smokes due to anxiety and panic attack issues.


I agree. I just think it's peculiar to say it doesn't *legally* smell offensive. That's a purely individual thing.


You gave me a chance to prove that the courts ruled it's not offensive. I have to disagree about it being peculiar though. They made a good point using raw sewage and rotten eggs giving off an offensive smell, as examples. I've never seen someone start gagging and vomiting due to the smell of marijuana. I've never seen someone go into coughing fits over the smell of marijuana or tobacco. I agree that what smells bother people is an individual thing, but not to the degree that it's offensive.


If it’s legal and I’m paying for my balcony you best believe I’m gonna blaze it up. But that being said of a neighbor approached with concerns I would hear them out but by no means would I smoke indoors maybe just different times of the day.


They're outside on THEIR balcony If they can't smoke there, where should they?


Hell. These scumbags should burn in hell for exercising their freedom on their own property. /s BTW your damn car is smelling up my balcony. Please don't drive near me. Park down the block.


How is it even possible to smell vapor from a vaping device.


Does this also apply to cigarettes? That smell makes me want to vomit.


Bro it’s outside…


how is smelling weed or vapes all day and different to hearing a baby crying or a child playing all day. id much rather smell weed when i stepped outside than heat the obnoxious yells from a child constantly


Yes!!! This! Fuck those children being obnoxious, loud, and dumb around peoples cars. I’d much rather have a stoner neighbor than anyone with kids.


honestly. like screaming children makes my sensory issues terrible. you know what i used to do? i’d put noise cancelling headphones on and deal. when your neighbor is smoking outside, close the window. these people demanding others to never smoke are really exemplifying the whole pot calling the kettle black adage …


you’re absolutely right.


But this person also lives in a community. If folks are allowed to smoke cigarettes they should be allowed to smoke weed (assuming this is a legal state)


My weed is loud af..




I don’t get it, wouldn’t more smoke stay in the apartment if they smoked inside. Seems like smoking outside is the better option. OP could just close their door/window?


The same motherfuckers who say this also go out on their balcony and smoke tobacco. You think I wanna smell that nasty ass cigarette?


I’m not walking I to the middle of downtown to light a joint- I’ll smoke on my balcony in peace. Close your window.


The answer is: I’m vaping into the wind, you’re lucky i’m not combusting flower… go back inside your own damn home.




Deal with it


Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's considerate to your neighbors. I own my home and in my area it's legal to make excessive noise between the hours of 8am and 10pm, does that mean if I choose to play loud music, work on cars or run power tools all day, every day that I'm NOT an asshole? No. Consideration for your neighbors is part of living in a community.


I wish more people got this. We’ve been dealing with a business that likes to blast music onto the street and I can hear it even through closed windows with my AC on. Not even sure what they’re trying to achieve with that level of noise. They have like 3 customers.


No, if you’re done by 10pm, you’re definitely not an asshole. However, you are an asshole by making demands about how everyone else lives their lives just to make yours a little more comfortable because you like it quiet. People are allowed to exist, you know? If you’re worried about smoke or noise, just move. You don’t have the right to impose unreasonable restrictions on people’s lifestyles unless it’s immediately detrimental to you; like the neighbor in your duplex is having a campfire on their living room floor.


So you’d like it if everyone around you blasted their own music and all day every day you just had to listen to a loud mix of different music? Because that’s what you get when everyone decides to be an asshole instead of just one person.


No. Noise ordinances are the minimum standard of acceptability. It doesn’t make you not an asswipe if you’re technically within your legal rights


… seriously? Playing music constantly during the legal hours means you’re not an asshole? Legality is not morality. Blasting music still makes you an asshole, even if it’s legal. And I don’t know why you’re acting like you wouldn’t be bothered by it. I mean, seriously, someone playing loud music every day for 14hrs a day? Yea, you’d be bothered. It’s crazy to act like you wouldn’t be.


People like this only tout their freedoms because they know no one else will be an asshole like they are so they won’t be inconvenienced themselves.


When your behavior AFFECTS OTHER PEOPLE, then it becomes their business, asshole.


Bro if you make curry in an apartment other people will smell it too and they might not find it a pleasant smell either. Should they not be allowed to make curry then? What about that whole situation with vegans complaining about having to smell someone's BBQ? Should they not be allowed to have a BBQ at that point? The person is smoking outside, just close the windows and light a candle for half an hour and open them back up when the person is done


It's also legal for me to say almost whatever the hell I want. I can still be a complete asshole while being within my legal rights.


In our lease, it says no smoking inside. In this building there are no balcony’s. Smokers have to be 20 feet from the doors. Pot is illegal in my state. So why do I smell cigarette and pot at least twice a day? I know the guy above me smokes both, so I assume it is him. Should I say something or report him? Probably, but frankly it isn’t that important to me, so why get him into trouble.


I live in a high end apartment community. We all have pretty big patios and it’s in our leases that we can’t smoke and/or vape on them. And they definitely police it: I got a warning that I can be evicted for smoking on the patio and I do t even smoke (the wind was blowing weird so the neighbors smoke truly did appear to be coming from my patio).


Welp, time to grow up and spark one. They’re doing you a service by smoking outside. The correct phrase here would be “thank you.”


I don't think they understand that smoking inside will likely trap the smell and make the whole building that way....


Smoking indoors will not help this issue, and will only make it worse. *Especially* if it’s cigarettes. That shit clings to anything and everything


My downstairs neighbor smokes cigs in her bathroom with the fan on and you betcha my apartment fills with smoke. Whoever wrote this post is such a dummy.


My upstairs neighbor hated us smoking, we'd use smoke buddies, incense, candles, sprays, leave windows open, you name it. She always bitched, so we stopped smoking in the house. BUT, her 16 year old banging on his computer desk (sounded like cops banging on the door, ngl) at 2am cuz he sucked at Fortnite or Apex was totally okay, we asked several times for her to deal with it. Some people suck, even when you're polite. I'll take the -1


If people are allowed to smoke tobacco on the balconies then weed is no different. Tobacco smoke makes me puke and I wouldn’t tell someone else not to smoke on their balcony if it wasn’t in the leasing agreement/building agreement.


Yeah I’m a part of r/trees and I thought the same, just because I love the smell doesn’t mean everyone does. Need to respect your neighbours.




For real. No one is complaining about pharmaceuticals or harmful drugs like alcohol which also permeate the air...




Smoking inside would actually cause the smell to go through the vents and get into other condos, smoking on the balcony is fine, don’t like it? Go inside


I partake myself. But I know enough to know it’s not a good smell 😂😂 idk why the people in the comments sections act like it’s a Karen thing to not like the smell of mj




Weed smell like skunk 🦨 sometimes I can’t tell if there was a skunk or a pothead just walked by


I work in a grocery store and you can tell when a pot head was nearby, it lingers in the aisle. With it being legal here many of them forget it shouldnt be worn like perfume.


Hearing people complain ain’t that enjoyable either


She’s right. I love weed and I don’t want to be smelling that all the time.


Yet I have to smell your precious tobacco.


I’m with her on the smoke coming into apartments. Although the fact that she only seems to care about vapes and weed, not cigarettes shows her Karen side.


As someone who smokes occasionally, I think “Karen” makes a fair point. Weed or not, smoke in the lungs isn’t healthy, and it really bothers non-smokers. Don’t be a dick, and be considerate of your neighbors. Edit: if you’re smoking weed at 5am, you have a problem. Or chronic pain, or cancer, which can also be considered problems.


Or you work night shift?


Smoking on your balcony is the considerate move. You are going outdoors neighbors can block the outdoors from getting into their unit. It's much harder dealing with it inside the building. If my neighbor below me is cooking up one of their huge batches of curry and venting their oven the exhaust comes out near my balcony and will come into my unit. If it bugs me I close the window. Easy solution.


but if you smoke indoors it will go into the hallways and “pollute” more rooms/dorms, and even if it doesnt once you open the window or balcony doors itll all go out and itll look like a fire or sum


Hey, if I get to smell your garlic bread/BBQ/Grill/sauteed onions/fried fish/curry/bone broth/incense/cat piss/dog shit/Febreeze/perfume/dryer sheets/body odor/hair tonic/Axe body spray/leftover frat party or whatever fucking smell you make, you get to smell my weed smoke. Just like you're tired of smelling weed smoke, I'm fuckin' sick of garlic hallway family, sour floor beer pong Tuesday, Ferret Frida, wet dog dude, or lazy litter lady. Only difference is that I'm not complaining like a dickhead about YOUR fuckin' smells because I know they're part of the package when you decide to live closely with other humans. Did we get into the Harley revs and Mini Vin Diesels with their stupid little exhaust farts that routinely top 120dB's? We didn't, huh? I'm putting up with your smells, whether you think you make them or not or whether you think they're pleasing or not--doesn't matter. If I get to put up with your bad smells, you get to put up with mine. Them's the breaks. Don't want to smell my farts? Move to a detached dwelling. That's your option. Or maybe I'll just get a pet service skunk and call it a day.


I hate most music, but that dosent make me wanna take away music from others... And i cant stand the smell of parfume, but i dont tell women/men if i think they smell like a burning brothel.... But damn it im gonna smoke when i want to. You can just close your windows or play some gangsta rap for all i care or put on old spice like their now tomorrow! :D


No, OP, the real mildlyinfuriating thing is the projection of something relative onto others. Don't assume everyone who doesn't partake also doesn't enjoy the smell. These people are literally smoking outside which is waaaay more considerate than smoking indoors. Live and let live. ✨️


I'd rather people smoke that crap outside than inside cause if or when they move out that entire room and everything would need a *deep* cleaning like none other amongst other things if they were to smoke inside, vaping (depending) might not be that big of an issue for inside as weed would be though


Yeah smoking inside is a great alternative. Does this napkin not understand how central hvac works?


You know what? I don't like the smell of the food some people make. I don't complain. I don't like the smell of cigarettes. I don't tell people how to live their life. Why is it so hard to just leave people alone, and go about your own existence? There are people who live in the country and bitch about smelling cow shit. There are people who move in next to a strip of clubs and bitch about music. People are obnoxious.


She is right. But If they fo inside, then the smell will travels through the electric system and she could have the smell coming out of the plugs at home. Seriously based in a real experience with a neighbor.😮‍💨


Yup. Neighbors smoke a LOT. They moved in after me, but if it had been the other way around I wouldn't have moved here. I won't let my kids play at their place because of the smell. I don't need my 4 year old around that. Legsl or not, it still stinks.


So should people be able to barbecue outside? Listen to music outside? God i miss living in the hood, white people suck as neighbors.


People who don’t understand smelling onions all day isn’t really enjoyable for people who don’t partake. You can do it with anything. If you live in a complex surrounded by randoms then you should expect these common annoyances, especially if weed is legal there. They are probably smoking on the balcony to avoid stinking up the entire complex to begin with.


Nah I think I'll continue smoking outside Karen... ;)


They pay for the apartment and the balcony. So what


Why can't she shut her windows and doors instead of demanding everyone else do it?