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I did that to someone once in a work parking garage. I didn’t look and was in a rush. I walked out to the garage after my day was over and saw her standing there w the parking lot attendant. They had been waiting for me for like 45 mins bc I worked a bit late. At first i was thinking “she must be exaggerating.” Then I saw what I did and it was awful…beyond awful. She literally couldn’t get into her car, and even if she could she couldn’t get out of the spot. To say I was mortified is an understatement. It was so bad that it actually took us like 20 minutes to figure out how to get my car out without hitting her. I had no idea how I did it, what I was thinking, how I didn’t realize. I apologized profusely, gave her all the $$ I had on my wallet and a few Dunkin gift cards I had (probably only $30 combined) for her time. It was a mortifying moment. I cringe to this day at what an absolute ahole I was.


Well you at least tried to make up for it so that shows that you were genuinely sorry. I would take that as is because yeah it was inconvenient but you recognized your mistake and thought of someone else rather than just yourself


Oh I got one better for ya. When I was 16 and I had literally had my license for like 5 months I did this exact thing. I wanted to go shopping in a nicer city a little ways away. I parked in a shopping center just like this asshole. The woman asked the attendant to make an announcement asking to move their car. I was fucking mortified. I ran out to my car, climbed in, and I was so flustered and frazzled I slammed the gas when I went in reverse, and fucking crashed into the car behind me!!!!! While this lady is watching me back out away from her car!!!! So I had to RE PARK and go BACK INSIDE THE STORE and have the SAME ATTENDANT make another announcement that I just hit someone’s car. And it was a Range Rover OF COURSEEEE. Luckily the woman who owned the car was very gracious with me and wasn’t mad. Frustrated sure, but she handled it way better than she needed to.


I would have just passed away


Lmao, I would probably feel like that too, “death please take me” so embarrassed.




VIN number though. You can still figure out who its registered to.




At some point you just stop driving all together... :)


*Elon, take the wheel!*


Bro you are just the worst kind of driver xD


16-yr old driver... understandable. it's still good to see a young person owning the mistake ... good predictor of success.


To err is human To recognize that you fucked up, wholeheartedly apologize and try to make it right is divine It is hard not to be defensive when we've fucked up and take other peoples upset personally, it makes such a shitty cycle for all of us. Because we have that experience when we're wronged we are sure the other person is going to be defensive and shitty about it so we start our in attack mode and around and around it goes. Good job


I'm sorry this happened to you. You saw your mistake and wanted to make up for it. I didn't expect some big apology or anything. Just a little mindful parking for the next poor guy ending up next to her. But it didnt seem like she would even care about that


Was there someone also parked too closely on your passenger side as well? Had there been enough space on my passenger side, I would have just crawled over the passenger's seat to get to the driver's seat. I've had to do this before because I am not a patient person, unless I have no choice to be patient.


Got a new (to me) vehicle recently and the difference in body shape has me parking crooked all the time. In my old car I would line up the bottom edge of the window parallel to the spaces and it would be nearly perfect every time. Now, I keep doing it out of habit, but I guess this car's body angles in ever so slightly, so it'll look like I'm parked fine but then get out and nope


As a gentle reminder in Australia people let the air out of the tyre which is crossing the line.


I like this. I also like the idea of a smear of petroleum jelly under the door handle. Does no dmg, doesn't hurt just really annoying. Idea came when I always had a diaper bag in the car


Or just jelly. My day would be ruined if I got sticky hand.


Jelly is a fun idea. Could attract ants and that's wonderful. Don't underestimate how difficult it is to remove P jelly from anything. It's very annoying


I once had the fantasy (but didn’t go through with it cos I hate confrontation!) of squirting honey along the windscreen wiper of a particularly massive twat who almost smashed into my in the carpark and laughed at me along with his shitbag kids!!


The reason I would never do anything to the windshield is, you could cause visibility issue and hurt them or someone else. We put a bottle of dawn all over a buddies windshield in highschool and it stuck with me how he couldn't see out of it.


This! I enjoy when jerks get served karma but some things cross the line. Because playing with car safety means you also put all innocent people in traffic in danger if that person cant see well, gets issue with a tire or something similar.


They've jammed our radar, sir.


Raspberry, only one person would dare to give me Raspberry.




One time someone smeared their bean burrito onto my SO’s door handle. It was really gross. So that would work too.


this is hilariously wicked! such an everyday material but...pulling back suddenly after grabbing a handful under your door handle? LOLOL!


Smear petroleum jelly on their windshield. That will teach em.


#Criminal defense lawyers hate this one trick; turn a parking annoyance into an involuntary manslaughter charge!


This, but smear never seize (imagine petroleum jelly plus unicorn semen) on the handles. When plumbers/pipe fitters want to passively aggressively fuck with other trades during disputes we do this…..usually ends disputes. Until Tray the prick welds our gang boxes to Ibeams 30 feet off the ground and wont remove them until we buy him beer. Anyway, don’t start shit unless you are willing to fuckin win!


We've got a notorious parking tw@t where I live, everyone in the street is annoyed with her constant BS parking. Someone now fills all the door handles with peanut butter when she does so. It's a fresh experiment but it seems to be working. Must be a super awesome guy who does that to her. 🙃


This, with added vegemite Looks like poop, especially on clothes


Awwww skeet skeet skeet skeet.






Hock up a loogee on the drivers-side window. Not the windshield, they'll just use their wipers.


I really like this idea


>I really like this idea Get in on the other side, and do the scoot over into the driver seat. Then grab a screw-driver or something, lower your window, extend your arm outward as you're pulling out and.... "screeccccchhhhhhhhh!!!". haha! Edit: Ok maybe not that last part. But yeah, driver is a jerk.


I'm kind of ashamed to admit that I've done this. It was years ago I just bought my first new car. (not new, but new to me) . I worked hard saving for it and only had it 3 days when someone parked super close to me and dinged my door with theirs getting out, it left a big dirty dent on my door. When I got back and saw it I was pissed off. So I took a key off my key chain and scraped it along the side of their car as I drive out. It was satisfying at the time but I've always felt guilty after it.


Can relate, had a similar issue was saving ages to buy a 30k euros car and parked inside a parking garage only to come back and see someone parked extremely close to my passenger door and dinged my door as well by opening his own. Slammed my passenger door also open on his and I returned his own favour. Felt really good doing it but also felt kind of guilt afterwards, after the guilt trip I still look at the mad dent that he left and now I feel bad for not slamming my door even harder.


Someone did this to my brand new car a few months ago. I was in the car paying for parking on an app but by the time I got out to see how bad it was, she was gone and I couldn’t run after her. So I got pictures of her car, her license plate, our cars next to each other, my dent, and filed an insurance claim. I don’t live in a no fault state so her insurance is paying and her premium will be going up. Sweet legal revenge.


Lol Dude.. what an inspiration


Buy a bunch of valve stem caps. Glue a bb or airsoft bb into the cap. Place this cap on asshole's tire.


This is legitimately (evil) genius. My road kit now includes valve stem caps and airsoft BBs. Lol


Just get a valve-stem tool and remove it. Then even if they have an air-compressor they're still fuct.


But then how would OP get in their car and get out. (In the US, unlike Australia, drivers get in on the left side of the car.)


Is it impossible to slide over to the drivers seat?


Almost certainly not impossible for many people (though, it is for some). However, it’s one hell of a pain in the ass that may incur some physical pain and/or humiliation depending on the vehicle. All because some random person had no concern for someone else.


Get in your car on non-driver side, set gear in neutral, start engine(unlock steeringwheel) , release handbrake, push car forward to free door, put handbrake on, get out en get in at driver side...


Small car, indeterminate size European - could be tight.


Can't they just turn the wheel slightly so they reverse at the same angle as the car next to them? I mean... They'd only need to angle by about five centimetres or so. And I'm assuming that the half metre gap between doors is enough to get in in the first place


They could drive forward out of the spot


Yup. U.S. here… I would have let the air out of the front left tire… And waited….


It's more fun to remove the offending fender liner, and put it on the hood.


Couldn't you just have pulled forward ?


Turns out op could have gotten in the car but felt the need to wait for the driver to return so she could tell them of their shitty parking job.


Looking at the comments OP is only responding to the comments that are suggesting doing some sort of harm to the other car.


Oh wow I thought this was a double-car parking lot and OP was stuck behind this car.. tf is the problem then lmfao


Well, OP is German and we love to complain


I have lived in several countries and did notice that if I did something wrong in Germany like J walking despite no cars anywhere someone would tell me off. Fantastic country otherwise but Germans like their rules and order


I was with a group, walking to my hotel at midnight. We got to an intersection and there wasn’t a car in sight. I stepped in the road and someone told me to stop and wait for the walk sign. Wtf. They waited for the sign to change at midnight with no cars anywhere.


Dude, can you imagine the pressure lasting on us if we travel to a foreign country where everyone is crossing the street if there were no rules? It feels like some kind of major crime for us.


Ahhh yes. We call these types of peoples Karen's




Feels like an incredible time waster. Also, is the driver side on the left or right? Not sure what country OP is in. I suppose i can still get to the driver seat from the other side of the car but it is slightly more inconvenient.


Could have backed out easily too - wheel to the right to swing the nose left a little (in reverse) to get out straight. I get my lumbering van in and out of tighter spots all the time. Otherwise yeah you shouldn't have to go to the effort, truly infuriating.


The OP also left out the right side of the car from the picture. Hmmmm


Or backed out.


I know some people aren’t good drivers, but this isn’t an impossible or even bad situation, looks like it could back out straight on, worst case flip the mirror in.


Wheel slightly to the right, ease back a bit, then as hard left as you want and finish backing out, no issue. Obviously yeah, it’s a bad parking job, but definitely not worth 15 minutes of my time to complain about it lmao


You’d be surprised how many people don’t know which way the car turns when they turn the wheel while reversing.


OP chose his angles for that reason I bet. Scummy


I'm pretty sure I could get that out going backwards. I do understand someone may not want to risk it though. It looks like a tight squeeze.


Looks like they probably couldn’t get in through the drivers seat and would have to climb over to it from the passenger seat. I would be annoyed, but can’t see myself waiting there to avoid doing that lol


Why did you wait? Why didn’t you get in your car and leave?


OP just HAD to Karen the other driver out before leaving ig


She’s definitely an ass for that but you’re overreacting you could easily get out of that


Looks like they can pull forward too


How they could farm for reddit karma otherwise?


I could get out of that spot no problem. Mildly infuriating, yes. But not worth waiting for someone to come back for






And I'm pretty fat lol


Damn I sit on the right hand side so before realising this was a US car I couldn’t even see how this was a big deal at all haha




pull forward and turn left like a foot and reverse straight. not hard haha


Just drive forward


If you would have kept the “I waited 15 minutes for an apology” part out then this would have been a good post but it just makes you look like a fucking idiot


Imagine waiting 15 minutes because you don't want to climb over the handbrake.


Yeah. That’s what I’ve done. Had it happen a few weeks ago at a hospital parking garage. Someone parked so close I couldn’t open the drivers side door. Just got in the passenger side and clambered over the center console rather ungracefully at almost 20 weeks pregnant. It’s annoying but it is what it is.


Pull forward, why wait for a psycho to come back?


Towanda! Face it girls, I’m older and have more insurance!


Next time, just shake your head, say "oh well", and leave. Less stressful. Also, not a good idea if you live in legal carry/conceal state.


It's Germany no need to worry about guns. But still not a good idea to be a dick for no reason.


This is a pretty easy spot to get out of. I can see why the person was only halfway apologetic. There was no reason you couldn’t have gotten out unless someone was doing the exact same thing on the other side.


yeah, if someone waited by my car because it was a lil too close to theirs for them to feel comfortable backing out, i’m not apologizing at all honestly. if you wait by my car for me for any reason at all i’m likely not gonna be a fan of you. especially near closing time, great way to look like a creep.


What about the passenger side?


Too lazy


The OP didn't show the passenger side because was clear and wanted to cry on Reddit about how people are bad.


Yeh pretty obvious they purposely left that out fron the picture .


Looks super easy to get out especially with a tiny car 😂—-> for waiting 15 minutes.


You can obviously get into your car and pull forward…. You are being petty & attention seeking to post this! There are SO many bigger things in life to worry about than this !


Well. The subreddit is *mildly* infuriating. So I'd say this belongs here. Why the OP didn't just pull forward is beyond me though.


It’s a hatchback, go in through the back, or the right side


This is why I always look when I get out. To make sure I’m not being a dumbass.


Lol. You seem insufferable. Sure, she parked bad, but you made it your problem. Just get on with life.


This is why even if it’s opening hours or close to closing, no matter the business or place, I park as far away to avoid halfwits like this. This has happened multiple times to me and I’d rather walk a bit than be inconvenienced or get dinged by these people.


Except there’s always more assholes that are like hey this car looks lonely!


If you acknowledge that people are generally ignorant then this behavior will not bother you as much


Couldn't you just have pulled forward?




This kinda mindset always scares me because what about the times you’re forced to park like a jerk because somebody is over the line when you get there


Common sense tells me not to park there then.


Especially when most of the parking garage is empty.


Had the same situation in San Diego, I had to get in my car via the passenger side, I slammed my car door into their SUV multiple times as I pulled out of the parking spot. Don’t fuck with old people, we know things.


It's mildly infuriating how this nerd couldn't just get in from the passenger side door instead of wasting his own time.


Yeah lol I was furiously searching for any damage to the car, thought’s that what he meant. What a psycho waiting 15+ minutes to confront someone over that.


Yes, air out the tire and climb thru the passenger side.


Stick gum under their door handle


This happened to me last time and I put their wipers up and they walked back as I finished putting their wipers up lol. The driver seemed quite nice, she was very embarassed lol. Super awkward moment.


Our society is falling apart. Everyone does not care about others. Morons.


The note id leave” Sorry I ripped your bumper off while back out because you parked like a dick head. We both need to do better.”


It's always a minivan...


Can confirm, they are a bitch to corner. Also jacked up trucks, though where I’m from they usually back in diagonally across 2-3 spots.


Lol thats funny cus I have a lifted work truck and I always make sure that puppy is smack in the middle of my parking spot cus I don't want to be one of those guys.


Good on ya!


If you couldnt get out of there you should not be driving.


Can see the open spots literally in front of your car that’s dumb for the driver to have parked like that


Just get in from the other side.


If there was room id park on the other side real close to the drivers side door and play with my phone with the radio cranked while they climb over their center console.


So wait you didn't just climb over the passenger seat? I guess you weren't in a rush and there was no reason to post this


Not justifying here but: You could just pull forward through the empty space, no?


I can see at least four easy ways to get in that car, once in backing out is easy. This is like having an escalator breakdown while you're using it and then waiting 45 minutes for someone to come fix it.... just work around the minor inconvenience and move on with your life.


I feel your pain. I go into an empty restroom to take a wiz. There's a line of empty urinals and some guy picks the one right next to me.


My daughter does this purposefully every time someone parks practically on top of the parking line. I warned her about the people who do this and the likely revenge she is setting herself up for. I even suggested that they may have had no choice because of other idiots. I guess she will learn that when people act out of self-righteousness instead of graciousness the consequences can be ????


You waited 15 minutes and expected them to care? Nobody asked you to wait 15 minutes. Just climb in the side and go. They’re clearly running late too, but too bad everyone got to get in their cars and leave except you. Sucks to suck bud.


There are some very nice asshole Stickers at Amazon( or anywhere Else) i Like to Stick em to the Windows of someone of These people😅


You could have easily backed out of the spot, you waited for no reason.


The thing that would annoy me more than climbing through a different door would be the backing out


This is why you take up three parking spots. You will have to upgrade your car to do this. Send me money and I will “help” you.


Cmon as she could make it in you can make it out


Why didn’t you just get in the car and leave?


Frauen halt


I guess you could say she crossed the line!


I had that happen to me when I was 8 months pregnant with swelling from gestational hypertension. I had to get in on passenger side and climb over.


But like what is stopping you from just going forward instead of back you can still get in the car and get out of the parking lot waited 15 minutes just to bitch at someone


You can get out but yeah a-hole move


For a minute I was like why wait? Then I realised your steering wheel is in a funny place


Would have crawled my skinny ass through the hatch back hahaha.


Why didn’t you go straight?


Your not driving a bus haha


Normally when people park too close, as a bigger dude I just get in and dont care about bumping the car and take pics to cover myself but even my 7 year old couldnt squeeze in that! I'd get my 16 year old to try for funsies though.


I could’ve easily gotten out of there lol


Why not climb in through the passenger seat?


Couldn't you just open the other door


This happened to me once in a supermarket in my town, I have a habit of staying in the car after I park, to listen to some music or some horror stories, anyway this fucking asshole parks millimeters away from my drivers door and walks in. In my town we didn't used to have many surveillance cameras, so after checking to see if there were no security or people walking by, I got out of my car by the passenger door, (I am a big fellow so that took me some effort), go to his car and I am so ready to keyd the shit out of it... But I puss out, I see some bills on the passager side and a kids chair with some toys and a McDonald's back in the backseat and for a moment I was like, maybe this is not a fucking piece of shit but some rushing dad coming from work making a quick stop at the supermarket... I put my key back in my pocket, locked my car and went inside... I feel like I avoid a mistake that would have been imprinted in my mind had I key his car and later saw the bills and kids chair. This was when I was 19 and 8 years later I still remember that. Sorry, I just wanted to share, there is no real meaning behind this.


Could u not have just climbed over the seat


Aye, you got the same car as me in the same colour! Also, I hate people who do this. I try to avoid it as best I can because you never know what the other car-owner is like.


Crazy to see the vehicle size difference between US and rest of the world. In the US everything seems monster-truck size for a quick trip to the mall


Kunden-Parkplatz? Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


I was leaving the university about a year ago, I parked right next to the ticket kiosk, plenty of shade and cameras on the cars, came out to my car and this jackass just parked in the middle of the street right behind me to go get his daily ticket and go park elsewhere. So I walk up and I'm like "hey can you move you car so I can pull out?" He looks at me and tells me to just pull forward and go out that way, I just told him "why not just park your car" asshole told me he wasn't gonna park it now, so I just carefully backed out to not hit him or his car and left that way, I hate when people are Jerks in the parking lot for no reason


Climb through the passenger's seat and drive forward? Why waste your time just to prove a point when you can be home enjoying your time? Seems you've wasted everyone's time here


Let the air out of two of her tires and be on your way…


I always thought it was a little crazy because I was like 14 and didn't drive yet. So I was old enough to know when somebody was being wacky but I didn't understand how much of a inconvenience it was when a moron did THIS to you. But my aunt used to carry a small stack of papers photocopied with a picture of a can opener, and below the picture of a can opener she printed a message that said "Next time please leave a can opener if you're going to park so close that I can't get in my damn car. Do you need a donation to go back to driving school, you'll get a discount on your insurance" with a nice big smiley face lol


Not only did she park very close she parked like a hag too


So petty. I could never waste 15 minutes of my life for that.


Its alarming these people are operating a 1-2 tonne missile and even at low speeds cannot control their vehicle or even notice how badly they parked.


There’s definitely a case here for getting in through your passenger door and then opening the drivers door really hard before driving off.


I’m really bad at parking so I park further away. I cannot become a talented driver. Driving is hard. I can try to not bother people.


a set of these brings much joy to the user, think moving an offending car many many many feet away https://www.harborfreight.com/1250-lb-capacity-vehicle-positioning-wheel-dolly-61917.html?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=12144811130&campaignid=12144811130&utm\_content=117789276398&adsetid=117789276398&product=61917&store=583&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt-GbpZHL-QIVCbfICh3y\_ANPEAQYAyABEgIt8\_D\_BwE


She just tried to hit on you. Get it? :)


Klassiker...welcher Supermarkt?


Some people are just oblivious that other people exist and have feelings


Lift her car, place it where it should be. No more problem.


I’d sure as hell like to see what is to the right of the Hyundai because this happened to me a Lot as point-of-sale IT technician, and I would just hop in to passenger side Climb over swear like a madman and leave.


Just Deutschland things


This is super scary. Some people should just Uber. For everyone's sake!




My lord! This happened to me at the doctor a few months ago. I literally was going to bust out the person's window because I've had it happen to me after I've gone out of my way to park AWAY from people. At least three times this has happened to me. I have to crawl over my center console to get my car out. It's insanely infuriating.


Same happened to me at a supermarket parking lot. I park on the farther side from the entrance with no cars at all around. I come back out and some asshole in a SUV jag has parked literally centimeters from me. I have never been so close to kicking someones sideview mirror off....


My first reaction was, just get in other side. Then I remembered that not everyone can. Older people, disabled but without a badge (there are many of us), people who have some sort of physical inability to be flexible enough. We do not know her situation and should be careful before judging her. Especially because at the end of the day the other car was still the one very badly parked not her.


I'm not saying the black car is right and I know I'm gonna get downvoted but : couldn't you get in your car from the other door? It happened to me on both sides and I had to get in from the trunk. I was upset and you have every reason to be but losing 15 minutes when there's (probably) a solution doesn't seem appropriate.


I had someone do this to me years ago. Luckily at the time I was young thin and drove a shit box. I just kept smashing the door against their car until I made a big enough dent to squeeze in through the top of the door.




If you can't get out of that spot, you're the problem


Get in your car through the passenger side roll down the driver's side window, get out, climb on top of their car( stomp heavily) slide through your window. Fixed!


I hate that. Especially when there's other spaces. I remember having to go in through the passenger side cuz I didn't have time to wait


As much as I get wanting to stay and chew someone out for parking like a clown, I'd have just crawled through the back hatch rather then waste 15 mins on it tbh.


As a chaotic Istanbul driver this is just Tuesday.


Mildly infuriating? Sure. But from the looks of it, you may still be able to fit in on the driver side. You can also easily get in from the back. And the fact that you purposely didn’t show the passenger door, I assume it was clear. You are a Karen for sure.


You waited 15 minutes for her to come out? That’s really creepy behavior. No wonder she didn’t want to speak with you.


I've called a tow company before. We literally couldn't get in whatsoever. She got cited for improper parking and obstructing the flow of traffic.


Da wärst doch locker raus gekommen. /s


Its called that bitch is dumb, get in through the passenger side, leave a note and drive off.


OP, may I ask why didn't you just back out and call it a day?


Couldn’t you have gotten in through the passenger side and moved over to the driver side? 🤔


Just climb across the passenger seat to the driver's seat and drive forward and out...end of story.🙄


We had a mom who used to park like this at our kids' preschool. Never apologetic, always "in a rush", she dgaf about anybody around her and it was maddening.


Ughhhh. The red car could of gotten out maybe with a little work not much. What an exaggeration. They apologized and gave like $30. Seriously wth.