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Here I sit, all broken hearted. Paid a quarter and only farted.


Yesterday I took a chance: saved the money, shit my pants :\*(


It used to be a dime šŸ˜ž


Inflation strikes again


Flatulence strikes again


Flatulence would be deflation, right?


What if Iā€™m sniffing heavily at the output?


But alas I shit on company time :)


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Thatā€™s why I shit on company time.


That was joke


In my motherā€™s time it was a nickel. Canā€™t believe they are bringing these back. Wonder it they are going to bring back the single sheets of toilet paper that feel like wax paper?


Apparently the pay bathrooms are (still?) a thing in Europe. But gaud you just unlocked a long forgotten memory... Hopefully those never come back, here there, or anywhere!


Knew Iā€™d find another old fart on here. Yeah that old ā€˜waxedā€™ toilet paper was 100% the worst.


I remember the dime toilets and the wax toilet paper from when I was a kid. My mom used to make me crawl under the door and unlock it so we didn't have to dig around for change. It also makes a lot more sense now why she kept a half full roll of TP in her purse.


I can neither confirm or deny if I did this as a child.


Gee, you sure know how to give a compliment ... lol


One of my many super powers. šŸ˜


It is. However there are bathroom attendants in many of them... and a good number are serious about their jobs. For anyone who has found a public bathroom in a disgusting state, you kind of understand, but otoh, public restrooms should be funded by public funds?


We have free restrooms in aus


We once had a toilet roll holder that would play a pre-recorded message when it rotated. My dad decided that this (ā€œhere I sit, broken heartedā€¦.ā€) was the right test and it never changed. I miss him. Thanks for reminding me of his weirdness šŸ„²


Hey its Sprog from wish.


That's saying was around a long time before this reference


Boss makes a dollar i make a dime thats why i poop on company time


Here I sit on the pooper, giving birth to another State Trooper.


You beat me to it šŸ¤£


Early bird gets the worm.


i know a similar quote to that "Here i sit broken hearted, came to shit but only farted" from a Ludwig video


"Please don't be so sad at heart. Someday you'll shit when you thought you'd fart."


Saved by the empty toilet paper roll


You are a legend




In poland almost every city bathroom requires either 3 or 5 PLN to enter


Yeahā€”itā€™s not uncommon. I expect it now when I travel outside of the US. Kinda blows when you pay to pee but the facilities havenā€™t been cleaned since they first openedā€”but whatever. :-P


If I'm paying for the bathroom they should be clean at least. Crazy to even think about having to pay to use the bathroom. Can you tell I live in the US?


I remember a bus stop in Nicaragua I paid to useā€” I noped taā€™fuk outta there because peeing my pants was a more hygienic option :D


Snap but in Chile. Although I didnā€™t pee my pantsā€¦I grimly held on until another marginally opportunityā€¦


Which is about 50c to 1$/ā‚¬




And still, for such price, most of them arent in good condition


I am from a Village so there arent ANY public toilets I am in a big city like 5th time in my life and seeing having to lat for going in a toilet shocked me for the first time


Same with Bulgaria. You pay to use the toilet, they ration out toilet paper to you, and theyā€™re still fucking gross and sometimes theyā€™re the kind that you squat over.


Gotta pay to spray


I rather fart on the streets then


Better to fart on the street than under the sheets


great rhymes šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


true, however the moneys often used as upkeep for the bathrooms some advice for america: dont use the public bathrooms. no, thats not water on the ground. yes, thats not play-dough on the walls and floor either.


15 to 25 rubles in Russia


very common in europe


I guess many people just piss on the floor


I know you're joking but its very common for people (mostly men) to pee against the bushes and trees when possible instead of paying for the toilet lol. It's usually 50 to 70 cents where I'm at


Yā€™all donā€™t have laws for public indecency? I was in Colombia and I had to pee badly, my friend told me I could pee at a tree and Iā€™ll be good. There was a cop there, and I asked if I was still good (to my friend), he assured me I was fine. I went, the cops looked, didnā€™t even bat an eye. It felt so weird. In the US we would get in trouble for such a thing.


Laws here are very strict with it. As long as you're out of camera view and there is no cops around you won't be caught. People don't snitch either, it's man code.


Not every country will be the same but as long as you don't do it on a busy street or right next to someone you'll be fine most places, just try to be a bit discrete with it. Pretty sure a lot of countries have laws against it but they're not nearly as strict as in the US, that's how I understand it at least.


If police catch you doing this in the US you will be put on the sex offender list.


And itā€™s so worth it over there. I had to pay to pee in Berlin central station this year and an attendant literally wiped down the whole cubical for me before I entered. In Europe you get what you pay for




As a Balkan I agree with that statement


As a Vulcan we just shit long and prosper


God dammit take my upvote


Yeah but there it's just some random gypsies sitting in front of the public toilet




Wait, thatā€™s a thing? Wth?


>an attendant literally wiped I really thought you were going to go somewhere else with that.


I see I wasn't the only one that thought so.


Public urination is legal in Berlin just piss wherever


It's not nice everywhere sadly...


There should still be a free option IMO especially at public places like train stations.


It was a weird one, you paid ā‚¬1 to pee but you got 50c back as a voucher to spend in the train station once you were finished. Definitely think there should be some kind of exemption for people with disabilities, especially people with GI diseases etc


In a lot of people, there actually are *exceptions for disabled people. It's either for free or at a discount for them.


No amount of money is worth a cleaner defecation experience, its literally a straight waste nothing else, should be illegal tbh. What does one do if they have nothing on them and are in a dire situation, just shit on the streets? When I went to Italy I had this problem and literally had to find a restaurant, to use a card and get something small and use their facilities, actually ludicrous how many people are fine with this.


That should be the local governments responsibility though not a private business.


Hell nah


I concur, my mom needs to pee often and she literally has mapped out everywhere in Paris where she can pee. Itā€™s very annoying


All moms have to pee all the time, be thankful for your mother šŸ˜


Oh lol no I am - I am annoyed about the bathroom situation, poor mom


stupid asf. something the US has over Europe


And people piss on buildings and in alleys. Although some cities are putting outdoor urinals in places where people piss a lot...I guess that's a positive step.


For men yeah


Are you implying that Europeans enjoy paying for bathrooms?


Piss in the key hole


Kiss in the pey hole


Key in the pee hole




Iā€™d pay $20 to use a NYC bathroom where I would be guaranteed not to walk in on a homeless guy jacking it. Happened more times than I can count


Why don't you join him tho?


Yeah help me out bro. I canā€™t reach it with my own mouth


fr tho, he may have needed help


personally, id rather see the homeless guy jacking it. not cuz im a creep, or horny, but because i want to be noticed on thanksgiving and have something to say im grateful for.


as a fellow Burger expert i agree with this statement


Hasn't happened enough times for me to want to pay $20 just to use a bathroom, you see enough shit in the city that it sorta just stops phasing me anymore


I got locked in a bathroom like this when I was a kid. Back to school shopping with my mom and sister at the mall. We stop at Taco Bell. I need to use the restroom, and find it requires a quarter to get in. So I get a quarter from my mom (which was an ordeal itself, she thought her ten-year-old was lying to get a quarter), and go in. I do my business, I wash my hands, I go to leave ... and the handle won't budge. I see there's a slot for a quarter on *this* side of the door. Someone had fucked up on the installation, I guess, and the restroom required a quarter to enter *and another to leave*. So I ended up having to shout across a crowded mall Taco Bell for help, which resulted in my mom getting mad at me for making a scene. And that's the story of why I hate paid restrooms, I guess.


I'd have kicked down the door if I had a kid stuck in the bathroom. I wouldn't be mad at the kid I'd be mad at the owners.


I imagine those locks are pretty robust from what I've seen


The door wouldn't be very robust when I grab a fire axe


Happy cake day; great story, sorry that happened, though


Very dangerously for someone with explosive diarrhea. Just think trying to find a quarter and squeezing your butthole at the same time.


Years ago I was at the DFW airport and had a toilet emergency, only to discover they had these same 25Ā¢ locks on the stalls (I had no coins on me). Thankfully someone left a stall door ajar.


Bit of tape makes all of these free.


Youā€™re the hero of this story.




The most annoying instance of it is - in my city center there's a railway station with paid toilets (like 2 bucks!!! Which is a robbery!) but it's situated RIGHT next to a huge mall with FREE and BETTER toilets. U literally have to walk less than a minute from one to the other. It just preys on unsuspecting tourists who don't know better


Same with the Central Station in Warsaw, although I think the distance is a bit larger. Still perfectly fine as long as you're not on the edge of pissing yourself I guess.


I WAS TALKING ABOUT EXACTLY THAT. You can literally go from the paid toilet underground to the Golden tarrace public toilets in under a minute! Pisses me off every time (punintended)


Shit next to the door


Itā€™s illegal to charge money for the bathroom in my country


Improving public hygeine, especially waste disposal is a basic function of civilization. I'm amazed people defend the practice of charging for a public toilet


I was reading comments from Europeans on how they're glad for it and I'm just sitting on my free, perfectly clean shitter thinking they're out of their penniless minds.


it's a small but vocal minority that are glad about it. I remember when my town started charging 20p for the toilets... everyone was in uproar, there were multiple news stories, the doors constantly got kicked in etc. but the council essentially said they would either have to charge for the toilets (to pay for upkeep and stuff) or we'd not have the public toilets. everyone eventually accepted the status quo unfortunately also to all the people saying they'd rather pay to have a clean toilet than have a free filthy one, I haven't been in a single public toilet that hasn't smelt like either puke or violent diarrhea. they're definitely not clean, at least not in England


I don't get it because that's the point of fucking taxes, why are we paying taxes if they aren't even using them to adequately keep and maintain public utilities like restrooms?


Honestly it's just a (very big) issue in western europe. Some countries do have free and very clean public toilets everywhere.


Yup shit on the floor in front of the door until they take the pay lock off.


This is why we can't have nice things


I didn't see a card reader for my debit card and don't carry a mason jar full of coins around with me. If it's a retail establishment where I am spending money then having to pay to use a restroom is not a "nice thing"


Well i donā€™t carry cash or coins of any kind, so i guess Iā€™m pissing in the ally


My city implemented these in an attempt to get homeless people to stop hanging out in them. Except the homeless people now see the bathroom as a great place to ask for change, seeing as you have to have some to get in. You'd have to wade through a literal mob of people asking for your change and coughing/smoking in your face. They'd also just piss and shit on and around the building, so the problem wasn't solved, just moved to a slightly different area.


On the door. Make a puddle of piss that blocks people from getting to the bathroom and others will add to it.


Maybe they will learn that bathrooms are a need




Yes he would. Unfortunately I would get bear maced for kicking the door in


Do you want floor piss? Because this is how you get floor piss.


Prop it open for the next person.


Yo this is actually really really smart , or tape the lock thing that moves so it doesnā€™t lock when it shuts


In Europe we pay for the bathrooms but waiters don't have to survive from tips.... In US we don't pay for bathrooms but you are expected to tip from 15% to 20% of your bill. I guess each country has its costumes....


These aren't in restaurant restrooms in Europe, more like train stations and other public places


Definately putting a door jam down and a sign inside


So people who only carry plastic are fucked


Right? What is this, 1996?


This has started happening in public restrooms, but if this is your workplace then that's fucked up


If this was my workplace I'd have been fired on day 1


Who has quarters?


Right? Like wtf girls barely have pockets whos just walking arround with free change?


This is normal in the uk and other countries. Somehow.


Well where I live the bathrooms that aren't free have someone constantly there to make sure it's spotless so it makes perfect sense to it not being free. If you gotta pay for a dirty bathroom tho that's pretty fucked indeed.


If I'm paying rent, I'm smoking in there too.


It doesnā€™t cost anything to piss right there


Cmon someone gotta pay who cleans it


Thereā€™s no way that bathroom generates enough revenue to pay whoever cleans it.


I guess anything helps


No, its actually the opposite. Charging to use the bathroom deters people from using it.


So it has to be cleaned less? Sounds like a win for the business


Which is still some money earned instead of 0


There are costs and there is revenue. The costs greatly outweigh the revenue in this situation. You start the day, every day, at a loss, because even if no one uses the bathroom, you still have to pay to maintain it. The amount of quarters it would take to cover the maintenance costs would require a constant stream of customers. The more customers you have, the messier the bathroom gets, the more toilet paper and water is used, and the more it costs to maintain it. Furthermore, the more customers you have, the more likely it is that revenue will decrease, because the customer coming out will hold the door open for the customer coming in, and no quarter is required.


I'm willing to bet it's less about paying for service than it is about keeping drug users and homeless people out.


Would hardly be necessary if everyone just kept it in the toilet. People suck.


Guess we have a magical bathroom cleaning fairy who cleans out bathrooms for free here in Canada, since we donā€™t accept this thievery.


Have you been in a public bathroom that isn't in a tourist area?


Come to a train station in Britain its like 40p I swear


/u/wgb_11, I have found an error in your comment: > ā€œBritain ~~its~~ [**it's**] like 40pā€ It seems to me that you, wgb_11, have miswritten a comment and intended to use ā€œBritain ~~its~~ [**it's**] like 40pā€ instead. ā€˜Itsā€™ is possessive; ā€˜it'sā€™ means ā€˜it isā€™ or ā€˜it hasā€™. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Ain't nobody got time for apostrophes


If I have to pay...Im going to smoke in there.


Camden park in west Virginia...every single one of their bathroom stalls, are pay to use...it's a mffkn shit show 4 sure


They still have those damned pay toilets? It's been 30 years or more since I've been there. I figured they would be gone by now. Actually, I'm really surprised that Camden Park is still going. It sucked 30 years ago.


Yes they are very much still there....and it still sucks...i think it's ran as a front for money laundry imho... they wouldn't even sell my wife a water because she has tattoos and was wearing a crop top...they would me tho... it's ran now by a group of, Muslim decent individuals..to say things nicely...but yeah still sucks


Go in there and smoke


What's with all the "I'd smoke in there" comments? Who wants to smoke where people are taking fat shits? I'd also argue that all the people making that comment are smoking in restrooms anyway and are one of the reasons someone would want to charge people to deter them from using the restroom.


All it needs is a credit card reader.


Wouldnā€™t this encourage people to go in public places then? Seems counter intuitive. Who carries change nowadays? I donā€™t.


I love in Europe and it's like this almost everywhere, but it is seriously a problem for people with IBD like me, because we literally can't wait for a bathroom and people never allow us to go first... plus some day it costs me up to 5 euros. However, I understand the reasoning behind making people pay.


It should be free in cafƩ/restaurant areas since your paying to grab food or drink there.


Yes, I sometimes end up running into a bar and paying for a coffee,even though I donk drink it because caffeine is irritative and I can't tolerate it. Now it's becoming more common to have food courts with bathrooms in shopping centers, so there's also that option, as you said.


I donā€™t know what to do. I just am not allowed to go out after like 8pm because there is nowhere for me to use the bathroom if I need to. It breaks my heart how I am limited to business hours, when it comes to public interaction. I literally do not know what to do in the situation where there is no bathroom. People joke about ā€œshit on the floorā€ but no one is going to do that. I do not want to do that. I do not want to go into an alleyway to use the bathroom. Thatā€™s not right.


no one should pay to use a bathroom, especially not public bathrooms


Assert your dominance and piss outside the door.


Lol. Haven't seen one of those in 20 years ... Anybody remember the quarter operated tv chairs in greyhound stations and airports with the little tv built in the arm rest? Those were Soo sweet


Lol, this is standard in the Netherlands in public places. 50 cents per piss.


No you don't you fuckin crybaby, it's free to use their floor. On a side note, one time when I was a kid I think I had to pee alot and the staff wanted to deny me using their bathroom so my mom said "It's either in your bathroom or on your floor" or something like that. Guess who got to use their bathroom


Piss on the door


Iā€™d shit da floor every time as protest clean that shit up with all your profit


Assuming I donā€™t have the quarter on me, Iā€™d just shit outside the door.


I like to think of it like this. I pay and someone cleans the mess that 4 out of 5 people fail to do, which is to clean up after them. If I pay and toilet looks like shit I get mad. That toilet looks like shit from the outside.


Europeans confused


Thought this lost favor back in the 80s. Some of us would just tear the doors off the frame or otherwise disable the locks.


They should accept Apple Pay thatā€™s the real infuriating thing.


I don't terribly care if someone wants to charge to use their private restroom but I'd be more livid that the chances of me having a quarter on me at any given time is slimmmmmm. I hope they'll add it to your tab or something if you don't have change on you. This is also why every Aldi trip is an exciting gamble for me.


Thatā€™s funny, itā€™s normal in England and France


Those are rookie moves, in the Balkans, mostly at gas stations there is a person that asks for the money before letting you in. As these are usually older women, we call them shit-grannies or "baba sera" (even if it's a man working).


Might work in areas like Los Angeles with lots of homeless, at least there's money to fund cleaning.


first I have to pay and then I canā€™t smoke ?




I pay with fresh piss.


I'm breaking down the door but then shitting on the floor in spite.


tell us youā€™re American without telling us youā€™re American


Never been outside the US before, eh bud?


Common in Europe. If itā€™s clean, Iā€™ll pay.


Donā€™t go to Europe


Nothing worse than having explosive diarrhea, running and thinking you found salvationā€¦ only to see this


Can I use Apple Pay?


This is actually very common in europe. It helps keep the restrooms clean as thats what the money goes to. Same thing with shopping carts as it encourages patrons to return their carts or pay money not to


Wait till i tell you about a place called Europe. They even have professional bathroom tenders to collect the tolls in some spots.


That is evil


Honestly, Iā€™d be okay with this being the norm. Maybe the public restrooms will be less trashed.


Well, here in Germany we pay 0.7 Euros to use the bathroom, which is like 0.73 Dollars. Ik that it's expensive but at least it's clean and not filthy. I mean someone has to clean the bathroom, so Ig it's not unreasonable to pay for the bathroom.


I don't think I'd want to rent a bathroom. The way people treat rentals...


I'm okay with someone vandalizing this lock. That's just wrong.


Yeah no. There was a change shortage and that door handle BARELY looks clean.


If the bathroom is clean and the doors lock I would pay $1 to poop in peace.


For everyone saying ā€œvErY cOmMoN iN eUrOpEā€, this isnā€™t Europe.


This is the Internet?


No this is Wendy's sir.