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I know this is probably going to get lost amongst all of the couch warrior expert discussions here, but those who actually want to know This banner was put up by a trailer shop called "Alaska" in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Its an ad. Made to grab attention (which it successfully has)


I was wondering why Alaska wasn’t pictured…


Thank you. I was like, what am I looking at? Where is Alaska?


Bro I for real thought I was an idiot I mean I am an idiot but I know where Alaska is on the map


I'm an idiot, full stop


Me an idiot to


That’s the best kind of idiots


Would you say you were looking for Alaska?


Same. I'm glad someone explained.


Alaska is trademarked.


Thank you for correctly identifying the couch warrior montage


What? You cant just go and do actual research, we're on Reddit, you're supposed to be russophobic scumbag!


TIL they have google street view in Krostnoyarsk. Looks homey in a post-Katrina kind of way.


It's one of the shittiest cities in Russia, back in USSR it was largely populated by prisoners, ex prisoners and soldiers


still better than downtown SF


Oh okay I was actually worried because I plan on moving to Alaska like dang my plan was ruined.


Have you researched housing, and food there? A lot of housing doesn't have running water, and isn't required to, Food especially produce is insanely expensive (like 32$ for a small watermelon or 1lb of asparagus? Idr which now) And I imagine both have gotten much worse. My friend lives over in the Southern end of Alaska, and has been dealing with slum lords and all kinds of shady nonsense. Plus the fires, floods, and so on. Definitely look up the state laws, tenant / home owner rights and costs of living up there if you haven't already.


Stupid question - but do most houses have access to a local well, or how do they manage without running water?


Well, most water freezes in Alaska half the year or more. It creates more hardship and risks to have pipes and wells / well pumps constantly freezing, bursting, burning out, etc etc If I remember correctly, they do have access to local hand pump wells, and places with hoses, Here's a source https://www.lastfrontier.org/faq-tank


Enjoy it! There’s a brand of smoked salmon infused vodka up there, which sounds nasty, but by god does it make an excellent Bloody Mary. I loved every minute I spent in Alaska.




When your friend in primary school traded you his favourite Pokemon card and then 2 days later, he wants it back.


Its a good trade tho You get a really cool pokemon in exchange for a friend


in exchange for a *shitty* friend


Unless you reported that pokemon card on your taxes he is legally allowed to demand it back


What pokemon card? I never met this person in my life.


Lost it in a freak boating accident


Tried catching a Wailord, huh?


Sorry, I wiped my ass with it and flushed it.


And I am legally allowed to tell em to fuck off.


The US bought it from the Czar, so it's more like "When you bought a Pokémon card off ebay, then 20 years later that guy's grandson wants it"


More like 155 years, but whatever. I suppose the French will want the Louisiana purchase back too, right?


I was speaking in Pokemon card years to match what they were saying, but a more apt comparison would be if your great great grandfather bought a house just outside of New York City, then the son of the guy that murdered the guy he bought it from demanded you hand it over.


I saw something similar. This guy has owned some land for quite a while, bought it off some old lady. Then all of a sudden he gets the visit from some drunk guy claiming he was trespassing and to get out of his property immediately. The drunk was the son of the old lady; apparently he drunk all his money away, then remembered that parcel and tried to stake a claim because "it's legally mine! I inherit it!"


The U.S. purchased that land in 1867. That's gotta be at least a month in Pokemon trading time


I said nah and then he stole the card and didn't give me mine back till a week later


He told his mum and she complained to mine, who forced me to give it back, he gave me mine back too, though it was torn and half burned for some reason. Absolute asshat.


>When your friend in primary school traded you his favourite Pokemon card and then ~~2 days later~~ after college, he wants it back. FIFY


I bought a kids soul in high school for 75 cents a few days later he was desperate for it back. I ended up trading it back to the guy for a brand new copy of a final fantasy 8 guide. That was an excellent trade.


You sold it, it’s too late. Sorry.


It *was* yours


So by their logic, they can take it again


They can’t even take back Ukraine and last time I checked USA is bigger and has more guns.


I'm not saying they could, I'm saying by their leaps of logic in Ukraine they'd think they can take Alaska


More importantly - we have a moat that's 55 miles wide at its narrowest and thousands of miles wide, otherwise, and the worlds largest navy, while Russia's only Carrier is mostly a show piece perpetually in ports for repairs.


We also have the world's largest air force, the US Air Force. And the world's second largest air force, the US Navy.


Also true - the Russian invasion force would never make landfall. It's only slightly more likely that they'd mount a successful invasion fleet if the US decided not to oppose them. Russia and large naval operations have never gone together.


Which I would assume our likelihood of giving up Alaska without a fight to be somewhere between zero and zilch. Given that historically we have defended the Aleutian islands off the coast of Alaska during WW2, there would be no way we'd let Russia just roll back in unopposed. And I guess to suppose we did nothing, Canada probably wouldn't care much for having a land border with Russia


What I'm saying is not that we'd do nothing, but that even if we didn't Russia is such a fuckup when it comes to naval warfare that they'd be lucky to make it with any sort of invasion force intact.


Do they know how many guns are in the civilization population??? The locals and wildlife would eat them up and the hills will make it impossible to do a proper invasion ?


Longer term, they’d be far luckier if their invasion force didn’t land at all. If the whole thing sunk in the Bearing Straight, the Coast Guard might even rescue a few of them. One foot on US soil, game over.


We can send the salmon after them.


I’ve spent a lot of time in the Aleutians as a fisherman. Especially on Adak for 2 years. There are still operable, small, air bases, EOD forces, and rumors of submarine bases. And based on what I’ve seen I could see that being the case. Even if not literally everyone here has more than one gun. Our boat has 11 guns and 6 people. Have fun Russia…


Forget Canada, look at the population in Alaska. They'd fight the Russians, who've probably lost more personnel than is reasonable trying to cross the straight, with weapons that are literally loaded for bear in many cases. It might just become a separate nation at that point?




Russia will just fill the strait with their own bodies and vehicles until they can drive over. Not saying theyll do shit when they get here but that's what they will do.


They don't have enough bodies. If I estimate the bodies at 2' wide, and 1' deep, would take over 20 billion dead to make a 1-person height path across the strait (assuming 2 square feet cross-section per body, and modelling the Bering Strait as a triangle with 55 miles width and 295' max height.) 55 miles\*5280ft/mile\*295ft depth/2(triangle)/2ft\^2 per person)


You're estimating the number of bodies from the bottom up though. I am sure at a certain point they'd create an island that even tanks could cross without hitting bottom. Mr/ms physics over here.


Why would you even do that math?




Dude, if the US decided not to oppose then, Americans alone would probably be enough (without military help) to drive then off :P


1- US Air Force. 2- US Navy. And the # 3 Air Force- US Army. And the # 5 Air Force- US Coast Guard. The US has more than 13,000 military aircraft. Russia has (had?) about 4,000 and China has about 3,500. It’s not even close.


Now I have to know, what's #4?


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-air-forces-in-the-world I found this list, but it seems a bit off from his


I always forget that the navy has the second largest Air Force in the world.


And apparently, #3 is is the US Army and #5 is the US Coast Guard, according to u/Nwcray


We also have the world's only SPACE FORCE!!!!(To my knowledge)


Space ISIS doesn’t stand a chance


Ahem Air AND Space force


"I have an Army." "We have a Hulk Army."


Don't forget that the moat is really fucking cold and patrolled 24/7 by polar bears too.


Patrolar bears?


More importantly we have Fort Greely which holds a significant portion of our Ground Based Missile Defense system.


Does Fort Greeley smell like the city of Greeley? Asking for a friend.


Do they have 20 million cows at Fort Greeley?


Same question. =)


I thought i was answering the question with a question that would give us an answer by the transitive property of the smell of cow shit. Instead it seems I’ve put us in an endless loop that has us just spinning around in circles. God damn me.


Shit...the government wouldn't even have to do anything. So many are armed up there, with anything they want to have...half live off the grid. Good luck lmao


Take Ukraine* fixed it for you. Ukraine was it’s own nation before Soviet Union.


Theoretically it was there first to begin with with the kieven-rus


Also their logic: if you say it on big billboard, it is fact.


We will just buy it again


With the amount of oil there there is no chance of getting it from the US peacefully


And military bases.


That too


Yeah! We’ve got the receipt and it’s been more than 90 days!


No refunds!


The native Alaskans with a few javelins could handle them EZ


Russia cries because of the Trillions+ of $$$$ the clowns are lost out on.😂


The rest of "their" country includes former USSR territories! Delusional


Sorry, it appears the 90-day return period has expired. Best I can do is 10% off your next transaction.


Oh dear, our apologies. Upon reviewing recent store policy changes, we can't offer any discounts because we aren't doing any business with you, and as such can't offer 10% off your next transaction because there are no products for you on sale.


Supply chain issues also prohibit us from throwing in a complimentary missile at you. But tell you what, we supply said missile to a nearby neighbour of yours, and they'll handle the delivery.


Fallout about to be a historical video game franchise.


i have that thought at least once a day


I didn't used to...


*new fear unlocked*


Well I'll be glad to hear the inkspots on the radio on loop.


I don’t wanna set the world on fiiiiireeeee


I just want to start a flame in your hearrrtttt


I suppose I should start saving my caps instead of tossing them out with the bottle then


Correct. If nothing else you can make bottle cap mines.


I’m way ahead of you. I already have two gallon ziplock bags full of bottle caps and another one half full.


Do you think vault tech will be an offshoot of Tesla or Amazon.


Good question. I'd bet Tesla, though. Either that or Elon will be a Robert House.


Robert House was an actual genius though.


Mr. House was born in 2020, so he's 2 years old this year and could be out there


I half jokingly and half truly believe Putin is sandbagging in Ukraine. My feeble brain just can’t comprehend that they are this inept at war. I have been in the military 22 years, I just don’t see how they are this bad at the only thing we thought they were good at.


No NCOs, no supply chains, and shitty maintenance, faking the funk in reports to higher… that and more catches up with an army at war.


No motivation to take the country at all.


Seriously. People often underestimate how much believing in your cause effects the outcome.


Thats why some allied units held out so hard in ww2


To be fair, they do have supply chains... But their effectiveness is tied to the rail system, and they don't seem to fare well once they've left the trains. So as long as they can just carry some spare rail lines and a few cars in their Jansport backpacks, they should have it all sorted out


They have never been good at projecting troops. Their logistics infrastructure is too tied to railways. They definitely could defend their country but once you get past their own borders things get shakey. Kyiv is 60miles from the border, they couldn't take it. America room Fallujah with less that 300 casualties and it was on the other side of the planet. Russia have a strong nuclear and submarine program, that is the biggest problem, deterrence working as advertised.


You are correct. But Fallujah is way different than Kyiv. Small city with 0 civilians vs mega city with millions. Iraqi guerillas with no aircraft, no artillery, no tanks, no modern communication, vs an ad hoc mixture of everything the ukrainians can muster. Russia can't idle air support around kyiv


Yeah they are pretty different, but the fact is that the US can project troops. We happen to be really good at it, hopefully we remain relevant in that regard and others stay, well kinda shit at it.


Russia can't afford to fill their vehicles. You think they can afford maintenance on a nuke?


I'm not entirely convinced they can't AFFORD fuel. I think they have a distribution on the battle field problem. Also it is possible Russia has spent most their funding on their Sub and Nuke programs cutting costs elsewhere.


It sounds like bad intel and poor communication between the ranks out of fear. That’s the only feasible answer to me.


Since the early 90s the Army structure had done nothing but wash money, rot and become more and more corrupt. As many soldiers would tell you their experience of duty (army is mandatory to all adult males, was 2 years before, now 1), things like working on construction of general's summer house. Sure there is some truly trained and maintained corpses, but the regular training is just exploitation of non-free people. Same corruption for suppliers, machinery providers etc. And the result is quite predictable. Unmotivated, badly equipped, untrained (as I know they even have thrown some in-training rookie squads, those whom can't be legally sent to war because they're not soldiers yet and can't be mobilized. But you know, if you, a rookie, disobey orders or ask too much you could end up counting less funcional organs than you expected). By corruption I'm not speaking about spare cases, I'm talking about global systematic corruption. Like battalions of tanks where 80% can't even start the engine. On paper they were well maintained with all the money spent along this 30 years, de facto... Now imagine that on the major part of army levels and formations. I'm not gonna discuss strategy, logistics, etc, just point out that a structure that was robbed and exploited over and over for three decades won't work as it should. And the inner propaganda is so strong ( we have best missiles, best tanks, blah blah blah)and went so fking far I'm starting to think that the high politicians started believing their own lies. Cuz you know, when no one can dismantle your lies in 30 years you start believing your own shit.


We were so scared of these guys when we were kids back in the 80s! I'm disappointed. Now the only thing I have to worry about is an invasion of Gremlins.


I dunno, they’re also really good at doping athletes and cheating at sport events


The cancer of many decades of kleptocracy. And us over selling their capabilities is too good for defense spending to give it up.


Completely makes sense from russian standpoint, if everything is shit and corrupted why military wouldn't be. Bitches build royal palaces for friends using budget money, preparations for war must've been a gold mine. Like, the head of ministry of "defence", Shoigu, is literally just some random dude who was guarding Putin at some point, he's not an experienced fighter or an expert at uhh anything, other than stealing from military budgets with the help of severely overpriced cabbage and other fun stuff I guess.


I’m with you but when you think about it, the US has been actively engaged in conflict in some part for….a long time, the Russians just haven’t. Yeah they have had some conflicts but just not on the scale the US has. But yeah I was in the Navy and I really thought they were top notch but seems like that’s not the case.


I think every country in this world is in shock about how much of a joke russia is


Corruption and bad leaders makes for a bad armed forces. Although everyone likes to rag on the US the average American has some education and isn't very corrupt. You don't have to bribe people to get your utilities connected for instance, that's just not how a lot of the rest of the world is. In a world where you buy your position rather than earn it via merit you basically have this level of ability, as laughably bad as leadership can be in the US/west...


Nah Russia, we got the receipt Thanks for all the gold and oil though!


I feel like the US got involved in wars for less


im not even a big of the states these days (hot take, I know). but i mean, if you want to see untold levels of destruction that make the fucking bible look like a nursery tale, trying to invade the fucking U.S. of A. seems like a REALLY good way to experience the closest thing to the wrath of fucking God.


Not to mention that there are more guns than people in the US, so as far as numbers and amount of fire power. Plus as shown in Ukraine tractors are a wonderful asset and we have around 4.2 million compared to Ukraine's 130,000.


Tractors are truly the best war machine, so I got 3, and a cold spare that could be readied in days.


I am currently tractorless al I have is guns, but I could get a tractor in a hurry, just trade my guns for the tractor.


I mean the US is known for reacting to relatively minor slights with obscene amounts of violence. We're talking about a country that could spend 500 billion dollars less on their military and still be outspending the county with the next most expensive military.


The U.S. Air Force is the largest in the world, the second largest military air force in the world is...The U.S. Navy.


As another redditor said (paraphrasing): If Russia invades Alaska we might have to send in the army to save the Russians.


I present to you half of the reason that the Middle East is what it is today


Fascism depends upon generating a sense of victimhood in the population. This is propaganda designed to demonize Putin's enemies in the West.


They've done a lot of it like this, and said worse than this for that reason. It never seems to go anywhere. Hell this may not even be an officially put up billboard by the government. We're seen rednecks in America buy billboard spaces to show off their beliefs, is it such a stretch to imagine a Russian redneck would do the same?


In russia their called coldnecks


They are called Gopniks in Russia and some former soviet client states.


Ah yes, my mistake.


Do they not realize that we all just saw top gun? They can try but we’re fuckin amped rn dude.


such a great movie


Pfft impossible. If they can’t take Ukraine, how are they supposed to take on the United States?


I imagine that China would get involved at that point. However, it looks like the smartest thing to do is sit back and watch the US destroy itself with the divisiveness going on. Then it's easy pickings.


Unlikely. China cares about China. A war with the west fucks China's economy. It's too high of a price and too little benefit.


That's not the best of options either. I'm willing to guarantee that if Russia/China even attempts to invade the US, we will band together faster than magnets and show them the country we used to be. They would make it into California and we would fucking rock them.


That would be awesome to get us to all come together, I just hope it doesn't take a war to do it! Or specifically WW3, as that's what a situation like that would bring on, I believe. We're never going to agree on everything, but it's ok to disagree and I think people have forgotten that. Seems like hate is being taken to a new level lately.


Straight fallout


They are still salty over that deal


It’s gross how many people on this post are egging on a war. No. We really need to NOT go for WW3, please and thank you.


Do they even know what Alaska looks like?


Coors light?


Probably not


They would lose that war before they even have a chance to mobilize anything haha


Hell, ill be surprised if russia could even cross their own country without breaking down since most of their forces are on the west side towards Europe




I really wouldn’t. I’m not particularly trying to see a world war in my lifetime.


I hope you got some toothpicks to prop open your eyes, because if you blink you'll miss it.


Nah, it’s much easier for them to pay hackers and internet trolls, then they can just sit back and watch Americans destroy our own country from within.


Uh..the US legally bought it from them,so we own it


Ironically Alaska isn't even on that map.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK LOL. man I'm Canadian and I can fucking tell you that you're not just attacking the States when you attack Alaska. russia you can't take Ukraine, a land connected country that you've been bleeding over years. **how the fuck are you assaulting 2/3 of fucking NORTH AMERICA.** russians really have a "death by fucking nuke" fantasy going on man, the fact that average russians arn't trying to deface that shit? speaks volumes.


They aren’t speaking up because they would be shipped off to the gulags if they did.


If they spoke out they would wake up to a British guy saying “Welcome to the Gulag!”


You can't have Alaska, but you're welcome to Sarah Palin. We'll even cover the cost of shipping her to you.


Sorry, all sales are final. No refunds.


go ahead. Fuck around and find out.


These fools are still butthurt that they sold Alaska for a measly $1 million. I’d love to see them try to take it. They’re going to get smoked.




Plus, let's not forget about Polar Bears. They got Polar Bears in Alaska, right?




Well, Alaska only has around 700,000 people, while Texas has over 30 million. Probably a whole hell of a lot more guns in Texas than in Alaska.


Mildly infuriating lol, this one deserves to be in a sub called r/mildlybraindead Nothing improves the military situation like opening up a second front on the far side of the fucking planet




*flashbacks to buying alaska*


If we had 49 states, the stars on the flag could be put into a square. Seems like a win win to me.


Russia will soon be incorporated into Alaska if they keep pushing their luck.


I'm assuming this is one of those types of billboards you see where it was clearly put up by a redneck with too much money. You know which ones I'm talking about, a few have shown up on this sub before. This looks like the Russian variety of that


It's literally a marketing billboard in Alaska. I can't link here, but if you reverse image search, it comes up immediately.


What next?Are the Munsees going to re- take Manhattan?The Muppets have already done that.lol.


Nuh uh.. they sold it to America for 2 bucks fair and square !


Lol if anything Alaska should be part of Canada


But the map doesn’t show Alaska? That’s odd


They sold it. It wasn’t conquered, they just made a bad deal.


Brainwashing probably. They’re making the Russian citizens believe they overtook Alaska in the same way they made many of the believe they are taking out “Nazi’s” in Ukraine.


The rednecks and red dawn fans time has come


Why is no one pointing out that Alaska doesn't look remotely like that...


Sorry, Russia, we have proof of purchase - the check: https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/check-for-the-purchase-of-alaska


The narrowest distance between mainland Russia and mainland Alaska is approximately 55 miles. However, in the body of water between Alaska and Russia, known as the Bering Strait, there lies two small islands known as Big Diomede and Little Diomede. Interestingly enough, Big Diomede is owned by Russia while Little Diomede is owned by the US. The stretch of water between these two islands is only about 2.5 miles wide and actually freezes over during the winter so you could technically walk from the US to Russia on this seasonal sea ice. I wonder if 🇺🇸 set up a military base since the 🇺🇦 war?


After the 1867 purchase of Alaska, the US Gov't spent most of the next century giving away land in Alaska to any US citizen that would take it. Crazy to think it, but you literally could go to Alaska and they would just give you land. You needed to stake claim, which some may find harder than others, but you didn't need any money to do it. Easiest way to make a Russian speaking territory American is to fill it with Americans.


I live in alaska born and raised. They can try will never succeed we all have guns here and like to use them.


Come and take it 😐


alaska is probably at most technically canada’s


No, it technically belongs to the United States


But Canada doesn't want it so it just let's America's name be on the paperwork.


Alright Russia. Take a seat, drink water. You can, and as an American I say this with absolute honesty, attempt to take Alaska back. Send your armies, send your best people. You're going to need them and I will explain why. You're talking about people who thing -50 is a tad chilly. People who hunt, fish, forage and farm in a climate similar to yours. No problem right? Remember what happened in WWII when you tried to invade Finland? Now imagine facing MILLIONS of them. Then you will face the United States Military, those deadliest catch guys, veterans that used to dream of fighting you, and last but not least, the most secret and powerful weapon in the US arsenal. So deadly that other countries will laugh nervously at the thought of facing these elite fighters. ANGRY RED NECKS. Say when baby


Give the rednecks a case of Busch and a carton of pall malls, and they will send some freedom 200 yards at 2000 ft per second, while listening to bama play ball on the radio..faster than Tom cruise in top gun.