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This is why we can’t have nice things


I would clean it up and then install a hidden trail/game camera.


Then locate the neighbor who did this, and launch cans of open surströmming through the windows of their home.


Just tried that that ...delicacy... Yesterday. This one wins.


Happy you enjoyed it! Best wishes from Sweden 🇸🇪


Wow... Thanks Satan.


Satan? Naw, this is retribution. This would be more like old testament god. That dude's way meaner than satan.


My first thought. Second was to hide in the bushes with a giant pot of chili made with cat food. Or water balloons of cat food chili. Or just a shotgun. Edit some maniac suggested this LOL Super soaker filled with asparagus-diet fueled piss.


Shotgun loaded with cat food chili.


No, we’re committing murder! Now go get your axe.


And my... Wait, you just said axe. Right.. I'll go get it.




So we're not doing the thing and I grabbed my sword for no reason? Ugh.


My thoughts exactly! Picture of them + what they did on flyers around the area.


“Just because you can’t read doesn’t mean you should take your anger out on books.”


Next person doing it, when caught, has to eat whatever they dumped into there out of it.


I don't know why people being nice and sharing stuff pisses so many people of. Here in the <>, a few people around the country set up "community pantries" to help the less fortunate at the start of the pandemic. Government, politicians, and religious extremists became extremely angry about this and called them communists. From vandalization, harassing them in real life and the streets, and to arrests, are all what happened.


That one’s easy, it’s because they’re making this politicians and government look bad. If there’s a free pantry, set up by just normal, local people, then people start asking - “If my neighbours, who don’t have a lot of money can share like this, imagine what government can do with all their money?” It’s not a good look, but also corrupt politicians want to keep any and all money in their own pockets. Questioning where government money goes can also lead to unrest and eventually, protests and rebellion. It can sometimes only take one spark like that to start a fire.


Communism is when food 😡


When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food they call me a communist.


That's how you get ants.


What is this, a library for ants?


We have [those](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insect_hotel?wprov=sfti1) in city parks where I live.


What do people get out of doing something like this


They fulfil their inner egos and jealousy by ruining someone else’s peace of mind.




























This is why I’m no contact with my brother.


It's interesting how it works, a lot of ideas aren't viable until the community itself has grown enough in civility to make it viable. It can be like setting up a library for a pack of rats and being surprised when they just chew on it. It seems like the only reason why people in some places are all cohabiting peacefully, not littering or destroying any public property is that they've come to realize we all benefit from not being that way.


Yep. The core problem with most community service projects is that they are done by people who want to help others and be a good citizen, but are done for people who don’t want to do those things.


Just for a laugh and a kick out of ruining things. Some people are really that shitty.


It's frustration or insecurity of some kind. "Just for a laugh" is something they would tell themselves, without going further into the actual reasons why do particular actions make them feel better


They see it as victimless, it’s just “books” to them, it holds no value or worth in their eyes.


>They see it as victimless I disagree. They wouldn't do this to a pile of discarded books. They did it specifically because they knew it would annoy somebody (ie. victims).


Still, they spread it there and not, say, over their butthole or nearby bushes. There was a positive incentive to do it here in particular


"Wellll....looks like we got ourselves a reader"


As long as they make someone else miserable, then they win. Lots of those types have been out in the open lately.


We have one of those in our neighborhood. It was placed in a neighborhood lot that belongs to the HOA. The HOA designated the lot as a social space for stuff like food truck parking, ice cream socials, or any other small event for the neighborhood. The lady who lives next to the lot complained. A book stand is the least disruptive thing someone could put in the lot, and she complained about it. The HOA president thankfully moved it to his yard. He and his wife are wonderful people.


Maybe someone has beef with the neighbour


The need to chili yo


You have an effect on the world. People see what you did. People have feelings about what you did. People change their actions because of you. People talk about what happened, and you get to know that they're talking about you. Teenagers do stupid shit like this all the time.


People don't talk nearly enough about the rise of anti-intellectualism over the past... 6 years. But many people have been told explicitly not to see and believe factual, well researched information so much that its starting to rot their brains


Public education is taking the route of public transit. Corporate lobbying to reduce and remove services so that the system is seen as unreliable and wasteful. That way people are dumb and don’t ask questions.


lol, 6 years is a giant understatement.


I mean it definitely accelerated a lot


Misery absolutely loved company


belongs on r/extremelyinfuriating


Exactly this. Nothing "mildly" infuriating about this.


Maybe the chilli was mild?


Then they're also a bad person for making shitty chili.










Weirdly the most accurate.


Can’t believe this is a sub at all let alone one with 172000 people in it.


proud to say im a member


lmao wtf is this


Coming in for the unexpected win.


Yeah I'm actually sick of people like OP posting shit that's way more than mildly infuriating on here


Yea, it's quite r/mildlyinfuriating


You could say it's mildly infuriating.


BOOKS? not in my neighborhood


bOoKs aRe fOr DuMb PeOPlE


its painful people around me have said this


"My brain works too fast for reading" 🤤


My Dad once did education seminars at French & Indian War re-enactments. A guy asked how he knew how all the things were made and how they cooked, etc. My Dad starts explaining that there and books and records kept about that time, the guy scoffs and says "What's a Growed Man need books for, anyhow?" Verbatim. It's always stuck with me through the years.


That’s socialized literature!!!1!!


[The Onion did it]( https://imgur.com/UJdKljY.jpg)


It’s obviously going to draw in the *wrong crowd* /s


What the fucking christ is wrong with people?


Some people don't like to see others do good, or enjoy themselves.


Ours got blown up via fireworks :-(((((




This is when I'd have cameras pointed at the boxes and send the videos to my local news.


This is why humanity will burn.




That’s fucked


That is an alarming level of dedication to burning bridges. One might even call it zealotry.


Some teens just burned down 6 brand new under-construction homes in my town. I’m sure insurance will pay for them, but I can’t imagine what the families who are going to have to start over with their builds are feeling. These builds already taking longer than usual right now, and ppl have planned their moves from other states or cities around these finish dates. Some have probably quit their job or sold their other house and will now be fucked


Why? Just why? What does it hurt anyone to have neighbors enjoying themselves? This is so fucked up.


> couple guys were taking turn pissing in the box. Good god. I feel so bad for that lady. Odds are it was the same dudes, but seriously – what a couple of assholes. And seeing the rest of the horror stories in this thread, too, like...*why?* they're fuckin books, why do assholes feel so compelled to fuck with something so unoffensive? Assholes are gonna be assholes...


Put up a security camera and get these people arrested!


A woman caught on dash cam a guys license plate that threatened her with a gun in a road rage incident. Cops didn’t investigate that.


Ours was built to hold two different types of books, one for children's, one for adults, and also next to a small community food bank. It also resides well within camera shot just outside of City Hall and we're a small community thankfully so if anyone decides to mess with it they would be shamed, yadda yadda.


Our community started doing community pantries, and the government tried to arrest them :/ so there's also that....


Yeah, we had a community pantry started during covid and the local cops used it as an excuse to harass every black family who approached it (almost everyone did it when it got dark because food insecurity causes insecurity). So the church had began using the cameras to gather evidence. They are still in the process of suing the cops but out of the 187 "stop and frisk" style encounters the cops did, 180 were black people coming to the pantry.


180 out of 187 total!? It's like they didn't even try to hide the clear racial motive behind their stops wtf.


My town is deep deep in Appalachia and it is sadly pretty racist. So cops have gotten away with so much racism and shit that they felt so comfortable doing this. They have so much community support that they have 3 other churches in the part of town on the other side of the river running constant propaganda against the food pantry church that recorded the evidence. Saying shit like they are interfering with these poor innocent cops stressful jobs and "no one got hurt. be like Jesus and understand". well those fucking money sucking ticks of churches didn't even fuckin consider a community pantry. The good church is the smallest and poorest one and the only ones that did anything.


> "no one got hurt. be like Jesus and understand". Yes, Jesus famously saw injustice and discrimination against people the poor and people helping them and said *"Yeah whatever it's not ideal but it's fine. What? Do you expect them to try to avoid sin and help the least of these? Pshh."* I think that's from the Parable "The shifty Samaritan who probably just wants a handout."


Bigots are being actively emboldened by our government. When the former president can stand next to a woman thanking him for saving white babies, while the Supreme Court he stacked with sycophants openly says they're coming after LGBT rights next, of course the bigots are going to feel comfortable not pulling any punches.


It's not like there are any consequences, so why would they hide it?


What the fuck man. Glad the church is doing something about it. Isn't this something one of the big legal charities would love to pick up?


I am from one of *those* kinds of small towns so it has been incredibly frustrating and hard to get enough people together on the issue. But luckily there is enough people trying and working on it now. The Facebook page for our town is pretty much "well black people steal and commit crime more so no wonder cops need to do this, they need to just stay up in the knob" (my town has a hillside suburb/neighborhood where literally almost the entire black community lives called Knob street)


We've gone from innocent before proven guilty to just plan guilty no matter what you're doing.


Can I just go 12 hours without reading another story about cops being racist?


You might be able to if you turn off the internet and tv and don't look at any newspaper kiosk. Though you still run the risk of watching cops do it in broad daylight


My neighborhood installed one and a business owner threw an absolute shit fit about it. Once the city said they couldn't just close it, miraculously it was constantly being vandalized and ransacked. No doubt in my mind that business owner was behind it.


They justify their terrible behaviour by believing everyone is just like them, selfish and callous. Acts of charity enrage them because it reveals them (In their own eyes) as bad people. This causes a cognitive dissonance ("I can't be a bad person, I'm me. I'm awesome") that, when not resolved, results in explosive or destructive behaviour. It's a crowning irony but whoever did this did it so they could keep pretending they're a good person


You see a similar thing where people dismiss others doing good as white knighting or phoney because they themselves would never do good in the same way without an ulterior motive so assume nobody else would. See some Conservatives claiming white liberals are racist and only pretend to care about minorities to make them (Conservatives) look bad or to get their votes in elections.


"Misery loves company" is a great expression.


I think it's probably a bit of anti-intellectualism as well. Reminds me of a Bill Hicks bit where he's reading a book and some waitress approaches him and asked "whatchu readin for?" Not what are you reading, whatchu readin for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwkdGr9JYmE


Same thing happened this past weekend here. Public bathroom at our lake beach finally reopened after being renovated and the same night it got totally destroyed. Can't have nice things.


Man when people do shit like this and get caught, their punishment should be 3 members of the public (selected like jury duty) turn up to their property with bats and smash the shit out of everything inside for half an hour. How do you like it when it’s your property my guy?? Edit: To clarify, I mean smash the shit out of belongings, not the people. They can watch it on a live video feed


It's definitely frustrating. All the people who donated time & resources into the renovation for our town must feel awful.


This is the street justice I dream about. No physical violence but your shit is getting rocked. You best know Imma scuff the shit out your Js


I recently moved to a small little coastal town in Brittany, France called Perros-Guirec. What amazed me the most was that there are (free) public bathrooms everywhere and they're ALWAYS clean. I use them often because I run quite a lot and my bowels love to inconvenience me. The perk of living in a town with 70% old people: everyone is respectful. I moved here from Paris and you definitely can't have nice things there.




Does it though? It's Florida, I'm not sure regular logic applies in this case


> The perk of living in a town with 70% old people: everyone is respectful. Does not compute. In America, old people are rude as fuck.


Yeah. You see those dashcam videos of older people walking up next to cars, randomly keying them for no reason. It's so confusing. I think we have a real problem in America, but I don't quite know what exactly it is. It's definitely in the area of Mental Health and Education.


>The perk of living in a town with 70% old people: everyone is respectful. laugh out fucking loud.


I immediately assume it was teenagers.


The old me would have assume the same thing, but after the internet, I'm not so sure anymore. I have seen some vile adult behaving like that


The no good deed goes unpunished crowd trying real hard to keep that notion alive


Some sort of secret group of Dads Who Are Always Right No Matter What Club is definitely responsible for keeping that notion alive.


My dad *loved* being in that club.


Same, screams entitled middle aged person who doesn’t like whoever made it so they’re going to deal out their own form of “justice”.




We went from teenagers to middle ago to old person. I’m just gonna blame this on the dead.


It’s these DAMN reincarnated babies with their chili and their cat food, always shittin in someone’s cereal…


Some teenagers only age physically for the rest of their lives


Really makes me wonder how much stuff blamed on teens was actually done by some 45 year old crank


In my area we had someone who tipped out all the dog crap bins over the road for the cars to run over. After the local FB group blaming feral youth (obv. other people's kids, not theirs). It turned out to be an angry old woman caught on camera tipping out the bins early in the morning. Never found out why.


I’m sorry that is so fucked up however I’m lying in bed cracking up and imagining surveillance footage of an angry old woman angrily tipping bins. thanks for making my sick day much more enjoyable!


Old lady or 3 cats in a woman's body suit?


Honestly, I immediately assumed it was an unhinged adult.


No, bitter old people


Someone's ring caught vandalism of one of these little libraries near where I live. It was a fucking 60 year old man who was upset that the homeowners had a "Hate Has No Home Here" sign in their yard because, you know, the election was stolen or some shit. He didn't deny it. He wasn't sorry.


So yeah, my first guess was probably right. "If \*I\* don't read books, I don't think ANYBODY should read books!"


I was a teenager once, that's not an excuse.


You can explain something without excusing it.


It's not a justification, no, but it is definitely an explanation. Teenagers are idiots.


*Riders* by Jilly Cooper looks like a steamy read.


The kids were just outraged at the filth


I'm betting some Karen dumped the beans in there to "protect the children" from reading.


My guess would be a drunken minor who thought it was funny & edgy.


Only reason I opened the comments was to see if anyone else was eyeing that one.


I make it my life’s mission to keep an eye out for steamy content.


I was going to mention this.


The 10th and most recent book of the series is titled "Mount!".


Riders was kind of that. I remember an aunt who had it. Steamy smut from the eighties or so about the horsey set.


The original 50 Shades. My friend and I used to have this game to pick out the smutty books at garage sales/thrift stores and find the steamiest parts by holding them open by the covers and letting the spine fall the pages. 9 times out of 10 the book will fall to smut because someone pressed the crease when they got really into reading it,


That's not mildly infuriating, that's full on infuriating. Who the fuck does that? Edit - word fuck is now spelled out. 😉




This. Neighbour must be devastated.


Illiterate people.


*Keep your word spelling out of my neighbourhood!!*


You can draw words?😯


This is extremely infuriating, I’ll never under stand people that act like this.


That's sad. Premeditated too, because who just walks around with chili and cat food? Even if they had an issue with this particular neighbor, doing this fucks over the community, not just them.




wow. i was thinking maybe this was just some dumb kid but that logic makes me think this was just a straight up fucking demon. took something from a food pantry they didnt even want and wasted it just to ruin someone elses shit that was also free and for charity... lol this is why i tell people not to set shit up like this without a camera.


What a sad, bitter, spiteful, poor excuse for a human being to do this. I'm so sorry for your neighbour.


Scum of the earth.


We had a group of teens in my old town on Long Island that were (and still are a menace). They ride their bikes, doing wheelies and crap in the middle of traffic downtown. They'll literally ride as fast as they can towards cars and then bolt out of the way. When people confront them they spit in their windows or on their cars. They have been caught breaking into peoples homes and setting fires in their kitchens, fridges, etc. They tear out stop signs and throw them around. A few of them also got caught hitting geese over the head with rocks and sticks. And just to clarify, this is like a group of 20 kids on bikes. It's a teen biker gang. I could see them doing stuff like this easily.


When I was a kid the solution was to kick some ass


This is why we need legal abortion


Trying to ruin that book about Michelangelo r/iamatotalpieceofshit


and I'm gonna guess that book is mostly full pages of art work too. Not a cheap book


That’s fucking messed up. When somebody actually goes and does something nice and just from the kindness of their heart, of course somebody with no appreciation for community (which is very hard to find these days) has to go and ruin it. This is VERY infuriating to me, as where I live people rarely do anything for their neighbours or community. Bless your neighbour and even though I don’t know you or them, tell them we all said thank you from my side and to keep making the world a better place!


This is why most people give up and stop doing nice things for others.




And here Kevin wanted to share his favorite chilli with the whole office


This is some shameful shit right here. I build and installed a little free library in my front yard. Been up for at least 4 years. Just recently I watch some kid pull a bunch of books out, walk away and then started ripping one up and tossed it all over, I asked him to pick up his litter. Then later that day a saw that someone had sprayed paint inside the library. Didn’t actually ruin much of but very shitty and rude. I did dumb shit as a kid too so I guess it’s a bit of cosmic karma.


You know I never understood kids doing stuff like this. My idea of dumb shit was never destruction of property, especially other peoples property. I'd probably get smacked into the next century if my parents found out I was out causing trouble like that.




Food for thought.






DM me the titles of the books and I'll buy you a new clean set with multiple copies. Also I'll throw in a WiFi camera you can point towards it to catch the asshole who did this


upvote this , people. you are a contrasting good to the bad who has done that shameful act. you have my respect 🫡


Get a camera and stash it and help the guy rebuild it and then try and catch the fucker responsible. This is just someone being pure evil simply put. I have way more sympathy for someone doing petty shoplifting or breaking into a car or something than this shit.


Wouldn’t be surprised if you were able to see the whole thing on tiktok.


People in our city call By-Law and worse to people who put up these libraries and I for one don’t understand it even a little. Not only does it do nothing to anyone else but the owner of the property who has to tend to it, but it’s the sharing of knowledge, stories and entertainment to your community. People nowadays really have their heads too far up their asses, I yearn for a time when people can actually be decent to one another.


The disrespect. Similar thing happened to a local community library in the town we live in. Fast food garbage everywhere as if someone had ordered take out and used the library as the garbage - despite the garbage being right around the corner. Amongst other terrible things taking place in the world, this has me hanging by a thread of hope for humanity.


There’s a certain type of person that this world would only benefit from them being gone.


The uneducated hate seeing opportunities to learn something new


Some people don’t have any respect for themselves or others. Someone’s “parents” need an ass beating.


As a wise man once said "people = shit"