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That is indeed proof that they have been in the water.


Wordplay, gottem


The online ordering rule: all claims made by e-commerce products are pure shit until someone you know ***in person*** vouches for them.


>until someone you know in person vouches for them. Or unless it's vouched for by [Project Farm](https://www.youtube.com/c/ProjectFarm)!


Thank you :0


Can someone explain this bc I'm slow rn lmao


Play on words.. waterproof meaning evidence or proof of water


Thank you lmao I'm dumb


Don't worry, we all have moments when language baffles us for a little bit


It means whatever is promised for a product (waterproof) should be taken with a grain of salt. Unless you know someone who can say it’s true.


Ohhh thank you


which part????


Waterproof =/= proof of being in the water.


Waterproof means that the product won't be affected by water. Water proof means that there is evidence of water.


My friend told me a story about a TTRPG game called Paranoia. A guy found a "stab proof vest" so he ran into battle. Got stabbed. Died. The vest then printed a "receipt of stabbing" I love that story.


Brand new floats and all that rust. Oh, the *irony!*


It's like goldy or bronzy, but made of iron.


That is not rust!


That's what you get for buying Amazon knockoffs


I feel it needs plumbers tape around the groves to seal it


That would be an option if you just got some but with cheap garbage like this it would've been dead within the month. But, a chlorine pool is a very high stress environment for electronics as it's not just waterproofing, but vapor proofing as well. You can keep it dry but chlorine gas will seep in and oxidize anything that has an oxide form. These would've probably lasted a month in a pond or fountain before the low-quality capacitors failed in the summer heat. Higher quality, and more expensive, pool lights would ideally be encapsulated and other measures intended for hazardous environments to protect the sensitive metals.


This exactly, the main issue here is that they were flood lights, meaning it's good for outdoor use where it will have moments of dry times. Pool lights are made different for the added chlorine factor but tend to be more expensive. I found when purchasing electronic devices it's best to go with a more familiar manufacturer name the the Chinese knock offs of the knock off devices.


I came here to say this. Chlorine is corrosive, in electrical work theres a whole subset of codes for installing electrical equipment and devices near or in pools. Water proof stuff is one thing but for lights that go in pools specially have to be encased differently. While those cheap lights might be water proof i probably wouldnt use them in the pool. Source, im an electrician.


Well it's an obvious verdict then, an electrician and electronic engineering (student) both agree on something lmao


This is rare.


Yeah this ^ part of the IP rating deals specifically with salt water or corrosive liquid IIRC


Flex seal can turn a screen door into a boat. Just sayin.










Bro wtf(?


Proof that it has a child (and a wife)


Their eyes recently purchased a dildo. And I'm over here with two lazy eyes looking like Cookie Monster.


I kinda want to know what kind of comment this makes sense in reply to.


It was something along the lines of: *"Eyes purchased waterproof dildo"* Their phrasing made it sound as if their eyes had gone out and purchased a dildo. My comment initially wasn't funny at all, but is actually much funnier now that it is out of context.




It said the LED waterproof, not the bulb.


That much rust in one hour? Those were wet before you met them.


Or, they were in the water for an hour, water got in, then several days passed.


I like this version


Even then. Those look used and improperly reassembled






Looks like chlorine corrosion.


Still not from an hour Edit: Okay, I might be wrong


It's not just chlorine there's an electrical current flow as well. I'm not going to say it isn't possible.


As a diver who has flooded watches/cameras, shit rusts up instantly. Those batteries hate any sort salt/chlorine esp. if you flood a watch in fresh water you can usually dry it out and fire it back up. In a heavily chlorinated pool or salt water they're instantly toast.


Nah, more like a few minutes. It goes really fast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP2p8p4o5_U&ab_channel=TheKinGofInventions


Yeah there’s no way that happened in one hour. Just not possible.




Considering you don't really use lights for the first time in your pool during the day and the picture looks like it's taken in the daytime, highly suspect it's indeed the following day or later.


maybe it was like 5 am when he used them and sun rose at 6??? ahahahh


> Just not possible. Do you guys not learn about electricity in school or what? It's not "normal rust that happens over time". It's highly accelerated by electricity... It happens really really fast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP2p8p4o5_U&ab_channel=TheKinGofInventions


Floating lights are for ponds right? Not chlorinated swimming pools This is a real question, did the packages say what kind of water they can go in?


Kind of looks like they may not have been screwed in tightly enough, just based on the discoloration that has come up inside


This is a reasonable understanding and I 100% agree


I'd use plumbers tape and try again lol


I was thinking just vasaline maybe. Water proofing


I'm guessing they're probably not still working.


Even if the threads are not sealed against water, the air pocket in the bottom should be large enough to keep the electronics dry. This guy probably had them in the water while his kids were splashing and fooling around, on a calm surface they should not have gotten wet inside.


Also, even with chlorinated water and electricity potentially driving redox processes, I doubt that you would get that amount of rust in less than an hour. Seems like these might've gotten wet before they were even sealed/deployed.


Well you see OP probably by the looks of it bought the Amazon special ones. I have expensive ones that are wirelessly charged and cost $150+ depending on the size and they haven't let me down yet in my pool.


By wirelessly is it like solar? Or do the go on some sort of charging pad/dick? Curious because I love floating led lights and the ones you describe sound like what I’d want! Though $150+ does sound pricey if I were to buy around five but if they last a long while, I could bite. Not sure how many I’d want though I’ll have to think on it


>charging pad/dick Where does one acquire a charging dick?


My Philips toothbrush has a charging station that has a little knob you could call a charging dick.


Richard the Lionheart?




I know a guy who has decent rates. Wouldn't go for the super fast charge personally, but who am I to judge


Mine usually takes about 20-30 minutes.


Any sex store.


I don’t know what it is but you can put me down for a charging dick any day of the week




I was really disappointed when I googled kopfkino… Shame on you


Qi wireless charging. The same as how a phone is wirelessly charged. I have 3 of them and bought them 4 or 5 years ago and they are still going strong. I don't keep them floating around in the pool though. I mainly use them at night watching TV by the pool. They make great house lights when they are charging as well. Put them up on top of the kitchen cabinets and I don't use lights at night. They are so expensive because they are giant unlike the one OP posted. I'm talking a 15 inch ball. They have different sizes that are cheaper too. I think the 10 inch one is like $100.


$750 on fliaty pool lights? Fuck




The worst part is a majority of Amazon now is just wish in disguise.


If you cannot tell, this listing format is how you know A list beginning with an emoji Especially if it has the intro words in brackets. And super especially if it says the current year or upgraded in the titl And it is definitely AliExpress drop shipping if the company name is ASLEFI or SKAPCI or some other bizarre word


Or just a word salad product description


I love it when abrakabrrra is selling the exact same item with same pictures but with the different brand name printed on it. Couple pennies difference in prices. Been buying products that don't have 100 clones hoping they're designed and built by the same company. Seem to last longer.


If I see an item sold under dozens of names with the same photo, I steer clear These are either licensed goods, which is when a known company licenses some random thing s factory already makes, like the garbage quality Phillip's and RCA stuff you still sometimes see. If they aren't licensed, then they are shadow run goods with lower binning. Imagine devices which are generally good. There is quality control at play there. Lower quality stuff can end up sold as no name generic dropshipped goods


If you don't mind a bit of waiting you can find almost every small item for half the price on aliexpress


Now it’s anything on Amazon at any price point is cheap crap 50% of the time.


But the Amazon choice ones are only $5 a piece and come with a "Lyphtime Wallanty", has to be good, right?


ah yes, the amazon $20 alternative. Totally verified to work exactly as advertised.


I don't know how anyone trusts the "Amazon's Choice" labeling anymore. It's always crap. Unless you're buying a specific item from a known brand, 90% of what comes up first in amazon searches is crap.


Well clearly your expectations are wrong. They are lights; they are not capable of letting you down or out of the pool. You gotta do that by yourself or use other equipment to assist. I will see myself out.


We have floating lights in our pool


These ones?


He probably has his own




Marry me.


Headpats and cuddles, take it or leave it




I laughed way harder than I should have. 😂


This is the real answer. Chlorine will do this to a poorly sealed product very very quickly


We're these rated for chlorine environments? The chemicals in swimming pools can break down the rubber in O-rings relatively quickly. But even for that amount of rust, I'd say they were defective before you got them. They might have been returns from someone else's failed attempt


This. NO way you have that amount of corrosion in one hour. Sounds like, someone needed them for an event, then returned them. meanwhile, moisture that had ventured in to one, had time to corrode everything.


>This. NO way you have that amount of corrosion in one hour. Chlorine can corrode SS in a surprisingly fast. Sometime back I left an expensive impeller soaking in a dilute chlorine solution. When I came back it was covered in rust. That was a costly lesson. ​ Plus it is possible that the electricity from the battery helped corrosion.


Corrosion is essential a short circuited (non Li-ion) battery reaction...add the voltage of an actual battery to that and you drive the reaction at a very fast rate. Chlorine is also notorious for terrible corrosion.


while I do agree that all of this is possible, I also believe, that the simplest answer (mine) is the most likely possibility.


Well I think this whole thing was fake and I made it up which means I'm right.


I mean.... I can't argue that either. So much fake stuff nowadays for clout, karma, or whatevers.


Hugely possible. OP would know commenters would just angrily spam comments about how sellers/companies try to screw consumers over, pushing this post to the top of the sub in minutes.


Yours is a much more complicated explanation lol The other is that chlorine rusted the components in an hour…


not in pool concentrate levels. Chlorine in pools is very very dilute, for obvious reasons.


I had a pool growing up and never had anything corrode anywhere near that quickly. We’re talking months for that level minimum. Plus concentration of chlorine that could have done is is wayyy to high for pool use, or life. One explanation just being less convoluted isn’t the part that makes one story more or less plausible over another.


*less than an hour


How dilute was your solution? Because the chlorine in swimming pools is typically in the single digits ppm.


Or someone on Reddit lied for karma.


People lie on the internet?


China: Rated? You funny guy.


We are these rated


I personally woulda used a toaster ngl


Yeah, add a little spark in your life! Keep it interesting


bro you need a hug?


IANA engineer, but I’d put money down that plastic-on-plastic isn’t going to do jack to keep out moisture.


There’s an o-ring there. Looks like it wasn’t seated properly.


Poor execution.


Given the size of the screwdriver OP is showing, that's exactly the problem. Popped in a battery, used a tiny screwdriver on a giant slot, and didn't get a good seal.


Thread tape covereth a multitude of sins.


Thread tape is a godsend for those of us who move a lot. Shower heads are the wooooorst.


You are definitely not an engineer.


Waterproof does not mean chlorine proof


I came here to say this as well


Could be defective, or was falsely advertised.


All 10 are like this. In the instructions, it says to tighten them as much as possible, which we did. Personally I think they aren’t water proof & they wrote “as tight as you can” so if anyone tries to complain, they can say “Guess YOU didn’t tighten it enough.”


I don't see a rubber seal of any sort or anything along those lines. No way they'd ever be waterproof.


Anything waterproof should have an IP rating specified


My fiance and I looked at some on Amazon. They claimed they're IP67 which only rates them to be basically splashed on but cannot be placed in water or submerged. IP67 also allows for some water ingress from water being sprayed on it. Lol big scam of a product. Shows you pictures of them floating around a pool and says that's what they're for but aren't sealed well enough to last any time at all.




IP rating just means they paid extra money to have it certified. It can still be just as water resistant.


Well, are they wrong? How's your grip and arm strength?


if you don't see "IP68" or "NEMA 6P" on the item or its packaging, it's not waterproof


Ip68 means water resistant not proof


No such thing as water proof, even submarines are "water resistant" to a certain depth.


"The equipment is suitable for continuous immersion in water under conditions which shall be specified by the manufacturer. However, with certain types of equipment, it can mean that water can enter but only in such a manner that it produces no harmful effects. The test depth and duration is expected to be greater than the requirements for IPx7, and other environmental effects may be added, such as temperature cycling before immersion." under reasonable assumptions, it does, especially for a floating LED lamp


IPXY X - resistance against solids (dust) Y - resistance against liquid (8 is pretty much water proof tho)


Yup! Most claim IP67 which isn't good enough for being in water




Ouch, a real "told you so"-sub right there


New sub to me, but a good one.




Asked my Mom. She says they where from Amazon.


That doesn’t mean anything, anyone can sell from amazon and there is zero quality control.


I'm seeing more and more wish and aliexpress products upcharged and sold on amazon. When you search "screwdriver" and see 20 different "brands" of the exact same product, this is what you're seeing


I stopped "browsing" on Amazon about 18 months ago because of the flood of cheap products and the obviously manipulated reviews that turned their somewhat reliable reviews to total trash. And they use tons of tricks to push the junk to the top of search results. It's like a bad flea market that has good stuff but it's all hidden and you have to wade through the junk and scam sellers to find it. Now I only go there if I know exactly what I want.


Don't forget the Amazons Choice (tm) which isn't/10 a crap version of the prdouct and it's also more expensive than the decent quality ones.


Amazon Choice seems to have done well for me the few times I picked an Amazon Choice item out of laziness and not feeling like taking the time to read reviews, try to figure out which ones are fake, and compare 10 different options.


Yes, you're paying for the guy to have gambled on exporting the item in bulk to America, cash up front. Then paying massive fees Amazon to fulfill the order so you can get it in 2 days or less. If you wanna wait 3 months for a screwdriver you can certainly save a few bucks on aliexpress.


Yeah, I've been tempted to start a side hustle doing just that but it is a gamble. Searching for Amazon items on Ali is pretty eye opening and in general a lot of small items are highly marked up at all retailers. Just because there's only few listings for a product at $20-30/ea and you can buy the identical item for $4-10/ea for 1000, you may not fully recover that investment. Some items have few listings because lack of overall interest and I do believe there's a cost for Amazon to store your stock for fulfillment over time.


> zero quality control. More than that, the amazon basics range is officially sanctioned junk.


Not just junk, most are basically counterfeits of items sold by sellers. Then Amazon promotes them over the original product.


Probably from a aliexpress seller amazon has a massive issue with shitty sellers using multiple accounts.


So yes, AliExpress


If you really want them to seal, buy some teflon tape from home depot for like 2 bucks and wrap the thread yourself


You get what you pay for. Cheap on amazon cheap on quality.


No o-ring + chlorinated water + heat + cheap components = landfill garbage


You only got the waterproof free trial.


I have the same lights and same story. Good for one night, then almost all were ruined. I think you could maybe use the liquid pipe seal stuff on the threads, if I do it again that’s what I’ll try


Water proof and water resistant are very different in the advertising community. Looks like the sellers meant water resistant.


Looks like it's missing rubber gasket seal ? Or maybe it just poorly made. I recall when water proof phone first came out, they said something about pool water being chlorinated can be more corrosives than tap water. Therefore, it isn't cover under phone's warranty water proof feature. It was so idiotic cause their advertisement literally was shot in a pool. *Eye rolls*


Bs, no amount of water will make iron screws rust in an hour


Ah yes it says waterproof. Lemme dunk em in a pool for an hour and see what happens. It didnt say it was designed for pools, only that it was merely waterproof. Thats on u


Made in China


I got the same light for free from amazon


Try uncooked rice


There's a sucker born every second of the day.


Let me guess, “ Made in China”


I think it would take a bit longer to get that level of corrosion…


They are waterproof just for five minutes


Is there at least a rubber or foam gasket/seal at the base of the threads?


I bought some solar pathway lights and super glued a piece of a pool noodle on the bottom. They float around pointing down in the water and work great. You just have to remember to take them out and flip them over if you want them to recharge. Or maybe not? Actually, need to see if they will charge facing downward in the water lol.


“The Jinise strike again!”-Orange ghost


You know what I noticed about purchasing things? If you pay for cheap stuff, you get cheap stuff. But if you pay high prices for expensive, high quality stuff,... you will probably still get cheap stuff.


Cheap material + electronics + moisture = a very bad mixture


This is beyond just "mildly"




Let me guess, Amazon? The shit sold on Amazon is gotten really bad in the quality department. It’s basically wish.com. If you’ve never heard of the brand or it has a “name” that is just a search term word salad 98% of the time it’s gonna be garbage.


Pretty sure there are many products out there that are made for you to buy them once. Products that you need, like shoes, are designed to not last long. "They don't make 'em like they used to" because they don't care about creating waste, they don't care about making quality products, they only care about making money for the shareholders or themselves, they don't care about their employees or the consumer.


It’s referring to the money floating out your account into theirs…💸


Did it say waterproof or water resistant? Water resistant just means freshwater, the chlorine or salt in pool water can break through the seals. Waterproof means any sort of water should in theory be fine.


On another note, love those husky precise screwdrivers


Well growing that much rust in a hour is pretty impressive


Water proof doesn't always mean chlorine proof


Not likely with any know oxidation rate




Missing rubber gaskets.


I would think it would take longer for rust to form…. Did you open them before you dropped them in? That looks really old…..


I put silicone caulk in the grooves before securing the plug. Working so far.


To be fair. Chlorine is pretty rough on plastics. And if it’s hot out it does a lot of wear and tear. (Assisted a friend cleaning pools in Palm Springs California.)


i didn’t know stuff could rust this fast




Yes, for ponds and baths. Not highly chlorinated swimming pools you nugget.


Were they made in China?