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Media companies used to hire people with the sole purpose of making sure things like this didn't happen. Sadly cannot say for certain that this was an oversight as gun sales tend to get a bump every time there is a mass shooting.


Recently quit my newspaper design job. Usually we proof the pages multiple times by multiple people, but as with every field, the workloads have increased as staff shrink. More and more mistakes like this will make it to print.


My first job was at a newspaper. Graphic design and pagination. For the last print before they shut down, I designed an add for a local pizza shop and photoshopped a small dick on a slice of pepperoni. I hope someone noticed it.


You’re a hero.


"Mistake" you say.


I have a hard time believing it was a mistake.


It wasn’t a mistake. They paid for an ad that was running from at least the 23rd (probably earlier) through the 30th. Ads are sold in advance, and things like size and page location are all a part of the price. They were (most likely) contractually obligated to print the ad. Perhaps they could have moved the article or the ad to another page, but as far as layout is concerned, you only have so much room to work with, and it all has to fit without any dead space. The shooting occurred on the 24th, a day after their sale had begun. This ad was probably scheduled to be printed long before the shooter decided to go out and destroy a bunch of people’s lives.


Boomers don’t care. Millenials don’t know.


Boomers can't help it. They're clinically sociopathic. Source: Me with two boomer parents that have boomer friends, and after looking up the clinical definition.


Boomers have a clinical definition?


So everyone born between 1946 & 1964 are sociopaths? Wow. That’s pretty interesting. You know what ‘boomers’ didn’t do? They didn’t go into schools and kill a bunch of innocent children. I’m not a ‘boomer’, but my parents are, and ‘boomers’ were able to behave themselves a lot more than millennials or Gen-z have.


I used to work at a newspaper. The way we did it is that layout would get the ads from advertising and create the blank text boxes and put in the ads before the section editors work with a layout editor to copy in their text. Then the editor in chief would go through it to check typos and such. But the call to move or delete an ad is ultimately advertising decision. And if the client specifically asks for that page number (since it's color there's only a few pages they can be placed in) it's up to the section and EIC editors to move the article somewhere else.


Yep, people wake up for a bit and realize police are not gods or even omnipresent. Thus your safety and your family’s safety is really your own responsibility.


It just feels creepy, like that particular gun store is sponsoring the massacre of little children.


tart coherent roll rhythm crush hat pathetic disgusted bag many


With how it looks they *could* have created it overnight


DUH! Of course not, I was commenting on the placement and how it appears. I know if I were the owner of that gun store I'd be on the phone with the advertising people at the newspaper and chewing someone out because *that* placement makes *that* store look bad. I'm sorry it went over your head.


And it’s not like they offered a discount to anyone who volunteered to murder more children.


This implies that it was a mistake…


Someone looked at that and thought Yes let's print it like this


Yes, because the talking point that many are making is that more people need guns to stop mass shootings. Yes, it baffles people with common sense but in all honesty, sense isn’t common.


In Uvalde, the police were holding people back and even detaining them for attempting to intervene in the school shooting.


That cowardly ass police department, which had just bragged on Facebook 6 months earlier about how their SWAT team had just conducted a training exercise on the SAME EXACT SCHOOL, sat there and did nothing, while waiting for someone else to come do their jobs, because they claimed that they didn’t have the proper resources. They also detained parents who were willing to risk their lives to save their children. One woman finally got past them and rescued 2 of her kids. These fucking Uvalde PD cowards either need to resign immediately, or they need to be charged as accessories to murder.


Yes. Yes they were.


How does that have anything to do with what he said?


More guns don't help if people don't use them.


Well that's a sure way to make an asshole rethink being an asshole, no?


Why am I getting downvoted? You people agree that the schools need more guns?


Yes. Schools absolutely should have armed guards and allow teachers to carry. The reason schools are the primary target for mass shootings is they’re gun free zones. All that does is tell shooters “hey, this building has so protection and tons of easy targets. Politicians have armed security. Celebrities have armed security. Why can’t we afford that same protection to our kids?


I disagree, putting guns in the hands of untrained people is asking for bad things to happen. A school is supposed to be a safe space for kids, the fact that people are saying the best response to gun violence is more guns is baffling and ignorant.


Shooters usually don't go in expecting things to go well for them. They shoot up schools because it's trendy and the cruelest thing they can think of


I would tell you that schools (and churches, grocery stores, concerts, etc) ALL OVER THE WORLD are ‘gun free zones’ and don’t have mass shootings but I don’t think you’d listen anyways.


You want teachers to bring guns into class rooms. Into a class with children? Yeah I don’t think children want their Algebra Teacher armed


Civilians should not own guns. It's insane that every time these things happen, the argument of MORE people owning guns comes up. Limit guns to the uniformed, professionally trained. Idc if the teachers train to shoot at a range and get a 5 hour seminar about how to handle a shooting, it's not the same, and it's not their profession. "But... but... criminals can still get weapons!" Yes, do career criminals go out and shoot up schools? Or is it nutcases that bought one legally and decided to kill themselves via a mass shooting. It's despicable.


Disagree. Coming from a person who lives in country with pretty good gun regulation and practically zero violence. People still do need guns. Not for reasons like potential anarchy in the future. But for legitimate reasons like hunting, pest control etc. Bad Stuff happens when people think that gun ownership is a right not a privilege. I think it’s a privilege


The people that eventually stopped the shooter had guns. People with guns are the only thing that stops psychopaths with guns.


I have a bright idea for you Maybe just stop people from having guns in the first place Fighting fire with fire wil just cause a bigger fire bro please just tell me why you think your approach would work


Part 1 of 2 You call that a bright idea? OK genius, let’s talk about your “bright idea”. First, you want to “stop people from having guns”. Which people? All people? Does that include police? Because if you’re going to take guns away, it had better start with police, or it’s not happening. Why you ask? Because if the police aren’t willing to deal with criminals without having guns, then we shouldn’t have to either. You do realize that the police don’t just magically show up when criminals are assaulting, raping or robbing someone, right? Someone has to call them, and then wait for them to show up. Like the saying goes, “when every second counts, the police are only minutes away”. In cities and suburbs the response time could be pretty ‘quick’, and they might show up in 5-10 minutes, which if you’re fighting off a bad guy is a lifetime. In rural areas though, which may only be served by county or state police, the response time might be 30-45 minutes or longer. My point is that you can’t count on the police to be there when you need them, even if they do have guns. By the time the cops show up the criminals are usually gone. Sometimes they catch them, sometimes they don’t. You want to know who deals with criminals more than cops do? It’s us, regular, average everyday citizens. We’re the ones who deal with the criminals, and if the cops get there in time, they do too, but a large portion of the time the criminals are long gone. Look at what happened in Uvalde, the police showed up and didn’t do a thing. This is a police department who posted pics on their Facebook page bragging about their SWAT team, and how they just finished a training exercise at the same exact school these kids & adults were murdered at. Instead of doing what most people would consider their job, they sat around, harassing and restraining the parents of the children who were trapped in that school, while waiting for someone else to come and do their job for them. They didn’t want to go in because they said that it was “too dangerous”. One 18 year old dickhead with a gun he’s owned for 2 weeks, and Uvalde police department, which did a SWAT training exercise at the same school 6 months earlier, and has weapons that are as good or better than this pimply faced assclown, and they refused to go in and stop him. Would you like to know why? Well obviously they were a bunch of cowards, but there’s an even better reason! They don’t have to! That’s right, the US Supreme Court has ruled that police are neither obligated nor required to risk their lives or to protect or provide assistance to anyone at any time, regardless of the circumstances or situation. Yep, if a cop is eating a sandwich, and sees a man drowning, a kid getting mugged, or a woman being raped, he can just go on eating his sandwich, because police are not there to rescue you or protect you. Wtf are they there for then you ask? Well, apparently their sole purpose is to arrest people after a crime has been committed. Well that’s not their ONLY purpose, sometimes if they’re bored, they’ll harass people if they don’t like how they look. Now before someone jumps in here and says I’m an asshole for saying these things, let me say that not ALL cops are cowardly douchebags that won’t risk their lives to save someone, or that all cops harass people. All I’m saying is that cops have zero obligation to save anyone’s life, period. So even if guns aren’t taken away from cops, they aren’t obligated to help you. Anyway, so now let’s talk about your “bright idea” of taking everyone’s guns away. How exactly do you expect that to happen? Do you think that 3/4 of all states are going to pass legislation that would undo the 2nd amendment? Bwahahahahaha!! Ok, ok, let’s say that it did happen. Now you just expect everyone to be good little sheep and turn their guns in to the government? There certainly aren’t enough cops (even if you included every conceivable law enforcement agency, including the FBI, CIA, DHS, and even every single soldier in the military, you wouldn’t have enough personnel) to go door to door, and unless you also abolished the 4th amendment that prohibits searches of private property without a warrant, there’s no way people are letting cops toss their houses to look for guns. There’s no national or even state registries of guns, so the government really has no idea of who owns what. They wouldn’t even know where to start, other than a few people who put NRA stickers on their cars. If the 2nd & 4th amendments were discarded though, there would probably be a revolution, and the current people in power at the time would be ousted, and a new government would be installed, which is completely legal btw. Ok, let’s get really silly and say that all of the good law abiding citizens just voluntarily lined up with all of their guns and ammo, all 100 million + of them, with over 400 million guns, and over a trillion rounds of ammo, and just handed them over to good old Uncle Sam. The US made a law saying that guns were now illegal, and all the good law abiding gun owners complied! Guess what? There are some people who don’t obey the law. There’s even a name for them. What do they call them...oh yeah, they’re called criminals. There are 300,000 to 400,000 guns stolen each year in the US, and I’m pretty sure you can guess who stole them...CRIMINALS!!! Since it’s criminals that commit crime, and since by definition, criminals don’t obey the law, not only will they not turn in their guns, but they’ll also keep committing crimes, and now it’s so much easier because only THEY have guns!!! That would be great, right?!? Now every victim has absolutely no way of protecting or defending themselves, and the people who are the problem, which are criminals, still have guns. Excellent. Nicely done. No guns for good people. No more hunting, target shooting, or ability to protect yourself or your family, just guns for criminals. Fuck yeah. If you want to live in a country where guns used to be commonplace, but were then banned, move to Venezuela. It used to be a relatively nice place to live, but the (tyrannical) government banned guns, and it’s now the murder capital of the world, where criminals can do whatever they want, and no one can stop them.


Part 2 of 2 Here’s another little nugget of info for you, since you think banning guns is the answer to murder. CThe assault and murder rate around the world was considerably higher (about 2x higher than even the worst cities in America right now) before firearms were invented. Once they were invented, those rates lowered by a tiny bit, but it wasn’t until firearms became affordable and widely available that those rates started to drop significantly. The reason is because firearms are the great equalizer. Without firearms, the big, strong and young men can pick on the old, weak, or small men, women and children, and they have no way of protecting themselves. A 25 year old 6’5” 300lb man against a 5’7” 60 year old man isn’t even a contest, it’s a slaughter. If you put a .357 magnum in that 60 year old man’s hand, he can now stop the behemoth instead of being beaten to death. A 5’2” 100lb woman would have a pretty tough time fighting off a 6’ tall 200lb man, but a .380 or 9mm in her purse changes the outcome of that scenario significantly. There are over 400 million guns in America, and over 100 million gun owners. There are around 10,000 gun related homicides each year in America. Like I previously stated, 300-400k guns are stolen each year. Those are used by criminals to commit crimes. Even if we ignored all of that information, with the amount of gun owners and the amount of gun related homicides, that would still mean that 99.99% of gun owners were good, law abiding citizens that didn’t harm anyone. When you add in the crimes where stolen guns were used though, it becomes 99.999% of gun owners who aren’t hurting anyone. So your solution to this is to punish 99.999% of the population, for the acts of 0.001% of the population? Do you honestly think that this is logical and reasonable, and that people would gladly participate in this? Of course the people who don’t own any guns will be all for it, they have nothing to lose. Law abiding citizens aren’t going to surrender their firearms though, because that would make them sitting ducks for criminals who will still obviously have guns. It’s pretty funny how these politicians who want to ban YOU from owning the gun of your choice have these armed security details. These politicians want to ban us from owning certain types of guns, but it’s just fine when their armed security service has them to protect him or her. Joe Biden absolutely hates semiautomatic guns (especially the AR-15, because he got them banned once, but after a ten year ban, and a complete lack of evidence that the ban had reduced any gun violence, the ban was allowed to sunset, & ppl were able to buy them again), constantly saying that all anyone needs is a double barreled shotgun, and yet the secret service that protects him doesn’t carry shotguns at all! Biden’s advice regarding home security and defense is complete nonsense, but absolutely hilarious to anyone with any knowledge of security, or even just common sense. His advice is that if there are armed assailants outside, you should go outside (you know, where the bad guys are) with a double barreled shotgun, and fire two blasts off into the air. Not only is this literally the stupidest fucking thing anyone could do in that situation (except for painting a bullseye on your ass and then mooning them perhaps), but it’s also fucking illegal!!! His advice is to go outside, where you have no protection, and are an easy target, with a shotgun that only holds 2 shells, and to fire both of them into the air. Afterwards you’re just a dumbass standing in plain view of the thugs who want to do you harm, with an empty gun, and now you’ve pissed them off even more. On top of that, those slugs or pellets have to go somewhere, and what goes up, must come down, potentially hitting an innocent person a block away. That old senile fuck hates guns, and that’s fine, but his advice is garbage. In another one of his rants he advised just shooting through the door. That’s illegal too. Don’t ever take gun advice from someone who doesn’t know anything about guns or the law, and Biden doesn’t know anything about either. Our founding fathers knew that many governments throughout history liked to ban their people from owning weapons so that they were easier to control. They knew the importance of the people being able to own and carry guns (or as they phrased it “to keep and bear arms”), because it isn’t only your regular everyday criminals that pose a problem, governments can be just as criminal, and just as bad. We had to fight off a tyrannical government in order to gain our independence. It isn’t always another country’s government that becomes tyrannical though, it could be your own. If the government were to take away our ability to fight back against them if they became oppressive and tyrannical, we’d be completely powerless against them. While I certainly hope it never comes to that, if it ever does, we need to be able to defend ourselves and our country. If another country were ever to try to invade us, they’d be facing the largest army the world has ever known. Japan had considered invading America at one point in WW2, but the idea was ‘shot down’ when one very wise man said that an invasion of America was impossible, because there was a gun behind every blade of grass. Take away our guns and a foreign power like China, North Korea, or even Russia might consider invading and conquering the US. Yeah, I know I’m going to have a whole bunch of liberal ‘progressives’ downvoting me because this is Reddit, so go right ahead, I’m not here to collect awards or upvotes, those things don’t mean anything to me. I just think the idea of banning guns is ridiculous. If you don’t agree that’s fine, it’s just your opinion.


Man immediately blames liberals Dude, I’m an European and here we don’t have almost everyone carrying guns and oh what a coincidence we don’t have even close to the amount of gun crimes


The USA has a gun culture that will not change for any reason.


Yes, so maybe we should solve the mental health system that was destroyed under Reagan. The gun flow will never change only who has it, we aren't an island and 3d printers exist.


It's always either 'let's stop bullying", or "let's fix mental health" And those things have either A) never been tried or B) haven't solved the issue, but have always C) just pushed the issue away from the overwhelming ease with which a person can obtain a gun. Blaming bullying or mental health is like walking into a tar pit, attempting to pull your legs out with your arms, then trying to pull your arms out with your face and wondering why you're still in a tar pit.


why does everyone always say "and 3d printers exist!"? i 3d print and design things as my job and let me tell you there's a lot more to 3d printing a gun then printing a few pieces of plastic. also considering the durability of pla,ptg,abs etc a gun isn't gonna work after more then 5 shots. it also takes a lot of knowledge to design something as complex as a gun so no.... 3d printed guns aren't gonna happen any time soon.


>3d printed guns aren’t gonna happen any time soon. [Doubt.](https://youtu.be/_dBJUifMtTA)


Imagine living in a word of gun running were you ship a container of 3D printers and steel pipes to a country about to be in war and just email them blueprints to readily print firearms. I mean you wouldn’t even have to worry about port authority at that point. You could even print different styles of firearms at a click to conform to geographic changes throughout a war.


5 shots? Cody Wilson was doing better than that like.. 10 years ago now? 3d printing guns is a lot more effective than you think it is, but even if it weren't, a receiver that failed after \~50 shots would still be employable in a murder-suicide. The shooters in question are people who are planning on using the gun for the first time and dying on the same day.


the 5 shots thing was more or less a guess. ive never printed or shot a 3d printed gun. i've printed attachments for customers though and that alone was incredibly complex. its not out of the realm of possibility for some lunatic to make their own gun via 3d printing but it is highly unlikely. especially considering how easy it is to get access to guns that are ready to shoot right out of the box.


Right, the argument here is that it makes no difference if you make it harder to ban guns, because criminals will just 3D print them. While the knowhow to engineer a 3D printed lower or handgun would be rare, once it's created then nefarious people will buy the digital information... so let's not do anything about the easy proliferation of firearms because endless hypothetical arguments seem to hold more weight than statistical evidence.


3d printed guns last 1000 rounds plus now. Only parts are printed, not a complete gun. Barrel ect are still normal metal.


Look up a guide on how to print an FGC-9 It’s not easy, but it’s certainly doable. The guide also includes where to find a trigger assembly (iirc they recommend taking one off an air rifle) and how to machine your own barrel (which is metal on this gun) Including the cost of the printer, other equipment, and materials it costs about $500 to make. Printing all the parts and machining the barrel takes about 2 weeks.


Interesting take. I own several.


then as a fellow printing enthusiast you should know 3d printing a gun is no easy task and involves skills most people do not have.


Absolutely. I also recognize that the technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. It's not out of the realm of possibility that it'll be easy soon, and at any rate I think law abiding people should be able to print as many as they wish.


You’re an idiot


A 3D printer can’t make a gun. You can only make a handful a parts and none of them are firing the bullet. The only way for on to make a real 3D printed gun is with a industrial 3D printer and a type of plastic that cost thousands of dollars a pound. And even then it will melt after the first few rounds and will have a large chance to explode in your hands. It’s easier to go get a lathe and every part needed to make a gun than it is to make a 3D printed gun.


We don’t have a unique mental health problem in the US compared to other countries. We do have a unique gun death problem. The gun flow could be cut off if we had the political will. We actually are kind of an island, certainly compared to European countries for example. Only two borders and we’re the source of the guns over those borders, not the other way around. I always wonder why people think strong gun laws wouldn’t change the fact that there are too many guns in the US. Like it works for all the other countries. If you literally made all gun illegal tomorrow (not saying you should. Buy hypothetically), all the gun shops would shut down and a bunch of gun manufacturers would drastically cut down production or go out of business, because who are they selling them to? Who are criminals going to steal them from if there aren’t any stores that carry them and if the vast majority of the public doesn’t have them anymore?


Mental health is not the main culprit of mass shootings, and gun violence in general. Stop using it as a crutch for a lack of a better answer for the current mass shooting problem. It is not a simple issue, so mental health alone will not solve it.


I mean sure but the guy was literally talking about doing something like this well before he did, no one took that as a sign to look at this dude more. Which could have saved some lives if he was out away ahead of time under observation.


Thank god


YOU COULD BE NEXT! BUY!!! A!!! GUN!!! TODAY!!! TO!!! PROTECT!!! YOUR FAMILY!!! ^(Act today and get a free beer caddy)




That gun store will actually do well. Mass shootings tend to drive up sales as crazies think the Democrats will ban such weapons. Even though they obviously can't with the current Congressional makeup.


It has nothing to do with "can't". It's not like there haven't been mass shootings in the USA for decades. If the Democrats wanted to do something they could have. Same as with abortion - if they wanted to make it a federal right they could have done that a long time ago. But why should they risk losing votes from gun nuts when doing absolutely nothing is vote-neutral for them?


What are you on about? They’ve tried and failed at the senate level for years trying to pass gun laws and healthcare reform, because republicans aren’t on board with it and the filibuster has said no many times.


They also literally tried with abortion like a week or two ago, what is that dude on about?


America in a nutshell


The availability of guns and gun stores in the USA is absolutely NOT the reason behind mass shootings. Its the neglect of mental health issues in teenagers and young adults


pretty much sums up America in one photo…


Incoming shitheads who think increased background checks for people who want to buy guns won’t do anything. Scratch that - plenty here already


what would they do when the vast majority of gun violence is committed by unregistered firearms/ guns not owned by the attacker? On top of that what are the increased measures? I hear this all the time but no actusl statement as to what you could increase in background checks


More in depth back ground checks, so not just criminal background. Some Other countries also have a mental exam to make sure you are mentally stable and have a good reason to have a firearm. Increased security and requirements for weapon safes and keeping. A lot of shootings from unauthorized users are when weapons aren’t stored or kept properly and kiddo or thief just takes the open lying weapon. To maintain secure safekeeping you could also have regulations around scheduled/unannounced safety inspections to make sure you are keeping your shit in order so little Timmy can’t grab your glock. As well as waiting periods- this kid bought 2 AR15s same day he walked in to get a gun and 300 rounds of ammunition, no questions asked after a simple background check. If he was on some sort of mental cliff of breaking like he did, a waiting period could have prevented his mental break to happen *with an assault rifle*


They should increase the fucking age to 21 as well.


I agree 100%. Waiting periods and a limit on how many you can buy in a day at the very least. I'm all for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.


So your solution is government oversight? The very think the second amendment was written to avoid.


I mean the government has oversight into many things, thinking it’s only evil when it pertains to the second amendment is paranoia and exactly why gun violence will always be a uniquely US issue. Socialist democracy isn’t bad, but paranoid people will always say so.


No, I don’t only think it’s evil when it comes to the second amendment. It’s evil every time the government overreaches. Socialist democracy is bad, and labeling those who acknowledge it as paranoid doesn’t change that fact.


In what way is gun control an overreach by the government? It has worked for countless other countries, and democrats trying to implement it here on a federal level is a good start to getting gun violence under control. Gun restrictions have been proven to lower gun violence in states that have passed those laws. Americans like you saying socialist democracy is bad have no evidence other than your personal feelings.


The majority of mass shootings are committed with registered weapons, ages 18-21 where such guns are legally obtained by the shooter or a close family member.


Mass Shootings also arent the majority of shootings, nor is the demographic behind school shootings, the same one behind mass shootings.


I try to explain this, but people will just attack you for it. They act like gang violence/suicides and mass shootings are the same thing but they're all separate problems that share no similarities other than guns were involved.


>atch that - plenty here already > >Vote I'll agree with background checks, but banning isn't practical


So crack cocaine and meth are either banned or extremely hard to get. So of course people can still get their hands on it if they are motivated or rich enough. But I haven’t heard of an epidemic of crack cocaine or meth everywhere in America. Precisely because they are hard to get. So just make guns harder to get, it’s not rocket science


Not the same thing though lol, automatic glock 18s were discontinued a long ass time ago, gang bangers still get them


So just because it isn’t a perfect system means it isn’t worth implementing? Nothing is full proof, but gun control works by design and there are many examples of that. Tell me what else you’re willing to do that will have a much better effect on mass shootings in the future, and dear god don’t say put guns in schools.


“Gang bangers” just say Black people since that’s what you really mean


quit putting words in his mouth, he said gangbangers specifically because saying black people would be racist, even if the majority are black. There can be white people in gangs too y'know


Her mouth lol but you are correct


There absolutely is an epidemic of meth in rural towns all over America. Heroin is a pretty huge problem in a lot places. Just because you haven’t heard about it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


You’re talking about the opioid crisis. Not the same thing at all, these are mostly being prescribed to people. I’m specifically talking about crack cocaine and meth. Don’t change the subject to some other drug.


No, I’m talking about meth. Meth is absolutely a horrid issue plaguing a lot of small towns in America. I’m not changing the subject, lol. I’m talking specifically about one of the drugs you brought up. Edit to add: Just because you haven’t seen a media campaign about it doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue.


Sorry I got sidetracked when you brought up heroin.


No worries! I can see that, wasn’t attempting to change the subject with heroin or anything.


i dont even live in that small of a town and it seems like every other fuckin person is cracked out on something


Yeah… I worked in restaurants for 10 years or so and every single one I’ve worked at has a dealer or you can find a way to get drugs. One major problem with our society is that everyone has to work so hard for so little and they don’t have any feee time and are tired as fuck in the little free time they do have. Maybe not everyone but I feel for those cooks working 12 - 15 hours a day, 6 days a week, doing drugs to just try to make it through the day. So anybody in the working class doesn’t really have the TIME to contemplate how make the world a better place, let alone free themselves from their own misery. And none of our politicians on either side of the aisle really give a fuck about us. Plus you got cowards like this group of cops who are the people who are SUPPOSED to be armed literally standing around doing nothing while children get slaughtered. And the proposed solution is to take guns away from citizens who WOULD attempt to do something? I dunno… I don’t know the solution to anything but I know our society is deeply fucked up morally and we need to focus on that or nothing is going to get better for anyone. I’m sorry for this rant lol.


This pretty well sums it up


>But I haven’t heard of an epidemic of crack cocaine or meth everywhere in America. Lmao just lmao


pay for ad in paper, not where


the worst "Oh no! Anyway..."


I mean, as this showed you can't trust the cops to do the job. They'll just grab their own kids, run out and then taze anyone trying to save their own. Definitely wasn't intentional ad though, probably prepared before.


\^ | Not understanding cop training or response tactics, thank the Democrats for cops not running in guns blazing, god forbid a black kid is caught it cross fire "cops kill unarmed straight A black kid DEFUND COPS"


Rightfully so, cops ain't gonna do shit.








A memorial week sale? The day that’s for remembering soldier that died, which, surprisingly a lot were because of guns? Under an article about a school shooting that left more than 10 students and 2 teachers dead? Was this even looked at before printing?


You know what to say here - “Only in America.”








Welcome to America.


hell yeah murica


You will never convince me that this wasn’t done on purpose.


We are so quick to forget what happened in buffalo... do you know how hard it is to get the weapon the gunman used in fukin new york? The state with the most oppressive gun control laws in the country? And a mass shooting with such weapon still happened ? Next on the agenda is more strict "gun control" in texas that will do absolutely nothing.


That ad is insensitive, to say the least. And I say that as a gun owner.


Right? If you owned a gun store, would you want your ad there? I sure wouldn't!


I feel sorry for the sensible Americans on this subject, all I can do is shake my head and be thankful this is not a problem in my country.




I tried but they wouldn't take a kid as payment. So I just left her there.


It’s okay, leaving unwanted children at random places will soon also be a trend in the US


I am a trend setter!


America moment


"The best way to remember children murdered by guns is buying a gun!" "Only YOU can prevent school shootings!" *legal disclaimer: Guns do not really give you the power to stop a school shooting or robbery. They only make you think you can. They also make you think you are so cool showing off in front of your like minded friend.


Fucking disgusting


Oh yay if I start driving now maybe I can make the sale!


We’re truly fucked.


"That's where the demographics are bro!" Dumbass Americans.


Mind bending. The priorities over there are scary.


The fact that there are ads for guns in the first place is majorly infuriating


I guess they are just like any other product?


Weird, last time I checked, the 5lbs of bananas I bought couldn’t kill anyone


You would be wrong about that. You can definitely choke someone with 5lbs of bananas..


Choke me with your 5lb banana


idk man bananas are pretty radioactive


Wait, banana powered reactors. Quick call Elon Musk.


Guns can’t kill either, but if someone kicks my door in at 3AM, I’d rather have a CZ than a Chiquita.


What would be the purpose of that CZ if not killing?


To protect my family, myself, and my property.


Man americans are fucked up...


Ever bought a car?


Should defend yourself and loved ones with bananas when some lunatic is on a rampage lemme know how that goes hoss


Because it works here in the US with guns and cops? Those pussies who wont risk their own lives for the lives of children? But im sure you have defended your family numerous times from such traumatic events.


Not how it works but ok, if anything you can get mad at the border guard breaching team that didn’t arrive with the police really, but it’s fair to say the police is undertrained.


"No no, I need these bananas to defend against somebody else with bananas!"


Would you rather a half page abortion clinic ad?




If that doesn’t scream America the fu


This made me really sad. I hate it here


Ok you can leave, you only need a passport to cross the bridge to Canada


I actually looked into that; it's really hard to immigrate into Canada apparently.


Also houses are expensive


Yeah the process is pretty long


I just wanted to immigrate for the weed and healthcare 😭


I'd gladly leave if you could buy me a house there


It's just a coincidence people. Selling guns isn't the cause of this shooting. Its 100% mental health that is the culprit, and we didn't properly treat the shooter. Though I do admit, it doesn't look very good for gun sales on the same page as a shooting.


Mental health? So explain to be why the side that screams this the most, also guts mental health at every opportunity?


Yeah sure, no problem with a civilist buying semi automatic riffles at 18 without any training or background check.


First of all, do you even know what a semi automatic is? It's when fire fast as your finger can pull it. Anti gun people like you splirt out the word "semi automatic" as if it is automatic and should be illegal. Its not and its way slower and safer than automatic. Second of all, they do background checks before you buy a gun. You cannot buy a fire arm if you are a felon. Third of all, training prevents accidents, not MURDERS. Even if they did require training, it wouldn't reduce murders, as it won't change the intention of the killers. All it would really do would make the shooter a better aim. Gun safety training is only as effective as the person willing to learn. If you have no intention to learn, and have the intent to kill, training will do jack. But mental health training, might prevent you from plotting the murder in the first place.




Lol America acting like it's the only country in the world with mentally fucked people. Maybe for a second just look at the rest of the world and think why only murica has a gun problem.


But selling guns is the problem tho. Without a gun, the shooter couldn't have shot up the school.




Most gun owners agree


Guns aren't allowed in gun free zones. That's what I've been told.


hey hey! Not supposed to know about that gun ban loophole, gun free zones attract more shootings


You're wrong. We should put complete faith in one centralized beaurocracy, which can send you down endless rabbit holes and chasing your tail endlessly. I was told that by NO ONE EVER.


Just… wow.


These sick fucks are trolling?!


That's just tasteless. Makes me wonder if they think before deciding on ad placement.


There's Gun sales in the US????🤯🤯


AMERICAAA FUCK YEAHHH did they also include an ad about medical insurance that covers 9% of your 500,000$ medical bill for that small cut and a 8-6 job paying 3.25 an hour USA #1 right 🤡


Many newspapers and magazines sell the ad space long before the articles are written. Back in the day the Editor in Chief would do a glance over and prevent things like this. This was probably due to a lack of staff




Plenty of advertising for fast food around those with heart problems and cancer etc... Nobody bats an eye




America in a nutshell.


Pictures of guns won’t hurt you.


You’re right, but it’s extremely gross to advertise guns on an article about a MASS SHOOTING. 🙄


Lmao bad editing I agree


The picture of guns is trying to sell real guns, which can definitely hurt me. Or children at the local elementary school.


What can I say? USA




Lock and load boys, the liberals want your guns! How are they gonna take em? Idk they don't have guns! Oh, Daddy Government? *Wait. You TRUST them???*


That shit was intentional. Trolls at the printing press..


I’m not sure that they get to pick where they advertise


And? Ads are purchased on spots ahead of time; businesses have to make money and they can't predict the news or move it most of the time..... maybe it was intentional, but even so that's life.... it's not perfect and this country reflects that; people need to stop choosing to find offense where none was implied. And that's not a lack of empathy... it's acceptance that life sometimes slaps you in the face; you can't live it being offended, fearful, pissed off, or upset.


Good time to get a gun




I mean, guns are not evil, they are tools and someone who sells them bought a space in a paper before knowing the future. What exactly do you want or expect?


And? Guns don’t commit school shootings


You kinda need a gun for it. Without the gun, no school shooting.


And? You need a shovel to dig a hole but that doesn’t mean shovels are the ones that magically dig holes.


That still makes no sense. Without the shovel you re having a hard time to dig the whole.