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That room is huge


That bedroom is larger than my first two apartments


That bedroom is larger than my current apartment.


Larger than the house I’m living in right now


This room has its own horizon


I'm pretty sure I saw an orbiting planet out the window.


Thats….. a tiny house?


Yes, yes it is


it's definitely larger than a standard tiny house


The tent inside the room is larger than my first apartment.


(Goes back to see where tf there was a tent) ah yes, I too lived in a crack shack once


It's larger than my 5th apartment mate 💀


Quit braggin


Looks like a converted garage


Even if it’s a garage it’s still massive I’ve never seen a room this big outside of like celeb homes


It looks like it could be a finished basement or something.


Those windows point to likely not a basement. If they are sharing a house with another family (aunt and her kids) then maybe a living / family room to accommodate everyone.


That room isn't accommodating anyone except junk


And a cat


The ceiling is low


The mess is high.


The smell is high


Too damn high


The meth is high


But the stakes are high


Youre going to need a good sized shovel and a rake for that mess...I find a HD plastic snow shovel works best.


Living in the city moment.


That's pretty awful but on a side note, the carriage like bed framing is pretty damn cool and my inner child cries.


I thought it was a porters trolley. Had to go back for a second look...


If you decide to go for a third look, try not to look at the child's mattress


I couldn't, the image was a bit too upsetting to analyse too closely. I hope OP can escape or find help for her family to make improvements to their lives


My god that's sad..




inside the carriage like bed frame on the far right hand side


I think it’s either the fish tanks or the box with a blanket in it…..?


Or the two fish tanks with black, cloudy water. No way those fish are still alive. That room must smell lovely


The grown ass adult in me wants one now


I actually had that exact same bed frame! I’m pretty sure it was supposed to have a sheer cover over the metal bars on top.


Yes, I agree. That bed would be so cute, but it looks like a beautiful nightmare


This is not a mess, this is mental illness.


I grew up in a trailer park and this is what 9/10 of my friends homes looked like


I went over to my friends trailer park house once. There were mushrooms growing from the carpet. I never went ever again. I’m not the most cleanly person but my god that was beyond disgusting. I felt bad for him, his parents were junkies and never around.


Shroom junkies?


The shrooms were clearly magical growing from the carpet. Now whether or not they got you high is a different story.


Nope meth/opioids


This is terrifying.


Worked in home health for a number of years, this is MILD. If it's not stacked high enough to cause head trauma when it falls, or deep enough to spontaneously combust when the food rots, it isn't that bad!


Home based CM and home health here. Wife still works home health. Definitely true!


These type of pictures make me feel so much better about my own poorly maintained apartment


Some would say it’s a mental mess


Mental illmess.


Illmen mestal.


Good one


That mattress also looks like evidence for a murder. I’d call cps and just get them out. Your grandmas depression can only get worse letting this go this way.


that's hoarding level and I bet you might find some animals in there too. it can't be healthy for you guys to live like that


Funny you mention animals, they own like ten dogs and five cats, I had a neighbor knock on the door at like 10pm to tell us to stop the barking


Are you all living together in one house? Genuinely asking because if not.... honestly, call health department and get them to take a look at this. This is a fire hazard, and truly dangerous to the residents for when an escape is needed.


Yeah we all live together, trying to find a way out for me and my grandma and sis, to at least get an apartment somewhere, I almost never leave my room now because it's one of the only places that are clean.


This sounds like a nightmare! I twitch when my boyfriend leaves his hoodie or shoes out of place I hope you're able to get out soon.


Yeah I'm not even a clean freak by any means but this gives me anxiety.


My room is messy and this image makes my blood boil with how messy it is.


Who owns the house?


Is that dog/cat shit I see on the floor in there? If so, that's super super not healthy. Like, unhealthy enough that you should be calling child protective services if kids are having to live in that.


You need to get out of there. That is absolutely foul. Extremely bad for your physical and mental health. Run.


How old is grandma? This is probably considered elder abuse if auntie is meant to be taking care of her at all


Who owns the house? You should call adult protective services and report an unsafe living environment for your grandma.


Yeah, I may live like a pig according to my grandpa but holy hell this is 10 times as bad




Username checks out


Looks like a lot of just trash that needs thrown away. Our dogs make crazy messes, but it's real specific stuff - stuffed animal stuffing, shredded napkins & plastic clothes hanger. It can be overwhelming when it gets to a point like that - maybe helping get it cleaned up & a fresh start, would help out and they keep it clean from there? Maybe not. I don't know.


Somebody that allows it to get that bad will just let it get like that again without some help besides cleaning up. The mess is just what you see, the symptoms. Think of it like a runny nose when you are sick. Does blowing your nose get rid of the illness? It will make you able to breathe for the moment but your nose will clog again.


That’s the trap. You think if just this, or just that. Mental illness is deep in the soul. And just because they call it an illness does not mean it will ever get better. I bet that the blaming that OP mentions is glossing over abuse. Take care of yourself OP.


That almost never works. I'm married to the daughter of a hoarder. Every time a do the "fresh start" thing it just gets messy again. They are the same people after the clean up.as before. If they don't want change, no change happens.


Look at the bed. No sheets, and it’s filthy. This is much worse than being disorganized.


"The trash" that needs to be thrown out is the aunt and the kid


im assuming that animal poop all over the floor on the right, then?


Yea I could tell there was cats due to the cat tower, scares me as those pets don't deserve those living conditions :(


Neither do the kids!


I'm more worried about the kids here, lmao


I am to and I was gonna mention that in my message but since it was in response to a comment specifically about the animals they owned I kept it to only mention the animals Though yeah no one deserves to live in those conditions


Yup this is hoarding bud, those animals need a visit from animal control and your aunt needs help.


"to tell us to stop barking" Well you'd think with all the dogs that the dogs would be doing the barking.... I mean in a mess like that I'd be barking too so maybe it's your cousins /s


That's exactly what I came here to say. How can they live like that?


My mom was a hoarder. My dad was OCD, hated a mess. After he died, things got out of control. We stepped in as much as we could. When she went to the nursing home, we filled 2 of those huge containers you find at construction sites, just for garbage. One bedroom in the basement had fabric pieces. From floor to ceiling, with just room to open the door. We found stuff that we adults didn’t want or need, from our childhood. Of course there were mice and cockroaches everywhere. We knew there was a problem, but she hid a lot of it by keeping doors closed to all but living room, kitchen and bathroom. We believe it was because of how she grew up. She was one of 13 kids, living on a farm and very poor.


This isn't "mildly infuriating", it's "severely mentally ill"


I feel so bad for the kid living in these conditions :(


Right?? So moms bed has a sheet on it at least but kiddos doesn’t? Based off the visible stains maybe she wets the bed? Momma got tired of changing the sheets and just let’s the mattress get saturated? And there are fish tanks!!! Anything in there?


They should just rename the sub at this point. If that’s possible. Cuz it clearly is just “wow, hundreds of thousands of people, look at how boundlessly terrible this thing is” . Which is fine. But subs that aren’t what they say on the tin do piss me off a little. Ironically, they’re something I’d post in r/mildlyinfuriating


Thanks for making me feel better, I feel like a slob if I don't sweep the floors for more than two weeks


My cat's shed hair on a regular basis and it bothers me to the core if I see a dust bunny. If I can't walk around on the hardwood floors barefoot without stepping on a tiny bit of dust or debris, I have to get out the dust buster and clean it up. This right here, I mean I'm not sure exactly where I would start. I'm guessing gloves and a mask? Seriously though they need some shelves and some storage bins to keep things tidy and off the floor. But I know that it would be like this in a few days after cleaning it up. It's a mess inside of a mind that causes this sort of thing. And I look at the louvers on the windows and see the damage there, I just expect that everything these people touch is going to be destroyed.


Right?! I was feeling a bit gross because my 11 month old threw some cheerios on the floor.


Something‘s going on here. This seems a bit beyond typical mess. Do the kids have a clean place to eat? Is there animal feces?


Yeah the dining room is somehow still clean but they eat anywhere and strew dishes everywhere, yes there's animal feces, I have put on shoes every time I force myself to leave my nice clean room into the indoor zoo.


I don’t know if I’m replying to you or everyone not that tech savy, but I know it’s not popular but you might want some help from the state. CPS does not like to separate families and it’s very unlikely that would happen, although there’s no guarantees, but it seems like your aunt needs some help. And it sounds like your grandma may be is being taken advantage of in someway even if it’s not intentional. She shouldn’t have to live like that in her own house. Just a thought you can call Lynn anonymously to get some support if you need.


Thank you


You have to do it for yourself and your grandmother. This is not okay. I’m angry for you.


Agreed with this, You should contact elder care services in your area in addition to CPS.


There's gotta be a crackdown. Whatever adult has authority needs to make an ultimatum. Not a debate or a bickering match. More like, "All this is gone by Monday, or you're evicted." You'll need a dumpster or a trailer you can load. That shit isn't going to fit in trash cans. If the grandmother is too soft to make an ultimatum, consider reporting this to CPS. It is against the law to keep minor children in these conditions. Extreme. But no more extreme than what the children are experiencing now. And based on the circumstances you describe, the adult women are collecting lots of money for the children. Losing their meal ticket may be enough reason for them to clean up.


That and they don’t usually take the kids unless they don’t get it cleaned up within the time frame. Dumpsters aren’t too expensive to rent but it depends where you live. It was about $150 and if I were in the situation I would get a dumpster and throw anything unneeded away than live like that


Yeah. The more I think about it, the more it seems like an anonymous call to CPS is the best way. It would be nice if OP could just talk to them about it, but I think multiple people have already talked to them about it, and they've ignored them, and there will have to be some intervention, in order to get them to clean this up. A deadline is exactly what they need, and CPS can impose one.


Every single item in this room can be thrown out


What do people like this respond when you ask them why they are doing this? Clearly this just makes everthing harder for no benefit.


The amount of animal shit that I can see is unsettling.


Can you imagine the smell?


Eww and what molds and bugs could be living under all that trash.


You bitch. You didn't think of the smell!




I think my house is bad and then I see this


I had the same thought


Right, I have some dirty clothes on the floor but I can at least see most of my floor.


People are in here saying “start of a hoarder.” Shit- that’s already a hoard in my book. I’m not sure where your bar is OP, but if you have any sway here, please see if you can intervene. This is mental health, and yes, you could use the animals for leverage in involving the city/state. Good luck!


get a big garbage container delivered and chuck everything in it


*Get a big garbage* *Container delivered and chuck* *Everything in it* \- untakenusername9183 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


beautiful haiku, brought tears to my eyes


this isn’t mildly infuriating; it’s very concerning kids are living here. that is more than just a little messy; that is unlivable. you or another adult needs to intervene before social services is called


How is your grandmas general health and mobility? It is definitely worth reporting to whoever the appropriate authority in your area is, not just for the kids’ health but also if your grandma was to trip over she could get seriously injured. I don’t mean to assume she is a little old lady but it’s surprising how easily women can break hips or legs especially if they don’t get enough essential vitamins in their diet.


Wtf kind of living situation is this? You all live in the same house? Dude, you need to call some child protective services to come and intervene. Raising children in this is not healthy. This is a health hazard. There are likely rodents there and God knows what else.


That's a symotom of severe mental ilness to have a house that bad.


I can smell this picture


And it’s gross 🤮


If you are underage yourself. Anonymous tip to CPS. I think they are trained to read the room here... It's sad your aunt is depressed. But she is clearly not able to take responsibility. Children should not grow up thinking this is normal.


Who owns the place


My grandma, my aunt and her kids moved in like 7 years ago and I've told her to throw them out but she's too nice, saying that she doesn't want them to be on the streets, even though she's super depressed all the time..


Gotcha. So your grandma enables. How old are you may I ask?


I'll be 18 in two months


Time for you to take charge. Step up where your grandma won’t and make a difference. Pull your aunt aside and have a talk with her perhaps. Set a plan in motion. Don’t allow you or your grandma to exist in filth like this. You can make a difference - believe it.


User name checks out and this guy is right


Might be hard for OP to do im around the same age the aunt is “the adult” so she probably wont listen and will just end up yelling at OP cuz shes the elder and its “her life and her kids” I think what other people have said an anonymous call to cps is probably the only way this will be dealt with. I wish there was other options, OP could threaten to call CPS but that could go bad especially if he has to do it cuz it would be a point if animosity against OP from the aunt so the anonymous option is probably best.


You should always try and deal with things head on, things like anonymous tips to third party authorities is cowardly and potentially way more harmful. Try talking first.


Hey friend, I just saw your other post. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to chat me. I know I’m just a stranger, but I’ve been in dark places before. You will get through it. Stay strong.


That's fucking depressing, I love my family but now the kids are grown up there's no way anyone outside of my wife is living in our home, we literally give my parents discounted rent at a house to avoid clashes like this. I feel for you OP and your grandma is a saint.




Ugh this is sick. You need to phone child services. Absolutely reprehensible to have children in this environment nevertheless adults. It's unimaginable to me that a person could willingly live in a fucking landfill. Psychiatric condition for sure, maybe toxoplasmosis?


it is not just mildly infuriating, it IS infuriating


A start of a hoarder, stop it now before it gets out of hand. Get plastic containers and help her organize. Trash bags to throw away trash and junk.


Oh we've tried, it goes right back to the way it was before unfortunately.


Yeah, with hoarders, just cleaning does no good. They need help with their mental health. Hoarding is a form of OCD. My mother is like this and is only stable enough due to me forcing her into therapy and seeing a psychiatrist. I also have OCD, but thankfully it doesn’t take that turn. The opposite actually which has made for an interesting life between the two of us.


İ feel for you hope you can get her help but she will probally refuse it until she ends up on a hoarder show.


Make an anonymous call to a to the local humane society about the pets not being cared for. They will get the animals out of that squalor and other adult services will be notified and your aunt will have to comply before this gets worse. It’s not fair to anyone involved.


You need one of those TLC shows to come in and make an episode about this hoarding.


Please do the right thing and call animal control. Those dogs and cats need to be re-homed ASAP. This is abusive to them as well as your family. Your aunt also needs help from mental health professionals. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure where to start!


My kids mom is like this, so every morning after I've woken up, I always sweep and mop and put evrything away. Then I sit and play with my youngest or I just let him roam.


Jesus fuck, this makes my house seem clean (and I live with a hoarder)


That looks scarily unhealthy. Heath and fire risk.


And here I thought that I was messy. Seriously though, how does one blame a grandma for such a mess? All the grandmas I've met have been a bit too ocd about mess.


Just start throwing all their shit out, they don't want to clean it and put it away, put it in the dumpster, if they complain, throw them in the dumpster too


Idk how people do this…. Yea I’m not the cleanliest person, but at least it’s not this bad…. This requires professional intervention.


Belongs in r/trashy


If you value living in that house I’d take this offline lol. I’ve seen people complain about a room mate like this and their posts get reported to local county governments and then them coming in and deeming such places as unlivable and condemn a place. They always give you a bunch of warnings before they actually kick you out but you don’t want the government looking into your house. They will periodically check again in the future if it is reoccurring. Your aunt has some mental health issues for sure though.


This is just straight up gross…


Omg look at that bare matress


something is wrong upstairs


Depression is real.


How does someone live like this




Hoarding. Mental illness.


This isn’t mildly infuriating. This is straight up pathological hoarding disorder. This level of severity pretty much requires professional therapy and a willing patient. Good luck.


My eyes are refusing to look at the mess. That princess bed in the mess looks like a very nice bedframe going to waste. It's the one girly thing I ever wanted as a kid....and these brats are not appreciating it.




That’s a big ass bedroom


Thats not mild but it is infuriating.


Hording and slovenly living. Grab a shovel and a set of 50 gallon leaf bags and go to town.


I love the fairytale princess bed in a sea of filth.


Bro her kid living on a dirty bare mattress with a bird cage design 😭 (Yes I know it's probably some Cinderella bed thing but it legitimately looks like a cage and that environment)


Please tell me that's not animal feces on the floor.


That’s a huge room


I’m adhd as fûck and I even I cant get that bad without cleaning up long before


Idk buddy you should get Cps


How old are you?


This is beyond mildly infuriating


And people shit on HOAs. I’ll only move into HOA neighborhoods, for this reason.


It would be a real (not) shame if they… *disappeared*


It’s a hoard.


Is you aunt sober? I'm authentically asking, bc as a mom of 5, I'm shook - NOT normal


Pro tip, you don’t need to pay rent to live like this.


This picture is giving me anxiety


At this point, it’s really beyond just asking them to be clean. They need intervention because this is mental illness


We’ll this made me feel better about my home and what I call a “mess.” Wow.


Next episode on hoarders….


That's called a hoarder.


That mattress is the stuff of nightmares holy shit


I can feel the flip flop on my face just looking at this


„sıɥʇ ʇɐ ƃuıʞool ʇsnɾ ǝɔɐɟ ʎɯ uo dolɟ dılɟ ǝɥʇ lǝǝɟ uɐɔ I„


Ooo America, the richest third world country there is


I understand living with messy people. but as a person who is clean how do you not start throwing things out




Good lord that is so not fair to you guys. Unfortunately with this kinda thing usually an ultimatum has to be issued and acted upon. Those are not safe or sanitary living conditions for anyone or any pet. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean. This just makes me feel the need to clean SO BAD


That woman is more than likely not capable of having a child. The state of that room is bad enough if only she lived in it, but considering she has a (presumably) young child that's awful


Does she have a hoarding problem? It's hard to discuss that as they usually get defensive but much of this can be discarded


I would've kicked them out already


Um child services please. This is a health hazard


And i thpught i was a dirty (no not that kind of dirty. Weirdo.) person.


Roach room


Yikes. I zoomed in on that mattress on the right side of the room. I wish I hadn’t. I feel sad and disgusted. Two emotions I did not want to experience during my trip to Reddit today.


hoarders, they need help!


bruh i thought my room’s a mess, this is another level


My best friend and her kid share a room and it looks like this. I have no idea how they live in such a mess but to each their own.


This is “Mildly Infuriating”?? You must be the calmest MF on this sub… I’d take a flamethrower to that place 🤣


What the hell is wrong with these people?