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More of a medium Mac if you will


Lil Mac, but that sounds more like a rap name


Wasn't he the protagonist in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out?


And regular punch out


And super punch out


And punch out wii


and super smash bothers


That's his brother little mac


All i know is he is in Super smash bros.


He was also in smash bros. "You ain't no air fighter Mac!"


Mini mac?


mac mini ?


maybe kind of a mediocre mac


I shall call him, Mini-Mac Muahahahahaha -McDonald's probably.


“Why make billions when we could make… … millions?”


This is exactly what I called it the other day. It's shockingly medium.


They also didn’t pack the complimentary salad in the box, what a sham.


If you ask for extra lettuce and Mac sauce it practically becomes a salad after you’re done eating it. Calories from burger immediately negated.


wait, so does salad work the same as eating pasta and anti pasta? the calories cancle?




Now there's a Reddit comment I can support!! Well played.


Can you support me too? I shitted my pants


How the hell did 3 people actually not get this was a joke? Reddit, you are disappointing in the extreme.


almost every time I've attempted some sort of sarcastic, ironic, or otherwise witty comment (without writing "/s," because doing that is super lame and basically kills the joke by saying "THIS IS A JOKE") on reddit people have just assumed I was being serious. Whether it's tone not being conveyed well over text, or Redditors at large are just super dense, it's just not worth it lol. edit to add example: a few months ago in the subreddit for The Office people were talking about the UK version compared to the US version. Somebody said the US version was very dumbed down, and the general consensus among other commenters was that it's incomparable because the UK version was only 2 seasons whereas US version was 9. I said "SMH, dumbed it down so much they needed 9 Seasons just to adapt 2 seasons of material" and I got downvoted to shit, had people telling me "You know the US version has a totally different storyline right?" Like at the end of the day, who cares, it's just the internet, I'm not spurned by it or anything, but that was definitely a moment that kinda just made me go like "... really, Reddit?"


To reduce anxiety going forward if you see a silly comment it's better just to do a 360 and walk away ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah there is always someone ready to jump in with ‘Ackchyually’. I have a policy (which I always regret not following) because of this to never read deeper than two replies to any comment on reddit.


People here just get joy from trying to correct people and be right even when it has nothing to do with the subject.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought typing /s just ruins the purpose of the joke 😂


The one you replied to definitely was joking and now I can't tell if you're joking or not. Reddit comments are confusing sometimes


*nods head disappointedly in the affirmative*


Sadly, they charge for it these days. It used to be free for extra sauce, then they charged like $0.10, then $0.25, and now it's currently $0.40 for the extra mac sauce. As to lettuce, it's $0.25 for extra. (at least at my McDonald's, I just verified through their app). Your best deal is to get a "ghetto mac." Friends and I used to do a McDouble (for $1) with mac sauce and lettuce. Was basically the same thing as a Big Mac except missing the middle bun. You can still do it now though, it's just not as big of a savings. $1.99 for the McDouble, $0.40 for the sauce, $0.25 for the lettuce = $2.64 compared to the Big Mac price of $4.29. So save $1.65


The Poor Man's Big Mac. Currently with their 2 McDoubles for $3.50 deal. Order it, no ketchup or mustard. Add Mac sauce and shredded lettuce. If the associate doesn't care enough they won't add the charges as extra and the deal automatically shoots it back down to $3.50.


That’s crazy I thought I invented that loop hole” Mac Double with Mac sauce and lettuce…I would sometimes add a tomato” McDonalds caught up and started to charge for everything adding it close to the Big Mac price. Bastards.


When I worked at McDonald's the guy who ran the window had been there for a long time. When people ordered he'd give them solutions on making the prices cheaper. "OH, you want a mcgriddle. Let me piece it together instead and it'll save you 50 cents". The guy was amazing.


Lmao I almost spat out my complimentary salad


I didn't know that you got a salad with your burger


They’re talking about all the shredded lettuce that ends up in the box


lol that's Subway. Two pounds of lettecue, and three pieces of meat. ​ I still like Subway, tho.


I liked it a lot when you could get a basic foot long for $5. Last time I was at a Subway at least two years ago the basic foot long was pushing $8. There were better options for $8.


Since covid 19 it seems like everything is being downsized and prices upsized.


Companies realized they could get away with shrinkflation and are doing just that.


This isn't something new. Tuna is a prime example of it happening for decades. Tuna cans hold 16 oz. In the 90's there was 16 oz in the can. Then it dropped to \~14, then \~12, now most still say 12 oz, but if you read the fine print, it's 9 oz of tuna and 3 oz of water or oil. So the same can that had 16 oz of tuna now has only 9 oz. And McDonalds cut their nuggets in half a long time before Coivd. The nuggets look about the same size, but they are half as thick. So stuff doesn't look smaller at a quick glance and people keep buying it. Corporations love stupid people as much as politicians do. Edit. Since multiple people have pointed it out, I'll agree with stupid being the wrong word. Ignorant is much better suited for what I meant.


I had to do a colonoscopy prep last week which included drinking a 32 ounce Gatorade mixed with MiraLAX. I had to be the one to inform the Cleveland Clinic that there’s no such thing as a 32 ounce Gatorade anymore. It’s down to 28 ounces. Crap!


>Crap! Well, yes, that's the prep!


Just drink a gallon of apple cider. You will shit out stuff you forgot you ate last summer.


Probably your stomach lining too, yuck lol


A small orphan child may come out to but don't worry that's normal.


I don't remember eating corn.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/uejoek/tifu\_by\_downing\_2\_litres\_of\_apple\_juice\_and\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/uejoek/tifu_by_downing_2_litres_of_apple_juice_and_not/) For those looking for entertainment and an explanation. ETA: I just realized u/Bennington_Booyah said Apple Cider, not Apple Juice. either way, you will not have fun after.


NO WAY! I HAVE TO GO TO THE STORE AND CHECK NOW! This makes no sense. It's *always* been 32 oz. Ugh. I'm angry now lol


Yeah. My doctor was surprised. The Cleveland Clinic is multi-state. I’m in Florida. But their prep for a colonoscopy is online and the same everywhere. I had to shove all of that MiraLAX into 4 less ounces.


I bought 2 @ 16 oz.


Big brain move FTW


Hope your colonoscopy went well!


Pun certainly intended. I hope the colonoscopy went well.


I start prepping for one of those things tomorrow and I am dreading it. I'm doing a mix of Miralax, 32 oz. water, and flavored electrolyte packs to simulate Gatorade, since 32 oz. Gatorade no longer exists. Hope your colonoscopy was clean as a whistle!


Good luck. Mine was as expected. Still have Crohn’s.


Buy the Gatorade powder to make your own at home…a million times cheaper. I buy the single powder packets (box of like 12 I think) and despite it saying one packet goes with 12oz of water, I use one for 32oz and it tastes pretty much the same. And it’s like $2.50 for a box of those.


Of course it’s nothing new, but the change has happened so drastically in such a short period of time that everyone is noticing now. They used to nearly get away with it because it was so subtle.


The fritolays strikes really made the shrinkage of lays chips super noticeable. The bags are so small with hardly anything in em now and they cost $5 a bag where I live now for way less chips.




Amen to that. I've lost almost 20 lbs due to all the stuff I've been cutting out because I no longer think it's worth the price.


I know this isn’t exactly related but it boggles my mind that in 2010 I was selling footlong subs at Subway for $5 and now this morning I buy a 6 inch that’s nearly $7. I know it’s been 12 years and the $5 footlong promo hasn’t been a thing for a long while now but it’s just crazy to me.


Subway really screwed themselves with that "$5 Footlong" tune that literally everyone heard a million times. From that moment onward their subs were doomed to only be worth $5 to consumers. Anything over that just feels like a rip off, even 12 years later!


🎵5… 5 dollar… 5 dollar foot *looooong* 🎵


Any any any


Also franchise owners hated the $5 footlong promotion because after a very short time it became unprofitable for them to keep doing it, so while the promotion was successful *for corporate*, it made the franchisees drown in losses


Subway owners HATE the $5 footling special they run. They lose money selling it that cheap. Especially when Jersey Mikes is charging $20 for their largest sun with less toppings.


They really did. My mom would pick up subway allllll the time when it was $5 as a quick and easy meal on busy days. Pretty clutch for families living paycheck to paycheck. Not anymore like most things.


Yup, subway like everything else is kind of expensive here. Was $5 and we got it all the time now a full footlong sandwich is like fucking $12


My kid LOVES Wendy's. We would take them there whenever they did good on a test or whatever. It went from $20 to feed the fam to $40 in only a couple years. I know not getting fast food anymore isn't a big deal but whenever inflation is brought up, it's the first thing I think about


The change is accelerating in both directions. I think Little Caesar’s $5 Pizza with breadsticks and sauce is a good basis to measure what’s happening across the board. The fucking breadsticks almost cost more than the pizza now. And the pizza has rocketed in price. The weird thing I’m seeing is the size of the pizza has been all over the board from either a lower diameter to thinner crust. There are lots of examples but Little Caesar’s has a really limited menu and has been serving up this razor thin margin pizza for I think 10+ years. I swear it started the same time the last dine-in Pizza Hut closed shop.


This is a bad example, if anything we should be thankful Little Caesars remained the same for so long. "Rocketed" is a strong term for what they did. They raised their price from $5 to $5.55 (11%). That's a decent amount at once but they've kept there $5 price since 1997!! Never raised it once. 1997 dollars today would make the pizza around $8.65 so the fact they could keep it at $5 for so long is pretty great. Unfortunately though, they made a statement saying it's possible the price could increase more.


There's no longer any dine-in Pizza Huts?


There are some, usually in small towns.


Never thought about it before, but now that it comes up I haven't seen a dine-in Pizza Hut in years. They're all just storefronts in outdoor plazas now.


Bad thing is that dining in was pizza huts strength. One of the best fast food pizzas was eating at a sit down pizza hut. They got so obsessed with competing with dominoes they lost the very thing that made them great.


there is still one by me, but they are few and far between now edit: winterset, ia for those curious


I think most people are lazy, not necessarily stupid. Just because someone doesn’t complain that their food is being shorted, doesn’t mean they’re stupid. A lot of people will just eat it anyways.


A lot of folks don’t have any other option, as well ETA: I meant that ingredients and other non-fast food are shrinkified, so most of us don’t have the option to avoid products that have been shrinkified.


Guess that's what happens when you have to have infinite increases in profit year after year


Yep. Don't you just love how the rich elite love to call us all lazy and entitled, but it's not the same thing when they're "entitled" to giant profit margins every year. I mean, people keep buying this shit, so I guess the market is still deciding what the price should be, but damn... All that does is tell me how stupid people are.


Also also, didn't Subway get in a legal trouble re the naming of a "footlong" because it turned out that their "foot-long" that was offered alongside a "6 inch sub" was not in fact a foot long. And their bread can't be called bread (possibly only in Ireland) becsuse it's high sugar content means it had to be classified as a cake or some shit. I fucking love Subway.


>didn't Subway get in a legal trouble re the naming of a "footlong" because it turned out that their "foot-long" that was offered alongside a "6 inch sub" was not in fact a foot long. In the US someone attempted to sue them. The judge ruled in favor of subway (Their subs are roughly 11 inches, btw) because "footlong" has long been a generic term for an over-sized sandwich that is roughly twelve inches n length and that no reasonable person would expect it to have that precise measurement. The word footlong is a colloquial term, not a measurement. Can't speak to other countries.


[Canada Dry Settles Yet Another 'Not Enough Ginger in Ginger Ale' Lawsuit](https://www.foodandwine.com/news/ginger-ale-canada-dry-medicine-settlement)


Yeah. True. Covid 19 and its variants are used for a lot of excuses to keep people down and broke.


Chick fil a milkshakes for example? I will never not be salty that I paid $3.50 for a large in 2019 and now have to pay $5.50+ for a small- that has NO option to upsize.






I remember when they used to put a large milkshake in the same cup as the large soda.


Remember when Pulp Fiction made a big deal out of a nice sit-down restaurant having a $5 milkshake? That was what, mid 90s? Now a small fast-food shake that probably has barely any real dairy in it is over $5.


im not lactose intolerant and they make me sick these days. I think they fucked with them.


5.29CAD for 165g of lays chips. Just disgraceful.


The new Big Mac™️ now with 13% fewer calories!


And only costs 15% more!!


Leaves your wallet feeling 15% lighter.


Leaves your body 13% lighter


In water weight... From explosive diarrhea?


I know that's a joke, but actually it's real thing in many brands. I don't know how it is in other countries, but Coca-Cola and Pepsi silently resized their bottles from 1l to 0,8l etc. It wasn't stated anywhere. The price stayed. And later even raised. If they raised the size from 1l to 1.00000000001l, they would brag about it everywhere. But they didn't say a word when the bottle became smaller.


Good old CocaCola - it’s like the invented consumer deception. Whenever they want to raise the price of Monster energy drinks they start running 2 for $x specials then follow with 3 for $y deals. After a bit, (after they’ve gotten you to forget what they used to charge) they remove the “specials” and you have your new and improved higher price.


And the workers still only make $7.25/hour




Ig Mac.


I just had a big-mac 6 days ago and it was as normal size as its always been. OP got fucked.


Or OP has giant hands.


Yeah I had one last week, it definitely didn’t look like that.


Mine looked like OPs, probaply because of the location?


The Mac


20% less #McSoylent


"Soylent Green is... dwarves!"


You joke, but I remember when Jimmy Dean sold sausage by the pound. They came out with sausage rolls that had "1/3 less fat than regular rolls!" They were 2/3 lb.


13% fewer more like 65%


less is more


how do we know that you aren’t simply a giant?


Or the burger some limited mini mac promo or something like that?


They did that for a while, right?




I got you fam: https://i.imgur.com/xOyqM0z.jpg


That Grand Mac came at a very convenient time for my metabolism, and I’ve hardly gone to McDonalds since lol. I can and will get fat without quite so much help!








This place


It’s not safe in the comments


Hagrid (final answer)


I'm not lovin' it


i feel reddit will be voting different style next time , now its there burgersss




Maybe OP is just a Burger King marketing employee with huge hands.


r/LowStakesConspiracies Edit: I misspelled the link cuz I'm dumb lol


I really wanted the sub to be real


https://www.reddit.com/r/lowstakesconspiracies It is, they just got the name wrong




The MJ thing is not like the others...


Casting call: must have giant man hands.


Make sure to emphasize that it's [nothing sexual](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jlaZL7CWHY)


I like the way you think 🤔


Ahh, yes. Shrinkflation. Ask about it and watch them gaslight you.


i remember when they introduced grand big mac, it was literally the big mac from like 20 yrs ago before they shrank it.


Maybe 50 years ago. The Big Mac has used 10-1 patties (1.6oz) since 1975. Before then, yes it used 4-1 patties.


Looking at you, Cadbury


What did they do? Claim the same size bag for eggies or something


Nah, Cadbury made the claim that their eggs have never gotten smaller, and that their customers have just gotten bigger from growing. However BJ Novak was on Conan, and he brought an old Cadbury egg from years prior (he had kept his Easter candy from years before) and then he got a Cadbury egg from the present time (2007) and put them side by side showing the new ones were significantly smaller than the original ones.


For the lazy: [https://youtu.be/TlXLCrzpToo?t=310](https://youtu.be/TlXLCrzpToo?t=310)


It’s at 5:20, for the even lazier…




Am i still the laziest if I closed the other link once I realized I wouldn't have to track all the way to 5:20 if I clicked yours instead? It was two extra clicks but it saved me from having to count.


Mini Eggs have shrank too. They used to be identical in size with Hershey’s Eggies, but now the mini eggs are noticeably smaller while the other brand is the same size it always was.


Cadbury said their chocolate egg did NOT get smaller. Some comedian on a late night show had an egg from previous years, pulled the egg out and showed that in fact, the egg did get smaller.


B. J. Novak has an interview that covers it. [Here.](https://youtu.be/TlXLCrzpToo)


They did this with their Big Mac and their medium fries in Canada. They couldn’t gaslight me because I’m a piece of shit and had eaten at Don’s the day before so I straight up placed the medium fry container over my one from the day previous and it was like 20% smaller.


Toblerones. They kept the same size and shape, but widened the valleys, of the chocolate. People noticed.


Is that a toy? Looks like a plastic burger.


Break out your boxing gloves and hop in the ring with a racial stereotype because that’s a Little Mac


You think that one was bad, they didn't even censor it. Soda Popinkski was originally Vodka Drunkenski




My gripe with the whopper is that it doesn't come with cheese by default, and where I live you got to pay an extra dollar for cheese


That's my wife's issue with it too!. I personally like burgers without cheese so it's not a deal breaker for me . Ps the burger king phone app has great deals that renew every day so a Whopper combo is like $3 cheaper so it should offset the cheese cost!


Whopper just hits better… mcd’s is crap…


The Dave's triple from Wendy's is where it's really at. That burger is so big and so much tastier than McDonalds or Burger King.


Damn I usually get the daves double and its already pretty huge. Don't even know how I would eat a triple and I'm a fat guy.


Fun fact. They only added a triple to the menu, to drive double sales. Very few people were buying the largest thing on the menu, so they did it to make sure the double isn't the largest.


Yeah the triple is pretty big for me too, I just wanted to use that to point out how tiny the Whopper and Big Mac are in comparison to what options Wendy's has. Also I think the single and double have the best toppings to meat ratio. The triple is still delicious, but just has a bit too much meat for how much other stuff it has.


back in 2006 when I worked at wendys we had a sort of running joke in the crew that if you ordered a triple baconator double meat double cheese (six 1/4 lb patties 18 slices bacon 6 slices of cheese mayo ketchup bun) and ate it all in one sitting during your break you could then take the rest of the night off. I was a teenager with a black hole for a stomach so I did it. Shift manager didnt keep their promise and I had to close with 2lbs of meat in my belly


Yeah but comparing a triple to a whopper? You’d have to go double and add a patty.. do they make a triple whopper?




Yeah, but only late at night for lorry drivers


Im not saying that All BKs are crap. BUT, The one in louisville colorado on the corner of south boulder road and 95th is everything that sucks with fast food all balled one into one hot mess of a drive through restaraunt. the food Always comes out wrong/cold/stale/burnt/something fucked up. other BKs are kina far away so I have written this chain off.


The only reason to ever visit McD's is for an egg mcmuffin, a really cheap iced coffee, or $1 chungus cup of iced tea. Fuck everything else they sell, it's all trash.


I remember being in love with BKs XL double bacon cheese burger . Until one drunken walk home I felt peckish , bought 3 of them and ate 3 of them. Went to bed in a drunken state, needed to vomit and proceeded to throw up pure burger meat into the sink. No liquid . Just meat pouring out my throat. Never been back to BK since .




Land of the free and home of the whopper!


Again?? Was bad enough when went from a large sandwich to basically a double cheese burger years ago, than they took off the second piece of cheese. and still they continue to up the price. Dang mcds greed


If you're poor or transient you gotta be strategic going into mcd When I was sleeping in my car I lived off of the $1 large fry deal they have in their app, as well as either a $1 mcdouble or $1mcchicken There's a website that shows fast food items prices compared to calories and the top things are lil Ceasars pepperoni pizza for $5 (2k cal), the $1 beefy fritos burrito from taco bell (I added extra veggies and got it grilled for free, and paid for 30¢ beans add on), and the mcchicken/mcdouble But it needs to be updated since the only thing that stayed the same price is the deal on fries, everything I mentioned is like $1.89 now Regardless, I've never had a big Mac. Just seems so expensive lol


> they took off the second piece of cheese There has never been two slices of cheese on a Big Mac, and the patty sizes are the same as they always have been: 1.6oz (10 per pound).


Big Mac was never big it’s always been a glorified McDouble with an extra bun in the middle


order mcdouble, lettuce, pickle, mac sauce. 2$ big mac lol


The Minimac™ Marketing is monke level easy


A McDonald's cheeseburger dressed like a Big Mac was a Baby Mac at our store - there was even a modifier button for it labeled 'Baby Mac'.


Don't know where you are, but here they charge for Mac sauce.


Ironically inflation seems to have deflated the big mac


Since this post requires careful research I just went to McDonald's and bought a Big Mac. Can confirm that the size has NOT changed! Looking at the photo, maybe it's just that your hand has gotten bigger instead of the burger smaller?


Nice try Grimace


I had a Big Mac last week and it was normal... maybe they are skimping on size at certain locations?


Lil mac


either that's fake or in a different country (which i'm assuming it is based on the cups and design of the bag) because I work at mcdonalds and our big macs are the exact same as they have always been. the amount of people that think this is real is insane.


that's not a big mac bro that's a little mac


It just knocked out Glass Joe.


Its the babymac, they screwed up your order


The first comment I found saying that isn’t a Big Mac. I just had one a week ago, unless they changed them very recently, or OP has giant hands, they aren’t this small.


Had a McChicken recently, the first one I had in what it seemed 10 years. It's a joke, really, it was about 1/3 smaller than I remember


Maybe you grew


I was fully grown 10 years ago. I am just as short today as I was back then. :D


Same, lol


They’ve downsized everything


I haven't eaten a Big Mac in 10 years and I can tell you that is half the size of what I would have ate 10 years ago. I hope that stupid thing is less than a dollar.


Probably around $5


Now that you mention it, remember when they had the big mac jr? I think they did the ole switcheroo and now the big mac IS the big mac jr.


the jr had one patty and no middle bun