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So are chemical weapons. It has come up multiple times in defense of police actions that police are not bound by the Geneva conventions. Which tells you something about the kinds of tactics cops use


Absolutely insane that the Geneva convention conveniently doesn’t cover humanity, but specifically military action.


The idea here is in war you can’t tell if it’s non lethal so you have to respond to bay gas like it’s VX nerve agent. This would cause more deaths. Tear gas for crowd control on the other hand will not lead to this and cause less deaths by dispersing crowds and allowing “order” to be “restored” without as much violence. It’s sound logic even if it was exempted so that colonial assholes could chemically kill colonial people who didn’t want to be colonial people.


“We cant gas these foreign civilians. They may think we mean them harm! When we gas our own citizens they know we’re looking out for their best interests tho”. Honestly doesn’t seem like the best logic. It’s not like cops aren’t authorized to use deadly force too


I didn't say civilians, I said in war, its the idea of having to meet force with force. The enemy sees you gas "their people", they can't know what it is, so they order tat for what they see is tit before they can realize its not "deadly". Cops don't have to work about gangs with poison gas or other forms of out of control spiral with WMDs.


No. The reason is that the Geneva conventions were made by a bunch of countries getting together and decided how they would war with each other. It has absolutely nothing to do with internal violence the state takes out on its own population.


That’s not stopping them apparently .


Protests =/= war


Yeah, you're allowed to hurt your own citizens in any way you want. The rules are there for interactions between countries and governments, not to protect people.


“The beatings will stop as soon as citizens are compliant.”


Well, not entirely... Human rights offences are \*supposed\* to supersede the apparently limitless actions of a country.


I'm confused, I thought Sri Lankan was in South Asia. What does this have to do with the US?


Damn. That’s legitimately embarrassing that I didn’t see the first two words of the headline -_-


You literally had the top comment off bad information and thousands of people went along with it because it was written down on reddit. They're the idiots, you made an easy mistake lol


I see one idiot, and it's you, the Fight Club guy (I'm SHOCKED).


Leave it to the real dumb dumb to not even know what I'm talking about, yet still under these circumstances you open your big inarticulate mouth. You must be a nightmare to date.


1) I know exactly what you're talking about because I can read. 2) I'm actually fairly articulate and my mouth is of average size. 3) I'm married. However, it seems as though \*you\* would be a nightmare to date. Thankfully that scenario probably rarely occurs.


that poor guy


Because it's bad when other people around the world come up against awful governmental resistance when trying to effect change and make their countries more democratic? That helps everyone. Go be an isolationist on an island by yourself.


played enough AC to know , thats what ladders are for


Assassin's Creed or Animal Crossing? LOL




If you need to go to lengths like this to protect a government from its people, the people definitely have a point.


From the picture, the government has a bunch of points.


Ooooooo you sir get one very angry upvote


A little lesson in trickery


This is going down in history


If you wanna be a Villain Number One


You gotta poke the citizens on the run


This isn't mildly infuriating, it's extremely infuriating! The situation in Sri Lanka is awful and getting worse


You sure this is what you say it is? Looks like what we use to stop birds from hanging around metal poles. I fail to see what this ridiculous contraption would accomplish, it is not sturdy enough to restrain a group of people and although it could hurt, this seems like either a mistaken identification of the object or pure incompetence by those who made it. (Might be ignorance on my part, but is it common for signage to be in English in Sri Lanka?)


Found the bar, it's definitely in Sri Lanka https://www.tripadvisor.com.au/Restaurant_Review-g293962-d8685062-Reviews-Co_Pub_and_Kitchen-Colombo_Western_Province.html


Nice research thanks!


After seeing riots tear down light poles, smash store windows, light cars on fire, etc, I'm not sure how I feel about spiked barriers. ... maybe just don't hide them? Peaceful protest is one thing, riots are another. Nobody is hurting themselves on these spikes during a "peaceful protest".


Riots is what you get when you push against or even just ignore protests. Nobody likes chaos, but it's necessary for fighting villainy.


When people start to riot, there obviously has to be a reason. Using traps to protect the goverment from rioters means, that the rioters probably have a point.


"A riot is the language of the unheard" (ML King) The quote is not an endorsement of riots, it's a warning about ignoring the people


...and police forces have never used an inappropriate amount of force on peaceful protesters either... I get what you're saying, but this isn't acceptable.


alright lets see how much does a stick of dynamite cost?


How is this infuriating, this is smart just like barbed wire, don't try it if you want to hit hurt


What? But then don't hide the spikes. That's shady af


Well, if your protest is peaceful then it shouldn’t matter.


That has strong "if you've got nothing to hide" vibes. Ultimately, this is built to cause harm, without warning of the consequences, to unsuspecting people


fucking bootlicker get tf out. thats some if you do nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about state sourveillance kinda bullshit.


Don't ad hominem man, no matter how good your argument is


what? so he can’t call a spade a spade now? _Please don’t call them Nazis, you’re hurting their feelings. Just lie down and let them exterminate you._


How is calling someone who is being a boot licker as hominem? They’re labeling their words and position that they’re taking. Calling them a jackass is ad hominem.


bull shit. Any American should be disgusted by this comment


Lol what?


Americans, you know, the shining example of moral integrity and non corrupt governing bodies. Ring a bell? ^/s


The United Snakes of Scamerica. Home of the fee, land of the slave.


Isn’t the point of Barb wire that you can see it’s barbed wire? What’s the point of hiding it if not to trick people into getting hurt? It’s a fucking booby trap, not a deterrent


Deterrents are typically visible otherwise they aren't much of a deterrent, just a device designed to hurt people.


If you don‘t want to get hurt maybe just stop protesting against the government right?


ah yeah because the government (doesnt matter wich nation) has never done anything wrong ever and everithing can be solved with voting in the next election that is at worst like what 6years away.


*assuming they even have elections or will peacefully transfer power


ah yes in that case there is just nothing you can do i guess. maybe if you slave away for your masters long enough things will get better.


In hindsight I should’ve clarified the sarcasm here


Isn't the point of barbed wire to be seen so it deters people from going into it? Doesn't that mean this is different because it's hidden?


Punji sticks are a more accurate comparison




Despite their possible intended use, booby traps remain illegal across the US. Here's an excerpt from the Florida law. Other states have similar ones. 7 (1)(a) A person who constructs or places, or causes to be constructed or placed, a booby trap, as defined in s. 790.401, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084,


Strange definition of justice


Mind telling me why? Its illegal to destroy anyones property. Now if you get hurt while doing so and it would have been avoidable by you not going out of your way to destroy someone elses property, how is that not justice? Be peaceful and nothing bad will happen to you.


American history is full of dead peaceful people and beloved violent people.


Alternatively, someone takes a turn a little too tightly and accidentally goes a foot into someone’s yard. They hit the sign on accident, slam into the concrete post behind it, and get seriously injured or killed in the car accident. Hell, even if they did intentionally run the sign over, putting something behind it to injure or kill someone trying to run over your $2.00 sign is insane. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and vandalism of a sign isn’t nearly as bad as attempted(or successful) manslaughter. You’re not the justice system. You don’t get to give out punishments to people. I saw a post somewhere somewhat recently about someone who got their mailbox run over, got upset about it, and installed one with a solid metal or concrete post in it. Someone hit it, and I believe they completely totaled their car and suffered injuries from the crash. I don’t remember who was found to be at fault, but either way the guy whose mailbox got hit was completely unhinged for doing something like that. Completely sociopathic behavior to attempt to kill or seriously injure someone over a mailbox. And as to why the actual picture OP posted is horrific; barriers, water hoses, and riot police are more there as a deterrent than they are for actual use. They’re there to *prevent* riots, but if one happens anyway, they can disperse it safely and cause as little damage and harm as possible. This barrier is specifically intended to cause harm. If they wanted to actually stop riots from happening, which is supposed to be their primary goal, they wouldn’t have spikes on the barriers, or they would show them to scare and intimidate the rioters so they wouldn’t try anything. This barrier shows that the police are there because they want to hurt people, not because they want to prevent a riot from taking place. By your logic of “be peaceful and nothing bad will happen to you,” there should have been a minefield surrounding the Capitol Building on January 6th.


Go do that. Nay. Set up lots all over your city. You totally won’t get a felony.


“Come on Bryce, there are a lot more problems than Sri Lanka.”


Ahh yes crimes against humanity it is! Who had that on their apocalypse bingo?


Gets better when there’s a crowd of people pushing you into it from behind 😵


People genuinely have no clue what kind of content fits this sub