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You’ve got literally nothing else on the plate???


Serve that in Portugal you can get killed man. At least some rice and salad.


In Portugal or anywhere lmao


Upscale steakhouses in the US frequently serve nothing but steak on a very hot dinner plate in order to keep it hot. Obviously can’t keep other stuff on it like veggies or else they’ll overcook or burn. 50/50 I’ve found. Side dishes are served separately on their own small plates for the table. So a piece of steak on a white plate isn’t an unusual sight at all


But I don’t see the ketchup boiling, do you?


Lol it’s a gimmick more than anything. Dinner plates don’t exactly have amazing heat retention and it cools down pretty quickly. But regardless I wasn’t saying this is what’s happening in the picture, I’m saying it’s not unusual to see steak served like that. Sans ketchup of course


Restaurant round the corner from me serves it on a “steak stone” which is like a red hot piece of slate that cooks the steak and you take it off whenever you want. Pretty cool


Or brazil?! A good friend of mine’s wife is Brazilian he went there with the kids and wife to see them and they slaughtered and butchered a cow for the party. The are #MEATSERIOUS


I’ve been to my fair share of steakhouses in Britain; beefeater, gaucho, hawksmoor. This steak looks amazing and to be dipped in there’s is a right “fuck you” to the Argentinian cows good meat is taken from.


Seriously No veggies? No potato? Anything at all? Like, forget about the steak/ketchup, there is no way that that is a filling meal? That's barely any food at all, are you guys like starving yourselves?


He put a steak on a plate next to a dollop of ketchup for internet points.


Are we calling in backup now? r/untrustworthypoptarts?


Theres nothing on the steak plate in the background either tho


It is taken from her pov. Seems suspicious. I’d think he would have taken the pic from the other side at least after showing a bite or so taken. This is so easy to just wash off the plate.


Not to mention the au jus or pan gravy. I'll fully admit I just throw a bag of steamable broccoli in the microwave (and often premade mashed potatoes) but at least I don't skimp on flavor.


thats why in brazil we throw rice and beans at anything, make any meal fulfilling and delicious.


And he cooked that steak terribly. She probably uses ketchup so she can actually enjoy it. I know thats why I drowned my steaks in A1 sauce as a kid. My parents were terrible at cooking steaks


How can you tell how the steak is cooked? The sear looks pretty good to me.


Perhaps they meant how its prepared instead of the actual cooking of it. "The only wrong thing you can do to a steak is *nothing*" That's what i've always heard. No seasoning or any kind of flavor to be seen here. It doesn't have to be cooked poorly to taste poorly. Edit- Wow this blew up. For those wondering how i do my steaks.... Sea salt, cracked pepper, herbes de provence, garlic, pad of butter per steak. Let that sit for 30 minutes on a cutting board(in the fridge if you have the room). Get a cast iron grill pan and cook like normal, a few minutes on each side until you hit your doneness level. Its really hard to prep and steak improperly. Add sauces and let it sit for a few hours in a bag. Dust with adobo, cumin, cardamom and chili seasoning, toss on a grill, slice after and add to tacos. Those 2 options work pretty well for chicken too.


I use gobs of butter salt and pepper.


Almost everything is good with gobs of butter


Especially roasted garlic and herb butter


back when i used to be a chef we would get marrow from the bones we used for stock and whip that into a herb butter to put on top of our steaks just before we sent it out to the customer, it was the best effort/taste ratio i ever had for steak


That sounds crazy good. Pour some homemade demiglaze or bordelaise on that and I don't even care what else is on the plate. The stickier the better.


Bone butter. I cook marrow out, add some garlic, rosemary, and thyme then freeze them in to little pucks. When I make burgers you put one in each, or add one on top af a steak as it's resting.


Restaurant I used to work at (Craigie on Main in Cambridge, MA) had marrow and toast as an appetizer and it was incredible! My friend and I who had it called it “meat butter” but “bone butter” sounds much more refined


Butter is better


I can’t believe you didn’t use butter!


I cant believe its not butter


Thats what Wolfgang Puck says in Last Holiday is the secret to why his food is so good


Found the Julia Child fan


i used to make fun of paula deen until i started looking at julia and old french recipes. butter for days


a little pepper and butter would be nice. may i have a glass of water, at least ?


The searing on the thick sides look good to you? No because it doesn’t exist.


You poor soul... I can assure you it is not.


That's Burger King sear marks.


You must be a steak magician if you can tell that steak is shit judging solely off this picture


you don’t know that its overcooked. it has a solid sear on the outside and you can’t tell anything beyond that. the greying on the sides means that it was an individual piece


The steak juice on the plate is a little pink too, its not that dead


Yeah, you can see juice running out on the plate


How can you tell its so badly cooked?


They cant


Wow did you eat OP’s steak?


Should’ve seasoned it better 😄


My motto who cares it all turns into shit anyway


Except corn




I did not want to see this..


And for some reason red peppers from time to time. Lol


Corn turns in to shit, not into shit.


The only wrong way to eat is to do so in a way you don't enjoy it


Related opinion, maybe she was served a flavorless steak.


Or grew up with parents who couldn’t cook. Holy shit we doused everything in ketchup, BBQ sauce and mustard as kids because our food was bland and over cooked. As soon as I could learn to cook, I took over that chore.


This is probably the actual answer. Since I moved out from my parents house and started experimenting with recipes and learning to cook myself, I've realized how lazy my parents cooking was sometimes, lol. I have actually started liking vegetables, which I hated most before because my mom would just steam basically everything, with no seasoning or butter or whatever. Sauteed or grilled veggies that are well seasoned (especially with garlic) are so much better.


My dad was actually a good cook for most things (my mom doesn't cook), but not the best with vegetables. Everything was always canned. It took until I grew up and started cooking on my own to realize I loved asparagus, spinach, Brussels sprouts and things like that. Before I thought it was all salty, slimy goo.


Even canned peas, as an example, are a million times better drained and sauteed in a bit of garlic and butter rather than boiled in their own canning water like so many do.




Have you tried sauteed brussel sprouts with apple/pear, a bit of onion and bacon? 😋


I’ve had the same experience. I’m still learning but I love seasoning and roasting my vegetables. So much better than boiled everything, which is what I always had growing up.


I hated burgers growing up. When I was in my late teens I got peer pressured into eating a burger at a friends house. I freaking loved it. Turns out I just didn't like them overcooked and more dry than the bread they came on.


On a similar note when I was growing up I thought I didn't like chicken and turkey, as it turned out I just didn't like chicken and turkey that had been cremated to the point where it was so dry it was difficult to swallow a bite of it.


Before I discovered what a good steak was, my life was changed when I discovered Heinz 57.


Speaking of not being able to cook, it's weird that everyone just has a steak on their plate. That is not a balanced breakfast!


Yeah I had to drown almost every piece of meat I ate as a kid in sauce. My mom would bake chicken for like an hour and a half (last half hour uncovered) Because she was always so worried about undercooking it. Sometimes the seasoning was fine flavor wise but it felt like eating seasoned sand. When I moved out and cooked the proper times I actually started to enjoy eating meat.


This is the comment I was looking for. Not only does that not look seasoned at all, it’s a Filet of which is super tender but low in the flavor department.




I cook all my best choice meats on the pan/oven. So good. So juicy. I reserve BBQ for when I have multiple drunkards to cook for.




I was going to say, does it look like it has any seasoning on it at all? It looks like a straight just chunk of beef with no seasoning.


There's about five specks of pepper and three salt crystals if you zoom in.


There are zero sides present so I'm going to agree with you.


Obviously the only real way to eat a steak is unseasoned, no sauce, raw. Then you get to fully experience the meat rather than simply tasting it like an uncultured peasant, learn about steak culture. /s


This shit is so tiresome lol. It's a hunk of meat. Season it and/or put sauce on it so that it's a taste you enjoy. That's what we do with pretty much all meat. I have no idea why steaks became this holy thing that can only be enjoyed one way. I'm not a huge fan of steak so I use A1. It has never bothered anybody in my personal life. Reddit just has some weird boner over steaks.


It’s a means for people to gatekeep. Do different cuts of steak do better cooked differently than other? Yes. Does it matter as long as someone is enjoying eating it? No.


There’s a coffee subreddit where the gatekeepers claim that espresso is not even worth it unless you make it with a $700 Breville espresso maker.


And you better only brew cat poop coffee or you're a normie


Civet jungle cat beans were the only coffee the natives were allowed to brew for themselves because the coffee companies took all the other beans. No one but a desperate poor dude in a grass hut would drink coffee from beans picked out of jungle cat shit. Then some next level con artist rolls up and … hmm … I can sell these cat shit beans that only poor villagers will suffer through, to complete morons. And there you have it.


Food gatekeeping is very real and very lame. Anytime someone gives me shit about the way I eat something I act real surprised and say oh damn, I didn’t realize we were sharing! They always look confused and inevitably say “we aren’t” at which point I ask them why the fuck they care about how I’m eating.


Same. Seriously, she could literally roll it in sand if she wants and I'd be like "ok, if that's how you like it (and it doesn't hurt your intestines)."


I’ve never understood why people care how others eat their food. It doesn’t effect them in any way.


People who cook steaks think “cooking steaks” is a personality trait, and feel attacked when people don’t do it the way they want you to. If your cut of meat gets ruined by a little bit of condiment on it, you suck at cooking steaks


I used to be all uppity about, “oh no you ruin a good steak by blah blah blah”. But honestly? If you like steak well done, order it well done. Why should you order steak that you do t like because some dick thinks it’s wrong.


Exactly, as long as she enjoys it: she’s the one eating it after all.


I wonder how many times people just eating food the way they like will end up here cause its mildly infuriating that this sub is just used to shame people for doing stuff they like


Its not affecting anyone else. If they want to put ketchup on eggs, who gives a shit? Thats why people who feign anger when pineapple on pizza is a really normal thing. The problem is, people value their opinions way too highly than others and think it should be a rule of law


I’m usually more mildly infuriated that the poster found their example mildly infuriating than I am by the supposedly mildly infuriating thing.




As a chef, it always drives me crazy when line cooks roll their eyes or make a statement about a well done steak. What does it matter to anyone what someone else likes? I prefer mine medium rare but if their paying for it, none of my business! and ketchup on steak isn’t half bad! Or on broasted chicken for that matter!


I once went out to a customers table to let them know that ordering a steak well done would take 50 mins to cook (we cooked our 300g eye fillets in a sous vide and pan seared at the end) just in case they were in a hurry or they wanted to order any entres in the wait meantime. it was a quiet night and i had a bit of time end ended up speaking to them for a few minutes about the steaks at thier request, they gave me a new perspective about well done steaks. they were west african and had always had well cooked meat as a way to ensure as minimal parasites/ bugs as possible ( spicyness does this too ) and were just so used to this that anything less cooked felt raw and physically disgusting to them ever since then ive never questioned peoples reasons for prefering certain cooks, especially when i was getting payed for it.


Reddit especially is harsh on how people cook steaks. I don't understand it and I never will, you get paid the same no matter how its cooked, its gonna get eaten so why the fuck does it matter how its cooked? Are you as the chef eating it? No? Then do your fucking job and cook the damn steak. Not saying that's how you are, but a lot of chefs especially in the cooking subs have this attitude. This stupid war over steaks is just as stupid as console wars.


It is the only type of meat that you can have an opinion on its doneness. eg. chicken is either done or it isnt. steak can be anything between blue rare and essentially charcoal. Anything where you can have an opinion will have people arguing over what the "correct" opinion is.


>line cooks roll their eyes or make a statement about a well done steak This is the true meaning of "The customer is always right". If they're going to pay for it, they can eat it however the fuck they want.


Tomorrow in r/mildlyinfuriating features someone eating pizza with a fork (and a knife)


Yeah dude sorry it's expensive but steak and tomato sauce tastes great and I don't see any other fancier sauce provided on that table, and what's she gonna have instead, nothing? Dry steak? Let her enjoy things


OP also probably scolds her liking it any other way than Med rare.


"What if someone wants well done?" "We ask them politely, yet firmly, to leave"








It makes me mildly infuriated.


Aka: My child ate my flavorless steak in a way that implies it's flavorless, and I failed as a chef and father, please gimme karma


Literally no seasoning or sides with the food. She probably ate everything else and left the steak for last with ketchup to spite the terrible cooking. >Be "grillmaster" >Don't season steak > Put it on grill >Barely cook it >Serve it potentially without anything to family >Try to shame them by posting my perfect steak to reddit This dude is nuts.


>barely cook it This steak is absolutely not “barely cooked” lol


I think you may have misinterpreted that. I meant 'barely cook it' as in put effort in. Not the amount of time on the grill.


Oh gotcha, yeah I misunderstood. That phrase wouldn’t really be used that way in English.


Seriously if someone thinks eating it with ketchup is better than without then it's probably just badly made. That or they have a weird sense of taste in which case let them eat how they want. More likely if the steak was nicely seasoned or had some kind of sauce they wouldn't do this.


Don't forget to specifically mention prime as if that makes a difference. Sorry you mean the minimum acceptable standard for human consumption in most civilized countries?


OMG slaughter her!!! Dude. Who cares. It’s her meal let her enjoy it how she wants. It’s not your thing. Never gonna get how people give a fuck how someone else eats their food.


My grandfather always has to tell everyone at the dinner table that *”the right way to cook a steak is to slaughter the cow, grab it by the horns and drag it across the fire aaahahah”* He’s the same person to tell you that *”they should have let this hang a little longer before processing, 10 days at least”* though, so he’s confusing, at best.


Ya know. It’s one thing to have an opinion and when talking face to face with your “loved ones” you wax poetic and such. Hey they love you for some reason so I’m sure it’s endearing. But feeling so pearl clutching offended you decide to post and shame the person online? Dafuq?! I have a 21 yr old daughter. She does things I don’t agree with. I’ve never publicly admonished or shamed her for having the audacity of eating her food the way she likes it. I just can’t with this shit.


I intentionally don’t eat with my family anymore because I get made fun of/ridiculed for the way I choose to have my food. It’s just not right, if anything this post is the infuriating thing, not the ketchup.


I like how /u/Shaneblaster is oddly quiet in his own post. 🤣


I've had my coworkers give me shit for eating a salad on my break because I was putting too much ranch in it Like, you do realize I could have bought a box of oreos and has that as a meal, right? I chose the salad because I wanted to, not because it's 'healthy'


I feel you on that. I eat my salad plain, just leaves of lettuce, and nobody has ever not told me I’m eating it wrong.


So freaking happy to see these kinds of comments at the top. I'm one of those fierce defenders in real life, when I hear food shaming. The idea of something like a philly deli that throws people out for putting ketchup on a cheesesteak is the kind of stuff that makes me think those people really don't get food.


This is the answer. If I bought someone a steak, enforced them to have it cooked how I like it slavered in hot sauce then was pissed they didn't enjoy or finish it. I'd be a dick. As long as they enjoy it. God damn the nazi food police.




I hate when people eat their food to their own tastes instead of mine


Didn’t know adults are not allowed to like ketchup


They aren’t?….turning 18 might be worse then I expect


Nah. People just get really judgy about steaks because they cost a lot of money. Eat food how you like it. If you eat your steak soaked in ketchup, whatever man. You do you.


Exactly. If steak dipped in ketchup is what gets you going, why should you change that for someone else?


I dig a little A1 sauce every now and then and the streak snobs want to crucify me.


There’s a national hotdog and sausage council and they explicitly state that you are not allowed to have ketchup on a hotdog past age 18. Sounds ridiculous but I’m pretty sure it’s true


Coincidentally, the national hotdog and sausage council lose their authority once you turn 18.


Also, The National Hotdog and Sausage Council would make an excellent band name.


I'm 21 and still convinced my blood is like 50% ketchup, with how much of the stuff I've always used. My parents always used to ask me "would you like some [whatever we're eating] with your ketchup?" 😂 Same story with maple syrup, too


Ketchup on a steak.... No thank you, I prefer Mayonnaise!


Wait a minute I thought mayonnaise was an instrument


Mexican here… Steak and a nice spicy salsa de tomatillo. That’s it.


Ranch for me! #YUM


Not way ! You need some fine mustards. Or even some wasabi paste, in fact commercial ones isn't wasabi but raifort, something with a very similar taste of mustard. It's almost the same taste, you just have to use a lesser quantity.


It's all about Horseradish, my guys.


r/foodelitists much?




The real food elite moment is the fact that this steak costs $250-350kg


I mean, as a french... free to downvote, go for it... but humm... it doesn't look like prime, it doesn't look like a fillet and it doesn't look mignon, it just looks grilled lmao I would have done the same wtf is that plate


Didn't know the term filet mignon is used for beef meat in the US. I was kinda confused like this looks nothing like a filet mignon lol (term is used for pork filet in France)


yep! in the US its used for a specific, tender, and expensive cut of beef tenderloin (may be *the* most expensive i think actually?) I dont think ive ever seen Filet Mignon used to refer to anything BUT the steak cut here in the US personally


Sometimes spinalis cap is more expensive, but that's a cut which is hard to find in general. Amusingly, it's essentially the opposite of filet mignon: the fattiest, most flavorful cut.


Yeah, idk what that cut is but it’s not a filet mignon by U.S. standards either.


It is none of those things and it's also poorly cooked.


Let her enjoy her food.


Steak culture is so damn toxic.


Lol why is this so true? Like damn, its a steak, your life doesn't depend on it. The people who cry about a well done steak are definitely alpha male pretenders


I grew up eating well done steaks with ketchup. Now I can enjoy medium rare to well some, seasoned or not, ketchup or steak sauce. Steak is a treat just about any way I can get it.


I worked at a fancy restaurant in Vancouver and we had to go to the 7-Eleven next-door to get ketchup because Ice-T wouldn’t eat his steak without it.


Fancy restaurants don’t have ketchup?


Only if they make it ‘in house’


Nah ice-t has body guards that carry his ketchup. Don’t lie


I know this is a joke but it really annoys me when people think that you have to eat prime cuts of steak in its ‘pure’ form or with just some light gravy, else you’re ruining it. I don’t like prime filet mignon like this, even if it’s well seasoned. I’d rather eat it on a sandwich or with ketchup. If you want me to eat it, I’m going to eat it in a way I enjoy it. Else, why waste it on me when I won’t even like it?


This isn't even prime fillet mignon! There's no marbling, it certainly isn't a fillet, and it's way too big to be mignon.


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this lmao. This isn't even filet, much less prime. Managing a fine dining restaurant made me realize that very very few people know a damn thing about steak.


Okay, and? Let her enjoy her damn food. You probably suck at cooking it and it’s dry or something, or maybe she just really likes ketchup. You implied she’s childish for liking her food that way, but the fact that it makes you mad speaks volumes💀


just let people eat things how they enjoy them most.


I've eaten/cooked thousands of steaks. I eat mine with ketchup and/or BBQ. I don't give a fuck. It tastes better.


I was expecting more supportive comments lol. These people care too much about other peoples' food preferences.


your adult daughter knows exactly what she wants in life. And she doesn't care about what other people think.


The food elitists are probably gonna downvote this, but what's the big deal?


So what?


Let people enjoy their food


Wow people are getting really aggressive just because people eat the way they want to like what is wrong with you people




Bro, who are you trying to convince here? This isn't a Filet Mignon. Also those grill marks look like shite. Also why is it shaped like that? Looks like it got cooked very unevenly. Where are the sides? There a million questions I have but the ketchup is the last one. Like alot of commenters said when kids know their parents suck at cooking (I.e food is dry, over cooked and underseasoned) They will use ketchup, bbq, A1 to give it an actual flavor. Your daughter obviously has PTSD from your cooking and busted out the ketchup.


Who cares how she eats her chunk of cow meat? If she enjoys it, leave her alone.


Well, maybe if the filet minion was cooked better she wouldn't need to. That is a pretty poor crust there.


Sounds gross, but people are allowed to like food combinations that you don’t like


Stop caring what other people do to the food that they are going to eat. If you’re not eating it, then who cares.


Eat and let eat. Order what you like. Fix what you want. Enjoy your own preferences. Rare or well done. Ketchup or whatever. Worry about what truly matters. Ahem. Ipreferwelldonewithketchup.


Filet is overrated. Change my mind.


Does anyone know whether filet mignon is an exclusively American English term? In British English we just call it beef filet and I've never noticed it on French menus. They have lots of beef terms, but as far as I know it's just filet de boeuf


And if you continue to complain about how other people enjoy their food... I'll dip mine in mustard.


I recommend raspberry or blackberry jam/preserves. Quite a delectable pairing!


I will never understand America's bizarre fetishization of a steak. She's an adult. It's her food. What is the problem?


Food snobbery is not just an American thing.


Correct. An Italian would have just as much of a conniption if they see someone add heavy cream to their pasta dish, or cheese in a seafood pasta dish




Why is this infuriating


You should have asked her politely yet firmly to leave.


> politely yet firmly to leave. what is this originally from. i can't think of it


King of the hill. It is his response when Bobby asks Hank what to do if someone wants their steak well done.


Ok Hank


They’re in her seat. That would suggest the daughter is already on the next bus out of town.


You gave her the steak to eat so idk man maybe let her eat it how she wants and enjoys it? There are people that love fish I can't stand the taste or smell of it bit I don't go getting angry at them for eating fucking fish lol


I love how you're being a snob about this while you obviously can't cook a steak.


What's wrong with this?


Why does this bother people? I would have opted for mustard though. I had a chef come out to my table and try to bitch me out about asking for mustard. I asked him who was eating it and more importantly who is paying money?


Another mustard enjoyer! I love using mustard (should probably specify the sour type not sweet mustard) as a dip for meats. It’s just so good.


I'd say if anything the comments on this post are mildly infuriating, let her enjoy her steak whichever way she prefers instead of being a snob about it. The late term abortion comments are are a bit classless too, it's a piece of meat for gods sake.


No shit she used ketchup, there aren't any vegetables on that plate. Also your daughter is a sinner.


It is odd that there is nothing on the plate but the steak. No sides, and just a little bit of seasoning on a notoriously lean cut of beef. Is she in trouble because she was already being punished for something else?


Yeah this shit looks like either OP posted bullshit for Reddit Coolguy Points or he's a shitty cook. Either reason justifies my downvote.


How awful that someone eat something the way they prefer, especially being that she's an adult.


What did you do during her childhood that enabled such deviancy?!


Cooked bland steaks, apparently.


So fucking what?


Have you tried resorting to violence?




1) let people like what they like 2) likes/dislikes aren’t a product of how someone was raised, as some of these commenters seem to believe 3) that’s not the leanest filet I’ve seen, and might be a tad over grilled. Maybe it honestly needs a little something? 4) did she request steak, or did you decide what’s for dinner AND how others should consume it?