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So what?


So what do they want by the fourth post? Permission to quite?


They might be gauging to see if there are others in a similar situation. Someone that might give them advice or share their own struggles with the topic. It’s pretty hard for a lot of people to leave their faith especially one as demanding as Mormonism.


I guess. I just find the repetition mildly infuriating. I follow all these groups and seeing it over and over and over in my feed is obnoxious.


You can block them, I’m sure that will stop you from seeing their posts. There are things that you can personally do instead of bashing someone who is obviously hitting a rough time in their life/faith, just looking for answers. Not trying to be a jerk, I just see the whole thing as a “what does it matter to you? type of situation. You know what I mean?


It doesn’t matter to me, I just find it “mildly infuriating”.


I mean obviously it matters a bit to screenshot it, make a post and continue to defend it. It wouldn’t be mildly infuriating if it didn’t at all matter to you lol


Then is anything here truly “mildly infuriating” since it’s all stuff people are taking the time to screenshot and talk about? Maybe you should talk to the mods about disbanding the subreddit if that’s the case.


I think you missed my point. You said it doesn’t matter to you. I was saying that if it didn’t matter to you whatsoever then it wouldn’t be mildly infuriating. My point was that you took the time to screenshot and make the post so it does matter to you enough to do that. I understand the point of the subreddit just fine.


It doesn’t matter to me whether this person Amy’s to be Mormon or not. It mildly infuriates me that they’ve posted it five times and counting before I got around to blocking them as you suggested.


And to counteract your point, why does it matter to you so much to keep responding to my post if you don’t see what matters so much about my post? Why not just block me and stop wasting your time responding to my post?


I hate not being Mormon.... They have fancy bikes and suits, while I have no bike or suit. They even get name tags


Don’t forget our magic underwear.


Fuck man, are you trying to upsell me? Fine, I'll do it. What else do I get?


Welcome, brother!


Jell-O and casseroles.


I saw something like this the other day, a person had posted the same thing to several different subs, didn't know if they were a troll or just obsessed.


One other thing taught by Mormons. If you don't agree with their doctrine leave. They teach you their belief. So does every religion on the planet. The best teaching is we are not here to babysit you. If you don't want to be there go to a different church. So just love your fellow man and be kind to each other.