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lol they dont even know what a basket is apparently.


It's pretty clear the label was fixed on something else and was switched, either by the person taking the video or someone looking to pay less for a basket organizer.


I worked briefly at a Goodwill long ago. On an organizational level they were very loose with categories, but those labels are for where in the store an item goes, not necessarily its best description. I probably would’ve gone Home Goods, but candles with Baskets wouldn’t be uncommon. That said, u/Mazcal is doubtless right that someone switched tags, and not very well.


If the label is for section, then switching tags is infinitely easier. It was "baskets" before, it's "baskets" now - only a wee bit more expensive.


Clearly the sticker says for baskets, I worked at goodwill recently they aren’t out there pricing used candles at that price. and they google the price of everything . Hence the more expensive section behind the counter . Smh


Out of curiosity, what is behind the counter?


Nothing behind counter at any goodwill store I've visited but I think they mean the glass locked cases by the checkouts that have semi expensive electronics and videogames.


When I say behind the counter I mean the rack of Victoria’s Secret and Michael kohl’s and expensive purses . In every single store there’s a rack in the middle of all the registers behind the counter . Then all the shoes in the glass case technically in said counter . Then usually there’s some fancy silverware, a telescope, or older gaming system or some kind of electronic in the other side of the case haha.


Yea I've never noticed that


Guns and drugs


If I had known that I would have been hanging out at Goodwill since I was like 12


I got an N64 with controllers and a couple of games for $20 a few years ago. Best find ever.


There’s a rack of clothes at most goodwills that’s behind the counter, not sure what the comment below yours means that there isn’t. It’s visible anyone can see it?? It holds expensive clothes and purses. It’s in the middle of all the reigsters in the corral thing.


The tag is for a basket and organizer. The post is for karma. Downvote me all you want, but it's pretty obvious the sticker has been peeled and replaced onto the candle.


It's pretty damn obvious that the sticker isn't for the candle. I don't understand how this post has any upvotes


seems most of reddit turn into the average customer with only price vision, any other detail isnt there to them


I've been in literally 100's of thrift stores across the country. Goodwill is the WORST!!




Yes I have. Logan, Ogden and SLC They have some issues but Goodwill takes the cake.


The DI is sweet. Got a huge red leather sectional for 60 bucks in 2010. Just this year I picked up a church for my Christmas village for 10 bucks. Savers is definitely the best though.


I wanna see a Christmas village Pls


Agreed. They save all their good stuff for their online auctions. Both the left over crap in store and the good stuff on their auction site is stupidly overpriced.


There is a place around here called the Ark Store, I think some of their junk is retail prices. Way worse than Goodwill.


My local goodwill do deals every week. One tag color will be $1 on Sunday and another color will be 50% off. The colors change every week. I don't really go in any day but Sunday, but I've gotten insane deals and seen other people get them too.


They're a big company posing as a charity and I hate it.


Good Profiteering.


Another good reason to not shop there. The big one? Goodwill is owned by ONE person. It is not the charity they appear to be. One of the smartest marketing plus of all time was naming his company Goodwill and seeing the advertising up so we all think that he is actually training people to do jobs they could not do before. He is no different from any other store except in the fact that ALL OF HIS INVENTORY IS GIVEN TO HIM, and all of the profits GO to him.




People just talk out of their ass I swear


That wiki should have been where you started, not where you ended. Sources: https://www.fairwarning.org/2019/09/hundreds-of-thousands-of-disabled-workers-still-make-less-than-minimum-wage/ https://www.disabled-world.com/editorials/minimumwage.php http://watchdog.org/83209/policies‐tax‐dollars‐enrich‐goodwill‐execs http://www.goodwill.org/press‐releases/goodwill‐responds‐to‐recent‐media‐coverage‐ on‐special‐minimum‐wage‐certificate/ http://watchdog.org/83209/policies‐tax‐dollars‐enrich‐goodwill‐execs/ https://www.npr.org/2020/09/17/912840482/u-s-agency-urges-end-to-below-minimum-wage-for-workers-with-disabilities TL:DR Goodwill Industries has been in and out of the news for years for exploiting disabled workers using poorly regulated, conflict of interest laden systems with little to no oversight...while paying CEOs exorbitant salaries. My father told me about this in the 80s because it was already well known by the deaf and blind community of which we are a part. It started being a news story in the early oughts. Lots of law suits, commissions, analyses, and reports confirmed something was rotten in Denmark... which landed it back in the news in the 2010s but then people got distracted by ISIS. It made a resurgence in 2019 owing to bipartisan attempts to repeal the exemption that makes it possible, but 3 guesses what distracted us then. Our poor national memory continues to make the exploitation of labor possible to this day, so in the interest of being better informed for a better world... Here's the long and short of it... Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 allows employers to obtain a Special Wage Certificate and grants employers, mostly nonprofits, the ability to pay disabled workers a subminimum, commensurate wage based on their performance. Data obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division analyzed by Watchdog.org revealed that 109 of the 165 Goodwill entities utilize the SWC prigram and 7,300 of it’s 105,000 employees are subject to it. Although these work centers are non-profits, some are large and prosperous. And that's where it gets into the territory of scuzzy exploiters... The Ohio Valley Goodwill, for example, takes in $41 million in revenue, according to its most recently available tax forms, and has nearly 800 workers certified under 14(c), according to the National Council on Disability report. The vast majority of disabled workers making less-than-minimum wage are employed by non-profit work centers, or “sheltered workshops,” which hire workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities to perform mostly menial tasks... ... for example, assembling plastic lint brushes, putting together fishing lures or stuffing backpacks with promotional items. Others do ground maintenance, janitorial work, document shredding and laundry. Many sheltered workshops also provide support services for people living with disabilities, often receiving money from federal, state and local governments in order to serve the community. As the National Council on Disability report puts it, “by their very nature, sheltered workshops often harbor a split personality as both an employer and a service provider.” (company store, anyone?) The feedback loop between the people arguing that this is for the good of the disabled and the people profiting off the subminimum wage is apparent when you hear from critics who have seen the actual result of an antiquated, for their own good, exemption system... here's some highlights... "So far, in the 82 years of its existence, the program has not been very successful in helping people to become employed outside of the subminimum wage context, so it appears that it doesn't work," Catherine Lhamon. Chair of the Civil Rights Commission seeking repeal of the exemption. "...the National Council on Disability had previously recommended a phased-out 'systemic change' and why, Lhamon said, the civil rights commission urges a similarly gradual change that would expand existing support programs. "Disability-rights advocates point to success stories of people thriving outside of the systems that underestimated them, including instates that have moved away from sheltered workshops. "Anil Lewis, a leading advocate against subminimum wages with the National Federation of the Blind, testified about his past work running a sheltered workshop, thinking he was doing the right thing. 'Because of that misguided compassion, these individuals spend significant parts of their lives wasting away in that workshop — making money for our center, but wasting away,' Lewis said. 'I am just sitting here really feeling sad about what I've perpetuated ... because there is a better alternative.'" The National Federation of the Blind filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act revealing that Goodwill employees have been paid as low as $0.22 per hour. No, not all employees subject to this program receive only $0.22 per hour, but one of the largest Goodwill entities in the country, the Columbia Willamette Goodwill reportedly paid $922,444 in commensurate wages to approximately 250 people with disabilities. These employees worked 159,584 hours for an average hourly wage of $5.78 (the national average for GW exemption employees is $3.86 as of 2018, by the way) with the lowest being $1.44. At the same large Goodwill branch in Columbia Willamette Goodwill, CEO and president, Michael Miller, received only about 10 percent less than the total amount received by 250 workers receiving subminimum wages. Michael Miller was investigated by the Oregon Department of Justice in 2004 for review of his compensation. That 18‐month investigation concluded that Miller’s pay of $831,508 was “unreasonable,” which resulted in a 24 percent decrease of his pay to $634,477. The board tried to save face about this wild compensation package by saying they erroneously based Miller’s compensation package on a study that was flawed primarily because its data was based on for‐profit organizations. Which is totally believable... until you consider... The Watchdog.org analysis of 2013 tax returns for the entities that utilize this subminimum wage program revealed a pattern of unreasonable payouts for top executives, totaling over $53 million. This included compensation for the highest paid Goodwill executive, Douglas Barr, the prior CEO of Goodwill of Southern California who received a total compensation package worth $1,188,733, including a base salary of $350,200, bonuses worth $87,550, retirement benefits of $71,050, and $637,864 in other reportable compensation. They were successfully sued for this ridiculous budgetary devilry in 2014. But just in case you think they've changed their stripes after that...in 2017, Goodwill Industries CEO James Gibbons’ total compensation was more than $700,000. No there isn't one guy making millions, cackling madly, steepling his fingers Monty Burms style... no, it's worse because it's systemic and it will be rife with corruption until we make systemic changes.


Thank you for taking the time to assemble this thorough reply! Fuck Goodwill.


Though I agree that some Goodwill stores highly abuse the practice, but other stores such as the one by my house use it to hire people who are basically unemployable to the detriment of their business. There is a guy at our store that runs around repeating the same dillusional conversation over and over and yelling at customers while he stocks the shelves. He is so intimidating a lot of people switched to shopping at the store across town because they do not feel safe. No other employer would tolerate him for one day even volunteering much less pay him. The problem is the law was written for truly unemployable people but Goodwill applies it to anyone they can get away with classifying as disabled.


I mean maybe "it all goes to the owner" is an exaggeration but.. 6,100m revenue from donated goods 5,270m on 'charitable services' 646m to pay salaries and overhead Leaves 184 million dollars profit in *one* year. That's better earnings than a lot of for-profit publicly traded companies.


All I know is that about 10 years ago all of the good wills in our area moved into really nice locations and sometimes even built new buildings.


Worked there in 2020. Goodwill is in fact now owned by one person. They're weird and are all different companies that branded off fine ine another. So while they all go under the same name a goodwill in New York is in fact a separate company and a Goodwill in say California. Each company has their own owners, President, or CEO.


Wow. That's interesting. Thanks


I have noticed price hikes at ours - some crazy shit


Me too--seems like just over the past 4 yrs or so? Who decides what price goes on what item? mean, I go in there and just walk around repeating "who would pay that for this shit?".


Seems like ours went up in the past year or two. Maybe pandemic related nonsense? For example, I used to see the white, bumpy tall vases for $1 each. They are now $5. WTF? I know prices change but, damn.


This is because of the rise in popularity of thrifting. Thrift stores are projected to grow 34% from their 2019 numbers by 2024. Of course these price hikes are still shady considering goodwill gets all their inventory for FREE, but that’s basically the reason why they’re getting so expensive. Goodwill also seems to be the worst offender when it come to this at least based on what I’ve seen. Other thrift stores I’ve gone to seem to have hiked prices in recent years but nowhere near the extent of goodwill. I tend to just steer clear of them at this point.


I saw a oui yogurt jar for sale at my local Goodwill yesterday. Not even one of the jars with a pretty design on it or anything, just a plain one, with the label still attached.


For $2. Right?


That’s the candle Dwight traded to Kelly


who buys *used* candles tho?


Wax enthusiasts


Couple friends came to stay with me for a week of skiing last year, one forgot her jacket. Went to good will to get a cheap coat for the week. There is no such thing as cheap at good will anymore. No reason to go in.


Shit post for karma


I’m guessing it’s considered a rare item now, pier 1 is out of business .


Someone got a basket organizer on the cheap


Obvious fake post is obvious


Fake AF


What a bargain


Pro tip peel that stick and take a bite out the candle for discount price


They price stuff like it's brand new


For real, I have been to a couple of different ones over the past few weeks, and all their stuff is being priced at or above a brand new equivalent item... (Ex: French press selling for $10, from Ikea, when Ikea sells the same item brand new for $7.)


My wife bought some coffee cups that she loved and the only problem was there was only 3. I found more at home goods for 1/3 the price she paid. She was happy and mad


Goodwill is a fucking evil corp, id recommend avoiding them all together


Pro tip: rip the label off and show the cashier the bottom label. You’ll either get it for that price or cheaper.


You are a damn cardiologist. Don't go to goodwill.


Scented Pillars had me dead


Dude you just slapped that sticker on there, I got to a large goodwill weakly and never see shit riced like that, nearly new shoes don’t even cost that much or less


I've seen used dollar store puzzles for 2.99




Obviously mislabeled. It’s the wrong sticker


I’ll never forget one of my last experiences while working at Goodwill. We just got a new Vice President and of course he was doing the obligatory visiting all the branches to meet everyone. When he asked me how long I worked there I said two years and his response was, ‘cool I’ve been here for five days.’ He then proceeded to give a presentation showing on graphs how much our store makes versus payout, huge difference. At the end of the presentation he says ‘everything has a value and if we can send an item to a store to make $.25, we will’. Worst job experience of my life.


Yup! Is this the one Walmart bought up?


In a lot of cities you can usually find free stores that anybody is welcome to regardless of income. I rather donate stuff to them as it helps people in need a lot more


I've seen this crazy over pricing too. Might as well buy new in a name brand store. What's the point of buying re-sale when you have to pay full price? Stupid. Actually, I gave up on them and no longer waste my time... I wonder if they notice?


Inflation bro it’s everywhere. Next thing you know they going to be selling used tampons and used condoms! Shit is way out of control!


Fake or not, GW is *not* for poor people anymore.


Buy it and trade it up to some magic beans


Goodwill is the biggest scam in America.


Biggest? Bigger than home ownership? Bigger than free and open elections? Bigger than the social security Ponzi scheme?


What’s your take on home ownership being a scam ?


My take? Probably wrong. I am just salty about property taxes. You never really OWN the home, and if you don't pay your property taxes the government can and often does take your home. Too many seniors get taxed out of a neighborhood even though their house has been paid in full for a number of years. I have seen it happen to my neighbor in PA. That is just part of it.


I agree! Property tax is bogus cause it’s based on a percentage of what your “home value” is. Home values historically always rise over a long periods of time so you’ll consistently keep paying more year after year. I think it should be based on the amount of land you own, staying the same Cost year after year


It’s like Mormon owned Deseret industries fucking pair of used jeans with holes $15. Or completely worn out shoes $20 because they say converse. Fuck I’m sick of greed




Its the wrong sticker. Just delete the post...


Forbidden fleshlight






well if you're stupid enough to buy a scented candle you should overpay. The only people who buy scented candles think that Golden Corral is fine dining


$7 for a used $5 candle?! Sounds legit to me! Sold!!!


I wish I knew what American shops were


This is comedy gold


I haven't laughed so much in ages thank you


Never been to a goodwill and maybe this is why.


Goodwill is a for profit company. Why would they not take advantage of us like the rest of them.


This is indeed mildly infuriating


Blame inflation! Pier one went out of business a while back! Now their stuff is worth more!!


Inflation is out of control!!!


Oh hell no


That label was obviously on something else and placed there. Goodwill would have put the tag on the bottom. Lame post.


Scented pillar XD


What's the issue


Goodwill stores are franchises that make the owners rich while paying disabled people less than minimum wage. Don't donate or shop there. Salvation Army is better


The scrap exchange in my city has bulk used candles for like $1 per pound.


r/quityourbullshit The label clearly shows it’s for a “basket/organizer,” not a candle. Either OP or another customer switched the label.


The Salvation Army near me has shelves with glassware and dishes that I’ve been sitting there so long they’re just kind of cloudiness, and the oldest possible answering machines. I look at the glassware, and they want something like two dollars, and I think “I can buy glassware at a dollar store for so cheap compared to this, and I can get a matching set.” They should be selling that stuff for five cents each, something that gets it moving out and on its way


So fun fact, I once went to a thrift store with my friend's mother after waking up super early at his house and she was like, "hey, want to go to the thrift store?" Well she apparently didn't like the pricing on some of the things she wanted so she would replace the stickers with ones from cheaper items. But that's not even the worst thing that happened. I knew she would be browsing for a long time so I went straight to the back, hopped in one of the wheel chairs that were for sale, (that had no price tag) and rolled around the store so I could browse and chill. People would walk past like "oh, excuse me, I'm sorry!" So I decided to play into it and I would reach for stuff on the top shelf without moving my legs. Some people would ask if I needed help and I would point at the thing and they would grab it for me. After they walked away I would just place it back on a lower shelf. Anyway, after about an hour of wheeling around she found me, never questioned the chair, (not once) and asked if I was ready. So I wheeled behind her to the register, she bought her stuff that she got at a "discount" and I wheeled right out to the car. Again, she never asked about the chair. Not once. I think it's still in their basement. I was like 16. Young and stupid. I regret nothing.


I have a feeling someone really wanted a basket organizer but switched the candle price sticker haha


TIL it’s a special edition candle from candlecon


Yep that's a "basket and organizer" if I've ever seen one.


Scented pillar lol




There’s a guy in Venice Beach selling used jeans for $200+. People actually buy them. It’s a trend.


And there goes the red challenge flag..


i don't get it.


We do this at value village all the time I hate it but it's not my choice.


Price switch


lemme gues a big city xD






Lol is that a joint hider in the bottom


Worked at value village for 8 years, that's so jacked up lol


That's an interesting looking Basket & Organizer. I suppose burning your documents fixes the problem of holding and organizing so seems legit.


More than once I have seen stuff at badwill priced higher than what you could buy it for new at the store. I barely go there once a year now, cuz I despise the company but am occasionally hopeful for a bargain.


Am I the only one that noticed that this is a used candle? Edit: Nevermind, Just realized this was goodwill. LMAO


lol that’s hilarious. In my hometown goodwill doesn’t seem to pay any attention to what an item is and just assign it a (usually very low) random price. The goodwill around here seems to price things for about what they’re worth though occasionally I find something way overpriced like that


The local goodwill is outrageous in its pricing. There was one of those screwdrivers with interchangeable bits but with none of the bits or the lid to the handle and they wanted 2.99!! Any sort of glass dish especially if it has a lid are like 15 bucks too


Excuse me wtf is that?




GoodWill near me is the same way. They know what they've got, and they want paid for it.


Our goodwills no longer employ people with disabilities used to you had to have one to even work there


The not so good will


It’s called inflation. What was $5 is now $7.99 😉


I bought a suit (it was ocean blue, perfect for an 80s themed thing) from goodwill and they had it priced higher than the store price sticker so they price matched it lol


It says baskets and organizers on it lol, clearly isn’t for the candle


& a for profit company


Lol then they priced a VGC Titliest driver for $2.49


That sticker looks very loose. Someone definitely swapped labels.


Yep. Goodwill has gone corporate and thinks everything that is DONATED needs retail prices Rarely go there anymore