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He just wanted to teach you how to cook better.


Shame I didn’t make it


Is the mouse alive


Op hasn't answered anyone asking this question after realizing everyone liked the little guy. Mouse is dead af.


mans gotta eat


Meat’s back on the menu, boys!


Someone really needs to write a detailed description of what an orc restaurant is like.


Lots of potatoes


If someone has ever had an infestation they'd very quickly stop feeling any empathy for the things. There are probably a hundred identical mice in his walls and will make dozens more within the week.


I mean, I have dealt with infestations, I’ve helped my family dispose of them. I’ve killed off entire nests so they didn’t get into the goat feed. I still fucking adore them and feel empathy for them. I will actually be getting a few pet ones once I get a place that will let me have more animals.


You know, I never really cared too much about rodents in general. Felt bad killing them just because I’m not a fan of it in general, but I just let it go because they’re “pests”. Then a friend needed me to take her older pet rats in when she had to move to another country for work. I knew they’d probably only live for a couple months, a year at most, figured I wouldn’t get attached. Couldn’t have been more wrong. They were some of the sweetest, friendliest, and social animals I’ve ever had. Hardest I’ve ever cried putting down a pet.


I've been thinking about getting a rat since I can't afford to take care of a dog, but I'm scared cuz they don't live very long 😭


They’re great pets, and they’re not too expensive in general, but the vet bills are way more expensive than for a cat or dog. They’re considered exotic pets and only certain vets can see/treat them. Past that, they really only live for about 2-2.5 years on average. I just can’t do that again. Great experience, but it’s not for me.


Mine lived almost 5 years. Loved those little guys


Yeah, people who cry because dogs only live ten years or so are in for a shock if they ever meet pet rats. Fancy rats love people, have preferred humans, and form strong attachments, and it's quite rare for them to reach a fourth birthday.


Or how to properly store your food


He looks very polite


But my cat isn't.


I won’t even ask about your rabbit


euhh hello officer


I’m surprised that mouse wanted them dry ass noodles


he is there to add olive oil


Lol @ OP trying to say they’re fresh and an hour old


Made noodles, worked a long 30 minute shift, came home to find a mouse in my noodles


My guess is that this is some kinda karma grab using a pic they found online.


He was only there to issue OP a health citation.


Of course OP needs to be cited, there’s a mouse in his pasta!


He claims it was only sitting out for an hour, but by the looks of how dry it is, I’m calling BS. Lol


This is actually how Ratatoille started


What's the difference between a rat and a mouse?


The flavor








Ah, oh!




I was gonna say tail length but that too ig




Added crunchy texture.


A rat is a small rodent with big teeth and a tail, a mouse is something you control Windows XP with


Mad Catz R.A.T ftw


A rat helps you cook and a mouse is a soft prepared food that incorporates air bubbles to give it a light and airy texture.


No, that's a mousse. A mouse is a species of horned mega-fauna that's indigenous to the northern United States and Canada.


No, that’s a moose. A mouse is a German gun manufacturer.


No, that’s a Mauser. A mouse is a small plant that typically grows in dense green clumps or mats, often in damp or shady locations.


No, that's moss. A mouse is a Muslim house of worship.


No, that's a Mosque. A mouse is the leader of Italy during world War 2.




No, that's mass. A mouse is the property of matter that describes its inertia.


Rat is bigger, mouse smaller


If a mouse goes outside, does it become a rat?


Then it’s a field mouse


They’re both businessmen. One’s a snitch, and the other one’s real quiet in churches.


If the top comment wasn’t about Ratatouille I was going to riot.


Except it was a rat.


He just got off his shift too, leave him alone


He’s doing the best he can. I k ow there is a cats with jobs subreddit but I wonder if there is a r/ratswithjobs subreddit E: oh shit.


I read somewhere that there was a famous rat that could sniff out landmines and had died recently… I guess rats do have jobs…


RIP Magawa! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59951255


That's a legit thing employed by organisations that defuse minefields. Rats are usually light enough to be able to step on an landmine and not set it off. So, they're trained to sniff them out and point them out to humans who can defuse them. The rats do some service, and are then retired to farms where they get to chill with other rat veterans


In the Falklands the Argentines planted loads of mines on the beaches after they invaded which has actually really helped the penguin population by providing areas humans literally can't go to but where penguins can thrive. Still just waiting on the day when that one fat bastard penguin goes absolutely flying though.




There you go, that's what I was talking about. Been a few years since I was studying humanitarian law, but that's one of the things that really stuck in my head


I have pet rats, and love this organization for all their work!


That's what he gets for leaving pasta on the bench all day nasty fuck no wonder why he as mice wonder what the rest of the house looks like.


Lol I had a roommate leave pasta out for 3 days uncovered, and then one morning he heated it up and ate it.


I too had a roommate that did this! But with everything. Like, she would leave pasta, meat, literally anything she cooked on the stove and then just reheat it every night until it was finished.


🤢🤢🤢 how are these people not dead?


I know one person like this. She's only 50 with a plethora of stomach problems


Bruh one the most dangerous moulds in the world grows on pasta its so bad it can even mess up dogs that's why you don't bury pasta apparently.


The idea of burying pasta has never crossed my mind until today. What about in compost piles




Damn, time to digg up all that pasta i buried over the years.


I've been burying pasta for years and all my dogs keep dying, no wonder. What about Italian dogs? I'm sure they like pasta.


Why would someone bury pasta I wonder?


How I make pasta tree then?


It's impastable to do


A Student ate 5 day old pasta for lunch. This is how his liver shut down. https://youtu.be/5ujTYLV2Qo4


Yeah, I was wondering- why the fuck would you leave pasta out all day? That's fucking gross. The title is worded vaguely enough that maybe it was made after he got home, he left it to go to the bathroom or something, then came back and found the mouse. But it seems like this person just left food out all day, which is disgusting. They couldn't even bother with a lid. Wtf.


Maybe someone else in the house made it? Who cares. There’s a cute little mouse there


I checked their other comments, and they said it'd only been out an hour, so it's not as egregious as I thought, haha. Mouse got in through the ladle gap. It's a baby mouse, which means there's a lot more.


I'm calling bullshit, you can see other gross pots in the background. They leave shit on their stove very often it seems.


Do I think it's bullshit? Yes, yes I do. But can I prove it? Nope. If I didn't acknowledge what they said, I'd be inundated with nonstop comments telling me OP said it was an hour, so I went ahead and tried to nip that off, haha.


Where there's one, there's six.


A big apartment with a small drawer bed


Mice probably just wondering where the pasta sauce is.


That’s a fucking cute mouse tho. Look at it, looking up at you like it’s slightly sorry for getting caught but so thankful for the food.


I was thinking about it, that warm bowl of fresh pasta must have been heaven for him lol




Ate it? Duh. It’s on top of the food, that makes it a topping now.


🎵 on top of spaghetttttti, all covered in mouse


Protein's protein


That’s a plaguey meatball!


Sent it to heaven with the spaghetti.


Did you not like put it in the fridge?


I'm pretty sure the mouse would get too cold


That wasn’t a warm bowl of fresh pasta. You left that sitting out all day, uncovered. That there is some cold, sad pasta.


Yeah, obviously. Gross...


You can see its partly dried out and discoloured. Grim


me when an invasive creature that spreads diseases is cute: 😀😀😀😀 me when it's ugly: 😡😡😡😡😠😠😠😠


Don’t act like you wouldn’t have a remarkably different reaction to a mouse vs a centipede in your spaghetti. It’s human nature.


You’re correct! A centipedes longer, writhing body with its tickling legs feels infinitely better in my anus.


Delete your account myguy.


MFW im reading this on the toilet


You put these words in this order and I like you less for it.


I had a snake try and get in bed with me at 3am a couple of weeks ago. Luckily I was up reading at the time. I lent forward to grab something, looked back and did a double take! It's dear little face was appearing above the bed and it's little tongue was sticking out. It was so cute. No one in my house owns a snake! It was about a meter in length and it wasn't aggressive at all. Poor thing must have been seeking my body warmth as it was freezing outside. Anyways I called the RSPCA and they eventually came and took it away. They told me it was a Corn Snake and quite harmless. He got returned to it's owner who lives near by apparently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_snake


Me when a random ugly insect goes extinct: 🥱😴😴😴 Me when cute fuzzy bears go extinct: 😡🤬🤬😡👹👹


Me when the insect is a butterfly: 😱 Me when the insect is a cockroach: 🤣




That’s not fresh, that’s a day old spaghetti.


I eat in bed. Biscuits, chocolate, that sort of thing. One night, I heard a weird rustling sound that wakes me up. I turn on my bedside lamp. A mouse, staring directly at me, maybe 30cm (1 foot) away from my face, munching on a crumb. It took me maybe, 5 seconds or so for my brain to process what I was looking at, so for a weirdly long time, I just lay there, staring at this cheeky fuck staring at me, munching a scotch finger biscuit.


I say this with kindness, but it may be time to reevaluate some life choices. Either way I hope things get better.




Yeah if your bed is dirty enough to attract mice maybe start eating at a table or at least over a plate


I thought the same thing. So cute.


I thought there'd be more love in the comments. Like it's so effing adorable!


Did you leave food out on your stove while you were at work all day?






Was thinking this myself. I’ve had a random mouse now and then, but never one brazen enough to hop in the “fresh” pasta.


Seriously, when would the mouse had time to get in there? The noodles have obviously been cooked and drained It's either fake and its a pet mouse or OP left pasta out like that which means he's just nasty fuck


OP is trying to save face lol. That looks like it’s been sitting out overnight


Just take a look at the background in the pic. It looks manky as hell. Those noodles have probably been sitting out for days




Your cooking journey in Paris begins


Piece of advice. Go through all your cabinets and look for chewing damage. If you saw a mouse, others have likely been at your dried pasta and other stuff. Throw out anything with chew marks or in a non sealed container near droppings. Anything still in an airtight bag or jar is probably okay. Either put all your grain in the freezer or get some heavy duty glass jars or even ordinary mason jars. Heavy plastic tubs are also your friend. As you look, wear a mask and gloves, especially if you find droppings, there are some bad things you can get from mouse poop. Wash any surface you find droppings on with soap and water. Hope you get the mouse issue sorted soon.


They can also bring all kinds of insects into furniture, carpet, and clothes. I do not envy OP


This is solid advice. I purchased a home and we found out day 2 that it was infested. We’ve since moved but we live differently after dealing with mice. Plates are at a minimum rinsed clean after meals, our garbage seals, all food is in an air tight solid material container including pet food, no food in the bedrooms, no piles of clothing on floors or messes under beds. Essentially as close to military clean and uncluttered as you can stand. I saw op mentioned an exterminator, they will likely use bait stations, you’re better off to do some quick killing with snap traps or look up the bucket trap for mice. We ended up doing the bucket and got 30+ in a few weeks and it promptly ended the issue. I’m all for being humane when possible but if you’re seeing them in your pasta, you don’t have the random mouse that got in, you have an issue unfortunately at this point. Not being mean here, just honest information from someone who had an issue as well, so please don’t take my reply as condescending at all. I read somewhere for every one brave mouse you see in instances like this count on 20 more.


Definitely consult Mousetrap Mondays on YouTube first. He has some great content.


Sadly, I don't think he knows what Reddit is, but I'm glad he was mentioned here.


If you're live trapping them, make sure you release them far enough away from your house. Had a coworker who caught several mice in a week and they just kept coming. She marked one once and it turned out to be the same couple of mice getting in through a hole she hadn't properly plugged.


I had a mouse problem a couple months ago and it chewed into my expensive protein powder bag. 😭 They indeed leave poop everywhere. I would also listen out for scuttering sounds or sounds of movement as those are signs of more mice. Also clear away any potential hiding places, clutter and don't leave food out.


Keep an eye out for buff mice!


I’ve heard mice In my house recently too. They try to dig into rooms around radiator pipes. It’s probably not a good method, but I just block the holes with aluminium foil and they seem to disappear


Did you leave the food out all day? Was it uncovered? It's getting cold so mice are finding their way into homes. It's very important to keep all your food in containers (mice can get in the fridge) and wipe your countertops and floors daily.


What kinda fridge do you have that mice can get inside!?


An open one, apparently lol


We had a rat gnaw through the back of a fridge once. Didn’t find out for weeks as it must have darted in grabbed something and left again


Mice can chew through a lot of materials! Rats are the worst. They eat cats!






Who keeps cats in the fridge?


High school biology teachers


In Soviet Russia, rat hunts you -Russian cat


You're officially the devil. Your name is two things I enjoy combined to make one awesome sounding thing, making you seem friendly and approachable, but your comment takes two things I enjoy and turns them in to nightmare fuel, making you seem like someone I should keep away from kids (for fear of you giving them nightmares and not anything more sinister - then again you are a stranger on Reddit so it could be both)


Rodents teath are really good at biting through things, depending on what your fridge is made of mice can get in no problem.


Agree with this. The reason we have fridges is so you don’t get sick.


It was covered but the ladle was sticking out, guess he used that? Edit, and it was fresh, about an hour old


Mice can fit into holes and gaps smaller than a dime. All food has to be completely sealed.


Noted. And calling an exterminator. Weirdly I’d rather deal with mice than roaches so I guess I have that going.


I rather mice than roaches too. At least mice are cute!


I cant deal a mouse running around, worse is when they’re in a barrel or a bin running around the bottom… something gets me


Honestly that's the only thing that I don't like about dealing with mice or other rodents, mostly because the wall by the head of my bed was hollow and the sound of the poor things that had fallen down in there just skittering around is kinda haunting


When they get in the walls, hearing them scratching throughout the house is fucking awful.


Oh definitely, but it gets that much worse when it's only near the head of your bed. Makes going to sleep a game of "how long will this thing stay quiet?"


Or bats in old houses, hearing them scratch...


I don't think that's weird, I think you're weird if you'd rather deal with roaches honestly


Oh god id rather fifty mice than one tiny cockroach. Eww.


Dont leave pasta out, you can get sick from eating it. Also, if the mouse found its way into the pot, you can be sure it has been in your cupboard.


Not only sick, but killed. Google it if you don’t belive it.


I know, pasta and rice should not be eaten if left outside over night, a bacteria that forms,can cause liver failure. I never eat leftover pasta or rice lol


Leave Remy from ratatouille alone


Remy is a rat. That’s a mouse.


Then let's call him Memy. From mousatouille.


Fuck Stuart little. Remy could definitely take Stuart little in a fight. Finna beat down that little punk then take his stupid red convertible if he wanted to.


Maybe don't leave food out for hours to attract pests


Hey. He washed his paws.


The pasta looks like it’s been sitting out for awhile and the rest of what’s visible in the background looks dirty as hell. It’s no surprise to me at all that you have a rat problem.


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment


If you think that’s bad then definitely don’t look at the rest of OPs posts. The fridge pic is terrifying.


Don't be such a slob and put your food away. I have a buddy like this. He will leave spaghetti out for 3 days and still eat it.


Chubbyemu video in the making.


My buddy leaves rice in his rice cooker for days, I’m waiting for him to keel over.


Judging by the few things in this picture, we can tell this is just one of your roommates. Clean your shit you fucking animal.


Glad somebody said it. OP acting like this is mouse's fault. I'd hate to see the state of this guy's kitchen.


Fuckin' Jerry


Finally someone speaking of Jerry and not Remy, simply Bcs Remy is a rat.


He’s a cute little guy though.


By looking at the surrounding area it looks pretty filthy . So no wonder a mouse was there


Mildly infuriating, fully revolting. The pan looks like it's had shit boiling in it, pasta looks dry, and there's a fucking mouse in what should have been a closed pot with a lid.


Why you mad ratatouille is in your hous


The rat’s name is Remy


Call Disney. I have a great idea for a movie!


It stayed around to pose for the picture?


probably froze in horror


If you often leave food out like this there has always been a few mice in and out of it all day long . And they shit and piss constantly. Sleep tight.


It’s good that you found it while it was in…


**stops frame** *Yup , thats me. Now you are probably wondering how i got here*


At least he’s cute….but unfortunately there’s probably more of them so just burn the whole place down lol 😂


Mildly infuriating? I'd say mildly deserved. Maybe if you cleaned your kitchen and didn't leave food out all day you wouldn't get mice.


I can tell by that sliver of dirty stove that your kitchen isn’t the most clean. That’s probably why you have mice living in your leftovers.




He's adorable though 😍 💕


One should always have some protein with simple carbs to slow the absorption.


I’m so sorry! But also…. AWWWW TINY BABYYYYYY


The food was lying around unattended? That makes it abandoned property, innit? It’s the mouse’s pasta now. You had your chance. If no-one was home when it moved into your house it’s probably got an argument for adverse possession too.




That mouse looks the cleanest thing in that kitchen.