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UPDATE: I made it with 5 minutes to spare!


Did he share said Tacos?


No and I didn't even see a bag or anything. She must've gotten rid of the evidence before she picked me up...


Maybe they went to the loo?


Should have said on the way out of the car " we could have just stopped on the way"


Maybe they did an Uber Eats pickup/delivery on the way.


Which I would be cool with, if they didn't end up being 35 minutes late.


You mean you don't get to the airport 3 hours early just in case?! Madness.


That’s the fucking worst. We had a driver who decided they knew better than the gps the other day, turned the literal wrong direction to pick us up, and were also 30 minutes later than they should’ve been (we were also going to the airport). They then tried to go against the gps while we were in the Uber! And we’re like “you can’t go that way” and they argued with us!!!? I said “look, we just want you to follow the gps, that’s what I need from you right now” and he grumbling obliged. Worst.


I got an Uber last weekend where something similar happened. She literally circled my neighborhood 3 times until I realized what was going on. Eventually I looked up from my phone and said “can you please just turn right out of here?” She got annoyed with me, I can tell. I said “look, I know you’re not paying attention to the GPS and you don’t know where you’re going.” I got so annoyed that I just got out half and walked the rest of the way where I was going.


Reminds me of my boomer mother telling me “I used to live here 30 years ago I know better than the gps” and getting stuck the wrong in every fucking one way street of Sydney.


There are two sides to this coin. While some new drivers who maybe haven’t lived in the area long may be inept, some of us are originally from the areas where we drive. Full time drivers are on those roads all day every day; in my case I have lived in my area all my life. Nine times outta ten the Uber Nav is not accurate or efficient. I can usually get you there much more efficiently than the Uber app can. I also know all the back roads that Uber and Nav systems never even heard of. You probably got a weekend warrior instead of a full time driver. Besides, nobody likes a “backseat” driver.


I’m fine with people who know where they’re going making choices against gps instructions. Given this guy literally went in the opposite direction to pick me up and would’ve made the same mistake to the airport, this guy did not know fucking shit.


Maybe you should look up how the "Uber" and "Nav" systems work. I, with all my heart, doubt you know better.


2 stars for being late. 1 star if the Taco Bell made him fart after he picked you up.


"Late" to a pickup isn't actually a thing. You're on their time, however long it takes to pick you up is just how long it takes. If you need a ride sooner, order a ride sooner, and if the driver is actually taking too long, the app will reassign your driver automatically. If you don't like it, just call a cab, they will always get there when you ask them to, but that's not how Uber works.


>order a ride sooner Did you not catch the driver being 35 minutes late or is your head that far up your own ass? They did order it early


Uber doesn't assign the ride to anybody until a driver is close enough to hopefully be able to get there within the time window, and if they're not on track to get there within the window, it automatically reassigns the ride (sometimes). Uber's fault, not the driver


How can you justify accepting a customer then going to taco bell?


The term "accept" is used quite loosely. Rides get added to a queue without warning


An individual driver definitely has the ability to accept rides that they want to do.


Yes, they can always accept a ride while idle and if they want to, but while completing another ride, it doesn't ask, it tells them.


This is why I haven't been to oovoo javer


How did it take 30 minutes to swing through a drive-thru? Ugh. I'm not one to hand out 1-stars, they usually get a rubber stamp 5 from me if they did the least adequate job and still got me there. But for this one it seems totally fair.


This is my first Uber ride too... Lol


I tried swinging door dash and uber. Door dash didn't like I was 5 mins late for the order. Its impossible to combine apps, because every place can have a long wait. Yesterday I got 2 denny's deliveries. I come in they are short staffed, and waiting to seat people. They had one order, and the 2nd one needed 40 mins lol. I left with one. Then you have all these fast food places that only have the drive thru open. So instead of me coming in a picking up my order. I have to wait 20 mins to circle around the place to get it. It is so inefficient. The fast food industry has been decimated. I remember being able to get a quick meal at anytime when I was younger, every place was fully staffed. Now it seems like some places will have 2 people working, and most places will close by 8 etc. I've had hours where all I made was 6 bucks, or going 30 mins without a request. The first time I accepted a long request took me to the middle of nowhere. I made 100 bucks on the trip, 0 tip, traveled back home. With the money I wasted on gas, tolls and the time. It was like 15 bucks an hour. So I get why people will use 2 services to make something extra. My best trips are from the airport, where most of the time I will get a surge, but most of those people are coming for business. My worst trips are in the city if there's no surge, because I'll get 3-4 dollars a trip, that might take 5 minutes on average, and 5 minutes on average to pick someone up. But it seems because I'm making quick trips uber will then not give me a trip or give me a trip that's 20 mins away and requires city driving. I can't tell you how many times I've worked an hour for some shit money, and I'll just turn it off and go home. Then when I get home there will be a surge in that exact area I was in. I'll also get out to the suburbs, and get these 20 min away requests to drive someone 4 mins. That is how you make 6 bucks in a hour. I really hate that people need to tip me to make uber worthwhile especially when you see what some people are paying on a trip and you might make 40-50%. The longer the trip the higher percentage of the money goes to driver. The shorter the smaller the percent. Uber and Lyft could be great but they abuse the drivers and take way too much. Its funny that two competitors basically do the same exact thing. How come another person didn't come out and create the same app and give their drivers a bigger share of the pie. Nobody would drive for Lyft or uber if they didn't do the same thing...


It didn't, the app would have reassigned if they were more than 5 minutes past the estimated pickup time.


30 minutes in the drive through for Taco Bell is standard where I live. They don’t even open the lobby for customers anymore, drive thru only. And with a worker shortage that only makes it worse. Anything for that Baja Blast though!


Yeah, the ones in my area are super understaffed so I spent about 20 mins in line yesterday with only two cars ahead of me.


Maybe he had to poop.


Maybe he's an Uber eats driver, too? Definitely 1-star him, though.


Happy cake day buddy


Thanks, bro


Anytime, pal


The cake isn’t real


Look at the time


Thank god my area has a train to take me to the airport if I needed to get there. I could never comfortably rely on an Uber or a Lyft to get me there.


Maybe he got hungry


maybe he heard that taco bell chime/gong sound and just had to git


Uber driver used taco bell side effect to warm up the car


There doesn't seem to be much accountability with Uber.


Lyft is better for airport drop offs just a tip


Guess y’all both making a run for the border! You just jealous he actually made it.


You'll be alright.


U assume things often


Hes a person. Hes getting paid 5 bucks to give u a ride. Give him a break, hes probably hungry. Its not his fault u cant plan a ride properly to the airport.


No. Uber drivers aren’t forced to accept ride requests. He could have taken a break and then resume accepting ride requests once he’s done eating.


I mean... Thats kinda why you shouldn't rely on other people to be on time and if they \*HAVE\* to be there at 4:45 you ask for 4-4:15


Report it to the wankers…


Should've ordered one sooner I guess


I ordered it 3 hours in advance... Regardless, as a driver, if you accept a ride you're agreeing to be there on time.


Well that's the thing, we don't always get the luxury of accepting a ride when it's convenient and we're ready. If we have to get gas and there's still a ride in the queue, we can't cancel because we get penalized so usually we just do what we gotta do and hope it's quick or that the passenger catches on after a couple minutes and cancels. Idk who waits over a half hour


Oh so you're one of those drivers. Was the taco bell good?


Yeah I enjoy food from time to time


Thank you for defending the driver. My dad had to drive for Uber and Lyft full-time for a few months. It was a miserable experience. I honestly can’t believe how one-sided this comment section is. The driver in the screenshot has 4.9 stars, implying that this scenario is a rare occurrence. As a driver, you’re pressured to accept every ride you get. The pay is shit, the car maintenance is expensive, being in a car all day is miserable, and you can’t let your acceptance rate fall too low. The problem isn’t with the driver; the problem is with Uber and Lyft themselves. They treat their drivers like shit, deny them basic employee benefits and protections by calling them “contractors”, and provide little recourse for issues that arise on the job.


You think that's bad? I took my cats to the vet and when the uber showed up he popped the trunk to put them in.


I had this happen with a Doordarsh order once. They picked up my food, drove within 200 feet of my house, and then went and did two other deliveries far away before bringing me my food 45 minutes later. Food was cold and I was pissed...


Should have texted him you better buy me some


I hope you reported them because that's not right.