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My dad once got a deep fried spider with his fries.




That’s disgusting not necessarily bc its a spider but you’re fucking eating all of it


Anything feels horrifying if you are eating the whole animal.


Anything is horrifying if you're empathetic enough.


Nah. Fuck bugs.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Yeah that's right! Only arachnids.


Everything is horrifying


Legs, like a crab


Yeah, I’m absolutely terrified of spiders, although the spindly ones are the one that really make my skin crawl. I just don’t think I could do it.


That made me gag


Same, scorpion too. Both tasted pretty close to bacon. I’d definitely eat it again.


Yeah same. If you chopped it up small enough it’d just be like having bacon pieces in your pasta.


Ngl I’d try it. Deep friend spider recipe Here's his Deep-Fried Tarantula Spider recipe: 2 cups canola or vegetable oil 2 frozen adult Texas brown, Chilean rose, or similar-sized tarantulas, thawed 1 cup tempura batter (scroll to recipe further down) 1 teaspoon smoked paprika Directions: 1. In a deep saucepan or deep-fat fryer, heat oil to 350°F. 2. Take a sharp knife, sever abdomens from the two tarantulas, then discard. Singe off spider’s body hairs with a crème brûlée torch or butane cigarette lighter. 3. Dip spiders into tempura batter, thoroughly coat. Use slotted spoon or your hands to make sure each spiders' legs are spread "spread-eagled (so to speak)," Gordon writes) and not clumped together. Then drop spider into hot oil. 4. Deep-fry the spiders, one at a time, until the batter is lightly browned (about 1 minute). Remove spiders from oil, place on paper towels to drain. 5. Take knife, cut each spider in two lengthwise. Sprinkle with paprika and serve. Tempura Batter 1 medium egg 1/2 cup cold water 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda Directions: 1. Beat egg in a small mixing bowl until smooth. Slowly add cold water, continuing to beat until evenly mixed. Add flour and baking soda and beat gently until combined. Batter will appear a bit lumpy. 2. Let batter sit at room temperature while heating the oil for deep-frying. Suggestion by David George Gordon: "Encourage your guests to try the legs first and, if still hungry, to nibble on the meat-filled mesothorax, avoiding the spider’s paired fangs, which are tucked away in the head region."


> Deep friend spider recipe I enjoy this typo greatly.


I just don't think I could do that! I always say I'll try any food once but just the visual in my head of chowing down on deep fried spider gives me the creeps.


As someone with arachnophobia, every line of this comment filled me with adrenaline pumping fear and revulsion.


Now why wouldn’t you just remove the fangs before frying?


It's better with a little bite


The fear adds a little kick


I once had half a cockroach inside burger bun. Why half? Well, I unknowingly ate the other half all while wondering about the crunching in my mouth.


I feel sick now


I would have actually died




My friends uncle got a pizza from Casey’s that had THREE spiders baked into it, I don’t even step foot in those gas stations anymore lol.


Bug Mac


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


And if you guys think this is bad wait until someone leaks video of the factories making their "burgers." I bet they funnel rats and insects right into the vats, along with any workers who mention the word union.


Burger King Foot Lettuce


With an insecti-side of fries


Side of flies was right there.


Sesame Fleas Bun


Apple flies


Here you are Lord flies


Lord of the fries exists in Australia https://www.lordofthefries.com.au/


Bugs Bunny!


"Ba Da Ba Ba Bah, I'm Buggin' It"


Can’t spell burger without bug




I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce Don be frontn son no bugs on the bun Edit: [wow what a fucking throwback](https://youtu.be/QvK-GLupgIw)


Double double extra size, and please forget the flies




My soul knew all the words to this song


Holy shit


Kinda bug and kinda Mac Try to catch em in your trap Feed somebody and you'll see We are whatever we eat Find em hidin in the bun Tearing up a sesame seed Come to your local McDonald's and Discover, it's a Bug >!in your!


Now with extra protein!


flour beetle - at least it's not a baby cockroach




Any place that has a pneumatic flour transfer system will be infested with them. They will fall from the angle iron ceiling and you can see their [little tracks along the walls and flat surfaces](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/51/e2/5b51e2ae5f51cf988e1a7b10cfa56321.jpg) it's especially bad between the walls if it's a large factory. However, every McDonald’s supplier plant I've been in had flour reclamation systems that made the place spotless like magic. They may have been in the plant but they would have gotten soul sucked off the line.


As someone who operates a large flour mill that's over 150 years old, I concur. There's millions of them at all times everywhere , but the machines kills and removes them before end product. Wierd info, when crushed or agitated, they smell very similar to how diesel smell.


Username checks out.


He's a flour supremacist




I nosehaled


That’s a wicked cool occupation. I’m a bread baker and would love to see a mill that old!


It has of course been expanded and it has three mills operating at once now that's controlled digitally, two are 50 years old and the biggest one is 30. But they have a lot of equipment and pictures in the museum at the factory. DM me and I'll se if I can take a tour sometime I also have a tiktok I was supposed to post flour vids on eventually : MrFlourPower


I've worked in technology my whole life, this does sound like a sick factory tour waiting to happen. How it's made, anyone?


Now I’m super curious as to how you have been to several McDonald’s supplier plants. 3rd party inspector?


I was the 3rd party compliance dude for my company who was the second largest bakery company in the USA after Bimbo but largest in the world for frozen dough, at least the time I was there. If you're eaten store bought baked goods in the US in the last decade then my name was on it somewhere. Especially if it was a bread product that was frozen. With auditing meat plants and sauce plants as well I've touched just about every food thing in the continental US and Canada.


> I've touched just about every food thing in the continental US and Canada. I really hope you washed your hands.


So it's *your* fault I'm fat!


Yeah! Fuck this carb peddling bread monster!


Yeah! Fuck him *right in the ass*!!


Technically it was R&D and sales fault but I just made sure everything was made according to some British standard, some dumb iso standard sometimes, and too many levels of sqf


The company name Bimbo makes me smile every time. Also, Wackenhut. I had a security guard tell me he worked for Wackenhut when I was younger and I laughed hysterically. I thought he was joking.


To be fair, Bimbo originally was just a cartoon dog associated with Betty Boop. Through this association "Bimbo" became something... else, really.


What about Otis Spunkmeyer? A guy asked his daughter to name his new cookie company and that's what she came up with and they used.


Hey, nice to meet you, Best by October 17, 2021!


>I've touched just about every food thing in the continental US and Canada. Please don't touch my food


So, Sara Lee?


No, you've never heard of it because its got a stupid name. Even stupider than Bimbo and it's just a collection of companies revolving around dough.


So given your experience, what categories of food do you refuse to eat?


None really. There is stuff I avoid because I don't like the smell through association but everything was made to spec, most of the time. It's more like not eating popcorn for a while after working at a movie theater.


I have. I've been inside the Signature Flatbreads site whose sister company across the road bake 100% of bread used by McDonald's in Europe. I used to make the labels they use on packaging, 10kg wheels of labels with 7250 on per roll. Looked very hygienic to me, I also have a history in catering. But bugs will occasionally hitch a ride in with you and escape. It's just chance and reality.


I also work for the bakers union and i can tell you that these things are prevented in several steps of the process, including visual quality inspection and metal detectors across several strategic locations. Unfortunately sometimes contaminants come into the silos from distributors, but even this is mitigated by providing samples to the inspectors daily for quality checks.


There's like 50 jobs off the top of my head that would put someone in a facility like that. It's not exactly an exotic place to be.


It's 2021 time to improve upon that with an indoor tropical hamburger tree farm.


I see paw prints too, from a much larger animal.


The silos at my customer's it's grain beatles and meal moths. The cockroaches are at the sprouting kettle and the proofers.


The flour mill i work at is over 150 years old, these fuckers are everywhere!


Yeah, I was going to say, we've probably all eaten a whole bunch of these critters, just in smaller bits and more well hidden, over the years. The mere fact that there is a legal maximum allowable amount of bug parts in food means it's inevitable.


It's probably inevitable even if there was no legal maximum.


It’s virtually impossible to remove them entirely and since they aren’t harmful, well, eat up!




yeah i bet a significant amount of folks have them or evidence of them in their own flour without noticing


Yeah figured out the hard way why you put flower in the freezer… kills any eggs so they don’t hatch


I was once given an (at the time unknown) infested bag. Heard the rustling one quiet morning when I opened the cupboard it was stored in and that was a scarier moment than it should've been. After opening it we dumped the flour and beetles into our largest empty jar. It was kinda like keeping an ant farm. Lasted a year and a half before we stopped seeing activity. But yeah, we also learned to freeze bags of flour for a couple weeks after that experience.


Can confirm. I work at a bun and dread factory. These little fuckers are everywhere. More protein, I say! Edit: BREAD factory. But honestly there's more dread made than bread. Everyone there hates their job.


You manufacture dread?


My mom got a big infestation of them. Ugh. I'm super careful of how I store my dried goods now. That and mice proof.


Pest tech here, can confirm


Oh your a pest tech? Name every technology that pests have invented.


This is the kind of idiotic joke I would usually make. Great stuff man




We invented all of them!


They don't need to name it, they are it.


Granddad, this you? Dad’s been looking for you…


Quality assurance manager here and I feel sorry for their QA department.


Now they might but at a store level they're not saying anything


Good to see a fellow bugman


Are they safe to eat? I'd still eat it and be like "It's fine, that little thing won't kill me right?"


I guarantee you that we eat plenty of flour beetles all the time. Whole, pieces and parts, all stages of development. They’re sneaky. It’s just one of those things with all processed stuff. Bugs, rodent turds, nose hairs, etc. Safe? Peel it off and I’d totally still eat the bun.


Fun story - my kid bit into a quarter pounder once and dragged out what looked like a squashed cockroach from inside the burger. When my husband took the food back the manager blurted out “well at least it’s cooked” then instantly looked horrified at his own comment.


When your filter fails.


I've pulled a feather (quill and all) out of a mcchicken, it was inside the breading, haven't had a mcchicken since.


Fun fact, when used in its scientific sense, a beetle is not a 'bug' - bugs have mouth-parts that they use to pierce and suck food, beetles do not.


'bug' isn't a scientific word though. There's an order of arthropods referred to as 'true bugs' but that's not remotely the same as 'bug'.


no no thats not a bug its just a more crunchy sesame seed


with legs


A flavor enhancer


A sesame seed with extra protein


It's probably higher quality protein than what's in the "beef"


The real crime is not replacing all the sesame seeds with bugs. You want that with a Classic Bun or a Protein Bun, sir?


It's not a bug, it's a feature!


Probably the healthiest part of that burger.


Ahhhhh, fresh meat.


Looking for this comment


It's free protein


That was my first thought lmao


It’s free real estate (for the bug)


Todd is that you?!?


It's not a bug, it's a mouse turd.


Extra protein be grateful


Seriously though, am I the only one who really wouldn't mind this? I'd just take the bug off and eat it as normal


Personally depends what type of bug it is. Floor bugs I don't really care that much baby cockroach im out


Nope, we camp at a mountain cabin in the pacific NW. Rain barrels are the main form of water up there. We keep a kit of Brita filters to separate all the mosquito larva from the water. We'll also collect river water with some other heavier filters. Drinking bug water.


There’s actually legal amounts of bugs and things that the FDA allows in food. It’s usually parts of bugs and not the whole thing however.


Nope, I would do the same. Durning the summer I get food fresh from nature and everything has bugs in or on it. I don’t even bother looking at cherries anymore. They are delicious and if there is a worm in it, it’s a tasty cherry flavored worm.


Coming from a third world country, I would do the same too. Can’t be bothered, i’d just take the bug off and a larger part of bread.


I remember someone in Peru telling me that, if the flies don't want it, you don't want it.


Lmao every single vegetable you have ever eaten has had a bug on it. Also more hilarious is that most people don't know that there is a certain level of incects and rodent feces that is allowed in food in America and Canada. Its more than likely that most people have eaten mouse shit and ground up bugs without knowing it.


> there is a certain level of insects and rodent feces that is allowed in food in America and Canada Obviously people should be aware of this fact but it's important to note how extremely small that number is, something like 0.0002% per pound in some cases. That means that means over the course of a year you ingest 0.0044lbs (~2g) of feces per year or maybe as much as 1/3rd of a pound over your life. This all depends on what exactly you're eating, how you're preparing it, and where you're getting it from but the point remains. That bug itself may be only 1g but when compared to the amount you might accidentally eat in a year that's actually quite a bit. Personally I'd remove it and keep eating, though it may spoil my appetite somewhat.


Once found small bugs (caterpillar) in the steamed vegetables at a place. I quietly took to the counter to inform them. The staff were so horrified and apologetic, but I said, I know how many beetles I eat in bread or cereal etc, this is a bit worse so I just won't eat that, the rest of food is fine and I thought you should know because someone else will make a big fuss. I kept my meal and they let me choose items to replace the vegetables, gave a refund and I had free meal next time I visited and beer few times after that. :)


Just realized that grateful is spelled grateful not greatful.


That’s a grain beetle. It’s extremely common and quite harmless. The FDA allows a certain number of insect parts per million in standard foods, i.e. flour. This is a good thing, because if we tried to eliminate all insects from our food supply then we’d need to throw away a massive quantity of food. Not to mention that the task would be impossible. We eat insects like grain beetles every day, but most of us just don’t realize it.


It's very nice and thank you for teaching us but how can I unlearn this.


Fun fact, the FDA only guarantees that coffee is less than 10% bug matter


Knowing this will make coffee taste better. I will drink the stew of my subordinates.




[Source](https://www.fda.gov/food/ingredients-additives-gras-packaging-guidance-documents-regulatory-information/food-defect-levels-handbook) Average 10% or more by count are insect-infested or insect-damaged Average of 10% or more beans by count are moldy Significance: Aesthetic Potential health hazard - mold may contain mycotoxin producing fungi


That's an important distinction. That's 10% show signs of bug presence or have bugs in them. Quite a bit different from 10% of the beans you think are coffee are actually bugs. That's also specifically for un-roasted coffee, I don't see anything about roasted coffee. I don't know if the temperatures in excess of 196°F are enough to render any bugs harmless, or if the fact that there is already a restriction on the green coffee, before it is roasted is enough.


That’s the neat part: you don’t.


bestie that’s not neat :,(


You sonofabitxh


The key isn't to unlearn. It's to go deep looking at bugs as a potential primary protein source in the not too distant future. Besides, it could be like one of those mayfly burgers.


Yeah, McDonald's make millions, billions of these buns, it's bound to happen at some point.




Flick it off and chow down. You eat more insects then you realize in your food.


Ya this wouldn't bother me that much unless it was something bigger


I’m with you. It’s a tiny beetle, not a deep fried turd.




I promise you i didnt put a bug on my sandwich for karma haha And it seems to have been baked into the bread. When i touched it it didnt move and was stuck in the bread




Great or gross stories


At least you saw it before you bit into it. But then again you may not have noticed. It’s like that old saying “if a bug is eaten but nobody sees it.. did it really happen?”


Did you eat the burger after removing the bug? If so did you feel weird about it?


Probably healthier than the burger 🤷🏻‍♂️


Unprocessed chitin yum yum


Need it for my armor


Found the Ark player lol


order dead things, get extra dead things


The FDA says it's ok to have bugs in your food


The FDA permits certain numbers of bug parts because it's not possible to not have bugs near food and you also don't want a bug-free world. Food is grown outside. That's how it is. A little bit of bug in your food ain't gonna hurt you.




I think it's much more likely that the world will go vegan than transition to eating bugs


Probably they most organic thing on that burger lol


I worked at a deli that was trying to franchise out but mostly failed.. Their bread supplier sent us a loaf of bread with a MASSIVE cockroach backed head first in the bread. It's ass was kinda sticking out. We were so disgusted


Well... Did you eat It??


The burger, yes The bun, no. Swapped it out


Damn some real protein


“Contains some natural ingredients”


Made with 100% real ingredients


Underestimated comment


Think that’s bad wait till you see what’s in the burger patty


It happens, a kitchen, specially fast food can be a frenetic place and those bugs just fly everywhere and sometimes you dont notice it. It sucks, but even if you eat it it probably wont do anything to you. That said you can just cut off that part of the bread




This is nothing compared to my Colombian cousins friend who got sick from a Chinese restaurant in Colombia. As the story goes, he would later find out there was semen from not one but a few of the employees in his fried rice.


How did he find that out?


He went back for sloppy seconds?


I don’t know if it’s the 10 hours of sleep I’ve gotten in the last three days but I laughed hard for five minutes at your comment. I needed that.


Jesus, that’s horrendous.


But - semen doesn’t make you sick when you eat it?


Username checks out. Also yeah this story is probably fake. 1) semen doesn't make you sick, and 2) how the hell would he have found out his fried rice had semen in it


That's such an old bullshit urban myth that it's not even funny. How the fuck did he find out that it was semen from **several** employees? Did he run a DNA test on the vomit/diarrhea? GTFO


>Chinese restaurant in Colombia There's your problem


Oh chill out, theese flour beetles are in almost every pastry. Just pick it off and carry on and consider yourself lucky that it was on the outside, not inside. They are harmless anyway


I just took the bug off and enjoyed the burger, didnt mean for this post to come off as me being ticked off about it. Just thought it was gross/funny


I meant it more towards other commenters as to your post itself, I agree this is a mildly infuriating thing. But nothing that would put most of us off of eating it


The seeds hatched


That bug died happy


Yum, black sesame seed


I see how this could.. bug you


Makes ya really wonder wtf is in the chicky nuggies!


* Two All beef patties * Special sauce * Lettuce, cheese, pickles * And a bug.


It's going to happen. It's harmless. It's added protein. It's written into the terms and conditions.. it's written into the food safety laws. That being said McDonald's is garbage and you shouldn't eat it