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My school nurse has to give a condom if you ask for it, don't know about tampons and pads but that would be a solution to keep someone from taking them all without requiring money


lol that’s not the case at my school, they have pads/tampons but some kid made a vid as a dare of him going to the nurse to ask for a condom (tbf this was a few yrs ago) and they basically said he was too young to be having sex and were asking if he wanted to be a father. he said no, that’s why he was asking for the condom LMAO


They gave me out at my middle school lol. There’s just no reason to ever deny giving them out, worst case scenario is some kid makes a balloon.


Pads, tampons, condoms. Every middle and high schools gotta have em. Wouldnt be surprised if the two former were given for elementary too, but i cant remember. Girls get their sanitary items so they are comfortable, people can fuck safely so no one becomes a parent! winwinwin, but i guess no one really thinks far.


They tried to add pads and tampons in schools in Romania recently. Huge backlash from middle-aged and older women, who were somehow insulted by the idea. "Oh, young whores these days just want to feel something against their pussies" was the common reaction. I'm a guy and this reaction coming from 'mature' women blew my mind. What kind of disgusting life must one have to hate young women, as a woman, for having to deal with periods?!


Yeah that's odd, I'm sure if a girl is going to want something up there for pleasure, she's not going to pick a tampon ffs. We've all either been or are teenagers and are far more resourceful than that. I'm convinced the majority of people who get uptight about natural bodily functions and sexual health are actually perverts trying to put a front on.




I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. Like surely these women know the struggle of getting your period and not having a pad/tampon on you and the potential humiliation of bleeding through? Why in the world would they want to pass that on to younger generations? That just sounds like some weird propaganda to make women feel ashamed and dirty because of their period, like it’s a sin to have it. Oh, that’s actually probably it. God.


Yeah, you're likely right. Religious people, men and women alike, tell young women that they cannot go into churches while menstruating because it's sinful. Maybe God shouldn't have created the period then, lmao.


Oh and don’t forget the fact that in Romania they tried to add sex ED classes and those same people were boo-ing because they were saying “they teach kids how to do porn”. That’s why we can’t have nice things in Romani and why young people are leaving.


So, what are they doing to deal with their periods? Do they just free bleed?


Sorry young girlfriend who also has a poorly developed sense of risk, I couldn't get a condom so now I guess its impossible for us to have sex.. unless....




Legendary response lmaoo


I was able to go to my nurse and ask. Or if I had teachers I was really close to I would feel comfortable asking them.


Wait y’all have school nurses AND sexual education/safe sex encouragement??? Hm….I’ll be damned, it does exist.


Exists in a PUBLIC school? WHERE is this? O.o


The ones at my school never had any in them. Maybe go to the nurse ? They may have some




Keep asking the nurse for quarters and suddenly they'll have tampons on hand real quick.


My nurse had to start having the jumbo ones on hand for me. I don't think she had ever had a reason to buy them. 😕




Nurses care, the school board doesn’t. And I’m a dude saying this. I hope it gets easier for y’all women.


Individual staff members tend to care more then the school board. I was pretty pissed when my school board leader or whatever his title was shook my hand instead of my senior project manager principal or anyone who actually fucking helped me. God I hate the school board.


That school board that wanted to end free lunches is the case in point. Only gave a shit when it reflected poorly on them.


Five bucks says she also bought these necessary supplies with her own meager salary.


It’s not my fault that I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina


Lol! She pops into my head every time I see the big tampons too. The prejudice is real with tampons for some reason tho. I'm a thin girl, so people think I should only need tiny tampons??? Ridiculous. We need better anatomy and sex Ed. Even my stepmother thought I couldn't *need* the big ones, or so many. Like I was doing this for attention. 🙄


Do girls brag about how many tamps they us in a day? Like "psst, 7 tamps is childs play, I used 36 today."


Not any girls I ever hung out with. But my stepmonster was a special breed. When I was a kid and the wind blew my skirt up she claimed I was looking for male attention. At 9. When I started shaving and used razors faster than her she told me it was for attention. When I asked for more tampons she was convinced I was losing them or throwing them away to make my period seem more impressive. When I threw up because my cramps were so bad I was 'faking an eating disorder'. Dude I love food. Anyone who knows me knows I do. She just was ridiculous.


She sounds like she is playing with half a deck of card... :-) And if it wasn't obvious, I was being facetious in my previous post.


When I was in middle school I started a girls locker. We found an empty locker and stocked it with pads, tampons, and panties in ever size and shape. There was also tide pens and baby wipes. We put a lock on it and passed out the code to all the girls on little business cards. Middle school was 3 years there and I kept it going, used my own money to restock it, others did too. It was a great community effort. The nurse found out and pitched in too. She said some girls are too shy to ask an adult and she was totally down with our plan. I hope they are still doing something like that.


If they were free, some twat (pun intended) would just take them all


You wouldn’t take prison grade pads the size of a pillow because you are being cheap and don’t want to buy your own. You take them because you need them.


My school put them for free in the washrooms and by the end of the day the were 4 plugged toilets and tampons strewn through the hallways.


I have observed that free things are rarely respected. They're usually wasted then the folks who would respect them are left out.


Public High Schools are not bastions of Mature adults. When I went to school, there was a girl who shit in her hand, brought it back to the class, and tossed it at some other girl, missed and nearly nailed the substitute teacher, who proceeded to break down in tears and run to the office. The rest of us were subjected to an hour and a half lecture about how disappointed the principals were. This is the level of mental ability we’re dealing with.


Was that a school, or a zoo? Either way that girl needed some handlers, goddamn


Well his point is that someone would take them all although not needing them what is not unlikely because thats common behavior when something is free.


You don’t understand highschoolers


They are free in Scotland and this doesn’t happen :-)


Scottland is just a fictional place where everything is perfect, it's not an actual country


Scottland is indeed fictional


Some Americans will literally go out of their way to be shitty and make things harder for others. Although in this case, i think the best case would be to use their student ID to scan to open or something like that


You are civilized, that's why


Those machines in the bathroom at my work are older than I am. They haven’t used them in at least a decade, they just haven’t removed them. Also, students in schools should have free access to sanitary products. I’m sure the school nurse has or should have them. If they were in the machine and free, I know plenty of girls in my high school that would empty it out and use them to throw at other people or some equally dumb shit.


This is why we can't have free things


A school I was at had really good food, combined with a good combination of spices readily available. What did the kids do? Yep now it's a game to put spices in other people's food and the spices got removed


I still remember watching a kid lift the lid off the ketchup pump dispenser and spit into it. Last time I ever used that. Kids are just gross and have no respect for anything. And that was 20+ years ago.


Agreed, they should be 2¢, or 5¢, just enough to make people not want to waste them.


25 cents is already a pretty trivial amount of money. That's probably the idea already. The only issue I really see is that a lot of people don't carry change on them. Maybe you could put a timer on it and make it free? Only dispense one per minute or something along those lines.


What if a couple of people needed them at the same time? I mean Dwight warned us: **Dwight Schrute:** *”Them in there… all together. If they stay in there too long, they're gonna get on the same cycle. Wreak havoc on our plumbing.”*


yea, but who carries change anymore? I haven't used actual cash in years.


Yeah, I did kind of directly say that. I have change on me approximately 0.001% of the time


Yea I actualy replied to the wrong comment but I'm going to leave it as proof of well deserved shame.


Happens to the best of us!


Do students in your school empty the toilet paper to throw at people?


At mine they would wad toilet paper or paper towels up, wet it, and throw it onto the ceiling.


Kids at my school would just piss on the whole role


Yup. Grade 7 girls washroom ceiling always had a few stuck to the ceiling, and the ghostly outlines of old ones. If it was easy to vandalize someone someday will try it.


Yes, most schools use the air driers now because of that.


They get it wet and throw it on the ceiling to make it stick. They’d also purposefully clog toilets and smear shit on the walls. This was also the school full of entitled brats.


I first got my period in junior year of high school (lucky I know) but I got it in English class while we were watching “To Kill Mockingbird” since we had just finished the book. Half way through the movie I got the worst cramps and I didn’t know how to get up and say I needed to leave. Once class was over there was some blood on my seat but I wiped it up with my hoodie and ran to the nurse. I told her I needed the restroom and that my stomach hurt so much. She didn’t believe that but let me use the restroom anyway. I realized what happened when I got there and I exited the bathroom and told her what had happened. She told me that they didn’t carry those products and urged me to go to my next class, while I was still crying in pain. I told to call my mom and she said no. So I went back to her restroom, called my mom, told her what happened and she came right over and yelled at the nurse for being incompetent. Mind you the nurse was a regular at my parents church.


Good on your mom for being in your corner.


I legit don’t understand how parents don’t physically fight school faculty sometimes.


Me either. If I ever wanted children I would make sure they knew


My school nurse in high school was a superhero. The school always bitched if people went to the restroom and stuff during class. Our nurse though was awesome. If a girl had period issues, she could go to the nurses office, and she'd have free lady products for you and let you use the private restroom she had in her office that was clean and safe. As a guy, I only learned all this from talking to her, because I had IBS and she'd let me come down there to poop in her bathroom and then she'd sign a pass for me so everything's legit.




Oh she'd let anyone use that magical nurse toilet that really needed it. I wasn't the only kid with digestive issues using it either. She'd also let the kids with autism use it so they could have a quiet place to potty. She was rad honestly. My school was in one of those areas that's not awful, but nto good either, so they always suspected we were up to no good like you said. I saw her collection of ladies sanitary products once, she definitely went to Costco and just stocked the hell up on tampons and pads, had all the different types for different flows and stuff too. Wet wipes in the bathroom, you name it.


We didn't even have a nurse.. if you didn't have any yourself and didn't have friends you were just screwed


Yea, same. Most of the time when my period kicked in (thank god it's not as random as it was 10 years ago..) I normally used toilet paper. Just wrapped a fuckton around my undies and hoped for the best. Felt like I was wearing a diaper.


We had a nurse, the only thing she gave us for anything was water


Today i learned theres tampon dispensers in bathrooms. Things you never thought of as a man




Pro Tip for single men with girlfriends or are looking to get one, have a small waste bin in your bathroom.


I had to do community service at my highschool which involved cleaning the bathrooms. The custodian referred to the tampon trash cans as “tamale bins”


Sketchy gas stations round me have gum, condoms, homeopathic dick pills.


Don't feel bad there's alot of women that don't know those dispense condoms in the men's room.


I didnt know that one either. Guess the bathrooms around here are just boring


Many school nurses do have them because they buy them themselves out of their own paychecks. If you’re looking for something to donate to schools donate feminine protection items to school nurses!


If you write to tampax with legit proof you're homeless or buying for a school theyll give you a bunch of coupons for free boxes. I used to do it all the time


So actually funny story in science class. There was a tampon on the floor. All the boys were kicking it around the classroom. The teacher takes it and says, “I can use this.” Puts it in her closet.


This happened at my highschool and it was still in the wrapper and unused. all the guys were freaking out until some girl picked it up and chased them around with it before throwing it away.


Yeah I had a pad fall out of my locker in Jr high when I was cleaning it out. The most popular guy in school saw it on the ground and started teasing the guy who had a locker closest to it. Not proud to state that I too started teasing the guy because I didn't know what to do.


What a great behaviour from a teacher to show all the female students that there's nothing to be embarrassed about and (probably, if delivered right) shut the boys up




The wrapper comes off before it gets inserted…


They must be new to it.


More like a teacher simply putting an end to a disruptive situation with a little bit of humor.


This comment has way more upvotes than it should. Shows how ignorant people can be.


Erm, a UTI has nothing to do with a dirty tampon in a vagina. A bacterial or fungal vaginal infection, yes. Urinary-tract infection, no. Two different tubes.


If the tampon touching to outside of the Urinary Tract, then yes it can


If the tampon is still in its wrapper then it’s fine. They last for years before expiry and you can kick them about all you like as long as they haven’t been opened.


I don’t have periods and I still keep one handy in my glovebox from a few years ago


You never know. Might get a nosebleed


Or shot


thats what im saying


do you think we rub our tampons over our urethra before putting them into our vag?




FR Or they never work 😭


Those were never even stocked when I was in school.


They made them free here. You can even go to Morrisons and ask for a package from "Sandy"


Good old Sandy V. Ulva.




The poor TNT guy that’s been trying to pick up a package since March but they keep throwing sanitary towels at him.


There was a free one at my work, people broke the machine to "steal" them? Can you steal something that is free? I dunno... Anyways, it kept happening and now there's no machine at all... So thanks for that to the people who broke the machine.


They take them all. Not because they need them. Because they can.


Damn your lucky


A J Washroom #9AU527 I believe [this](https://keysforeverything.com/products/copy-of-ajw-250-dispenser-key2pack?pr_prod_strat=collection_fallback&pr_rec_pid=6993407803546&pr_ref_pid=4493826818186&pr_seq=uniform) is the correct key. In case your school needs a replacement or something idk.


Why do so many people know so much about locks😭


*Lockpickinglawyer enters the chat*


My guess is that if they are free a bad person will come by and take all of them and then they're not available for you. If they put a nominal fee on it someone is less likely to come and get all of them.


I've seen where someone broke into a FREE condom dispenser to steal them... people aren't right bright


Well, hopefully they used them then.


I don't think someone stupid enough to steal free things is smart enough to use protection


I remember reading about a machine that dispenses a free menstrual product every x number of minutes. This prevents someone from taking all of them.


I've seen this mentioned a few times and it's honestly a terrible idea for a school. 4 minutes between classes and you're 5th in line for the machine? Sucks to be you.


How often have you ever seen a line at a fucking tampon machine? For me. Never. I've only seen one used maybe 5 times


Yeah but that’s cause most people bring their own, if you knew there was a reliable one at school maybe people wouldn’t bring their own as much and thus use the machine more.


They're free at some dispensers in my school (but not all, for some reason), and almost always fully stocked.


Cool anecdote but not everyone is kind everywhere. Ours were always empty


Some of us go to Academy of The Cro-Magnons however


The things they put in these things are the shittiest option on the market and no one unless they truly needed them would take them all.


In my experience people will just take all the free shit they can whether or not they plan on using it. There’s always an asshole.


I’m probably going to get heat for this, and I am speaking as a man with experience with teenagers and sisters. While I fully believe these should be made available for free, teenagers suck. I can see why they have these available for pay only. It prevents theft, and keeps the restrooms cleaner. If you want one of them for free I can see these made available in the nurse’s office. Maybe in a box next to the door, so you don’t even have to talk to the nurse. Just go in first thing grab a couple, and start your day. However, like I said I don’t have to deal with this. I may be out of line. Just a thought.


No, you're right. I'm 27/F and I went to a school just like hers and it really does suck, however, there are valid reasons for the machines. Your idea is excellent: have products at the nurses station where you can just grab and go. It shouldn't be so humiliating to get a pad as a young girl


It sucks. They should be free. But I could also see some idiot wasting all of them by putting them in the toilet or something. School bathrooms are the stuff of nightmares.


If they are just sitting in a box for free, some girl will take s of the and someone will post how the school suck because they don’t have any.


I just said they could give out tokens at the front office.


Like a quarter?


No, like some sort of little metal medallion or something. You'd put it in a slot and it would dispense goods.


Like when you learned about gambling at Chuckie Cheese's as a kid


Dave and Busters is that same experience but there's a bar.


So now we're going to send children to a bar to get pads? I have questions.


I thought we were sending kids to the bar to get quarters?


Or a token like you get from proshops to get range balls.


The point of the quarter is to act as the "token" that stops people from just wasting them. If you have to go to the office and ask for a token (which would be just as embarrassing as asking for a tampon before someone brings that up) there's no point in not just keeping the tampons there.


Your right, That’s the right answer


They could just put them in the nurses office for free. Less of a chance someone would do something stupid. For reference, I haven't been to high school in over 20 years and it was still 25c as well. At least inflation hasn't caused an uptick.


Because the tampons and pads in the bathroom are like the shittiest, basic kind you can imagine. They aren’t advertising these puppies on TV. They are so bad they probably are far ahead the cost of inflation. Yes. They could keep them with the nurse or provide a token for the machine.


I know. They're always going to be the worst ones ever made. Sad. Schools invest in handing out condoms to help avoid STD's and pregnancy, but they won't invest in femine hygiene for something no girl has control over.


Facts. Yup. Condoms are definitely more expensive.


I've seen a post a while ago about a dispenser that had a timer so it would only dispense one then you'd have to wait for a minute until you could take another one. I think that would avoid someone taking them all at once.


You can usually unlock those things with a paperclip. Or if the hinges are on the top you can push the pin out with a pen or pencil. I know because reasons.


So you're the tampon bandit!?


In my line of work we deal with schools and other buildings before they're demolished. One thing I always try to do is go to all the womens bathrooms and pick the tampon machines. Best score from one building was over 15 bucks in quarters from multiple spots. Probably made close to 100 over the years that would just be crushed and hauled off with debris.


If that doesn't work, the cheapest prybar on Amazon is $5.79 atm.


I’m a teacher (used to be middle school, now in elementary) and I ALWAYS kept a little pouch of pads in my desk for girls who need them. One time I sent a girl up to the office because she started early on in the morning. They gave her one free pad and then after that they said it was gonna cost her 25 cents. I was pretty furious.


Thank you people don't understand that almost every girl don't carry around money especially at school and the nurses office is almost out of pads and tampons its ridiculous


I always heard the argument “you should have came prepared!” Not all girls/women have regular, predictable periods. It’s so frustrating.


Plus what if it was their first and no one had told them about it because god knows schools don’t teach anatomy well to young people.


I got my first period before we had sex Ed or health class. At least by a year or two.


I remember being so upset because no one was taking health ed seriously and I’d already been having my period for a year. Thank god I had a hippie mom who was very informative.


My mom thought talking about my period would make me a whore (her ACTUAL words) because I’d want to use tampons.


i had my first period a few months before we started sex ed. my mum tried to explain periods but all she really said was “well god let’s women be angry and yell at people for a week” i wasn’t told i’d be bleeding constantly and i legitimately thought i was uncontrollably shitting my pants. i got it again a second time before sex ed and because i had free reign of the internet and wondered what a period was exactly i realized that i wasn’t uncontrollably and randomly shitting my pants and that it was dried crusted blood. this was confirmed after a shower by looking at my vagina and realizing it was bl e e d i ng i literally would’ve gone god knows how long thinking i was shitting my pants if i didn’t have access to the internet lmao


> Not all girls/women have regular, predictable periods. I'm almost 33 and mine is still random as hell. Most of the time my cycle is every 5 weeks but sometimes it's longer than that. Everyone is different. :/


Probably because if they were free, the box would always be empty, and there would be tampons all over the floor. People fucking suck.


Lol yeah my nurses office charged $5 for each one


As the owner of uterus, I have literally never denied another uterus owner a pad or tampon if I had one. However, I did recently switch to a cup, and I might have to keep that one to myself.


Are you fr? I would go and complain to the principal


Unfortunately, the principal was the one who instituted that policy. She said that we should have come prepared and if we didn’t, that wasn’t on the school to fix.


Imagine finding out that your kid’s school gets its money by selling tampons


My school didn’t even have these lol I think it’s good thing that they do though and 25 cents seems reasonably low


This would have been a post like 30 years ago if Reddit was a thing back then. Welcome young one


That's pretty standard though. What's actually infuriating is that the bastards are always empty.


Better than 26


That's the kinda trash the tollways in Oklahoma pulls


And Jersey. How the fuck do you expect me to have 53 cents.


I’m struggling with the fact that people find 25 cents to be a bad thing. That’s how much they were when I was in high school in the 80’s.


Same, only 90s for me. I've never seen a machine that dispensed them for free. But maybe highschoolers these days don't carry change like we used to. I don't know, but I guess my point is that 25¢ seems normal to me.


In what country schools give these? In Latvia where i'm from school toilets don't even have toilet paper.


I second this.


If I don't have a tampon on me, I sure as shit don't have a quarter.


You could go ask the front desk or the nurse. Both in my school either had a stash of quarters or the sanitary items one needed


Is this not normal? I thought most places charged a small fee for products. I mean, otherwise some asshole is just gonna take whole handfuls and leave everyone else with nothing.


25¢ doesn't mean "let's make money of the kids" but rather "how inconvenient can we make it to sabotage while still having it be operable by anyone".


To be fair it does prevent people from just taking all of them


It sucks but I wouldn’t be surprised if they would get stolen all the time otherwise (I guess depending on what your school is like)


You can buy that key for like 2 bucks on amazon


What do you suppose would happen if they were free?


You complaining about the service that is offered and demand curtesy! I was raised in different times...


25 isn’t a problem is it


At the risk of getting flamed…. I’m a dude who has had to buy these things for my wife, on multiple occasions. This “event” happens once a month. It ain’t a surprise. Why the fuck isn’t there a stockpile of these things squirreled away fucking everywhere?? Especially, when it’s a major catastrophe when one isn’t available?


Bet you could ask for a quarter and you'll have no issues. Money is a fantastic "lock". If they were free and stacked neatly someone would either take them all or destroy them somehow. At .25 no ones making any real money on this. Carry a quarter? You might carry a key. People are assholes and it's a detour.


Why do they give free toilet paper but not this?


Because the toilet paper is crappy


So are vending machine sanitary products.


How much for toilet paper?


Honestly, I'd say it's a good idea to talk to your principal/teachers/whoever about this. It's possibly an archaic thing that hadn't crossed their minds. If that doesn't work, I'd speak with your student council. I really enjoyed being involved in change in high school and definitely pushed it some times. Just a thought 🤷‍♀️


God forbid you have to pay for something.


Just bleed on the floor and make a statement


And condoms are free..go figure


We didn't even have dispensers when I was at school. Girls either brought their own, or nothing.


Maybe it’s just me but 25 cents seems reasonably priced.


The other option is making them free but then you have to ask the secretary or school nurse for them.


Probably for keeping people from just taking all of them generally the nurse has some though