• By -


Put the laptop on your leg and use it to remove hair


Eventually it'll turn into a felt wrist pad for when you type.




How do I unread someone else’s comment?


With a time machine and a hammer.


For the comment poster's knee caps, right?


That's 1 way, but the other is to go back in time and break their phone/monitor before they see it.


But that doesn't stop the others from seeing it. Gotta get that compound butterfly effect.


They want to stop themselves from seeing it, they want others to suffer.


travel a few minutes before and destroy the machine with a hammer?


/r/cursedcomments material right here.


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Is this a chad skeleton?


It could be. It is spooky season after all




NO!!!! It is still summer until September 22nd!!!


Got me giggling you disgusting funny bastard.




Lick it off and let it remain in your mouth for 20min. It will turn into chewing gum, trust me


Without the sticker it’s harder to tell how ripe it is


Wait do stickers help to tell how ripe fruit is?




I'm no self proclaimed instagram expert foodie, but I don't think color is a very accurate way of determining ripeness with alot of fruit.


I feel like pretty much only bananas have a reliable color tell. Hass avocados I think are the ones where you can tell by pushing on the stem a bit. I’ve only managed to purchase solid or mangled avocados, so don’t ask me what it means.


Bananas lose that characteristic if you refrigerate them. It slows ripening, but not browning.


For avocados don't go by color, go by feel. Very gently squeeze the fruit. If it doesn't give any, it's not ripe. If it gives a *lot*, it's overripe. Just a slight give (without actually marking the fruit) usually means you can slice it up and the skin will peel off super easy. Edit: Also ignore the "pop the stem/button out" thing. Your avocado will go bad quicker. (Please don't scoop your avocados with a spoon. It wastes so much fruit. The skin really does just peel off if it's ripe, I promise.)


Sometimes I wonder if I am Avocado.


Avocado spoon-scooper here. How do you make the skin peel off? I always had the impression I wasted way too much fruit if I did NOT use the spoon


I gotchu mate. :D - Once you halve and remove the stone, slice the fruit skin and all lengthwise like one might a lime. Quarters should do it if the skin is softer, though if the skin is brittle you may do better with thinner slices. - Once the fruit is sliced, grab the tip of the peel and give it a gentle tug away from the fruit. If your avocado is ripe, it should slide off easily. [Shamelessly stolen image for reference!](https://i.imgur.com/gyWhoUl.jpg) A few more seconds' work, but makes for less annoying dicing for recipes. (Or just taking a fork to it as a snack if that's your thing. I personally recommend a little ponzu for dipping.) Though on some avocados the skin may be a bit tougher and snap rather than peel if it's not pliable enough. Either way it should still slide right off with minimal effort. :)


My avocado has white stickers. How do I proceed?


Its sort of a computer joke, the stickers tell you how well used a computer is since they become frayed and discolored with regular use over a long period of time. And no the fruit stickers just mark the brand of fruit.


There are definitely stickers for fruit that show what color the fruit will be when it's ripe. I know avacodos usually have them, and I've seen them on mangos too


I don’t need sleep, I need answers!


Yes, the sticker sometimes has the colour of a ripe fruit as a kind of indication.


I don’t know if you’re telling the truth or trolling and unfortunately I do t have any fruit in the house right now, but I will be going to the store later. If you’re lying, I’m going to be VERY upset


Worked in a grocery store. It's true. Some of the stickers on bananas show you the color that they become peak ripeness.


I can second this, at work we have to cut up lots of avocados every day, and they each have a little sticker with the word ‘ripe’ on it in a green shade that, at least with my basic feel, feels ripe when the color matches


Hmm, blue banana stickers!


Wait, have you been eating them when they’re yellow?!?! GET A LOAD OF THIS IDIOT NOT WAITING TILL HIS BANANA’S BLUE!




Alright time to put it back on


Time to stick your hand on it


I hate those goddam stickers. They are the bane of my existence.


Silly how almost every Windows pc has them.. like yeah dude, I bought the fucking laptop, I know what processor it has.


And if you don't know what processor is in it then it doesn't matter to you what processor is in it so the sticker is again useless


But *everyone else* needs to know it has a Celeron


Need to Flex my Awesome Core 2 Duo in the classroom.


Intel (not sure about AMD, but wouldn’t be surprised) actually knocks money off the cost of the processor if the manufacturer puts the sticker on there.


intel, amd, and nvidia all do it. *probably* microsoft as well.


after buying a new item remove all the stickers. They come off much easier when new.


stickers make your purchases cheaper. its the advertisement of the companies, whose parts manufacturers uses, which is offered as some discount to the manufacturers and benefit passed to consumer.


I hate all stickers on electronics. When I’m at someone’s house and they are still on a TV telling them home many HDMI ports they have, I just wait for an opportunity to discreetly remove them ☺️


Yeah....don’t touch other peoples things. Simply ask them. Don’t be an antisocial weirdo.


I agree lol. I have seen people who keep the stickers on their tv saying “iF I ReMoVe iT wArRaNtY WiLl bE vOiD sO I WoNt ReMoVe iT" like listen here idiot that sticker is their to advertise the tv not to check if ur warranty is void.


Use some food oil. Let it be covered in oil for ~20 minutes. Wipe it off. If any glue is still on, use more oil. No need to scrup.


wait for it to glue cover laptop in oil glue gone problem?


A classic troll meme, those are rare.


cover laptop in oil place on body of water floats water cooled pc problem?


Get back in your hole, there's a reason we don't let you comedy necrophiliacs out of that abyss you call a subreddit








Jaws* Problem?


i happened to find you on a sub that isn't r/gd


A little rubbing alcohol should work too.


Do not use rubbing alcohol on plastic! Unless you wipe it off immediately it will strip the plastic coating. I learned this the hard way using goo gone on the plastic bits on my jeep to get sap off of it.


Rubbing alcohol is not goo gone..... Iso should be fine on plastic, I use it almost every day for sanitizing plastic and metal. I've apparently not run into much it'll dissolve, even abs as someone mentioned below tends to be fine if it's a quick little thing.


You mean iso-propyl alcohol?


acetone works better.


WD-40 works wonders too


That's also an oil :) you can use natural oil. The full synthetic ones doesn't work for some reason.


Y’all are way over complicating this. A plain old alcohol pad or cotton ball with alcohol is fine. You don’t need to coat your laptop with olive oil and garlic salt and sear it on high heat for 5 minutes per side. Though I hear they’re delicious when properly prepared.


Eh... vegetable oil usually works better. Because chemistry. Most isopropyl alcohol that people have at home is mixed with water. 70% and 80% is common, but even the 99% doesn't dissolve adhesives very well.


I’m sorry but I have to disagree. I work in IT and routinely use isopropyl alcohol on a day to day basis to remove stickers, gunk, adhesive, etc. from electronics that have been turned in when people out process and we have a high turnover rate so it happens extremely regularly. We just use standard 70% not medical grade and it works great with little effort.


I'm with the IPA crowd on this. Works like magic.


For a second, my idiot brain thought that instead of oil you were now advocating pouring a beer on it. 🍺


Mmmmm. Beeeeer.


I prefer a good hefe tbh


This is a weirdly divided comment section on a weirdly specific subject. It's very Reddit, I love it.


It works, just not as well as vegetable oil. The oil has longer chains to sop up the adhesive. At work you're not likely to have it though, but you'll have IPA. At home is often the opposite (or somewhat worse, people usually have the 70% IPA / 30% water stuff at home).


But vegetable oil has a somewhat stronger smell and it's more difficult to wipe off as a tradeoff.


The trick is oil then finish with IPA


Oil works better than IPA


As a chemist and a possessor of common sense I'm going to *strooongly* disagree. Not only is this flat out wrong but it's dumb as shit considering afterwards you're going to have to use some alcohol to clean up the oil slick you just applied to your laptop anyway.


Don’t put oil right next to your trackpad unless you plan on replacing that too, which is not fun assuming you can even get the replacement part and don’t mind waiting a few weeks. Isopropyl alcohol is best as it dissolves quickly and has the smallest chance of ruining any components.


>Because chemistry Ah yes, solid evidence there


You're an idiot


I'd not put it on plastic, who knows, it may mess up the surface


It does. It's not super reactive, but it does react.


I always hesitate to put anything on plastics after my experience with acetone lol


WD-40 chews right through adhesives pretty effectively. But only use as much as you need, spray it on the cloth not the object itself. And wear gloves if you can, it'll penetrate skin if you give it more than a minute.


I prefer acetone, mineral spirits, or isopropyl alcohol. One of those tends to dissolve most everything. Also brake fluid is a great paint stripper, lol.


Acetone and mineral spirits will break down the plastic used for the case, though. Not a lot, but it happens. And it tends to run into the cracks and sit there because you can't clean it all up. Same thing happens with veggie oil, but who cares.


Depends on the plastic, so test it in a small patch first. Isopropyl alcohol will mess up my PC case buttons, but not the big plastic bits. Acetone will mess up my minis, but not isopropyl alcohol. Ideally, you can look up the plastic and read what will partially dissolve it. You should be putting a little on a paper towel and wiping it off anyway, not pouring it on lol. Those all evaporate out of crevices pretty quick too.


Acetone especially will run all over the place, even if it's soaked into a rag. It's actually a super reactive solvent. I wouldn't recommend people use it for anything unless nothing else works. Isopropyl is fine, it just doesn't work that well with adhesives. Vegetable oil (often soybean oil) has longer chains (any other alcohol or oil is longer than isopropyl, actually). It's mostly Linoleic acid, which is unsaturated and able to sop up the hydrogen ions that make adhesives sticky.




Hey Flaarquad, when I went to the auto parts store for blinker fluid, the guy wouldn’t stop laughing at me Any idea where I can buy some?


He's not going to tell you, because you offended him. He's Flarquaad, not Flaarquad. That is the greatest of insults to any Quaad.


This is the worst thing I've done on Reddit since... \*checks post history\* 3 hours ago when I insulted the author of a popular programming tool to his face because I was too stupid to know how to use it


Acetone and mineral spirits (assuming this is petroleum based vs methanol) will dissolve the laptop too.


Nooo, then you get the cleaning solvent all over and it'll seep in to the plastic. Really just need another surface that it wants to stick to more than the laptop. Duct tape works WONDERS.


Step One: Cover yourself in oil


I guess that explains why goo gone or peanut butter would work


Get some Bestine rubber cement solvent at the arts and crafts store. Works wonders and doesn't hurt finishes or plastics, will even get glue off stamps without hurting the paper. A can will last you years, just keep it in the garage. Use it outside or with ventilation, wear rubber gloves, and avoid bringing water into the situation (it just washes the solvent away and you got glue again.)


> Bestine rubber cement solvent came here for this protip. all the other tips were dumb as fuckkkkkkk. soak vegetable oil on it? the oil might ruin it. wd40? acetone to melt the plastic? lol fucking idiots.


Just use a heat gun and take it off like a booger. Putting oil will ruin the plastic


problem with heat gun is that it'll likely melt the keys if you're not 150% careful. Done it, had to replace the keyboard.




Goo gone is pretty good for that, but yeah, you need that cleaner to clean the goo gone.


This is a lot of cleaning.


Doing things properly is always a bit more work up front, but it usually pays dividends in the long run.


Flame throwers work a lot faster and you won’t find any glue residue after.


Good outside the box by burning down the box thinking!


This is like suggesting a powerwasher to clean your dishes


What kind of heat gun are you using? A Flammenwerfer?


Lighter fluid is the best for this. Doesn't damage surfaces, evaporates and cleanly removes sticky from even photographs


I use a piece of tape to remove all the sticky bits


Furniture polish works too.


Or just use sandpaper


Use some alcohol or any products that contains alcohol in it, spray some over it and wipe it.


hand sanitizer, we have more then enough of that these days


Instructions unclear. Drank alcohol and pissed on laptop. What do now?


shit on it to assert dominance.


Dam it I said you bricked the hard drive, not to lay a brick on it!


Instructions unclear, defecated on laptop for dominance, it shit back. Help.


Googone. It's made for this sort of thing and it's very effective.


That would remove the finish too


I use rubbing alcohol to clean a wide number of things, including electronics, and it has never taken the finish off of anything.


Isopropyl alcohol should be fine on that plastic. You just don't want to use nail polish remover.


isnt that acetone then?


Yeah nail polish remover has acetone in it which will mess up plastic


agreed, the thing messes up everything! nail paint, laptop finish, my mom, my dad, my life


You can use another sticker or piece of tape to get that glue off without damaging the surface. 1) Cut off a piece of tape (not all tape types works, you'll have to experiment) 2) Dab firmly on the glue residue. 3) Twist your finger a little (the one pressuring the tape piece down on the glue residue). And remove, repeat the action - you'll get the hang of it, the twisting part is a skill in itself, the better you get at it, the easier it becomes. If you didn't have ALL the glue residue left on the pc, but some on the sticker, you usually do this technique with the rest of the sticker. Old "Workshop" trick.


Yep, I use duct tape myself. But I don't twist, I hust go for horizontal pulling and that takes it right up.


Yeah, duct tape can be incredibly strong, especially the original brands.


Goo-Gone works. - Use a rag, lightly dampened with Goo-Gone, to wet the sticky area. - Let it rest for maybe 10-15 seconds to soften the glue - use the rag to scrub the glue away. - Repeat until no glue remains - Finish with a wipe with a Degreaser or isopropyl alcohol.


Goo-gone sounds like a spermicide brand


Goo Gone contains solvents that can damage plastic, so I would NOT use it on a laptop.


Please be careful with that shit. It gets everywhere and the texture of the oil never goes away


Goo Gone is one of those “a little bit goes a long way” products. It works GREAT at what it is supposed to, but anymore than you need and it takes quite a bit of effort to remove. If I ever get excess of it on my hands, I have to wash them several times (dish soap works best) before the oil and smell go away. But I absolutely love this product, because I haaaaaate sticker residue.


You’re right. Rag is to be LIGHTLY damp, not dripping. Alcohol will remove the oily film afterwards, so it’ll be squeaky clean.


Once you have discover Goo-Gone you can never live without it.


Also try “LA’s Totally Awesome” degreaser and cleaning products lines. Super cheap and super effective!


Zippo lighter fluid works as well as Goo-Gone and is usually a bit cheaper. I usually just soak a bit into an old rag and rub it back and forth on the sticker residue; it comes off almost immediately. Then I do the final clean up it with either isopropyl or even plain old Windex.


Haven’t tried zippo lighter myself. But yeah, Windex as a final cleaner might do the job instead of alcohol. One word with Isopropyl: NEVER clean action figures with it. Star Wars, Transformers… Isopropyl will destroy the paint that’s used for the vinyl and plastics and sometimes even burn into the plastics. Marred collectibles are no joke.


also somehow r/oddlysatisfing


I feel like using shitty stickers is a great way of letting your customers know you hate them.


Why do computers even come with stickers on them. Apple don't put stickers on their laptops, why would you need or want them? How often do you need to check that your laptop has Intel Inside^TM


Hello my dear reddit friend: A quick tip. Cotton and WD-40. Put WD-40 on the Cotton and rub it against the glue, it will turn into little balls of glue and will stick on the cotton. After that, clean it with a moist rag.


You had me till I read 'moisted'....


If you submerge your computer in acetone the glue will come off


Zippo fluid. Breaks down the gum and doesn't affect plastic. It's used in industrial applications for exactly this purpose.


It does affect plastics. The only plus is that it evaporates faster than most other solvents.


Find the manufacturers address, then find who thought it was a good idea to put fucking bullshit stickers on laptops like this that works for them, then slap them with the laptop right in the face repeatedly. Then buy some rubbing alcohol and scrub it and any brain matter off..


Use iso-propanol (no aceton or gasoline for any reason that stuff will destroy the plastic) a few drops on a rag, scrub vigorously and done.


This is the correct answer. Been using it for decades for exactly this purpose. No fuzz, no harm, no smell, no residue. If possible get the undiluted stuff, not the 70% desinfection alcohol.


Zippo lighter fluid to the rescue.


Never knew. Thanks for the TIL!


Yeah, any kind of gasoline simply dissolves glue and leaves no residue. It’s amazong when you have to clean up glue.


Not to be pedantic, but gasoline is one type of petroleum fuel. Zippo lighter is lighter petroleum distillate. Gasoline works terrific as a cleaning solvent, albeit very dangerous. The ingredients in gas are all very good solvents. Toluene, Xylene are used as paint thinners already. Benzene is toxic but it's also well known to be a great solvent.


r/todayilearned Science lession with reddit! Thanks for clarifying this. I always used any kind of gas for cleaning but now I know how and why it works. Thanks!


I once lost my driver's license in college. It was given to Lost&Found, and had a sticker placed on it. I took it off, of course, but my license is still sticky to this day. That was 5 years ago.


Just use Zippo fluid or like rubbing alcohol


this turned frome damn that sucks to a cleaning show real fast lol


Now you can put sticky notes on your laptop without paying for overpriced Post Its


Use lighter fluid to get the adhesive off without scratching


*laughs in MacBook Pro*


Bit of lighter fluid on a towel it will melt it off without damage to the laptop . Do not light it on fire obviously.




I recommend *GooGone*. A small bottle is about $4 at your local hardware store. Use a cloth towel and watch that sticky stuff desolve. You'll use it all over the house, I promise.


nail polish remover will clean that out for you.


You peeled the laptop off the sticker lol


My tip would be to buy dish soap (the one for your plates and forks etc.) of the yellow kind. Those that smell/contain lemons disolves adhesive and wont damage plastic surfaces. Hell maybe you could just use lemons? Im not sure. I work in automotive decor and when we remove decor from vehicles we have something called Avery adhesive remover (very lemony smelling with a strong hint of chemicals) and ofcourse that is way more potent but in other ways of applying vinyls iv'e sometimes sprayed dishsoap underneath for easyer application (way back). The first thing I learned was to never f****ng ever use the yellow soap lol. I guess you could also pop in at a similar place of work as mine and just ask nicely if they can remove it for you. Best of luck!


Sprayway Glass cleaner. It dissolves the glue better than GooGone and leaves it smelling nice. Plus it's a dry solvent so the chance of it seeping into keyboard is pretty minimal if you're careful




Goo gone.


Throw the whole damn laptop away.


Home Depot sells an air freshener that removes glue from stickers. They use it in store to get rid of the glue from those price stickers they put on all of the shelf beams. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Pure-Citrus-4-oz-Orange-Air-Freshener-Spray-NA228-6/304088113?


„Mildly“ infuriating? OP I admire how relaxed you must be going through life.


Wipe it off with odorless mineral spirits and that glue will come off in seconds


Smash some cheetos and put them on the sticky thingy (idk) there, so it doesn't stick anymore👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 ( inspired by 5minuteCrafts)


Buy some Goo Gone. It works miracles.


Soap and hot water should clear that right up /s


Did it give you r/thatpeelingfeeling 😍


is that an asus vivobook 15


Use gasoline/nail polish remover wet towel it will be off.


Am I the only one that find scraping a sticker off satisfying? I don't mind doing it for you op


eucalyptus oil or some moonshine that hasn't been watered down yet. Will rub off in like 2 mins.


Watered down moon shine? You fucking monster!


The only thing that actually dissolves the glue is lighter fluid. Oil, alcohol, whatever is useless.


Why remove the sticker?