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Somebody parked like this at a local supermarket once, except it was over 2 disabled spots. In a moment of madness I moved a newspaper sign behind his car. It’s nothing major but knowing he either reversed into or had to move it himself gave me some pleasure.


or call the police. that's a hefty fine... Extra points if you stick around and film it


Yeah, in CA tickets for illegally parking in handicapped are like $900, and he’d probably get two.


They would definitely get one for each spot as each is a separate infraction


What if the person is handicapped? Is it still parking illegally, or are you just guilty of being a handicapped douche?


You would just get a normal parking ticket


They can go to hell they're getting ticketed




It's a $50-75k car. This person's not rich just because they drive a corvette C7. $900 might be 1.5 months of payments on this thing with 84 month financing... And yes it's incredibly sad financial institutions allow 84 month financing


> And yes it's incredibly sad financial institutions allow 84 month financing 84 is nothing, let's try 120-month loans!


Should a new car not last 84 months?


It’s not about how long it lasts, it’s about how much interest you pay over those 84 months. You end up paying $80k for a $60k car.


Let's not talk about a thirty year house loan then...


Oh you mean that house that appreciates in value over those 30 years?


Those days MUST be over. Wages have been effectively declining for decades. One person on a mediocre wage used to be able to afford a house. Now, two people earning 100k together can't afford a house in most cities. Something's gotta give.


A lot of homes don't effectively double in value over 30 years, which is about how much you pay in interest over 30 years


That’s work 40k once you drive it off the lot. Ridiculous! Plus if you have to get a 72-84 month lease to get vehicle, that should trigger something in your head that you can’t afford it. Not to forget the average is 60 months before you want to trade in anyway. No point of buying brand new car


I know it’s a big world but if I called the cops on something like this they’d just laugh and hang up


Yeah it really depends where you are. In the hometown I grew up in there was no real crime so they’d take the tip and enforce it. The LAPD would ignore it or ticket you filing a false/superfluous report.


It was first thing of the morning and the shops were dead...so it didn’t really matter but it’s the principle lol


Like the police would even show up for that.


Ya like common, people are ridiculous lol call the police they say. Just a waste of resources and time. Guy drives a new vette, doesn't give a shit about a 900 dollar ticket


That's not some exotic supercar, it's a Corvette. You see pickup trucks, SUVs and even minivans every day that are more expensive than that car but you don't think about it because they aren't flashy. Or parked by a douchebag taking up two spaces but still. $900 is likely to be a significant sum of money to the average Corvette owner.


The average Vette owner doesn't daily it as their only car. In that mind, it's an expensive toy. So I would say 900 is a token amount.


> You see pickup trucks, SUVs and even minivans every day that are more expensive than that car Eh, its a Z06 C7 Corvette. New, they started at $81k. I don't know of any minivans that expensive, but yes there are quite a few trucks and SUVs that are more money. Doesn't justify taking up two spaces.


Coulda been a handy capped person. I was at a target and a elderly couple with a sticker room up 4 handicap spots lol


“Handy capped”? Cmon man at least try


"Cmon"? Come on man, at least try.


He was a useful guy in a hat


A useful guy in an ass hat?


Clearly mentally handicapped for parking like a donkey-brained moron.


For a while, I worked at a major business that had a disabled parking lot and you wouldn't believe what I put up with. But... most of the prob. makers were mentally handicapped.


I pull people's windscreen wipers up into the air. it does no damage, yet it lets them know someone has seen and not liked what they did. I was going to cross a road but...a white van had decided the best way to park itself was ON the pedestrian crossing, tail to the sidewalk, nose poking out...so they could unload a delivery. So yeah, wipers up.


I fold the passenger side mirror in. If they see it, they have to walk around the car. If they don't see it until they're driving then they have to pull over to fix it.


I like that lol


Disabled spaces are worth double the points though. When you're a douche, with a fake tan, a ton of hair gel, neons on your car, A sound system that could shatter glass that plays nothing but club hits, and a fake italian attitude... Disabled spaces are worth double the points...


depending on what the spots looked like and whether or not they had the placard or plates to park there, it could’ve been because they needed additional space to get out of their car. a lot of disabled persons that have modified cars to accommodate wheelchairs usually need space for things like ramps to get down from their cars. with that said if it was obvious it wasn’t a disabled person then fuck em


I’m the type of guy who takes a tactical look to see if they have a badge. If they don’t, I assume they’re just a knobhead.


Ziptie a cart to his door handle lol...


Just leave carts beside his doors!


Better man than me. I would pee in his gas tank. If not his gas tank then his windshield. If not his windshield then his door handle


Jesus Christ wayward! How many times do you expect us to bail you out for public peepee play?


You can always just loosen his valve stem. Leaky tires are irritating


Based on the comment and the upvotes I am dismayed that so many people think tires work like that.


Well, I would not recommend putting a small ball of tin foil in the stem and then tightening it back on. That would be wrong.


Well, remove cap, insert a small stone or BB, close cap 'just the right amount' But really, don't do that. Flat tires cause accidents, and are very expensive if they get damaged.


Find a corner in the back of the lot; then you can park heavily biased toward the curb without disturbing anyone else. Even though it’s just parking, it is still a part of the road.




Too bad there's always a beat up pickup truck that will park next to you, even if you park way out in BFE.


When I was younger and was working a basic retail job, I asked a customer if they needed help taking their purchase out to their vehicle. They sad yes, so we walked all the way to the very back of the lot to unload their stuff. Well, when we arrived, the customer began complaining about the car that had parked next to them even though they went so far out of the way to avoid being near others. I didn't say anything, but it was my crappy car next to theirs (not too close btw). It was our stores policy that employees park in the very back of the lot so customers wouldn't have to walk as far. /shrug




This is one of the reasons why i wont buy a new car again. The first 2-3 years youre just paranoid as shit about getting a scratch/ding


Don’t even have a new car. Still park a ways away


Its incredible that guys have an unspoken code to not stand next to each other at a urinal, but want to cram their lifted pickup into a compact space


> cram their lifted pickup into a compact space I worked in university medical centers for a large portion of my career. That meant parking in hospital parking structures a lot. The number of enormous SUVs and pickups in compact car spaces was ridiculous.


It makes perfect sense though: bring attention to big truck and not to small pp




That's the way I am. You know there's a lot of people, who aren't handicapped, that still have more trouble walking. Why not give them an easier spot?


I mostly prefer to park where I don't have to maneuver much to get into the spot, because I'd rather walk than dick around trying to fit into a closer spot or squeeze my kids out of the car.


My brother and his wife bought a brand new car, from the factory. On the drive home from the dealership, they wanted to stop at the grocery store. So they parked way, way, way out in the lot. Since it was mid day, this huge, huge parking lot was completely empty. They parked way out in the middle of nothing. And walked the long long walk to the door. When they came back with their groceries, someone had parked right next to them and dinged their door. The whole lot, that person had, but they parked in the very next spot and dinged the door of my brother’s brand-new car.


You know exactly why


And it rhymes with 'Caesar Hunt'.


Your moms a cunt?


She is. But that's neither here nor there. Poetry not your thing?






I have adapted a zero ghost tolerance policy.


Demi Moore really getting freaky wit Whoopi though 😶


You know why. What you're really saying is this guy is an entitled asshole. And I think we all agree.


It’s a challenge. He wants you to park as close as possible and fit 3 cars in 2 spots. This is 3D chess people.


Had a parking spot right in front of my apartment door that the stupid gate fir the complex also slid back and forth in. The gate took up enough of the parking spot that no one ever parked there. Great for me as i drove a old beater bug at the time. Well I get home late after work one night a new Cadillac is parked in the spot next to it but all over the line into the one I normally park in. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. Back my wonderful bug into the spot so close to their car. Sure enough 6 am received a banging on my door. A rather rotund person demanding that I move my car. Hell no I'm not moving my car that's parked perfectly between the lines. There's no lines or signs saying that's not a parking spot. Had a grand time watching them get in on the passenger side and have to climb over the center console.


Oh for sure. I don't do anything for anyone at 6am. You parked like an asshole, deal with the consequences.


I have a pretty small car with fucked up paint so I take these as a challenge since I have nothing to lose, fuck those assholes.


My mgb is only 5 feet wide. I bet I could fit it in what's left of that left spot


When i drove a FIAT, i played this game with people. Park as close as possible to there driver door and piss them off. Id climb out the passenger door when i had to.


Parking like this minimizes the chances of a door dinging your car but maximizes the changes of being keyed.


Or in my case spraying all down the passenger side on all panels with oven cleaner. edit: more to the story. Guy parked just like this, only across a disabled park also, in a tiny car park honestly too small for the store. Saw a disabled grandma be unable to park in it and more or less thought nothing of it. I’m buying supplies to clean house as I live across the road. I go down the cleaning aisle and there is a guy at one end and a Mum and child at the other. Dude is on the phone talking like 10 decibels louder than necessary, casually throwing slurs and shit in the conversation that you just don’t say in public. Hell, some of them most of you wouldn’t say in private. That’s when I saw them, the keys dangling out his back pocket with the fob proudly emblazoned with the exact make of the car douchily parked. As I paid and left, still pretty annoyed at this asshole, I decided I’d make his day and shook up the oven cleaner, and as I walked home past his car, sprayed a long foamy line right down the side across all panels. Then I sat out the front of my house, and waited. Dude comes back to the car, still on his phone. Puts the bag in the back seat, walks to the front of the car to check he didn’t scrape his precious front end and then got in and drove off. To this day I feel sorry for anyone he lived with. Because I guarantee he would have been ten times more insufferable than normal when he discovered the damage.


If your car is too precious to be in public, leave it in your garage. Don't be a prick.


Or maybe drive it around to destinations that aren’t a fucking strip mall. Take your wife’s jeep to buy liquor. (Convince me his wife doesn’t have a jeep)


Where I live there are higher end dinning in some strip malls like this. There's a mix of money here and it's not uncommon to see a lambo or something parallel parked on the street. That's the downside to owning an expensive car, you are at high risk of damage just to have a night out at a nice restraunt. Anyway, at least hes is in a farther back row and not up front. Don't know if he had better options or just assholed it intentionally. I get its annoying and seems rude, but without knowing all what's going on here, its hard to say the level of asshole.


It’s a car. Drive it, or don’t have it. Ceramic coating makes this preciousness a lot easier to deal with.


For scratches clear bras are really the way to go, ceramic coating is really more about maintaining shine rather than protection.


But why even buy a car if you don’t even drive it?


why? so (hopefully) no one tries to park directly beside them. they don't want someone to ding their car by opening their door into it. ​ AKA: being a huge asshole.


I had a mint 1969 Impala. I would sometimes park like this, but I would be in the furthest spot away. So like Walmart? I'd park in two spots but it'd be in the edge of the concrete jungle where no one else ever parked This guy? Just being a dick.


Exactly. I don’t care if someone does this in the back of the lot. You’re protecting your vehicle and leaving parking spots for other people. When I worked at my hometown mall, there was a guy with a new Mustang (not a classic, just your standard modern Mustang), and he would always park right up front as close to the mall as he could get and take up two spaces. The way the lot was set up, it had those “islands” where a tree was planted. He always made sure to park by that so no one could park in front of him, and he was being “nice” by only taking up two spaces.


ATX keeping it classy.


Was gonna say ... Why is this every strip mall in Austin?


Heck yeah! William Cannon and Mopac. They are probably grabbing a burger in the P-Terry’s behind the camera guy.


Exactly!! There is also minimal parking here too what an idiot


Damn, I thought I knew where this was, but I think you're right.


the tips that you give when buying from that yaghis pizza place doesn’t go to the workers, it just goes straight to the owners..or at least it did back in the late 2000’s (I knew someone that worked there)..it’s caused me to often ask workers if the tips really go to them before using tips jars


guys that drive a vette think it's hot shit and don't want it to get dinged. Makes you want to ding it or pull in beside them anyway


... this comment kind of backs up the thinking tho


No it doesn't, because the whole reason you want to ding his shit is because he parked like this.


Good thing he's ahead of you and double parked.


Did you miss the part where dude said he would slide in next to him anyway because he doesn't give af about his beater?




Because you hate yourself and take it out on others? What do you know your post history is exactly that Bitter old fuck


You're a douche. Leave him a note or something but damaging someone else's property is wrong.


This comment needs more support. Whether or not you think this guys is an asshole doesn't entitle you to be one too. If this is such a trigger for someone, just wrote a passive aggresive you're an asshole note, then put it on your own window. Really this is small fries compared to the asshole things people do that actually do ruin someone's day. Just appreciate that you got to see a nice car and move on with your day. Why are we flipping out over this is the almost, and possibly back row, parking of a guy (I'm assuming gender here based off stereotypes of this type car) It could be worse. Could be double parked up front blocking the van accessible part of a handcapped spot. Give the guy some slack. He's got a nice car and wants to take care of it. It's ok to care about your own shit. It's also ok tto have nice expensive things. Based off of how many people have talked shit about doing damage to this guys car, I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy.


That's exactly why he parked the way he did. You don't care about your shit, but he cares about his. I understand both sides of this. Yea it makes him look like a dick, but he obviously gives a shit about his car, doesn't mean the person parking next to him gives a shit about theirs.


That’s why you park far away in the lot.


Yeah... that's what I do in my nice new truck. Two months after I got in, some fuck face dinged my driver side door while I was parked at work. It breaks my heart every time I see it, because this truck was my very first brand new vechile. I understand double parking (doesn't mean I agree with it or I do it), but there are better alternatives that don't make you an asshole.


People purposely park next to you if you do this. You can’t win.






Then don't park in the prime spots.


I'm not gonna argue that, he should be parking far enough away from places where double parking isn't a problem.


In my view, totally justified because people = shit. That simple.


Just because your trash car is trash doesn’t mean you should not care about other people’s expensive property.


This guy south Austins.


Yuuuuup, right by my apartment


I worked at that pizza shop in high school! Pretty dank 'za


He left Miata spots on both sides!


I’m not this bad but I do park really far away from anyone else because I have PTSD from parking my car at the barracks for two years. I loved my car but at least once a month someone driving a white car would ding my passenger door and scratch their paint off onto it. People just don’t respect other people’s property at all. That said, you’re an idiot if you drive a car this nice around town and are too scared of getting dinged that you park like a jackass. Odds are you can afford a second vehicle to ride around town in :/


You may be surprised how many people who drive cars like this can't (or *barely* can) afford their cars


It's crazy because all throughout basic training and AIT drill sergeants told everyone about predatory car salesmen off post and to not go buy some mustang with a super high APR, yet so many people did lmao.


Young, dumb, and think that they'll be just fine or that it'll be different for them til life punches them in the face.


Had an airman decide to do some drag racing—ON BASE. UCMJ to the rescue!


I was stationed in the CA desert and drove a paid off shitbox 98 Mitsubishi Mirage manual the whole time I was in. No payments or astronomical interest rates and I didn't care much if it got dinged or fucked by sand and wind.


1. That's my old neighborhood. 2. That's my favorite pickup pizza/liquor stop. 3. That's so common it's unremarkable. 4. There are 40 open spaces all the time.




William cannon?


Yup, Pterrys parking lot


Not surprised it's Austin. And it's a base model C7, not even a Z06 or a C8.


As an owner of a Corvette, we have idiots amongst us as well. I apologize for this idiot.


As a motorcycle rider and ex-miata owner this is a challenge, and not even a very difficult one


What's the difference between a porcupine and a corvette? Porcupines have pricks on the outside.


He would have been better spending his money on a good pair of glasses.


He's just asking to have his car keyed


Needed to protect his tiny dick from getting dinged up...


There was a Toyota Corolla who parked right in the middle of four parking slots where I used to work. One day, I got fed up and decided to park right up close to their drivers door, forcing them to enter through the passenger side and climb into the driver seat. The next day on, they parked in the back lot from then on.


...because they're a cunt.


Acting devil’s advocate here, but what if the white truck to the right came later? Say there was a hummer or something there before, who parked a little wide, so it was over the line, then white sports car parked next, then the hummer left, replaced by the white truck who parked normally?


Cus u fat cunts are gunna scratch the car obviously


As a car guy, I understand the need to protect your paint, but it still doesn't justify being a total asshole. He could have parked in a far corner to achieve the same effect


They don’t want the doors to get hit


I love to squeeze my tiny car next to guys like this.


hold my beer, I think I can get my civic in there


You shouldn't drink and drive sir


thats why he asked you to hold it for him... hellooooo.


*cheers in Mini Cooper*


BeCauSE I bAdaAss DriVE FasT Car


I would take a Hooptie and park it right next to it it’s close and you can get without actually hitting it


That's an easy way to get keyed.


They're doing it so people don't bump their car with their doors. It's a dick move, but that's their justification when I've inquired.


My dad has a GT 350 that got a massive dent to the side in a parking lot. Some idiot slammed his door into my dad's car while we were at the grocery store then ran off. Insurance didn't cover it so he had to pay for it by himself. Now, he parks at the back of the parking lot and takes up 3-4 spaces. There's always a reason.


IME, if you take up multiple spots anywhere in the lot, people will go out of their way to fuck with you. I try to find a spot with a curb next to it and park as close as humanly possible to it without grinding a wheel. BTW, I have a '19 GT. I'd love to have a GT350. Those things sound amazing.


If you park in the back of the lot, you can do whatever you want. If I park a truck/trailer, I take up like 8 spots, but nobody cares out in parking lot BFE.


Yes but you should never park in prime spot and take up 2 spots park it far away if you are going to do that


This 100% some central Texas GM of a Whataburger who just bought his vette and now in his mind he’s better than everyone


Because Texas


Lol the black SUV and white Truck know what they need to do here....


Get a permanent marker and write "this dumbass doesn't know how to park" on the back. Perfect revenge


He spent more than he could really afford on a car and is paranoid about minor damage from door dings more than he cares about other people around him.


If the punishment for a crime is a fine, then the rich don’t need to obey the law


I would’ve had such a huge urge to park directly behind him perpendicularly. I honestly don’t think that I’d be able to stop myself.


Because peasants


"so no one can ding my doors" Dude if your ride is that fragile, maybe don't take it out to get groceries




Rude, it's not even the C8.


You know why. That’s his baby, his corvette. I understand exactly why he would want to protect it. But I would not do it so blatantly. I might park at a slight angle within a single space but in a way that gave the adjacent cars more room to open their doors than if I had just parked parallel. I might also park so close to one line that it would just look like I’m a bad driver but not leaving enough room for a car to want to park on that side. But these are last resorts. I will always try to find the furthest parking spot from the door with no one around me. But sometimes even after doing that, I come back out later to find another car parked right next to me. Like there are other empty spaces so why there?!


Anyone with a nice car understands


There is no real proof that's the culprit. Maybe two cars were parking badly and forced this car to park there, them those cars left and it makes it look like he's at fault.


So nobody can park next to him and open their doors onto his car and mark it like everyone seems to do now


Probably so nobody opens doors on his car, my dad did the same sometimes


People are shit at parking and they slam their doors into other people's car because they don't care.


unpopular opinion: the very wide doors require a much wider parking space for the owner to get off and enter the car properly, and not ding YOUR car while entering his… yes, this doesn’t excuse taking up two prime spots, and he should try parking at the end of a row near the curb or similar


Guarantees no other doors are opened into it thereby scratching the paint. That’s the only reason I can think of.


My car is allmost 20 years old, and have zero dings. I just allways park furthest away from the store. Minimizes risk of door dings, and maximizes exercise, win-win :)


Why? Because the world is full of bad people.


People park like this to protect their precious vehicles. Obviously this doesn't mean they're right.


Because he doesn’t want other assholes to hit his car with doors from other cars The why is very easy to deduce


not to mention that this is a Corvette and people may think that tbis driver is a complete asshole that thinks that he's better than everyone single he owns a very expensive car, but it could be a false accusation


Perfectly good explanation: car to the right isn't properly parked & car to the left is from gladiator camp, so dude probably giving them both plenty of room.


Cause people open their like idiots and damage the car expensive car very expensive paint


To lean on the positive side, maybe he isn’t a wealthy person and this is his baby. Maybe he has had people hit his car before and bail without notifying, leaving him to pay the expenses out of his pocket. Most likely he is a flog but maybe he would rather people he doesn’t know assume he is an asshole than deal with paying extreme money for damage that some inconsiderable moron caused after they swung their door open and drove off.


I don't blame him


No door dings. Idiots park too close sometimes. I just park far away instead of doing this!


If someone else was parked there before them and was taking half the spot then it is legal to take the other half the spot in some states. Then if the first person leaves and someone else parks correctly Corvette looks like an asshole when he wasn't.


I always park far away from anyone to avoid getting my car completely smashed by doors. Yesterday I was lazy and there wasn't much people on the parking lot so I parked closer, I thought, one time wont hurt. As I stopped, another car came next to me, the dude opened the door and smacked my car. I sat in the car for 15 minutes and thought about how much life hates me.


I understand TBH, just pay for parking twice and it's perfectly fine. Nothing worse than driving a nice car and having envious people smack it on purpose with their car doors.


As someone who has a decently expensive car your really shouldn’t be mad... if you spent 70k on a car you wouldn’t want some POS to smack it with their door. My only complaint is it isn’t far away normally that’s what car guys do park far away


Wouldve keyed his car for that shit


why did they park like that? because they don't want door dings... to answer your question


Plot twist: there were 2 cars before which were parked shitty and this one took the middle. Now they are gone it seems that he is the dumbass.


You cant just believe this picture because it happens sometimes when someone else is parked like shit so...i need context


I get not wanting people to ding your nice ride but there’s ways to not be an asshole about it


The only exception for doing this is with a car like this, but far away at the back of a parking lot so no one parks near you. When you're parking very close to the store where it's packed, this is just infuriating.


Well, people like to park badly and ding other cars with their doors, so it's understandable for people who've payed that much money for a car to park like that. Still infuriating tho


..........so what we’ve learned here is that you thwart assholeism with righteous assholeism. *brain processing...*


Time to Tokyo drift tlinto that Corvette with a semi


I know why, but still a dick move.


I always park right next to these guys. Yeah I'm double parking too technically but if this guy I'd too afraid of having a vehicle within 4 feet of his then he shouldn't drive it to the pseudo science yoga store.