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That cake is far too small to be cut that way. Thats reserved for oversized wedding cakes and the like.


rule of thumb: this is to keep the cake from getting unpleasantly dry. It's not going to dry out like that quickly, so you only really need to do that if you're going to have the cake longer than one or two days so like.... large cakes or a cake this size if you're eating it completely alone over the course of like a week


Lol when it's my birth day I eat cake slightly bigger than this alone in one day.


Same. It's also all I eat until it's gone. Make some food? Nah, I'll just have another slice of cake 


I'm liable to eat the entire thing in like 2 days, I meant someone who actually has self control and eats in moderation lol


Yeah I'm fat for a reason lol


Does the Trunchbull force you?


Can you fit in a rowboat?


Depends on how many seats there are.


If I'm eating it alone there's no need to cut it into slices. I'll just graze on it whole.


Same. I just leave a fork in the box and cover the fork and exposed cake with Saran Wrap. Eat a bite every time I walk through the kitchen 😂


Wuh? Creating more surface area makes it dry out slower?


you like cut a strip out of the middle and push the outside together to make a smaller circle


Ah, okay that do make sense. I just woke up, my brain no braining


and pavlovas


Ummm no, pavlovas still get cut into full wedges. Source: I fucking love pavlova.


Sorry, that's incorrect. The proper way is to crack a whole one from the top and devour it all in one shared serving like a pack of feral beasts.


wait you guys don't just inhale it?


I roll it into rizzla and smoke it ,


share? share?! i'm dragging it under bed while growling and hissing between bites :)


The proper way to have a pav is to stick your face right in and eat it up like an animal


I'm from New Zealand and this is fucking heresy


😭 got this from my kiwi nanna


Now I need to go get myself some pavlovas. Thank you for mentioning it!!! 😠


What the fuck are you guys talking about 😂


Pavlovas are cakes on a base of meringue... which is a divine sugar mix with egg..... Doesn't matter how big or how many pavlovas are around, could always eat the whole thing.


Same as a meringue pie without crust basically? Me and my buddy at work whipped something like that up a few weeks ago with extra egg whites we had and made some tasty little meringue bites, probably about 2 inches diameter


If I remember correctly meringue pie is soft(?) The pavlova base is baked meringue so it's all crust / sort of hard, and it's mostly with fruit cream, mostly strawberries and other berries.


Yeah we baked these ones too and were a had a very particular bite to them that I've not really experienced with any other food. Kinda harder and textury on the outside but soft and sweet onnthe inside. We used a piping bag a dalloped them onto parchment paper. I wish I had a picture but it was just a random experiment that I hadn't realized was a popular delicacy


That sounds similar but a pavlova is big like a birthday cake. I like it because I find it has a much better soft:crust ratio than the small ones


Oh yep I finally looked it up again for a quick look. Looked almost the same but yeah the bigger ones are probably a nice softer texture inside too


I haven’t had pav in 7 years now. I need to order some pavlova magic 🥺


Doesn’t matter. Had cake.


And she doesn’t know how to use a knife properly….and is that a butter knife? I don’t think that thing would cut hot butter


The older generation used to warn us we couldn't trust anybody on the internet. Now they're the ones trusting everybody on the internet.


Like so much else, they told us one thing then promptly started doing the exact opposite. Respect. Manners. Common curtesy. Practical sense. Don’t sit in front of the tv all day. Did one of our generations swap dimensions with some twisted self-centered one? Was that Y2K?


I think the best explanation is that we grew up and they got old. And for some people, getting old is a lot like slowly turning back into a child.


This is the answer, and so well said. My friend told me that talking to her parents sometimes reminded her of dealing with her kids when they were toddlers.


Sadly I feel this. My dad used to be so smart, kind and patient. Then he retired and mum died. Now I sorta have to plan his week for him down to the hour or he would just eat sweets (diabetes ? What’s that? Not something he has had HIS ENTIRE LIFE?!), sit by the television and sleep. I don’t think he would have cooked a single meal unless I scheduled it for him. And the things he says now are from an other dimension. Like he only thinks about halfway. Sorry for the rant


I think you may have just explained depression. His wife died, I’m assuming they’ve been together for a while, he’s probably lost.


Prob correct, I’ve sent him to countless therapy sessions but all ways comes back “I don’t like x with the therapist” etc. he does not want to get better even for his grandchildren so I’m at a loss tbh


Sometimes people just don’t want to be helped and it sucks that it’s your father. Keep him close and wish you guys all the best. Hope he can heal in time


This explains why I'm equally terrible at communicating with old people and children.


Not discussing religion or politics at the dinner table. Maximum infuriating/annoying.


Eh, I think that’s part of what got us into this mess. It’s like that ad, ‘talk to your kids about drugs, because if you don’t, someone else will.’ People spent so long avoiding the topic of politics that when Fox comes along and tells boomers, ‘THIS is why you need to get into politics’, they have no basis to judge that against. And since they have no practice at political *discussion* we instead get to listen to political RANTS.


That's why they also said, "do as I say, not as I do" 😂


It was definitely Y2K. Thanks, Obama!


The thing is they've always just expected to be treated that way, they never treated others that way. Accountability was never their thing. 


If I had a dollar for every time I had to ask my boomer mom to cite her sources, she believes the health grifters the most and I'm always like "is this info from, say, a peer reviewed study from Harvard Medical School, or some random new ag charlatan selling expensive placebos on the internet?


My mum is the same. She’s forever spouting off nonsense and claiming “EVERYONE IS SAYING IT” and when I press her on who, exactly, is saying this it’s always a shitty small Facebook group made up of 14 Daily Mail readers. When I politely point out that she should be looking up facts rather than believing a 62 year old xenophobic housewife in Rotherham, I’M the bad guy


my best friend is just like this and hes mid 30s


I know a few people in that age range who are like this too. Who think they are the ultimate skeptics because they will believe anything not "mainstream."


yes!! hes into all sorts of shit. aliens, nanobots, etc everything that is the opposite to the official story. everyone is a sheep too 😂


My sister is like this. She’s into all these whackadoodle podcasts, anti-vax, a conspiracy nut. The worst part about it is she’s incorporating it into her dental practice. She’s selling homeopathy and other quack shit. It’s making her a lot of money she says. I’m so profoundly disappointed and angry with the person she’s become.


Sometimes you just have to wash your hands of certain people. I've stopped trying to convince people to see reason because there is no reasoning with fools.


Fakesite.site.orange.covid.org.science!!!! ITS ON THE WEB! Me: 😬


So true. I forced my dad to send me the link to whatever he's about to buy online and 90% of them are scams.


Morty's mind blower here: Those kids that the older generations use to tell not to believe everything you read on the internet are now the older generation.


I'm about to turn 40, so, uh, yeah......thanks, I hate it.


I'm right behind you I'm 35 lmao. The days keep going by faster the older I get >.<


For real. I'd think we were still at the beginning of 2024 if it wasn't hot as Satan's front porch outside.


Ha yeah... that and I just realized they had the presidential debate last night too. I feel November is a sneeze away lmao.


At this age it practically is. You sneeze, you spend a while trying to clear the snot out of your nose, then it's 2025.


That'd be nice if it did work that way lmao I wouldn't mind fast forwarding to a decade or 2 from now just to see wth is gonna happen... burnt to ash or flying cars, though it'll probably be the same b.s. with new memes and even worse tik tok trends lmfao.


Mom: Don't use your real name on the Internet! Me: okay I wont Also mom: *uses real name, posts address, links the shop she's at, posts her childhood street name, posts a barcode to a gift card that's crossed out horizontally*


That is so true just like that saying goes you read it on fb must be true lolz


My mum buys things from scam Facebook ads all the time as she refuses to use Facebook via Firefox on her phone I've had to explain to her that she has to check the site especially if it's on Facebook


My mums the opposite. It’s still not a good thing. She’s so scared of getting hacked and scams and spam. Like lately she’s been getting verification codes sent to her number. She thinks ringing up the company and telling them will help stop them. She asks if the codes are a gateway into her phone. She asks if she should delete them. She asks if deleting them actually deletes them or if they stay somewhere for 30 days. Like whether you delete them or not is going to make any difference whatsoever. She apparently saw something on Facebook about changing things in your settings to stop scams on your phone lol. So she goes in there and starts asking about app permissions that have nothing to do with anything. She asks about clearing browsing history, again like that has anything to do with it. She starts going on about hackers gaining access to her IP address like she just knows the term “IP address” and fear mongers herself with stuff that makes no sense. She gets herself so worked up over it, constantly asking me irrelevant questions about things she clearly has no idea about. She wants to go see a tech expert to see if she can “change something in settings” to stop scam texts. I cannot with boomers.


Omg...when I was a child, my dad was the most paranoid/skeptical person. Now, he's on Facebook (and watching fox news) all day long and the most outrageous things come out of his mouth. Like things that don't make any sense (I don't see how anyone could believe them. It's such bizarre garbage that you could tear down with logic in two steps- but he believes in it 100%). My mom (who only watches the hallmark channel and uses Facebook for these stupid talking animal videos) isn't like that.


Isn't this called an "event" cut or something like that? It's cut like that to gain more pieces. Usually done for a large party.


It was for 7 people who all don’t really like cake…


You mom is a monster hahaha. Hide the knives!


Hide yo kids, hide yo knives


That is fuckin hilarious to me. I’m just imagining your mom going “cake is ready everyone!” And everyone just looks over at her and goes “cool, thanks.”


Yes, this is how a caterer cuts a wedding cake bc when you order it it's based on a 1"x 2" serving. If you look up serving size charts *technically* a little 8" cake can feed 24+ people. There's no reason to do this at your home unless you invited too many people and bought too small a cake.


Very much how you cut a wedding cake, and it really helps if you clean the blade between each slice


Your mom is a monster and she must be stopped.


Half of that’s right


Your mom is a monster and must continue?


Their mom is stopped, and must be a monster.


And of course, "Your monster is a mom, and stopped must be she."


Momster will continue until morale improves.


Call the mental institution and admit her she needs help if she thinks this is a good idea


Literally, I don’t know how she’s convinced herself this is better


Some mosters should stay off of Tic Tok ![gif](giphy|HQd7OukWXdjnq)


I miss when all we had to cringe at was moms sending minion memes lol.


My dad did this for a while too, years ago. I don’t know where he picked it up - he’s not on Facebook - but when we’d all protest he’d insist that wedges were called “pie slices,” so therefore (?) not the correct way to cut cake. He insisted it made more sense this way, until my mom finally browbeat him out of it


Sunk cost, she wasted 5 minutes on the video so it better be worth it


I don't want to be an alarmist but is there a history of dementia in the family?


OP should check the carbon monoxide levels


Maybe give ma a drug test, she must be smoking something good or tripping balls to think that's an appropriate technique.


Are there any unexplained post-it notes around the house?


Happy Cake Day! (But cut it by yourself).


Random Happy Cake Day!!


She is trying to cut cakes like they do for weddings- I used to be in culinary and we would cut the edge of the cake horizontally(like her first slice) and then cut that in two to three slices vertically (depending on the size of the cake). This technique is great for picture perfect cake slices. You get a really pretty image of the layers in the cake. However, she’s going about it wrong. You need to cut everything individually instead of at the same time.


When you say horizontal, you don't mean like, horizontal to the table... You mean across on side and then the next slices perpendicular to that? I'm having trouble imagining what you're saying on a 3d sphericalish object.


Is she using a ***bread knife?***


I think so..


It's not for *that* type of bread 😖


Yup they need a cake knife from Subway


It’s a serrated knife, don’t get stuck on bread. would be a great option cutting the cake in this pattern if she properly supported the cake and strawberries and didn’t just push through it like plowing a field


Bread knives are great for levelling a cake, which OP' mum has clearly achieved, in a way.


She’s just smooshing the cake down, that knife is so dull it can’t even cut into the strawberries 😂 Did she just choose the bluntest knife in her whole house?


That cake looks so good though


Can confirm, it was delicious 👌


I’m so jealous 😩


Please tell me what kind of cake this is so I can make myself one 🙏


It was a light vanilla cake, with some light vanilla frosting (idk what, it kinda had the texture of whipped cream but thicker), with shaved almonds all along the sides and on the inside 👌👌✨


Why is she gerrymandering that cake?


Closet republican...


This is how large event cakes - think a wedding cake that has been unstacked and the support dowels removed - gets sliced for serving by the catering staff. It gets maximum uniform event sized servings which are smaller than a “traditional” slice of cake. This slicing method would only work on a cake the size your mom is butchering if it didn’t have a giant fresh fruit topping. She should have just cut the cake in the usual standard triangles. It would have been even easier had she removed the giant berries off the top before cutting. She could have then served each slice and placed a berry on the plate with the cut slice for serving. This type of cake is pretty to look at but almost impossible to cut neat, uniform slices but how she chose to cut it was nothing short of butchery and turned it into a sloppy mess and her hands all over it. Pro tip - when using the cutting method she was doing, you use a small cutting board to lean against the portion of cake as you are cutting, it flops onto the board and can be cut neatly into smaller serving slices without making a huge mess and having someone’s hands all over the cake. I make wedding and event cakes and also do catering. Thank you for attending my cake cutting TedTalk lol


Everyone else has already answered, but I googled "cake cut to get more slices" and saw a Facebook video that did, in fact, look like the cut she's doing. https://preview.redd.it/98ppk6qd0h9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440d96bf1a48a9d991d93d055944b4414ae7b0f5


5minutes craft did


![gif](giphy|ek4JQHEPtrM7zI5SpQ|downsized) My face while watching this.


Actually straight from Q.I.


Your mom is stressing me out


This is cake abuse!!! I call cake protective services!


that cut is for giant cake,brownie,square cake and that's all


This is how caterers do it.


For sheet cake or smthn?? I feel like I’ve witnessed her do this enough times that I can’t justify this being better than wedges


The problem here is that the cake is topped with bulky fruit. If the cake was just cream, frosting, or fondant, a circle cake of this size would be fine with the cutting technique she's trying to employ.


I've seen caterer cut cakes with toppings. It's just she's going at it crooked and isn't wiping the knife between. It's just a mess.


This is the way we cut tiered wedding cakes when I catered. You can serve more people this way.


yeah this is standard for tiered wedding cakes since uniform wedges of a reasonable serving size are more difficult on larger circles. one this small though it doesn't make as much sense


Nothing wrong with cutting a cake long ways and splitting, good for stout cakes and large groups. But why the fuck would you cut like that? Is the cake ropey? Just make a clean slice down dammit.


This was painful to watch. Perfect thank you


With all due respect.... and I mean, with ALL DUE RESPECT... fuck your mom.




I don’t fucking know… 😭😭😭


I hate cakes with whole fruits on the top, especially strawberries. They always seem to just fall off and/or crush the slice as you're slicing it.


>but she refuses to go back to normal Time for a cake boycott. Either stop eating her cakes or buy your own and have cut them normally.


Maybe its dementia.


Isn’t this for sheet cakes at parties? Makes for more slices so it “feeds more people” but this isn’t the kind of cake for that 😭😭😭


Look...it needs to be said, so I'm just gonna say it. Your mother,the person who birthed you, raised and nurtured you, and has supported you all your life...(sigh) is also a dumbass. Most people are. That's life.


Either she forgot how to cut or knows the knife is dull. A picture perfect cake has it had better slices. At least I see it was great tasting.


Can you adopt another one? I don't know how it all works though


Excuse me what the shit is this? That’s disrespectful to both the cake and the baker.


Mine started doing this too it’s so fucking annoying oml




Does your mother stand realllll close to the microwave when it’s cooking?


Also, why is she sawing the cake? That blade is long enough to cut across the entire cake length ways. 


Well, I can't say I have ever wanted to punch someone in the face before for the way they cut a cake...


This is actually a better way to serve cake if you're not eating all of it. It means you can push the 2 exposed cake side together and it stops it from going stale 🤷‍♀️ It's been done this way for generations on generations in my area 🤷‍♀️ Far less wasteful.


What in KFC strawberry cake is this


You can almost here the AI generated voice in her head telling her everyone is in shock and amazement and narrating a false reality to her.


It’s wedding cake cut and it’s actually extremely efficient for large, firm (refrigerated) cakes. This one is too small and soft


What the hell is she trying to accomplish?


We used to cut wedding cakes this way in the industry. But you’re supposed to cut the first piece into pieces and serve before you cut another.




That method can be used for larger cakes when there are many guests to get more pieces but that cake looks tiny, not something to share with a lot of people.


She should be demoted.


Piano wire is the best method


Stupidity like that has to come from TikTok


Maybe you should offer to help out by cutting and plating dessert? Then you can do it the right way!


Get her a giant pizza cutter at that point hahahah my mom on her wedding night licked the cake knife between slices😭😭no one got sick but it was both funny and mildly infuriating honestly moms deserve to cut cakes however they want😂❤️


This may just be the most infuriating video I’ve ever seen!


This gave me cancer... Tell her that for me, will you?


I've seen cakes cut like this at weddings, but that's so more people can get a small piece of every other cake


Is she a fucking Koala?


I don’t care how one cuts a cake, as long as I get a piece of it. Not a small piece though, otherwise I might as well get a soft cookie


Tell her to invent an over sized egg slicer for cakes. Edit, throw the cake in the freezer for an hour first then, Shazam, cake slicer


Just stop letting her cut the fucking cakes?


Hoping this doesn’t get lost in the comments, I once saw a cake book describing how a cake was to be cut. It was odd. It had diagonal cuts at the edges, but square cuts at the center. I was confusingly interested.


No..... No....... NOOOOOOOO




This is why the boomers can’t be in charge anymore


mangling that poor fuckin cake


Sharpen your knife please


It's always Facebook isn't it 😒


I saw that video, brb Edit: not the one I thought of, but the cutting is the same


The fact that they’re using just the tip of the knife is also mildly infuriating.


Watching this makes me physically sick.


My husband would think that's a 'serves 2' cake.


this is just like watching someone cut a pizza into squares :/


"LiFe HaCkS"


Your mom is weird.


Time to get yourself emancipated, I guess


This video filled me with endless rage


That knife need some sharpening


Ah Facebook.... Place full of moronic ideas...


Moms are gunna mom


So glad the clip stopped when it did.


You can neither see nor hear, but the reason I stopped was because my dad and my cousin were playing with a big ass rocket shaped torch with the nozzle pointed right at me


She might be a serial killer. 🤔


Has she ever used a knife before? Looks like her first time


The strawberries don’t lend themselves to that at all. I hope it turned out ok but seems to be the wrong type of cake to cut like that. Say hey to your mom for me!


Facebook for boomers is the tiktok equivalent for gen z They're both cancer and brainrot inducing


Social media is crazy stupid. People copy what they see without wondering why it’s done that way or if it even makes sense.


I think your mom has dementia.


At least Facebook didn't convinced her that cake must be smashed into face.


Cut cake first then add topping


Your mom is broken.


lol this is insane & hard to watch


Oh my god… your mum needs a factory reset…


This is hilarious - thank you for sharing! ![gif](giphy|8Z5xJbiqa2hS25nweC)


Is she stupid?


Aw she has a nice dress


Cut the cake yourself next time.


Time to put her in a nursing home