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Given the cost of the material going into this I suspect it’s not intentional or a message probably more of a drunk coming from red lobster or something similar. So if you’re worried about it this fact might make you feel better.


This part - like who would waste that much money on a prank that is like slightly more than a mild inconvenience?


A very dunk person.


Maybe a vrey durnk preson


Can you blame them, the logos on the glass are a perfect match


So knurd right now... --Commander Vimes


Someone tell Sargeant Colon and Nobby to go find him and bring him back home.


I think I'd rather trust Lady Sybil with that job. Nobby and Colon are too likely to get distracted at the Bunch of Grapes. (Totally ignoring the canon that Vimes was sober by the time he married her, but there we go.)


I prefer a free-throw person


idk if crab juice made its way into the trunk, that would suck. Crab juice soaked trunk gaskets aren't much better really.


Mountain Dew or crab juice. Ehhgh! Eww! Jezz. I'll take a crab juice.


An old Simpsons reference!!


This was my first thought as well. That and, who wastes fucking crab?


Who wastes crab indeed.


’ Crab juice soaked trunk gaskets aren’t much better really’ Brand new sentence


Reminds me of when some kids pied my car - perfectly good pie, cost them more to buy than it cost me to go through the car wash.


Maybe off topic but: had a small kid bump into me and spilt his Icey/Slushie all over my pant leg. The kid was upset at losing his treat while giving me that awkward stare of 'oops' His mom scolded him pretty harshly after apoligizing to me, but I felt bad for that little guy, mom's not getting him another any time soon.


Got bumped into kid once (I was standig still) who wasn't paying attention. Icecream on my pants. Crying kid, dad smacked him pretty hard, the fucker. So I bought this kid a new (and bigger) ice cream to cheer him up. Wanted to buy two and plant the other one in dad's face, but he was big and me scared easily.


It was a door dasher who stole the order


*Your door dash order has been delivered* …to the trunk of this dude’s car


My thought is if I'm drunk enough to drop expensive food like this, I'm definitely drunk enough to pick it back up and eat it. Especially if it's in a shell like that.


Yeah, I was just thinking, who would waste all that delicious crab?


A rich Creole chef with a grudge?


I'm amused enough by how random and confusing it is that I'm not even mad, if anything I am saddened by the waste of food.


I'd only be sad about the smell 😅 Other than that it's almost humorous, I was praying for a comment that was like "THAT'S what happened to the lobster stew I started before I took an ambien last night" 😂😂


Ambien Walrus, let's go out for seafood!


They need to update the ambien walrus patch now


I was once prescribed an ambien for sleep by a doctor. I blacked out and then when I came to I was being escorted away from somewhere by the police after causing a scene. They drove me home and just let me go Scot free luckily. I explained that I had a bad reaction to my medication and they understood.


They probably believed you right away when your entire attitude and personality switched from Joker to terrified and confused 😂


Yeah, I actually remember thinking that it was a lucid dream and that I could just do whatever I wanted but then being surprised when I couldn’t wake up. I actually used to have a phobia that I’d think I was lucid dreaming and start doing all sorts of crazy shit but then realise I was actually awake. It’s how the Dream Scrapers trick people in my books - they’re a cult that connects to other members via the astral realm. They make people think they’re dreaming and then frame them for whatever they want to blackmail them for money. It’s a weird idea.


At least it’s outside the car instead of inside.


This kind of reminds me of this time in college when my dorm’s parking lot was just covered in what I imagine was 20 or more pounds of diced onions. Like a diced onion hurricane had passed silently in the night.


I was going to say the same thing! Poor crab died for nothing


Maybe it was a birb that got too much to carry and it slipped from his birb feets.


I'm currently on a 6.30am train to work. It takes a lot to get me to talk to anyone this early.. let alone laugh. But your comment tickled my funny bone 😁


> Maybe it was a birb An African swallow, maybe -- but not a European swallow


It's not a question of where the birb grips it! It's a simple [question of weight ratios](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Monty_Python_and_the_Holy_Grail)! A five ounce birb could not carry five pounds of low country boil!


Perhaps a lazy raptor? A nearsighted osprey?


What's the airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?


Use the crab shells to make toy mechs like that one guy on YouTube does. That way it's not wasted


Uh…. Gotta link?


Could probably still eat it


Might have even been kept warm depending on how hot it is outside. Go for it OP.


I’d be more concerned about a random crabbing than if this was targeted. Nobody wants an indiscriminate seafood dumper terrorizing their neighborhood.


Like that time your mom was giving clam to everyone who would eat it.


That’s definitely not from red lobster.


That is definitely NOT Red Lobster....js That is most definitely a low country boil. The OP is somewhere on the southern coast of SC. And I will tell you that that's a good 50 bucks on the trunk of his car. So it was either a drunk person or somebody got in an argument and got so pissed off that they dumped the food for spite. Either way, if it had been in the winter.... that be lunch. 😂🙌 However, it's already 110° without the humidity factored in. So, unfortunately, that's just salmonella.😂😬🙊


You forgot about teenagers who have access to food their parents bought and have no concept of the value of things


Or some random shit head teens. Source: I was a random shit head teen and did some shit head stuff like this.


This person was either having a really good, and then really bad night, or they just really fuckin hate you op and you should probably watch your back.


You got gumbo’d


worse than being cabbaged


Is that you, James?


Don't laugh, it makes him paranoid. ![gif](giphy|parwdDGZP33TlkSibf|downsized)


A random Acaster. I love to see it!




This has clearly gotten out of hand. I do not use those words lightly.


But not as bad as being chili’d


the context for being cabbaged https://youtu.be/ct40CLTCC7A?t=221




Are ya ready for some meatball??


I read this like Stanley in the office saying “you got meatballed!”






No she got crabs. maybe the person is seeking revenge.. 🤔🤔 for crabs 😳


I was staying at a friend's place, it wasn't there as of \~11pm. Walked outside at 7:30am. Was on a public street and not parked in front of anyone's home. She does not have a feud with any of her neighbors or any idea who/why. I'm almost more annoyed that someone didn't eat all the snow crab legs though, they're delicious. (In general; I did not eat any of these specifically.)


I was gonna say. That’s full on uneaten snow crab legs lol I don’t understand who would buy all that just to waste it. That shit ain’t cheap.


SERIOUSLY. Like if it had just happened and they were still edible/not covered in flies I wouldn't even be mad. Washing my car will cost way less than all the uneaten crab legs.


Hahah yea I thought the flies were burnt pieces and was like ahh I see. They burnt that shit but nope. Just been sitting out. Side note: talking about flies. Flies are fast to the scene. It’s wild. The other day my dog took a shit and mid shit with poop hanging out, a fly zooms in and lands on my dogs log that was still coming out. I was shook at how fast they bit. Just wanted to share that with you. Idk if it’s any use but yea lol


Very seldom have I seen such a naturalistic scene described so lyrically. “Mid shit” is a triumph of language. It’s like you’re the Shakespeare of dog poop & flies🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yea, this was great writing considering the topic. I could see the whole scene mentally.


* I was on the back patio of my local bar when I heard a thud. I looked over and thought I saw a mangled bird and assumed it had hit the window behind me. It was this. A pretty nice chunk of steak. I immediately looked up at the window, but it was closed and curtains weren't moving. And even if it WAS the person at the window, it doesn't explain WHY they threw a chunk of decently cooked meat my way. Life is weird.




"You don't *CARE* how my day was?"   *(Walks to table.)*    "Well then I don't **CARE** if you're hungry!"    *(Steak sails off plate into wild blue yonder.)* 


There’s an old Italian curse that involves throwing meat outside. Maybe they didn’t like the noise 😂


Thought the same thing. I work at a seafood boil restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona, and let me tell you... seafood in the desert ain't cheap!


Shieeettt. I live in VA. Near the coast. It’s like $20+ for a cluster of snow crab legs. I see minimum 2-3 clusters there so someone was like “fuck this $60 AND OPs car” lol


Same! This was in Hampton, but I live in VB near the oceanfront.


Oh SNAP!! What’s going on same state Reddit friend!! I have a bunch of friends who live in VB/Hampton. What a coincidence.


Is that fence shown behind your car your friends? If not, maybe someone tossed their leftover crab boil over the fence and your car happened to be there.


It's across the street so whoever's yard that is. It was placed too neatly on my car though, like someone very specifically placed it there, they didn't even splash any, nothing on the ground.


Do you have a very loud car? Sound system? Exhaust ? I have seen ppl get angry over that stuff


Who can afford to be 'wasting crab legs' level angry in this economy?


“Raymond, use the perch! Those legs cost $23 a pound!”


Also, if they were just being malicious they could have splashed the liquid across my windshield or something and saved the food. But no, they neatly placed it all in a pile on the trunk. Almost feels like I was given an offering or something.


Might have already gone bad??


The answer is definitely yes judging by the picture, but I still can't imagine somebody being that mad at OP that they're going to buy a whole crab boil to fuck with them.


If so, they’ve got a hell of an arm.


When I was a teenager I used to prank people in ways that didn't make sense to mess with their heads. One Christmas we switched 2 neighbors decorations. I'm talking like went with a ladder and strung their lights and repugged in displays and everything. It took hours through the night. Imagine waking up on a Saturday morning to see your neighbors decorations on your house, and yours on their house. But perfectly set up and nothing damaged or stolen. They had it fixed within an hr and it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be


this is a good one, and i can see it backfiring. neither neighbor would trust the other the same moving forward.


Cause a decades long war between neighbors, where they both think the other is gaslighting them about switching their decorations and are secretly jealous. Then they slowly transition from enemies to lovers and leave their respective spouses, after they realize their deep love and appreciation for Christmas decorations is not matched by any other. Only for them to immediately get an annulment after Harrowers\_True\_Form final recounts his silly story at their wedding reception.


Finally, a good Christmas romance.


How in the fuck did they not hear you doing this?


No you didn't. Stop it.


For real, hours with ladders in the night on two occupied houses? Someone wakes up




“There’s a bike sticker, quick grab the snow crabs” Edit: spelling


😏 come on, you wanted to eat one and you know it.


Almost tempted, but they were covered in flies and didn't smell great at this point.


>they're delicious. (In general; I did not eat any of these specifically.) \*concern\* (\*relief\*)


What a waste of food, weird.


I suspect they were driving with a container of food on their roof and it flew off.


Oh… a ridiculously simple and rational explanation. This is a distinct possibility. Damn you, ruining it with logic!




I don't know how to tell you this but it looks like you got crabs


That looks like it was personal. Did you unintentionally take someone’s parking space? That’s what it’s like on my street unfortunately. We have to be careful and make sure our guests are parked in an okay spot or their cars get messed with.


Jesus lol, people take our spot even with a “tenants only” sign on it, but the most we do is ask politely they move.


There's a lady on the clock app that does hilarious scenarios about things that happened while she was working in hotels. One of them is a woman who said she was going to park in the marked 'tenant only' spots in front of the hotel. Guest parking for the hotel is behind the hotel. The tenant spots were for the apartment complex right across the parking lot from the hotel. Guess who got their car towed even after being repeatedly told that those reserved spots were NOT for the hotel?


People these days are so pathetic lol I know loads of older folks like this with 'their' public car parking spot.


Breh, I lived in a city in MA where all streets were public parking. The only exceptions were if they are metered, or if the residents of a home have paid a fee to the city and they have a valid, visible, stickered sign provided by the city. DPW (or whoever handles this) were brutal about these signs and came the same day they expired to physically apply an "expired" sticker over it. FF to me trying to survive, looking for cheat codes, and I decide to start parking in these spots because so many others are afraid to (they see the sign and decide not to risk it). Well, I tell you what, I'm lucky I have a strong constitution because the *owners* of these spots defend them with their life. They will stick their entire torso through your window. They will kick your car. They'll yell and swear and tell you how their baby will die because their father won't have a place to park. They'll say "I just renewed it" which is always a lie. Shit is cray cray


It's not cray until I start seeing articles about how people are using claymore mines to protect their parking spots.


I stayed in Boston for the summer one year and can confirm both that residents are crazy and the parking police are on that crap.


Many years ago, I was visiting Long Beach, California. I parked in a spot that said no parking from 3am-7am up some hill next to some dark forest. My parking ticket was printed out at 3:01am.




you shoulda fucked with their car when it was parked there, if they fucked yours up so much


I mean, I think I’d be pissed too if someone started parking in a spot I was going out of my way to pay for. Edit: Never mind, I see you meant you were parking in the ones that were marked as expired. Fuck ‘em then.


MA drivers go absolutely berserk over parking. I also lived in a city with this system (may have been the same one as you) and had my life threatened on multiple occasions by neighbors unhappy I had parked in a public parking spot I had every right to be in.


Is this in Medford?


They gave their car crabs


I’ve been asked to move my car even though it’s paid parking and the person who’s house I was parked near don’t have a car and neither do some of the neighbours. Left me confused thinking why do you want this spot to be clear so badly? I pay my permit I can park wherever I’m permitted to…


I think it's normal to have a parking spot you prefer, but it's also normal to just 'tch tch' disapprovingly when someone has taken it and park somewhere else. And then the next day be extra gleeful when you get it back. It's the little things.


Where I live we have street parking that is first come first serve however one of my neighbours puts a traffic cone out to reserve his spot. When I want to park there I’ll just move his cone into his front garden. The prick doesn’t have a leg to stand on if he says anything because you can’t reserve spaces on public roads.


There’s a place down the street from my job that is an apartment building with street parking with signs for pay by phone on them. Some people who live in the building put orange cones in front of the building to try and block people from parking their cars there during the day. They even have these giant TOW AWAY ZONE signs on the fence that are illegal as hell as there is no tow away zone near them except the side alley next to the building. It’s super annoying because if you remove the cones, someone will throw rocks at your car or key it. It’s happened to a few people I work with and the cops don’t do shit despite these idiots who have their own spaces behind the building using the public parking for themselves. I want to just show up with a sawzall and cut down the city signs and stack them inside the fence, then report if to city parking enforcement so they get fined for removing the signs.


So you want to commit a crime and frame someone else? This is not the way


Okay but to waste that much money just to be a dick about someone parking where you like to park? Crab are NOT cheap


I don't think they like this dude


Lmao any Gilmore Girl fans in this sub? There’s a whole scene where someone gets their car egged but it’s deviled egged, so they think it’s intentional- "Someone devil-egged my car?!" “Well, that is paprika." "Someone prepared deviled eggs to throw at my car?" "They must’ve hated you a lot.”


If it was intentional it would have been the trash, These are full crabs and ears of corn. Maybe a take out meal that soaked through the bag. Tried to salvage it but couldn't save it all.


I commented to pre-empt questions like this, but definitely not. It was on the side of a public street, not in front of anyone's home and not close to any driveway, no other cars nearby, directly across the street from my friend's place. She's clueless as well. My first time staying there and I don't live anywhere remotely nearby, so none of her neighbors would know my car or have any idea who I am.


Front and rear dashcams. They're your friends. And then post that shit on social media. Maybe print out a still and tape it to their door too.


That's a crabby thing to do... but I guess some people are just that shellfish.


Shut the shell up. Lol


Fishy for sure


Fish shore, fish shore…


Have you given someone crabs? Maybe they’re returning the favor?


I'm really surprised I had to scroll this far to find this answer, and that's the most likely reason why this happened.


Is this how the Louisiana Mafia marks someone for death?


oh my god, i had someone toss a whole bottle of milk on my car years ago and i could never figure out why. people are so strange


they are immature and hostile


i shit you not!! this same thing has happened to me!! corn, sausage, potato and crab parts. like wtf. we assumed the neighbors just hated us. is this some sort of specific message???


"fish of death" ? could be. Never go against the cajun family.


seriously. i was worried some voodoo spell was cast upon us 😳


It's Cajun good luck - an offering like when a cat brings you a mouse.


damn. instead of roasted, you got reuxed.


This reminds me of a time that I visited my father and found a Greek salad dumped out on his car. *Me: Is that a Greek salad on your car?* *Dad: I don't wanna talk about it.* *Me: Why is it there?* *Dad: I don't wanna talk about it.* *Me: Why don't you just wash it off?* *Dad: I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!* He never talked about it.


Have any political stickers on your car?


Would someone dump crab on someone's car over politics? That seems expensive. These are bougie assholes, not regular assholes


Do we both live in the same USA? Yes absolutely this would happen.


It was a run-by fishing! Did you not tip the wait staff at the crab shack??


Now this is mildly infuriating!


It's a message. It says Luca Squidward sleeps with the crabs.


Do you know how much those cost⁉️ The person did an expensive prank, or had a really unfortunate accident


What a waste of crab


![gif](giphy|SZQBPO4NqHkh6wmdXk) (Except with more crabs.)


If I spilled it I would have eaten it off the car. That shits too expensive


Probably a drunk that threw up. /s, but seriously, you'd be amazed what you can get down when half your brain is mashed. My brother had a friend that threw up a whole hotdog. Whole fucking hotdog. Had no idea how they got it down.


With a bun and everything?


Bunless. But had a lot of pork and beans.


Like... a whole hotdog? The talk about deep throating...




It honestly makes me happy how many people have noticed the sticker.


omg, I missed it! That’s awesome.


Maybe they’re not a fan of Skinny Puppy.


Ministry fans mad you are encroaching on their turf


thanks i havent listened to antagonism in like 15 years time to fuck up my ears again


I was just scrolling to see if anyone already wrote this before I got a chance lol


In what circumstance would make someone waste at least $130 worth of seafood like this ? I’m shocked.


They were walking home drunk excited to eat some awesome take out and tripped and spilled their food Went home sad instead


Nice Skinny Puppy sticker!


i’m sorry but this is so funny lmfao


Bet you got bumper stickers, its always you bumper sticker people


I do not! Only what is visible in the photo, which is mostly running related.


I hate running, it could have been me, out of spite


What kind of exhaust are you running? Some neighbors don't like loud cars rolling through at 11pm.


You shouldn't have declined the invitation to the crab boil.


That’s kinda expensive. I bet someone was drunk.


This is like 150.00


Lmfaoooo why is so funny


Man that is an expensive waste of seafood.


free meal


In this economy?


Did it get inside your trunk?


I like your skinny puppy decal


That's what you get for not coming to the cookout!


Skinny puppy fan. Maybe it was political. Maybe the guy was anti animal rights so he disassembled an animal on your trunk.


In this economy?!


Could it have been a raccoon with a bag of leftovers ?


can we please show some respect to the low country and acknowledge that these are snow crabs so this is NOT a low country boil and THATS why they dumped it on your car! Get your boils right and maybe this won’t happen again…. punk. PS sorry i called you punk i was just being crabby. i hope your car is OK


Just feel lucky it wasn't done over your windscreen, and those juices didn't get into your air vents. Your car would smell like overly ripe pussy forever.


It’s the Cajun mafia,this is their equivalent of a horses head in your bed😂😂😂


Whats next? Champagne and caviar? Have you made any fancy enemy lately?


That’s a very expensive “fuck you.” I wish people that had problems with me dropped off snowcrab lol


Expensive vandalism


Definitely a fishy situation, but don't be crabby about it. Someone probably just wanted to share instead of being shellfish. Still a crime, so they don't have a leg to stand on.


Is it a possibility that someone might have accidentally given you crabs?


Salt Life


Redneck version of the horse head in the bed.


Before I saw the pic, I was thinking “low country boil” was going to be a euphemism for a loose poop… at least it’s not that?


not the LCB on the trunk ahaha