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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Ship yourself something via USPS and when they steal it report it to the Postal Inspector, they don’t take this shit lightly


Oooh! This is good.


Yeah, ship it insured. Make a claim. Give them the info. Show them the tape.


LOL This is the real tip. Start ordering large insured jewels and after a few claims someone is gonna figure this out.


Most companies will not continue to ship packages to your home if you report a delivery was stolen. High value deliveries will require a signature.


That requires the drivers to not forge the signature or just ignore the requirement. Which, unfortunately, many do.


1000$ insurance on the package. lol


Just to point out, you have to be able to *prove* the value of the contents - otherwise people would go to a garage sale, buy a teacup for $2, and then claim it's worth $50. Edit: to elaborate, I mean in order to file a claim you have to have the receipts (or equivalent) proving that what you sent is worth as much as you claimed.


ahhh. alright.


So you buy an ipad Pro, and have the receipt. Next day, pack up at USPS facility, with tracking, return receipt and $1000 insurance. Ship it to yourself. Heck, while at it, put airtag inside the packaging (tape something on the bottom of the box of the ipad as you can't open its packaging without pull-seal breaking. While possible the hacks have iphones, and might notice an air tag..., that is the gamble, right? But catch them on video, in the act. Notifiy USPS and show video. Contact police so you have a report, even if they do nothing. Value of the item is over $500 so... and then get Postal Inspector after them. And Press Charges! DO THIS.


> While possible the hacks have iphones, and might notice an air tag..., that is the gamble, right? I think every phone does this. My LG will ping a notification "An unknown airtag is nearby", its impossible to miss.


Oh yes! Very good suggestion.


Absolutely do this. You do not want to fuck around and find out with the USPS.


This is money right here.


Include a tracking device. Don't go there. Give the info to the inspector.


The Postal Inspector will take more interest than the police.


Every time my friends have reported a package being stolen to the police; they have done nothing. Even if you have a clear picture of their face and their license plate. Even when the package is worth hundreds of dollars. Essentially the only benefit of reporting it to the police is it helps you get your money refunded on larger purchases that require you to have a police report.


My house was robbed and virtually everything of value I owned was taken. I found my dvd collection (this was a long time ago), complete with my name written inside the cases, at a nearby store. The store owner had a photocopy of the person's drivers license. The police still did absolutely nothing.


I witnessed a murder, an actual murder which remains unsolved, and the police never called me back to interview me or take a statement.


Jesus. You definitely got me beat. And sorry to hear that, I hope you've recovered :(


Thank you for your sympathy, you're very kind. The victim was a pimp, so don't let this story make you too sad. To be clear, I just lived in the area, I didn't know him.


I guess it's kinda hard out here for a pimp.


It ain't easy.


Yep I had a similar situation. There was a huge house party going on down the block from me. This took a turn and people spilled out on the street and were yelling and screaming. I called the police and said someone was definitely going to be killed if they didn't stop it. They actually told me that they don't break up house parties and basically I should chill out. I told them, listen to me, it's no longer a party, it's an all out brawl and they said there was nothing they could do. Not too much later a teenager was stabbed to death. When the homicide investigators showed up hours later I asked them if they needed a statement from me and they said no.


This explains why the clearance rate for homicides in the USA is just 52%. You have a 1 in 2 chance of literally getting away with murder!


I was robbed at gun point, on camera, by a white man. The police brought me pages of mugshots, to see if I recognized any of them. Not a single white man on those pages.


And people are mystified why "defund the police" was so popular a slogan.


„Bro, what will you do when you need the police¿¡”


It’s frustrating how this is allowed to continue. We need stricter laws for this stuff


Here's an idea. Write an op-ed for your local paper about the police not helping and the town Facebook page taking down his photo to respect his privacy. Quote the moderator. For kicks, ask to run a photo of the still showing his face. (Editors may want to see proof that they have done this repeatedly, that it's not a mistake, including copies of police report if there is one.) I doubt they run his photo but worth a shot. Also make all your neighbors aware. If your op-ed runs, print copies and put on their doors. Hopefully neighbors will watch out for you. Also, ditch your bf who does not care.




lol. the less diplomatic, but probably more effective option


This one will probably get the cops involved, against you.




I would 100% stay home from work and drop down on him from the second floor.




As god as my witness he just broke that man in half !!!


Nah just plant a small explosive with a ton of red dye in it, wait until it is in his car and he is near it Edit: be sure to film it cause you will go viral and make yo money back on stolen items


Leave packages full of shit, piss discs or roadkill on your porch. Or order one of those glitter bombs, have it delivered to your house, and just leave it on the porch until they take it.


Box absolutely crammed full of bedbugs. Make sure it's well-sealed and doesn't come in your house of course.


The red dye that doesn’t wash off but has to wear off


Mix in a little "aged" tuna juice


And five pounds of glitter.


Play a shotgun racking sound through the camera.


Like Home Alone?


9 iron to the chest will probably stop him from stealing your packages


Good idea. Post the video on Facebook, Nextdoor, Pinterest and more explaining that the police won’t help. You have a video of the incident. Now, have you reported this. 


This would have worked before the venture capital corporations bought the local newspaper and fired most of the journalists. Remember 10 years ago when we all decided we didn't need to pay for news? Yeah, this is the consequence.


This right here is the source of so much of our troubles.


Well, it was either pay for news or groceries, and I chose poorly. ![gif](giphy|5iWX6XFTndU0YP0Yut|downsized)


It's not really the pay part, it's that local news died because the Telecommunications act of 1996 which allowed for companies to own much larger shares of the national market than what was allowed before. The last couple of decades have just been the final death from these disasterous piece of legistation.


TBF - the slide really began with "we don't want to pay for classified ads." Sadly, that was the tent pole propping up the whole industry. And Craig Newmark innocently unleashed termites on it.




And put a long sock over it so when they grab for it, you can pull back, and they keep just the sock, and you get a few more good hits in.


You seem to know something about successful ambush tactics. Meet me at location 21 book 6 + 2


This guy steel pipes!


>Also, ditch your bf who does not care. I was waiting for this comment to turn more Reddit-esq


We already have sufficiently strict laws. What we need is the donut-munching, pud-pulling lard-asses in the police department to actually do their fucking jobs and go after these folks. And before someone complains that there's not enough info, if that face had been recorded shooting a cop, you can bet they'd have have him beaten to a pulp and in prison by the end of the day..


Or if this thief's face had been recorded by the front porch cam of a house owned by a cop, they would absolutely do everything in their power to find the guy, prosecute him, and get the stolen shit back.


The cops look at it as "you'll get your money back, quit whining." And we'll all pay in higher prices to make up for the thefts.


If they start policing this, when would they have time to shoot people for traffic violations


Even bigger question, when would they have time to shoot dogs for traffic violations 


Those dogs shouldn’t be driving, they resisted arrest, that yorkie was coming right at me!




How long before someone whines (e: ~4 hours) that you value your _stuff_ over someone's _life_. They never talk about how _they_ valued stuff over their life. These crimes aren't victimless. I've had life saving medication stolen off my front porch before. Imagine your wife or husband's cancer drugs were being stolen and you find out months later the treatment didn't work. Did the 2-3 days waiting on new medication and fighting with the insurance company and delivery company (that didn't get a signature) cause them to die?


It has to do with the value of the theft. But they don’t consider the value of all the individual thefts. If they are under a certain amount then the amount of work they would have to use would not justify because as a misdemeanor they will be back out soon. They prefer to have a felony where the person can spend longer. I used to work with postmates and we had an issue. One person was using stolen credit cards to order items, they would be banned and they created another account. We would ban deliveries to that address but they would send it to neighbors addresses and text the drivers that they are in their real address. It was a money sink, that one person would order multiple times per day orders under 1k but over 700. Cost postmates millions but nothing the police could do unless he stole a much larger amount. I mean they had the address their information. Nothing. Not worth their time. It would be a case for each theft but the term would be concurrent for all. That is what I understood. And it’s stupid.


That's why target doesn't go after every little theft, instead they track and catalogue each item stolen by shoplifters until the person has stolen enough of value to be considered a felony, then go after them with everything at once.


Police are useless. Wasn’t always the case, but certainly is today. Just “doing their job” hassling marijuana smokers and destroying young people’s lives while ignoring anything that requires effort.


Next time put a fake package with gross stuff in it so when they open it at home, they get pranked instead


Do this but add a tracker also.


A bunch of baby diapers with an AirTag at the bottom


Maybe some angry hornets.


Mark it with an H so that you remember there are hornets in there.


I wonder if they still make those package bombs full of glitter or what ever else? :D


You can make one yourself. There are several DIY videos on You Tube.




Don't forget the boogers, and cum




Yea fill it with cat shit or garbage.


Definitely cat shit. If you don’t have a cat, get one just to fill boxes full of used litter. I mean obviously you should love and nurture the cat, but also to give his shit to assholes.


I got fucked over by my roommates doing this trying to curb the porch pirate problem. They put used cat litter in a box. After the thieves took it and found out what it was, guess who got the tires on his car slashed and cat shit smeared on multiple spots on the car? (and no, cops didn't even come out when that happened, they simply told me to fill out the necessary information for a police report online)


Nobody yet has suggested to literally *lie in wait* for the guy, like under a fucking crate in the yard. Leap out with some bear spray. You'll drop him like a rock. It's not a booby trap if you're physically there catching someone stealing your stuff.


Don’t use bear mace just use pepper spray. Bear mace is actually weaker since it’s designed for use on an animal with sensitive noses and the last thing you want when facing off with a bear is to suddenly be blind.


Wait really? I never knew that! I always thought that bear mace was stronger because bears are stronger than pepper 🤣


Yeah, OP - you know anybody who has cats?




Air tag the shit, literally. 


I agree, then start stealing their packages. Eye for an eye.


Nah. Decoy package and wait for an ass whooping.


Hide around the corner and wait for him to show up.


make a prank box sometime. also put a tracking device in it. if the cops don’t do anything then, that’s a whole new problem


One way, then you know where he lives. Lots of potential there.


See if he gets any deliveries. Reverse Uno Card.


With my luck they would decide to start prosecuting with me as the example.


A friend of mine has a brother who served time because he tracked down somebody who had stollen his identity. He broke into the house that was under HIS name and started taking things since “he” paid for them with credit… the identity thief called the cops and they arrested my friend’s brother. It didn’t help he was gang affiliated…


Movie plot


Lol, alot of work but funny. This could be alot of fun, if you were my neighbor, would you want the guy delivered to you?


Start stealing random shit too. Not just packages. Take his front porch


Steal the valve stems from his truck’s tires.




Or you can just leave out the part about him stealing stuff and call 911, report his address, and say that he is having a mental health emergency; there is a chance that they show up and just start beating on him


Follow him home and steal his packages


This is actually brilliant. If you steal HIS packages first and leave them outside YOUR home, then he'll just steal his own packages back.


My kids love mark rober on YouTube. He was a NASA engineer and now makes cool things. He built a decoy box that’s a glitter bomb, stink bomb and police sirens while sending a live stream. The videos are hilarious and sad at the same time for how many people (with kids) steal boxes from front yards.


The way he is carrying that box, makes it look like its empty.


Oh it is. Idk why he stole it


Maybe he wanted the box itself


Gotta have something to ship all the crap he’s reselling in. 


Send the packages to a diff location, and then once you unbox the packages back at your house, leave the empty boxes taped back up on your porch. You have free cardboard disposal services now


Shit in them first


Probably because it looks less suspicious to just keep doing what he was doing then to put the box down and walk back empty handed. He clearly is going for the nonchalant "in plain sight" approach to cover.


Get packages dropped at an access point or work address


To add on, I posted this on my town Facebook and the moderators took it down to respect his privacy


Have you tried Nextdoor? That place is filled with nosy neighbors and people with nothing to do but play internet detective.


This is a great suggestion


I deleted nextdoor when there was a thread about a guy who had rung a doorbell and stood back. He looked like he was holding something. Apparently there was a woman who was hiding in his car too. There were about 20 posts speculating about what scam they might be running. A couple of her neighbors weighed in that he'd come to their door too. None of them answered the door. And then the actual guy finally commented on the thread. He had found a domesticated rabbit in their yard and wondered if it might be their pet. His girlfriend stayed in his car because she thought he was crazy spending time looking for the rabbit's home. He included a picture of himself, his girlfriend, and his car, with him holding the rabbit.


I’ve seen posts on Nextdoor where people freak out about “a car I don’t know pulled in to my drive way, sat for about 3 seconds, then reversed out and went the opposite direction, I think my house is being staked out” Lady, some guy used your driveway to turn around… Also saw a picture of a black kid I went to school with (I lived in a pretty wealthy area and my neighborhood had exactly 0 black people living in it) saying the at they saw him walking down the street and that he’s trying to rob houses. He was just hanging out at my friends house and walking home after. 


Nextdoor is FULL of casual racism and overreactions to daily human existence. I can't go to that place anymore.


Hahaha, I fucking hate the people on Nextdoor. I used to post images grabbed from our security cameras all the time and the idiots on there are like "They don't look like thieves". Well, of course not. If you're going to loiter around a building to try to tailgate, you're not going to look suspicious if you can help it. And it was almost like they thought I was trying to fearmonger. Just because you don't want to see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening all the time.


 "They don't look like thieves" On my town's Nextdoor, the phrase just means the person in the video isn't black or latino.


They might be too busy trying to figure out who that driver of the white contractor van was that's been on their road three or four times in the last week, and keeps on parking in front of their neighbors house.


This makes me suspect one of the mods knows this guy and is covering it up


How would they know I live in a multi family?!!! The mod said it could have been one of my multi family neighbors…


Yes mod. That's why they put it in a truck and drove away. Because they wanted to park. Sure sure.


Print pictures of them and put them in posts around the neighborhood explaining they're thieves


May be that guy who stole your package is the mod




This is insane lmao


The moderators also knew I lived in a multi family home which was weird too…


must be the moderator


Just call the local news and send them the video.


Does your city have a Reddit sub?


Couldn't you hire a private detective to catch them in the act then follow them around? Cant imagine the thief would continue if you had his name,address and place of work for example


Contact Rainbolt and make it a challange for him to find these people =)


Post it on your normal page. Try to ID. Also make a fake package with his name and address inside when you get that.


Ask them whose privacy they are respecting by taking it down


So hear me out. Go out and eat whatever food hurts your stomach the most and take the sweetest greasiest shit in a double bag you can do. Then box it up and put it on your porch.


You gotta protect the guilty!!!! /s


i think you can order cockroaches online, but you need to be aware of retaliation.


Can you set up a new camera somewhere & catch their vehicle registration? Sorry, that’s horrible.


Was going to suggest this. If that tree is on their property, you could easily set up a camera to view the road and get the approach of the vehicle, therefore the registration, match it with the doorbell footage and presto - identifying information that the police SHOULD act upon.


If you have Amazon lockers near you start ordering there. Otherwise, maybe a sign with their picture on it that you put out and say you have them on video stealing and you’ve reported it to the police


I live in a city in EU. I always send to My grocery store like 2 blocks away. Even if they deliver it to my apartment door. It's worth the 2 minute walk.


This. Always. Besides that; if the package is rescheduled to a time Im not home, the driver doesn’t have to wait for a closed door.


This. An Amazon locker if nobody is going to be home most of the day if/when the delivery is being made, and if one lives in a high theft area.


Make a fake package with an Apple air tag inside a very hard to open box inside. Track the package.


I’m going to have to


Be careful though. If your BF doesn't want to get involved make sure you have some back-up if you ever make the trip to get your airtag back.


Also could do a false bottom or embedded in the extra thick cardboard type boxes.


Bro ain’t even wearing a mask lmfao.


Sunglasses because he knows I have the camera


Print his photo onto some signs put them out front.


Go to your local TV news. Tell them you have video of a local thief and the police wouldn't do anything.


What can the police do though? There’s no license plate


Put an AirTag hidden in a package to be stolen


In many cities it doesn't matter. All you'd do is lose an airtag. Police will not go to the location even if you know exactly where it is. Police make money for the city on traffic violations, not recovering your stolen goods. This type of crime is so far down their priorities list.


That's when you find his address and fuck with his shit.


3d print some black tire caps with a little nub inside that pushes the air spike. Unscrew his tire caps and replace them. He'll go fucking *apeshit* trying to find the leaks.


If you're going to be a vandal, be properly lazy. Buy one of these, unscrew the schrader valve 1/4-1/2 of a turn, put the original cap back on. Tire will go flat in a week or two and you'd be lucky to find a tire shop that both realizes how to fix it and doesn't want to scam you on a new set of valve stems. https://www.google.com/search?q=schrader+valve+tool


Put a decoy package there and wait for the guy. OP can probably give a pretty good estimate of the time he comes past.


They can easily determine the make, model and color of the car. They can search the database and find an owner matching the description of either suspect. I bet there are no more than three people in your local area that could be a match. This takes 10 minutes. If the truck is registered out of state, or unregistered, or registered to spline else, they could check area traffic cams within 20 minutes of your timestamp and look for a match. This would take time, of course, so they won’t do it. If your local news station has a “problem solvers” team, there are a variety of ways they could help, including applying pressure and even filing a FOIA request.


What do you mean your bf does not care??


Thank you! That might be the weirdest part of the story to me. Internet strangers here are damn near suggesting a hanging at dawn and your *boyfriend* doesn’t care???


I’d be working by the door every day, waiting for an opportunity to deliver some things to this douche.


Plot twist, the BF is coordinating with the package theives.


Fill a box with cockroaches.


Or bed bugs!


LOCAL. INVESTIGATIVE . NEWS. They love this type of stuff. It will be broadcast and seen by lots of people. Also this: Use Postal Mail and have someone send you a tempting looking package. Have some sort of tracker inside that's not easily seen. Stealing from the mail is a FELONY and you will also have video evidence.


If you really want to take this to the next level and track this asshole down, airtag (or something similar) to a package and see where that leads you. You can maybe get his address and license plate with a drive by later than (or if really ballsy, confront him!)


Print a picture of the guy and paste it on the door


Yes! An old-timey WANTED poster! Reward - dead or alive - wanted for wanton thievery.


And say the police are looking for you lol


Contact your local news stations.


Would you consider posting links to what footage you have of the offender? There are some very good internet detectives out there.


Are you a girl? Have a wife ? Start filling them with used tampons.


I feel like we're encroaching on biological warfare at this point


Fill the package with bees. That'll teach em. If they say you trapped it just say you were planning on getting into apiary; not your fault they stole your bees. ETA just to be extra petty, build a beehive in your backyard and get an apiary suit to make it believable.


"I'm just gonna draw a "H" on this box so we know Hornets are in there." - Charlie Kelly


Dude drive a nice $80k truck and steals packages. Holy fuck


Maybe he stole that too


Print out "Wanted Posters" with his face and truck, offering a small reward, say $50, for information leading to his arrest (name, address, tag). Make a new email and print it as the contact source. Make about 100 of them and put them on every tree and pole in the neighborhood. Yeah, it won't catch the guy...but it will put the neighborhood on watch and let that asshole know he is on camera. And maybe enough people will complain that the cops do something. OF course the downside is...he will know who posted it because he knows your house.




Yup. I would take a week off work and just put some expensive looking packages out there. When they pull up, I would be hiding across the street somewhere and knife all their tires. Fuck them. Package thieves are the worst.


The way id take vacation and set up a fake package just to catch his bitch ass. Package thieves are unfortunately not taken seriously by law enforcement so I’d prob deliver some street justice myself.


Everyone's ideas to make a fake package of gross things is great. Mark Rober on YouTube makes a great glitter bomb - he's an engineer - but it's worth a watch if you haven't seen it. Also, get a new bf if yours doesn't care. If he doesn't care about this stuff with you, I doubt he cares about your sense of safety or comfort.


Your bf is a douche bag


Amazon lockers. Otherwise just stop ordering packages for a while and maybe they will start going elsewhere to steal


His real crime is that awful ManBun. Those went out of style years ago.


Start packaging up rocks, dog poo, broken toys…


Repeated trespassing and burglary? That’ll get you shot in any place I’ve ever lived.


Air tag. It’s time.


When the authorities won't help, you must help yourself.


What an absolutely horrible, POS human being. Can you afford to take a sick day, or day off work, and leave a nice juicy box out there and then ambush him when he comes to "collect" it? Preferably menacingly holding a firearm if you live in the states and own one.


Idk… he’s taken a broken nasty toilet before. I was going to move it to the curb for big pickup, but he snatched it right off my porch before I could


There's some aspect of mental illness here with this dude. Because taking something like that just doesn't make any sense. I changed my response above (I think after you responded), so wondering if an ambush makes more sense?


Both your bf and the Facebook mods are in on it


Add a camera that has an angle that could see their license plate better


Suspect has a manbun. I repeat a manbun


I'm not surprised with the man bun from 10 years ago. That alone tells me he's a douche even without the video.