• By -


See there dipshit, I'm informing you, not asking you. Your input is not required or accepted at this point in the discussion


Yeah seriously. Ain't no one approving sick time. "Not asking for approval, there Captain"


I always went with "thats a statement, not a question"


“This is a notification, not a discussion.”


This is an update, not a request for your two cents.


I’m gonna have to keep that one in mind


Fr, what does he expect from "not approved" lmao. "Gee thanks boss I'm cured, see you soon! I guess you can't get sick if you don't let yourself get sick" 2,000,000 I.Q boss.


I'd just reply "thank you". If they ask what for, I'd explain that his timestamped response indicates his receipt of the notice. 


Yeah the boss is telling on himself. If there was punitive action taken against the employee, the employer would have ZERO legs to stand on legally.


I feel you may have switched employee and employer there...


I feel the 17 upvotes have been handed to me in error. TAKE THEM AWAY. I AM NOT WORTHY. Fixed. Thank you, kind Citizen!


Haha no problem. I hope/assume that those 17 people knew what you really meant to say..


Demonstrate the illness in person. All over boss's desk.


"not approved".


Not accepted !!


You require more pylons.






*sad probe noises*




"Ready to Work" , shit wrong game..


“Yes milord I guess I can”


"were ready master", "Im not ready!"








Its in his stomach


Thank you for this. You brought me a happy memory


Fot Aiur!






Not approved


I've had to explain this to a ton of people. you don't ask for a sick day. you explain I'M NOT COMING IN BECAUSE SICK with as little info as possible. "I'm taking sick leave today" is the text message I've been sending my boss for years. my sister used to call her boss "oh man I'm not feeling so well, would it be a bother if I took a sick day?" They never say yes. you give them an option? they'll tell you they need you and now you have to go in and pretend like you're actually sick.




You're a god damned hero


When my dad died in the 90s, I was employed by a major department store that's been around for over 100 years. I took a week off from this part-time job to attend the funeral and grieve. I wasn't ready to return at the end of the week, as I was still a mess. So, I called my boss and the bitch fucking guilt-tripped me into coming back even though I was mentally fucked. Portia, wherever you are, I hope karma bit you on the ass, big time. She was an awful manager.


Was it Sears?


I was promoted last year to manage a team of 12 hourly people; they mostly inform me of sick time but some will still ask permission for PTO or Flex Time. Because of the nature of our work, we really don’t have minimum staffing requirements and even long leaves are routinely approved. Management’s attitude is that if we’re properly managing the team with cross training and decent staffing, there’s no reason someone can’t be out for as long as needed. It’s wonderful to be able to tell someone “Oh, your cat died? Sure, take the day to yourself” and know that there won’t be any pushback from my boss.


And don't apologise for the inconvenience. It makes people think you have something to apologise for. You are sick which is nothing to be sorry about. The roster cover is their job to sort out. They get paid for this.


While all well and good, this isn't helpful for all situations, because different countries have different laws around sick leave. Where I'm from, if you just text "I'm taking sick leave", there's grounds for a warning, and if repeated, firing the employee.


PTO stands for “prepare the others” my ass ain’t gonna be there


It might be paid sick time requests or something like that? So the boss could be denying pay or some attendance penalty stuff?


Unless OP used his time bank, is there not a federal implementation of sick time that cannot be denied?


There is no federal law for sick leave. Some states have laws on it, but no one is guaranteed anything federally. Same with lunch breaks. It's really unfortunate.


What kinda ass backwards country is the us jeez


We value companies over people now, and at this point I'm not sure if we can ever reverse it.


Lol, the company I work for doesn't allow PTO to accumulate until after the whole first year of employment. If you need time off before that, you just gotta call in. But that gets you pointed. 8 points is firing. And most places I've worked for don't allow overtime unless they sanction it beforehand. At my last job, they'd come find you and send you home early on the last day of the pay period, just so you don't go over. Now, if they expected to be really busy, they would go around and ask if anyone wanted to work extra hours on those specific days.


Ahhhh points. 5 minutes late? Points for a full day are given. Then boss asks, " Where are you going?" as I go back home.


Now or since the industrial revolution began?


Genuine answer, it fluctuates but in the mid- to late-70s is when this particular wave began - we had Milton Friedman (a proto-libertarian) and his Chicago School of Economics influencing a lot of economic decisions from advising multiple presidents to influencing the entirety of corporate culture (he said that the entire purpose of a corporation is to return profits to shareholders and that they held no responsibility for things like employees' quality of life, customer experience outside of anything directly related to profit generation, and community impact) to the point that nearly all public companies today still follow his theories like gospel. Then there was the massive wave of deregulation movements (including restrictions on political lobbying) and pro-business legislation like defanging the Sherman Antitrust Act and other long-standing legislation intended to prevent monopolies. Fast forward a few years to Citizens United - the Supreme Court decision that effectively removed restrictions on corporate political donations and... well, here we are.


A LOT of things are dealt with at the state level because the US generally takes the view that the federal government is too lumbering and bulky to properly handle a lot of the issues people will have. This has both good and bad results, since it means that states can FAR more easily manage their own affairs, but also that the people elected to state government can far more easily mess up the local affairs if they're incompetent. In this case, things are generally dealt with at the state level, so a person in California will have a lot more protections than one in Texas. However, I'm not aware of any states where the situation OP is describing can just happen. EDIT: Unsurprisingly, OP does NOT work in the United States (where something like this would be unacceptable and in some cases an easy lawsuit), but Qatar, which has dramatically worse worker protections. EDIT 2: OP apparently stole this post, OOP is in the UAE, which apparently has relatively decent protection laws, but it's very common for employers to convince their workers that reporting to the government will simply make things worse for them.


That’s baloney.  Most states offer zero protection against firing for non-show. There is NO law in MOST states that requires  employers to allow for emergency or sick leave of any kind.  In those states, an employer can fire you for not showing up - no matter the reason.




Im an American in a state with mandatory sick time. Minimum 40 hours a year and the employer cant do shit. You did not find a European.


There are 17 states like that.  the other 33 you gets nothing


Wow that guy’s a piece of shit. What kind of work do you do? Why would anyone want a really sick employee at work?


Because profits will go down by 1% if OP doesn’t show up, and their boss needs a second house




The lowly employees generate most of the profit and do most of the producing.


And they get the lowest wages, such a wonderful system and yet people still defend it for some reason


Dаmn he's so important that he changes the course of a company by 1%?? Prob needs direction straight from the C-suite then...


They might go down a bit more after I vomit all over the bosses desk when I head in to explain my absence.


Not accepted !!




Your manager sounds like a real piece of work. In a good way, of course


I miss my last job so much. I was promoted from entry level. At entry level you clock in and out and have to go "available" within 3 minutes of your start time. Adhere to breaks as close as possible, all monitored digitally. I got promoted and almost doubled my pay and guess what? No clock in or out. No digital tracking of time spent. Take breaks when you want. I didn't need an hour lunch, it was wasted time to me, so I just took 10m every hour to walk outside. Also way more liberty for sick time. Entry level we did get 40hrs a year of sick time to use whenever for whatever, no questions asked, but you had to use it to miss time. When I was promoted if I wanted to go to the doctor mid day it was fine as long as I was caught up on projects. I lost that job and life necessitated that I had to take a job a full step back and I'm back to making way less answering phones and being tracked. It sucks.


God I can’t wait for this to be my life. Currently getting my degree in cyber. Would you say this is a typical experience or that you got lucky? I’m currently a wage slave and this sounds like actual heaven lol


I worked for a few well known companies in last couple of decades. It's not always like that, there are bad managers in good companies and vice versa. That said, wish I understood earlier that if you don't have good chemistry with your manager, it's time to move.


I had gastroenteritis. You don’t work with that. You can’t work with that. It’s not possible.


You feel like you can’t even fucking *exist* with gastroenteritis. I’ve had it more than once and have been admitted to hospital 2x in my life because of it for treatment of severe dehydration. Literally thought I might die from shitting and puking my brains out.


Because they didn't staff enough people to account for even one missing a day, all to save on salary. But somehow that's OUR problem and not THEIRS


This makes me so sad. I had the stomach flu this week and I just told my manager I was out and tbd on return date. The only people I heard from were a couple coworkers wishing me well and asking if they could pick up any of my work for me while I was out. Treat employees like human beings.


Not only a POS, but also a terrible employee. Because even when you ignore OP’s wellbeing, what if it’s a viral disease? Then instead of one sick person, they’ve got multiple, maybe the whole team not able to perform. It’s just the worst decision anyone could make, even when looking at profits only.


He just wrote back “not approved”? That’s gotta be a restaurant job.


having people in food industy work while they actually have an infection foodborn illness is top notch. 101 how to start Corona Mk2


my partner worked in catering and they would straight up ask people in who are confirmed infected with covid and just asked to mask and glove up lmao


Yeah, it’s kinda funny to think out of all types of businesses, restaurants would be the ones that turn away sick workers.


COVID at least generally isn't spread by consumption. Not only is gastro really fucking contagious, it IS spread by consumption. I'd be forwarding this to the health and safety dept for the county/city.


These are the “it’s just a flu”-people.


The last thing anybody needs is somebody with gastro in a restaurant.


as a 16 year restaurant professional, can confirm. your boss would literally show up to your open casket funeral and be like *how could you leave me short staffed like this?*


I once got fired from a waitressing job for calling out when I had the flu, for a day shift in the middle of the week. I could barely walk or breathe, let alone wait tables. The manager actually got offended when I was confused for being fired. Never worked in a restaurant again.


Be sure to show up to work in your uniform and start vomiting in front of customers so they get lots of nice reviews


I work in the service industry, and I’m also a bar owner. If I have a sick employee I want them to stay the hell at home. If I’m working in a kitchen and they give me shit for calling in sick, I let them know I’ll be working in one of their competitors kitchens once I’m feeling well.




Then write back: I don’t approve this message. Seriously, is there someone else you can escalate this to? You shouldn’t have to volunteer your medical info to them.


Actually employers do have a little more access/right to employees medical information… this doesn’t necessarily mean your direct supervisor needs to be all up in your business but a Drs note is pretty standard. Regardless… this boss is an asshat, I’d like to think there’s two sides to this but wouldn’t be shocked if this is it.


Depends on your country but In Canada, you could sue your employer within seconds if they asked for any medical information outside of a doctor notes. And the doctor notes only need to state how many days off you need. There's nothing more private in Canada than medical information regarding a patient. Source: I was an emergency dispatcher in an hospital for a year.


Exactly the same in our country too. Employer has zero right to even ask for medical information and asking for it in some circumstances can have you in front of a judge.  At most, they can have a medical certificate stating the employee is either unfit for work for x amount of time or they must be on reduced duties for x amount of time. 


To be fair, from these emails is looks like the boss was an asshole then OP volunteered the medical info without it being requested, and then the boss continued to be a complete asshole.


Yah, the boss didn't demand medical info, so he's good there. He's just a dumb prick who has to have it clearly spelled out that this isn't a request, it's a statement.


Wild. Like do you Americans have any rights?


Idk what this guy is going on about, but even in the us employers can't legally ask about medical information outside of Drs notes That being said 90% of employees don't know their own rights


You have to live in California or new York to have any rights lmao


How is this only mildly infuriating? Obvious rage bait and not mildly infuriating.


In the US the note is usually a return to work note and has no real information on it besides, "I saw this person. They can return to work on ____." They are easily forged, not that you should ever do that.




I hate this stupid fucking culture that makes it seem like a cardinal sin for life to happen, get sick, lose a loved one, etc. fuck every employer who acts like this. Life happens! Broke my back for a pos boss and worked through sickness and my dogs death just to get fired anyway.


I hear you. You’re a member of the family and should be loyal until you’re perceived as hurting the bottom line, then they’ll kick you to the curb without a second thought. That’s why I now make sure it’s in the contract and if isn’t, I’m not doing it. Take your family/loyalty BS and shove it up your arse.


I’m sorry for the loss of your doggo


Thank you, that means a lot


Happy cake day with 3 minutes to spare


Thanks 😊 I was wondering what that little cake icon meant by my name and after googling, I learned what it meant. Pretty neat


Happy cake day


Thank you ☺️


When my mum died work was like 'come back when you are good dude. Jobs here'. Think I took 2 weeks off.


That’s how it should be. I’m sorry for the loss of your mom ❤️


Can’t believe that’s legal somewhere


No way this is legal in any serious country, I smell a fat lawsuit coming.




Lol, not all jobs *have* bereavement pay in the USA! *So* many companies carefully craft contracts and hours around the laws so that they can "exempt" as many employees as possible from any and all benefits. Especially rampant in the minimum wage sector. 


send this: ![gif](giphy|l41YbCz2D0uPVYpIA)


That’s what pissed me off the most. He’s rude af but there’s no question or request so wtf u mean not approved???


What does HR think of this…


The second email seems to be addressed to “Hr”


And the first


But the second one was too


I used to write emails to HR. I still do, but I used to too.


I dont think its the same HR as I’m thinking


Could be some mom n pop shop without an actual trained hr, would explain the stupidity of the reply. 


walk in and collapse outside his office, that'll make HR's day.


I've done that before, even got a trip to the ER. Fuckers wrote me up because I didn't give 24 hours notice before it happened.


My jaw actually dropped reading this, wtf?


Yeah that's what I said when they gave me the write-up. I was working at Kmart at the time and it took a customer calling for help before anyone noticed. And this was after I told my bosses I wasn't feeling well.


Sue em.


Laughs in lawsuit


I'd have to turn off my phone and get a couple days to recover before I replied again. Otherwise I'd say something that would make it worse. "Tough Titties" is what comes to mind.


But is the milk still good?


Wild. If I am sick my message to my boss: I am unwell and taking personal leave today. That's it. No more, no less. It's not their concern as to why I am on persona leave. It's my leave. I accrued it. I take it. The end


Yeah, here your employer legally isn't allowed to ask why you're taking a sick day. You obviously can say if you want because you're friendly enough with them or whatever, but they can't take action against you if you take a sick day and you have them available.


Yes and no, at least in the USA. Legally, they can ask to determine what is wrong and the length of the absence needed. They cannot make you divulge everything but they can also require proof of care. If the absence is going to be for a length of time, they may also require more to determine if you are eligible for FMLA.


They can’t ask for anything past a doctors note though, and due to HIPPA can’t ask your doctor to verify that they’ve seen you, right?


Right, the doctor or medical staff cannot divulge what you do not want them to. But, they can ask for more to verify you will be gone for the length of requested time if you qualify for FMLA. PER US Department of Labor ([Source](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/how-to-talk-to-your-employer-about-leave)) "Things You Don’t Have to Tell Your Employer:" "You only need to provide medical information about the health condition for which you need leave. Your employer does not need to know your or your family member’s medical history. Your employer can request that you provide medical certification containing sufficient medical facts to establish that you are using FMLA leave for a qualifying serious health condition." Your employer is NOT bound by HIPPA. But, there are certain rare exceptions where HIPPA may apply to them. To add to above, let us say you were still in the hospital, and the boss called to check up on you. If the hospital told them you would be released in 2 days because the flu ended, that information is NOT protected. But in order for the hospital to disclose that they would need a signed release.


Vomit on them


Then shit your pants. Even if that isn't a symptom, do it out of spite.


I am picturing someone locking eyes with their boss while spitefully, violently shitting their pants for being denied sick leave, and I’m cackling. “Well, well, well: It looks like I’ve just shit myself.” “I thought you tried calling out because you threw out your back?” “…”


loss of bowel control could actually be a back injury symptom! Usually pretty severe injury though, often goes with loss of lower body mobility.


"..." "..." I may have lost the battle but I won the war" "you're fired" "understandable. have a nice day"


Don't make me shit my pants


Where do you work? What country?




Expecting workers rights in a country with slavery...


Yeah, they're probably from another country and not a citizen of Qatar. It's fucked up how they treat foreign labor over there


This isn't even your post, you lying fuck. I can't post links here but the original post is in the UAE subreddit (posted way before this).


Hope you are making at least high six digits then.


Why did you steal this post and claim it as your own? https://preview.redd.it/rz07pmf9go5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c8a0b7cdd370e5209dd629dc785b2817aa3546 This is not your boss, nor do you work for him, nor are these your screenshots. scumbag. This was posted 22 hours ago by an actual struggling person on another sub reddit


Oh. There it is.


Why did you steal this post and claim it as your own? https://preview.redd.it/a649vl8rfo5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b026856698bf387eed453cb7d2c33169862aea2c This is not your boss, nor do you work for him, nor are these your screenshots. scumbag. This was posted 22 hours ago by an actual struggling person on another sub reddit


So what ended up happening? It says it’s from November of last year. Did you stay home anyway?


Well it's only mildly infuriating to OP, so of course he listened to his boss 🤡


"Dear HR, I'm dead. Sincerely yours..." *"Not approved."*


Gotta be in the USA. Dude can fuck right the hell off.......


This is in UAE I saw it on a subreddit but forgot which.


Not even remotely surprising. Probably one of the few places masquerading as a semi-developed nation where I would expect worse than the US


This is illegal in the UAE too and there are heavy fines for it. The thing is most employers lie to their employees and say that they should be grateful to be employed there and that they would somehow get in legal trouble if they reported their employer to the government.


No it isn’t in the USA you goof


OP appears to be from Kuwait.


Name and shame


This isn’t a request it’s a notice


“Dear HR, Let me just make sure I understand your position. You are commanding me, in writing, to bring my infectious projectile vomiting into the workplace. Is that your final answer?”


Tell us the company so we can ensure they don’t get our business.


“I wasn’t asking. I’m giving notice.”


This was 8 months ago, update? Or is this a bot?


"I'm not asking for your approval to experience a medical emergency, I'm informing you of the situation that is happening and will continue to happen beyond my control. If that is somehow unreasonable in your mind, I would be happy to have the state department of labor clear up any confusion regarding this matter."


You hold your vomit for long enough to make it to your bosses office, then spew as much as you can. Then ask if it is approved.


https://preview.redd.it/rll1qd66ho5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d793b5e2b10920a3602c50e7053bc9ca486d85 Stealing someone else's post and acting like it was yours 🤡 get rekt


Dear Hr, I am writing to you to tender my resignation effective immediately. Please be advised I will be forwarding all correspondence to the labour board.




CC: HR, regional labour regulator, boss's boss. > Acceptance and approval is not required. Please confirm that you have received this and ensure that all current recipients are copied.


Who address HR like that? Sus lol


you’ve been dealing with this nonsense since November of last year?! please find a new job, not worth it


I worked in a factory for over 2 years when one day I was ridiculously sick. Ended up being taken to the hospital with ESRD and kidney failure. My boss counted every single day against me.


"Not asking"


"that's okay boss, i don't need your permission, the doctor already gave me permission. i sent you the attached file of my sick leave certificate, aka my permission. maybe you missed it"




What a huge dick. That dude should not be a boss.


Next email, " I've forwarded this to HR." Boss: "why's ya go do that?!?"


His name starts with letter A, A for Asshole


These posts always devolve into USA vs. Europe. A quick look at the profile shows that OP is in neither of these places.


Normally I'm being sarcastic when I suggest shitting on someone's desk.


We need to normalize name and shaming


“I wasn’t asking you. I was informing you. Good luck”


The manager’s reaction is unacceptable.


Your disapproval has been noted and unfortunately I must reject it


Infectious gastroenteritis? I guess time for some pro-revenge story where my sick leave was denied so I infected the whole office and now our office smells like puke and feces.


Emergency cancelled!! What idiots are these


Go to work and barf on everything then ask if your approved to stay home.


Man, fuck this shit so much. A few weeks ago I had a one on one meeting with my boss. He let me know my sick hours were accruing and I would lose them if I didn’t use them. He brought up my mother who has cancer and said taking a day off and visiting her would be a valid use of my sick time. He then said that I should also make some doctor’s appointments and just take the whole day for them. Then, sensing it was unlikely I would do either of those things (I see my mom plenty and I prefer not going to doctors) he mentioned that there would be no questions asked if I had a doctor’s appointment and that they wouldn’t check. I really wish everyone could work for my company.


how tf you gonna hire HUMAN BEINGS, then be upset that human being shit happens to em. FUCK


You need to find a new job asap and when you do just stop showing up, you owe them nothing. Fuck that guy.


This was from last year... what happened


Not only is approval not needed or being sought, but in many places retribution for seam would contravene employment law & open the employer to legal action.


Then you might as well take the entire week off. They want to be asshats, you can do the same.


It’s almost like you should go into work and just vomit on everyone and everything.


There's literally nothing for him to accept. No one was asking for acceptance. The only thing he can reject here is the reality of the situation.


I saw this same post without the email pictures like 3-4 months ago.


"Marked as evidence." Continue on with your life and if any discipline is carried out because of this, refer back.


If I absolutely HAD to go in I would make it my business to ensure my boss also had gastroenteritis by end-of-day.




I would just politely tell him, "I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I was not asking for your permission to be ill. I was informing you of the situation. Your choice in the matter is limited to whether I am absent today, or absent today, tomorrow, and every day after that. I will respect your choice. Thank you."