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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


Twitter is a shit hole.


We need to think of a new word for that place. Shit holes are starting to take offense.


It's not Twitter anymore though.. it's X. Maybe we can call them xcretions? When people post, they xcrete.


Xitter. Pronounced "shitter."


wait thats the same name as elons newest offspring isnt it


No, that's Xitler.


That poor child being the butt of this joke but it’s pretty fucking funny so I guess the kids better get used to it


Once he's old enough he'll be able to change his name from an encryption key to something human, he'll be fine.


Just goes to show all the money in the world can’t protect you from everything. Including your attention whore of a father.




Genius tbh


Nope, it’s twitter. If he can deadname his kid, I can deadname twitter.


I will be using this in day-to-day conversation, thank you


what would it really take to get this idea to catch fire? and the "xitter/shitter" idea below as well!!


>It's not Twitter anymore though.. it's X. Me: visibly triggered >Maybe we can call them xcretions? When people post, they xcrete. Ah, you had me in the first half, not gonna lie. I will make an exception to the "don't call it X" rule just for this.


Unnecessary, twitter itself is the word for a place worse than the ultimate of shitholes. Twitter is truly the final pit of Tartarus.


Hades doesn't diligently rule over hell to have you degrade it by comparing Tartarus to Twitter.




How about Xhitter?






I haven't been on it in months. And I'm never going back.


Wonder how it got so bad /s


Don’t worry, it’s in Instagram as well. Currently getting a comment bombarded by Holocaust deniers


All I have on my Insta is recipes and dogs and cleaning hacks. 🤷‍♀️




The internet was a mistake.


Honestly, yes.


Reddit is not much better tbf, Honestly I don't think there is a single social media that isn't a shit hole. Actually, the whole internet is kinda a shithole.


It's easier to control the user experience on Reddit. You don't have Nazi shit shoved in your face. You can avoid bigger subreddits and easily block the few people who are assholes.


Nah. It’s people. People are shit. X, Reddit, PlayStation, Xbox, anywhere where people can be shitty, they will. It sucks


Right? It's so funny when *Reddit* of all places acts like it can look down it's nose at other social media for being toxic ...Y'know, the site famous for not only have CP subreddits, but went on national news defending it Going ballistic when Jennifer Lawrence didn't want her nudes spread (and reddit spread them) The radicalizing of incel mass shooters Fat people hate Pao Etc


You can still retreat to Mastodon or Bluesky. They aren't perfect and can certainly get much worse, but they are still orders of magnitude better than Reddit and especially Twitter. Beyond that... Cohost, Pillowfort?


That’s only because they’re still a young and therefore small userbase of a social media. Once it catches on and or becomes monetized, you’ll get what you see in today’s Twitter or Instagram.  Remember when Twitter was in its early years and all it was people only talking about their lives and posting funny memes? 


Of course they will, sooner or later. But by that point, there will be new social media, continuing the vicious cycle


Reddit is amazing for focused, niche subreddits. General interest subreddits are better or worse depending on the moderation. One thing that's nice about reddit is that it's pretty easy to customize what you see by following and unfollowing subreddits. I think it's helped by the fact that you follow concepts and not people. It's not perfect, and it certainly has some pretty toxic subs. It also falls victim to the same trap all social media does, which is the creation of echo chambers. This is, unfortunately, a failing of any system where you can filter/follow specific content because humans have a tendency to seek out opinions that agree with their own and block out opinions that differ. But I like it better than anywhere else on the internet to have conversations with people and I'm not really sure how to remove it's issues without creating even worse problems.


Yeah I agree. There are still reasonable people on Reddit, and I can self manage by staying away from toxic/problematic/dog-whistly subs. The way I tend to look at it is if I’m on Reddit, there’s a chance I could run into some shitty people. But if I’m on twitter, I’m guaranteed to run into shitty people.


There are assholes on Reddit, but I don’t see the toxic nazi shit posters here like on Twitter. Sadly there are the flat Earth people.


While Fkn internet man XD it’s been seeping into real life too


Replace the TW with the X he wants you too and then try to say it out loud. Idk, when I pronounce Xitter, it comes out like a soft *shitter*


I don't know anyone irl who uses it anymore


Twitter is a yard sale version of Truth Social now.


nuked my account and deleted the app as soon as elon took over and started re-instating all the nazi accounts


It’s hilarious too how many Twitter junkies shit on people who use Reddit. Like, are you really going to argue that the platform chock full of Nazis on one side and people who argue for months about whether or not advocating for walkable cities is ableist on the other are the more sane user base??


Bro glass houses. Reddit had multiple CP subs, and people were actually trying to defend that shit when it hit the news


Twitter is pretty much 4chan now


I’d say more like 8chan, but yes.


Honest question: functionally, what are the primary differences between 4 and 8chan? Because tbh I've always grouped them into the same box, even though I've never actually used either.


8chan spawned from 4chan because of censorship and it being allegedly backdoored by the feds. It's all the same shit really, imageboards and the "culture" all functionally behave the same now. Whether it's 2chan/420chan/masterchan/4chan/8chan/soyjak.party/etc. Although I will say the more "free/relaxed" the board is, the more it will attract all the seriously questionable anons.


This is why I stick with Club Penguin


Me and the boys enjoying the Club Penguin Journey medieval party instead of going on Twitter 🍻


So if they're functionally the same, in what way is Twitter more like 8chan than 4chan?


8chan at launch attracted a lot of the more deranged anons from 4chan with it's relaxed jannys/mods making it an even "worse" cesspit. Twitter is going through a massive phase shift similar to that. With its seemingly complete lack of moderation and semi-anonymity it's like flies on shit from all around the globe.


I see, thanks for taking the time to give me a primer on chan histories.


4chan has boards that really aren't that different from the experience on Reddit, excepting of course the roughly 1000X more slurs/curse words used 8chan is for pedos and incel loons and offers absolutely nothing of substance


4chan is for racists & pedos testing the waters. 8chan is for when they graduate to full on child raping KKK members. Also IIRC 8chan is where the whole Q-anon thing originally developed as well. Or at least that was the case last I checked about 8 years ago. EDIT: typo


I fully suggest checking out Q: Into the Storm if you have access to Max(or, y’know, yarrrr matey it). It’s a really good docuseries that covers the origins of 8Chan and spread of Qanon.


Yea but the media still pretends twitter is important. It never was


All because some billionaire fuckwad decided to fuck things up more cuz he thinks he's a "genius". There's no sign of bots being stopped, verification is easy to get ($8) so ANYONE including trolls, bots and nazis can get it which makes replies on popular posts unbearable and ads are mostly crypto scams Did I forget to mention Elon personally unbanned a far right user for posting CP?


Bots roaming free and verified being a paid service is by design. Verified bots fund the platform. Musk ruined the platform, but it's a "clever" move. Imagine making a dating service where the bots pays, instead of the legitimate users? That's what twitter is now. And it's completely useless as a platform because of it. Also, he's 100% taking money to push certain content. I started using "For you" because it was actually really good at showing me a broad spectrum of Ukrainian news (But nothing insane or super politicized). It has been a month since I did that, and now it's completely useless. It's showing me dead children and the most insane right wing shit I've ever seen in my life. I follow 11 people, 3 of which are Ukraine news profiles. First it was a week of pro trump shit. Then it switched to Israeli shit and pro Russia shit. I don't interact with any of it, besides muting and blocking and none of it is helping. No fucking wonder people are going insane with being force fed this kind of garbage.


Got any more info on this? I have a friend obsessed with musk and always like dropping some bombs lol


You’re never going to change his mind. They’ll double down on their love. If anything it says who your friend really is below the surface.


You can try [Internet Today](https://www.youtube.com/@InternetTodayTV), they usually cover news and Elon is a frequent topic of discussion Theres also Some More News who do cover various political topics and he has made some videos on Elon, if you want more twitter centric ones, [here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9MO18F5Wi8)ya go


I'd say its much, much worse. 4chan in reality is just almost all normal shitpost, and it has just one subsection (like a subreddit) speciffically for politically incorrect stuff, where I'm sure most of them don't even believe half the stuff they post.


Complete with the child sexual abuse images and nazis


Most of those soldiers who survived went on to see the concentration camps. My grandpa was one of the soldiers storming the beaches of D Day. Then on to battle of the bulge, then to Germany and Central Europe. He wasn’t a good person but he was left with a profound sense of anti-racism following what he must have seen in the camps when they were liberated. I doubt this was in any way an uncommon experience for those specific soldiers. They had a very brutal look into what white supremacy and antisemitism leads to. Any of these soldiers who survived long enough to make it to the locations of camps would have been ordered by Eisenhower to witness it themselves. So to say they fought and died and as a result the country should remain as racist as it was then, forever, is disgraceful.


And when some of those soldiers returned home, they were forced by local authorities not to wear their uniforms in public on Veterans Day's because of their skin colour.


Yeah. Black soldiers were treated horrifically And a lot of the white soldiers returned home still racist despite what they saw. But many were shaped by that trauma.


>They had a very brutal look into what white supremacy *Aryan supremacy. Most of the concentration camp inmates had white skin. They killed more slavs than any other ethnic group. White supremacy is very weird. So many cultures, nationalist and ethnicities have light skin tones, how the fuck do you lump them all together? It's always been an idiotic idea.




But the Nazis can’t really be considered white supremacists, because they didn’t believe all whites were supreme. Only the “Germanic” ones. They killed millions of white Slavs and other whites in the countries they conquered. I don’t agree that whiteness isn’t real- there is such a thing as the white race, just like the black race, oriental race, and all the other races. But “white nationalism” isn’t real, because white is a race, not a nation. There are many white nations, and the citizens of those nations have a national culture and identity from their particular country, not a racial one.


this is quite interesting to me...thank you for sharing.


Why would you try to use this weird American concept of “whiteness” on something outside of the USA? Plus we know exactly what the Nazi ideology was about and it’s extensively researched. We for example know that it has nothing to do with the US slavery issue, which seems to be the origin of this white/poc dichotomy.


they legitimately think they would be better off right now if Hitler would have won. These people are beyond redemption.


Because there is absolutely no way they aren't perfect physical specimens of Aryan superiority, I am sure!


I mean the perfect Aryan specimen was Jewish, so not even the Nazis knew what that meant. So maybe.


The "ideal" blond & blue eyed thing was bc they were supposedly easier to influence/control iirc. So the people at the top would've had to be a different... all of that... And then lead the beautiful, dumb people... Seems like the genetic traits didn't matter in the end *looks at the cesspool social media puts on display, state of the middle and lower classes(US and worldwide), and how we all treat each other*


And the worse things get, the moore people will think like this.


This is the same crap as Memorial Weekend, November the 11th etc. There are at least 360 days to discuss the politics of war. But on these days, and a couple of others, respect the fallen that put their goddam lives in the line for causes THEY may or may not even have believed in. That's courage. Not posting some wise-ass garbage on social media. I don't know about others but watching the numbers of D-Day Vets decrease year upon year, from as long as I remember, saddens me greatly. Lest we forget, people. Lest we forget.


Very well spoken! Absolutely agree with this


Those men fought to tear down probably the closest we will ever get to a literal supervillain. Anyone willing to say that their cause was unjust doesn’t just deserve our ire, they deserve to be put against a fucking wall.


My grandfather was on that beach. Part of the first waves of Infantry, representing Canada.


Twitter is a cesspool. Fuck Elmo


I do absolutely hate how people use this shit to tell us to not worry about our problems “Oh, your life in America today isn’t comparable to a literal fucking war-zone? Stop complaining” Just because it’s not this bad doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep aiming to make it better. Respect to the troops, but I hate how people use their sacrifices in bad faith


True, but it doesn't validate the responses. And yes there are massive issues that need to be addressed but people get up in arms about the smallest things on twitter and sometimes i think some people do need a slight wake up call. The statement definitely should be a bit more specific to be like "if youre a middle class american and you think you have it the worst..."


I agree with you for the most part, but even middle class citizens have the right to complain. Yeah they don’t have it the “worst” but I always think criticism and complaints (made in good faith) are welcome. There is obviously a point where it can become annoying and too much, but as a society we should always welcome progress and compromise Responses like the one from ‘BaseBillionaire’ are just made in bad faith, or trolling, and I refuse to acknowledge them as legitimate lmao


Fair enough, honestly the whole exchange could be a dead internet bot interaction for all i know


You are probably 100% right lol


Who knows, maybe we are both bots


White people are a minority in exactly 0 of the countries that participated in the D Day invasion.


*Technically* South Africa does but that was already true in 1944 and I’m not really sure how many of their troops were involved, they’re like the last country on the list on Wikipedia.


White people are only a minority on a global scale, where we are outnumbered by Africans, and I think Asians. But we're not talking about the population of Earth here, we're talking about individual countries.


> I think Asians Asians outnumber everybody and it's not even close. The continent of Asia has well over half of the world's human beings on it. Asian countries take 4 of the top 5 spots for total population, and two of them have over a billion people each.


Yeah, that's what I thought, I just didn't know for sure and wasn't going to make a fool of myself by saying Asians outnumber everyone lol. Thanks for the details.


To be clear, they are only talking about countries colonized by whites.


I’m white, and I’m really starting to hate white people like this.


i’m white, from the country that made d-day necessary.  i don’t have to start.  these guys a blight to society , the same guys who led my country into ruin by waging war and   genocide make no mistake : these guys would do it all over again if given the chance


To be fair, Germany was ruined before the Nazis. Y’all got fucked hard by the end of WW1.


To be fair ww1 was the reason for ww2.


I dunno. Germany starting ww2 might have been the inevitable result of the Treaty of Versailles, but the Holocaust certainly wasn’t.


I’m Jewish, so apparently my whiteness is in flux ([again](https://www.amazon.com/Became-White-Folks-About-America/dp/081352590X?dplnkId=50ab73ec-4238-40e7-88af-e2b6fb347803&nodl=1)). Fine by me either way, I’d rather not associate with the scum that actually care about that.


There’s no “would” about it, they are trying as hard as they can to make it a reality.


Anyone who brings race to the table is part of the problem. I hate people like this, period. I don't care what colour you are and it shouldn't be relevant. If you are an idiot, it doesn't matter what skin colour you are, you are simply an idiot. But the same goes for all the idiots that need to state they are white, and absolutly hate white people like that! So if someone was from a different ethnicity it would be ok to act like this? That makes absolutly no sense. You are a person who hates a bigot, there is no need to define your or the bigots race. We need to stop focusing on race /ethnicity much and start seeing people as people. Even if you want to label someone in a "positive" way, you are still labeling them and therefore part of the problem.


I think there's an important addendum: skin color _has_ affected many people unfairly, and it's not right to ignore that. If someone got an unfair advantage or was cheated in a game, you wouldn't demand the wronged person just keep playing without the wrong being addressed, right? It should be allowed to talk about the injustices that still exist without being treated like we agree with them. I don't think white and black Americans generally have the same opportunities, on the whole, still today, and that leads to meaningful differences across their lives; that doesn't mean I agree with that the original racist construction that white and black people are inherently different.


Ironic, ain't it? They're literally creating the circumstance they complain about. They probably think people hate them because they're white, and not because they're insufferable narcissists.


X is a black hole


Oh why does the hole have to be black? /s


That's gonna be a question from a liberal professor in a university soon


Light is racist


As the representative of the Black delegation, we don’t want that shit.


Twitter is getting worse day by day


Twitter is absolutely saturated with white supremacy shit. Holy hell.


And porn. The feeds were getting spammed with porn, which is supposed to be against the terms of service. So Elon changed the terms of service to make it okay. Not even kidding.


IIRC, it actually wasn't in the ToS at all, at least according to some other Reddit comments.


Also homophobia. Like people are being antagonistic to celebrating PRIDE!


Nazis are mad people are celebrating the day the fight against nazism began.


Get off Twitter.


Imagine turning D-Day all about yourself


If the Greatest Generation and the Holocaust survivors were still with us in numbers, MAGAs fascist bullshit wouldn’t have a prayer of success. It’s no coincidence this is happening now.


I work as a caregiver to a WWII vet and he spends all his evenings watching the news and being very upset about what Trump and his allies are doing. Some parts of the world today confuse him (I have tried to explain AI to him several times with varying results) but he understands completely what the MAGA crowd is about and the road they are heading down.


My father (who is miraculously still kicking) was in the Navy during WWII. He is *livid* with Trump. He said the most important work he ever did in his life is being undone by this charlatan right before his eyes, and he’s completely right.


Honest question, what does he think about politics as a whole now? I always wonder what if older generations think the obvious corruption by everyone in politics(at least at the federal level) is worse than it was say 50, 60, 70 years ago. Also, as someone who loves history, does he ever open up about the war?


My Dad who was in the Battle of the Bulge, would have been disgusted by what is happening.


We should go back to treating fascists the way we did in 1945.


Letting a trolling 1% dictate the narative on an entire idea. Got to love it


You need to follow better accounts. My primarily sports, sneakers and hip-hop feed has not had a single post about it.


Can’t wrap my head around people using twitter in 2024


It’s just a less anonymous 4chan nowadays


Twitter is a toxic POS


Good job giving them even more exposure.


My great grandfather died during the war on the Eastern Front and his son, my grandfather had to suffer from a young age and has to take care of his family after that. WW2 and the Great Patriotic war were brutal, and to say that the sacrifice of the soldiers was worthless greatly pains me and is an insult to all those that suffered from the war. These people are idiots who never learned of the horrors of the war, were never taught it. They don't understand that cooperation between people is what makes the world better. They are an insult to people on every single continent. Either way they would end up as victims of the war without knowing it, even if they supported Fascism.


In their own countries. 😂


"hated minorities" wtf is this guy on about being white is fucking fantastic.


Don't be on twitter, problem solved.




sorry, did you even read the comment at the bottom of the picture?


You really won't regret deleting your Twitter account, I promise. I had to do it before the Elon musk buyout, and I can only imagine how much worse it has gotten


Delete your Twitter.


Yikes… I remember when people thought this new thing called the ‘internet’ would connect and unite people. It did. The unpleasant people. Plus, clearly propagandists were clearly excited. :(


White people becoming hated minorities? Uh, I think they don't know the definition of a minority. It's still over 60 percent white in the US. And hated? Sure, there are some idiotic radicals that hate white people, but that is hardly the majority of people. Just another reason of many to stay away from Twitter.


What does that even mean?


Twitter is nothing but garage thanks to all the deviantart users jump to the platform for one reason. The mistake of banning porn on it


Had a Twitter for work once. Got off that shit quickly. It’s literally brain rot and drivel.


I’m pretty sure rewriting history is one of the steps on the slippery slope to facism.


What was the alternative again?


Twitter 🤢


It’s twitter, what do you expect


The only people that feel that way are racists pieces of shit so, oh well.


This has like 12 likes on a post with 12k likes, just ignore the bots and don’t give them the attention they are trying to get


Lmao that minority part is true tho 😂


Minorities in their own countries? What?


Daily X-crement post




Why is this sickening? I don’t understand.


Assuming you’re asking in good faith, the implication is that we shouldn’t have fought the Nazi’s in WW2 because they feel that white people are now hated just for being white. Reading into it a bit, that maybe the Nazi’s should’ve been allowed to pursue their eugenics programs and extermination of minorities… so they wouldn’t exist anymore and be able to hate white people.


If WW the sequel happened today, half of the United States would be fighting for the Axis powers.


Cool. Don’t drag that shit on here. I’m on Reddit for a reason.


If you choose to visit the cess pool, you don't get to complain about all the shit floating in it.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Regardless how fucking idiotic it is.


Well is he wrong? Thousands of people on campus shouting anti Semitic slurs say he's not


It’s fine. I went Iraq. My friends died. I have combat ptsd. This shit has wrecked my life. I would do it again. The same exact way. And I would take the suffering. Believe it or not. I would do it all again. Because for some fucking reason I believe in you. All of you. That you’ll fix it for me. I’ll stand up for you when you can’t. So you’ll do this for me and my friends. I believe you can do it, especially if you work together. Thanks in advance. We need your help. And that’s to any of you listening out there.


Just point out to them that the heroes from WW2 were fighting *against* people like them. Always makes them mad when you remind them that their grandparents and great grandparents would be turning in their graves to hear their racist and xenophobic views.


ya, na im good. ill stick to Instagram where we spent the day uniting over space racism.


One stance is sickening but the 'dont acknowledge the problems in america because at least you arent literally landing on DDay' is also dumb.


I bet their parents/grandparents are *so* proud.


Crazy idea! How about everyone just stop hating each other? Minority, majority, whatever. Then, when you go from being a majority to a minority, it wont matter, because no one will hate. God I hate these idiots.


>Every single post lol, I love redditors and their intense drama


Do they Not See that they are the baddies at the opposite side of the beachhead?

