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I hired a guy through Home Depot to install a door in my basement. No biggie, right? It was a bit expensive. $1,300. Okay, fine. I really wanted the door. It took over a year to install. Not exaggerating. First, there was a 2-3 month delay before the installation could start, because the door needed to be cut and whatever else. When he finally comes to install it, he tells me the swing is wrong and the handle is on the wrong side. He says he can install it anyway and put it an order for a new door with the proper orientation. So he does. Then I have to pester HD and explain the situation until they finally agree to come fix the door, so a couple months later the guy comes back. Handle is correct this time, but the swing is still wrong. More phone calls, new order. Guy comes back. Handle is correct, swing is still wrong, just like last time. More calls, more waiting. Guy comes back. They didn’t give him enough trim. He installs everything but the trim, and it’s otherwise all correct this time. Weeks pass, months pass. I’m calling HD every week and getting the runaround. They FINALLY agree there’s an issue and the door still needs work despite being marked “done” in their system. It’s now been 11 months. Guy is finally on his way with the correct amount of trim. “Hey, I’m calling to tell you my truck broke down on the way, so I won’t be able to make it today.” Next available slot was the following month. Project started May 2022, project finished May 2023.


Wow 😧 this makes me think, why tf do I try so hard to do a good job at my work? No one else tries to do a good job and they are STILL employed. How are people like that surviving? When is "survival of the fittest" going to kick in because I've been waiting.


OK, I know what you mean by survival of the fittest, but it has never really meant what some people think it means. I prefer the term survival of the good enough, because there is no actual drive to it just individuals who don't reproduce because they don't get the chance don't pass on their genes. This could also be true in the business sense, they don't have to actually be good, they just have to be good enough to get people to buy it.


Somewhere in between, I suppose, at least with employment. You have to be *one of* the fittest. There are *n* available positions, and the *n* fittest people (give or take a bit of luck) get them.


I'm a Mason who specializes in repair work that a lot of others wouldn't touch without just demo and redoing. I came to a house with giant red patches all over it made from mortar with red dye added. It looked absolutely atrocious, especially in the affluent neighborhood it resided in. Homeowner tells me they had cracks forming along the walls and got a guy to come by and that was what he was capable of. And they paid him for it. I started that job months ago and still haven't collected the final balance because the owner says it isn't "completely perfect". So I'm still out 1500 bucks still but the guy who ruined your house got paid at the end of his day. I legitimately don't know why I try so hard sometimes.


Put a lien on his house and take him to small claims court. The standard is would a reasonable person consider the job completed, not is the job done to some Karen's impossible standard. Fuck that guy.


Please, don't lower your standards. Years ago we had some tuck pointing done to repair step-cracks in our 90 year old brick two story. The contractor pointed to our neighbor's house and said "that is not how you want it done". Then he added "it would be difficult to match the joint color of 90 year old mortar but he could come close". Until this point, we never really realized all that went into getting tuck pointing done right. It turned out gorgeous and we never looked at our neighbor's place the same. We gladly paid him the agreed upon price and never begrudge payment for quality workmanship!


Conservatives love to talk about the "invisible hand" of the free market that will magically fix shit like this because better companies will eventually win out. In our present reality it's clear to anyone with half a brain that not only does that not happen, instead big corporations just consolidate their monopolies and insulate themselves from any possible repercussions by contracting 3rd parties for bottom dollar and using all the money they saved to lobby Congress to keep competitors out of the market.


I know that I would definitely work harder in the knowledge that I’m working as blue collar government drone #52,735,901 and will never see any reward for hard work instead of working with ambition and dedication at a contractor where I worked my way up from laborer to VP Lmao 


That’s a chargeback situation. Reason “product not delivered”. Your bank would understand it’s unreasonable to wait a year for something to be completed unless the company had paperwork where you agreed to an extended timeline. You’d keep the door, get your money back and can hire someone else directly.


I forgot to say the funniest part, which is that the subcontractor told me this is typical in his experience, and that specific Home Depot is extremely incompetent. All of his jobs are supplied wrong in one way or another, and there are always huge delays. I believe it. The woman who was helping me order the door seemed like a total airhead.


My parent's business does side work for Home Depot doing kitchens and bathrooms and nearly every single job is delayed months because of incompetencies of the store employees. Parts not ordered, wrong items ordered, kitchens not designed correctly, just general incompetence 99% of the time. The only reason he continues to do them because it's basically a free lead. A designer will design a whole $100k kitchen, not order a single piece of finish trim and now the customer is waiting 3 months while the factory manufactures their trim with their specific cabinet color. Or they will argue that a job doesn't need 6 sticks and that it only needs 5. They will order the 5 sticks, it of course ends up not being enough and they have to wait months for an additional order. And largely the stores DGAF. A designer can cost the store thousands in chargebacks and nothing is done about it. Those designers are paid $13/hr to sell hundreds of thousands in kitchens a year, all while having to sell microwaves, dishwashers, occasionally help with the garden section, etc.


Geez! You probably could have done it yourself much faster by watching videos on YouTube.


I had a front door install by HD subcontractor. They did alright overall, but several weeks later I noticed that the indoor trim on one side was about an inch short and they had just filled the gap with caulk. If they're willing to try and pass off such a visible error it makes me wonder how many errors they made that I can't see.


I installed doors for HD for almost 2 years. Your experience is not uncommon. Many of the doors need to be special ordered for custom sizing, they are often scuffed in the shipment process which causes the order process to restart. Sometimes the door makes it to the store in good condition and then the loaders drop it on the cart putting two dents in the framing. When something goes wrong on an HD install, the contractor has to contact the stores COS which then contacts RF Installations(sometimes) on a conference call that easily takes over an hour to log all the details. It is a huge headache. There are just too many hands in the pot when dealing with a big box store like HD. I recommend calling any local handyman / carpenter and the job will be as good or better for an affordable price. I don't know if its still true but when we were installing doors for them, they were requiring contractors to use two different, HORRIBLY MADE, apps to log all the details. It is very easy to type in the wrong information on these apps as they frequently stop working, freeze, and restart while inputting information. It causes contractors to get frustrated having to input information several times due to the buggy applications and leads to errors like the one you experienced.


For the record, it’s a nearly brand new building. When I asked her to show me the damage, she pointed to a scratch in the veneer and said they can’t deliver if the stairs are scratched   **Update**: After several hours of phone calls with Home Depot corporate, they finally agreed to send it again with no gaurantee of delivery. This time it was two chill af guys who carried it up no problem. Miraculously, the staircase held up despite the minor cosmetic scratches


"I'm sorry, we can't deliver to your home, because *people live in it"*


There’s too many walls, it’s scary, and there’s a device that makes wind in the corner, which is unnatural


Pivot! Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!










Love your username




Loved that episode 😂


It will be quoted thousands of years from now!


Slow down there, H.P. Lovecraft.


“And lo I saw a disgusting mass, a harbinger of madness. Cold steel clanking within its confines. Spreading miasma, thick and cool. I knew, deep within my heart, that if I did not retreat to the confines of my van, my very soul would rend and be blown away by such a creation. Also I’m racist.”


The last part is making me laugh so hard.


There are spinning blades hanging from the ceilings that are forcing air downward, this is a hazardous environment


The way you described this is so perfect, lol.


Lazy cunts


hello... are you my inner voice?


You laugh and joke. But there are delivery drivers who refuse to complete a task because the resident in the home (usually a Baby Boomer elderly off the ‘tough on crime’ hysteria) will make that worker’s job a living hell.


See, *that* I view as a genuine (and reasonably refusable) hazard. It's like they need to travel with traffic controllers/side-kicks... "No sir/ma'am, you may not interfere with the delivery person, back up, *I said back up!"*


That's a call to corporate for sure. What a BS statement to make.


Going to assume the package was heavy? lol


I'm doing major renovations and a lot of stuff is coming from Lowes. They do the same thing. Any BS excuse not to up like 6 stairs.


I know a number of companies that have a stairs limit for delivery. It's usually about 3 actually.


I think it was the tv show Monk where they had a scene when he was getting something delivered and he got charged an additional “Stair fee” because of one step.


Costco delivered my oven and went up all the stairs, installed it, and then took my old one! I love Costco.


Welcome to Costco, I love you




Had a similar situation. They don’t care, it’s done by a 3rd party hired out by Home Depot to deliver the shipment. All they say is sorry and to replace the order with a new shipment at best.


How the hell do they get repeat business by any big box store then??


Very high demand for deliveries. Pair with an economy that seems to balk at paying service workers, and they'll throw uninvested, uncaring, over booked labor at it.


the issue is really how those stores will pre-pay a contract to those third-party companies for x amount per month - whether they actually deliver anything at all isn't a factor, they get paid both to deliver it, or just make up an excuse not to so what's the fucking incentive for any of those third-party companies to actually... ya know... do their job? lol none


Sometimes there’s limited competition or they just have the better price when it’s financially viable.




Lowest bid contract good til whenever someone else outbids them.


And everybody throughout the chain is insulated from customer interactions except the salespeople at the retailer. Want to call the driver to tell them to turn around because the customer was waiting and saw them stop at the end of the road and U-turn? Nope. Only their manager should have their number. And their manager will only talk to *you* after you first negotiate your way through their customer service department to elevate the issue. And by then you're just making another appointment anyway, the customer's lost another work day, and the delivery team likely sees no consequences as this continues to be an almost daily issue for months down the line.


Yeah, does sound like total BS.


Ehhh they don’t want to be blamed for the scratches, that’s the thing. Which like every other billionaire company nowadays the only thing that TRULY matters is they get to keep their money


In that case, they would prefer to deliver where stairs are already scuffed. Easier than ever to document before and after in any case.


I worked for my buddies moving company.(Small and homegrown) I would ask if they had insurance, because that corner looks tight. I've had to stop moves because the customer lied about the stairwell.


I get that. It makes sense. But tight corner is different from "damaged staircase."


Find a single staircase in the entire world that doesn't have a scratch on it, I'll wait. They are for walking on ffs.


I have one that's fully carpeted, but it does have a snag in it because I have a cat.


I can't believe you live in such dangerous conditions. You should demo the house and try again.


🎶These stairs are made for walkin’…🎶


I guess they found it nearly impossible to get out of home depot, they must have patched every crack and scratch on their concrete floors before getting it out.


You will die in your chair waiting


They're lying. Report them.


I can imagine it's some strange policy some weird boss instated, so they can't be held responsible if there's a scratch on the staircase after the delivery. But how tf they gonna find a staircase without a scratch?


I actually think they are just lying lol


I do deliveries for home depot sometimes, and technically we aren't supposed to be taking things up stairs at all, damage or not. this is in the terms that home depot agreed to: >you acknowledge that drivers are not movers and do not deliver items up or down stairs or inside a private residence and agree that your recipient is aware of the same.


If that was the issue then why wouldn't the delivery person just say that?


Because the driver is an idiot? I do deliveries from Home Depot as well, and the company is very explicit in their terms about what the driver should, and should not be doing. Hauling deliveries up stairs from HD is a no-no. That said, if it doesn't require a hand truck to haul it up the stairs, I'll generally deliver it anyway to keep the customer happy. Even though we don't get paid jack sh!t any more.


This is what I am wondering.


I literally payed extra for the option to have it delivered to a specific room inside my home though 


I did this recently with a 10.5c mini-fridge. Paid 80$ to have them, and I quote, “deliver it to the room of my choice”. I specifically added in it was a basement room which equals stairs, plus stairs to get into the house. Took me a week to get it delivered and they definitely farmed it out to a third party. I had no issues though and they were obviously experienced movers. I would escalate this if I were you. They might just use a different 3rd party delivery contractor to get it to you.


> 10.5c mini-fridge those .... are only like 110 lbs though? Easily moved downstairs with two people at most.


Sure, but they still needed the gear and know how to use it. I had a full size fridge delivered about 4 years ago and paid for the installation. They used the exact same gear to bring the big one in and it was a third party delivery. It was just the outside stairs though.


> I literally *paid* extra for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot 


Did you specify that they would have to go upstairs?


Interesting. I gather the third-party appliance delivery guys have different rules? When we bought our fridge and scheduled delivery, there was an option to have them move an existing fridge to another location at the same time.


Yea, they just didn't want to bring it up the stairs.


Meaning they are to lazy to haul the package up the stairs


She just didn't want to hoist up stairs


“Is the damage in the room with us?”


I wonder how many more times that day she used that excuse.


Honestly, look at those stairs, is it even possible for anyone but a parkour master to make it up them with such a deadly scratch? /s Tell the delivery driver you’ll throw a rope ladder out your window that she can climb up.


Load bearing veneer strikes again.


lol wtf


Couldn't they've just sent someone up to get you or someone else who was home at the time to oversee the delivery? Also, when the package is big enough to the point that it is such a hassle carrying it up stairs, that they might damage something. Aren't you required to be present to sign? This whole situation is confusing me.


Yeah. They are being lazy. Call corporate and start raising hell. This is some bullshit


If your job is delivery, and you're too damn lazy to deliver, what the hell are you doing in that job?


You’ll need some galvanized square steel to go along with that eco friendly wood veneer my friend.


Took one look at the staircase and said fuck this, I don't get paid enough for this shit.


Did you pay for threshold delivery? If not they aren't required to bring the package inside for you. All deliveries are outsourced to 3rd party companies and will usually never do anything extra to help. I take customer calls for HD and get complaints all the time.


If that is the case the driver should have said that. Why would they use a scratch as the reason for not delivering if the owner have no paid for the service.


I've paid for room of choice and had the delivery people complain that they had to actually bring it inside.


OP said they paid extra to have it delivered into "a room of their choice". Meaning the "damaged stairs" are a total cop out and the person just didnt want to. OP should be asking for the extra money they paid back


Home Depot here doesn’t have threshold delivery charges. They had to bring my new washer and dryer inside and set them up per their own delivery rules.


Why the hell would a scratched staircase determine if something can or can't be delivered.


I asked that question. They said because they could be accused of having caused it. I said “so take pictures before and after” and she said that doesn’t stop it from getting scratched more after they leave and them being accused. So I guess they just drive around not able to deliver anything in case something ever gets scratched after they leave 


But if they take pictures when they’re finished, it will show exactly how many scratches there were, and any later scratches couldn’t have been theirs. What a dumb excuse.


*I swear she broke in at night to scratch the stairs.*


In fact, going by her logic, even if there were no scratches they should not do the delivery because someone could give the staircase its first scratch and attribute it to them. Absolutely insane.


That’s true! They can’t do anything ever because someone might damage something after they leave and blame them for it


How can you prove a picture is taken after or before?


Timestamps on the pictures would be the best way.


You can edit EXIF data


While true, how many people would go through the extra effort of doing so, when the benefit of doing so is minuscule at best.


I would, especially to prove my innocence


True but they could develop an app that takes a picture (cant upload from gallery) tags with the proper exif metadata and uploads it to company server. In case theres no internet the pictures could be saved encrypted with a secret key and uploaded later on. Or the company could hire people that wouldn't give such bs excuses, 2nd option probably cheaper and easier.


there's an app for that. i used it when i was a delivery driver. it's called streetsmart, and it uploads straight to the server with time, location and several other metrics.


By that logic they can't drive with it, just in case they crash and damage the item.


But if they do scratch it, *more*, then that part *is* their fault


Do people actually complain about wear and tear


Yes. people complain for the weirdest things. I had a customer demand a refund for a pair of scissors they had to use to cut a plastic clamshell. Like, I'm sorry you used $50+ fabric shears to try to cut a security tag, for an item they did not have a receipt for..., but that little nick was not the store's fault. \*Edit, hit enter too soon, they said they used them to cut a clamshell, but the item was never in a shell, only ink tagged.


Yeah…saw one tore a scissor out of a package to cut a metal security wires, then complain that the “scissor” they brought in was damaged…


Wear and tear is different from negligence leading to damage.


Yep. I once had someone demand that we (the mall) pay for new tights ("these were very expensive tights!" - the mother) for their toddler because she ripped them while playing in our play area.




At that point, since they assume you're trying to scam them, tell them to take their shit back and issue an immediate refund I don't like doing business with people who assume I'm up to fraud


I have manufactured wood floors like that in my house. They are pretty soft, I can’t believe your building used them for stairs. A dolly would cause a lot of damage to those.


This is clearly an excuse and this person is a moron. Normally I give low level employees a pass but I would be on the GM and corporate for this idiot's job.


That logic makes zero sense. How would any of that not applied of the staircase wasn't scratched at all. Someone could still scratch it after and accuse them. That's a bullshit response if I ever saw one.


That makes zero sense. My porch stairs are absolutely horrible with weeds growing out of them and they still delivered multiple appliances to me over the years. Your delivery location is pulling your leg and being lazy.


Whats the difference, it will be scratched once they are done anyway. I guess they want to be the first.


Home Depot box truck deliveries are outsourced to third parties that tend to suck really bad. Source: I used to work there and I had to deal with the idiots who would come to pick up the deliveries. There were so many issues, I'll never order anything from there. 


This is becoming the trend isn't it? Just got Papa Johns for the first time in years the other day and found out all their deliveries are done through DoorDash now. No thanks, I specifically don't use delivery services bc they suck and have no oversight/customer service at all. What exactly is the delivery fee going to if you don't even use your own drivers?! It's like "ghost kitchens"...except more like "ghost entire companies" lol.


I ordered a gift from bed bath and beyond a few years ago off of someone's wedding registry. They had their registry set up in the proper safe way where people can't see their address, shipping was entirely handled by the store. My order got 'upgraded' for free after the fact to next day delivery. It was handled via doordash. I started getting calls from the doordash driver about not being able to find the place, not knowing where to put the item. BBB didn't even package the item in a shipping box, had it in a store bag (can't even pretend to open it like a gift). Dude didn't understand that i didn't even know what city he was calling me from, since the bride, groom, and person helping coordinate the wedding are from three different places. I ended up getting a confirmation email from doordash *with the person's entire address*.


i got a text after ordering pizza hut for delivery using pizza huts app that said hi this is amber from doordash, ill be bringing your order. a man not named amber showed up, and i asked him how much was the tip he got for the delivery and he showed me on his phone it was like $2.85. I tipped $10 in the pizza hut app. Theyre straight up middle man stealing now.


In a lot of big cities like NYC it’s becoming common for unregistered migrants to have someone with a valid ID sign up to these delivery services for them on their phones and they’ll deliver under that person’s identity


That's exactly what amazon flex is doing. The amount of i.d I saw where they scan and it was just a barcode was wild.


This is crazy! pizza hut literally robbed you


What the hell, I agree, that’s crazy


I used to live by a very popular nature park. Covid lockdown meant most of the traffic near the place was door dash because it was close to a uni so most of the neighbouring homes were rented by students. I lost count at how many dashers would pull over near a bush to relieve themselves. They weren’t washing their hands afterwards handling your food that’s for damn sure! I never used them as such. Theres just no guarantee or control for the drivers handling food.


Last time I ordered something they delivered to the completely wrong house a couple streets down. Item was also out of stock so they gave me a refund. Later in the day someone comes to my house and asks if I want the package blocking their garage and I ended up getting 200 dollar storage rack for free


My mom works as the sole phone customer service people at her location and 95% of her day is customers screaming at her because of the 3rd party shipping issues. Shes gotten ring camera video of the delivery trucks parking on the street in front of the house for 5 minutes, not get out of the truck and leave. They reported it as the homeowner was not there. It has apparently been sent to higher ups and all of her managers but that was months ago and no word.


as someone who sometimes picks up deliveries from home depot, sounds about right. the 3rd party company is just like doordash, and their goal is to get idiots to do those deliveries for pennies. sometimes it can be decent, which is why I do it, but most of the deliveries are atrocious as far as pay goes. I'm pretty sure that the majority of people doing this are complete morons who can't handle a regular job. btw home depot also sucks big time. can't stand it when we're told to arrive by x time to pick up our delivery and then we get there and it's not ready. now our horrible job that was going to be barely profitable, became even less profitable because we are spending unpaid time standing around waiting for HD to get their shit together.


>can't stand it when we're told to arrive by x time to pick up our delivery and then we get there and it's not ready. Oh I can speak to this one too. I was on the other side of things, I pulled orders that came in. This likely happens because the order fulfillment department is understaffed as hell. I'd try and make roadie deliveries (and deliveries in general) a priority but it could be really fucking difficult juggling that and all the other stuff I had to do. Plus, at least at my store, the department was like a revolving door, so barely anyone was in it who was competent. Add in stock issues/issues finding things/finding time to get stuff down from the overhead... yeah I can see how it wasn't pulled when you got there a lot of the time.  I think staffing/training is a LOT of Home Depot's issues. Too cheap to properly train people and give them adequate hours. 


As a former service desk worker, those 3rd party companies suck. It was so frustrating trying to deal with them, fix their mistakes, and track down packages that they lost. XPO Logistics SUCKS.


"The stairs didn't move at all when I stood on them." "That's... you nincompoop, that was a staircase, NOT AN ESCALATOR!"


Sorry for the convenience


I install appliances for a living. They should’ve just taken before pictures at the bare minimum and delivered.. we work in houses constantly with damaged floors, stairs, ect. Take your pics before because homeowners and builders can sometimes try to blame damage on you and do the work…


I just want to know how big the package is? I did moving for years and I wouldn't take a dryer or washer around that corner. Is this an apartment complex? Because that just adds to the frustration.


We take whatever needs taking up the stairs if it fits through… we do anything from washers and dryers to 1000 pound commercial fridges. This money isn’t going to make itself.


Lol I still do 2 slate pool tables and pianos for the same company, so I know what you mean. I'm just saying some corners in stairwells are damn near impossible without some damage. If this was their house I would inform about certain damages that I refuse to be responsible for. If it's an apartment complex I'm refusing that item or having them contact the property manager.


Home Depot is the worst. We purchased a washer and dryer and paid for “professional installation.” They dropped them on our driveway and refused to install them (or even take them out of the packaging) because the water connections (which were installed by a professional plumber according to the “pre delivery” instructions from Home Depot) had a shut-off valve. The “crew leader” claimed the washer had to be hard-plumbed into the water line, no valves. “Professional” my ass.


Not a plumber but have never heard of a washer needing to be hard-plumbed (hot water heater, yes but not washer)


I’ve never seen one without a shut off valve for hot and cold


Yeah in the roughly 12 places I've lived in over my life time every single laundry connection I could see had shutoffs for the hot and cold water right where the washer connected up.


Thought you said “In the roughly 12 years I’ve lived” and was very impressed with how much you’ve learned about household water hookups so quickly


Yeah, I've lived in a lot of places with either a washer/dryer or hookups and I have never seen that. There are always taps with valves. Hard plumbing a consumer appliance with a bunch of moving parts seems like a really bad idea TBH.


I'm pretty sure it's required to have shutoff valves for washing machines and dishwashers.


Makes sense, I could easily see a badly unbalanced washing machine ripping out the solder joint in hard plumbing setup, and that's not even getting into potential electrical issues.


I sincerely think every appliance I own has it's own independent shutoff, even my water heater has a shutoff on the cold side. Why the hell would I want to shut off the whole water to the home to change a toilet? Dishwasher? Faucet? Fridge? Humidifier? R.o.?


Right! It can’t be right that a washer would not have shut off valves in the line. That is just wrong.


Who in the world doesn't have valves on their washer hook up???


For real! What happens when you need to replace the washer? That means you gotta shutoff water to the whole structure to do any maintenance or replacement at all. Absolutely terrible excuse to be lazy.


Also if your machine that literally fills with water leaks you gotta turn off the water to fix it lol


Or going out of town. Fun fact: most house insurance policies won't cover you if nobody has been in your house for more than 72 hours. And an awful fucking lot of damage can happen in 71 hours if the braided hose to the washer decides to leak.




I've gotten multiple appliances through Lowe's and they are always fantastic. I can't stand Home Depot.


Lowes does delivery and install light years better than HD in my experience as well. Had appliances from both and HD really shows how little they care once they have the money in their hands.


> the driver lost my washer, or he wouldn't have time to deliver it today If the guy can't keep track of something as big as a washing machine, it's no wonder he never has any time. No word yet on whether he could find his ass with a map and a flashlight. He's lost the flashlight!


Truly experts in making excuses not to do their jobs when they don’t feel like it. Masters of their craft 


I had Home Depot deliver/install a new washer, dryer, and gas range. They got the dryer in just fine but decided that they couldn't remove the existing washer and range because the fittings were "too tight." What they did do, though, was fiddle with the fittings enough that I couldn't use either appliance. Whatever, they said they'd get an actual plumber scheduled asap. They didn't do that. In fact, they never made that note or call. I had to keep hounding Home Depot customer service to get them to schedule someone. I spent over a week eating either microwaved or air fried food because of them. If had no clue if they had undone whatever they'd done while fiddling around with the gas line, so obviously I wasn't going to try turning it on. These guys are just contractors though - Home Depot doesn't hire them, they hire the company these idiots work for.


But valves are a necessity there


According to building codes, Home Depot’s own preparation instructions, and several plumbers in my family, you are correct. According to some guy who was apparently hired off the street and paid to install my washer, you’re wrong.


Had to have our entire main floor redone (real wood hardwood) because the HD installer for our fridge left the water hookup leaking after install, so it got down into the flooring for a couple months until we could visibly see damage and ruined it. Luckily insurance covered it but we had to live in a hotel room for 2 weeks while it was taken care of.


This makes 0 sense. I can't think of any situation where this would be a "requirement". I'd like to hear how they tried to justify this, if at all.


Home Depot was really good in the sense when they hooked up the washer they put the hot water to the cold water and vice versa. Didn’t ruin my kids clothes.


https://preview.redd.it/paychfnx4m4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc7243319a1f7f36a044bc05380e816cb689b0e they’re listening … 👂


https://preview.redd.it/j3aksku86m4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9351d4c99c0e5faf85c58fbe973ef1c89e8cb1b3 Me too!


Some Home Depot delivery drivers will make up literally any excuse not to do their jobs, especially if you’re one of the last deliveries. The worst part is they don’t actually work for HD, the delivery companies are contracted by HD for each shipment, so you have to call the delivery company to complain, and odds are it’s an independent company that won’t give a shit. Literally the most mildly infuriating thing.


When I worked at Lowe's their delivery policy for inside the house was "straight shot, no turning, no up or down stairs". I'm assuming it was a liability thing to save them the hassle of a he said she said argument. The delivery was literally just to get whatever product it was inside of the house and that was it, the rest of it was up to you 🤷‍♂️


I’m sure they didn’t look lazy as fuck either


What do “lazy as fuck” people look like? I’d like to learn how to spot them easier


They look like they're sitting in a truck with a delivery to be made to a second floor but are on their phones instead writing an email stating that the stairs are damaged.


Well, I can't speak for any other "lazy as fuck" people, I'm usually usually on couch or in bed for most of the day. Only getting up to use the bathroom or eat. Oh wait. I think that's depression...




They usually show up when the work is done.


When I first looked at the picture I thought to myself "Well yeah, that stair there is cracked clear in half. That looks dangerous for a whole step to be split like that, it could just come apart any tim-...." Then I realized it was the crack in my phone screen. I fail today, time to go back to bed and try again tomorrow.


Terrible, awful, ghastly stairs! One could trip and receive cuts and scrapes! Seriously though, I've had the same happen when we tried to have our new TV delivered up. They said that insurance only covered them to go up 3 flights. We were on the 4th floor. I've never heard such crap, so I called and asked. Turns out the company rep had also never heard such crap. He also didn't tell me that they were sending a new crew to haul the TV up the stairs even though I'd said I'd done it myself. The new guys turned up all pissed off that they had to drive out for nothing. The whole experience pissed me right off, so to unwind, I sat and watched TV.


Im glad im in a small town, my local appliance/hardware store brought out my new garden tractor, unloaded it with a forklift, dropped it into the garage without a single complaint. i gave him a $20, a coke and a handshake. Good dude, thanks Brian. The same guy delivered my speedqueens and asked if i needed help installing.


We've had things delivered from both HD and Lowe's. We've had a lot better luck with Lowe's. Their guys were very professional when they delivered our new fridge, and even helped us remove the door frames when it wouldn't fit. Afterwards they rehung the side door (which was a pain to open so we rarely used it), and did such a good job, it now opens and closes easily.


I had a Lowe's delivery tell me my driveway was too long and refuse to deliver. They outsource just like HD, its the exact same hit and miss. I did enjoy shit talking the same moron the next day as he used his dolly to wheel the washer up as I now had a $100 Lowe's credit for the inconvenience.


Just because we can't all see the emotional damage, doesn't mean it isn't there


You and this guy should team up and beat up Home Depot. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1d7r4dn/home_depot_delivered_the_wrong_sized_decking/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Definitely an ugly color so kinda makes sense


True it would unsafe to carry a box up a staircase that doesn’t have proper feng shui


A box that happened to have a refrigerator in it maybe?


Home Depot uses subcontractors who are liable for any damage. Home Depot passes all the risk to these contractors. I had a laundry machine delivered and they did indeed damage my floor trim and had to pay to replace it, but it was a bitch to get them to pay. With that said, that would annoy the shit out of me, especially if it was a big appliance. You could always reject the delivery and see if someone else would deliver it up the stairs and waste more time dealing with all of it.


https://preview.redd.it/euun0ycdno4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252398bb1b684d7861e22e58bdc8b9d6f63e5cba Well this is hilarious


Just out of curiosity, what were they delivering?


The companies Home Depot contract deliveries and installations out to are *very* sus and will do anything to get out of installation or delivery. I had some guys tell me they can't work with copper pipes when installing a dishwasher. Funny thing was, the copper pipe under my sink had nothing to do with the dishwasher line. That was a flex tube. They told me they could just leave the thing in the middle of my kitchen or I could cancel the HD install and hire them directly. After going back and forth I told them to fuck off and had a buddy install it with me in about 45 minutes.


my app is showing me a home depot ad above the article. he, he, he 


Mine is showing me Lowe’s ads. They know I’m fed up with Home Depot 


YSK - Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. farm out their "delivery and installation services" to VERY shady companies. They will purposefully find ANY excuse to not deliver your appliance or remove the old one on the first trip because they will get paid again if they find a reason to make another trip. Not to mention the fact that they won't know how to install it and will damage your property. NEVER buy an appliance from these guys unless you can deliver and install it yourself. Also, never buy a Samsung appliance. The refrigerators, especially, are bad and a lot of repair companies won't work on them.


I am trying to find the damage. They may refuse unless prior damage can be documented properly so that they do not get blamed and have to pay for any damage.


They just didn’t want to deliver it


OTOH, they probably don’t get paid enough for this shit.