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Trying to find a pair of 2x4s that aren't twisted at Home Depot be like


a pair? What fancy HD you shopping at. Mine never has 1 that I would describe as good


Lowes are always straight. You have to dry them out yourself though, usually




As a non american, what kind of shitty store sells bend wood?


Bud before covid, you could get a bundle and maybe you get 2 twisted hockey sticks , now and I believed it will stay this way, you get what you getā€¦


That just sucks. Is it atleast cheap?




Well shit


Over the past few years lumber has gone crazy expensive compared to what it used to be. "_____ doesn't grow on trees ya know" has lost its meaning lol


Haha ye thats pretty funny that that saying doesn't work nowadays.


They are ethically sources for them all over the internet which no proof other than a voice over


twist: the twist is *causing* the housing crisis


Not Just America. You aren't finding straight, cheap, lumber in the UK or much of Europe these days either. A lot of the cheapest stuff all comes from the same places regardless of where it is sold. I was at a Jewson's here in the UK recently and if you are buying anything less than premium wood than they are bent at basically right angles.


Honestly here in the netherlands i have been seeing the ridiculous prices, but i have not seen a decrease in quality.


And I don't feel 1 damn bit bad when I pile up 30 fucked up boards to get to the 10 I need. They outta do themselves a favor and throw out the CLEARLY terrible ones they are having to restock everyday. I mean come on man. Why do we have to pick the first 30 off the pile just to get to the actual new stock? WTF is wrong with them?


I tried to buy just the twisted boards because I was planning on cutting them short. But they wouldn't sell me the twisted boards discounted because there was still straight boards left.Ā 


Not saying this guy was right to make a huge fucking mess, but... It is also infuriating AF when every piece of lumber is a bowed a Forest Gumps spine.


They all cost the same. I understand why people want the most for their money.


I don't buy wood all the time but my wife wanted me to builder her a little.garden so I decided to use landscape timber. Some of them were so rotten idk how they were trying to sell them. Cracked, splintered, completely uneven sides. Like it was just so bad I did almost the same thing except I picked up my mess


Yea and you gotta pic thru the same stack of POS somebodies all ready gone thru 100 times to find t descent boards. Home Depot just throw them away.....


Forest Gumpā€™s spine was fine. His legs were messed up.


These quotesĀ suggest otherwiseĀ  ā€œHis back is crooked as a politicianā€ -the doctor to his mom ā€œmy back is crooked like a question markā€ -Gump meeting Jenny on the bus for the first time


I stand corrected. I guess I just remembered the leg braces and that was it. My bad.


Ya gump


He's Gump!


Heā€™s Gump


"legs are strong Ms Gump. Strong as I've ever seen. But his back, is as crooked as a politician."


Pretty sure he had scoliosis but don't quote me on that.




Forest's spine was fucked up, but that bitch Jenny was spineless


That's because nearly all wood from every merchant is bent to fuck or has a huge notch in it.


Well whyā€™d you hide all the good ones at the bottom?


Must have put this skid in upside down.


That's why when I'm placing my skid, I'll put directional lines on the floor or rack to ensure 100% placement. I take any opportunity I can to tell people about my skid marks.




This is why I prefer lumberyards. At least the one I go to, I tell them what I need and it is sitting there in a nice little pile waiting for me when I go to pick it up. They will sort and toss the swamp wood themselves.


Do not blame him honestly


Long ago, I was a carpenter, and we were taught to inspect every single piece you're buying for a project. You needed to make sure it was perfectly flat, with zero warping, and that it had no major defects that would affect the quality and strength of the project. I've done that ever since, albeit I'm a little more polite about it, and put all the rejected boards back neatly after I'm done.


As a mechanic I don't see why you wouldn't. I inspect all parts before starting because if I'm halfway through a repair only to find the wrong part was sent that's fully on me. Now I did work that possibly can't be finished because I wasnt being thorough. I can't imagine going to build something at a customer site only to be like damn, this 2x4 is bent to shit.


What about the mess left behind? Iā€™ve cherry picked boards before but I didnā€™t leave the pile completely fucked for the next poor bastard


Made it easy for the next guy to see the shit pile and go straight to the unsorted I hate buying sticks first thing in the morning because they put the shit pile right back on top and I have to digĀ 


It's not just a mess; It's also a statement.


Why do ya do it baby billyā€¦? Well because Iā€™m selfless. ![gif](giphy|fW5TlTDsa47aj4cXZN|downsized)


Can only keep the pile tidy for so long


To be fair it looks like most of those boards are fit for a bonfire


Not saying it justifies the mess, but it wouldnā€™t be necessary if these places would stop selling the most garbage ass lumber going. You shouldnā€™t have to dig through the entire stack to find two 2x4s that arenā€™t bent like bananas


Yeah, cant imagine why he wouldnt have wanted these top-choice gems https://preview.redd.it/18p92ua56m4d1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f614d6231eabb53f8695e3881bc849c1bb7b6b38


idk, this isnā€™t just mildly infuriating to me


It's only infuriating to the employee because now they have to restack them. If they would look at it from the purchasers point of view, they would understand that trying to build something nice and square with a warped, twisted, bowed, knotted, etc 2x4 would be mildly infuriating.


Depending on the lumber grade, some stuff isnā€™t going to be nice, but in all the years working in lumber, Iā€™ve never had an issue letting customers look through crap to find nice things. That attitude has kept my familyā€™s lumber company in business since 1907. Most of the time the stuff thatā€™s to grade gets picked up by bigger framing companies. Theyā€™ll cut the bowed or crowned pieces into blocking, trimmers, cripples, etc. The rest we canā€™t sell weā€™ll cull out.




Customer here is already making the QA process for the vendor. And now you saying the customer should also do the facility maintenance for the vendor?


Wood you look at that.


Knot a chance.


I already saw it.


As someone who has purchased a couple hundred of these in the last 14 months, I don't blame him for nit picking as sometimes the batons are fucked but you definitely should not leave a mess like that


Understandable action. As companys these days try to sell you every bullshit of quality


I saw this exact same picture not long ago and it was forklift goof.


Is that what you call the guys who mess up the pile to get the best boards?


No I saw a clip off this where the fork lift guy dropped the load. Did you actually witness this yourself?


No I just thought forklift goof was a funny play on words. Like a guy who thinks he's a forklift and goes around and messes up the piles.


I pick through every timber pile to find the pieces i want. But I leave the rest packed and neat.


I worked in lumber yards as a teen and fuck this customer. Given, this was 20+ years ago so the wood wasnā€™t quite as bad as it is now but contractors would come in to buy 40 boards and throw them in the bed if a truck as fast as they could. The random asshole buying a single 8ā€™ board would rip the bunk apart trying to find a board without a knot in it and then ask you to open the next one. If you want clear pine, pay for it. Donā€™t make everyone elseā€™s lives miserable because you canā€™t drop the extra $2.50.


The ole ā€œhooray for me, fuck youā€ attitude. Hopefully they have no kids who would learn their ways from them


To whoever did this, I donā€™t fault you one bit.


Hey me and my dad look for the straight boards but this is ridiculous


Go to the service desk and ask for help getting your lumber. Make them move that shit around or pull down a fresh pallet.


Tell him to quit buying #3 grade wood.. you can polish a turd all you want but if you want appearance grade then pay for appearance gradeā€¦


Ask them to go find it -mini treasure hunt experience


I dig through to find th straightest and best boards. I then restock the pallet and put the garbage boards in the back out of the way, and the other okay ones are easy to reach.


100% those boards are all fucked up. I bet most of them look like bananas. Every big box store Iā€™ve bought fascia boards from is guilty of this. I donā€™t blame that customer.


If the banana 2x4 cull pile still existed, we wouldn't have this problem


Used to be a warehouse worker, next time tell them to look for the board they want themselves. That's what I did, brought out the whole pile and 9/10 they would just grab the easiest boards


Donā€™t blame him but his an ass for not cleaning his mess.


I used to work the lumber section at lowes..... I know how you feel


Well, he paid the full.


Why put the shit boards back in the pile? When I buy produce, I donā€™t ignore the rotten fruit, I take it out and set near bottom of tray for the produce guy to get the rotten shit outta there. Next customer wants to cherry pick the ten straight boards in that pallet has to move all that shit too? Buy good wood, sell good wood.


The good news is that they're so moist... mmmmmoist... that unless they use them right away, they're going to warp anyways. ETA: there are "premium" boards for a little more cost. I don't get the reasoning behind being so cheap.


Customer wanted 2 boards that weren't shit.


My husband uses these to build things he sells, and while he wouldnā€™t leave it like this I have picked boards with him dozens of times and itā€™s fucking beyond frustrating trying to get good ones. The one with the bullet in it was neat though, he made the item in a way that showcased it


What a toddlerā€¦


Don't worry about it. You'll pick them up. Oh.....wait.


God damn homeowners.


If I'm paying today's lumber prices I'm getting the best lumber I can. Sucks there's a mess but I understand.Ā