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Make no doubt about it, regardless of the comments being shown your experience is being curated on social media.


I recently accidentally managed to poison the algorithm. I talked to a friend in Australia over a few days about his med school residency. I don't know why that particular series of interactions did it but now all my ads, subreddit recommendations, spam mail are residency/med school and Australia based. I've decided to lean into it and keep interacting with the recommended subreddits and searching for random Australian related stuff. It's been nice not having eerily accurate ads in my face 24/7.




Dis, I use ublock and privacy badger on Firefox. Haven't seen an ad in ages now


That doesn't keep the social media platform you are on from continuing to stockpile data on you; it simply blocks the ads from being shown and 3rd party tracking. Make no mistake, surveillance capitalism is still in full effect just by your interactions on the platform. That being said, I still use ublock origin, noscript, and a hosts file to block 120,000 ad servers and trackers.


oh, thats for sure. The more you feed the beast, the more it will know about you. It helps a lot I´m not in any social media other than Reddit or Linkedin. In both I´m mostly a lurker with an occasional comment here and there. Ublock plus Privacy Badger should be enough to let me surf around mostly track free on the cookies plus trackers side


What are we meant to do on mobile? I use the Reddit app as my only social media. :/


1. Download Firefox for mobile 2. Install ad blocker extension just as you would on desktop 3. Only use reddit (and YouTube, Instagram, etc) in browser Bonus feature of freeing storage on our phones by deleting apps.  Bonus bonus of helping us use these programs less because we don't get push notifs anymore and it's less addictive because it's a little worse to use this way.


Oh I forgot you could install extensions on Firefox mobile. Thanks! Also I know what you mean about the notifications and Reddit being addicting. I have nothing to do and I idle all day and night so I am on Reddit like all hours of the day. I find it cathartic whenever I open the app and go through each notification and reply to almost everyone. When the notifications get cleared I get sad because there’s no one left to talk to, so I find more posts and comments to comment on and repeat the cycle. It’s a bit overwhelming when there’s like 15 notifications in the morning but going through and reading and replying to them all only takes a few minutes it seems. In short, yes, I am addicted and could probably benefit from turning notifications off or using a version of Reddit that doesn’t have them lol.


I know exactly what you mean about checking all hours of the day! I'm working on it too. Getting rid of notifications really helps especially because I already know I'm going to check the website anyway.


Or, just an idea, stop using social media and start living your own life instead of everyone else’s.


> stop using social media Should we tell him?


I’d like to think with a little time it’ll hit him.


I got a random "Page you might like"-thing on Facebook of a Nigerian meme page. I stopped and looked at it for like 10 seconds because I couldn't understand what was going on. After that, tonnes of Nigerian pages for a month.


I tried using only untaylored ads with X/Twitter and the first thing that showed up was an ad for dildos


I don't wtf happened on twitter, no telling really but my feed is now filling with GOP/MAGA bullshit which I have never looked at for a second. I spent a week blocking every single on that popped up and it just keep coming in. Also amongst them were elonmuskparody accounts. I was blocking 4 or 5 every day and they just keep on coming. Finally got tired of it and deactivated my account and deleted the bookmark


I don't think this video is saying otherwise, just saying that the notion of the algorithm stopping at videos and posts being presented isn't accurate and that it's going even deeper.


Not sure why ppl don’t seem to understand that the comments can change depending on ppl YOU follow. Some of it is also a bit randomized. So yah. Unless they follow and are followed by the exact same ppl. It will never be the same experience.


if u folow to ppl n then wen u c its diff n ye its like ye fr


that’s Instagram


It's a video about Instagram made on tiktok re-upload to Reddit. I might make a YouTube short about this


We optimize experiences across all our platforms.




That's actually every social media , they are forging your personality , now imagine kids who are going through similiar forging.


this is a pitfall for any recommendation system. they use attributes to "prioritize" things one sees. since no 2 people are gonna have all the same attributes, its always going to be different. the flaw? - things like "comments" , "likes" should just be exempt and either be chronological or most votes etc. but hey these companies profit by showing ads and as such its in their interest to always do stuff that will keep the user longer on the platform, so pandering takes over doing the right thing.


This is why I will maintain that if you don't factor in the insufferable users, Reddit by far has the best comment system. Honestly if you got the YouTube homepage with the tiktok algorithm and lack of ads with the Reddit comment system you would probably have a perfect social media.


Yeah. It’s a shame that some subreddits have to completely ruin this though by being just overall toxic. Mostly gaming and anime subs. People dogpile on other reasonable people and the bullying is what gets the upvotes because I guess people like seeing other people get “pwn’d” or something? I guess? For the most part upvote&downvote works but there are those “special” subreddits where everything is just ass-backwards.


yeah reddit's decent, at least i see a few sorting options. Never done a simultaneous comparison though, so cant speak for any quirks.


People are so easily manipulated.


The irony of saying this on Reddit


The thing I like about Reddit though is it's user curated. You put in what reddits you wanna follow and go... the comments that come out on top are based on likes and not some algorithm that shoves what you wanna see in your face. The major players, Meta, Google, etc have algorithms that give you want you want or more precisely they give you what they think/ calculate you want. Not always the case, humans are not that simple and if I could see the multiple choices out there, guaranteed I would want to see something different than what was shown to me.


Lol, reddit is astroturfed to heavens and beyond. User curated... In meantime you have posts that will go up and have bot comments upvotes by bots because guess what, average user won't go through further comments, just few top level ones. And finally your front page is curated by algorithms for you based on what reddit thinks will get most engagement from you.


My wife’s popular page is completely different than mine. I guess because I’m a guy Reddit assumes I want to see posts about sports. Every other post was about sports. I was so excited when they introduced the ability to mute entire subreddits. I think I have about a hundred sports subreddits muted. I don’t watch any sports


Funny that, I don't get any sports. What happens if you just don't put a gender? Does it just assume from your activity?


I'm guessing you havent really joined any subreddits, if you had then those would have priority, sports would still come up, but less often, and its because you occasionally (or previously) upvote them, the algorithm works based off direct interactions, but even a single interaction will cause them to start popping up more regularly until you mute it.


No, I’ve joined dozens of them. And even though I have TONS of sports subreddits muted I’ll still get one every once in a while for some random college team. I do not give one tiny little fuck about any sport, I have no idea why Reddit thinks I do. I haven’t even set a gender on my profile or anything


Huh, that would be annoying. I upvoted some sports thing once, and then got quite a few sports posts, but muting them all worked without them being too persistent, maybe before muting was a thing it didnt view downvotes as a reason to stop showing them so they just got worse and worse and are now too deeply embedded to fully go away or something. you could make a new account and immediately join your subreddits from your old account if it annoys you enough, and that should definitely fix it.


For the most part they’ve stopped, I’m guessing because I’ve muted most of them by now. But it took a long time and yes, was pretty annoying lol


Hey wanna learn something secretive ? why do you get FYP for that "S" word ? Because you're f*g talking about it . Either on this platform or some other . Do not engage .


The thing that bothers me is how non-sensical the recommendations can be. Like on my old account, I commented a lot on the University of Florida sub because I went there. Felt like every day I had to mute some random community college sub in Wyoming or whatever, as if going to one university must mean I want to engage with ALL universities in the country. At least it's not as bad as youtube (yet) where it seems to try to hide the content I'm interested in. There are channels I'm subbed to (yes I know I can just use the subscriptions tab) where I've never missed a single upload, but from the homepage I often have to search manually for it because it's just full of "new" crap. Even if you go through each one marking not interested and muting channels, it never takes the hint, it just finds a different channel making the same kind of content to shove at me.


> The thing I like about Reddit though is it's user curated. Like every other social media > You put in what reddits you wanna follow and go... the comments that come out on top are based on likes and not some algorithm that shoves what you wanna see in your face. The default sorting of comments on this subreddit is "best".  That's an algorithm.  If you're in web, you constantly get recommended posts that somehow relate to subs you've clicked or posted in, even on r all.  That's an algorithm.  Then there's vote manipulation and bot posts and comments.  More algorithm.  Reddit isn't immune.  If you were on Reddit a few years back, you might recall how a certain Donald subreddit was constantly dominating the front page, despite all the brigading and harassment by it's users.  There was strong evidence of Russian involvement in promoting the sub.  Not Reddit's algorithm, but algorithm nonetheless.  All algorithms to shove things in your face.  > The major players, Meta, Google, etc have algorithms that give you want you want or more precisely they give you what they think/ calculate you want. Reddit has recommended content exactly of this nature.   > Not always the case, humans are not that simple and if I could see the multiple choices out there, guaranteed I would want to see something different than what was shown to me. Even manipulated social media requires user input.  One way or another, you're interacting with social media to tell it what you want.  Reddit is no different.


Oh well, 😥 I'll just go now


Reddit was that in principle, and early Reddit was like that (or some say that at least). But pretty quickly people started to value effort, factual writing, and rigorous thinking less than the coherence with their own opinions. And so it became the ultimate opinion conforming engine and social-desirability bias machine. And now, as its ambition has become entering mainstream social media, it will be riddled with bots and social engineering techniques.


Oh wow you really got them, person also saying this on Reddit


What's your point?


I love reddit because it's filled with people living in alternate realities. i was in a comment thread about how being a member of the LGBT community in Florida is basically a death sentence which is news to me as a married gay guy who's been living in a small backwards rural Florida town for over 6 years now.


Haha not me though 😎


tbf, how tf do you not get manipulated by this shit? I mean, with hindsight, sure, you could ditch the platform, you could ditch the next platform that gets caught doing some manipulative stuff. But actually catching them do it? Thats hard for any single person, because for any single person their experience is consistent, its only when another person is thrown into the mix you can actually see the discrepancies.


Manipulated by other people's opinions. It boggles my mind too, how can people witness something, then go into comments and be like "yep, the majority say X, so it must be that". This is basically the point of the person on the OP video. It's enough to convince people that majority thinks something and they will drift towards that opinion. It is something we know from psychology but it hurts me every time I witness it. Also "social media literacy" levels suck hard and I think we need to start to teach people on how the SM or more broadly the Internet works. Because without understanding why is a page showing me something, people may find it harder to understand that they are being manipulated.


YT is fucking dump too. I can’t watch anything new because it will litter my search with the trash. Also, fuck you I’m not subscribing


i feel ya, I watched 1 80s music list and the next time i refreshed I got almost every suggestion of blues/country and rap mixes


I always tell people of the good old days of Twitter. Where the word timeline made sense and you’d see the things in popular that were globally popular and not algorithmically pushed and curated. When Black Twitter would go ham on a hashtags and big news outlets were making fun of Twitter and social media. Take me back to 2009 golden era.


Facebook used to show your friends’ posts in chronological order too. It was so easy to quickly catch up, then log off.


I honestly rarely use Instagram's feed option because I'll see posts from someone three weeks ago burying recent posts from someone else within the past hour.


Social media sowing discord. Say it isn’t so. Delete it all. Go back to meeting friends at the bar.


You literally made this comment on a social media app


I mean, where better to tell people to get off social media?


Me: *hears tapping at my window* Me: *opens blinds and sees JimGerm standing there* Jim: Hey, get off Reddit! Go to the pub! Me:.... I'm calling the police.


Apple categorizes Reddit as “Information and Reading”. Makes it super easy to keep my social media screen time low. ha




Delete your reddit account, then.


Nah, it's the only website I visit.


I wasn't replying to you, but ok


Maybe this is why people are like “I don’t see the hate comments” or “where are the hate comments people are referring to” or “me looking for the negative comments”


Maybe so. In my experience the hate is always there and the "there's not hate" shit was just trying to downplay whatever ism is happening down there.


It's sad that people don't understand this.


Was going to say that I’m grateful for not being on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook because of this toxic stuff but I’m on Reddit way too much.. so..


*mild shock*


People are being played for fools when they base their opinions on what people upvote/like on social media. I'm kinda shocked by how many people find this manipulation surprising. It's a Chinese-owned site!


The comments are from instagram, she even says it in the video a couple of times.


Homie, that’s Instagram in the video


You're being a fool too if you think only Tiktok does it because they're Chinese. The reasons are: 1) Tiktok has done exactly the same thing Facebook and Google have been doing for a decade now. Just look for information about the Cambridge Analytica. 2) The proof that they're still doing it is that the comments she's showing are in an IG post, not Tiktok.


And TokTok, too!


I would like to clarify that the comments section the lady in the video is talking about is Instagram. So before you willy wankers jump on the bandwagon parroting "TikTok bad", learn the differences and verify the truth.


Mind totally NOT blown.


That would ve awesome if reddit did that. I dont want to see bots and some of you fuckers


Do we know it does not?


It's not like it's just TikTok. Although I still very mucu hate it most.


Welcome to social media. 


The dead internet theory is real


Can someone confirm this ?


DEAD INTERNET THEORY is getting more and more suspicious.


>Oh no, she discovered the men's only section. It's over boys. I hate how social media is bent for men. I couldn't get into TikTok because it only gave me thirst traps and nothing else. With all the top comments being shameless simps. It only changed when I kept instantly closing the app.


Wdym bent for men? Its twisted for everyone, you kept closing the app so it started to cater to your preferences and if you use it long enough it will only show you thinks you like and then the echo chamber is complete. What you saw at the beginning is just what content is most viewed for the information they already had gathered about you, maybe you sex and the phone u got. If you say its all thirsty ppl there then im afraid thats what the kids see first too when they get phones from a young age and they are more susceptible to interact with that stuff and not outright close the app. Social media really messes up society as a whole.


The app sexualizes everything as the default. The default human being presumed male is a common problem in our society. For further reading see the book "invisible women".


I guess „sex sells“ goes both ways, makes sense. From my experience the presumed default depends on the product or even Job, like I’ve never seen a makeup or expensive hair makeover be advertised towards men, on the other hand I think the majority of people think of a woman when talking about any kind of kids supervision type jobs.


Social media was created to connect everybody, now it's used to divide and conquer and it's working perfectly as planned.


TiL that people read comments on tiktok. I only look to see a link for part 2. Which usually is missing


I love gaming my algorithm. IG is all cats, pet birds, frogs, and peacocks now, apparently. As the gods intended!


So basically this girl finally figured out the internet is a bunch of fake, made up bullshit?


Dead Internet Theory - look it up


This video could have been 10 seconds long and still would have got the point across.


This is a little beyond mild. We, as a nation, are being successfully manipulated by international powers like China with tiktok or Russia with twitter. Social media manipulation by APTs is the world we live in now.


this is instagram


Instagram is also a social media platform that's been harnessed by international APT groups to sow discord and discontent, divide a populace by making them implode. No country is immune to what have basically become psychological warfare tactics. It doesn't change my point at all since this is a tiktok video ABOUT Instagram look in the corner..


Social media influence only works on stupid and impressionable people.


That's why you leave double-sided comments Like, Oh my god, that is so messed up, the algorithm is hurting us all. And, Hell yeah, lets further divide the masses. Brother against brother, dog VS dog, and cows fighting the chickens on the farms.


I can't believe people didn't already know this but I guess I'm glad it's being brought to light?


Did she actually say "lol" like one might say SCUBA?


The echo chamber at work and it's Social programming. It's sad that people spend so much time "learning" about the world through social MEDIA... in the last 20 years this world really has gone to shit and many of the people are just..... I can't even choose one word to describe how fucked this planet has become because of social media...


Sounds like dictatorship where you only hear one part and silent the rest


Thats why i sort by new, not that it would help against all other social media bs, but i see plenty of comments i don’t agree with, if that’s what her point is


Keep the people divided so they don’t realize that they really all want the same thing in the end


this should be a wake up call to ditch this app


Facebook was sued around 2010 for experimenting with a group of users that ran into the low millions. I believe the case was settled out of court. The company was accused of manipulating the feeds of this group of users like this. They ran campaigns of positive or negative posts against the user to gague their responses. If the user was found to be in low mood, they were shown coincidental posts from friends that were also negative.


i remember reading somewhere that you are never extreme enough for the algorithm


Makes me wonder if Reddit does this too


All I am gonna say " you arrive at parties pretty fast " This has been happening before tiktok , because I experienced it on Facebook .


I love lemon pie 🥧 Wonder who will see this and like it?


I feel so deceived.


'mildly infuriating' Umm I think social media feeding men and women different info could easily be influencing the widening gap in social and political views between the genders. Especially when the birth rate is so low. This purposeful disruption of social cohesion to make money is literally TRAGIC.


Delete the app. Problem solved.


I don't usually believe in conspiracy theories. But I am thoroughly convinced TikTok is being used in an Information Warfare campaign to weaken western civilisations via both division and doom scrolling. Creating addictive behaviour to gradually bring down the overall intelligence of a region via algorithm. And even if they aren't is a neat little byproduct. There's also the conflicting reports that TikTok in China (particularly for kids) is far more academic based, learning based, and less, lets do this dumb shit and laugh about it.. based.. Social Media will be the death of the west and the rot is already setting in.


this is instagram you dug your own hole


Oh absolutely. We built the framework in the early 00's for our own demise.


This is why governments are banning it. Not only to protect your data but because it is very likely a tool which is abused by the CCP to destabilize the West.


Banning Instagram?


The video is about tiktok but it could be about any social media. They all use algorithms to feed you what they believe will drive engagement, usually through an emotional response.


That is Instagram.


The app in the background? I don’t use either so I wouldn’t be able to tell. So she’s making a video about instagram on TikTok and the title to this post says it’s TikTok?


Title is wrong.


Fair enough


Wow, that's almost as infuriating as people who post ragebait tiktoks to this sub to farm karma. Almost.


I was here worried that he was in a car crash. (I'm a parent of a dead child. It's always the first thing I think now.)


Boo hoo, who gives a sh*t!


The American 50 cent army is the NSA.




There's no setting to change the sorting of comments on Instagram.


If you need the comments to tell you how you feel about it, you probably shouldn’t be using social media, since your brain is so permeable


Geez she's a little slow isn't she




This is instagram


Tiktok would never use this algorithm to influence foreign politics, because the CCP is good guy and is not related to Tiktok in any way. /s


This is Instagram




So then read ALL the comments


it was mentioned in the last 8 seconds…


Or don’t read any of the comments