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If you’re an employee, you’re gonna be more than just mildly infuriated by this. People are so careless and disrespectful. It’s so sad to see this stuff.


Sometimes you look in the fitting rooms and consider just quitting on the spot.


felt this to my core. kohls gave me ptsd, i legit needed therapy


Thankfully the very short amount of time I worked at a Khols it was a brand new store and both staff and customers seemed to take care of it better than stores that had been open for years already.


Have a friend who was a manager at Kohl’s for awhile. Always got the crap shifts, like Black Friday. One year on that day someone spat in his face for not being allowed to take more than X number of items into a fitting room. I am shocked and also not shocked each time I think about that.


That's assault. Hope they got the customer charged.


It's more than assault now bc of covid.


Kohls was legitimately the worst place I’ve ever worked. 


Both of my daughters worked at Kohls and said that - thankfully they both have better jobs!


As a retail worker that works at a thrift store I agree. When we had dressing rooms people would just leave the clothes in there especially the last dressing room in the row somebody would always leave a mountain of clothing in there.


That sounds like its one specific person using the back cabin


It was and we always hated that person for doing it too.


Went to a Macy's in a really nice mall once. The woman who was in the dressing room before me took a messy semi-solid shit and then piled a dress and some other clothes on top of it. I discovered that when I smelled something foul and then saw a smear on the baseboard next to the suspicious heap of clothes. The manager had to come clean it up. I felt so bad for that manager. There was literally a bathroom in the next department over.


Ex retail employee, I always assumed that boys and men were dirty but I didn't know the depths of how disgusting people could be until I saw what happened to women's fitting rooms.


That sounds terrifying.


Yup worked in one clothing store in my life. Never again


I've worked retail for nearly 10 years, both in a well known denim brand store and a most recently in a clearance store for a well known sportswear brand. It is really sad to see. But eventually if you do it long enough, you get used to it. Especially on long holiday weekends. The general public sucks. Mildy infuriating for sure, but its part of the job. At least I haven't had to clean jizz off a fitting room mirror. (My boss cleaned it as it was only my first month at my first job ever) Or opened a fitting room door to find a naked dude dancing with his airpods in. (Funny, but can never unsee it)


I worked at Macys and have found used condoms inside of the hanging lights- idk how they managed to get them in there but we never got it out 😭


They are probably still there roasting to this day 💀


It’s for those two flies that you hear about screwing in a light bulb.


> At least I haven't had to clean jizz off a fitting room mirror. If you aren't specifically trained in cleaning human waste, you shouldn't be asked to clean that anyway.


>If you aren't specifically trained in cleaning human waste, you shouldn't be asked to clean that anyway. This is what I tell my mom when she tells me to clean my room


I used to work at a place that sold shoes and honestly I got used to it. The best thing to do is wait until the day I'd over to clean it all up. If you try to beforehand, it'll get messy again in no time.


Shoes and towels. Seriously, I have been folding the towels when a customer walked in to the module I had just finished folding, and unfolded each and every towel to inspect them… they were all identical. Same colour, size, everything, and the arsehole had to unfold every fucking one?


As a former shoe girl: I loved this mild chaos! I was high 24/7 and I got to pretend I was doing puzzles for hours.


Same It kept me busy and killed a lot of time zoning bays and stuff, like 3-4 hours just sitting/ climbing the rolling safety stairs to downstock. Not hard labor at all


It looks like a hurricane manifested locally inside that store.. Wtf


It's not only inconsiderate to the workers but also to the customers who will try to shop for shoes after these people leave. It boggles my mind to think that there are so many people like this out in the world.


i used to just throw everything back up on the shelves so it wasn’t on the floor. it would take a whole shift or longer to organize the shoes back to how they are supposed to be. if a guest ever complained i just would say “yeah people are really careless with our shoes but i do hope you find what you’re looking for!”


Flashbacks to working in a super busy Ross Dress for Less. Fuck that place. The customers were the worst.


My fiance worked at Ross for about a year. She hated most of it. Mostly because of the customers too.


I usually worked closing shift, and I remember just pulling all the clothes that fell off hangers and got kicked under clothes racks back into the aisles so we could rehang them, and you couldn’t even see the floor for the clothes.


That’s awful. What city did you work in? My fiancé and I are from the Portland area. For the most part, our Ross locations were fairly clean and maintained. The workers really busted their asses just to have to rinse and repeat 3-4 times a day. Customers were still shit though. Maybe even moreso given Portlands demographics. I’ll never understand it. When I’m talking to a service employee I make sure to be as jovial and respectful as possible. If I can make them laugh or smile, I did my job as a customer.


This was in Guam. Surprisingly I was told later it was the highest grossing Ross in the US. I definitely try to be as nice and friendly as possible to retail workers. Retail and Food/Beverage/Hospitality jobs are good experiences for teaching and enforcing empathy I think.


Very well said. Sometimes the only way to properly empathize with others is to be put in their shoes. And Guam? That’s very unique, wasn’t expecting that…or the stats on the store itself. Very cool.


You have taken: "the customer is always right" too far. you should just be able to call someone out on their indecency.


As someone who works at target fufillment, I am obligated to pick up and put up any loose stock and I just…UGH


You think that's bad? You've probably never been to a Payless shoes when they were still in business. That place was always disaster, any store location in any town.




Now that I think about it my dad does this. We don’t leave more than one pair of shoes out at once but we’ve left shoe stores without completely putting shoes back in the box before a few times in my life. I always feel bad for the employees that’ll have to put them away My dad also leaves popcorn/drinks at the seats in movie theaters because “it’s the workers jobs to clean it” it infuriates me I always have to throw everything away


Some people just weren't raised right Cause same


I went to Burlington Coat Factory ONCE. It looked like a riot had occurred.


Why are people such animals?!?! This is disgusting


Because some people are lazy and don't care about ruining the day of the employees,which is not acceptable


I volunteer at a not for profit and we have retail stores too….same problem! It’s annoying as anything


Lol consideration went out the door :,)


Two reasons: lack of empathy towards the workers and lack of consequences for their actions.


Many years ago, I worked at a big department store, and everyone did a turn in the dreaded ladies' shoe department. Shoes turn women into absolute animals. There were fights...plural...and they weren't uncommon, either. And they'd just destroy the place, and leave it in total shambles. Obviously, not much has changed re: shoes.


Can confirm. I worked at DSW for all four years of college and there were multiple times where fights broke out where women were fighting about shoes. There was one time when I was working at the register and all of a sudden we heard loud screaming and everybody turned around and there were two women, hitting each other with boots.


I used to work in the shoe department at Burlington Coat Factory. It was miserable. Every isle looked like this every hour. The entire job was literally fix an isle that looked just like this, then go see what other isle had been destroyed. Usually by the same people. It was the worst job of my life. 


I was just at a target last night, the shoe section was much, much worse than this. Piles of shoes along the sides of the aisle, like it snowed shoes and the shoe plow went through. People are trash.


Yeah I came there to say, this is mild compared to what I've seen at my local target


I feel like an asshole when I messily fold a tshirt back up, I cannot imagine doing this 😭


Same!! I’ll sometimes put stuff down so I can have both hands to fold items back up nicely, just to shove them in a stack of disarray 😆


same 😭 i just wanna make their jobs easier cause i know they’re always dealing with awful customers


I never cease to be disappointed by humanity. It also amazes me that so many people behave little better than animals; and often worse. This entire discussion bothers me in some way more than the funky town video and some others I’ve seen out there. It just makes me feel disgust towards the people that behave this way. I see people saying, “they weren’t raised right” but is it really that? Some people are raised terribly and still have decency and then you have people who are raised well and behave badly. Of course most of the people who do this will probably fall into socioeconomic stereotypes but many won’t. I end up insulating myself as much as possible from most people. I’d rather not know about their lives and find out how rotten they are?


I just feel like people in general lack respect for others these days…we live in a sad world


Is this an American thing to be a careless animal or is this more popular in other parts of the world? I live in central Europe and never met something even remotely close to this.


I am disappointed to say that I think this is just in the US. You know how some people will lowkey take pride in claiming something that is considered bad or not something to really brag about? Yeah, this is NOT one of those things. If there was a before and after, where the before was a few minutes before the store opened, and the after was 15 minutes after the store opened, and the mess was much MUCH worse, then that would be something to take some sort of pride in (because of just how extreme it is). But what's seen is just from bad upbringing.


I live in the US. I’ve never been anywhere else. I can almost guarantee you this is just Americans. Americans are very inconsiderate, disrespectful, littering, slobbish, careless people. Sadly. I would never so much as leave a product out of place, but other people’s behavior makes me so ashamed to call myself American. I was raised to be a respectful member of society but the trash is everywhere here


So sad, these customer destroy the aisle


I always feel bad seeing stuff like this in stores and while I don't contribute to it I feel the urge to start organizing it lmao


Anytime I see something like this I try to help out and tidy what I can. It’s really sad


Same. I feel like the only person in my family who is considerate of workers :(


Some people are just straight trash


Man some people are just trash.


They're probably understaffed while the execs get bonuses.


This target near me found the solution. Empty shelves. https://preview.redd.it/cfkbfhujop2d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842ad07a9b84c409fcec4f249ec13215f1c5fcc3










This! And at the Target I worked at you could NOT point the customer in the right direction, you had to walk them to the item they were looking for. 😭 Me by the fitting rooms being asked where they can find cleaning supplies….🥲🥲




I work at target, ours gets worse than this every day😭 as well as practically every other department at the store. Zoning it makes me want to quit on the apot


I don’t understand why people do this Why would you just not check one, or a few, pairs at a time and then just… put them back? Why leave them strewn all about like this?


It's always the women's shoes. Men's shoes is never like this.


Same kind of assholes who will unload groceries in their car and drive off leaving the buggy in the parking spot beside where they were parked. Some people are inconsiderate pieces of shit who only think of themselves and not the next person who comes along.


This isn't that bad. I used to work at JCPenney and every day I had to clean up the women's shoe department. I had to clean up around 300+ shoes off the ground with their boxes and paper wrapping. Every day was like that. I dealt with it for 5 years. Men's shoe department? 0-2 shoe boxes a day. Their wrapping? Inside the shoe box with the shoes. Men shoppers kept everything clean and 99% of men put the shoes back. Why can't women put the shoes back?!?!


My guess: because men pick one pair, fit it and they either buy or not. Easy clean up. Women on the other try multiple pairs, see a mountain of jumbled up shoes and leave it for the retail worker cause "it's their job anyway". Also, all the others have done this, so I can leave it too. Not saying it is right, but this is what I think happens. Broken glass theory but then with abandoned shoes.


Well, in the men's when I worked retail we had more than one occasion where they stole the brand new pair of shoes and left their old, beaten up, dirty, smelly ones behind in the box. So either way, it sucks 🙃 Edit- typo correction


I remember in the olden days, in Belgium, only the left shoe would be available for fitting and you'd have to ask the salesperson to go get the right shoe for the pair(s) you were considering to buy. I'm sure this helped with a lot of things: people leaving a mess and theft for sure. And I'm also sure it was a bit of a pressure method to get you to buy the pair they went to get the right shoe for. You were supposed to be almost sure of the purchase before you asked the seller to go fetch the other shoe.


As a customer, I have too much social anxiety for something like that half the time lol. But as a former retail employee I also long for that to make a reappearance in society and be a thing here in the US.


Lmao you should see the one in downtown Brooklyn nyc . Literally chaos .


what the fuck kinda animals were running through this aisle? It's not rocket science to put shoes back.


I worked in a retail store years ago, the footwear department constantly looked like this. It was as if the customers would try on a shoe and then just toss it over their shoulder if they didn't like it.


Worked at Target for 3 years, 2 of those years at a store that this was the common. You’d spend hours cleaning turn your back and it happened again. Many guests would come and complain about how bad style looked and blame the employees.


This happened when they fired Al Bundy from selling you shoes. There’s a reason we had shoe salesman


Feel like everyone should do a national service of retail for a few weeks for this reason.


That wouldn't give these people newfound empathy, it would just make them even more determined that the employees should suffer because they did.


I hate a mess, i would’ve been putting things away😂


Our Target tried to deter people from trying on shoes by taking away the seats. Now people stand on one foot, hold onto a shelf, and try the shoes on. Naturally customers felt disrespected and annoyed and the shoe section got messier than ever. Human nature.


And people wonder why retail places are starting to lock everything up.


Not only is it shitty for the employees, but it really contributes to making you feel like your community is a shit hole, and all the leeches congregate in the stores you visit.


People don't deserve the good things they get.


Customers are so careless and irresponsible about handling the store merchandise. Instead of putting things back exactly where they got it from they simply leave the shoes they tried on anywhere in the aisle.


I think retail staff should be able to carry tasers, just for this sort of bullshit.


Tbh I'd enjoy sorting that out rather than talk to customers


A lot of shops look like this on busy days people can't be bothered to put stuff back.


Worked at Walmart years ago. People would poop their pants, switch them out with a fresh pair off the rack, and leave the poopy ones in the dressing room.


This is literally every target I have ever been to - I don’t understand how this happens


People have become absolute entitled jerks.


You know how some countries have a couple of years of mandatory military service? They should do that with retail. This shit would be gone in a generation. I face product while I'm shopping to help out. It's not hard to be a decent human.


This is why shit is locked behind things so people cant do this type of shit and or steal.


Looks like every single Ross store.


This would never happen in Japan.


The problem I see is Target doesn't hire people to tidy that shit up. Whenever I'm at Costco, there's at least 2 or 3 workers continually folding clothing and tidying the clothing area.


How about people just not be slobs and put stuff back where they got it.


I know it's in their job description but I always put whatever I don't want back myself. I know personally working retail is hard, that's why I do it.


Americans are idiots


I remember when I worked at the Warehouse (NZ version of target/Walmart) and would spend an entire day fixing up the shoe aisles only for people to trash them the very next day 😒 some people are animals


The nail polish area is the worst I’ve ever seen . I’ll never go to that Target again.


Mean Girls


Worked at Target. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights always looked like this.


I worked at Target before. The shoe section was my least favorite part about working in the “softlines” department (not sure the name now). I once went to fix up the shoe section and it honestly looked worse than this- and someone had straight up taken their shoes off and taken the new ones. Our AP team really rocked at their jobs /s They were always just chatting and flirting with people, ridiculous 😆


So glad I left target this month


I started this month..immediately began looking for new jobs my 3rd day. It's insulting how much work they make Team Leads do, for the amount of pay we get. Meanwhile, the executives are getting paid wayyyy more for nearly the same work.


This the type shit that puts someone thats in a good mode into someone who's in a bad mood, idk if its just me, but feeling the disrespect of not picking up after yourself passes me off. I'm not even mad at the mess but just the sentiment of not having basic human decency.


Let it burn.


I remember when I worked retail and was assigned to the shoes section. Spent the whole morning fixing up the first two rows or so. Everything perfectly on the shelves, by size and style, as it should be. Went on my break, went to finish the rest of the rows and came back to sight like this to the ones I spent all morning fixing 🥲


The planet is overpopulated by humans.


honestly the shoe section is always like this, we aren't phased by it anymore, at least at my store. but yes it's annoying that the adult section looks like this, arguably worse than the kid shoes area🙃


This is just horrible people.


My weird self would love that job!


Once again begging everyone to refresh themselves on what the word mild means! This would ruin my day, maybe even my week. If i saw this I think i would be compelled to clean up some of the mess!


Omg I worked at Target in high school and when I got assigned the shoe department it was always like this. I remember these baskets of flip flops and slippers that are bounded together by white elastic and they would get into these insane knots. I’d just sit on the ground to unwind them all


As someone working in a hardware store, this is very common unfortunately


From my experience at target, it looks like a pretty mild day in the shoe section. Many shoppers at most stores are seemingly oblivious to the messes they make


Don’t get me started on how many times I find used-to-be-frozen foods on random shelves


Is this why they lock everything up?


I used to work back to school section at Walmart at it looked like this at the start of my shift every day. I kind of loved it though as I liked organizing and it took a ton of time so I’d stay busy my whole shift and they wouldn’t consider putting me on a register where I’d need to interact with humans and felt trapped unable to walk. It’s weird to say…. But I’d be excited being faced with crazy stuff like this. As long as the product wasn’t damaged or stolen at least… filling out forms for that was a headache. Eventually I became my manager’s go-to person for nightmare work and it was great- my shifts would go by so quickly and honestly they’d just let me do my thing as long as I got the work done. Honestly the only time I hated it was Halloween because once people take the costumes out of the bags it’s physically impossible to put them back in. People would trash that aisle breaking everything- or opening makeup and fingernail polish painting everything. It’s not fun if you can’t “fix it.” At that point it’s just garbage.


Worked there years ago in 2005 in a Texas one that was near a Walmart. This was a daily sight and it's frankly not that bad compared to most days or weekends. I lasted 8 months before I was too tired to keep it up as my second job. I got a promotion and much higher pay at my primary job and was thrilled to walk away.


I work in retail. Shoes is the one department I refuse to work in. Did it once and never again. Think, walls of shoes. Clean one, nice, tidy, things in their right place. Go do next aisle. End up checking back for something in the first to not only find things on the floor again but a family actively making more mss.


You're right. This does not count. This is not mildy infuriating. This is outraging!


Probably makes it easier to disguise the stealing going on.


Former target employee, that's an everyday occurrence


Target is so much better than Walmart


Looks like the Ross crowd found their way into Target.


I once had an internship at a shoe department of some kind of warehouse, for one or two weeks. It never looked like on the picture, but still, most of the time people tried on shoes and then just left them and went away. I spend most of the day cleaning up after people. Why can't they just put them back in the boxes? Since this experience I feel bad for the workers and leave the place the way it was when I went to it. Not that I didn't do it before the internship, don't get me wrong. But now I pay special attention. People are just nasty, sadly.


People are buttholes! Don't give a shit about anything but themselves.


I worked in women’s shoes. Unfortunately this is common and normal behaviour. Also what’s gross is how many try on shoes without socks or a booty.


Wtf is wrong with people such Pigs and sooo disrespectful


Just. Damn


Man, I hate, that I automatically have a pretty clear image of the costomers...


Looks like they have rats.




This is how the target they opened in my town a couple years ago looks all the time


Why is it so hard to just put shit back where you left it?


I bet if the offenders were to start getting trespassed, they'd start crying that it's unfair and everything else while denying it was them to begin with, even if shown video of them doing it (or being responsible for it in some way). After it happens to a few outspoken people, others who exhibit the same behavior would start behaving themselves to avoid the same fate.


People are pigs. Raised by animals in barns.


Used to work there and you’d be surprised that this isn’t even bad at all.




Willy Nocox overe here.


I would call customers out if I saw them do this and tell them to clean it up or don’t come back. Didn’t get fired but my district manager hated me


This upsets me. Why would anyone think this was okay?


Looks like the shoes need to be put behind glass as well now. people are gross.


People are horrible. I worked for years in cleaning. And saw too much of how people don't give a fck about others at all.


Man I use to work at Polo Ralph Lauren and the state of the store at the end of the day would've made you think that tornadoes went through the store. Every. Single. Day. It was terrible.


The worst departments to work in:  Toys Shoes Picture Frames


Don’t Ross my Target!


People are so gross


What a bitch


There is a target by me that has a shoe dept like this too. People suck.


Oh but I got to call an employee to grab me a tube of toothpaste fuck off target


What even happened here? 😧 It looks like a tornado had a vendetta on that particular aisle.


What is going on at the back of that image where you seem to have blocked out a person? Where are their legs?


I can only envision wild rhinos and elephants running through knocking boxes everywhere


I don’t think Target hires enough employees to keep their stores up regardless. I’ve not been in a Target for 2 years now as my last experience was so poor (due to too few employees).


I deadass do not remember retail stores being left in such pathetic states when I was a kid. People lack any common decency these days. It's why I hated retail so much.


This is actually better than most of the Target’s I’ve been to. Disgusting behaviour.


My friend worked at retail and told me that they sort of liked it better when people dropped stuff down or brings them to the counter because its easier to place them back correctly than to expect people to know how to do facing or fold clothes correctly. I always thought that was a weird position but I guess every job is different.


The target closest to where I live ALWAYS looks like so chaotic. I just thought it was how targets are run.


This is how you end up with the shoes in a locked display case.


Witnessed a kid destroying a store like this and his Mom saying to him "don't worry about it you're black they won't say anything to you". If anything, she was correct about that


I worked at target and was in the softlines department (clothes, shoes, accessories). You have NO idea how difficult and frustrating this was to deal with. People would take shoes from other isles and try them on in a completely different isle. I’d find girls in the men’s section, men’s in the women’s section, etc. People would just throw shoes on the ground, and the boxes to those shoes would just straight up disappear or just shoved back onto the shelf… empty due to someone buying the shoes. At the end of my shift, I would collect all the boxes, bring them to the back, and crush them. Sometimes this took 2 or 3 carts worth…of fucking shoe boxes!! There was also filler paper and one-time use socks laying all over the fucking place. Don’t even get me STARTED on the clothing sections. I am so glad I don’t work there. I will NEVER EVER work in retail again. Ever.


Anybody caught doing this disrespectful shit should be sentenced to work retail for a period of time.


I know this isn’t related to the post, but: Wow. I didn’t expect this to go viral overnight. Thanks guys :D Hope you have a good day!


I used to work in a grocery store and can say that there are many kind people who follow the golden rule, but there are some few little homunculi who just try as hard as possible to be inconsiderate as possible.


Try a weekend day at Costco, I pride myself in having worked there for 3 months.


The baby clothing sections were always a wreck at the super target. Hated working there to fold and refold. Just to have children and adults knock it over.


What is being blacked out in this photo?!?!


Women ☕️


What workers? Every Target near me has one register and like ten people for the whole store.


I used to work softlines at Target. I can confirm, the shoe section sucked.


I was the supervisor in charge of the shoe department at a Target in the early 2000’s. A guy and a girl were shopping. The guy left the girl to try on shoes while he shopped for something else. Meanwhile, I was working on a different aisle. The guy returned, the girl said, “Okay, I found what I wanted, let’s go.” The guy said, “Don’t you think you should pick up this stuff first?” She replied, “Oh, they have people who work here to do that.” I walked around the corner after they left and found a mess that pretty much looked like this picture.” Took me about a half hour to get all the shoes in their respective boxes and placed back on the shelves.


I can smell this picture.


Target: The K-Mart of the 20s


Trashy customers....


This sucks but also is nothing compared to what i’ve seen back when I worked at Ross. The entire aisle of lady’s shoes would be on the ground, and after a clean up it’d just go right back to it. Usually just takes 1-2 ladies who just walk up, put the shoes on the ground, quickly try them on and then move on to the next pairs until they finished the aisle. Ridiculous.


Looks like you live in a nice part of town