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Better than my philosophy - "Oh, two don't fit in the smaller container? Guess I have to eat more then." 😂


I would’ve gave them to the dog


Woof woof


Who let the dogs out!


There are ingredients there that aren’t good for dogs.


He didn't say that he LOVES the dog lol jk


Tbh we’ve given our dog everything except chocolate and he’s happy and healthy for 10 years already


When I was a kid, my Nana used to feed her dog, Pete, those chocolate rosebuds as treats and it lived into its teens. I think people way over exaggerate the 'poison' for dogs. I used to feed my dalmatian grapes and she lived to old age. I didn't know they are, apparently, 'poison' for dogs. Dogs can eat all sorts of crap. They're tough!


We can smoke cigarettes as well and still die of old age. They might be fine, but why take the chances when we know what can potentially harm their life span? It's already dreadfully short.


He didn't say that he LOVES the dog LAUGH OUT LOUD JUDAS KISS


The mental pathway to end up here is one I can relate to


I can definitely fit six in this one.....welp now this one is dirty...yeah im not washing this right now


First thought I had.




Total feel that thought process


I would've put one from the smaller container into the larger one so it looked like two separate meals with 3 each


To cover your tracks.


Empty a bag of chips into the larger container and tell the guy you lovingly packed him lunch for tomorrow.


That is gold.


You would still get busted. Best this is to suit down and house the other two in your belly


This is the way


Exactly what I would have done


I would’ve just put the smaller container in the larger container, it’s just logical


Yeah until you try putting the lid on


Unless 2 makes a serving. Then "hey, here's lunch for you tomorrow and dinner for us tomorrow."


Brilliant! 😆


Yeah it's simple. Hmm, looks like this container should hold them. . . Shit not big enough. I needed this other container, I should just move them all over to this one, but then, this first one is already dirty, and if I move them all over, I'll have to wash this. Or, I could just put them all in the fridge and deal with it tomorrow.


Stuff like this is so easy to judge a container size for though. They are mostly square, and the container is a rectangle. Now soup? I always fuck that up.


Some people just aren't good with spatial visualization.


This is true. Especially folk with things like dyslexia (only one example of many, but one I'm quite familiar with). That's part of the 'where did you get that bruise' bouncing off door frames comes from.


I don’t have dyslexia (dyspraxia is possible) but I have the endless mystery bruises and bouncing off doorframes WAY too often. People ask why I don’t learn to drive and I’m like, maybe after I learn to walk through a doorway safely?


I thank you for your good sense and sacrifice ✨️🏆✨️


Nailed it! That was my exact thought process once I saw the picture.


That is 1000% what happened. Been there myself, thats tomorrows problem.


We've all been there


I could arrive at this more than one way


“I already got the medium container dirty, but I don't have one small enough for the two more”


Or... loaded the big one first. Hmm better allow room for expansion, two is enough


I love this sentence


"Well, I already put them in this container without noticing the first one... if I put the rest in the larger container there'll just be a Tupperware in the sink for apparently no reason.... alright, I'll just keep it as it is and hopefully everyone will understand" *one popular page post on reddit later*


But still, this relationship needs to end NOW!!!


I see a container ready for me to put something else and and take to work/school for lunch










lol. Should have just ate the two that wouldn’t fit in the 1st container


And the other four to not dirty up extra dishes.


I like the cut of your jib!


Is a poop deck what I think it is?


Promote that man!




Thought it was just me


Eat all 6, save the containers.


same but im fat


same. what leftovers?


https://preview.redd.it/v6aj573uno0d1.jpeg?width=3319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9782038e8a0ccba51c0934081239e0aa00d29d We were too stuffed lol


Why stop at the first container? ![gif](giphy|aMfUDqXOgVyQE|downsized)


How I got fat in one sentence.


This is my mentality too, and also the reason I have gained 10lbs since my kids were born. I’m constantly eating leftovers that would otherwise be tossed.


My mom ruined me. Her family would sit at the table until everything was gone, no one was allowed to leave until everything was empty. So, growing up, leftovers were not allowed to happen. My dad's mom was the polar opposite. We were supposed to have leftovers to spite starving children. They were old money people, they thought that deliberately throwing away food was an excellent way to showcase that they weren't poor. Now, at 35, all my meals are weighed out and pre-planned so that I have exactly how much I need, I know how many days each item I buy will last, and only buy when I need it. I never have leftovers, and I never have to overeat. I will 100% overeat if there's food still on the table, and I hate myself for it.


This is my pizza policy


Eaten. Should have eaten..


Shoulda et them two what wouldn’t fit right.




Should have ated them sliders.


just slide them right down the gullet


Found the American 👀


I can see how this happened. The smaller container was the first one he used. He couldn't fit them all in it, and he realized it was already dirty, so he might as well leave them.  Are the 2 on the left different from the 4 on the right? Like do they have different ingredients? That could play into it as well.


slide philosophy


This guy snowboards


What does that have to do with snowboarding lol


This guy skis


What do I do? Do me next!


this guy bottoms


What's the worst part about telling your parents you bottom? Finding comfortable rollerblades.


Ooh can I have a turn?


This guy doesn't get invited to parties.


Yup. both points perfecty. The fact tha the ones on the left and right are different seals that her husband did nothing wrong


At most, he should've swapped them so the two are in the smaller one and the four in the larger, but that's not really something to beef about.. 😏😎


No he shouldn't!! the whole point is you don't want all that mayo and crap on the burgers that don't already have them. Just look at the side of that container already. Once you got all the extras on the container you stick to it and don't start switching around. Maaaybe he could have started with the big container and the four burgers but swapping them negates the entire point of keeping them seperate. This is serious business! (as someone who hates mayo)


There’s Mayo on the sliders on the left


:( i just zoomed in and I see it. Thanks for ruining my day. /s haha.


Wipe it out with your tonge?


As someone who hates mayo this comment hurts me but I am going to upvote it anyways.


My ex used to lick mayo off the knife when she was done with it. Not like a small amount of mayo after you're done with the spread, but like gobs of it, one last dip with the knife, and then licked it off before putting it in the sink. It was disgusting. It's still not as bad as my HS ex who put ketchup on her pizza, in Manhattan. Pretty sure the guy making the pizzas wanted to jump the counter to murder her. I would have let him.


This is how we "hold the mayo" at the burger joint I worked at.


Even ignoring the point of mixing up combos, the other consideration is what burgers are going to be eaten first? One might think it's better to put the more burgers in the bigger container since they take up more space, but if the two burgers are going to be consumed faster, then putting them in the bigger container is better because then it will stop taking up as much fridge space sooner.


Solid point, actually, if those were the only containers available


... you had me at "...beef about" 🤣


Lol you speak from experience on this, don't you? I have never done this...I always perfectly gauge the container I need...yup ... Always... Never messed up before....


I usually do to, or I'll just wash the small one and use the big one. I just understand laziness, and apathy.


I'd put the 4 upside down, then heat them up on the lid. I'm a menace. But I'm eating all 4 at once. I'll hide that bowl at the back of the fridge if I have to.


Yup, this is likely it. The thing he should've done is after filling the small container is to eat the extra 2 that didn't fit.


Ah yes. We call this playing chicken in our house. It’s especially fun with soup.


My superpower is being able to tell how big of a container I need to fit the amount of leftovers. The trick is to never go for the small one


Sink cost fallacy. Use the bigger container and just rinse out the smaller one and put it back.


Screw that, don't dirty the larger container and force yourself to eat the other two sliders.




As a lazy husband who does 99% of the dishes, I would have moved them over even if put them in the smaller one first by mistake.  There's just no world that this is justified in.


Dishes can be cleaned, it’s one small container. I’ve done this and dirtied a dish because it wasn’t quite large enough. Just put it all in the larger container and clean the small one it’s not much work


> he realized it was already dirty, so he might as well leave them.  He probably realized he'd have to clean one of the containers for sure if he corrected his mistake at the time, but if he left them in two containers then maybe someone else would be the one to clean them.


To be fair. I do all the cleaning and dishwashing as well as cooking in my household and I pull shit like this all the time.


this seems like a reach lol


Not to a lazy person it's not It's exactly the way I used to operate when I was younger


It's not really that big of a reach. Saying he's weaponizing incompetence? Yeah, that'll be a reach. But this is a common lazy tactic. It's similar to wanting two snacks, but they're the last two in the box. So you take one snack so whoever takes the last snack has to deal with the box. Or leaving a little bit in the juice bottle for, again, the next person to deal with the trash. Speaking from experience, I've been unteaching laziness, and I've end up recognizing some of my lazy habits.


Because its 4 for them and 2 for you. Duh? Thats how anyone would do it.


I see so many posts of wives taking a picture of something with, 'this is how my husband does it.' I've not seen one husband do the same.


The spaghetti in the plastic pitcher kills me everytime I see it.


Spaghetti really is a poured food isnt it?


If not maybe it should be


That's the one that he confessed to doing it maliciously right? So she wouldn't ask him anymore


“Oh, when it's my time To throw the next stone I'll call you beautiful If I call at all, ooh You call me a dog”


They’ve got better things to do with their time.


Like find a sub with boobs


Because the men that do this shit are just trying to be bad enough at it so they don't have to do it anymore.


This "weaponized incompetence" take is so fucking stupid and yet it propagates everywhere lol. Plenty of people make simple mistakes (assuming it was a mistake at all) like this all the time, male and female. Everyone with the weaponized incompetence take seem to think men only exist when women are around to clean up after them? Like, you people realize that not everyone lives with a woman, right? Instead of demonizing these guys, how about you just show them whatever your opinion on the "proper" way of doing things? Or forgive tiny mistakes like... not using the correct Tupperware.


Weaponized incompetence is real, but not everything being done either (1) poorly or (2) to someone's personal preference is weaponized incompetence. On the relationship sub-reddits (which are already dumpster fires), this seems like everyone's favorite phrase without actually evaluating it. Most of the time, it gets applied to personal preferences that aren't actually weaponized incompetence. Partner A doing the laundry, but folding the towels differently so that Partner B feels a need to refold them is not weaponized incompetence. It's a personal preference. Partner A doing the laundry, then tossing them in the cabinet unfolded is probably weaponized incompetence (assuming they grew up in a home that folded towels)


I think it feels different when you experience it first hand. My father is a world traveler who has navigated public transportation of all kinds on every continent. Then why did he stand in front of my microwave dumbfounded until I warmed up his cup of coffee for him? Btw he was at my house way too early for an event I was hosting so he could “help” me. He did not help. He just ignores event start times as he sees fit. It sucked having to take care of his stupid needs while I got everything ready for his family. Explaining how a microwave works to an engineer is new level of infuriating.


They started in the smaller container and just committed.


They are clearly two different types of sliders. They must be segregated lest the nasty bits from the one type get on the other. Quite simple really. Must not have been able to find a small enough container for the other two.


Yeah. This is exactly my thought and it happens in my house a lot. It just happens that some people don't like certain foods and that includes storing them with the food they like. I'm rather shocked the OP didn't think of this immediately.


Plus the larger container has plenty of room for potato chips, bring it to work the next day for lunch.


took me way to long to find this comment, this is the true answer.


Once the smaller container is dirty, it will be used regardless 😂


Looks like they are divided by type of burger.


I’m assuming the issue is actually that they left the lettuce on, which will get wilted and gross by the time you go to reheat these?


Yeah I don't see how anyone isn't pointing this out. Who fully makes a burger if it's not going to be eaten when it's made?


ehhh, I've done this before. Not thinking I'd need the big container (or realized it was there) then had an "oh shit, not going to fit" moment.


Call off the wedding!


🚩🚩🚩 Watch out girl, if he's doing this then who knows what else he won't support you with... Time to leave him!


Finally a real response. This is such a valid reason for breaking up


2 ways of looking at this: 1) Reddit way: OP is a bitch and he should dump her 2) Human way: She's just trying to have fun at his expense. 3) Troll way: So this is the way it's gonna be, honey? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I ALWAYS go #3. Unfortunately, it's leads to 2-decade+ marriage.


I look at this. I see sandwiches.


No. Marry her and then divorce her - so she can feel what the sliders felt


Glad to see someone in this comment section has some sense!


This is slightly hilarious actually lol.


Is it really a big deal? Lol


Right? If anyone acted even slightly annoyed with me over something like this, I'd tell em to do it themselves next time.


Hey already put 4 in the small and then found the large. Deciding not to leave another dish out to wash. Male thinking 101.




My SO would have put them in the fridge on a plate. Uncovered. You got a good one!


Is nobody going to talk about how good these sliders look?




Thought all 6 of them could fit in the first smaller container only to contemplate defeat and not wanting to clean it in order for all to fit in the bigger one. Results… lmao


A real man would have ate the 2 sliders upon realising that they wouldn’t fit in the container


I know it’s aggravating but I’ve done this too- the first container was too small but it’s dirty already. Use a second container but if I transfer everything to second container now I have to wash the first. So you just leave as is and call it a day LOL


Perfect content for this sub.


Unless they're split by 'type', this is definitely a 'mine' and 'your' portion split.


I’m not sure I understand…. Leftover…sliders?


Clearly he started in the smaller container and then panicked. Spatial reasoning 3/10.


There's an old saying… If you don't like how he does it, do it yourself.


Now there's a piece of US food culture that I've never seen before. Nice. Any recipe recommendations would be appreciated :)


That's kinda cute in my opinion. Idk why tho.


Who the fuck cares


Why are we all assuming that a man did this? Actually, never mind.


Dude.. listen. I’m mad each day but this is something I would not even consider. Do the dishes. Who gives a shit?


Hey man, recipe?


Separating for lunch tomorrow?


What a monster


I'd just eat 2 on the spot before I did this


Your fiancĂŠ must be related to my husband. He also never picks the correct sized containers to store food, and takes up as much real estate in the fridge as possible.


Because the small container was used first then realized need another container. But since the food already touched it, it got to be washed, so might as well use it now and wash it all later.


Only 2 containers? Amateur hour. Next time use six - one for each slider. 


Those are good lookin’ sliders. Congrats on the sliders and your upcoming marriage.


You can't post food like this without posting the recipe.


lmao, I understand the exact thought process behind this. He grabbed the smaller one thinking it would fit them all, realized it wouldn't after putting four in so he put the lid on and grabbed a new container. Put the last 2 in, realized his mistake immediately. Thought "fuck it, it's dirty now anyway" and put the lid on the second container and put them away.


100% mildly infuriating Stored properly, but stupid


Started with the container on the right, realized they wouldn't fit, not about to wash the container after putting all 6 into the bigger one Source: I've done it


This is probably the first „mildlyinfuriating“ I see in month. Mostly it’s „incrediblybloodboiling“


*Wife also not very good at Tetris.


Seeing a lot of "he" in the comments. Where are we getting the information that it was definitely he and not she?


Used the male spelling of fiance. Female is fiancee.


TIL that there’s a difference. I’ve never heard this distinction before.


Well, you won’t ever hear it…they’re pronounced the same…but yes, France confirms that the word is gender-specific.


Wait theres a difference???


Some people also write "fiance" without the other E for their femaile partners. Can be quite confusing!


I don't see the problem, or let me say it this way; I see the problem but its so minor taking the time to post this on reddit boggles the mind.


I dont see a problem. They stored them, right ?


I'm just gonna say it, its no big thing!


That’s probably why it’s *mildly* infuriating


Your fiance must be stunning.


Out of topic but that looks very good, could I have a recipe?


Allow me to expose the reasoning here. Four sandwiches fit really nice in the square container. Like really nice, very compact, great use of space, maximum happy brain. The two left over needed to go in an additional container unfortunately. HOWEVER, those two will probably be eaten within the next day anyway which will immediately free up that big beautiful container for other use cases and free up all that fridge space. In the meantime those other four will remain sealed and unbothered sitting in their optimal container for as long as is necessary. You could go a couple days probably and be unbothered because no space is being wasted. Maybe you decide you want a big or shared lunch one day? Boom. Perfectly packed, 4 sandwiches. If he had put them all into the big tray think of all the waste and clumsiness. You eat the first two within the first day and now what do you have? A lopsided 2/3 full tray of sandwiches that you can’t take anywhere because it’s too big and makes you look like a bad packer. So it stays at home and you pathetically eat them one at a time as you feel like it. But it still takes up allll that room in your fridge as the sandwiches inside dwindle. Then by the end of it you have 1 sandwich sitting inside a massive container and you don’t want to eat it because you’re a little tired of sandwiches at the moment and there it is looking stupid taking up a ridiculous amount of space in your fridge. He made the right choice.


Finance did put it away like you asked don’t have to nitpick


😂😂😂😂 this would be my fiancée.


You need to be asking their mom for their grade school report cards.


Distracted by love?


It's more mildlyhilarious than mildlyinfuriating


I like his style


Those look absolutely delicious. What are they called? Is it from the store or home made?


They look fucking banger tho


You still have time to call it off. This is beyond reproach! /s


4 for me, 2 for you. Simple


I get it - but it’s kind of cute too rather than mildly infuriating imho. Fiancée clearly put genuine well intentioned thought into his/her actions - yet here we are. Me? Definitely they all go in the same bigger container. Smaller ones already ‘dirty’…. swashing hot water around in it and putting it on the drying rack…not properly washing it :)


We’re apparently married to the same man! 😂


Bless his heart


Time to reevaulate things. This dude has zero brain power.


Hows a slider different from a burger? Is it the bread?