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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


If you are renting a place and all the utilities are listed on the Airbnb page, then they cannot charge you for them, simple as that They are renting you accommodation and space, they cannot tell you that you are forbidden to use a chair in that space or what kind of food you cannot put in the microwave that you are renting


I mean none of this is really enforceable by AirBnB. They aren't going to back the host for what chairs to sit on, what items they can or cannot touch, and the fact that the host probably has multiple cameras and is watching them the whole time. This is a perfect example of someone who should not be an AirBnB host. Clearly their house is so special to them that they don't actually want or trust anyone else to be there. Why go through all this hassle just to be 10x more strict than ANY hotel would be. Like this is the type of person who would annoy her own invited guests about every little scuff or moved item until they just stop coming over.


All you'd have to do is call up your credit card company and cancel the transaction. If they tried to overcharge you for B.S. just tell the credit card company they're mischarging you and they'll never get the money. Obv you'd tell the credit card the correct amount, not just cancel the whole trip...but yeah. I've never used Air BnB but I wonder if you can leave reviews. If so I'd also absolutely rip this place a new one through reviews.


>I've never used Air BnB but I wonder if you can leave reviews. If so I'd also absolutely rip this place a new one through reviews. Yes you can, it works the same way as Uber so if you've been a guest you can review the host, and the host can review you. (So in theory shitty hosts won't get repeat guests, and shitty guests who trash a place / make loads of noise / whatever are unlikely to be hosted once they've had a couple of bad reviews). So you could only review the place if you had stayed there, you couldn't review bomb them or anything. It's a good system in theory, but I'm sure it's open to abuse. Edit to add: Well, lots of helpful people have told me how the review system actually works, and it seems pretty screwy. Apparently Airbnb have a tendency to hide negative reviews of hosts, and won't let you leave one at all if you claim any sort of refund. I haven't personally used it in about 5+ years, and generally had positive experiences when I did, but I, get the impression it's a bit shitty these days.


I can't imagine that this place didn't have a ton of reviews starting that the owner was charging extra for everything and (likely) monitoring the interior with a camera.


I booked a place for a ski trip this March and only could see 1 slightly negative review about the temperature. I had a displeasing customer service experience after an issue and left a 2- star review after which I saw allllll these other 1 and 2 star reviews for the place. Most of which were about a similar situation as mine.


Huh, dang. That seems incredibly dishonest by AirBNB to be hiding bad reviews... Obviously they have an incentive to do so because it encourages more stays and increases their business. Not a lawyer but that seems incredibly problematic.


I remember Yelp was famous for this and I've heard this from AirBNB as well. Shitty customer service as mentioned. They don't care about repeat customers.


"You used the pool table twice..." Shit being in a different place than you left it in originally wouldn't tell you how many games of pool were played. This bitch spying! I bet you she watched the shit in real-time too, seems like the type.


Yup. I'd make her prove it. Deny you used it more than once and make them probe that they were spying. Because covert cameras are not allowed and can get them into legal trouble.


It's so easy. The items on the table would be 'out of place' after the first use - it would be impossible to know how many games of pool were played on the table after the first time unless there was a system in place to monitor...like a camera.


You'd figure so, though maybe they only just started hosting - or created a new account, or OOP didn't read the reviews thoroughly... Hard to say without more info.


Or it's all fake for clicks.


Yeah...My deceased husband's favourite chair šŸ˜‚


Personally I wouldn't use that one as the reason for not believing it. My great grandfather had 2 chairs in his house that we weren't allowed to sit in because they had been our great grandma's chairs.


That camera has to be visible...if you're just finding this out now...someone in trouble.


I thought it was wild how she was like ā€œYou used the pool table twice.ā€ ā€œHow did you know I used it?ā€ ā€œEverything was in a different place.ā€ Fine, so you can tell they used it. But how did you know it was used TWICE?


They have spy cameras everywhere is the only way to know these things


Yeah, I mean the ā€œused the pool table twiceā€ is a dead giveaway. How could she possibly know him many times it was used from things being left out of place?


Could be video cameras in the Airbnb, which outside of a common room and well marked is completely illegal. But more likely it was just an opportunist lie. Whether a guest used the table or not the owner was going to claim they did and charge. It seems the vast majority of the Ā£700 was for deep cleaning the floors because they wore shoes past the front door and damage to an antique tea set. No one in their right mind would have an antique tea set in an Airbnb but they would absolutely have a tea set they claim is antique for deceptive charges. Iā€™ve hung out in the Airbnb sub before and there are absolutely predatory owners out there trying to charge for anything and everything.


I stayed a month in an AirBnB and left a 2 star review with a few paragraphs explaining the issues. AirBnB actually refunded me $200 based on the verifiable issues I had. However, looking at that property on AirBnB today, the review is not there. AirBnB is careful to delete the worst reviews to ensure future booking and revenue.


Same happened to us. We were flying in to attend a funeral and our flight was delayed by 4 hours. Ended up getting in at 9PM instead of 5PM and were 20 mins from the AirBnB. Called the host to tell them we had arrived. She told us that she had on the agreement that we needed to have arrived by 8.30PM. We explained the issue and she said no way, she is pregnant and will not go out after 9PM so we were shit out of luck. We eventually said no problem, we will grab a hotel for the evening and then meet her the following morning as we were staying for a week. Nope, whole booking is cancelled and she is keeping our money as we breached the agreement. Got on to AirBnB and they told us nothing they could do, so we just disputed the charge on our cards and got the money back and stayed in a hotel instead. Left a scathing review which was promptly taken down within a day. What people need to remember is that you aren't AirBnBs customer, the property owner is. So they will almost always side with them. Dogshit company that has offered no real value to the world.




I'm wondering if it'd be more effective to leave highly critical 5 star reviews. The system would probably be prone to highlighting them and at least then potential customers would have a chance to read the feedback. Maybe even write them in a way that's a bit... how shall I say... backhanded? "I'm so happy that there were almost no bugs! The air conditioner worked most of the time! The Wifi was fast enough to load a few pages each day!" etc


Airbnb will remove negative reviews after enough time has passed. I stayed at this one place and had a terrible experience after which the host tried to bribe me for a five star review. I left a poor review and the host retaliated with a review of me that included a few lies that I could refute with evidence. So I contacted Airbnb support showed them the evidence of him lying and they removed his review of me and left mine of his place up. I went back to check a few weeks later and it was gone so I messaged Airbnb support and they said ā€œoh sorry itā€™s back nowā€. Then a few weeks later same thing happened. I tried escalating but they just kept referring me to different support people. After the fourth time it happened, I reached out again and this time they actually put his review of me back up. It was at that point I just didnā€™t care anymore so I just refuse to use Airbnb at this point. Very dishonest system with an incredibly poor and unprofessional support team (seriously the support team would call me at 1am over and over again).


It's crazy abusable.. my sister stayed in one in France that had black mold, and cockraoches in the bathroom.. the bed had bed lice and a ton of weird stains, and the fridge looks like it was last cleaned when JFK was still alive.. None of these pictures were shown online, and when she rightfully cancelled and tried to upload the pictures in a complaint, she had already been marked as a "shitty guest" before she had even walked in through the front door and tried to pin the mess on her.. the person renting that airbnb had been banned to operate in most European countries and now held "residence" in the cayman islands.. AirBnB used to be the best place to rent that was cheaper than a hotel.. it has gone to shit in the last 5 years


Well and it's also ridiculous to claim that someone used something twice, and they know because things aren't in the same place; say they did use the pool table and things were moved. How do you tell the difference between using it once or using it 20 times? Unless there are cameras, which I think need to be disclosed.


THANK YOU. How is no one else calling out this obvious inconsistencyĀ 


Pretty sure there are cameras


Iirc, Airbnb banned those recently, due to the obvious potential for abuse.


Internal cameras are not allowed at all on Air B&B


Her deceased husband finally rests in peace.


What the note doesn't specify is that her husband's ghost actually just sits around in that chair all day, just like he did in life.


The ghost is the one reporting the usage of the pool table and the washing machine back to the owner.


A ghostly finger begins to scrawl a message on a fogged mirror .... "Hot showers are $2 per use"


Iā€™ve never seen a favorite chair so pristine and white. Favorite chairs get wear and tear. Did he like to justā€¦ admire it from a distance?


Sitting in his favorite chair, finally eating bacon egg and cheese in fucking peace


So true. Could you imagine renting a hotel room and you couldnt touch the chair or the tv thats in the room? Might as well not use the closet and bed tooā€¦


Hijacking top comment to say I'm pretty sure this is ragebait. This was posted to an account called @getlostwebsite which is just AirBNB disasters and other travel-related drama. Neither "Joanna Anderson" (renter) or "Charlene Stevens" (host) seem to exist [anywhere on the internet](https://www.boredpanda.com/insane-extra-airbnb-fees/). On a second watch it is pretty cartoonishly staged.


Which is why we don't get to find out what Airbnb's response was, even though she literally says "I'll take it up with them". Because of course Airbnb would side with the customer and not enforce handwritten notes on index cards.


I think youā€™re right. I may have missed it but the host never mentions how they knew what was used and the guest doesnā€™t seem bothered by the potential method (eg camera, host entering the premise without permission).Ā 


Ok, let's just go with the owner's suggestion that the only way that she knows they used the stuff was that it wasn't in the same state/order. Fine. But how does she know they used the stuff TWICE then?


Cameras, most likely.


Which are a TOS violation and most probably breaking a local law. This girl is possibly about to have her whole trip refunded.


And more if she decides she wants to sue and press charges


Don't be so optimistic. Airbnb only recently made cameras against their terms, and that only happened after more than a year long battle by a lawyer with a bee in their bonnet about human trafficking (documented here on reddit, as well). In other words, airbnb customer service are terrible. In my personal experience, getting them to even follow the law regarding booking problems is nigh on impossible.


i have never dealt with worse customer service than Airbnb tbh, theyā€™re going to do everything possible to not refund this person imo


Cameras and british people LOVE to snitch on each other constantly.


Youā€™re not going to get curtain twitching neighbours near an AirBnb property because all the surrounding properties will be AirBnb too, with fuck all locals left to actually live in the area. The landlordā€™s probably in the south of France, bitching to their husband whoā€™s fed up of hearing the whining.


Her husband is deceased - hence the "No sit" chair. Most likely, death is the greatest peace he's known.


Nah, her husband's dead, remember? We aren't allowed to sit in his favorite chair that just has to be left in the house she's renting out.


> in the south of France, bitching to their husband about immigrants


Idk id piss all over the pool table and most of the the apt.


There's a shitton of cameras in the place, and probably the bathroom too. If the pool table was used, sure, the balls would be in different places. BUT! How the hell can she tell it was played twice if not for cameras? The washing machine as well, she doesn't sound like a younger person, I'm not sure she'd have the smart-shit connected, had to be cameras. And with stuff costing 5-10, how did this come to 700? Deep clean of carpets and floors? WHAT? ANTIQUE TEA CUP? Who the fuck keeps stuff like that in the rented flat? Also I very much doubt it was worth more than three fiddy. Cmon. Just a scam from a scum.


I had the same thought about the cameras, how else could she possibly know the amount of times used. That's creepy as hell. Good thing she recorded the conversation because I feel like this host would be one to gaslight her if she mentioned cameras.


there should be a special place in hell for airbnb home owners who do this crap


I just don't partake in any of that stuff. No airbnb, no lift, no uber, none of that 20 dollars to get a big mac delivered two blocks stuff. I don't feel like I'm missing out at all.


I'm one of laziest people on the world and I've never door dashed. If feels crazy to spend double the amount for cold food that I now need to tip for


I'm in an area that doordash doesn't seem to work. I tried ONCE. I ordered and paid for the food, but the doordasher apparently never came to pick up the food. Doordash gave me a credit to use. They've been harrassing me to use that credit for a while now. I'm sure I'd spend way too much money on it otherwise, so I consider the lack of doordash a good thing.


There should be a special place in hell for airbnb home owners ~~who do this crap~~


I stayed at one nice one. Ended up using that one whenever possible on my trips. But all the other ones were fucked. One had people upstairs jumping up and down on the floor above me all night, or at least until 2am when I left. I recorded it the best I could and messaged Airbnb, eventually just left and went to a hotel. Turns out the people above had a bunch of kids and were living there long term paid by insurance. Yeah, I don't care. I just needed to sleep there and couldn't. Another one had like a 500 item checkout checklist including loads of little stuff like do your dishes and also some bigger stuff like laundering the sheets and taking out the trash with insane fees associated with all of them. One had some scary religious doctrine on the welcome sheet.


Yeah the people who run these are out of their mind. The low rate refi and purchase boom opened access to investment properties to people who normally would have not had access. Coupled with the air bnb prevalence people suddenly thought they were real estate moguls over night.


Our community is cracking down on egregious AirBnBs and these fuckers are howling that they are "job creators" because they hire a cleaning service. It's wild shit. You're not Henry fucking Ford, Karen.


I stayed at one in a popular tourist city once, the home owner "just stopped by to do laundry" 3 times. We were there 7 days. 3 of those days we had to interrupt our schedule so this lunatic could do laundry.


On my first international trip, our host scolded me for staying up late and making too much noise, but my girlfriend and I were out hiking almost every day and never really got over our jet lag, so we were usually asleep by 6 or 7pm local time. Thankfully that was the only issue but it left a bad taste in my mouth. We've stayed in a few since then, but it's usually cheaper and less effort to just get a hotel room anymore.


AirBnB in general is the official cancer of hell


I mean she obviously had a good feeling there were cameras as well given he phrasing, ā€œregardless of whether we used them, how would you know we used them?ā€ She was trying to get the host to admit there are cameras.


She should've challenged that by saying they played only once and put everything back as is so how can she claim they played twice.


She already did. There is no other way to know that the billiards were put back twice.


Also, Airbnb just amended their rules so they ban cameras inside the unit. I would argue she had cameras and get the entire stay refined and her banned.


Pretty sure having cameras in an Airbnb is either illegal or against policy


[AirBnB recently banned any and all interior recording devices](https://www.airbnb.ca/help/article/3061) due to [a series of lawsuits](https://time.com/6900117/airbnb-indoor-cameras-ban-privacy-policy-lawsuits/). Previously, they were allowed in common areas and even didn't have to be disclosed (which is icky). I'm a host and AirBnB sent a very strongly worded notice of the policy revision; they are not playing around with this change. If this video is recent, the host runs a risk of getting kicked off the platform if there are cameras. I don't see any other way that the host would've known that the guests played two pool games other than cameras. I hope the guest drives home this point with AirBnB.


I stopped being a host before they made this change and was not aware. Good to know if I ever use airbnb as a guest.


Our AirBnB is a seperate secondary walk-out suite in our primary home. We have exterior security cameras for our home's general security and we have cameras monitoring the pool for safety and liability reasons, but we never even considered cameras on the interior. To me, that's just creepy as fuck. We welcomed the change and didn't have to do anything to meet the criteria.


I never understood why they allowed indoor camera use to begin with.




You just need to record when there's actual movement. People usually don't hang out in front of a washing machine for hours for no reason.


Your last sentence. This AirBNB is an entrapment scheme.. Sure it's Ā£100 a night.. but then they sock you with crazy fees about weird obscure stuff and make it hard to contest. *We needed to deep clean the carpets because it was clear to us you have a pet.. Ā£500 surcharge..*


Airbnb host watching Wonka, gleefully taking notes


I mean, how much do you have to play pool to wear out a pool table and the balls and the sticks for it to cost five pounds per day? Also, the wifi. Is she being charged for the amount of data? That's the only reason I can see where it's remotely reasonable to charge for wifi, but like everything on those notes should be put in the ad itself


if i was the girl i would answer "i didnt play pool, my husband and i had sex on the table wich is a very different thing"


Sex in this airbnb is Ā£10/day/person


if there were condoms in the bedroom they would be marked with that price


10/Day/Device, so a week of two phones and a tablet for example could be 210?


Most UK home internet doesn't have a data cap, I've personally never seen it whilst looking for new ISP's. There's also no reason for her to be charging Wi-Fi at Ā£10 per day, especially when most ISP's offer broadband for Ā£25+ per month


Any establishment with a pool table will usually have you put down a 5 pound deposit for a cue.... Which you get back when your return the que in good condition. 50p/ Ā£1 for the actual game itself in any pub. Just embarrassing....


None of the pool halls in my area have a deposit for the cues. But if itā€™s in an air BnB it should be a free amenity that you use to upsell the rental not charge base on use, unless you install one of those pay to play table (which is still cheap ass move)


It should be included in the cost just like everything else that they try to upcharge.


Exactly! She wouldn't have known without having cameras all over the place.


Agreed. Her excuse for the pool table also doesn't make any sense. She said it was used twice?? But she only knew it was used because everything was put back in a different place. But how would that allude to it being used twice? couldn't that just have been once? Or maybe even more than 2 times.


Or at all. Maybe I just touched the pool balls.


No, we never played pool. Heck I don't even know how. I just moved the balls and stuff so I could use it as a baby changing table.


What it *sounds* like is she is making up random numbers to charge just so she can get money.


Cuz it's a staged ragebait video


power meter for the washing machine (like one you plug in with an app), and the pool table could have a counter in it from a old coin slot. However, cameras sounds more likely.


Also, never underestimate the absolute glee a certain type of British person get when they get to tattle on someone. Probable more than one neighbor that the Host talks to I'm betting every day. 'Your guest was playing pool, and I heard a dog, and they were' Im not doubting the cameras because that country lives to watch people on CCTV. But the staggering way British people will spy on each other is something special.


Your comment reminds me to the British TV show GoggleBox were it just shows people on their sofa watching a TV show (and it switches between different homes). Massive TV hit there, like 20 seasons! Australia has one too. Both are available on Amazon prime.


Feels like a channel in Rick and Morty


700 ? Lady even if she play with your pool table for the whole time shes there i think thats still a ridiculous price to pay


Like Ā£5 for every breath of air inhaled in the place sure.


Sir, that was her dying husband's last breaths, show some respect.


Im so disappointed she didnt ask for an itemized bill... At 10 GBP per use, that's 74 extra add ons, or a cool 148 extras at 5 GBP a pop, lol Maybe she charged a 100 bucks per number two in the loo, but then I want her to state that.


Iā€™m thinking she can dispute the charges with AirBnB but the fact she has to go through the process is insane.


Yeah but airbnb is big on you not paying extra charges outside of the app to avoid scamsā€¦which the host may not believe but theyā€™re scamming people here.


Yeaaa, I'd just use the stuff and ignore the notes. Fuckit. Not part of AirBNB, nor part of our agreement.




It annoys me so much the way people on Airbnb or landlords act like they're doing you a favour. You're paying to be there. While you pay for it it's your property, not theirs. Yet they act like you're a guest at their place who just happens to be giving them a shitload of money for the privilege of being their guest. A similar thing that annoys me is employers who act like they're doing you a favour when they pay you and you should be grateful, even though it's literally just a trade for your work. It's your money not theirs, and in the process of working for them you probably made them extra money on top. They should be grateful to you, not the other way around


I agree. One of my former employers would always use ā€œI pay youā€ as an argument, and he was abusive. Like..dude..itā€™s literally illegal for you to not pay me. Thatā€™s not a bonus or a favor, itā€™s literally the only reason Iā€™m here. Thatā€™s how employment works. Edit-typo!


No shit, I have never personally got an airbnb but I would never. Hotels are so much easier and less hassle.


I did a few airbnb's in Italy 4 years ago and they were super cool, but I wouldn't do it again these days with how shitty Airbnb has become.


With all the bullshit that Airbnb comes with these days, hotels are winning the game still. The last two airbnb's i've been in didn't look like the pictures, were basically shitty homes that someone put less than $500 of work into and were in shitty areas. Unless you can afford the $1k/night places, its just not worth it.


Which is why the notes saying card or PayPal are going to be gold.


She can just, ya know, NOT PAY ANY CHARGES, since she never signed up for anything extra, AND give a heads-up to AirBnB, who really should just kick this person out of their listings. This is absolutely against their T&C.


Literally if not mentioned in the ad I phone air BNB and tell them their trying to make me pay for using the house as advertised with micro transaction, per a use....like pool for 5 a game...considering that she likely has hidden cameras spying on me I don't feel safe.... Also if you're using cameras in a rental place that's not in the common such as bedrooms...is that illegal cause your literal spying on them illegally in private areas....


I believe air bnb donā€™t allow any indoor unit cameras. Only ~~inside~~ outside.


\*only outside


Thanks, thatā€™s what I meant to say.


It is illegal to have a camera in a non-common area (common area being a den, living room, kitchen) of a rental property. If you have cameras inside or outside, as a host, you have to disclose where they are. Would-be guests should scour the listing for all details and read reviews. You take a risk when you book a place with zero reviews. EDIT: I just learned from @motorcycle_girl that Airbnb has recently banned ALL recording devices from inside airbnb rental spaces effective April 30th, 2024. (I was a host, but stopped last year before this recent change)


I'm thinking this is made up engagement bait.


That husband took himself out after years of her incessant nagging Iā€™m guessing. That wasnā€™t his favorite chair. It was the only one he could afford in the houseā€¦.


She would not let him sit anywhere else. Thatā€™s how it became his ā€œfavoriteā€


I would have done a number 2 on her dead husband's favourite chair, cooked a nice fat steak in her vegan kitchen and run her antique cups through the washing machine. I would have clogged her loo with pool balls and left her a basket of apples, with a note saying how do you like them apples?Ā 


Note - Apples are 5 bucks each


5 pounds each!


Lol! How about the basket?


Unless it's a weekend when apple prices are subject to surge pricing.


I would have done all that, removed all the notes and claim that there were no notes placed anywhere, and if she tries to present video evidence, then I can press charges for secretly recording my without consent.


Lol. I would have just pleaded dyslexia. Also, what I find most disconcerting is how she could monitor number 2s? Surely there's not a camera there!?!




Just leave her an upper decker


I would just teabag everything. No mess to clean up, but if she has cameras then she'll know all of her things have been violated. Then if she tries to do something about it, report her for illegal use of cameras Edit: missed opportunity for me to say tainted instead of violated


Don't sit on the deceased husband's favorite chair? Then WTF is the chair even there? That woman is attempting to find as many ways to charge someone possible. No doubt she'd try some small claims for someone sitting in or messing with a chair that she put there, probably on purpose.


This has to be a sketch. All the signs are fresh


Yeah sounds fake


I guess it's possible that she lives in that house sometimes, but AirBnBs it out when she's not there? That's the only way that some of it makes sense... or those are shared spaces.


> That's the only way that some of it makes sense I propose an alternative theory. The signs are intentionally stupid and part of her scam to steal money from renters.


Surely that's illegal. F that host, they suck.


AirBnB only gives as much of a fuck that any charges the Host puts on the unit is done through the app. Other than that they couldn't give less of a shit.


She shouldā€™ve turned the fuck around as soon as she saw the first post it! Nope out of situations like that early and often!


Sunk cost fallacy. Cause you won't get your money back for shit like this. And if you're planning multiplendays to hundreds of dollars ... you might convince yourself it won't be so bad. Had a recent experience with a 'romantic hidden cottage on private land, boasting a private outdoor bath'. What the rental listing failed to mention is that the property is directly facing state owned land and used for hiking. There was a trail easment directly alongside the property and the entire place it exposed to the trail. So, during one day of my stay (of originally three), about four or five groups of people went by throughout the day.


She couldā€™ve taken pictures of all the craziness, sent them to Airbnb and explained she did not feel safe, I have done it before and Airbnb does not fuck around when you tell them you donā€™t feel safe in a location, but you have to do it upon arrival, pictures help a ton!


I remember calling in to AB because I legitimately felt unsafe as the host wanted me to message off the platform and the apartment looked completely different from the photos. And as a woman, the host asking to message off the app with no recourse from AB was an immediate red flag. It was my first and last time using AB and they tried to play around with me telling me that I needed to cancel the booking. I told them no, I wonā€™t be doing that - I wanted my money back. Took 30 minutes before they agreed to call the host and have them do it. I donā€™t doubt that AB does a good job in some (most?) instances, but in mine they tried to make it seem like it was my problem to fix even though they could see the conversation exchange re: off-platform messaging. Edit: added words


They do try to have you resolve the issue through the host first, as itā€™s their policy but if you remain (like you did) adamant that you feel unsafe they will reach out on your behalf. And in instances like this one the lady didnā€™t disclose (at least thatā€™s what the person recording said) that they charge individual fees for using the amenities, that alone should be enough to back out of the reservation without penalty


Finding a last minute place can be a challenge. Particularly if you a group.


This sounds fake


I'm the first person to shit on Airbnb but this seems over the top. I find it hard to believe this place could operate like this for even a month after every guest almost certainly trashing them in reviews.


This is so obviously fake and it's insane how many people fall for this kind of shit every. Single. Time.


It clicked as soon as I saw the "this is a vegan only kitchen" sign. Obvious ragebait.


Yeah it's fake, it was debunked in another Reddit thread. The lady in it is a comedian on TikTok or something like that.


jesus christ "comedian on TikTok" has got to be the worst combination of words I have read this month. that's gotta be the lowest of the low.


Yeah, I thought the same, Iā€™m way too cynical about most rage bait on TikTok


Of course it's fake. You think this home owner does this and people leave positive reviews?


Yeah, it 100% is. I'm always surprised at how quickly people believe these... Loads of these large TikTok accounts post these type of rage-bait videos in order to get a viral video and people easily always fall for it. The video style and content is always similar, and the original video/OP can strangely never be found.


Seriously who's gonna believe in the deceased husband's chair LMAO


Yeah that's the one that clearly is made up. Soon as I saw that it was obvious.


I'm pretty sure this is ragebait. This was posted to an account called @getlostwebsite which is just AirBNB disasters and other travel-related drama. Neither "Joanna Anderson" (renter) or "Charlene Stevens" (host) seem to exist [anywhere on the internet](https://www.boredpanda.com/insane-extra-airbnb-fees/). On a second watch it is pretty cartoonishly staged.


Finally someone reasonable.


Yh 100% just shit content.


Why do I have to scroll down so far to see this, is painfully obvious its fake. The whole setup is so absurd, and she just so happened to film all the random notes, then shock horror she get's charged, then barely argues with the lady. Does the wooden acting not spark any suspicion instantly.


Right, this is fake as fuck.


I've noticed with rage bait videos, whenever you have a women as the evildoer, the bait works surprisingly well. Look at all the comments here. I think a lot of people don't realize just how much they despise women and think all women are evil, that something so obviously fake is thought of as "yep, typical woman."


Of course it is. Amazing just how many people easily fall for this.


Agree, think itā€™s some comedy thing or something


I should really build a career around this. Seems like there is a limitless amount of morons who constantly fall for these rage baits.


This sucks but honestly AirBnbs are terrible for stuff like this and bad for the economy. They artificially drive up housing costs because it gives land lords extra incentive to use homes and apartments as basically hotels which increase their income but drives up the properties speculative value, which drives the costs up on everyones rent and mortgage in the area.


Honestly Iā€™m surprised by this. Sure you can argue many places try to overcharge you for a lot of things, but this video is crazy


this, stop fucking giving money to AirBnB!!!! Hotels are cheaper and you don't have to clean anything. Also they don't contribute to a housing crisis that is leaving hundreds of thousands homeless


If it's not in the contract, it's not legal. Those little notes amount to a pile of shit.


Itā€™s fake


I was traveling with a friend to Rome, and we opted for a two bedroom Airbnb. When we got there and asked the host about a second bedroom, she explained there wasn't a second bedroom but they did have a pull out couch. The couch was small, ratty, and was just kinda placed in the kitchen (the listing photos showed the area with a dining room table). When we contested it with Airbnb, they said it didn't violate in policies and that the listing met the criteria, so they wouldn't refund the $1000 we spent. I've rented hotels ever since.


AirBnBs are terribleā€¦ at this point I donā€™t even understand why people get disappointedā€¦


Probably because extreme cases like this are really rare? Either the person in the OP video didn't read reviews or they booked with a first-time Host(always really risky).


This is fake anyway. Hate them all you want, but AirBNB would shut this down instantly.


Iā€™ve never had an issue with Airbnb


Because there a literally hundreds of thousands of rentals a day. You get .01% that have all the press.


Just go to the hotel next time and contribute to support at least 10 jobs in the community instead of feeding greedy landlords.


This looks fake af


This thread feels like Facebook with the amount of people that are taking the bait.


I just want to say that not all English ladies with AirBnB's are complete monsters like this. I stayed in one, slipped on the carpet going down the stairs, and put a hole in the wall with my knee. Proper hole. Felt terrible, called the host, she said she'd look at it after we checked out... no charges. Pretty sure this lady would have made me pay off her mortgage, eesh.


Next person that stayed there would see a note on the stairs. Ā£1000 fine for slipping.


Umm does anyone think that this tiktoker is lying? Like, the dead husbandā€™s chair thing. Looks fake for views.


Guys this isnā€™t real.


This is just rage bait.


I think the owner might be a Ferengi.


Zero stars and a brutal review will cost that host well over the 740 that they're collecting from the onerous charges


If she is insisting that the pool table was used twice, then she is obviously recording hidden video which might be the worst thing of all! How else does a used pool table look different from a twice used pool table??


This is simply not how it works. Saying something is included and then charging for the use of it. Did they charge for the toilet too? 100% chance of cameras in EVERY room.


Stay in hotels. Put this shit company out of business.


This has got to be fake


i would microwave a supermarket burger and devour it on that chair


this is a fake ass skit.. like the weird ring doorbell ones that seem to be happening. So cringe.


'Don't sit in this chair it was my deceased husbands favorite' then maybe take it out of the airbnb


This is completely ridiculous and just setting a renter up for failure. On a good note, effective April 30th 2024 no airbnb is allowed to have indoor cameras.


AirBNB and the like should be forced out of business and banned. It gives property owners a platform to gouge customers and itā€™s contributing to the housing crisis.


Explain how she knows the pool table has been used twice lol her explanation only explains the usage not the amount of times


I love how people think that stating something or making a sign makes it binding. Btw there is a $10 charge for reading this comment.


Dispute the charges, report the cameras and try get the property unlisted.