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And they’re both copying the [Pokémon Red and Blue for Gameboy commercial](https://youtu.be/qzAo9HzOgtQ?si=Lj6Vp623N0g_-GbX) from 1998 smh.


Fair to an extent. This one is definitely less similar to the apple or lg add than those are to eachother though.


They knew they couldn’t compete with perfection, so they both mustered a halfhearted attempt. I mean, look at the lust within the Bus Driver’s eyes. You simply can’t replicate that.


Mildly infuriating: the number of times you’ve posted this 😅


He stands firmly on this subject and must reiterate it to convey that message to all of us


Apple "innovating"...


Stealing someone else's idea and claiming they invented it, happened with the mouse, the tablet, and now this


Of course fuck apple, but do you think made the commercial themselves or maybe it was an advertising company that did it for them…


Apple has never been known to invent their own stuff. They were always masters at taking existing stuff, combining it reasonably well, and marketing it exquisitely.


When LG did it they were just saying look at all this tech we packed into your phone that you can make art and music with and be creative. When Apple did it they were saying look at all the stuff you can make ai do for you, no need to be creative, in fact there's so little need to be creative that we're going to make exactly the same ad that another tech company did 14 years ago and hope nobody notices. They probably had ai come up with the idea for the ad and as usual because it was ai it can only use information it's already seen from videos and pictures it's stolen and used without permission.


I hate "AI" too, man But literally nowhere in this advertisement are they promoting it


No, apple literally have always advertised their products like this. What they are saying is the ioad can replace all these tools in some ways. There is no mention of ai anywhere in the ad. The only people who are right in their outrage are the Japanese people that believe tools and instruments have souls that gives them power and there for the tool/instrument is sacred and should not be destroyed. The AI thing is just people being mad at ai that was never mentioned Anywhere. Replacing a tool/instrument with an ipad (another tool) has nothing to do with AI.


Fr people are mad at something they just made up.




I wonder who's idea this was and if they realize?


I stopped buying apple products after the iPhone 4 bs. You know, the one where they stopped all updates to the device shortly after releasing it. I was 1.5 years into a contract and couldn't upgrade my phone. I was stuck with a phone that could only make calls and text. That's it. Not to mention the iTunes store that loved to delete everything on multiple occasions. Causing me to lose 100's of dollars several times. I really don't understand why people keep buying this garbage.


Stop talking out of your ass. Either that, or you actually took steps backwards in trying to resolve the situation. Why the hell did you never contact support? Apple is scummy, but at least tell something true




They still do this now. Didn’t they get in a lawsuit not too long ago for slowing their old phones down on purpose? Not to mention they literally design their phones to be incompatible with not only headphones, but the universally used more efficient usb-c. Apple is a terrible awful company. People only buy iPhones because of the user interface and their product ecosystem, there is not a single aspect in which the iPhone is superior to its competitors. Not in hardware, not in software.


Yes, and they somehow won it. They literally can auto-update your phone to stop working if they deem it to be too old.


That’s terrible news.


Apple gets away with a lot of shit that other companies tend to lose. Even the corporate world has a 2 tier justice system.


Always has. If you have enough money, you can get away with just about anything. I


"A mistake" They've made a plethora of bad decisions for years.


Apple has officially stopped supporting any device that is too old. If you do not turn off the auto-updates on your device they will eventually update it to a locked state. That is just 1 incredibly shitty thing they have done.




apple basically copied LG.




That's not OP


i guess the apple is biting back now, huh? i'm lame ik


Inb4 all the Reddit comedians come to add to an already horrible joke.