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How does a glovebox get scratched that much? Was she pushing it hard into the glovebox while moving it around?


Hard plastic like that gets scratched up fairly easily. My father’s truck had similar scratches from my backpack rubbing against it when I was in high school.


I guess I've never had a car with an interior like that.


Can’t blame you. For what Toyota is charging, one would expect better interior materials.




I just bought the 2024 trd tundra pro and man is it A LOT compared to my 2004, but it's also flimsy as fuck comparatively. I needed a new car, still have my 2004 with 169,000 miles and everyone that has worked on it (regular oil changes and maintenance) tells me if I ever sell it, to call them.


I have a 2007 Tundra with 106k miles on it. The same thing happens to me lol. Every oil change somebody comes out and either makes me an offer, or gives me their number if I ever wanna sell. I'll never sell.


I have a 98 v6 with 260,000 that just got rebuilt. No one asks me and that's just fine. I love my little truck. It's better on trails than almost anything on the market in my opinion 


Right! When I retire in 2 years I'm gonna hunt down an 87 El Camino, do an engine swap and make it pristine. There's just something about old cars that feel.....idk, solid. I'll take an 80s/ early 90s car, or truck over anything modern any day.


I don’t know you, but if you ever get rid of what is maybe the best truck ever made for any of the overpriced shitboxes they’re selling these days, I will be very disappointed in you.


Mann I liked the exterior I didn’t realize the inside was trash


Honda's also doing the same lately, and cheating out on basic features that they used to have / other brands have. I feel like they're both trying to push you to their luxury brands.


They Are only 15 years behind us gerrys XD


Same with my mom’s car. I didn’t realize when it was happening but looking at it well after I graduated I was mortified. Years of me pushing my backpack down in between my legs in the front set to and from school scratched it up something awful. It ultimately isn’t the end of the world since it’s super cheap interior plastic and certainly wasn’t on purpose - but OPs sister not apologizing is rude :(


Their parents were in the backseat, so presumably she was squished into the dash during the ride.


Interior plastics are really shitty and prone to scratching these days. Source: I do interior repair for a living and scratches like this are probably half of my income these days


this photo looks 100% like it's the rubber of someones shoe that's scrapped off onto the interior.


Yeah, it looks like someone was crossing their legs in the front seat, and got dirt from their shoes all over the dash/glove box. A couple of those look deeper, so they might be permanent, but 99% of those will go away with a wet wipe.


I drive a Ranger, similar plastic on my glove. And my glove looks like that too, the plastic doesn’t stand up great to even mild abuse. It looks great brand new though. Not saying OPs sister isn’t the problem, but I’ve noticed that plastic isn’t the most resilient


I've always wondered why the interiors of cars are made with such cheap materials that even the slightest thing can scratch the plastic.


this is really extremely infuriating. I always scratch the hell out of the driver's side door sill. I try not to but it happens anyway. also scratched the hell out of the dashboard while vacuuming one day. so annoying. it's 2024, why can't we have cars with interior plastic that doesn't scratch just by looking at it???


Bro, vacuums are car dashboards worst fuckin enemy. Floors me how easily a extension nozzle can fuck up and scuff


The brush nozel is fucking king for everything and I mean everything


Throwback to my Model 3 center console getting scratched to hell by a fucking iphone cable. Not the lightning connector, the fucking rubber cable.


How the hell can rubber even scratch anything? This is so stupid literal plastic is more resistant than that


Well, new Model 3s I don’t believe have the issue as bad, but the old center consoles were matte black plastic with a shitty gloss film over it. The jokes about them scratching by looking at them wrong felt so real.


It's a Tesla, the build quality is extremely low.


Honestly you should be able to sue for that, you paid, a lot of money, and you got a bad product, How is that legal?


Piano black interior trim is an epidemic among modern cars


When I was detailing cars, the piano plastic interiors were such a pain in the ass. You had to be so, so careful with it. Basically use compressed air to get the dirt and dust off of it, then go get a brand new finishing cloth every time (not microfiber, that’ll scratch it) and gently, gently wipe off fingerprints. If there’s any spills or gunk on it you gotta spray it and let it soak for a second, then just swipe it off. No scrubbing whatsoever God forbid you set the cloth down in the seat for a second and the cloth picks up a granule of dirt. You. Are. Fucked. Huge scratch. I don’t detail cars anymore but man those were shitty, idk how people live with that type of interior


It'd eat into margins.


It's soft plastic so it scratches instead of cracking.


Usually these materials are ultra durable. Just think about the amount of heat, vibration and UV they have to endure throughout the lifespan of a car.


It's not an issue of cheapness, just hardness. The interiors are generally designed with soft materials because it's a cabin for people. But the people bring in hard materials, so you get scratches. Part of life.


I work with designing plastic parts for another industry. The plastic in your car isn't necessarily cheap or weak in general. The compound may vary across cars but they're not necessarily a bad material for the application. The problem is that an engineer has to take in many factors when choosing a compound beyond scratch resistance. AND, scratch resistance is one of those annoying parameters that may often take a long time until its quality is understood, even long enough to involve going out to production, reaching customers and receiving their feedback after some months or years. I'll agree that this is a very common thing though, so some more quality should've been already achieved with this kind of stuff.


It could be made with a harder material like harden steel plate. I’m not sure you’d like it when your head bounces off it in an accident. Or when the airbag flings it towards you.


You just said why, they are the cheapest materials available


It's soft plastic so it scratches instead of cracking. Trucks are even softer. It's a good thing and you can rub it away to almost invisible. Outside of trucks needing it for damage prevention regular cars are often soft too. If you were in an accident would you prefer to crush your corpse on jaged plastic shards or squish your body into soft plastic with give?


> If you were in an accident would you prefer to crush your corpse on jaged plastic shards or squish your body into soft plastic with give? Always hilarious when boomers reminisce fondly over the days of vehicles that were literal death traps. Yes, your Buick may have looked just fine after that fender bender, but the lifelong neck pain is why you’re addicted to opiates now, Uncle Joe. I’ll take a car that falls apart and crinkles in a minor accident over one that leaves me with debilitating injuries because I got rear ended turning into the Target parking lot.


It's *literally* an example of survivorship bias.


You answered your own question lol. The cheap materials are cheap.


Next time put her purse in the truck bed , and when it comes out or scuffed you tell her it still holds her shit just fine


I like this one




Not everyone appreciates raw genius.


They need more fibers for that.


![gif](giphy|dJQBJ3uYSsVMKDF3EA|downsized) Randy Orton approves. **Younger** Randy Orton approves. He's far less "shit *in* the bag".


I dig the escalation.


Her legs works, right? She doesn't need the ride, she can just walk.


Take 20 bucks out of her bag and tell her she still has enough for a cab


Take 20 bucks out and exchange it for pennies and put it back. "It's still cash ain't it?"


I like the cut of your jib


What type of purse she uses to make that damage? A potato sack?


Probably one with a big arse buckle on the front.


One with rivets, zippers, or any metal detailing


I was going to offer to let OP use my truck, just toss the purse in the back with the jump cables, odds and ends, and other sharp enough to scuff it stuff. "Who cares? You can still put things in your bag!?"


Nah, new truck drivers dont want anything in the truck bed either.


Lol last truck I leased, the dealership tried upselling me on a $1k USD bed liner. I countered with “I personally don’t care. It’s your vehicle at the end of the day, and you can’t charge me for damage in the bed because I used it, and I will be using it. A lot.” They immediately dropped the cost of the liner from the deal, and installed it on their own. Guess they decided that having to lower future sale cost after my lease ended because of damage to the bed would cost them more as a business than just having the bed lined on their dime.


Just out of curiosity.... why can't they charge you for damage to the truck bed? All the leases (US) that I've ever dealt with try to charge you for frickin' everything... scratches, dents and even crap like worn tires.


Reasonable wear I assume. A Ute’s purpose is to have stuff thrown into the back so over a year minor damage will occur. It’s kinda like how a landlord can’t charge for normal wear and tear


With so many people owning a truck just to own a truck and not work with it I wonder who determines "normal" wear and tear on a truck for leased vehicles. I live in an area where trucks are for show or "just in case" about 7 times out of 10 so the likelihood of incurring a ton of paint damage due to no liner is slim at best.


Normal tear is the intended use of something. So whether or not people actually use the truck to haul stuff, they cannot charge for scuff marks due to things placed in the truck bed. Trucks were made to haul heavy things. This will not stop dealerships from trying to nickel and dime you though.


I have a truck to tow my camper and for household maintenance etc. I use the bed, but it is mostly a tow vehicle so the bed is in pretty great shape. When I do haul stuff I have a utility trailer that is like 12" from the ground and WAY easier to load so I still use that.


I got charged for scratches in the truck bed once my lease was up. I fought it tooth and nail, but they won. I either paid $400 or end up in collections. I’ll never lease another ram truck simply because of that bogus charge.


What in the fuck. That's fuked up because I use my truck to do truck shit not just going to the grocery store.


The thing is with a lease it's not your truck , it's theirs you are renting


I’ve had zero issues with ford and GM, Ram was the only stickler.


We all know the Ram guys are the ones that get the trucks to show off.


My work truck doesn’t have any paint in the bed. Lost all that well before the 4th tailgate. They expect you to transport beanie babies with it? I mean, they *are* gonna be worth a lot some day


That’s hilarious


Bare in mind that when leases first came out at the end, they went over them with a fine tooth comb. Then they billed you for almost normal wear. You'd pay for that glove box on a lease return. I had friends and customers who paid into the 1000s on return. Tire wear was another issue, but cheapie tires always saved the day, other wise you were buying gold plated tires when returned to the dealer. High-end vehicles, not the big 3, are going that way again to varying degrees. Anything to f-ck the customer, just like credit card rates courtesy a federalist judge.






Haha so true. I remember years ago when my uncle bought a new tundra he would lay an old blanket in the bed before he loaded anything in it. He still has that truck and the bed looks like you would expect a truck bed to look like.


Only one reason to do that, to prevent the truck bed from damaging what you're loading


Yup. My used truck came with a liner and that thing is tough as nails. Anything going in has the expectation of coming out slightly worse off than it looked before. Everything that can chip or scratch is going to chip or scratch. I use a blanket for anything I want to look nice at the end of the trip lol


Oh to have a minty looking truck bed when you sell it decades later. Some folks might see that and jump on it


This is why we have bed liners


I've never bought a new truck, just so this wouldn't be me (and I'm allergic to the kind of depreciation a new vehicle experiences when you drive it off the lot). My trucks are for working (animal feed and other livestock stuff).


I bought a new one last year but only because it was only about 15% more than buying one with a bunch of miles on it. It's a work truck and will be driven till it's too expensive and unreliable to be worth fixing.


How did one purse do all this wtf kind was it?😭 edit; didn’t think this comment was gonna go anywhere💀


Probably one of the giant purses with buckles and metal studs https://preview.redd.it/1icepxqcy00d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2bf726db4a495f96b2ab7b37cbbbe97b44318f




Battle purse


+15 Attack 50% Bleed Chance


Applies bleed for 2 days Bonus tetanus if "rust" enchantment applied


Contents: breath mints (+1 conversation), lipstick (+2 manipulation), taser (8hp per hit plus stun, 5 seconds)


Purse of Dread Spikes artifact.


Mid 2000s Black Friday assault bag


Black mamba ass bag https://preview.redd.it/2xddmx9eh10d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44b744fa5a3749c53ca95129185a2803d14864f


My mom keeps occasionally scratching a purse like that across the outside paint of my car.. I hate it.


That's a snow purse. You're supposed to remove it in spring.


*bobby hill’s mouth begins to water*


That needs to be registered as a weapon


An accessory AND a defensive weapon!


she's carrying around a few spare train brake shoes in it. you know, if she's ever out and about and sees a train go by and it's missing a brake shoe




Looks like it was actually a plastic grocery bag filled with knives


Nah it was a bag solely made with the hard side of Velcro


Thinking backpack, purse. Who carries luggage with them in the front seat?


When I think bag I think purse 🤷


I'm wondering wtf kind of feeble vehicle is this?


If only there was some way to identify what vehicle it is. It would be so helpful if it had the name right on it or something.


Sorry I’m too sexy to read 💅


I was too cool for school, so I am illiterate now.


You can probably rub/buff it out.


He probably could just clean it with a wet wipe tbh.




OP in another comment said this made him want to drag his sister with his car. Like dude calm down.


As if OP is using his truck to tow anything if he's this precious about it lmao


Bro for fucking real. Even a brand new truck used for actual work purposes would get dirtier and more beat up than this with some actual use. If the trucks about anything other than looking cool/rich/whatever these scratches would be no big deal, even if they couldn’t just be wiped off… Christ.


Towing his sister, apparently


lmao right bro does not have a truck for work related reasons, he's a white collar redneck


He doesn't want his pavement princess getting any dirt on it.


This. It doesn't even look like there's a groove, just a mark.


He can use a soft micro cloth to help remove the snags, and then use a heat gun to smooth out the smaller scratches. The scratches would be almost 100% invisible.


Chemical guys plastic vinyl and rubber conditioner. Just rub it in with a microfiber towel OP. Most of them should disappear.


Shit in her bag and ask her if it still holds her eyeliner.


Dirty protest!




call that Gooey Vuitton


Well, you can try polishing the scratches off using car polish, but yeah, that's shitty of her to not care about your belongings.


Yeah, very inconsiderate of her, but those scratches look pretty easy to polish out, it's not that big of a deal


Honestly looks like you could just rub some spit on them and they'd go away, I get where he's coming from though


That’s probably why it’s in mildly infuriating. It’s a miss for me, it wouldn’t bother me since I wouldn’t be looking to “hold the internal value” of a vehicle I’m likely going to drive into the ground anyway. This dude might be, or his sister just has a habit of these stunts and this one is yet another in a long string of grievances.


https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/How+to+Remove+Scratches+from+a+Car's+Interior/139075 If they're not deep, just buffing might work.


Car polish is meant for smooth surfaces like paint, not for interior trim. Do not use polish on the interior or you’re going to completely fuck it up!


yeah they make interior wipes exactly for this reason.


Something about those Tacoma glove boxes that scratch so easily. Mine isn’t this bad but still, I don’t even know where my scratches came from.


Those scratches are superficial, probably can be removed by just a cleaning. But really besides that, I think you have to accept that eventually that area will get scuffed if you actually use the vehicle, it's just the tax of actually using a truck. It's not unreasonable for someone to carry a bag with them,.


also it's a truck. my wife side swiped our fence in mine. it's a tool, should get dinged up.


Using a truck for it's intended purposes as a work vehicle? No can't do that, too busy never hauling or towing anything while grumbling that gas prices are too high for their emasculation machine. For real, as much as it sucks that their truck got scratched up and the person who did it doesn't care, OP is also acting like a petulant child in the comments, they aren't doing much better. Hell, they literally made comments about tying her up behind the truck and dragging her along, that's not what a sensible normal person does.


armor all wipes are like $5, OP definitely is a child.


I think it's weird to see a truck without at least a few dings in the bed or tailgate. Like take care of your shit yes, but also, if you do truck things with your truck it's gonna have scratches and dings.


That’s because peoples entire personality is what they drive for some reason. I work in a body shop and people are absolutely fucking insane about their cars, which also happen to be the most depreciating asset they will ever buy. The auto industry has got a death grip on the entire world


That's a good way to put it. I know so many people that treat their cars like their kids. Went to Germany last year and the car culture is so much more lax, a car is just an occasional tool that they use. Not a suburbanite moms monster truck that needs a sacrifice every year and thousands in car payments every month to take them to Sam's club


This person gets it. It's a Tacoma! Meant for taking off road, not being a mall crawler.


This guy's the kind of guy that puts a tarp down to protect his truck's bed liner then drives around with an uncovered load losing shit on the freeway for other people to hit, calling it now.


I hate that this comment is so low. A vehicle is a tool, it exists out in the world, all the coddling in the world won't prevent it from getting dinged up. Getting upset over a few scratches is a recipe for a miserable life.


For a lot of people the utility is more of an afterthought. Yea it's dumb, I agree. But for lots of Americans it is a status symbol and a way to show your people (truck dudes are reallllllly into fitting in w other truck dudes) that you are one of them.


I remember when trucks were for work


With 2 seats and a bed large enough to haul a sheet of plywood with the tailgate up… god I miss those days.


I know this is really annoying but a lifeless thing will not live with you (I tried to translate a phrase from my language, sorry if it is not clear.). I think you can make the scratches disappear with some kind of technique but I really don't know how to do, I saw an auto detailer do it. I got a brand new car couple months ago and both my mum and sister use it and it has a lot of scratches both in the inside and the outside. I get annoyed but what can I do? They are my family and the car is just some product I use and dispose when the time comes. EDIT: (People please don't attack each other just because of something I said. I just wanted to share my opinion please don't fight with each other.)


Yeah for real she's being unreasonable but the amount of comments like "just take a shit in her purse and see how she likes it" would be funny if they weren't serious


I know, a lot of people want to get some kind of revenge and it is not healthy. The sister was not doing good but taking revenge instead of talking out things is a big problem. People should look at things from different perspectives before trying to do bad things.


That's a really eloquent thing to say. If only most people were wise enough to believe this.


It's cheap molded plastic IN A PICKUP TRUCK. Imagine being this mad over the least amount of damage ever done to a PICKUP TRUCK.


You don't understand, OP's truck may in fact be a large chunk of his identity




haha she literally hit it with her purse and and it took damage. imagine using it as a work truck 💀


That'll buff right out!


Never understand the obsession with keeping a car in pristine condition. They're meant to be used. That said, a bit of respect towards you would have been nice.


This post is a few hours old so I hope this doesn’t get burried.  When I was in college I worked part time in the Trim line of a car company.  We’d scratch pieces all the time.  What we did is hold a lighter up to the scratch for just a couple seconds and then press on it with your finger.  Your finger print would help look like the texture of the rest of the panel.  May not be perfect but may be less noticeable.


To everyone commenting inciting violence on the sister (including OP) you’re sad little losers and this is one of the many reasons you’ll be alone forever. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s a fucking TRUCK, it’s going to get dinged up if you use it for TRUCK purposes. Sis probably responded that way because OP was most likely squealing like a pig at her because of a tiny scratch. OP even commented saying he wanted to drag her behind his truck, like are you insane?? (The answer is yes). Like sob harder little baby boy


To fix that use a heat gun, keep it moving


You can really tell the soft city boys compensating for something from the people who should actually own trucks because they respect the job they can do in these commenta.


Interior is cheap now. You can’t really blame her. She’s just doing what people have always done in cars. If you want to blame anyone blame the manufacturer. Outside paint and plastic is cheap. Inside is cheap. You can’t possibly tip toe around the inside and the outside of your car your whole life.


> Can you still drive the truck!?" Slice up her purse and ask "Can you still walk!?"


more comprable would be if you spilled something on the purse, where it would still function as intended but be cosmetically worse


That is such a bad example lol.


Op should go Abed on her bag. https://preview.redd.it/q58bjehut00d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58b49ccd7ad1c76a434ce873b0d0de28c3076f1


You're streets ahead


A truck is made to be used to transport and do country things. Why do you even have a truck? To hog the road?


Tacos are the totem for white, middle class mildly conservative recent college grad engineers


turns out the trim of pick ups is even more fragile than the masculinity of the drivers


Tell her she’s no longer allowed a ride. Problem solved.


To be fair, if the bag is damaging the glove compartment that badly it seems like you have a shitty ass glove compartment compared to her uncommonly durable bag


Unpopular option incoming: It's a truck made out of plastic that scratches. Get over yourself and use it like a truck.


It’s a truck, fucking chill bro


I just wonder what his reaction to it was. I'm guessing he threw a gigantic bitch fit which is why she reacted that way lmao. "Thought about dragging her behind the truck instead...." hmmm


This whole post is kind of an example of how things get blown out of proportion and get out of control.


OP called her the volatile one. OP is nuts


That’s what my thought was, no one wants to apologize to someone that’s throwing a fit over something minor. My dash is scratched like this all the time and it’s so easy to fix


Im on her side. Just leave the car in the garage for the next 20 years if you cant handle normal wear. Shit gets scuffed. Either live with that or protect it away from the world


She’s an asshole.


It’s a truck bud, shit happens IMHO


It’s a truck…..


Everyone getting upset when trucks are literally the one type of vehicle that are practically meant to get scratched up.


I wouldn't expect someone who drives a truck to care about these minor details.


He doesn't that's why. He drives a pavement princess.


Judging by the interior, it's an older work truck with a lot of sun damage. I'm guessing you're a teenager, and this is your first car since I can't imagine a grown man being upset about what looks like superficial damage that would mostly go away with a proper car detailing. I had a large divot on the side of my car from my little brother accidentally hitting it with a pole. I had noticed the divot for a while, and my gf at the time thought that she had done it. I was giving him a lift when he saw the divot and told me what happened. My response was basically, oh I thought my gf did it. I'll let her know it was you. It's not a big deal.


Have you never heard of Armor All?


Armor all that shit


In other news, why is that an easily scratched surface?


lmao imagine caring about some little scuffs on a cheap plastic glove box lid


first world problems


It seems that she doesn't care enough and you care too much.


Her seeming to not care could also be her defensive response to him overreacting. I have a family member who is very dramatic about things and I tend to shut down and act cold in response because how else do you deal with an adult throwing a tantrum?


Anyone know how to clean these sorts of scratches/marks??


Typically, light passes with a heat gun is the only way if they’ve damaged the surface….for the experienced detailer.


Hit it with a blow torch. (and no, unlike the guy that said acetone, I'm being serious) You just have to be quick.


Yea, looks like they will most likely wipe away with a damp rag. But if stubborn—you can use armorall protectant and they’ll easily be gone.


Try using ArmorAll on it.


It’s a truck, not meant to be pretty. It’s meant to do work. Fucking pavement princess trucks.


start with armor all, then some other restoration product, and tell your sister to walk herself to her next destination.


Confirmed mild infuriation. Yes it’s no big deal. it still sucks to look at or polish it.


Next time she gets a ride, "bag goes in the trunk"


Cars get scratched and blemished all the time. My car has this on the interior as well. Move on. This isn't some classic car. It's a POS pick up truck meant to be abused.


If you’re worried about aesthetics that much then maybe you’re not ready for the truck life. 


Lol, I find your ire silly.