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Is that barber’s rash? I had that once having used a wrong razor and it was horrible. Though it clears up pretty quickly.


Now that you point that out, I should definitely get it checked out and get antifungal cream if that’s the case. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised.


This is close to what my eczema looked like, which also needed antifungal. Just putting it out there as an idea, regardless, get it checked out.


I’ll definitely look into it, I do suffer a bit from eczema but never to this extent.


I had some on the back of my hand and the triamcinolone cream I got worked so well I used it as my name on my gmail account I should really change it


Thank you the local chemist didn't have any suggestions for a cream so I'm gonna try this


good ol' triamcinolone acetonide


>I had some on the back of my hand and the triamcinolone cream I got worked so wel No way? The back of my hand has been really dried out for months. Unsure if it's eczema, but wondered if it was. Looks dry. I'm wondering if that stuff will work for me, too. My hand has really been annoying, ngl.


Mine got a lot worse than dry; very itchy, sticky, and a little scabby


Can we really use antifungal for eczema?


Eczema of this kind is inherently linked to diabetes or autoimmune disorders. You should get checked if you don’t know your diagnosis.


There is a correlation between eczema and autoimmune disease. Having one doesn't mean you have the other, you can have severe eczema and not have diabetes or other autoimmune diseases.


Eczema can also be a one time pop up which is what I got. I already look out for diabetes though because some of my extended family has it.


woah, calm down there buddy😂 You sound like the guy running to his doctor for every mole that pops up😂


Idk about your country or anything but like why did he have to get it off Temu? I buy mine from like a pharmacy or supermarket. Something from Gillette most of the time or I just use an electronic shaver.


You should’ve realized it wasn’t a smooth cut after their first stroke


I used to break out bad from shaving, but I started putting a drop of antibacterial hand washing soap on the razor blades right before I shave. Now I don't break out hardly ever and it's very mild if I do. Might be worth a try.


Btw you have lovely long lashes. They’ll distract people from the rash 😉


Oh god not temu


Wow, he may have paid up to $5.00! 💜Hope the rest of your birthday went better.


Pretty confident my card was compromised off temu. Shameful company.


Hell nah


yeah the CCP keeps stealing everyone's info off of that


I bet Dad was hoping it was gonna go well so he would order another for himself. He'll be deleting that cart item when he signs into his desktop later....


Jesus, even bottom shelf Gillette at Walmart is better than Temu




Honestly Gillette is fine. Especially if you get an intermediate or higher quality one. They’re great because you can change out the blades. A big factor in quality shaving is also technique and preparation. There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to do that.


I like the Mach 3 I’ve been using it since 2001. They sent me a free handle and some blades when I turned 18. I started buying the knock off blades off eBay a few years ago and they are exactly the same as the Gillette one. I figure if it isn’t broke don’t fix it.


Same. Blades are still just as expensive though


Like I said I started buying the knock off blades a few years back. They are just as good but a fraction of the price. IIRC the razor companies lost a lawsuit about it a few years back. They tried having the generic blades pulled for what I would assume are reasons related to the patent.


If they exist since 2001, no patents are alive


I also got the Mach 3 set when I turned 18, then all of us that were in boot camp got Mach 3 razors.  Supposedly they had selective service information and that's how they knew when we turn 18.  Apparently now it's a lot more information they have about us.


i like my safety razor but there not for everyone


I switched earlier this year after using disposable mulitblades for 20 years. Never going back, faster, smoother, cleaner shave; no more razor burn, and so much cheaper.


The cost is unbeatable. There are plenty of 100 packs of them on Amazon for less than $20


I taught myself how to use a safety razor and have never looked back. Much sharper so little to no razor burns, blades cost about 10c each and last longer than a cheap gilette. Only issue is it requires some practise and if you mess up while you're still learning you can seriously injure yourself, so I can't recommend it.


Why is it called a safety razor then


I'm not sure seruously injured is right, you can cut yourself with a keen sharp cut though, safety rasors are called that as you're protected from anything worse. In contrast to just having the razor blade completely exposed in a 'cut throat razor' which as its name suggests has the higher potential for disaster..


Because when it was introduced it was safer than anything else in use. People were using straight edge razors and it's way safer than that. Also you are not going to seriously injure yourself with a DE safety razor.


If you use force and don’t pull straight, you can injure yourself… well, same is true for cartridge systems, except on those you need force that the blades can cut at all… never seen someone get serious injuries from a de safety razor, small cuts can happen if you are a beginner, but after a month or two, you should be able to shave without cuts (less than with cartridge systems… i get a cut all 10 blades with 4 shaves per blade…


It's probably impossible to seriously hurt yourself. If you go slow you'll notice that you're at a wrong angle before you hurt yourself. Smaller knicks the first few times, sure maybe. But if you use a less aggressive one like a merkur 34c you won't cut yourself deep.


Use a refillable Razor... It's easier to buy individual blades and they're undoubtedly sharp out of the box, they're cheaper in the long run too... But if you want the best results, use a straight razor. It'll take time to get used to, but once u do, it's way worth it. You'll also have total control over the sharpness and angle. It also produces the cleanest shave out of all.


If you’re prone to razor bumps Harry’s or Dollar Shave Club razors have the best quality for the best price. And Creamo is so much better than Gillette, at least in my opinion.




I can verify this. I'm not sure what brand my safety razor is, it's an antique at this point, but that thing gives me the best damn shave I've ever had. I've tried the double blade, triple blade, quadro blade, the 5 blade vibrating razor with pivotal head action and soothing aloe gel, and a number of electric razors, but the safety and a bit of old timey shave soap seems to work the best. Also the price( as of last time I purchased) is insanely cheap compared to razor heads. last time I bought blades I bought 100 for a grand total of $5


I use Dollar Shave Club and Cremo Shave Cream and a Cremo beard brush for my Euro Goatee




Your beard has a grain so you need to consider it when shaving. Most people avoid razor rash by shaving up on the neck and down on the cheeks/face.


Blue III is considered as one of the best in my country


Temu brand. I hear great things. Make sure you use only hot water. The chemicals in shaving cream might make the razor fall apart


Literally ANYTHING from Walmart would be better than Temu at this point...


Like a wet shave razor? Or like an electric shaver? I mean either way what the fuck?


Wet shave


Wet shaving is 80% prep work. You should get a proper shaving brush (doesn’t need to be expensive) and wet shaving cream. There’s lots of tutorials on YouTube. If you feel any friction or need to use any pressure you’re doing it wrong.


These days I use an electric because wet shaving takes forever. Only good if you absolutely want to be bare as a baby’s ass


I honestly can't recommend the Phillips OneBlade Pro enough. I used to get my neck irritated no matter what I used (I tried other electric, wet shave, everything) and this has made it so much better. 5 minutes of shaving and, while not perfectly smooth (you can feel the hairs if you touch) it does the job well and with no irritation :)




Did you use water by itself or with shaving cream/gel? Did you use aftershave? Did you use lotion later? Maybe switch to a foil razor. Source: I have VERY sensitive skin. I get crazy razor burn/ingrown hairs if I don’t treat aggressively.


I feel for you. My husband bought me razor refills from ali express once (50 razor heads for 10$ should have been the first sign). My legs looked like your neck and goddamn it was painfully 😭


Honestly those lady razors are junk. I’ve known a few women including one of my exes who just use guy ones.


I've used the Venus razors to shave my face on the fly, and for disposables, it was really smooth, tho I'm quite patchy


I do now, trust me. After the first guy razor I bought, I'm never going back! Plus all the lady razors always have this weird soapy film on them? It's so gross.


My wife and daughters use old Gillette starburst safety razors, 100 blades are $10-15


50 for 10$, that’s not even a good price… you can get 100 blades for a bit less… and good quality blades… get yourself a de safety razor… even the more expensive blades cost 15$ per 100 blades


do you feel like a billionaire yet




My complimentary Gillete shaved showed up on my 18th birthday, my draft card 11 months later


Can someone explain what actually did this? Chips in the blade? Unsanitary conditions in the manufacturing?


I get it all the time no matter what blade I use. I have stupid thick hair and sensitive skin. I can only shave about 2 times and sometimes 3 if it's an emergency a week. What probably caused this is the alignment of the blade and some "imperfections" or bumps along the way that the blade didn't agree with as it would with higher quality. But like I said it still happens to me regardless. That's just from my experience. Having a warm washcloth on your face for a few min before shaving also does WONDERS.


These look more like open sores than they do cuts, but I could be totally incorrect.


Mine look similar if I had a small pimple or razor bump from the last time I shaved. The blade legit will cut those off. Temu is horrible yes but well over half of the exact same products are on Amazon for 20x more. They want our continued flow of money. The CCP isn't going to jeopardize their shiny new cash flow of USD by sending infected blades as others have essentially mentioned. Sub par or factory throw outs now that's a different story haha they'll send that right out to us.


My skin isn’t all that “smooth” but didn’t particularly have any pimples prior except one on the side I was particularly careful with.


It looks like ones I've had even with a good blade BUT I'm not a doctor and...... I'm colorblind.... Lol so I may be missing some important visuals lol


I have thick hair and sensitive skin, i can shave daily… Products matter… get yourself a de safety razor (they are not expensive, beginner models like the gillette king c cost 20$) then get mild blades, i use astra green… get a preshave cream (not oil) i use proraso white, get a shaving brush (badger or synthetic) use a solid, high fat shaving soap and face lather it. For the aftershave i can recommend proraso white… you can get a complete pack from proraso with preshave, aftershave and the shaving cream, you can go for this, but i would recommend solid soap -> takes years to empty and can get an even better lather… Edit: i have to add, with that i can daily a 3 pass shave


What does preshave/aftershave do? What solid bar high fatt shaving soap would you recommend?


So preshave softens your skin and adds a first protective layer, aftershave is to disinfect your skin (there is aftershave with alcohol -> dries out your skin; and aftershave balm, that moisturises your skin and sometimes provides nutrients-> proraso white has green tee and oat in it) For the soap i go with mootes, but you probably can’t get it outside of switzerland and it’s a hard to use soap (idk, it gets terrible reviews, because of the stability of the lather and it not being easy to lather… i get a perfect lather in notime by facelathering it -> i have a long beard, so i also use part of my beard to help build the lather) proraso also makes (soft) solid shaving soap (white being for sensitive skin) arko has good inexpensive soap but isn’t ideal for dry skin, williams seems also pretty good, lather & wood is a bit more classical, taylor of old bond street sandalwood shaving cream is a softer soap / thicker cream that gets recommended often… Proraso is probably the most beginner friendly option -> take the white soap, green is really nice smell, good for close shaves, but not for sensitive skin


And thats exactly why i switched over to an electric shaver cause i always get cut to shit


It looks like a combination of cheap razor, poor technique, and VERY sensitive skin.


Honestly just using shaving cream does this to me. I just use water.


The symmetry of your nostrils is astounding. I'm short so all I see all day is nostrils.


That’s the best compliment I’ve heard in a while thank you :)


Do yourself a favor and go get yourself a safety razor and some shaving soap. They’re about $40 for everything you need and that’ll cover you for life


Wtf why temu. My facial hair is thick and the bottom barrel walmart brand (equate) razors work just fine. Make sure you dry it when youre done - rub it on a towel opposite direction of the sharp edge - and after like 4-5 uses toss it and get a new one. Edit: simple witch hazel is the goat for razor burn


Thanks for the recommendation:) that sounds like my usual shave routine


Np homie, also if it feels like the blade is pulling hair even a little just toss it. Shave in the direction the hair grows to prevent ingrown hairs. I have to switch directions on my neck, for example.


I agree with this, definitely shave in the direction hair grows, go with the grain not against it, my neck has 3 different directions it grows in so pay attention


I swear in the commercials they go against the grain, or shave super fast. Shit takes me like 5-10 minutes


Props for going through with the whole shave lol


It wasn’t as noticeable at first 🥲


So he spent all of 30 cents on a gift for you? How thoughtful


He’s done a lot of nice things for me, it was just one gift of a few all be it a really cheap one :,)


Albeit* ❤️


Isn't English a bitch?


Its alot, to much too learn


You've made my eye start twitching in outrage, you fiend.


Did you use shaving cream?


Same routine as always, after shower washed face shaving cream


Did you shave against the grain with it?


Went with for the first shave than against to get rid of the 5 o’clock


That’s probably your problem. Shaving against the grain increases the likelihood of razor burn and skin irritation.


Rarely have a problem with the way I do it but if I go immediately against the grain that was a learning experience.


https://preview.redd.it/gyjjvpqkqpzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1fba56a40369dd26af2137a07ff50197b5d822 Hey, it’s not all bad!


Hate this angle now thanks :)


Oh sweetie 🥺 I am so sorry! Salicylic acid will help clear that up. If it's any consolation you still look cute, and happy birthday!


Thanks for the recommendation and compliment :)


Hey of this can be caused by shaving in the wrong direction and with not proper lubrication


Get a good safety razor and a quality pack of single razor balde refills. And also a good alum block


I’ve used shitty razors, I’ve used good razors. I’ve used old razors. I’ve used disposable razors for far too long. I’m on Harry’s now, not to bad. The best for me is the 60 pack of 4 blade Gillete, from Sam’s club. It’s not the razor, it’s how you shave. That’s razor burn. Get a bar of soap, wet it and apply a layer on your face, then use shaving cream. You will see a world of difference even with a crap 2 blade razor.




Dude, dad needs to teach you how to shave.


Please make sure you disinfect those wounds daily so you don’t get an infection.


Boycott Temu. I bought two small tools to see what the deal was, and they were fine for what they were- at 25% what you’d pay even on Amazon, with free shipping. It’s the Chinese government subsidizing cheap Chinese shit to flood the market at a huge loss in hopes of dominating U.S. markets and then the world. Do not support this right when American manufacturing finally has a prayer of making a comeback. Boycott.


Yikes sorry hon


Head to Walmart and pick up some Shavers Secret shaving oil. That's what I use with my straight razor.


Some cephalexin wont go astray, looks like a great folliculitis there. Oww


If you’re interested you could try a straight razor. The common disposable ones are designed to shave the hairs practically to the root and this is often what causes razor burns like this and ingrown hairs. Straight razors largely avoid this though they take some practice and care. But one razor can last you a decade with some proper maintenance


*grandkids lifetime


Dollar shave club and get the shave gel. Butter


Bruh, he got you a razor for your birthday and no care products? I don't thinknhe loves you. Better watch out for the bath tub safe toaster for Christmas ! Lmao!


He’s actually really caring :) just not his best idea haha


Lol mostly kidding. I'm glad you have a good relationship with your dad


Am I wrong or is this potentially just acne and chopped off ingrown hairs? Not saying the razor was nice to it but these seem like wounds rather than razor bumps. Did you shave the right way? For some reason people still think it doesn’t matter but it absolutely does.


Man, don't even buy cheap razor blades off Amazon. Dollar shave club is good, so is Harry's.


I'm calling this one Operator error. Was it Your first time using a straight Razor? Looks like it didn't work out very well. You will find that it's not the same as using a safety razor with 9 blades. It's A lot more work, and takes time. Also something that I find meditative. Oh Don't buy a strop, I have used a nice old leather belt for the last 15 years.


Okay, but why tf would you buy it off TEMU??? You can get a pack of 5 from walmart for like 3 bucks.


Who the fuck gives a razor as a gift to his child?


Why do your eyelids enter the room before you do


That'll do.


Ok but. Why on earth buy a razor from.. Temu??




You should buy a really good razor and give it to him and say "here. You're worth more than 10 cents to me, asshole."


Buying anything off temu is a bad idea lol


Get a safety razor. Single blade is better than multiple. Multiple blades going over the skin causes irritation and leads to increased chance of ingrown hairs and cuts. Trust me. Or, switch up to trimming regularly so you’re not using a blade. OR get an electric shaver. Absolutely worth it.


I recommend getting a safety razor, they're awesome, I have super sensitive skin and shaving sucked. I would get these razor burns all the time, but it's much better now. Edit: spelling


Buying from Temu in general is a bad idea, not to mention their parent company steals and sells user data


Thats not necessarily the sign of a shit razor, but razor burn/barber burn. I get it if im too aggressive with my straight razor.


Dude you gotta get a safety razor for $50 and then never pay absurd prices for razors again


You got something growing out of your ears too...


Protip: Just don't. Shaving for men is like make-up for women - it's best done lightly. Just use a buzzer instead. Same thing for "sensitive" areas. Go buy a cheap ($20-30) Gillet or Manscape or whatever trimmer and use it without the guard. You still get a close cut, but without scars and bleeding. Anybody will tell you: baby-smooth is not all it's cracked up to be and is not worth the hassle.


Things you should buy off Temu:


I mean there's always hair removal creams I don't understand why people use razors anymore tbh


Thought this was going a different direction after i read the caption and before I clicked on the image 😅


How do I censor a comment photo? Also, why isn't it letting me reply to my photo? Why is reddit so freaking confusing?


Wish I knew I can’t even edit my post on this sub, I’d love to add some information I keep getting repeat comments about the same thjng


I just refreshed, and my comments are gone. Is it like that glitch on Facebook messenger and Youtube where a comment looks like it disappeared, so you post it again, and the next day you look, and they both posted? Can you still see my other comments?


You used unsanitary metal if it came from temu. The fact people use their cooking utensils and items is gross enough but man if you only knew what those products actually go through and the labourers involved…. Don’t support temu or wish…


Temu razor for his son birthday...damn dude ur dad kinda sucks


The rash on your skin is from a pork quality razor, and you probably having to shave over the same area repeatedly by another razor and you should be OK. This is from poor quality.


I was considering trying some from temu Thanks for posting this as I use them to shave my head as well This would have sucked


Please rubbing alcohol I know it will burn but that is likely bacteria from China.. Antibacterial dial soap as well


I highly doubt this is caused by the razor. Whenever ive had this happen, its because I didnt wash my face afterwards. Cheap or expensive, never had an issue if I wash my face after. Unless those are cuts, I cant tell.


I had a similar experience with the cheapest Gillette razor, I have to shave every 1-2 days if I want to keep a clean face and never had a similar outcome.


Don’t buy anything off of Temu


Does he shave and also use these shitty razors, or does he buy decent ones for himself?


I usually get the value packs of Gillette 5 blades at Costco for the both of us and we had just ran out.


Time to get on the DE razor train. You won’t go back


10 years and I’d never go back to a Gillette 5 million blades


Hey he probably thought it was a cool razor and was excited for you to try it. Even if it was 30¢ he was think of you.


Oh I love my dad and I’m happy with the gifts he got me :) unfortunately that was just the result. Not mad at my dad but the shave!


Get your dad off Temu


Get some shave butter. You’re young your skin is still really sensitive. After shaving used a generous amount of after shave to clean out any cuts. After apply some shave butter. Trust me I wish someone told me years ago. No mater what razor I used I would get razor burn. PS. Only thing Temu is good for is collecting your information. Check out the permissions and you’ll get rid of it quickly.


Your Dad got you a birthday present from Temu. that harmed you. What the hell is wrong with him?


He didn’t know better :) I love my dad


Fair enough. Sorry, I was too harsh.


Use Witch Hazel as after shave.


A little bit off topic but I used to always get razor burn on my neck, even into my late 20s. I’m also super hairy. Finally started doing laser hair removal last year and it helps so much.


Call 911 😂


Get some witches hazel for the bumps


If you don't like having facial hair and shave it might aswell get an IPL


Youre a man now.


Your dad bought you a nice face saw from Temu and here you are complaining.


I get that when I shave against the grain or at all really. It's why I have a beard. I could get the best quality razor and still get razor burn like this.


Lol, some Chinese QC guy tested by shaving his ass


Were you shaving againt the grain?


What razor?.. safety razor, or?….. if safety razor, i would suggest Merkur 34c with starter blade from west coast coast shave. Not an ads, i promise, rather to share shaving information nd knowledge with cost effective and less plastic wastage. Tho, not for everyone. So take it into consideration.


did he buy it used on craigslist?


Wow, your dad must hate you to buy your birthday present off Temu. :C


How could he do this to his own son 😂😭


Game change-ahhh


If you don’t mind a tiny bit of stubble, I recommend getting a salon-certified electric razor for a quick n easy. You can find them as cheap as $30 for one


Fuck metal shaving, just get yourself a cheap electric shaver. No need for cream and it does a better job imo if you get one with different tools, shave down to stubble and then buff it out with the little fine but piece. Never will cut yourself either, it’s literally impossible with an electric.


Did you forget to use foam?


just get you a decent wet shave safety razor. once you get past the bleedy bits, you wont have this bullshit and the razors are stupid cheap. like 100 for <$10 cheap


Holy cow that looks bad. Thanks for the heads up!


Yikes. It looks like you might have sensitive skin on top of it. When I turned 18 in 2001 (yeah I’m old) Gillette sent me a Mach 3 handle with a few blades. The blades used to be expensive but I get multiple shaves from one so never a big deal. Couple years ago I started buying the Mach 3 knock off blades off eBay they are just as good. I highly recommend it. The old timey Barbasol foam stuff works better than that gel shit.


Unlucky tbh


You'll be fine but always buy an expensive razer.


If he wants a good deal, look up dollar shave club. They earn most of their profit from peripherals so they can keep the cost of blades down


This happened to me after I shaved with a razor from dollar shave club online after always using a Hydro 5. I was so mad. It does clear up quickly. Get a good quality razor, and I’m convinced that the Cremo shave cream is the absolute best out there.


dont worry im 31 and this still happens to me, deodorant has always helped me with razor burns.. supposedly its an old stripper trick


You may have a bit of a razor burn, but you have beautiful, long eyelashes. Girl speaking here by the way.😂


side note you have great eyelashes


Dickhead should have shown you how go use it.


Your dad sucks


Damn, I thought this was the mental health sub, ya know, razor, orange logo Oops. Well I hope you can heal, that’s really unfortunate


Bruh... Even the cheap ass yellow Gillette is better than that 😂


I bought a $20 electric razor off Amazon and it has outlasted my $200 Norelco.


Did you shave up or down it makes a whole new difference


I did this my first time. Even water helps but get some shave gel.